To Route 213.

Story by UmiTheUmbreon on SoFurry

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#3 of All They Knew

After arriving in Sinnoh, Ruki, and Skye have to journey through the region's cities to get to the Grand Lake Hotel.

Ruki sat up on the bed and let the blanket slip off of his body. Skye wasn't next to him, but he noticed that the restroom door was closed across from him, so she was probably in there. White strips of weak sunlight entered the room, and Ruki hopped off of the bed to look out of where it sourced. He hopped up and placed his front paws on the windowsill, his tails flicking behind him while he watched the blue waves thrash about. It wasn't anything to marvel at, but it gave him something to do in the meantime. He quickly looked back moments later once he heard a door open and saw Skye step out of the restroom.

"Morning," she sighed and went to zip up her backpack.

She was wearing a cute getup. Ruki studied her outfit and saw white jean shorts, white, pink vertically-striped thigh-high socks, a white shirt underneath an open and stylish thin pink jacket, and white arm sleeves.

"What do you think? I went for the adventurous trainer look today," Skye said. "Only thing I'm missing are gloves, but I'm not going all out."

Ruki got down and trotted over to her, nuzzling his cheek against both of her legs. He approved.

She giggled, "thank you; I'm excited, we'll be there in about fifteen minutes." Skye sat down on the bed and patted her lap.

Ruki hopped up, his front paws atop her bare thighs while he stared up at her intently.

"Such an obedient boy," she said, tracing her thumb across the right side of his cheek. Skye enjoyed Ruki just as much as she would human companionship, except Ruki loved her unconditionally, and she couldn't screw up their relationship that easily. "You wanna go up to the deck? I'm sure we can see Sinnoh by now."

"Nin," Ruki nodded eagerly and took a few steps back from off of her lap to let her get up.

"Okay... I hope I'm not forgetting anything." Skye had packed everything while Ruki was asleep, but she still checked the restroom and the areas around the bed. She heard the ship's horn blaring above the deck, likely telling passengers that it was time to start clearing out rooms.

After Skye had finished skimming over the room, they were finally out for good. Ruki followed her up the stairs and nearly tripped over a few steps on the way this time. He was still getting used to his new evolution, so he had to remember to take it easy.

Skye glanced at the view over the rear end of the deck. Endless ocean for thousands of miles, and she expected nothing more. What Skye wanted to see was at the front. "This way," she told Ruki while briskly down to the side of the deck. Nearly every passenger and their pokémon stood at the front, but there was enough space for Skye and Ruki to stand in front of the railing. "Wow," she leaned over the railing and saw Ruki hop up beside her. Ahead was Canalave city, where they'd soon dock.

It did appear to look a lot different than the Marina so far. There were a few small boats moored in a canal in the center of the city, and Canalave seemed more modern and cozy in a sense. Ruki hadn't seen anything like it before.

Just ten minutes later, the ferry had come to a full stop by the canal, and every passenger was gathered on the front deck to be let off.

While Skye waited, she took out Sinnoh's map to study the route they had to take. "Okay, so Jubilife, Oreburgh, HeartHome, and Pastoria... in that order. That's going to take us hours. While she stared down at the map, Skye didn't notice people begin to walk off the ship.

Ruki had to nudge her leg to draw her attention to it.

"Oh, oops," she quickly folded and put the map into the pocket of her jacket, following after the other passengers.

Once they were off, they crossed the bridge over the canal where fewer passengers were. "We'll start exploring tomorrow, but we have to check in by tonight, so it's kind of a straight beeline to Route 213," Skye said.

Ruki understood, they did have a long way to go, and they'd still get a good taste of what Sinnoh had to offer along the way.

After nearly six hours had passed of them both walking and stopping periodically to take short rests and snack breaks in between cities, they were slowly approaching Pastoria from Route 212, which was the last city they had to travel through. The sky was a darker shade of blue, meaning evening would soon be upon them.

As Skye traveled down Route 212, the grassy environment and the trees heavily populating it felt very refreshing to her. Ruki seemed very intrigued by it himself; she watched him often sniff the air, giving the surroundings his full attention. Skye just hoped that he didn't runoff. "Nearly there, Ruki. I know your paws are tired. My legs are killing me."

His paws were tired, but he was enjoying Sinnoh a lot so far. He entered Pastoria with Skye some minutes later, a vivid city with even more trees along its outskirts than Route 212 had. A few trainers walked along the grassy terrain, and multiple pokémon that Ruki hadn't seen before frolicked in the field.


He looked at Skye, who was far ahead of him. He barely realized that he'd stopped to sightsee, typical. Ruki trotted after her, catching up in no time.

"We'll have time for that later," she told him while walking toward the small city's exit. Skye just wanted to lie down on a soft surface for a few hours. She reached Pastoria's east exit pretty fast and entered Route 213. "Oh, it's a beach." Skye stopped for a moment to take out her map since she forgot which way the hotel was from here.

It gave Ruki time to paw at the sand beneath him and look beyond at the waves. They had plenty of both back home.

"So, north," she mumbled, turning and looking up from the map. Skye saw a small gray building. "There, that has to be it." Her eyes lit up once she saw it. She quickly made her way up the short flight of steps and entered with Ruki following behind. It was the lobby building where one would check-in. It looked just as classy, if not more so than the cruise ship. Skye went up to the wooden reception desk where an older woman wearing a formal navy blue colored uniform stood.

"Hello, do you have a reservation here?" she asked politely.

"Yes, it's under Skye." She'd let her parents reserve it for her over their home phone, so she assumed and hoped that they had put it under her name. She watched as the woman looked down at what seemed to be a long list on paper.

"Ah, I see it here."

And following that, Skye had to pay 15,000 pokédollars for a week's stay and received her suite key from the lady afterward.

"You are in the very first suite outside to the right. Enjoy your stay."

"Thank you," Skye said and walked past the desk outside with Ruki. She saw many suites resembling small homes out in the large courtyard, including hers to the far right. As she walked toward the blue suite, she noticed what looked to be a young male looking at her by another suite to the far left of hers. Skye couldn't make him out that clearly since it had gotten darker, and she couldn't be bothered right now. She unlocked the door as soon as she got to it and shut it behind Ruki, flipping on the light. The room was more spacious in comparison to the one on the ferry. It had a window across from the door shielded by a blue curtain; a bed tucked over to the left side of the room by the wall, a tall lamp by the bed, and a brown dresser and small restroom at the right of the room.

Skye went ahead and did what she'd wanted to do all day and threw herself onto the middle of the bed, lying on her stomach. It was one of the most satisfying feelings she'd experienced all day.

Ruki hopped up and lay beside her. He gave Skye her space, but he wanted to be close to her, at least.

She slowly slid her hand out from beside her and held his paw while looking over at him. "We'll do something tomorrow, Ruki, just let me rest for tonight."