Twice bitten, once shy: Chapter 1

Story by MrFox on SoFurry

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#1 of Bitten

Part 1

Lex looked around nervously remembering his happenstance encounter with Dustin Parks yesterday. The vast majority of the school was already here, and the front courtyard teemed with student activity. A series of walkways lined with benches gave most of the students a place to sit and talk. Various groups of students inhabited the various benches giving each little area it's own feeling. Lex had lots of people he could hang out with, but he was a little more concerned with what had happened yesterday and what it might mean for his nascent reputation in high school.

"Oh you fucking little nerd! Fuck me with that giant cock!"

Lex shook the thought out of his head as his cock stiffened a little in his pants. His memory was working against him and a hard-on was the last thing Lex needed right now. He cautiously made his way through to various groups receiving more than a few customary greetings from the other students. Lex had jest turned sixteen at the start of school. When your birthday was on August the fourteenth it just so happened that you turned a year older at the beginning of the school year.

Lex didn't have any kind of birthday party. His friends offered to take him out if he would drive them, but beside that it was just another day for Lex. It did mean that he was kind of strange for a freshman and the fact that he had a car and drove it to school every day made him a popular friend among the freshmen class. Sure there were other kids in his grade who had cars and drove, but for some reason Lex was enjoying a surge in popularity. Both girls and guys were paying a lot more attention to him, but Lex didn't know why.

As he wondered about he came to the three benches where the jocks and cheerleaders hung out. As he cautiously approached his mind wondered back to yesterday and the series of events that had led to him joining the track team.

...(Flash back! hehe)...

Lex felt great! He had been waiting for this day for years! Not only had he been doing great in the after school practice sessions he had been attending, but for some reason he thought he had a good chance. The Track and Field coach was brand new this year, and since nobody really knew him everyone was optimistic about their chances.

"Alright boys, girls, I want two lines, one on the left for girls, one of the right for boys" He said and pointed at the sides of the track. There were lots of people Lex recognized from his grade as jocks, they all looked surprised to see him here. "On my mark I want the first person in line to run the course like we've been doing in practice"

There was a short tweet from the guy's whistle and the to people at the front of the lines took off. It was a combined event of 100 meters and then four hurdles, and then a long jump at the end. The only times part was the 100 meter dash, but the coach wanted everyone to pass all the obstacles regardless. Each person had their specialty, some runners bombed the jump or the hurdles, some people did good on the hurdles and jump, but took their time of the sprint. Lex though, he wanted to ace the whole thing.

As soon as he was up next he crouched down in the starting position across the line. Already the coach was giving him a look for using good form. There was a short tweet and Lex and the girl beside him took off. She was fast, but Lex was even faster! He shot down the course like it was on fire! The 100 meters seemed to fly by, and then the hurdles, and then, boom! Time seemed to slow down as Lex leapt through the air. He sailed gracefully landing on the other side, a good foot ahead of where most of the other guys had landed.

To his surprise there was a bit of a cheer from the other runners as he turned around and saw an excited female racing to catch up to him. As soon as she made the jump she jogged over to him a little out of breath, "That was amazing! I'm a sophomore and you beat me hands down kid? What's you name?"

"Alexander Long" the coach said interrupting Lex as he opened his mouth. The coach was out of breath from sprinting over to get to him. "I don't know if you realize this, but you just broke the freshmen record on the 100 meter dash!" the coach said in shock and awe, "And you beat it by three seconds!"

"What was my time?" Lex asked.

"Twenty one seconds, the record was twenty four!"

The girl beside him clapped him on the back, "Oh my god you're getting your name on the wall and it's only your first day on the team!"

Lex was shocked. He watched as the coach handed the clip board over to the girl and gave her some quick instruction and his whistle "Come on Alexander, I have someone who is really going to want to talk to you" the coach said and led the stunned Lex away.

Lex couldn't believe what he had just heard. He had run the 100 meter dash in less than thirty seconds! That was freaking unbelievable! Not only that, but he was the fastest kid to run it in the history of the school. That was pretty crazy. Lex was led through the athletic department towards the series of offices where he assumed the different coaches worked. "Excuse me, is Rick in his office" The track and field coach asked a woman floating around the front of the offices with a couple of other coach like people.

"Hey Harry, he's got football practice right now, what's up?"

Coach Harry Young had a conversation with the other three coaches hanging out in front of the office. It turned out these three women were the softball, volleyball, and basketball coaches for the school. With such a large school it didn't surprise Lex that there were so many coaches. "... And his time was twenty one seconds! That beats the freshmen record!" The other three coaches looked impressed and they gave Lex a strange look like they were sizing him up.

"So what's this got to do with Rick and the football team?"

"Well since I figured my class is second block, and football is fourth; I was thinking I might have found the next running back for the Sharon High Wolves!"

Lex was shocked, but the other coaches looked impressed; they had various things to say, but agreed that Lex should head over to the football field. Never in his wildest dreams had Lex thought he would get a chance to try out for the football team on the same day he made the track team. It was like something terribly good was happening to him.

The trek to the football field was pretty fast and when he got there Lex saw some of the biggest guys in school doing some pretty strange stuff. They were all running around in lines and jumping around. It looked so alien and strange to see guys twice his size doing stuff like that. Lex was taken to the football coach, Coach Rick, and left just out of earshot as Coach Rick and Coach Young had a little chat about him. Coach Young looked pumped, but Coach Rick scowled over at Lex. Whatever remark he said next must have been funny because Coach Young laughed before walking back over to Lex and leading him over to the older Coach. "Listen Rick, this guy's fast, and a running back doesn't need to be that big, he'll fill out some if you give him a chance" Coach Young said and pushed Lex towards the other Coach who scowled at him and seemed to almost sniff at the air between them.

"You know I don't do this kind of thing very often Harry, but I'll give him a chance" Rick said and turned to the guys on the field. "Seniors and Juniors over here! Sophomores and Freshmen over here!" Rick said and pointed at opposite sides of the field. He walked out and began to weed people into various positions. It looked like he pretty much knew what he was doing. While he was busy with the other guys Lex changed into a loose fitting football jersey that looked three sizes too big. Rick came back for Lex and led him into the midst of some of the scariest guys in the school. "Listen up! This is Alexander Long, you might not recognize him because he hasn't come to a single football practice all summer long!"

Lex almost felt like he was being painted as the bad guy here.

"Coach Young over there seems to thing this guy is going to run circles around you all, but I think I should give you a chance to prove him wrong! If one of you freshmen or sophomores can catch him than I might have a spot for you one the team!"

Lex looked up at the man behind him, "But coach I've never played football before I don't know..."

Coach Rick looked down and grinned, "You're the one who showed up to MY tryouts kid, good luck"

Rick guided Lex over to the Senior Junior side and put him in the empty place on the line where the running back should stand. Rick whispered something to the acting quarterback and the two smiled and looked at Lex. As Coach Rick walked back to where Coach Young stood he blew the whistle and there was a flurry of movement around Lex as the seniors and juniors played football around him. Faster than he could have thought possible Lex felt the ball being pressed into his arms and the quarterback gave him a strange look, "Well Run kid!"

Lex didn't have to be told twice. He knew that in football all you had to do was make it to the other side of the field and not get tackled. In that one frightening moment Lex realized that if he didn't make it one of these massive guys would squash him flat like a bug. Lex let out a sound like an "IEEEE" As he bolted through the small opening in the line of grunting and heaving muscle ahead of him.

On his left someone lunged for him and Lex nimbly dodged only to see another guy who he thought might have been in his math class last year make a good try at catching him. No luck there math kid, Lex's legs were faster than his math skills as he worked his way from disaster to disaster until, like magic, the empty field seemed to open up ahead of him. As soon as he thought he was free someone stepped in his way.

It was Dustin Parks, but Lex didn't know who he was at that point in time, "You're going down nerd" Dustin had said as he effectively blocked Lex's advancement. The two danced for a second, but Dustin moved first, lunging for Lex who nimbly ducked and bobbed out of the way. "Aw fuck!" Dustin said as he about faced and lunged a second time, catching Lex by surprise.

In that briefest of moments Lex freaked and thought he was going down, but from somewhere inside his five foot three and one hundred and seventeen pound frame a serge of energy exploded outwards and Lex somehow managed to dance out of reach of the bigger guy. After that there was nothing between him and the other side of the field. Lex made tracks like nobody on that field had ever seen, clutching the ball to his side like he was holding on to it for dear life.

Lex arrived at the end zone in one piece with the ball in hand, electing a cheer from his team on the other side of the field. Way, way on the other side of the field. How had they gotten down there so fast?"

About forty yards from where Lex stood Dustin picked himself up off the ground as the seniors ran past. They ignored him for the first time since he joined the team as a freshman himself a year ago. As they gathered around the nerdy little kid who had just somehow dodged Dustin's best attempts to tackle him the sophomore caught a whiff of something that smelled amazing. It was like the most intoxicating smell he had ever had in his nose. Dustin was instantly hard and as he turned around he realized the smell had come from Lex.

Not that Lex knew this, he ran countless plays that day and scored every time. It was like nobody was even able to touch him! The freshmen and sophomores were shocked, where had this kid been in junior high? Most of the guys didn't even recognize him! After the day was over Coach Rick told everyone who made it and who didn't. Not to anyone's surprise Lex made it, but poor Lex was still in shock. As he was pushed and shoved towards the showers Lex remembered his stuff was still at the track. He had to jog back over there to get his extra clothes in his duffel bag.

By the time he got back to the showers most of the guys had already left. Lex was clapped on the back a few times and even slapped on the ass by a few seniors. They all laughed when he blushed nervously and refused to undress until they had all left. Lex hit the showers hard. He was exhausted from all the running, and his legs ached. He was pretty sure he was alone in the smaller of the three showers. He liked this one because there was a huge bench in the middle and it was a great place to sit and dry off.

Lex was slowly washing the lather off himself with his back turned to the open part of a shower when a very large and muscular arm hit the wall in front of him and a voice said behind him, "You made me look pretty bad out there you mother fucking nerd" the voice said and Lex felt a cold chill race down his back.

Whoever was behind him pressed his nose against Lex's neck and took a deep breath that ended in a soft grunt as Lex felt the person push against him pinning him against the wall. Another very strong arm wrapped around Lex pulling him tight against the solid mass of the person behind him. He, and Lex was very sure it was a he, was pressed cock to back against Lex. Another surge of fear shot through Lex and the guy behind him almost seemed to grunt in pleasure as Lex noticed a funky smell filling the air.

"Oh god you smell so good Nerd" The guy said and Lex felt the guy's cock pushing against him. If Lex wasn't so scared he would have been turned on, wait, Lex was turned on, but the fact that a guy more than twice his size was seriously contemplating ass raping Lex was not doing much for his libido. The owner of that very large and very hard cock looked over at Lex and gasped, "Holy FUCK Nerd, you're freaking bigger than me!"

Lex felt himself spinning around to face a row of chiseled abs and a massive cock that was almost fourteen inches long. The owner of the cock was currently fixated on Lex's own equipment. Lex had never compared to other guys before, but having a sixteen inch long prick was pretty impressive, especially when it didn't fit the rest of his slender body. "You're not exactly small yourself" Lex said and looked at the cock staring him in the face. This guy was huge. He had to be well over six feet tall. Lex was only 5'3 himself, and he was looking this guy in the stomach.

Lex didn't know this guy, but that didn't mean he wasn't impressed with what he saw. Lex had always dreamed of having sex with a massive hot jock like this guy, but he didn't think it would happen on the same day he made the track AND football team. Lex gulped and looked up at the guys face. He nearly swooned when he saw who it was. Dustin Parks! Dusting was one of the hottest guys in school! Not only did his body match his strong face and jaw, but apparently his equipment lived up to the rumors about him.

Poor Dustin had never seen anyone bigger than him, and for the first time in his life he wondered what it would be like to take a cock like that. And plus that smell, "Oh god" Dustin said and took a deep breath. "Listed you little Nerd, you're gunna put that cock of yours in my ass, I've never taken anything that big" Dustin said and grinned, pushing Lex towards the nearby bench.

Lex watched as Dustin straddled the bench and exposed his perfect round ass to Lex. For Lex this was almost too much at once. First this angry jock pins him between his massive cock and the concrete, and then he just ups and lets Lex fuck him? Lex looked down at his massive rod and noticed the large glob of pre sliding down it's sixteen inches. At least Lex would have some lube...

...(End flashback!)...

Lex smiled nervously as a girl who must have been a cheerleader waved at him, "Hey Alexander!" She said seductively and smiled as she stood up and bounced over to him, walking him towards the bench where a few other cheerleaders and jocks were hanging out. "Hey girls, this is the guy I was telling you about! He ran the 100m dash at tryouts and beat the freshmen record!"

How did she know that? Lex thought to him self, oh wait! That was the girl that was running beside him during tryouts! How had he forgotten her? Well on second thought there had been all that stuff with football and Dustin later that day. In truth it wasn't that hard to believe he had forgotten.

"... And after that Coach Young decided to make me the team manager! It was all thanks this this little guy!" She said and a couple of the girls smiled and laughed.

After that the conversation migrated towards what Lex looked like under that baggy red Lakers shirt he was wearing. Most of the girls giggled when he blushed at the thought of exposing himself to them. "Come on Lexy one girl said and smiled, "You can show us girls!"

Lex nervously pulled his shirt up exposing his stomach for the girls to see. "Oh wow! Look at those abs!" The girls said and instantly there were about eight girls ogling him. A few hands reached out to hold his shirt for him and Lex looked down in shock. His mid section was ripped! Not only did he have abs, but it was like every little muscle was slightly pronounced, giving him that classic swimmer's build to his core. Excited at what they were seeing the girls nearly pulled his shirt off stopping at his neck. "And he has the most perfect little Pecs too!"

Before much more adoration could happen Lex noticed Dustin looking at him from the other bench where a few football players were laughing at him and the swarm of girls around him. Lex blushed even deeper noting the scowl on Dustin's face. "Come on girls, it's not that big of a deal" he said and pulled his shirt down extracting a disappointed moan from the crowd around him.

"What do you mean! My boyfriend had a potbelly!" on girl said and the others started in telling Lex all about their boyfriends and how they had gotten big during summer to get on the team. Lex was surprised at how whiney the cheerleaders could be, but they all seemed to like him. Before he could get too comfortable though the early bell rang and Lex remembered he needed to go get his schedule from the office. "See you at lunch Lexy! You can sit by me today!" One girl said and all the others giggled with her.

Lex was shocked. He had never had that kind of effect on girls. After he went to the office and picked up his amended schedule he studied it with some trepidation. Four electives were now taken up with track and football. Other than that he had a semester of math, English, science, and history. It was a bit of a bummer because Lex had wanted to take some art and at least one foreign language class. Curious as to what the girls were looking at Lex found himself heading to the bathrooms on the opposite side of the courtyards. These were closer to his next class, and nobody came here so early in the day.

Lex pulled his shirt off and was once again shocked by what he saw. He was ripped! It was like somehow in less than the time it took him to go to school his body had decided to have a perfect eight pack and tight Pecs just big enough to look sexy. While Lex studied his shirtless body in the mirror someone studied him from the door. The other person, aware that Lex was too caught up with his reflection to notice him took a deep smell of the air, marveling at how good the room smelled with Lex in it. Before he could say anything the bell rang and Lex put his shirt back on and started getting ready for his first period class. Nobody was at the door when Lex left the bathroom, so he had no idea that he had been watched.

First block whizzed by leading Lex to his second class. Coach Young was pretty nice, but a real hard-ass on his weaker runners and sprinters. Lex, who seemed to be good at anything the coach threw at him always finished his warm-ups and other practices before anyone else. Since Track and Field was objective it gave Lex a chance to just jog lazily around the track or talk to Abby. Abby Martin was the girl who had run beside him at tryouts. Not only was she pretty, but she was super nice too. Of course Lex wasn't interested in girls, and Abby had a boyfriend, but that didn't mean they couldn't be friends. Despite being the team manager she was also great at sprints and the long jump, and like Lex she always finished early.

After talking with Abby for a while Lex decided to run some more laps. It was getting pretty hot outside with the sun up like it was so Lex casually took his shirt off. Little did he know there was another sports class during second block in the gymnasium on the other side of the Track and Field area. Dustin just happened to be in that class, and since his class usually finished early and he was so close to the track and field Dustin and some of the other football players who had that class decided to go out to the bleachers that looked over the track and field area and ogle the slim runners and sprinters. Most of the guys were looking at the girls running around in their short shorts and camis, but Lex felt like he was being watched too.

As Lex made the round and ran by the football players they recognized him and yelled out at him, "Don't wear yourself out before practice Lex! We might actually catch you then!" Lex smiled and called back, raising a sweaty arm in greeting. As he ran by though he noticed one guy in particular staring at him. Dustin Parks, and the look on his face was not happy. Why did he look so angry? Lex wondered to himself. Or maybe that's how Dustin always looked... Lex didn't really know Dusting that well, but his constant gaze made Lex more than a little nervous. As his nerves picked up he began to sweat in a different way from before and when he ran by the cheering guys they all caught a whiff of him and their attentions shifted to the sexy young man running on the track below them. The entire group was instantly hard, including Dusting who drank in the smell like it was crack.

Lex couldn't hear it, but one of the guys whistled, "Damn, no wonder the girls like him so much!" One guy said and another guy hit him in the shoulder.


"You've got a boner too creep!" the original guy said and pointed at his assaulter's pants and the obvious bulge inside them.

Lex got even more nervous as at least thirty football players stared at him with the same look Dustin had given him earlier. What's wrong with those guys? Lex wondered again, but the whistle blew and Coach Young yelled out "Shower time ladies!" he meant the guys too, but Lex knew it was how Coach Young joked around.

Lex showered off and left a little early to get to lunch. He was surprised when Abby and a bunch of the girls in track with him showed up and ushered him into line as they gaggled around him. When the bell for lunch rang another two hundred students crammed themselves into the long line to get at the mountain of food available to the students for a nominal fee. As soon as the football players and the rest of the cheer team showed up they politely joined their friends in line not caring that they were cutting. Lex sighed as he remembered how much he hated that when he was not on the team, but now it seemed like a convenient way for him to get into line if he needed. And for some crazy reason now the football players wanted to talk to him too. Granted not all the players did, but more than before seemed just as captivated by him as the cheerleaders did, and since some of these guys had girlfriends that were now 'best friends' with Lex it wasn't hard for them to get in close to talk to him.

Lex sat at an empty table and almost instantly it filled with jocks and cheerleaders. He almost wished he could talk to some of his old friends who were eyeing him with envy at the attention he was getting. Not that the jocks and cheerleaders didn't talk about other stuff, but they were just so bizarrely nice to Lex. About a minute after he sat down a commotion at the table directly in front of Lex distracted him. Dustin parks and about twenty other football players violently moved the group of nerds sitting at the table and deposited themselves unceremoniously upon it. The commotion didn't stop anyone at Lex's table and nobody else seemed to care. Lex watched as Dustin sat down with no food and stared directly at Lex the whole time he talked to the other guys at the table. They were talking real low and they would laugh every once in a while.

"What's up with him?" Lex suddenly asked stopping all the conversations around him as everyone centered in on Lex.

"With who?" Abby asked and looked at Lex in confusion.

"With him! Dustin Parks! Lex said quietly and everyone exchanged nervous looks.

"Well" Abby started to say, "Rumor has it that his parents are like, dirt poor, and that when his mother died Dustin's dad went a little crazy. Nobody knows for sure how bad it was, but most of our parents won't let us go near his house. As for Dustin he used to be so nice, really the sweetest and hottest guy we knew, but then he just flipped and went all mean" Abby explained. "Ever since junior high he's been huge though so nobody wants to mess with him. Plus there's some other rumors going on about him" she said.

Lex had heard enough. Lucky him he had ended up fucking a psychopath his first day on the team. Lex was a little scared now. Dustin stared at him all day, and nobody seemed to notice but Lex. As the group went outside to sit at the benches Dustin again displaced a pre-established bench group so he could stare directly at Lex. Poor Lex was getting more nervous with each passing moment. Why was Dustin so fixated on him? Could it be because of what happened the day before? Lex had no idea.

Third block flew by and when Fourth block came Lex hurried to the locker rooms and changed as fast as possible. Lex was the first one on the field and when Coach Rick saw him he beckoned him over. "Now I know you're probably pretty eager to get on the field again Lex, but we have to learn the basics first. I'll re-explain the rules for you so you don't get too confused when I start... Get those asses on the field and start doing warm-ups you idiots!" Coach Rick said when a group of guys emerged from the locker rooms and stared at the Coach and Lex. Coach Young took over warm-ups and the first hour of class while Lex got a crash course in football. Coach Rick crammed so much new information into Lex's little head that the almost wondered if this football thing was a bad idea.

The last thirty minutes of class were spent doing drills, and then after the bell rang everyone got a small break and it started over. It was rough and Lex was sweating buckets by the end. Not only was exercise hard, but it was still august and hot as hell. Unlike track he couldn't pace himself, and Lex's seemingly unlimited stamina was reaching it's end. About half way through practice Rick decided to 'get serious' and he had everyone double their efforts. Rick noticed Lex struggling and pulled him aside. Lex welcomed the break, but Coach Rick only let him rest of a little while before sending him right back in.

Finally at five thirty practice ended and everyone hit the showers. As Lex stripped off his gear and clothes he got a few whistles and cheers. He blushed profusely, not used to the masses of young men parading around naked. Worse than that a funky odor seemed to roll of Lex quickly filling the locker rooms. The first to smell it was the guys beside Lex who looked over at him and whistled, "You go Lex, strut that ass around! Ow!" one guy said as his cock began to fill with blood and his hard on rose to salute Lex. "Look at that cock!" Someone said and slapped Lex on the ass as he walked by. Lex was mortified. Every guy in the locker rooms and showers was getting a hard on, and they were all staring at him!

Lex tried to ignore the standing ovation and made his way through the showers to the smaller one in the back. He nervously went to the closest faucet and switched it on, enjoying the cool water as it hit his skin. Lex didn't even get a chance to lather up before a large muscular arm hit the wall in front of him, and Lex noticed all the chatter in this shower stopped.

Just like before the person took a deep breath of the musk coming off Lex and grunted in pleasure. He pressed himself up against Lex and this time there was no talking, nothing but an almost animalistic growl and the sharp pain as something huge pushed against Lex's ass hole.

The whole football team heard Lex as he cried out in pain and Dustin yelled at him "Shut the FUCK UP NERD!" Dustin slammed Lex's head against the wall making a sickening cracking sound, but nobody tried to stop him. They just watched as Lex whimpered softly and Dustin violently shoved him against the wall of the shower trying to get more traction.

Oh god, oh god, oh god! Lex screamed in his head, but wisely remained silent as more and more of that fourteen inch cock pushed into him. Lex had never even so much as fingered himself so the pain was excruciatingly intense. Lex tried to stop the sobs that escaped him as he felt what had to be his own blood trickling down his legs. He wanted to yell and scream, but he didn't want to get his head busted open by the psychopath behind him. By now the entire team was watching, showering forgotten, as this lewd and gross act of rape was performed before them. Nobody dared more in to service poor Lex, Dustin looked almost crazy as he pushed more and more of his cock into the crying young man below him.

Lex didn't know how the hell he was taking so much, and as Dustin's grunts turned into moans of pleasure Lex realized Dustin was lifting him up off the ground. Dustin strained and in one final heave pulled Lex completely off the ground and impaled him on the last five inches of his cock. Lex dangled there as his blood dripped onto the ground. He thought he was going to die, but somehow he was hard, and his massive cock seemed to betray him as it dribbled pre that mixed with his blood below him.

Thinking that the worst was over Lex was surprised when Dustin placed his huge hands on Lex's sides and actually lifted him up part of the length of his cock and then slammed him back down causing Lex to scream in pain. Dustin grabbed his head ripping it back savagely and aggressively kissed the poor boy he was raping. The passion behind the kiss surprised Lex and cut off his cry of pain. "If you shut up for once you might enjoy this you fucking little nerd" Dustin whispered and then redoubled his efforts.

The entire team watched as Lex slid up and down Dustin's fourteen inch cock. The pain and fear rolling off Lex turned them on as they drank in his musk. Eventually everyone started a chant, "Fuck him, Fuck him, Fuck him!" They all chanted as Lex sobbed miserably. Not only was this degrading, but in truth it did feel good. His sobs choked back his moans as Dustin grunted and heaved behind him. The chanting grew wild as dusting got closer and closer to climax. Lex cried silently with tears rolling down his cheeks and blood poring from his abused hole. He wanted to hate Dustin, but this felt so good! Dustin almost roared as he began to pump what felt like liquid lava into poor Lex who choked back his own scream of pleasure as his own cock began to spew cum hitting the wall this had all started on and dribbling down.

The orgasm seemed to last an eternity as the football team cheered around Dustin as he raped Lex. Some guys were even jacking off to it, spilling their own loads and groaning in satisfaction. Dustin bent down and pulled Lex off his cum and blood soaked cock. Lex felt like Dustin had just pulled out half his insides along with his cock. The crazy fucker then went to the same faucet Lex had been using and started washing off.

By now everyone else figured the action was over, and so they started to leave, saying things like, "Did you see the look on the kids face!" and "I'm sure glad Dustin didn't put that monster in my ass"

Lex cried softly. He didn't try to cover it up he was already completely shamed. Cum and blood flowed freely from his ass as it tried to lose itself back up. Lex wondered how on earth he was even alive, or if he was just going to lie here and bleed out from his ass. How embarrassing to die like that. Lex thought as he looked over to where Dustin was showering.

Once everyone was gone Dustin gave up on the shower and turned to look at Lex with a new lust in his eyes. "Now that we're alone again" Dustin said and started to walk towards Lex. Lex screamed and tried to crawl away, but Dustin had other plans. The larger boy flipped Lex over and grabbed him by the cock.

"Help! Someone hel..." Wham! Lex felt the back of his head hit the bench. It hurt and dazed the poor boy. Lex chose not to try to call out for help, after all Dustin was actually playing with his cock now. Not that Lex wanted to pleasure Dustin. In fact Lex didn't want anything do to with him anymore.

Dustin had managed to get Lex's cock hard again, and he smiled as he looked down at it. "This is going to hurt you more than it's gunna hurt me you little fucker" he said and began to position himself over Lex.

As Dusting lowered himself onto that massive sixteen inch cock a furry hand clenched the side of the Lockers it's owner was hiding behind. With It's other fur clad hand the owner began to stroke it's massive cock in time with the two teens it was watching. Neither Dustin or Lex noticed their silent intruder and the gray furred creature smiled as it enjoyed the free porn. Dustin had taken all of Lex's length into his ass and was now rocking on top of the poor kid extracting grunts of pleasure and cries of pain. The furry creature pitied Lex, he knew Dustin had an insatiable sexual appetite, and with a cock like that it wasn't hard to see why. Dustin's cock was hard again, and slapping Lex in the face each time he came down on Lex.

Normally the gray furred creature wouldn't have been so turned on. He liked watching teens fuck their brains out in the locker room enough to sneak a peek every once in a while, but this was something else. The scent rolling off Lex was intoxicating, like nothing the furry creature had ever smelled. It was like an air born aphrodisiac! The furry form finished before the boys on purpose, leaving a mess on the floor of the second shower room and causing another funky brand of odor to join the already potent smell of sweat and sex in the showers. The creature hurried out of the locker rooms to avoid getting caught by the two boys.

Back in the locker room Lex was crying again and Dustin grunting in ecstasy as Lex came a second time and screamed in pleasure. Dustin clenched hard on that huge cock milking it for every drop of cum. Dustin felt a surge of pleasure as his own cock began to spasm and shot Lex right in the face forcing him to swallow some of the spunk spurting into his open mouth.

Dustin laughed as he stood and pulled himself off Lex. The kid's virginity was slowly washing down the drain as the shower faucet continued to rain water down onto the floor. "See you tomorrow kid. I can't wait to do this again" Dustin said as he walked out of the shower, leaving Lex alone to bleed and cry on the cold wooden bench.

Lex passed out after that. About an hour later he woke up fully dressed outside the locker rooms. "Was it a dream?" Lex said as he tried to stand and a jolt of pain shot through his ass and legs, "NOPE, it was real" Lex said and gasped. He slowly and painfully got up from the bottom of the gymnasium stands. He didn't know how he had gotten here, but he didn't care. Lex just wanted to go home.

Across the gymnasium a not quite so furry figure watched from the darkness of the hallway leading to the sports department offices. Even from this far away he could see how Lex was walking and chuckled at the poor kid. "Looks like trouble to me" the figure said.

"I heard that" A younger adult voice said behind him.