Natural talents (commission for Teryx)

Story by Xyln on SoFurry

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#7 of Commissions

Asking your crush if he likes you back can be difficult, which is why turning to unconventional methods can feel like the right thing to do, sometimes. And dragons have unconventional methods of their own...

This story was commissioned by teryxc and it was really fun to write. Hope you'll all enjoy it!

"So... how long have you known this guy?"

Teryx grunted as he finished that rep and took a nice, deep breath in. With sweat on his forehead, the blue dragon turned to look at his coach, who was standing by the weightlifting bench, arms crossed and a knowing smile on his vulpine face. Music of an indeterminate genre filled the gym, its notes and sounds bouncing from wall to wall and making it impossible to discern the words being sung, if any. The strained groans and sounds coming from the other people that were exercising there didn't make it any easier, either.

"Few weeks... I think. Dunno. Why do you ask?"

"I'm just curious," the fox answered, shrugging. He handed Teryx a clean towel and the blue dragon used it to wipe his golden mane dry. "You've been coming here more often lately. Don't get me wrong - the more you're here, the better results you'll get and I couldn't be happier. I'm simply worried you're doing this only because of him."

"I am coming more often because of him, which doesn't mean I'm doing this because of him." Teryx pointed at the weights he'd just placed on the stand.

"I'm not sure I'm following you."

The blue dragon let out an impatient sigh, letting his eyes wander around the room.

"Do you have any idea how difficult it is to find the right moment to speak with him? Privately, I mean." He paused to drink some water before he added, "How am I supposed to sound him out if I never get the chance? That's why I'm here more often. I just lift weights because, er, otherwise it'd look weird."

"Oh. Okay, that makes a bit more sense," the fox agreed. Teryx guessed that his coach would have probably preferred his reasons to be less frivolous, but that was just how things were. "Do you think he's also interested in you at least?"

It was the dragon's time to shrug.

"I don't know! I mean, he must. I've approached him a few times already and he seems... receptive? But, you know. Maybe he simply doesn't have many friends and I'm jumping to conclusions."

"So, let me get this straight," the fox began, frowning. "You're coming here more often in the hope that you'll be somehow presented with the ideal situation to finally make a move?"

"It doesn't sound like such a good plan when you phrase it like that, but yeah, that's basically it" Teryx admitted.

The fox looked at him in disbelief for a few seconds and then chuckled.

"Alright. Good luck trying to get any results."

"Hey! I already got results. I got his name!" Teryx argued. He'd known his coach for some time now and he knew the fox liked teasing him from time to time, but those words had almost hurt his pride.

"A name is not a declaration of love, dragon."

"Wow. 'A declaration of love'?" Teryx smirked, as he leaned back on the bench. "Now, that's jumping to conclusions."

"Even if that's not what you want from him, lifting weights and waiting for a good chance to talk with him won't help you," his coach assured. He sat down at the foot of the bench, still grinning. "The time to make a move is now."

"Oh, sure. Next time I see him I'll go 'Hi! Teryx here. I think you're pretty cute. Wanna feel this rain dragon inside you?"

He laughed at his own joke, expecting his coach to laugh with him. However, the sound never came and he propped himself up with his elbows to check if something was wrong. The fox looked like he was deep in thought, but Teryx had no idea what was going through his mind.

"You know, those of your kind have certain... _tools_that'd make even something like that sound completely reasonable," his coach said, after a while. He was rather serious, as if he was really considering that option.

Unfortunately, Teryx still wasn't sure he knew what option that was.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, don't you dragons have a natural talent for..." It seemed as if the fox was struggling to find the right words now. "... fascinating and seducing other creatures?"

"Oh! That. Yeah, I guess you mean hypnosis." Teryx smiled, entertaining the idea for an instant. "Huh. Can't say I've tried that many times. I'm not very familiar with how it works."

"That's why it's called a natural talent, idiot, because you don't need to know about it," the fox explained, chuckling.

"So what are you suggesting? That I somehow find my hidden dragon instincts, hypnotize my crush and then just fuck him silly?" the dragon argued, tilting his head. "That almost sounds too easy. Won't it spoil the fun?"

"You don't have to go that far. You could just ask him if he likes you back when he's entranced and then... work from that with your usual flirty skills. No hypnosis involved once you find out you're not wasting your time. Easy."

"Hmmm." Teryx considered that plan for a few seconds. The idea of charming someone using both his raw dragon talents and his personal gifts was too appealing for him to disregard it quickly. "I like the way you think, Coach. I really like it. But I don't think I know enough about hypnosis to make it work and, in the unlikely event that things go wrong..."

He left the sentence hanging there and the fox looked back at him, as if expecting him to continue.

"Oh." His big furry tail swayed back and forth when he finally seemed to understand. "What you're saying is that you might need help with this."

Teryx grinned.

"Glad to know we're both on the same wavelength, Coach. I think I have an idea..."

* * *

With a little help, sometimes things were even easier. Teryx was certain that he would have been able to carry out his little plan without his coach - after all, the cunning fox had been right about his flirty skills and innate charm - but the rain dragon knew that rejecting an ally when they so willingly offered their help was silly. Besides, he had to admit he liked the idea of having a partner in crime. It made things more exciting, in a way, although the plan was already exciting enough as it was.

The dragon hummed one of the songs from the gym, feeling a bit absent-minded as he arranged all the stuff on his coffee table, trying to make the living room look slightly tidier. When he'd finished plumping the cushions on his couch he looked around and felt slightly proud. He'd found the perfect balance between informal and organized, which of course, was exactly what Dan was expecting.

Dan was the name of Teryx's current crush - Daniel, to be accurate, but the snow leopard had insisted on just being called Dan instead. The blue dragon had been trying to meet him in the gym for the last few days, but the cute feline had proven to be difficult to spot. When Teryx was about to throw in the towel and think of a different approach, he'd finally come across the big cat and he'd used all the tools at his disposal to set up the trap - or date, depending on the outcome. With his best charming smile he'd asked Dan if he had any plans for Friday and had casually mentioned that he and some friends were going to have a few drinks at his house and maybe go out later. The dragon had noticed the excitement in the snow leopard's face even before he asked him if he wanted to join them.

It had been easy. Way too easy.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?"

The loud noise startled Teryx and he let out an annoyed grunt, taking his hand to the earpiece that he'd carefully hidden in his ear a few minutes before. The blue dragon had bought it a long time ago for some reason - probably a Halloween costume - and now it was finally going to be useful for a change. It still amazed him that it was functional and that his coach's voice was coming out of it, loud and clear.

Maybe too loud, he thought, as he adjusted the volume.

"Yeah! I mean, four eyes see better than two," Teryx said, grinning.

He took an innocent-looking centerpiece that he'd left on a shelf while he cleaned and placed it on the dinner table. Hidden beneath some plastic leaves, a small digital camera was recording everything that happened on the other side of the room and, most importantly, it was focusing on the couch where he'd be talking to Dan once he arrived. His coach would be seeing everything that was going on from his home and would give him some directions in case he needed them.

But the fox, of course, saw things way more realistically.

"You know if we get caught we're in for trouble, right?" he was saying at that moment. "Don't get me wrong, I find this whole thing as exciting as you, but I'm worried you don't understand what we're dealing with. Besides, didn't he accept your invitation already? That's probably enough proof that he likes you."

"Here we go again," Teryx complained, rolling his eyes. "Or maybe he doesn't have many friends and wanted to meet some new people. That happens, too."

"I just think you're too willing to hypnotize the poor snep. Heh, not that I'm complaining, but..."

Teryx smirked and sat up on the couch, looking right at the camera. He crossed his arms behind his back and placed his feet on the coffee table, getting comfortable.

"Got a nice view of me, Coach?"

"Yeah. Did you hide the camera? Can you see it from your position?"

"Nope. And please, relax. Everything's going to be alright," Teryx rubbed the back of his head idly, claws sinking in his golden mane as he looked around the room, trying to spot any imperfections that he might have missed.

"I'm relaxed. I'm just making sure you're not too relaxed." The blue dragon rolled his eyes, but then his coach added, in a much more optimistic way, "Everything's good other than that. Picture's clear and I can hear every word you say."

"Perfect. Did you get a book on hypnotism that we can check in case we have any doubts? I wouldn't worry too much about it since, you know. But it's still good to have a backup plan."

"Good to see that you're not as relaxed about this as I thought," the fox noted. His voice sounded slightly calmer when he said those words.

"Well, you know," Teryx replied, yawning. "One can never be cautious enough."

But even though the dragon genuinely believed those words, he still found himself thinking that all that stuff - his coach, whatever book he'd found in the library - wasn't necessary. He was feeling extremely calm and confident, almost as if that situation was as common and easy as taking out the trash or changing clothes. If he tried to worry about it in an attempt to take things more seriously, he simply found that he couldn't and that silly smile that people usually wore to tell themselves there was nothing to worry about came to his face. I guess it's true that us dragons are naturals at this, he thought.

"Anyway, everything's good. You can relax. Now, to wait until he arrives."

"Yeah," Teryx agreed, closing his eyes and still feeling that smile on his face. "Can't wait..."

He must have dozed off after that since, at some point, the doorbell rang and he almost got startled. The dragon stood up and walked towards the door, rubbing his eyes and still feeling a bit sleepy. After all, it had been a long morning in the gym.

"Okay, he's here," he whispered, even though he was pretty sure his coach had heard the sudden noise. "Ready?"

"Yes. Let's hope we don't need your backup plan!"

Teryx chuckled softly, but he made sure to have a neutral look on his face when he opened the door and he faced the snow leopard.

Dan's tail was nervously moving back and forth as he stood outside, and although the blue dragon couldn't read his mind, he could immediately tell that his guest had been considering whether he should come or not. That's adorable, he thought, as he gave the feline a quick look again, almost like every single time he was near him.

In spite of visiting the gym regularly, the snow leopard wasn't as muscular as some other guys Teryx had met there, and that thick, cotton-like coat of fur covering his whole body made him look slightly softer, like fuzz on a tennis ball. He wasn't particularly tall either - well, maybe he was for a feline, but the blue dragon still towered above him with his seven feet of height. Despite that, Teryx had to admit that the snow leopard was one of the cutest cats he'd ever come across, small or big. He had a pair of round, deep blue eyes circled by darker fur and the pattern that covered his whole body - as far as Teryx could see - looked like it had been carefully designed to make him even more attractive. That was particularly noticeable in the snow leopard's head, where it enhanced all of his facial features, making the feline very easy and pleasant to look at.

It was no wonder that the blue dragon had taken a special interest on him.

"Uuh... hey. Can I come in?" Dan asked then. He looked slightly embarrassed, and Teryx wondered if he'd been staring down at him for too long.

"Sure! Sorry, I just woke up." The rain dragon turned towards the kitchen, his own tail excitedly swishing at his back. He glanced back at the snow leopard, who had entered the house and was now closing the door behind him, and added. "Er, I'm afraid you're the first, though. Hope you don't mind. Can I offer you something to drink?"

"A beer would be nice."

"Two beers it is, then."

The blue dragon didn't want to leave his guest unattended for long, so he just grabbed two cold bottles and walked towards the living room, making a sign to the snow leopard so that he'd sit down. Then, he handed him one of the bottles and let out a long sigh, sprawling on the couch. His guest still looked slightly tense so the blue dragon hoped that would help him loosen up a bit.

For a few seconds, none of them talked.

"So, Dan," Teryx began, after he took a sip from his beer. "It looks like you're a gym regular, but I only got to see you recently. Are you new in town?"

"Heh, no." Dan looked like he was considering whether to talk about it or not, and then he gave in. "I used to live here some time ago, but I left to study. I came back a few months ago, but... most of my friends are gone." He shrugged, looking slightly embarrassed, but now for completely different reasons.

"I see," Teryx said, resisting the urge to smile.

"Seems you were right," his coach said then. The blue dragon had completely forgotten about the fox listening everything and the sudden sound was about to ruin his cool façade. Fortunately, he managed to remain unbothered by taking a sip from his beer.

"So what is your plan tonight? I mean, what are we going to do later?" the snow leopard asked then, leaning back. The subtle movement didn't go unnoticed by Teryx. Not looking so tense now, he thought. He didn't know much theory about hypnosis, but he was certain that was a good sign.

He wasn't sure how to start, though.

Fortunately, his coach's words came at the right time. The blue dragon was again surprised by the fox's keen vision - even though he was probably looking at a bad quality video of what was going on in that room, he seemed to have noticed the slight change of attitude in his guest, too.

"Try to get him to relax more. Redirect his thoughts to how tired he must be and how good he must be feeling now. You don't need to it too overtly - just a few suggestions will do."

Teryx was about to nod, but he stopped himself right at the last moment. Those instructions made him feel as if he'd been riding a bike for most of his life without actually knowing how one was supposed to do it, but still, he found the words of his coach really useful. Now he knew what to do.

"Well, you know," he began. "There's no need to worry about that. I mean, we have nothing planned," he clarified, when Dan looked back at him, puzzled. "This is supposed to be a nice evening in which we can relax after a long week. Most of my friends hit the gym too when their jobs let them, so by Friday we're all feeling rather tired and ready to disconnect. You know what I mean?"

"Yeah, I can understand that feeling," Dan admitted. Even though there weren't any major changes in his expression, Teryx noticed that the tip of his tail was moving slower than usual, when mere minutes later it had been frantically swaying back and forth.

This must be going well, he thought.

"It's going well. Continue," his coach said.

"Gooood. That's basically it." Teryx made a short pause. It wasn't carefully-planned, but it felt like the right thing to do. "Lying on the couch for some hours, just chilling and feeling the cold bottle of beer in our hands. We don't think about what we'll do later because it'll simply happen, so why should we worry about it. It's better to just relax and let time fly by."

"You're doing a good job," the fox intervened. "Just keep talking about that stuff. Try to imagine how you'd feel if you were as relaxed as you want him to be and put that into words. You seem to know how to do that, so just keep going. You're using the right tone, by the way, so no need to worry about that. Just relax and help him relax."

Even though he hadn't planned it, the rain dragon could notice the change of tone and pace in his voice. It felt almost like his draconic instincts had kicked in and now he was letting them guide him through a path that he hadn't known until then, but that still felt awkwardly familiar. There was still a lot of stuff that he didn't know about, but he knew that was how his voice was supposed to sound - deep, soft, slightly commanding. It was almost like being about to growl all the time.

And the words he was supposed to say - they all sounded familiar, like he'd heard them before, but they had been locked or hidden until that particular moment. Now that he was letting them out, Teryx felt as if they'd been waiting there for a long time, somewhere in the back of his mind.

"Sounds like you guys meet to get stoned," Dan suggested then. The snow leopard wasn't being judgmental about that possibility or, at least, that's what Teryx thought. It didn't look like he could afford to be judgmental, either. His muscles had slackened a bit since the dragon had begun speaking and his grip on the bottle of beer was getting looser with every passing second.

When had it been the last time he'd drunk from it, anyway?

"You can use that," his coach said then. For a second, Teryx felt tempted to ask exactly what he was supposed to use, when he remembered again the last words Dan had said.

"Oh, not really. There's no need for that," the rain dragon continued. He could hear the deep resonance of his own voice and he thought it was really hot. "When you're relaxing with friends, lying on the couch and letting time fly by with nothing to worry about, you don't need to get high. If anything, it feels more like getting low because of how relaxed and comfortable you get. It feels so good."

"Damn. You're a natural at this," his coach noted, with a note of surprise. "If you keep things this way you'll soon put him under. It might be helpful to use some kind of imagery. There must be something he usually does and you're familiar with. Try to find that something."

Teryx didn't need to think about it for long. The answer soon came to his mind, clear as water.

"And it feels even better after a long week of exercise." He got slightly closer to the snow leopard as he spoke. Dan didn't react. He seemed to be looking at the blue dragon as he listened to his words - particularly at his amber eyes. Even though Teryx knew there was nothing special about them right at that moment, he wondered exactly what the snow leopard was seeing, if anything. Maybe he'd just been looking in that direction when the dragon had started speaking, and now he felt no need to move those pretty blue eyes anywhere else. "It feels even better when you've been feeling so tired and heavy from lifting weights and you can finally allow yourself to unwind and just stop worrying about anything. No need to think about other stuff than just being here, relaxing, right now."

Then, Dan nodded absent-mindedly. Teryx could feel a wave of pride washing over him as he watched the adorable snow leopard's face relaxing more and more. It was a good thing that the paw which Dan was holding the bottle with was resting on his stomach. Otherwise, he'd spilled the beer all over the dragon's couch.

"Okay. I think you're both relaxed already and he's slowly but steadily entering trance," the fox informed him. "You can guide him into obedience now. Start being subtle, like before, and then get more specific. You can use some imagery too if you want, or an example that's close to both of you."

But Teryx didn't need to be told that. He already knew. The dragon felt as if some kind of force was emanating from his body - an unknown aura or presence that was making things easier, way too easy. He felt so big and powerful as he watched his cute guest relaxing more and more with every word he said, all the previous tension evaporating until it was just a memory from the past. The certainty that he was slowly taking control of the feline's weak, drowsy mind was enough to already make him feel very excited. It felt a bit like hunting, if only hunters had enthralled their prey into submission before getting them. His long, white-tipped tail swung back and forth idly. Dan didn't break the heavy silence.

Teryx couldn't believe those instincts had been there from the very beginning and he'd just chosen to ignore them. He was about to change that situation soon. Very soon.

"And when you're feeling so relaxed and comfortable, it only makes sense to go with the flow," he continued. "So if you're just chilling with your friends, letting all those small, meaningless thoughts wander into oblivion as you listen to my voice, and they come up with a plan for the evening, it is very easy to just nod and agree with them because they're your friends and it's easy to trust them and accept their guidance."

Another nod. Teryx couldn't help but grin this time. Not that that woke Dan up from his lovely slumber. He didn't move an inch when the dragon got closer to him, either.

"And I'm your friend. Right, Dan?"

The snow leopard nodded again, his expression getting blanker with every passing second. Teryx wasn't even sure the feline knew what he was looking at now. Not that it was important, anyway.

"And you're feeling very relaxed and compliant. Right, Dan?"

The blue dragon waited for the expected nod before placing one of his hands on the snow leopard's chest. Dan merely let out a soft sigh as his body seemed to melt a bit more, but there was no reaction beyond that and the slow, obedient nod.

"I think he's in trance. Now that he's so suggestible, you can ask him questions and make him answer honestly," the fox said then. Teryx was starting to find all those pointless interruptions a bit annoying, and he almost wished he hadn't included him in that plan.

"You're going to be very honest with me, Dan." The blue dragon didn't ask it as a question this time. His instincts told him that the time for questions had already passed. Except for those, of course, whose answer he wanted to know. "You're going to answer my questions without hesitation, telling me exactly what you think, and you'll remain as relaxed as you are now. Do you understand?"

"... yes", came the sleepy voice of the snow leopard. Teryx thought it was adorable.

"Good. Do you like me, Dan?"

There was a brief silence before the blue dragon got his answer.

"... yes."

At that point, part of the regular, not-so-driven-by-instinct Teryx seemed to wake up somewhere.

"Really? Do you really like me?" he insisted, as if trying to make sure.

"I... like you... a lot..."

The answer made the blue dragon feel a quick succession of feelings. First, an innocent relief for knowing Dan felt the same way about him - then, a burning pride born from the fact that he'd managed to make the snow leopard confess something as private as that. On the other hand, the sight of the sleepy feline in front of him, limbs loose and limp as he breathed slowly, was beginning to arouse him. There was something about having such a cute guest in that particular state of mind that was really turning him on. Maybe it was the instincts his coach had talked about.

Maybe it was that he liked guys that way.

"Hey, congrats! See? Dan likes you too. And you guys make a great couple." Coach sounded happy for him, but the voice on his earpiece surprised Teryx again.

"Shut up," he grunted, maybe a bit roughly.

"Okay, okay. I'm just gonna leave you to it, heh. I just think it's nice that you got what you came for."

No, the blue dragon thought, eyes still fixed on the sleepy dragon in front of him.This is not enough. I want more. At that point, he wasn't sure if that was truly his own desire or he just wanted to contradict the voice in his head, which he was beginning to find very irritating.

"Listen to me, Dan," he said, never leaving that hot, seductive tone he'd fallen into so comfortably. "You're feeling so relaxed that you're just going to sleep now. And as you sleep, you'll find it veeeery easy to follow all my commands, because of how good you're feeling, and how much you trust me."

"Huh... dragon, what are you doing?" his coach asked. Teryx ignored him and continued toying with Dan's enthralled mind.

"Obeying me feels good and doing it feels natural. I want you to repeat those words now."

"Obeying you... feels good... doing it feels... natural..." the snow leopard repeated with a slow, drowsy voice. His mouth was hanging slightly open now, eyes glassy and his gaze as lost as his mind probably was at that point.

"Good. I have another question for you, kitten," Teryx stood up, adjusting his pants and licking his upper lip for a fraction of a second. He let his lustful gaze wander over the body of his guest, feeling a certain tightness between his legs. After a few seconds of consideration, he picked up the half-empty bottle of beer Dan had been drinking from and placed it on the table. "Do you want to pleasure your Master?"

"Wait, 'Master'? You haven't even told him to..."

"Yes... Master..." the snow leopard quietly muttered.

Teryx barely heard the surprised grunt at the other side of his earpiece.

"Good little kitten. Then kneel on the floor before your Master. I know the perfect way for you to pleasure this dragon."

Dan had been looking as motionless and slack as a rag doll until that very moment, but once he heard those words his body tensed and he slowly moved, following Teryx's commands. The blue dragon waited patiently until the snow leopard was exactly where he wanted him to be, and then he unbuttoned his pants. He'd expected his coach to overreact again, maybe shout something at him, but there was no sound coming from his earpiece. Maybe the boring fox had grown tired and, knowing that he was no longer needed, had decided to stop watching. Teryx didn't care.

If he was still observing, then they were going to give him a damn good show.

This time, the blue dragon didn't even need to use words. He just had to think about what he wanted Dan to do and the snow leopard leaned closer, pressing his already open muzzle to the obvious bulge in his underwear, taking a slightly desperate sniff. Teryx grinned, placing one of his hands between those adorable ears and pushing Dan's head harder against his shaft. The snow leopard rewarded him with a sleepy, submissive purr and the dragon's grin grew wider, enjoying his absolute control over the feline's suggestible brain. Everything was going according to plan and Teryx began humming that song again, the one he could never get out of his mind and that he didn't know where he'd heard first. If he'd been playing closer attention, he might have noticed that there was subtle music coming out of his earpiece, but he was too caught up in the moment.

He pulled down his underwear slowly, trying to tease whatever remained of Dan's conscious mind. The snow leopard let out another soft, compliant purr and it didn't take him long to put his mouth around Teryx's hard member now that it was fully on display. The blue dragon chuckled softly, but he had to stop once he felt the feline's expert tongue caressing every single inch of his dick, the warmth and pleasure almost stealing a soft moan from his lips. Whether Dan had been planning to confess his feelings or not, it was clear that Teryx wasn't the first guy he was pleasuring that way, and the dragon allowed himself to simply enjoy his expert attentions, giving into the lustful moment as well as his own, new-found powerful aura. He was loving every second of that unconventional first date.

Until his coach's voice came from the earpiece, rising above the subtle, soothing music and ruining the moment.

"What are you doing, Teryx?"

"Fuck..." The dragon closed his eyes, annoyed. He had completely forgotten about the fox watching the whole scene for a few wonderful seconds. "Can't you just shut up? I'm in the middle of something and I don't need you anyway."

He spoke with an aggressive growl hidden beneath his tone, but he didn't care. He was getting tired of the fox constantly interrupting.

"I don't think you understand," the voice at the other side of the earpiece said then, and Teryx let out an exasperated grunt. "What are you doing, Teryx? You should be serving your Coach."

Those words brought something back.

At first, the blue dragon believed it was some kind of stupid joke. At first, he thought that the fox was just trying to be clever, or sexy - that he simply wanted to be part of their horny fun. He found that idea absurd and slightly unappealing, so he immediately felt compelled to turn towards the camera, turn it off, remove the earpiece and finish that farce for good so that he could continue to enjoy his entranced guest. Those were exactly the things the blue dragon wanted to do, and the things he would have done if Coach hadn't said those specific words.

But those words had been said, so he stood there, motionless.

"W-what...?" he asked, puzzled. "What did you just..."

"I said you should be serving your Coach."

This time the words came more authoritatively and Teryx shivered a bit. There was... there was something weird happening to him. He could feel it, but he wasn't sure what it was, exactly. Those words, transmitted directly into his ear, were still swirling in his mind, and he could have sworn...

He could have sworn he should be serving Coach.

But that didn't make any sense. He was the one with the natural talent for hypnosis, wasn't he? And he was so powerful, and his draconic aura had completely subjugated the will of that cute cat, hadn't it? He looked down at Dan, who was still sucking his dick as expertly as when he had started. The snow leopard was still deeply hypnotized. He hadn't heard any of that, of course, and Teryx could still feel the hot pleasure of being blown by his crush, but...

Wait. His crush? No. For some reason, the blue dragon was beginning to think there was something wrong there.

"Heh. You always make the same face, dragon."

Dan wasn't his crush. Teryx wasn't sure how he knew that, but he did. The snow leopard was cute and all, and he might have liked him under other circumstances, but he wasn't the guy he'd been so interested in. Or maybe he was?

No. His crush had horns and was a bull, and he was huge but introverted. He was still closeted and Teryx had decided to help him with...

No. His crush was a wolf, he knew that for sure. He had a charming smile that could compete with his and had bought him a soda, so...

No. His crush had... a dorsal fin. Striped fur. Powerful hooves. Forked tongue. Pretty feathers. Hyena. Skunk. Red dragon. Lynx. Bear.

Snow leopard.

His mind felt as if it was trying to see the picture in a puzzle he was supposed to build, but anytime he got closer to completing it, he realized that he'd been using pieces from another puzzle and he had to start all over again. The effort to try and imagine all those pictures together was making it difficult to think, and Teryx let out a confused moan as he felt all the pieces falling to the ground, unrevealing.

He... he had a natural talent, didn't he?

"You're getting better," a voice echoed in his head, like thunder in the middle of a hurricane. Coach's voice. He must listen. "I'm really impressed. The first times you did this you were like a child trying to learn how to ride a bike. Of course, a fox's natural talent is to make the best of his resources, so I've been tuning you, refining you. And those instincts of yours have been getting amazing results lately. You managed to put him under like an expert. He will be really easy to recruit now, don't you think?"

"H... huuuuh... recruit...?" was all that Teryx could mutter in response. He wasn't even sure he was following at that point. Coach was speaking and he was listening, but that was all he knew.

"Of course. You haven't forgotten your role, have you?"

Had he? Teryx didn't know. At that point, his thoughts felt too heavy to even ask them for an answer. The fact that a very hypnotized snow leopard was on his knees, sucking his throbbing cock and sending waves of pleasure down his spine, didn't help either.

"Let me refresh your memory. Who are you, dragon?"

Again, those words seem to bring something back, like being awaken after a long night of sleep.

"I am Coach's Recruiter," Teryx's voice came out, monotone and devoid of emotion. Nobody would have been able to tell by his tone that someone's muzzle was buried between his legs. "Teryx is just a disguise. Recruiter is my true identity."

"That's right. State your role, Recruiter."

"I am Coach's Recruiter. I will recruit slaves for my Coach. I will hypnotize them for him. I must serve my Coach."

"Good. You didn't forget a single one this time. You're getting better at being hypnotized too, you know? The first few times, it was so difficult to make you believe that this whole plan was your idea. And you would need some, er, encouragement from me in order to function properly. But I think you're getting the hang of it now. Each of your crushes, each person you put under for me makes things clearer in your mind, right?"

Recruiter nodded slowly. Yes. It had been difficult to remember, but now that he was listening to Coach's words and that he'd been reminded of his role, there was no possible doubt.

He'd put so many crushes under already. He'd hypnotized them for Coach. He'd make them Coach's slaves. That was his purpose and that was the reason why he was there, to add another handsome slave to the list. And he'd keep on doing so, for as long as Coach asked him, because that was exactly what he had to do.

Because that was the purpose Coach had given him and he_must_ serve Coach.

"You've been having fun for a while. Enjoying your little trophy and reveling in the fantasy of making him your own slave. But you know that's not true, right? Is he your slave, Recruiter?"

"Recruiter's slaves are Coach's slaves," the blue dragon recited, automatically. His mind was lost somewhere else, in a place where repeating all those sentences that had been conditioned into his brain was easy. The illusion of Teryx was far gone.

"That's right. So now, you're going to finish that business between your legs as you repeat your purpose out loud. Coach wants to hear you state your role, Recruiter."

"I am Coach's Recruiter," the dragon began. The end of each of those sentences only meant the next one had to be said. There was no other option. "I will recruit slaves for my Coach. I will hypnotize them for him. I must serve my Coach. I will..."

"Good. Just keep repeating those words, Recruiter. Let them fill your mind as you serve your Coach. Let them become a part of you as you obey. Let them replace everything once you finally go over the edge and cum for your Coach."

"I am Coach's Recruiter. I will recruit slaves for my Coach. I will hypnotize them for him. I must serve my Coach. I..."

And Recruiter kept stating his purpose, over and over, feeling the hot pleasure intensifying, coming from the hypnotized snow leopard sucking his throbbing member. Even when he felt all of the sensations becoming too much for him to handle, the blue dragon just kept repeating the same words with the same tone, letting them do exactly what Coach had said they would. At some point, he began thrusting his hips a bit more violently - the need to "finish that business between his legs", as Coach had phrased it, getting to intense to ignore it any longer.

But the words kept coming out steadily and calmly, their own rhythm and tone never changing, not even when Recruiter felt himself getting closer and closer to orgasm and he erratically began fucking the snow leopard's face. The pleasure from the feline's mouth was too much, and the words he kept on repeating were swirling in his mind, and the absorbing music from the gym kept playing in a loop, and he was ready to go over the edge and cum for his Coach.

When the blue dragon finally came inside the snow leopard's mouth, his body trembled and he stopped repeating the words, but Teryx didn't come back. Not even after his former crush had licked his dick clean and went back to his inactive, enthralled state in which he was simply waiting for orders.

Of course, Recruiter had fallen just in the same state his slave had. Nobody had expected Teryx to come back. Not yet, at least. Not until he was useful.

Coach chuckled at the other side of the earpiece.

"Good. Now put your clothes on and come to my house. I think it's time for introductions..."