Secrets of Tel Bryn

Story by Flame Warrior on SoFurry

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#1 of Elder Scrolls

In the 3rd Era, Uriel Septim the 7th sent a lone prisoner to the island of Vvardenfell, of the province Morrowind, to fulfill an ancient prophecy revolving around the Tribunal, Azura, and the Blight Disease known as Corprus. At around the same time, the Great House Telvanni were dealing with a few internal issues on the East Side of Vvardenfell, where one reclusive Telvanni Mage just wanted to be left alone to his studies, particularly with his Slaves. This is but an excerpt of one of those times.

The Telvanni Council gazed down the two individuals, both of them Oathmen rank within their House, and both Dunmer respected for their accomplishments. One Oathman glares at the other with utter disdain and resentment, the other remaining composed as he awaits what the Council has said. It wasn't against the law for those of the Telvanni House to own slaves, though what was brought up for the Council to decide was the manner of which these slaves were treated, though this was a complete farce. The composed Dunmer knew his kin wanted him out of the way to further climb the ladder, but there wasn't much this Dunmer had done in terms of deeds.

"Oathman Boryn Telvanni, after careful consideration of the evidence presented from both, yourself, and from Oathman Faryn Hlaarun, the Council has agreed that, while your treatment, rewards, and punishments of your slaves are unorthodox, they are, indeed, YOUR slaves to deal with, as you see fit. Thus, this meeting is concluded, in that, you have done nothing wrong against the House, nor to the people who you employ."

Hlaarun looked absolutely livid at the Council's decision, but didn't let our his outburst. Boryn bowed graciously before the Council and left the Council Hall, intent on heading back to his tower, Tel Bryn, in order to continue his studies. Stepping into the teleporter, he turned back and saw Hlaarun just staring daggers at him, knowing this wouldn't be the last time he'd have to deal with Hlaarun. After reaching the ground floor, he stepped over to his two escorts, an Argonian and a Khajiit, both incredibly fit females, though with magic suppressing collars around their necks. He gently waved at them to follow him as he made his way out and towards the wharf of Sadrith Mora, already bored of the activities, and the stench of stagnation that Sadrith Mora had come to be mired in.

Despite the Empire having managed to finally get a foothold on Vvardenfell, much of the island was still steeped in much of the Tribunal's power, with some unsettled parts belonging to the roaming Ashlanders. Boryn didn't care, nor did he really want to care about the Tribunal, the other Houses, the Ashlanders, or even his fellow Telvanni. He had research to do, and this trip cost him valuable time. He wanted to get back and resume his studies into the Arcane, and deal with his own issues, and if Hlaarun wanted to keep interfering, then he'll have to deal with that troublesome Dark Elf in a much more personal, discreet manner.

The fact his two escorts were beside him gave him some small reprieve from the issues bubbling under the surface of his mind, though he wouldn't voice anything, not until they were back in his tower. His mind drifted back to the issue brought forth to the Council. He paid his slaves a wage, gave them more comfortable amenities and actual food, not some slop or what could barely pass as a 'salad'. He treated his slaves with intense kindness, with more kindness and recognition when a task he gave them was completed, with varying degrees of efficiency and speediness. Very few tasks he gave his slaves were failed or beyond late, so the punishments for such few tasks always left the proper lesson. He never whipped the flesh off of his slaves, never withheld food nor water, and certainly not leave them in a hot box for a week. He considered those punishments barbaric, but instead, his punishments were much more secretive, and much more effective.

He didn't even realize he was back at his mushroom tower until he came out of his mental reverie, finally letting go of the emotionless facade he wore when out of his tower, smiling softly at being home. He nodded to his two escorts before heading towards his Tower proper, intent on continuing his research. Of course, his research was also how much 'punishment' a certain slave could handle, especially after she bungled the last shipment of mushrooms from Balmora he sent her to retrieve.

After arriving in the room, he took off his Rank Robes, wearing only a pair of brown pants, looking at the slave in question in the middle of the room, simply tied to a chair, though with what he left to tend to her, it was quite clear she was at the end of her perverbial rope. Boryn walked over, snapping his fingers to dispel the magical effect he placed over her and gently pulling the gag out of her mouth.

"Faylen, yes? I understand you had an intense amount of Willpower, more than any normal slave would have, but then again, I attribute that to you being purchased by me within the same week you were enslaved. A pity, you are so fetching on the eyes. I fear they would've shipped you to Suran had my associates not acquired you. Now then, you understand completely what further punishment awaits you, should you fail again?"

The whimpering Bosmer could only nod, lip trembling and breath shaky, her cheeks so enflamed that it left no mystery what she was going to do once released, if her netherclothes being absolutely soaked and messed weren't telltale enough. Boryn untied the rope and handed her proper clothes, at least, proper clothes for a slave to keep them modest, before the Bosmer shakily walked out to her quarters. Boryn was interested in furthering the Arcane studies, but he had other motives for this. He didn't care at all about the Daedra, or more practical applications for the Arcane, those had all but been exhausted by others anyway. He was more curious about other applications, and while he carried the weighty name of Telvanni, he knew he was a perverted mage, he just had time to refine that and hide it away. His slaves knew his reputation, but he never took them to his private chambers without their express permission, and he never asked them like a master to a slave, but as a living person to another.

And it was at this point he knew he needed some relief, proper relief. As much as he knew the stacked Bosmer would just blurt out yes for her own relief, he didn't want to do that, not with her, her mind addled by lust and heavy need. 3 days with a vibrating orb summoned on her nethers would do it, not to mention the other two upon her nipples. No, he wanted one who was clear of mind, not intending to go to bed with him out of sense of a Slave obeying their Master, nor as someone believing it to be their duty. No, he had one such slave in mind, one who was always fiery in attitude, and most importantly, naturally inclined for exploration. He noticed how much the little Khajiit would 'accidentally' spill some tea on herself, then offer herself to be punished.

Ah yes, Jhor'rezz, the name was burned in his mind. Grabbing his robe as he left his punishment room, he sent a servant, not a slave but a paid employee, to fetch that little minx of a Khajiit, then took a seat in his foyer, looking over some reports that he had already read earlier that week, just to look busy. Before long, said Khajiit was softly stepping up to his side, and he could smell how sweaty she was, probably helping in the garden for alchemical reagents. She did have a natural green dew claw for that.

"Muthsera called for Jhor'rezz?" The soft, feminine voice asked.

Without looking up from the dull papers, he gave a soft sigh. "Yes, I'd like a cup of Juniper Tea."

The only response he got was the sound of her soft footpads carrying her to his pantry, all while he flipped through the dull reports. He heard his door open as a new stack of reports were carefully placed on his table. He nodded to the House Guard before picking up these new reports, scrutinizing them. Some reports about Vivec City having issues with thieves, a report that House Hlaalu was accepting more and more influence from the Empire, a remark that he just rolled his eyes about regarding a possible 'Nerevarine'. Honestly, the day that prophecy would come to pass would also be the day he'd see that Oathman hung by his pinky toes.

He chuckled at that thought as he heard the soft footpads of the Khajiit, then smelled the Juniper Tea. He waited patiently, his floor was always clean and leveled, so he could see right through her ploys and 'accidents'. Sure enough, he heard her gasp before there was a loud crash, then took a deep breath and sighed loudly, standing up and looking at Jhor'rezz in mock anger.

"Again? Isn't this the fifth time this month?"

"S-sixth, Muthsera."

He made a show of rubbing his forehead. "Seems you're the only one who doesn't learn. Head to the punishment room, I'll be there in a moment. She-Who-Chirps, clean this up please."

The Khajiit hurriedly shuffled to the portal, unable to contain her excitement, if her swishing tail was any indication, as the Argonian slave in question quickly set to work. Boryn watched Jhor'rezz go, then turned to the lizard, noticing how she already cleaned up the mess, but was still eye-level with his crotch. He raised an eyebrow.


"Does Muthsera wish for me to join?"

"By all means, speak plainly."

She-Who-Chirps blushed beneath her scales, her more common name taken by how she, well, chirped, when excited. "I... I know what would get Jhor'rezz really bothered, and eager for her lesson."

Boryn smiled softly, slowly crouching down to look her in the eyes, gently cupping her chin. "I'm all ears..."

"She... enjoys watching others..."

The Dunmer chuckled, this was certainly news to him, though, he suspected, this was fortuitious, since She-Who-Chirps has a fetish that compliments Jhor'rezz. "Mmm... you are certain of this?"

"Yes, Muthsera! On the safety of my first egg, I am most certain!"

He just smiled warmly, and stood up, bringing her up with him, walking towards the portal, silently motioning for her to follow. "Then perhaps, this lesson will be more efficient than the previous ones."

When he made his way to the punishment room, the Khajiit was already nude, standing in the center, though Boryn took notice of how her eyes widened at the sight of the Argonian. She-Who-Chirps quickly made her way over to tie down Jhor'rezz to the seat, her arms and legs completely bound, before slowly moving back towards the Dunmer, letting her clothes hit the ground as she went.

Boryn did enjoy spending such company with his slaves, enjoying each of them with their own uniqueness. This Argonian with her deep green scales and that creamy white underbelly, the spines accenting her eye-ridges, and with how well-fed he kept them, all of his slaves were well and truly eye-catching. Some were voluptuous, while others, such as She-Who-Chirps, were borderline flat as a board, until it came to her ass. As he glanced at Jhor'rezz, he loved her shimmering black coat, and those yellow eyes, but he was here for some proper respite, and he was planning on satisfying his own frustrations, as well as both females, with a bit of help from his unique branch of spellcraft.

Bringing the Argonian in hard, he whispered softly and seductively into her ear, "Tell me, does the idea of being so thoroughly bedded you can barely move intrigue you?"

With a shudder, the Argonian hissed her reply, pressing closer to the dark-skinned mer before slowly trailing kisses and licks down his robe, pressing her muzzle to his crotch and inhaling his scent deeply. Boryn knew she'd enjoy this, but the only issue was his own stamina. A basic Restoration spell, but with a little twist, he'd manipulate it to his own means. He slowly shook off his robe, letting it pool around his ankles as the lusty Argonian continued to inhale his scent.

"Muthsera, may I ask a specific, possibly selfish request?"

He grew curious, but smiled and caressed her horns softly. "What is it?"

"This is... so selfish... but... would Muthsera... ensure that I am bloated with your seed?"

He chuckles softly, the idea tenting his trousers harder. "Oh, I see. You sure you want that?"

She nodded, dragging her serpent-like tongue over that tent as he rubbed her horns, before she gently tugged those trousers down, enjoying the dark cock springing up and smacking her chin. He wasn't heavily endowed, not normally, at a decent 7 inches, but she was greedy, and he knew it. If he was going to indulge her, he was going to do it and leave her satisfied, but hungry for more.

He tapped into one of his more practiced spells, causing his shaft to lengthen and thicken before her very eyes, pushing the limits until he was easily fourteen inches long and two inches thick. Seeing her salivate at the sight was a causing him to just take her right there, but he had other preparations to make. Tapping into another spell, he watched as she reached for her own trousers, pulling out a ring, a ring he enchanted specifically for each individual slave, leaving it up to their own decision as to when to put it on. He visibly shuddered as she put it on one of her fingers, just as his spell finished, increasing his virility to supernatural levels.

"Oh, She-Who-Chirps... you want THAT as well?" He asked, dripping with lustful desire.

"Oh yes, Muthsera, I want to become gravid with a clutch... the only sire being you..."

With that stated, she stood up, chirping softly as she turned to face the Khajiit, who wasn't even touched, yet dripping in her own desire, before the Argonian bent over and lifted her tail, giving the Dark Elf a clear view of her plush, scaly ass, her untouched pucker, and her puffy slit, drooling and dripping her liquid lust onto the floor. Boryn smiled, knowing that, as greedy and needy as the Argonian before him is, she putting on that ring was a sign of complete devotion and loyalty, and when he put a clutch of eggs into her, she wouldn't want anyone else, though he did make a mental note to see if she would experiment with her pucker.

However, that would have to wait, as he stepped up behind her, grabbing her hips softly as he ground his spire against her slit, her gasps and chirps voicing her consent. He locked eyes with Jhor'rezz, seeing how clouded with lust she was, being bound and helpless, but unable to even coax him to tend to her as she witnessed, not only her Master and Slave Sister copulate in front of her, but also witnessing her Slave Sister becoming a mother.

"Please, Muthsera, don't hold back... I don't wish to be teased to the edge before I have my request granted... Make this lusty Argonian into a mess before you tend to that naughty cat."

Oh she knew how to rile him up, and with that, his grip on her hips tightened before he pushed into her, hearing her gasp loudly as he spread her open and started to sink inch after ebon inch into her vent, focusing his attentions to her. For every bit of how she knew how to rile him up, he knew what buttons to push for her to be a whimpering pile of scales, and he didn't relent as he smacked her ass hard, leaving her scales pinkened before starting to saw his length into her, pushing deeper as his thick shaft ground against her walls. Her gasps, moans, and chirps rose in volume as she started to push back against his thrusts, her eyes locking onto the Khajiit's before she hissed, feeling the Dunmer bottom out against the entrance to her egg chamber.

Boryn grunted as he hit that barrier, but he knew that, in order to fulfill the Argonian's request, he'd need to breach that door, and with her insestant grinding and pushing, she wanted him to do just that. He gave her ass another hard slap, deepening the color he was imprinting on that cheek before gripping her hips hard, thrusting powerfully against her cervix with pained grunts. He never disappointed those who he bedded, and he certainly wasn't to disappoint She-Who-Chirps, ramming harder and harder as she started to groan in pain, pain she was enjoying as it made her legs shake.

Before she could even think of falling, the Dunmer grabbed her wrists and held her up, using that leverage to slam his length harder into her, feeling her barrier start to weaken. He hissed through his teeth, as she started to scream in pained pleasure, submitting completely to him as she was held up and pounded, feeling her eyes roll back at such an experience, her tunnel starting to convulse on his enchanted dick.

With one heavy thrust, he finally pushed through right into her egg chamber proper, her scream shrill as she squirted hard, her cunt trying to milk his length for every potent shot, but he was no where near that end. He stayed lodged in her, letting her ride out her peak as the Khajiit just stared at how four inches of his shaft bulged out of the Argonian's belly, starting to squirm and mewl in her own need, but ignored for the moment.

When she recovered, She-Who-Chirps shuddered, feeling how deep he was. It felt like Heaven and Oblivion all at once, and she wouldn't have it any other way, nodding that she was okay to continue, and he obliged, using short, powerful thrusts to cause her to moan loudly. His hips smacking against her ass, his balls slamming against her thighs, her moans emboldening his thrusts, he knew he wasn't going to last, not at this rate.

He grunted heavily, trying to hold out to the Argonian's next orgasm, catching a glimpse of her tongue hanging out as he continued to roughly fuck her. No, breed her, she wanted him to sire her first clutch, and that is what he was going to do. Sure, she had lain with others before being shackled, but their seed never took, and was more than happy for that outcome, as they were all just one-night flings, fleeting moments of passion with no other substance. After she was purchased by Boryn, he expanded her knowledge of sexual pleasure, and she enjoyed swimming in it, and that was always a pleasure for him to see just how much she enjoyed each act and idea becoming reality.

He slammed in hard, holding her there, grinding his shaft around her egg chamber as thick, heavy ropes fired up through his shaft into her womb, her shriek loud as she squirted again, Jhor'rezz's eyes widening as with each massive shot, the Argonian's belly swelled visibly, until she looked gravid with three eggs. Boryn panted, shaking from the amount of energy needed to roughly breed She-Who-Chirps, before gently bringing her down onto the floor, staying in to the hilt to ensure not a drop escaped as she kept milking his length for every last drop, the Dunmer lovingly caressing her scales and horns, soothing her until she recovered enough to even give him a warm, if not exhausted, smile. His eyes turned to the bound Khajiit, seeing that she squirted at the sight that transpired in front of her.

'Kinky cat, indeed,' He thought, slowly pulling out of the Argonian's vent, ensuring her cervix closed up after his exit to trap all of his seed in her, standing back up and using a small spell to replenish his stamina. The Khajiit's eyes were wide, she'd taken him before, but not while at that size, and her body betrayed her lust for getting ruined by that dark cock she always lusted for. Boryn grinned at her, slowly moving to her as his soaked cock swayed side to side. Her punishment was far from over, and it was going to be a long night of 'research'.