The Golden Alchemist: Cleansing Worship 2

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#5 of The Golden Alchemist

Through experimentation, Engy determines a method of defeating the darkness that has poisoned the hearts of the priesthood and helps to cleanse them, thereby restoring the power of the wellspring.

Commissioned by Engy

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The Golden Alchemist Cleansing Worship 2 For Engy By Draconicon

Engy had almost forgotten what a clear mind felt like. Drowning himself in the process of alchemy, the golden dragon worked through the night to determine just what had happened to the priests as he had enhanced them. The darkness that had come free was fascinating, and no matter how much his needs distracted him, his mind kept pulling him back to the experiment, to the end-goal of finding out just what he had extracted from the priests.

Even when he left his shop to find food, it was only for a few moments, barely long enough to get sweaty again before going back to the shop to sit in front of the burning beakers. He watched as the flames licked and caressed the glass tubes like some fellator working on a cock while laying on their backs, but his mind was surprisingly less lewd than usual.

This...this is everything...

He smiled as he stroked a claw down the glass tube, feeling...not quite good, but at peace. No longer needing the distraction of sex, of debauchery, of control. This...this was what he was good at. This was what he knew. This was his skill, his power, his intense strength.

The dragon watched as the waters bubbled inside, the bits of fluid and semen and biological things lifted away from the darkness that was left behind. Bit by bit, the gray and the white and the clear stuff was taken away, leaving only the black.

When it was pure, he pulled it off the flame with his metal hand. There was no sensation there, not at the moment, but he had ideas for that in the future. Ideas that didn't matter now, he reminded himself as he turned, tilting the glass vial towards the window.

Moonlight came through, now, not sunlight, but there was enough for him to see how dark the fluid was. It was too thick for the light to come through, too opaque, and he could see it writhing slightly. Not merely moving, shifting, but writhing, like it was alive...

If he needed any more proof that he'd pulled out something magical, that was it.

Engy sat down at his table again, pulling out a metal dish. It was a shallow bowl of sorts, something that he occasionally used for a meal, but more often used to treat different ingredients, seeing how they interacted in limited quantities. The darkness twisted and turned, and he laid down a few herbs of moly around the edges of the bowl, making sure that it was completely sealed before tilting the vial and letting it out.

The darkness seemed to sputter and hiss as it hit the metal, almost more like a boiling liquid, despite the fact that he'd allowed it to cool. It surged, tendrils forming, trying to grasp at the moly, but the herb repulsed it.

Or...mostly did. As he leaned down, looking at the process, he could see that the herbs were scarred and damaged, the green stripped from them where the darkness had touched. The writhing goo was clearly damaged from it, but there was still the fact that it had managed to damage the barrier that badly.

"What are you?" he asked, curiously. "What are you?"

There was no answer. Only more of the sputter-boil, the darkness throwing itself against the herbs again. The same place, the exact same place, as if it had learned where it had hurt it before.

The herb was half-broken this time, the green completely stripped, and the darkness seemed less hurt as it pulled back this time. It was determined, he realized. Determined to hurt and escape despite the damage that it would take in the process. It was oddly fascinating, in its own way.

Engy took the herb out of the ring of them he'd created, and immediately the darkness surged for him. He held out his metal hand curiously, wondering -

The darkness formed tendrils slim as a hair, whipping them around. They were small enough that they couldn't do any serious damage...or so he thought.


He stared as the goo managed to sever the tip of one of his metal fingers, other tendrils leaving scars up and down the digit.

"You little fucker!"

He grabbed one of the moly plants and jammed it into the middle of the blackness. It let out a scream that was just on the edge of hearing, almost too high for him to hear. Certainly too high for anyone but dragons and canines to hear.

"Yeah, you like that, you fuck? You like that?!"

The blackness pulled in on itself, becoming smaller and smaller. Engy kept pushing down until the moly had lost all its color, leaving it gray and dead, and he shook his head as he tossed it aside.

Leaning forward, he saw that the darkness had been rendered down into a coin-sized puddle, little more than the edge of the tip of a finger. It bubbled angrily, still, but it didn't lash out as he held his finger over it this time. Instead, it just...seethed.

...What the hell are you?

He shook his head, putting it back into the vial that it had come from, then took the other purified container. It was very, very strange to look at, just as volatile and angry as the first one had been before it had been 'tamed', but this one seemed to realize that he was there. It responded...differently.

Instead of lunging and growling and bubbling in its vial, it pushed up against the container, pushing towards him almost...seductively. Almost like it wanted to be with him, against him...

In him...

The way that the darkness so violently pressed towards him disturbed him in a way that he had never quite been disturbed before, but the scientific, alchemical process demanded progress. He had to figure out what this was if he was going to work with it.

But first...

He chopped up more of the bitter moly, breaking it down into a make-shift potion. It would be needed if this thing started getting violent with him, and he had the horrible feeling that it would be very, very violent...

Taking a deep breath, he held one potion in each hand. The black one was in his living grip, the moly in the metal one. If this thing was even vaguely parasitic, he wanted to make sure that the cure could be delivered by the thing that it had no way of controlling. Last thing he needed was to be stupid. Couldn't be in charge of people if he was stupid.

Couldn't help people if he was bad.

He shook his head, pushing that thought out of his head. No. He was good. He was doing the right thing. Making people better. And this would help him make them even better still.

"Down the hatch..."

Engy tossed the black goo down his throat, swallowing hard. The wriggling feeling of it making its way down his neck was something that he really, really could have done without, but the feeling of it hitting the pit of his stomach -


No sooner had it landed than he almost collapsed against his table, his breath coming in groaning, grunting, seething rage. He slammed his fist down, claws raking over the top of the table and clawing out deep, dark lines.



The woman that came to him, the one that started the Snap. Shouting at him, screaming at him as if he was a monster. Ungrateful. Shit. Shit. Fucking asshole trying to make him -


He swung his scaly arm out, knocking several vials to the floor, spinning and slumping against the table as he fought back screams.

You're the're the wrong're...fuck...fuck...Fuck all of you...fuck the world...hate you all...deserve to die...deserve to fucking...all of us...all of YOU...

He was panting for breath, his rage burning through him as the blackness pressed through his guts, spreading through his stomach and then further down. The living fist slammed against the ground, almost breaking a finger, and he stared out the window at the town.

They wouldn't be there if it wasn't for me. They'd be dead out here if it wasn't for me.

His team...

They'd be around...if I was better...

The dragon howled, screaming at the top of his lungs as he remembered them. The people that he journeyed with, the people that he fought with, worked with. The one that had run over his fucking arm. The one that had -

No, no, gone. Gone and gone and gone and -

The potion. The moly. It was -

Engy looked down at the potion. The metal arm. He could drink it but...but did he deserve it? He had been so wrong with them, done so much, failed so much. His anger was turning, shifting, coming back -

Beast fuck. Lazy fuck. Not worth anything. Not worth -

His arm wanted to fling, but the metal refused to obey. It didn't turn, didn't swing, didn't throw the potion away. It was not -

The thing. The darkness. That was this. That was this.

With the last bit of his self-control, Engy forced his arm to his mouth and chugged the potion down. He felt a burning bubble in his gut like the worst heartburn that he had ever had, but the self-loathing, the rage against the world, slowly faded from his system. He gasped, then slumped down, falling on his side as tears replaced the painful tension and glare and screaming.

He wept, his eyes closed tightly as he pulled his legs up against his chest, shaking his head as he felt the pain slowly easing. Each tear pulled a little more of the self-loathing out with it, and every little hiccup took some of the pain out of his chest.

I'm not a monster. It's not my fault. It's not my fault...

Every little repetition was so weak on its own, but he held tight to it. He needed something, anything, that would take some of the pain away. Something that would tell him that he wasn't the most loathsome thing on the planet right then and there.


Gods, he had felt the rage that had come from it. It was still there, still burning in the back of his mind. The darkness hadn't been killed yet. He needed more of the potion, needed more to contain it. If he waited too long, it'd come back, just as it had on the little dish.

Burn them all for it...fuck them for being less...fuck them...fuck them...

And not in the sexy way. Fuck them, change them, warp them. Make them as ugly on the outside as they were on the inside. Change them until the world couldn't help but see them as the monsters that they were meant to be. That was what he wanted to do. That was the least that the darkness asked.

Engy fumbled, his metal arm grabbing the table and using a death-grip to pull himself up. He groaned as he managed to flop himself up onto the table, groaning under his breath as he kept dragging himself upright.

It was the hardest thing that he had done for a long time.

Grabbing several more pieces of moly, he chomped on them, grinding them between his teeth before swallowing them. It was bitter, almost to the point of poison, but his gut could handle it. It would be a suppressant until he could brew more potions to properly kill this thing in him. If he could.

He hoped he could.

Morning came, and he was...better. Not entirely as good as he had been before drinking the potion, but better. It made him feel like he could at least deserve to be on top of the village once more, and he wasn't quite ready to forgive everyone, but he didn't want to rip their throats out, either.

Too close. Too...close.

That was all he could say about the experiment. He should not have drunk the purified darkness, not when there was so much at risk. But could he have given it to anyone else? Could he have...

He didn't know. He hated not knowing.

But now he did know that there was more of this in all the priests. If two had it, then the rest probably did. And if they did, maybe there was more in the worst of the people in the village. There was probably a great deal to purge, a great deal that needed to be fixed. And if he could do that...

Well, the wellspring...

Have to fix it. If I don't fix it, then the town's vulnerable. They had a god, and they had the wellspring. Now they only have the wellspring. Fix the wellspring.

Because as much as they were willing to worship his balls, his sack did not contain a god. They could have rested from between a god's legs, admittedly, but they were not godly in and of themselves. He needed to remember that.

Engy had brewed a full twenty potions of moly, each one waiting to be poured out on the darkness that they'd summon today. He wasn't going to leave that stuff out in the open to seep through the ground or into another person and poison them. He wasn't going to do anything to endanger them further.

Angry or not, that was just stupid. And he wasn't going to be stupid. He might be stupid sometimes - only sometimes, he reminded himself - but he wasn't going to do something stupid.

He left the shop, walking down the main road. A few of the reptilian townsfolk poked their heads out their windows, watching him pass by with their heads cocked to the side. He couldn't blame them. He probably looked as tired as anyone could imagine, and he felt exhausted from the long fight through the night to conquer the anger and the darkness. His eyes felt like they had to have shopping bags under them at this point.

But he had managed it. Now it was time to put it into practice.

The road led him straight down to the church, the heat in the air already well over 80 degrees, and getting warmer. He walked with a hiss from his soles and a drip from his balls, his body warm and wet as he reached the door.

The priests looked up as soon as he entered, the bundle of them gathered around the alter. Two of them - the ones that he'd changed the day before, experimented on to see who would spew the darkness and who would not - were positively glowing. They were smiling, gently tending to the others, while the rest of the priests were shifting and shuffling, almost like they were uncomfortable without their gods present.

Engy smiled slightly, despite the whole thing. He had worried a bit about what would happen after the darkness was removed, but it seemed to have helped. The priests looked like they were happier, more at ease with themselves, and that could only lead to good things. He hoped. He really hoped.

Trying to fight his envy for them, he walked up to the priests, his balls swinging forward as he finally came to a stop. The unchanged ones turned to him, relief evident on their face, while the ones that had been drained smiled and bowed their heads to him. One group was desperate for him, while the others were very happy to see him. One group turned to him like he was their drug, while the others were great friends that were more than happy to bow to him.

The difference was amazing, and he didn't know what to think about it.

He gestured for them to come forward, and the addicted priests swarmed to kneel in front of him, various reptiles pushing one another out of the way, trying to be the first to press their nose against his balls, the first to bow, the first to pray, the first to praise. All of them seemed to be beyond desperate for the chance to be close, to get what they needed from him.

And he allowed it.

One by one, they sniffed at him.

One by one, they licked at his balls.

One by one, they bowed their heads over his sack, lifting his orbs and pressing them to their face, as if they were baptizing themselves in his ball sweat.

It was sexy, it was kinky, and it was powerful in the way that they were submitting to his orbs and worshiping them. His balls churned and swelled, his cock rising up a bit from the feeling of hands and tongue on his sack. Engy groaned, wanting to take the time to actually pleasure himself, but knowing that he needed to fix this first.

Besides. It wouldn't take long.


He picked one of them at random, a blue iguana that knelt at the edge of the group. A younger priest, one that had probably only just reached eighteen years old before joining the clergy. The iguana lunged forward, happy to be called, and Engy pointed at his sack.

"Worship...breathe...and listen..."

As the iguana leaned down, dragging his forced tongue along the dragon's damp balls, Engy let himself drift into the distraction. Without the alchemy to focus him, he was at a loss again, his mind unfocused, everything feeling off. He wanted to just...

No. No. He had to do...had to do the thing.

The golden dragon took another deep breath, forcing himself to focus on the pleasure, instead, to let the tongue lapping so delicately at his balls be the thing he paid attention to. The soft huffs and puffs of warm air going over his balls were good, too, as were the hands that lifted them. He could feel just how heavy they were, how much the iguana had to work, how the soft bumps and pebbly cheeks of the scaly face pressed and rubbed against his sack.

That...that was good. Pleasure was good. Pleasure meant he didn't have to be angry or sad. The more pleasure, the better it was. The more pleasure, the more he felt like things were going well.

He laid one hand on the iguana's head, gently rubbing him, moaning under his breath as he ground forward and back. Sometimes, the priest's nose slipped from his sack to the base of his cock, and he could feel the huff and puff that came from that, the soft warmth against his shaft. The temptation to bury that nose in his groin properly, to fuck that face, was there, but he resisted.

For now.

"Breathe...and release..."

Engy remembered what he had said the day before, roughly. He remembered the things that he had put into the minds of the snake-man and the other priest he had drained. He remembered how they had grown, how they had spewed, how they'd dripped, how they drained, how they grew.

"Release everything...your fears...your anger...your past..."

Yes, the past. The past needed to go. The past really needed to go. His fingers gripped the iguana's head tighter as he thought of that, almost whimpering before he got control of himself again.

"Breathe and relax...breathe and release...forget what you were...forget the pain...forget the stuff you were taught...Breathe and release...release it all to your balls..."

Yes, to the balls. Where one release could become another. Where everything could be so much easier.

He took a deep breath of his own scent. It wasn't nearly powerful enough to actually warp his mind, to hypnotize him the way that it did everyone else. No dragon could do that. No trancing themselves, no falling into that same relaxed, worshiping state. No, they needed someone stronger than them to do that.

Engy doubted that he could ever trust someone to do that to him again. He almost wished that he could.

Bit by bit, the iguana dropped further and further into trance. He was half-zonked already just from taking that first breath, and as he kept breathing, he fell further, further, and further still, his mind going and disappearing as he experienced the bliss of worshiping his god.

Lick, lap, sniff. And then, finally, growth.

He could almost hear the churning and the swelling as the iguana's balls dropped, the lizard's cock rising up and his balls hitting the floor as they swelled with such intense growth. He wanted to look down, but he had no idea how to do that without breaking -

Wait. That was an idea. With a bit of a shuffle, Engy managed to swing one leg over the iguana's shoulder, moving so that he was standing behind the priest, able to look down and around his balls while the smaller scaly kept sniffing at the back of his orbs.

It was an amazing sight. The iguana's balls had hit the floor, and they were getting bigger and bigger as they kept swelling with what he had been told to forget, to release, to let go of. The lizard's legs spread, the iguana's mouth opening in soft pants as his balls were swollen to more than five times the size of human testicles, bigger, bigger, and bigger still.

Soon, the iguana was leaning back, his legs spread so far but still barely big enough for the watermelon-sized orbs down there, the heavy liquid sacks pressed to the ground and flattened out from their sheer size. The fact that the poor iguana's cock was still small was just that much more intense when one looked at the balls, and how much would need to come out.

Engy shook his head in sympathy, but he knew that the darkness in there needed to be purged. He needed to make it come out, or the once-humans would always carry that same anger on some level. The pleasure that they felt now was a good way to mask it, but it wouldn't last forever.

He pushed at the back of the priest's head, grinding him forward, making him take in the heavy smell of the dragon's musk, making it settle further and further in his mind. He made him swallow it down, taste it, lick it, enjoy it, and he made sure that there was no chance in hell that he could fall back to that angry.

"Let it all gather down there...release it from your heart...release it to the realm of pleasure...release it to your sack...And then...release it to the floor."

The iguana moaned, arching his back. Another breath, then another, and then another...and then, there was an explosion.

The scream of bliss was muffled against the back of his balls, but the orgasm was anything but. The iguana screamed and moaned and whimpered, arching his back as he came hands-free from the dragon's hypnotic words. The priest shot his load over the floor, the first rope shooting more than eight feet forward. It was sparkling and wet and white, and it painted the stones.

The next came, going almost as far, and then another after that, and another after that. Engy watched, waiting -

There. On the sixth cum shot, he saw the first flecks of darkness. He pulled the vials free that he'd carried down with him in the bandolier across his chest, unstopped it, and threw the moly. The holy herb burned at the darkness, making it hiss and die before it could get stronger again.

Another shot, and more came, and then more after that. Engy kept using his potions to kill it, to purify it, to break down the darkness before it could settle in the rock, and little by little, he could feel changes under him, too. Little by little, the iguana was shifting from his addicted state to something else, something more...



Perverted. Well, that wasn't a bad thing. A pervert priest was fine as long as they did what they were told.

He panted softly, his own cock throbbing hard after seeing that explosion of seed, but he knew that he had more work to do before he could have his own release. Engy took a deep breath as he dismounted the iguana's face, taking a moment to savor the priest's grateful smile before he turned to the others.

"Who's next?" he muttered, a question to himself rather than them. "I," he said, pointing to a fat-faced frog. "Let's put that tongue to work and help you release..."

By the time that the dozen-plus priests were completely purged, Engy was at his limits. He had managed to convince them all to release their darkness, and it had varied from priest to priest how much there was to release. Some had an insane amount of darkness, spilling more than he could immediately kill and forcing him to contain it instead. Others had almost none, needing less than half a vial to destroy. They had been, predominantly, the newest of the priesthood, though there had been one older guy that had released less, too.

He wondered what that meant.

Engy shook his head as he walked down from the church to the wellspring, taking his time. His balls had swollen again, spreading out to the size of watermelons, making walking a bit difficult. Still doable with all the strength that he had built up, but not easy.

Eventually, he reached the riverbank, shaking hard. The wellspring beneath the water was...

It was better. He smiled as he felt the strength and purity of it, smiling as he lowered his head to the ground.

I fixed it...I fixed it...oh gods, I fixed it...

He wanted to cry, almost, from just how good it felt to do something right. The feeling of getting it done, of doing something good for other people, felt as good as having himself be worshiped in the church. Tears welled up in the corners of his eyes, and he let them fall. There was no shame there.

But it wasn't done yet.

There were multiple barrels by the river, mostly set up for people to toss trash away, or use them for the fish that they caught when they spent their idle time getting food for the village. He shook his head, taking one of the empty ones and dragging it further from the wellspring.

The priests had been poisoned with the darkness, but whether it came from them or their god, he didn't know. But if it was rage, if that darkness burned in them, then maybe, maybe, it burned in him, too.

He grabbed his cock, slowly jerking off with the tip pointed down into the barrel. He wanted to let it out here, but he didn't want people to see. They looked up to him now. They wanted...they wanted to worship him. There was no need to ruin that, no need to take their love and hope and adoration from them.

Engy bit his lip as he jerked his hand up and down his cock, the hard, eager shaft bouncing up and down as he felt his excitement climbing, just barely keeping ahead of the depression under it.

I'm good. I deserve this. I helped. I helped!

He stroked harder, faster, his balls beating against the side of the barrel so hard and so fast that he worried that it might shatter some of the wood. He did his best to stabilize it, but it was a tricky business, at best. Thrust, thrust, thrust, fucking his hand, pre-cum dripping. Was there darkness in it? He couldn't tell. He wouldn't be able to tell until he released.

Let it go...

Engy bit his lip as he tried to tell himself to let go. That was the only way to be sure. Let it all go, let all that anger, that rage, that hurt, that fear go. It had to go. Had to be released. Had to be put down there and -


He was panting, losing his control. He was going to cum at any second, blow his load over the inside of the barrel. If he didn't let go, then it would be pointless.

The dragon thought of the people around him, thought of all the ways they'd hurt him. He wanted to be angry...but no. No. Not like that. He'd hurt them back. Punished them. Taken humanity. It was punishment, earned punishment. But no more. No more hurt. He'd taken stuff, made them learn.

He...he could let go...of that...

He felt his balls churn, almost falling over. He stumbled, holding onto the barrel with the slightest of grips, feeling his pleasure about to explode. Gods, it felt strange. Horny, needy, angry, sad, so many emotions rippling through him all at once. Not like normal at all, but normal had been evicted long ago.

Grunting, the Golden Alchemist, Conqueror of Arrowdell, Lord of the Church of Balls, and Master Alchemist, slumped over the barrel as he humped his hand again and again. Strings of pre-cum that rivaled the cum-shots of wild horses splattered against the far side of the barrel, drooping down in long strings of slime. He could feel the thud of each squirting impact, and he groaned as he kept fucking his fingers, thrusting between them, his balls slapping against the barrel with battering force.

"Let go...let go," he panted under his breath. "Let it go!"

He squeezed his cock, squeezing it harder than any hole could, and pumped it as furiously as he could manage. A few more pre-cum strings came flying free before -


Engy's legs almost gave out from under him as he came, his eyes closing as his cock throbbed in his hand. He forced it down, pointing the tip towards the bottom of the barrel as he felt such a strong surge of cum shooting up through his cock that it almost felt like he was pissing it out. His cock felt like it vibrated from the sheer volume of seed shooting through it, and he moaned under his breath as it hit the side of the barrel loud enough to make a sound.

Hissssssss! HISSSSSSS!

The liquid hissed off of the inside of the wooden barrel, and he could feel his balls pulling up from under him, shrinking slightly from watermelon size to a huge cantaloupe in size. Another burst, another, another, each one so strong that he almost blacked out.

He slumped over the barrel, holding it with both hands as his cock kept blasting its load, but he had to see. Groaning, he forced his eyes open as he looked down in the barrel.

It was like looking at cream, cream with a slight hint of marbling through it. There was a blackness there, but not much. And what was there was different from the absolute darkness that had come from the priests. This...this felt more...personal. More impure.

Cum kept rising in the barrel until it touched the end of his cock, the barrel filled with literal gallons of seed from that orgasm. He panted softly, slowly pulling back, long strings of white running from his cock to the collection of cum inside. Mechanically, he dropped his last potion of moly into it, and he heard the hissing, bubbling sound of the blackness dying.

Did he feel better? Yes. At least, a little bit.

He no longer felt the seething rage underneath everything that had to do with the town and the people that lived in it. He didn't...he didn't hate them anymore. He didn't love them, either, but he didn't hate them.

Himself, though...

Engy leaned forward, staring into the mess he'd left in the barrel. He saw himself, and...well, he didn't know if he could like what he saw.

"You okay, Engy?"

Joseph. He turned. The Komodo Dragon was there, offering him a hand. He took it, squeezing, shaking.

"I don't know."


"Why...why can't I..."

"You made them let go. It's hard to make yourself do it."

"...I wish I could."

"Maybe someday."


The End