Riff Raff Part 3 - Time

Story by Lykos Bane on SoFurry

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The final part of the Riff Raff trilogy. The narrator runs into trouble trying to prevent the past from being changed.

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Note: This is the final part of the Riff Raff Trilogy. This series takes place in the same universe as DUI, but follows the old 'bad' ending. It is the reason Roland is in prison.

Warning: Your warning goes here.

Time By Lykos Bane

Something stinks.

I can't figure out what it is. It holds a heavy odor that only hints at fur. Mostly, it reminds me of burning rubber. It makes me gag and hold my breath. I rub at my nose as I sit up, only to feel a sharp sting where my arm bends. My other paw quickly catches my elbow, only to find the area void of fur. The flesh feels sensitive, definitely burned.

My recent ordeal rushes back to me and I open my eyes with a start, "Joe!"

That's about all I get out before I turn to my side and heave. My guts feel as if god has turned my insides into silly putty and given it to a pup. I fall to my side and moan as reality's heavy paw crashes down upon my head. It is a bad case of time sickness.

Either that or this is what death feels like.

I pant heavily, controlling my tremulous insides. A dull thud in the back of my skull reminds me that I am still alive as my head continues to spin in circles. I sit up once again and look around through squinting eyes.

At first I think I may have survived the explosion and lay somewhere under the rubble. The dizziness and lack of breath could easily be written off as a concussion. I'm sure something big and heavy hit my head and I'm lying in my tomb. The room is dark. I feel along the floor to all sides and find it clean. No rubble. I wasn't buried under the remains of my warehouse.

Then where? I saw the explosion. I'm obviously burnt, at least a bit. I move my arm again, feeling the singed flesh sing of their woes. I saw it all go up. Had the machine worked in time? Did it work? Am I 30 years in the past?

I stand up with a bit too much excitement and feel the sting in my arm again. My head decides to join the fray and start spinning again. I catch myself against a locker, the cool metal taking a moment to register in my mind. It isn't a rubble made tomb...but a locker room.

My paws trace the locker door, feeling down over the lock and the clasp that holds it closed. The spinning in my head slowly comes to an end and I manage to regain my bearings. I quickly run my paws over my form, looking for any other wounds. I only find the patch of charred fur on my elbow. I guess I nearly did escape from the explosion completely unharmed.

Now I can focus on more pressing matters. Like where the hell am I? The chill of the room quickly fills my form, causing me to shiver, only reminding me of how naked I am.

I start feeling my way through the dark until I hear the click of a door. My heart stops as I see a light grow on the wall close to me. As it spreads, it outlines a door. Light floods the locker room when the door opens. I dart behind the last row of lockers. Regardless of where I am, the last thing these people need to see is an old, naked wolf. What the fuck would I tell them?

I kneel in the darkness and peer out as two figures move into the still dark room. Another click and I'm blinded by bright florescent lights. I haven't seen florescent lights in at least fifteen years. As my vision clears, I watch what appears to be guards enter the room.

"Damn, I'm glad we're getting off early today," the first one said, a crocodile by the looks of it. I hadn't seen one of them for a while either.

"Fuck yeah," the other, a smaller otter, replied. "This place just makes you feel dirty."

"You said it," the croc replies, already starting to undo the buttons of his blue uniform shirt. He hangs his shirt on a hook in the nearest locker. The otter does the same.

Both strip completely. Maybe it wouldn't have been so odd for them to run into an old, naked wolf. I watch them until they disappear into the shower stalls on the opposite side of the locker room, leaving me alone. They both leave their lockers open.

I wait a couple minutes before I slip from my spot and silently creep to the open locker. I do have to go incognito after all. I have to get in there and stop Riff. The otter's uniform is obviously too small. Like a wolf could ever wear an otter's clothing. The crocodile's outfit appears more my size.

I slip it on easily enough. It is actually a bit too large, but it will serve its purpose. I could blend in a lot easier if I look like everyone else. Hopefully no one looks down at my feet. The clothes might fit, but there isn't a chance of the croc's small shoes fitting me. After adjusting the clothes, I leave the locker room. Even though I had some control over time, there is never enough of it to lose.

I glance out the door and look up and down the dark hall. Cold linoleum stretches out to each side, matching the white washed walls. I'm still not sure if I was sent to the right place. There are no signs of it being a prison other than the two males I just watched strip.

The chill of the floor travels into my foot paws. I splay my toes to prevent them from making too much noise on the linoleum. My mind is completely lost, disorients and dizzy. I blindly wander the hall in search of some sign of where I am.

I nearly jump from my fur when I collide with a large lion. He is dressed differently, sporting a white button up shirt and black pants. The feline must have been higher up in the command. He regards me like I did him.

Fuck! I thought. I am certain I am caught.

The silence continues for an uncomfortable length of time before the lion grunted, "You're the new guy."

I wasn't much older than him if I even was older. I don't know how to answer so I nod my head. This gets a laugh from the gentleman.

"You seem lost," the feline replies, patting my shoulder reassuringly. "It happens to the best of us. Hell, I still get lost myself. Just when you think you know this prison, another corridor appears."

My ears perk. Prison? Am I here?

I find my voice, "I am looking for...ummm..."

The lion grins at me, "You're Raff right?"

I slip into the role quickly and nod my head, "Riff, sir."

The lion laughs again, "It's Mike. Sir makes me feel old." He nods his head, "Riff...That's right. You're supposed to be in solitary."

This is it! I got lucky. He even thinks I'm Riff. This might turn out to be easier than I thought. I got a good dose of confidence from this conversation.

"Where exactly is that?" I give a friendly chuckle, "I'm completely lost here."

He points in the opposite direction, "That way."

I nod to him and grin, "Thanks, Mike."

I turn away and quickly make my leave before my cover is blown. I slide my feet along the floor so the pants wouldn't lift much and show off my bare feet. There were no unwanted questions about my missing shoes, so Mike hadn't seen anything. I shuffle my feet quicker until I am out of sight.

It doesn't take much searching to find the Solitary wing. I stop outside the door and gather myself. What if I go through there and find Roland already dead? What if the older Riff is already attacking him? What if I run into the younger Riff?

There are so many scenarios running through my mind. Standing around and doing nothing isn't one of them. I exhale slowly and prepare myself for what is to come. I know the bastard rapes my friend, but I can't let Riff follow through. Full of dread at what I'll find, I pull the knob and push open the door.

The hallway is lined with barred cells, sectioned off with solid walls between them. It is quite an open area to serve as solitary, but most of the cells are empty. I see no signs of life in any of the first few cells. A sign in sheet hangs from the wall to the left of me. It contains a list of names and a place for the guard to sign after making sure everything is in order.

Roland's name is the only one on the list. He is at the end of the hall. The sheet is still blank so Riff hasn't been through yet. At least the younger Riff hasn't yet. The older Riff wouldn't sign the paper. I let the clipboard fall from my paw to smack against the wall

I call out, "Hello?"

There is no answer. I begin to get nervous. I don't want to get to the end of this hall and find a dead body. Roland still must be alive. I call out again, "Roland?"

This time the silence is sliced through by the sound of a grunted whine. My ears perk when I hear the sound. It is one of distress and panic. My feet are moving before I even know what is going on. Roland is in the last cell as I expected. He is bent over and clutching at his throat.

Roland Johnson is gripping his throat as if he can't breath. He appears to be chocking on something. I am too late. I got here in time to see this wolf die. My eyes dart all around me in search of a lever or switch or something that will open this door. The guard station is at the end of the hall, two cell lengths from where I stand.

The buttons are on the main panel, under the words 'Cell Release'. There are six in all, probably to trigger each of the six cells. I don't have time to guess, so I push them all. I hear a low buzz as the releases engage and all the cells open up.

I run back to Roland's cell, hoping I'm not too late. My mind triggers something strange when I am going back. Where is Riff? If Roland is choking, Riff would have had to be there to cause it, right? I slow in my return. Maybe food, or something else, but if he's choking, then how does he still rape Riff?

I come to my conclusion about the same time a strong paw closes around my muzzle.

Riff had been tricked by the same thing. It's how Roland got him into the cell in the first place. Roland tricked the younger wolf by pretending to choke. Riff tries to help, only to get pulled in. Much like me.

I stumble into the cell and hit the sink on the other side. I hit my left paw pretty hard and grunt. The joints tense as my arthritis gnarls the fingers suddenly. I let out a yelp, more of surprise than pain.

Roland snickers and comes after me. I move to the side as he tries to pin me to the sink. My foot hooks on the frame of the cot and I fall onto it. The stench of this wolf is strong here and my stomach churns as I realize my paws are wet. The sick fuck apparently marks his own bed.

That realization only helps me to push from the bed that much faster. Roland turns to face me and grins almost madly. I push my back up against the bars and growl at him. It doesn't seem to phase the wolf either. He quickly starts to close the distance between us.

When there is about two feet between our muzzles, we both hear the main door to the wing swing open. Both our attention turns to the end of the hall. From where we are, we can just make out the form of a wolf.

It doesn't take long for me to realize who it is. Roland continues to watch quietly. He isn't a dumb wolf, I'll give him that. He probably figures he could take one of us, but not two. That would just be trouble and probably more disciplinary measures that he doesn't want. He stays put.

Neither of us makes a move. The younger version of my friend looks nervous as he walks down the hall, doing his rounds. The wolf's ears were at angles, a pose worn by pups to try and show that they're not nervous. He is a guard after all. He has to hold himself like one.

He is coming closer. I don't want to have this encounter. The wolf is completely different. It would just be weird talking to young Riff. Creepy, you know? My paw goes for my watch, ready to push the button to call the machine.

Now this is where the time travel gets complicated. We couldn't think of a better way to get back than a basic radio code. Send out a signal that floats in empty space until the computer receiver in the present finds it. It wasn't so risky with the 10 second jumps. Or even the 30 day jumps since the machine already existed in the time we jumped to. The computer picks up the signal and triggers the return procedure when necessary. To the machine, it seems that the signal has been bouncing around from the moment it was broadcast. To the traveler, it feels instantaneous.

This signal is going to have to bounce around for about thirty years.

Then it hits me. The machine is destroyed. There is no time machine in my future. There will be no machine to get the signal. I'm not going back. I am stuck right where I am.

Another lupine form catches my attention, bringing me from my thoughts as it slips from an adjacent cell. My jaw drops when I saw the form of my missing friend. He intercepts the younger guard, who nearly jumps out of his pelt.

"What the...?" The young guard calls out.

Before another word can slip from the frightened wolf's lips, a paw clamps over it. He is met with the strong gaze of his much older counterpart. There is something too surreal about seeing them like this. They are close enough to be watched and it is easy to see that the younger male doesn't recognize his older self. Who would after thirty years of aging?

The young wolf looks absolutely terrified. His ears are pinned down against his head. The trapped lupine struggles a moment later and pushes back against his attacker, shoving with both his head and his paws. He knows better than to get pinned.

Elation and hunger flash across the older wolf's face. He had an almost frightening intensity in his eyes as he looks upon his younger self. The controlling lupine has no problems making the right decision against the struggling. He grips the wrists, releasing the muzzle to do this.

"Who the fuck are you?" The guard almost yelps the question. "You're not supposed to be here." The younger wolf struggles, trying to get his paws free. He tugs at the grip from his older counterpart. The guard leans his head back and calls out. "Help!"

"Shut up if you want to keep them..." I heard the older wolf growl a warning as he works both wrists into one paw, which frees one to grope the younger wolf firmly.

The guard tenses up and let out a very puppy sounding whine. I am glued to the scene, completely forgetting about Roland. It seems he forgot about me as well. There's no way he can know, but I know exactly what is going on.

Riff just threatened to castrate himself.

Riff had himself pinned against the bars. The guard struggles against the older wolf's grip. To the young Riff and Roland, the older wolf looks to be another convict. Then again, to them I look like a guard.

That means I can put a stop to this as well. Riff looks like he's completely lost it. He might not have handled the extensive time travel so well. There's no telling what kind of psychological damage such a thing can do. I'd rather he killed Roland than himself.

I start to move, but my path is blocked by a strong arm. I hear the growl a moment later, "Stay." My legs don't move and I don't try to move away. His voice is dead serious...and I know he is dangerous. The guy murdered someone for fucks sake. And he must have done something else afterwards to get put in solitary. "Let's see how this unfolds." I think my ears even flick back when I don't move, except to cringe in disgust when his tongue slithers into one.

I hear another whine and catch sight of the younger Riff still struggling with his captor. I hear the older Riff growl before his paw slowly start to rub between the guard's legs causing the pup to start panting.

"Mmmm," the 'convict' growls into the guard's face. "It feels like you're enjoying this."

"Let...me...go," the young guard says back, finding a bit of courage somewhere.

The 'convict' Riff flashes a grin at that, his paw slowing, "I don't think you really want me to, little boy."

He's intentionally hitting all the buttons that riles Riff. You, yourself, know what really sets you off. It seems the older wolf is up to something. Then it all comes into focus for me as well. It all falls into place and I feel so stupid.

Riff hasn't come back to kill Roland. Riff hasn't come back to do anything to Roland. He came back for himself. He's preventing himself from being raped.

By raping himself?

It doesn't make sense. What will that change? The pup will still be raped.

Then everything changes. The guard suddenly snaps forward, enraged at the convicts use of 'little boy'. Young Riff fought back against Roland, so why wouldn't he fight back now? He pushes against the larger, older wolf and sends his jaws for my older friend's face. The older male could have completely avoided the attack without much movement, but he plays into it and releases the young guard.

Riff stumbles back and nearly falls to the ground, but catches himself. It's all a show. I watch the younger wolf charge towards Riff as the older wolf gets into a better stance. My friend takes the full force of the pounce and falls back into the bars on the other side of the hallway.

Riff spits in the younger Riff's face, "Trying to show me I'm wrong, little boy?"

The guard snarls, "I'll show you boy..."

Sometimes, we mammals reach a point where a feral, untamed side comes out. We let nature take over and lose ourselves. Some call it hormones, others lust, but it all leads to the same thing. What we had here is a classic, natural show of dominance. Watch any pack of canines.

Needless to say, I'm not in the least bit surprised when the guard's pants fell to his ankles, his form keeping my friend pinned to the bars. The young guard is sporting a sizeable length that pushes against the older wolf's belly. Riff squirms against the bars as if trying to get away from his younger half.

"What the fuck, you sick bastard," Riff says. I could hear the faux taunts from the older wolf's muzzle.

However, I am surprised when Roland's hot breath blows into my ear again and he growls, "Fuck... Look at that..." Again, I find myself listening to this...trash. It's not like I wasn't looking before, so this time, I'm really not obeying. The stench of male musk hits my nose and I realize that Roland is aroused. He had only planned to rape the guard and leave, but now he's getting a show. I feel his bulge press against my hip and when I turn to look at it, he growls to me, "I said to watch..."

My eyes return to the scene. The older Riff pushes again the younger Riff, attempting to get away. The younger male snarls and pushes Riff more firmly again the bars. The guard sent his paw into the older Riff's belly, forcing the air from him.

It looks like the older Riff didn't anticipate that! His knees buckle and he falls to his knees, gasping for air. With his arms hugging him, he leans forward attempting to go into a fetal position at the pain, pushing right into the younger wolf's groin.

I don't think he is acting anymore.

"That's it," the guard snickers. "Pup."

The younger Riff rolls his hips and mashes his heavy sheath against the older male's nose. The older Riff gasps as a paw holds his head in place, allowing his younger form to lewdly grind his musky flesh against my friend's muzzle.

"Open your muzzle, you piece of shit," the young guard spits down at...himself. He obviously doesn't recognize it. The older Riff splays his ears and slowly opens his muzzle, only to have it filled with the young wolf's balls. The younger Riff lets out a satisfied moan, slowly rocking his hips.

"That guard's got good ideas," Roland rumbled. "I thought he'd have been the one to fall for my trap." I felt his paw close around my wrist and lift it from my side. A moment later, it is full of the murderer's heavy balls, "Guess you'll have to do."

My jaw drops! My attention pulls away from the scene to look right at Roland. I try to pull my paw away, but his wrist keeps a firm hold. He really is an intimidating guy. His eyes narrows and he growls deeply.

"I didn't tell you to stop," the larger wolf growls to me.

I can't do anything. I am frozen under this...predator's gaze. In that moment it comes down to that natural reaction I mentioned earlier. Instinct tells me to submit. My body does the same. In one, natural movement, my ears splay, I look away, and my paw clutches his balls.

I've always been a very top wolf. My pride always swells when I keep control of a situation. Whenever I am involved with someone sexually, I'd make it a point to be the one satisfied.

Now, I could feel his satisfaction at my submission as it grew along my forearm. I couldn't help but blush. My ears fill with a deep red that the murderer doesn't miss. I hear him snicker and then hump his hips. The thickness that pushes from his sheath rubs through the fur on my forearm.

When I glance away from Roland's strong gaze, my eyes lands upon the two Riff's again. I see that the younger Riff is now much harder and is slowly sliding a thick cock in and out of his older self's muzzle. Drool is running from the sides of the kneeling convict's muzzle as the cock continues to saw into his muzzle.

"Stand up...boy," the younger wolf stands back and snarls at the older one. When the older wolf hesitates, a quick slap to the side of his muzzle gets his attention, "I said stand!"

The older Riff stands quickly after the hit, his tail actually tucking between his legs. The guard doesn't give him another order. I see the younger wolf rip the convict's pants down, releasing the older wolf's heavy sheath. His cock is already out and throbbing. There honestly isn't much difference between the two after thirty years.

The orange pants from the prison suit is taken off the older wolf and discarded without any thought. My own cock suddenly feels the same freedom and I realize why when Roland's voice comes back to my ear.

"You little guard slut," the murderer snickers, taking a firm grip of my thick tool. My back arches as the pressure closes on it. I almost gasp, but catch the sound by snapping my muzzle closed. I can't be caught. At least that's what I tell myself.

When I look back at Roland, the convict is grinning again. He notices my apprehension at making noise. The wolf looks over at the Riffs then back at me, noting how I keep trying to stay quiet. He starts to stroke me.

"Oh," the murderer slowly nods his head. "I get it now. You're not supposed to be here. You seemed uncomfortable when the younger guard came in. And now you're fighting not to moan."

My paw slips up his body as my fingers move away from his balls. They catch on the length of lupine flesh that had been leaking onto my forearm. My fingers once again curl. When I splay my ears, the wolf knows he is correct.

"Your secret will stay safe with me," the murderer snickers.

By that moment, I am lost to this male. His scent is so outrageously intoxicating. I feel like I am floating as I am carried across the cell, away from the bars. My pants are left by the open cell door as I follow the predator into his den.

I stand quietly by the bed as the wolf leans in and starts to nibble over my neck. There is nothing I can do but fight the moan that rises in my throat. With a tilt of my head, I offer more of my neck to this monster. The blue shirt slips off my shoulders, leaving me completely nude.

In my daze, it feels like he is being gentle, but that is far from the truth. As I am stripped from my costume, I feel a firm shove that sends me onto the bed. It takes a moment, but I soon feel the wetness again. The strong odor only helps to prove that the convict's scent is soaking into my fur.

I start to push up from the bed. It is one thing to submit to another male, but to be marked by them just isn't going to happen. Roland thinks differently and shoves a foot against my side, turning me over. My back hits the mattress and starts to soak up the mark in the bed.

Roland snarls down at me, his voice quiet, "Mmmm...good..."

He looks over my nude body before he moves onto the bed. He hooks my leg and lifts it over his shoulder before he straddles my other leg. This leaves me nearly on my side with a very amorous wolf mounting me. The murderer's length slips up along my thigh as if it follows some unseen trail to push under my tail.

"Guess you older guards lose all your bite, eh?" Roland teases, "I'd expect more fight out of you. That pup gave more of a fight." He growls as he flexes his hips, his tapered tip threatening to push into me, leaking his claim onto such an intimate target of my anatomy, "That would be why he isn't getting fucked right now."

These words trigger something in my mind. This is how things should have been. The younger Riff should have mounted the convict, as he is now. That's just what the old Riff is supplying. He is nurturing the top in the younger male instead of breaking it, as Roland would have.

The exact thing the murderer is about to do to me.

My attention goes back to the Riffs. My friend's legs are draped over the younger guard's hips with his back pressed firmly against the bars. The younger Riff's jaws are closed tightly around my friend's neck, holding him so possessively.

I couldn't take my eyes off of it. The sight of the older Riff being mounted by his younger self is still an amazing sight. By the position of the guard's hips, I can tell that my friend is just as mounted as I now am.

Riff and I are taken by our respective studs. I watch as the young guard's rump flexes and drives his heavy dick into...himself. Riff's moans come to my ears as I hear the grunts from the rutting younger wolf.

My muzzle splits in a silent moan as Roland slips into me. I throw my paws up to push at the wolf's chest while my leg hooks tighter over his shoulder as it tries to pull down. I remain quiet even though the penetration hurt like hell. I haven't been taken in over twenty years and here I am accepting my submission to this convicted murderer.

To him, I am a guard. There is some sense of incredible power this piece of trash is feeling...as he fucks me. He's become the authoritarian over an authority figure.

My gaze remains away from him and I can practically smell the pleasure it brings to Roland. If you're not a lupine, you may not understand, but it is the ultimate sign of submission. We were both wolves. We both understood.

I understood.

There is no resistance when his jaws close around my neck. My head tilts back when he bites down, pushing my ears into the wet padding of his cot. I almost whine, but bite my tongue. I've held many like this in my long life time and no matter who they were, a part of my mind always looks at them as the bitch.

My breath hinged in my throat when Roland pulls back. His thick length vacates my once unused passage. With a grunt, he suddenly thrusts back in again, grinding my back into his mark. The sensations that rush through me are overwhelming. I let off a soft moan when his heavy balls are squashed against the underside of my tail.

I am no longer struggling. I am beaten. This is no longer rape. Before I know it, Roland's thrusting has me rocking with a rhythm set by the stronger wolf. The paw pushing at his chest suddenly clenches up, the fingers entwining with the fur in a death like grip. The murderer growls at that, thinking my arthritis is me giving in more. It is almost like I am holding on for the ride. I can't let go and it only drives the stronger wolf on.

The yelp caught both of us by surprise. Roland releases my neck, mid stroke with his hips and looks over with my paw still clutching his chest. My gaze lands on the two Riffs. We watch in silence, the murderer's leaking cock half inside me.

The older Riff is now down on his knees, the younger one standing over him. He wears an almost vicious snarl. This is not a Riff I know, nor would I care to know. I wonder if the older Riff's show of submission is still an act, or if the nurturing ended sometime after the guard pushed into him.

"Get on all fours, bitch," the guard Riff said in a very demanding tone.

The convict Riff quickly obeys and turns his nude form over onto all fours.

"Get that tail up!"

Riff's tail springs straight up, the tip tilting a little to the side.

"Legs spread and ass out," the young stud said, placing a foot on Riff's ass before he pushes forward firmly.

Riff's muzzle kisses the floor, but only for a second. My friend quickly pushes his ass out towards the young guard and spread his legs to put his heavy balls and incredibly hard dick on display. He looks like he's presenting.

The young Riff gazes over his prize with a look of pride. This is how the original encounter should have gone. The guard should have beaten the murderer and should have put the older male in his place. I am witnessing the Riff that was stolen so many years ago.

I witness the younger stud slip up behind my dominated friend and grip his hips tightly. His cock tip trembles as it slips under the older convict's tail from behind. The older wolf bows his head and clutches at the ground, only to arch his back and moan as he is penetrated.

Riff begins to fuck himself again. It is like watching the oddest form of masturbation or the most taboo of incest. The young stud doesn't stop until he is grinding his lap against the convict's ass. The guard doesn't waste a moment in taking a firm grip on the older wolf's neck.

"Mmmm," Roland growled, "I look forward to having a go at that guard."

Before I can reply, the scene spun from my vision. I find myself empty of Roland's length and being turned over. My paw is torn from his chest, the fingers giving up their grip as they start to relax again. The murderer had no trouble turning my compliant form over. He is a bit rough about it. Roland's paw closes firmly over the white furred X that crosses my muzzle and drags it down until my nose is buried in his scent. In no time, my nose is sinking into the folds of his piss soaked pillow.

His weight comes down upon me like a ton of bricks. I try to support him, but fail miserably. Soon my stomach, as well as my hard dick, is soaking in the Roland's scent. Now, not only did my back smell of this wolf, but so did my front.

The vile trash.

My back arches and presses against his belly when he lay over me and took another hold of my scruff. The wolf doesn't waste any time and sinks fully under my tail once more. This time, when his hips come to press against my rump, I feel his balls sway forward to grind against mine through my slightly spread legs.

I am motionless and silent, muzzle open in a silent moan again. I keep quiet as Roland wastes no time in starting to rut me again. I let it happen. I let the wolf breed me like that, like some female. His paws come down to pin my arms to my sides as he releases my neck. He rests his muzzle between my ears and I can feel the drool running from the horny male's muzzle.

"That's it," Roland moans as his hips continue their beat, rocking me under him, rubbing me against his scent. "Accept it...We're going to be seeing a lot of each other."

The base of Roland's cock begins to swell outward, showing signs of a knot. His thrusts begin to grow erratic. It adds a slight frenzy to the controlling wolf's actions. I start to feel more of the knot. My ears pin against my head, but there is nothing I can do.

"Can you feel it?" Roland asks, making sure to grind his knot against my stretched tail hole. "I'm going to tie with you, my little guard. Just like a bitch." His tongue licks my ear, "You hear that? You're my bitch." The wolf starts to just grind his hips against my ass, threatening to push his knot in. He is playing with me.

Now I know what kinds of things he is saying to Riff when he raped him originally. My ears splay. No one ties me. I am no one's bitch. Never have been and never will be.

Then why am I whimpering under his large form? Why am I allowing him to do this? Why am I hard? I can only blush at the teasing words as Roland slips back, only to thrust in again.

"Say it." The wolf growls into my ear as he grinds himself against my ass, making sure I feel every inch of him move within me, "You're my bitch." His voice is breathless, "Say it."

I let out a soft whine before my muzzle moves. I hear my voice. I close my eyes and relax under him, knowing there is no going back from this.

"I'm your bitch."

My words hang in the air, repeating in my brain, as I feel his hot breath on my scruff again. They taunt me as his jaws close upon my scruff. The words brand themselves to my brain as my hips lift from the bed and I am taken into a better 'bitch' position for the superior male behind me. They became true when his knot sank past my defenses and into me.

As I am tied for the first time, my gaze lands upon the Riffs again. My entire form goes cold when my gaze is met by my friend. The older Riff grins widely, flashing a wink, seemingly oblivious to the younger guard that is pounding against him from behind.

My jaw drops before my entire form goes still. Roland claims his bitch while Riff watches. His eyes never leave us as the murderer fills me with his vile seed. His grin only grows as Roland's hips grind against my ass.

I feel every jerk and spray of that hot seed being pumped into me. It sears into my very being. I had just been put in my place. I feel disgusting and used by the convict who, even now, is unloading his balls into me.

I felt like Riff.

Finally, Roland grunts and relaxes over me. My hips slump to the bed, once again pressing into the wet cot. The murderer releases my neck and pants hard. We just lay there. My eyes leave Riff as he continues to grin.

I barely even react when the guard howls out his pleasure. My mind processes the significance of it, but I'll be damned if I even give a shit. My eyes still open to watch as the young Riff floods the older Riff's insides. The howl is one of conquest. The young wolf is no submissive male. The older wolf made sure of that.

Everything goes quiet after that. I hear gentle mumbles from the two Riffs as they disengaged. Then I hear nothing again except heavy breathing. I nudge Roland who wakes with a soft grunt. I quickly close my eyes, pretending to be asleep. My body tenses as he withdraws from me slowly, his knot barely able to pull out. It does and he moves off of the cot.

Through squinted eyes, I watch as the murderer grabs the uniform I had been wearing and slips it on. It fit him a bit better than it fit me. He looks at himself, then glances back at me.

"Mmmm...thanks for the good fuck," Roland says with a slight sneer on his muzzle. "Thanks for the new outfit too. You're definitely a good bitch." He nods once before he slips from the cell and is gone.

Just like that, Roland Johnson escapes from prison.

The cell remains quiet as I remain upon the cot. All I can smell is Roland. All I can think about is what had just happened. My ass aches and my mind just spins. I am ashamed and turned on at the same time.

What is wrong with me?

"Enjoyed that huh?"

I come back to myself suddenly, my gaze locking firmly upon my friend. He talks quietly while the younger him snoozes away in post coital bliss. Riff is slipping out of the convict clothes as he grins at me.

"What?" I growl back, sitting up. My cock pushes firmly against my belly.

"You enjoyed that," Riff repeats, nodding towards my groin. "You're his bitch."

I just growls to my friend, "What the fuck is going on?"

"Nice smile," Riff snickers and stands there naked, unashamed of having just been fucked so fully by himself. His flicking tongue brings my attention to his missing tooth, as if to remind me of how he lost it when fighting back against Roland. I did no such thing, so I didn't lose the tooth.

"Did you enjoy being watched? As much as you enjoyed watching me?" Riff continues with a slightly angry sound in his voice. He knows about me watching him! "You fell for it."

I shook my head, "Fell for what? I came back to stop you from killing Roland."

"Moi?" Riff sounds offended, "Like I could kill a wolf. I never intended to even interact with Roland. You read too much into my little note."

"Don't you know how dangerous this was? We don't know what kind of damage we could cause tampering with events in the past. We still don't know the limitations of the machine. Your little stunt blew up the complex!"

Riff brought a finger to his muzzle and softly hissed, "Shhhh...We don't want to wake me up."

I glance at the younger Riff as the older one slips into the cell with me.

"We didn't tamper with shit," Riff said, grinning, "When I first got raped by Roland, I was embarrassed and ashamed of myself. It was wrong. It was disgusting. But there was no denying how it felt." Riff snickers and gives my still hard cock a teasing grip, getting a gasp from me, "I found I enjoyed it as much as you did..."

I could only blush as he continued.

"Roland still rapes a guard and escapes. That will explain the missing guard uniform as well," my friend shrugs and grins at me. "It just wasn't the young me that got raped. So you see...we didn't tamper with much of anything."

I growl a bit at him after a moment, "But it has. You were never raped. You won't get your money."

Riff snickers again and points to the camera, "Oh, but I will. There's still evidence of it. I turned the camera before you got here. All they'll be able to see is a wolf guard getting raped by a convict, sans the head of course. Just a bit of tape editing and it'll be all good to go. I tell my charming self over there what to do and things will work just fine. As soon as he wakes up, we're going to have a quick talk. You'll see when you return."

I growl again, "What do you mean when I return?!" My voice is rising, so I catch myself and pant softly. I lift my watch and push the button on the side. Nothing happens. "Your little stunt destroys the machine. It is too much power to send two people back so far."

Riff grins again, his head tilting, "Oh...but you're not thinking right. If one of us never goes back, then the machine would still be working right?"

I am confused and he can see that. He snickers and leans in, "This is it, wolf. You won't see me like this anymore..." I perk my ears, even more confused than ever now, "I'm not going back."

"What?!" I am shocked. He has to be crazy, "You can't do that."

"Watch me," Riff says in a matter of fact tone. He has made his decision. He nods towards the sleeping guard, "That Riff over there belongs in the future. Not this one..."

"But..." I shake my head still.

"If I never go back, the machine will still be there, right? There was enough power to send one of us back." He motions towards the sleeping guard, "I'm not ever going to want to come back here."

I nod dumbly.

"Then push the button on your watch, you silly pup."

I growl at the insult and look at him like he is stupid.

"We just went over this! There's no machine to bring me back," I push the button just to make him see.

Everything goes black. The world around me seems to just dissolve into empty space. It almost feels like I am floating, but my mind quickly floods with confusion. The disorientation is too much and I clutch at my skull and close my eyes tightly.

I hate keeping my eyes open for the jumps.


Thirty Years Later...

When I open them again, I am sitting in the chamber, looking out at the facility. There doesn't appear to be anything out of place. There is no dead panda. There is no burning building. There are no explosions hurling giant fireballs down upon me. There is just me, alone in the chamber.

The bastard is right. His logic made sense. With that other Riff having no desire to go back and change things, he never made the jump. Without the added rush of power for two jumps, the machine never blew up.

I stood quickly, an excitement in the pit of my stomach. It had worked! I had jumped thirty years and returned just fine! I wanted to howl. This is great news. You don't understand how big a leap this is. There's no telling how far it'll let us go, but thirty years is a big jump.

Reality came crashing back down, though when my rapid movements sent a sharp stabbing pain through my backside. My nose also caught the strong scent rising up from my damp fur. I stank of Roland and of sex. Once again, I blushed, knowing what the wet stuff running down my leg was.

Thank god I didn't need the panda's help to make this jump apparently. He is nowhere in sight. The awkwardness of my first jump and having to deal with a very bemused bear as he looks over my nude form would have been nothing compared to this. I don't know what kind of explanation I'd have come up with for smelling like a well fucked bitch.

I seem ok and the world seems ok. No rips in time. No crazy black holes devouring the world. Nothing seems out of place. I had to check though. I had to get back to the cabin and see Riff. There is no telling what changes occurred.

But first I need to clean up.

After a quick shower, I head towards Riff's cabin. My excitement and anxiousness made the drive to the cabin seem way too short. Everything about the place is the same. The wolves seem to recognize my car as I drive in. They follow it to the front door.

As I exit the car, the cabin door opens and Riff stands there. He wears a friendly smile and waves towards me. I fake my smile and wave back. At first glance, this Riff is no different from my Riff.

This is my Riff. Well, almost. His smile is complete, no teeth missing from his muzzle.

I had to keep reminding myself about that. I found myself thinking about him as a different being all together, like he had been body snatched or something. That simply wasn't true. This is the same Riff and I am his same friend.

"How are ya, bud?" Riff called, looking like he had been relaxing. "Why the sudden visit? Everything ok?"

It is late, but that never seems to bother the wolf. He is a night owl like me. I nod my head.

"Yeah," I reply, still nodding. "Just needed to get out for a bit. Work's been hectic. Sorry it is on such short notice."

Riff just nods and smiles, "Well, come on in."

He disappears into the house, leaving the door open. I hear him upstairs, banging around with something before I hear him call down to me. "Got it all?"

"Yeah!" I call back, setting my bags down. I grabbed an overnight bag when I slipped back by home for a shower. Just to make it look like I really am here for a break. I had to observe my friend. By now, you all know how much I like doing that.

"Ok!" Riff moves around again, then the noises stop and I hear the sound of rushing water, "I'm going to get a shower. Need a quick wake me up."

"Cool!" I call back, leaving it at that.

My eyes dart around the cabin, looking for anything that might seem out of the ordinary. There is nothing. It all appears the same. Everything is exactly as I remember it.

Even the table. It still has the photo albums resting on it, as well as the DVD. My ears splay when I see the disc. If it is what I think it is...

A new dread builds in my guts. I made quick work of getting the movie started. The screen flashes on with an angled shot of Roland's cell. It is slightly curved downward much more than before. I could see a wolf in a guard's uniform, pressed against the bars. It plays similar to the video starring Riff, only the guard's head is out of the picture's frame.

Only I knew it wasn't Riff. I watch in shocked silence as the video continues. This time, there is no lost teeth or fight from the wolf. The video only proves that I hadn't fought back. I allowed it to happen.

I couldn't take my eyes off the screen as the scene continues to unfold. Roland had really given it to me. It is rough and violent. It really looks like the guard had been raped, and there is no telling who that guard was.

Since Riff is the only one on call for solitary that night, it could only be him. He had done it. The old Riff manipulated everything so it ended up occurring exactly as it had originally. Riff's 'rape story' obviously paid off, or I wouldn't be sitting in the same cabin he bought with the money.

What a fucking genius.

After the movie ends, leaving a very well fucked guard lying on the cot, I look down at the photo album. My memories of Riff's adventures come to my mind. I remember looking at the photo album and seeing pages of what could only be considered Riff's masters.

I am instantly shocked when I opens the album. The first picture, with a large number 'one' in the corner, is not of a certain murderer, but of Riff. It looks recent by the age of the wolf, but the picture is worn and old. Then I see the date.


It doesn't take me long to realize it is a picture of the older Riff wearing a collar. I look through the images and find them getting increasingly degrading for the old wolf. The final picture shows a much older Riff, cuffed down to a bed with a ball gag in his muzzle, looking right at the camera.

He is smiling.

The next picture is of the bear. Only, it isn't the same pose. A large number two is in the corner. The bruin is wearing a leather vest, but he isn't glowing with that same level of confidence. The next picture explains why perfectly. It is an explicit snap of the bear on all fours, in the fur, with my friend balls deep in his ass. The rest of the pictures show him in many different submissive postures and actions, a collar around his neck as well.

The next section is dedicated to the feral alpha. A large number three is in the corner. What follows only serves to confuse me more. The feral lupine is shown collared and leashed. Many of the images show him with a muzzle on as well. And yes, there is another explicit image of Riff and the alpha. Well, alpha is too strong a term, as the picture shows my friend behind the wild lupine with the wolf's tail draped over his hip. Riff is actually mounting the feral male.

This album plays out differently than it originally had. These aren't pictures of Riff's masters. These are pictures of pets. My confusion continues to grow. They weren't pets before. They were all dominant males. What had happened?

This wasn't how things go in my memory. Riff is the bitch. Riff is mated by the bear and the alpha feral. I was there. I watched it happen. He submitted to them and both had their way with him. He doesn't collar them.

Riff isn't dominant.

This isn't how things go.

A quick flash took my attention away from the photo album. I quickly glance behind me and see Riff standing there with a camera. My muzzle split in a growl. I hate pictures of me and he knew that.

"What the fuck?" I growl at him, "What are you doing?"

Riff grins and lifts the camera again, filling the room with the bright flash to capture my image forever.

"Taking pictures of number 4."

The End

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