The Pools

Story by Azombie on SoFurry

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#4 of Writing Prompts

Prompt #4 for me.

This prompt theme is: "It was exactly what I needed"

It is for this group here:

Hope you enjoy it.

The Pools

The snow covered the land as the carriage made it's stop beside the cottage. Lights from within flickered as the small gathering reveled. Inside the carriage sat Raphael, a golden furred lion accompanied by his father's court wizard, Edgar Mortimer, a human. The lion's jaw was still clenched tight, shaking his head. He had traveled too far north and much too far east than he liked. He was tired and frustrated with business with his twin brother, who had declined the invitation. He stared out the small window as the coach came to a stop. Even in the darkness, with the thick clouds and the cover of night, they could still feel the shadow of the mountain beside them. Nestled on the side of a steep cliff stood The Frostfire Tavern. It was a large two-story inn, an inviting retreat favored by the catfolk who lived on the massive plateau. Behind it the steam from a natural hot springs raised pleasantly up beside the volcanic rocks. Edgar opened the door for the two, exiting the vehicle first. The coachman dropped their luggage with a nod before heading to a nearby stable. The muffled sounds of the patrons singing came from beyond the door as the lion brushed some snow from his red dyed mane.

Raphael sighed, "Father will be there.."

"The queen, too." Replied Edgar, looking at his stopwatch, "We're late."

"Yeah, I know.." The lion slumped over, betraying his large, imposing stature, "Let's get this over with.."

Edgar nodded, "Don't forget to breath." He grinned as he headed towards the door. He looked back to Raphael, holding the door. He gave the lion a look, which signaled the large beast stand straight, take a deep breath and put on a cheerful look.

The door opened, exposing the elements outside to the roar of the busy building. The two quickly made their way inside the warm building. Raphael smiled to the tavern full of cats. A woman took his large fur coat as the room cheered his arrival.

Nobles, family and friends from both the east and west kingdoms together to celebrate the with the king's birthday. Raphael scanned the room to see the same felines that came every year. He greeted them warmly as he shuffled through the crowded room. Edgar had already disappeared. With nothing else to do, Raphael made his way around the room, thanking his people for coming and for the well wishes for his father. It was always the same, every year. Raphael used to enjoy it. Drinking with the lords, competing with the knights in whatever feat of strength the drunken fighters would think up. But he was only acting the part, faking that beacon of hope his people looked to him to be. His mind was elsewhere these days. As he made his was through the bar, the queen stopped before him. She looked displeased.

"Good evening, mother." Raphael smiled at her.

She nodded and walked past him towards the door with a "Hmph!"

Raphael watched her leave in confusion. He assumed an argument with her husband was all. He meant to go check on her when the gloved hand of Edgar grabbed the lion's broad shoulder. He turned around to face the well dressed wizard.

"The King would like a word." He stated, "He's out back." He then gestured towards a hallway.

Raphael nodded towards the human, "Wish me luck."

"No such thing." Edgar grinned as he was headed into the crowd.

Raphael exited the building, into an outdoor garden. There was a hint of the biting cold of the night, but it was overpowered by the heat wafting from the hot pool where the king sat, unclothed. To his right, Raphael saw Edgar, his clothing discarded and looking relaxed. Raphael walked to the water's edge to face his father. He stood still as the older lion waved to him. He looked solemn.

"This pool is usually filled with drunk cats by now." Raphael stated. He was nervous.

The king nodded, "I wanted to talk to you in private first." Without waiting for a reply he said, "I believe I owe you an apology." The old lion frowned.

"What do you mean?" Replied Raphael, confused.

"I have not been able to get our last conversation out of my head." The king sighed, "I don't want there to be any bad blood between us."

"You seemed pretty determined before." Spat Raphael.

The king nodded, "I'm sorry, I can't take back what I've done, but I can try to make it right." He stood up, making his way towards Raphael, "Would you be willing to talk about it with me when we return home?"

"Why not right now?" Raphael said, feeling his jaw clench.

The king shook his head, "We are at a party and I've got guests who want me to make my grand entrance." He climbed out of the water and patted the younger lion on the shoulder, "And I don't like seeing you this way." he glanced over to the water where Edgar was also leaving the pool.

The king gave his son a hug, soaking the prince's clothes, "I've declared the pools off limits for the time being. Relax, clean yourself up and we'll talk later, I promise."


"Nuh-uh! You shall not decline a king's order on his birthday." He grinned as Edgar handing him his robe. "We'll talk later." He then entered the building with Edgar following.

Raphael was disappointed and frustrated. That didn't go at all how he planned. He stood there a moment before throwing up his arms and yelling "Fine!" to no one in particular. He undressed himself and headed into the pool. Begrudgingly, he started to feel a little better now that he had a chance to wash and sit in the hot water. He sat there thinking about the impending fight he would have with his father.

Raphael didn't like thinking about it, but he didn't like seeing himself like this either. There was a definite change he could feel within himself. The rejection was weighing on him so much more than he could have ever imagined. He couldn't hide it from his family, his friends or the knights he led. He wanted to run away, leave the plateau in the tyrannical grip of his brother. He hated himself that one man could bring down someone as respected as himself. He felt the tears welling in his eyes as the helpless feeling threatened to consume him.

"May I join you?" A familiar masculine voice rang from the lion's left.

Raphael turned his head around quickly to face the intruder as the silver furred wolfkin male entered the pool beside him. The tears that had been forming fell down his face as he lunged at the smaller wolf. They embraced, falling into the water together, their naked bodies tangled together. Raphael and the wolf locked lips as the sunk into the water. Raphael held the canine as they gently hit the floor. Raphael backed off and pulled the other to the surface, standing them upright again. The wolf gasped for breath as he took a step back.

"Hold on a second." The wolf huffed, "It's good to see you, too, love. But try not to drown me."

The lion shook his head, closing the distance again, holding the wolf by the sides, "I'm sorry, William." He kissed the wolf again, "I just didn't think I'd see you again."

"King Byron gathered me from the farm." He smiled, sitting on the edge of the water, pulling the large lion with him until the Will's head was against the soft fur covered muscular chest of the prince. Raphael held him, stroking his back.

"He had asked me to stay at the castle while you were away." The wolf continued, "We came to an agreement."

"What did he say?" Asked Raphael.

"He sent me here to tell you that he will give his blessing for us."

"Is there more to that?" Asked Raphael.

The wolf nodded, "You still have to produce an heir with a lioness of noble lineage."

"Yeah.. I know." the larger male slumped over a bit.

William looked up at the other with a grin, "At least we can be together. We have hot springs to ourselves for a bit." He then tugged the lion's arms down. Raphael followed suit until he was face to face with Will.

Raphael grinned, "So now that you have my father's blessing, I guess you have something to ask me."

"You're the prince, shouldn't you be the one asking?"

Raphael smiled, "You are correct. William will you-Mmf!"

Will cut in, placing his paw over the prince's mouth, "How foolish I was to disagree with royalty. I do have something to ask OW!" He pulled his hand away, "You bit me!"

"You just stopped the future king from speaking."

"What? I'm the one who got the blessing, that makes me the king."

"The first wolf king, huh?"

"We have been humble farmers and artists for too long, I think it's about time." William said with a smug expression.

"It's a lot more work than it looks." Raphael said, straddling his lover's lap.

"How about this." William inched his head towards Raphael's, "You take care of all the kingly duties and when we're alone, I'm king."

"Yes, your majesty." Raphael said, bowing his head slightly before kissing Will on the lips. Their kiss became more passionate. There was a weight to it that they both felt. The effect was immediate, the stress of the past few weeks melted away. His eyes closed, the world was a distant memory to Raphael. But the real crashed back into him like a wave when his eyes shot open to see that his father had let the guests barge in on the two. A couple dozen drunk and naked party goers began to fill the outdoor space.

Raphael sighed, "Guess they were getting rowdy, huh?"

"His royal majesty did rent us a room." Will laughed nervously, shrinking into the water.

Raphael had begun to stand when the wolf's hand pulled him down. The lion looked down at him, "What is it?"

"Hold on a minute. I uh." He stammered, "I'm peaking quiet a bit."

Raphael sat on Will's lap, their sheath's pressing against one another. Then the lion felt it. Will was at full mast, even his knot was forming.

"I think." Raphael smirked, "You got accustomed to how the catfolk do things."

"Wha-what do you mean?"

The lion gestured towards a lioness that was being vigorously mated by another catfolk male. There were a number of guests who wasted little time. Although they were the only gay couple at the party, no one paid them any more attention than they would the others.

"You're my king, remember?" Raphael beamed and spoke louder, "They will cheer for you." He then bellowed, "Right, men!?" then, without a paused the drunken knights all raised there arms and roared.

"What are you doing?" Will looked at Raphael, his embarrassment clear in his face.

Raphael only smiled down at him, "I let myself go after losing you. I let people down. Never again!" He then pulled the canine from the water, placing him onto the edge, his maleness on full display. Immediately, the lion began to nuzzle the length.

"But what does that have to do with-"

Raphael cut in, "I want them to see you claim me."


Raphael stood, leaning into the wolf and kissing him deeply. As some of the others glanced over, Raph crawled out of the pool onto the soft ground, dragging the wolf under him. The lion let out a chuckle, "I've fought wars with these men, we've done everything together. I have no secrets. Show them you deserve to be the only one I would call king."

Will's eyes darted around the crowd, he felt the lion's paw on his cock, stroking him as his neck was kisses, licked and nibbled on. Then he heard the lion whisper, "Fuck me like I'm your servant." He gave a small moan that only his lover could hear. He felt this need to let someone take control, and there was no one he trusted more to do it than that pup he met on that farm so many years ago. He stared into that pup's eyes, as if telepathically communicating his needs.

They stared for a moment until William saw the pleading look in the prince's eyes. He nodded and his expression changed. He gripped the larger male and rolled on top of him, he wasn't as strong as Raph, but the lion followed his lead without hesitation. It made him feel a strength he had never felt before. They had played around in the past, yes. But this was different. They kissed once more before William kissed down the lion's muscular body. Slowly, he reached his target. Standing proud was the lion's barbed cock, a bead of pre already glistening from the tip.

The wolf leaned back and said, "Turn around for me." He tried to sound demanding, drawing up his courage. The lion did as commanded without more than a sheepish green back at him. He got on his knees, swaying his hips and raising his tail for the wolf. Raphael looked around the party to see they had gotten an audience. He was about to address his knights when the warm tongue of Will's slithered against his entrance. He tried to stop it, but the moan came out before he could quell it. It was a vulnerable moan that showed his need that was liberating. He pushed himself back against it, getting rewarded in a more intense rimming. Every lick sent a shiver right though his throbbing cock. He felt he could cum from just this.

All too soon the teasing was over and with a hard slap against his backside, he felt the other's hands firmly placed on his hips, pulling him into position. Raphael's heart throbbed in his chest as he felt the tapered tip of Will's own cock poke against his hole, his precum spreading around the saliva prepped ring of tightly wound flesh. Slowly the cock slipped into him. Some of the party goers stopped to watch their possible one day king take a commoner's cock. He made a show of it, giving the wolf an encouraging moan. There was a sudden shove and he felt filled up to the knot. He lowered his head, closing his eyes as he waited to get accustomed to the large length now lodged into him. It wasn't the first time he had taken this particular dick, but it had been some time since they last had the chance.

His breathing had become more labored as he opened his eyes to look behind him to see the wolf panting with his eyes closed in focus. Feeling mischievous, Raphael pushed back against the wolf, tightening his grip on the throbbing member. The effect was immediate. Will let out a groan, pushing himself hard against that tight ring in short shallow thrusts. The wolf leaned over the lion until Raph felt the heavy breathing on his neck. It then dawned on the prince what was going to happen. The wolf gently took the scruff of his neck into his mouth. At first it was an attempt at gently love bites, but soon devolved into a rough snarling bestial grip. With a feral roar, Raphael felt the bulbous knot enter into him. The knot swiftly grew into a tie as the small thrusts became animalistic. There was no more control for either of them. The fat growth keeping the two stuck together created a pressure inside Raphael that made him groan load.

He threw his head back as his body tensed and then began to shudder. Beneath him, his balls tensed and began to spasm, his cock throbbed violently as he shot ropes of his seed onto the ground below. With a strong shove, the wolf bit down harder as he own body gave in to the pressure and he held the lion tight as he released his own seed deep into the other, clinging to the lion as he rode out his powerful orgasm. Raphael fell to the floor as his peak began to slow it's pace. He panted feeling each gush of seed push it's way into his body. The knot throbbing almost painfully coupled with the sharp dangerous teeth clamped on his neck made him feel claimed. It was what he really needed after his travels. He was always the one in power, the might and force to be feared and respected. But now he felt a beat on him, taking his power away. It was something he didn't know he needed until it was taken from him. William was the only thin in existence he could give himself. There was a bond of trust.

They laid there on the ground, catching their breaths in the afterglow. The whole party now had their eyes on the two. Their expressions had gone from amused to concern. Some of the larger men looks about ready to pull the wolf away. They looked to Raphael for a sign of what to do. The lion grinned and pulled a shaky arm up to pat the wolf on his ass.

"Good boy.. You have no idea how much I needed that.." Raphael said, more to show that all was well and nothing out of the ordinary was happening. The party continued and they were left to rest and recover. They moved to the pool once the knot has deflated enough to slip out of the future king.

"I never got to finish my question." Raphael said, as the two cuddled in the water.

"Marry me." The wolf's face became deadly serious.

"I was supposed to ask that." Raphael chuckled.

"I wasn't asking."

The Ghost

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The Magician

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The Soldier

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