Before My Parents

Story by Nightrun on SoFurry

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#6 of Before

Okay I really REALLLY love this chapter. Let me know what you think about it too, because I...(can't believe I'm saying this)... Might be ending it here!!! GASP! So flood me with comments if you really want to see some more of Fang and Ethan. Other than that insert warning here. Oh and I hope this can hold you out for a while. I'm going on a vacation and have vowed to leave my comp behind. Sowwy...

Chapter 6 Before My Parents

The rest of the day flies by as I dread what my parents will say... not only that, but the numbness of my ass is beginning to subside and I am cringing in agony with each step. Walking home is simply torture. About a block from the school is when I am saved. Fang pulls up to the sidewalk in this old beaten white dodge shadow convertible, "Hey buddy! Need a lift?" I sigh as I head over to the passenger door, but as I try the handle I find the door won't open. "Oh yeah, you'll have to hop in. That door's busted a bit." Fang chuckles, probably recanting in his mind how it broke. I just glance from his face to the door, back and forth.

"Fang, you may not realize it but I'm in some pretty excruciating pain, not only that but now my parents are gonna be pissed at me too. So could you..." He gets out of the car and comes over to me, lifting me into his arms. For the brief moment he holds me I can't help but imagine how this would look from afar. Especially since this action seemed to remind me of a couple after they get married, the groom carrying his bride into their expensively lavish honeymoon suite... I brush the thought away as I am gently set into the passenger's seat.

"Alright, seat belts! Don't wanna end up as a part of a statistic." I can tell that Fang was joking, but by the shape of his car I'd say seat belts would be a must to be in the vehicle with him. I sigh putting it on. "What's the matter now? That seat belt isn't busted too now is it?" Fang questions.

"No it's fine. I just don't know what I'm gonna tell my parents..."

"Leave that to me, kid. I'll handle you're folks. Don't worry about a thing." Kid? Do I really look that young? I look my face over in the side mirror. My bluish-grey iris's seem as dark as ever. As we begin to drive off I can't help but wonder how he is gonna handle the situation with my parents... Only time will tell for sure.

We drive for a little before Fang drives completely past my house. I don't recall giving him any directions either. It's then that my worry starts to creep into me. Where is he taking me? I don't know him all too well... What if he is a younger, much more hot, version of Mr. Hathing? Just wanting to abuse me? Oh my god! Maybe he want's revenge for dominating him in the locker room! What if he gets a whole pack of guys to rape me? What will my parents think if I don't come home tonight? Will they think I have totally turned into a bad kid overnight? What if Fang kidnaps me, and holds me captive in his basement for months like that episode of CSI?!

It's then that I hear, "Welcome to Crunch Burger, may I take your order?"

"Yeah I'll have a Junior Crunch Burger, and a medium coke. Hey, Ethan what do you want?" I am so quickly whisked back to reality I'm a bit confused as to what is going on.

After I come to my senses, somewhat, I reply, "Uh, I'll just have the same." Fang smiles at me, before turning to talk into the voice box.

"Two Junior Crunch Burgers, and two medium cokes? Will that be all for ya today?" The machine asks us.

"Yes mam," Fang replies.

"Your totally is six twenty-seven please pull up." I laugh a little as we pull up to the window to discover that they person with the headset on, is actually a guy! Fang looks at me confused after handing two fives to the dude.

"You called him mam." I laugh again, now finding it difficult to breathe.

"Oh shit, really?" Fang then starts laughing too. We drive off laughing after getting our change and food. I give him directions to my house and he heads there. I watch him as he drives. He has one firm hand planted on the wheel, the other in his lap. He's wearing some faded blue jeans with holes cut into the knees. I can't help but graze my eyes over the outline of his package. It all seemed so rugged. Moving on I notice he is wearing a white tank top that accentuates his muscled abs beneath his deep black fur. I move my gaze back down, seemingly following his arm to his lap where I dream of the wonder beneath the bulge of those jeans.

"Excuse me? You done checking me out? We're here." Fang laughs.

I blush beneath my fur but counter in futility, "I wasn't checking you out, I..." I'm at a loss for words.

"Just admit it, it'll make you feel better." He says, getting out of the car and grabbing the bag of greasy fast food.

I sigh, "Okay fine. I was checking you out. Are you happy?"

"Ecstatic," He smirks setting down the food to lift me from my seat. I head to the door and open it as I am put on my feet again. My butt still aches with each step but I am much more happy to have Fang here to help confront my parents.

Opening the door Fang barges in yelling, "Nobody move this is a stick up!" I feel faint, but looking around my parents are nowhere to be found.

"Thank god... Don't try that when they actually get here." I reason with a sigh.

"Heh." He merely laughs. I lead him slowly to the kitchen where we ravenously devour our fast food. I hadn't realized that I had actually missed lunch while at guidance... Upon finishing our food Fang looks at me and belches. "When are you're parents supposed to be home?"

"I dunno." I look at the clock. It's almost five. "Any minute I suppose..."

"What do we do until they get here then?" Fang questions bored flicking a half eaten fry across the table at me.

"I don't know about you but I need a shower, I still feel like I'm coated with bear sweat..." I head up the stairs leaving Fang to his devices in the kitchen.

I strip out of my clothing once in my bedroom. I sigh, sitting on the bed for a moment. This has surely been one hell of a first day of school. Tossing my clothes into the hamper I leave my room and go into the bathroom across the hall. To my surprise I hear the shower water already running. Flicking on the lights, I cautiously pull back the shower curtains to find Fang, nude! He is leaning into the wall with his butt pushed back, I flashback to the locker room. I can feel all three of my penis's emerge happily at the scene before me. "Fang what are you doing?!" I shout frustrated!

"No Ethan, question is... what are you gonna do?" He taunts glancing at me from over his shoulder. I find myself teasingly hypnotized as I get into the shower with him. He turns locking me in a kiss, this kiss was much more intimate than the one we shared in the bathroom. We both were groaning under the fall of water. Fang's penis found itself snuggly surrounded by the three of mine. I moaned into the kiss as his tongue pushed it's way past my lips to tease and tickle the untouched area inside my mouth. I then felt Fang's paws wrap around my penis's and squeeze them more tightly together. All the while his lone penis being pushed into the middle of them. He began to lightly prod his penis into the hole my penis's made, as to pleasure us both with his dick. I broke the kiss finding it difficult to breathe. He immediately moved his kissing attention to my neck without a pause. I felt my knots push past my sheathes and that's when Fang decided it was time for some real fun. He turned his back to me, and pushed his ass back to me. "Go on, you know for all the trouble I have caused you, you deserve this." He seduced playfully sticking his tongue out slightly.

I do deserve this don't I. I reasoned over why I shouldn't and just as I had decided there could be no harm done I heard a loud slam of a car door in the driveway! "My parents!" I gasped! I was immediately soft, my combined thirty-six inches recoiling in fear back into their sheathes. Fang turned to me and smiled.

We got out of the shower and quickly dried off. By the time the front door shut loudly Fang and I were both dressed in my bedroom. I admired Fang though, he didn't seem to be the least bit concerned about this situation, I could easily tell as his hard on remained as he pulled up his pants. The footsteps on the stairs were near drum beats in my ears. My tail tucked itself between my legs and my ears went flat to my head as the doorknob to my room turned. The door swung open and my parents marched in. They immediately started shouting at me, "How could you do that to some poor boy? How will he ever live that down! In front of all the other boys yet!"

Fang cleared his throat drawing both my parents and my attention to him. "I'm no poor boy, Mr. and Mrs. Smithfield."

My parent's mouths hung agape as they looked him over. I glanced from my parents to him. "You're... him?" They stammered slightly confused.

"Yes indeed I am." Fang replied happily, his tail swishing slightly.

They looked him over again, marveling in his chiseled abs and ripped arms. "You a senior?" My mom questioned.

"Yeah, so?" Fang replied coolly.

"You're not mad at him?" My dad asked, still confused at how it was possible that I raped a senior.

"Mad? Hell no! Best sex of my life." Fang replied happily. I knew he lied, we didn't do anything after all. And I doubt if we had it would not have been the best of his life...

My parents looked at me still confused, and then I was showered with unexpected praise, "Way to go son! Topping the alpha! I knew you had it in ya." They hugged me... I found it a bit odd but at the moment was just happy they didn't hate me still.

"So... you two aren't upset if I'm... gay?" I asked. They looked at each other and then to Fang.

"With a catch like him, how can we be!" They hugged me once more before leaving my room. "We'll just give you two a bit of privacy". They said. My dad giving me a wink.

Not a minute after they were gone, Fang pulled off his shirt and got out of his pants. I watched in awe as his bright red penis bounced freely. "Do you wanna?" He began. I was feeling a little dizzy, and the pain of my ass escalated just a little higher. I sighed.

"I want to but, I'm just not feeling up to it right now... can we..."

Fang silenced me with a finger to my lips. "I understand. You should rest, mind if I stay with you?"

"," I stammered a little unsure as I stripped out of my clothes and lied down on my bed. Fang snuggled closely up against me. He was all the warmth I needed. I drifted off to sleep in the embrace of his arms...