Aramis and the Snow Prince Ch. 4 True Love's Kiss

Story by Nate the Great1 on SoFurry

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#4 of Aramis and the Snow Prince

Here's part 4 of the RP me and jackdog are working. It would appear that a misunderstanding led to some grave consequences but then all things had turned out in the end.

Ch. 4 True Love's Kiss

The sun hadn't even risen and already the throng of activity had spread throughout the camp. The army that had been assembled was now preparing for their march to the Azure City.

The equine stood on a knoll watching the spectacle unfold before him. He was so deep in thought to not notice the figure stepping up behind him.

"Aramis?" asked Nathan as the blue dragon rubbed his eyes. He was using a cane made of ice to help him stand. Ever since he was captured by Langwidawn, he was still too weak to stand on his own. "What's going on outside?" he asked as he slowly came up along side the paladin.

The knight wrapped his arm around his mate. "We are preparing our march to the city. Brave men and anthros will be risking their lives to end the reign of terror Lord Exortos has been exacting on the world for lo these many years.

Nathan looked down sadly. It was Exortos who took his parents from him when he was only an infant and just couldn't bare the thought of losing anyone else. "I just wish there was another way," he said, "Everywhere we go, war always seems to follow. First the firebird, then Langwidawn. But at least my father is free from the mirror."

Aramis looked down at the dragon. "Hey! None of those sorrowful thoughts you hear? Your father has been freed, were about to reunite you with your grandfather. Sure, there's still a lot of danger waiting for us out there, but we'll face them with strength and conviction." He bent down and gave his mate a kiss on the lips. "Now, how about you get busy and help Finn and Baylor get the others ready. We start our journey to the capital when the sun rises over the mountains." The equine gave the dragon a swat on his bubble butt as a sign of his love for the male.

Nathan nearly stumbled from the slap but luckily, his cane helped him stay steady. He grinned as he snapped his fingers. A snowball appeared over Aramis' head and plopped down upon the stallion's head. He giggled for that was his own sign of love for Aramis in return. He walked along when he saw a great cat with two fangs come up to the dragon purring. "Good morning, Two Fang... My, you seem to have grown last night," said Nathan patting the purring feline. Indeed the cub had grown up to Nathan's waist line but he still acted like a big kitten.

"Naaaaaathaaaan" yelled the knight. Shaking the wet out of his mane, he did manage to let a small chuckle. He turned to walk towards the camp when a familiar voice called out. "Brother, we're just about ready to set out for the capital." Aramis was proud of his little brother. He had taken on so much responsibility in the last week. No longer was he the boy that always needed looking after or rescued from trouble. He had truly become a knight that anyone would be proud to know. "I sent Nathan out to look for you and Baylor. Have you seen him" "I just left him with Baylor and some of the others. There showing him how to saddle one of the horses. I told them to pick out the best of the herd and make it his own personal mount.

It wasn't long till a pure white stallion was chosen for Nathan. Its coat was as white as snow and it was very friendly to Two Fang giving him a nuzzle. But what now one had noticed was that this stallion was actually a unicorn in disguise and the twin brother of Baylor. The stallion trotted up to Baylor to nip playfully at his mane.

The other horse was happy to see his herd mate. They had been separated when they were quite young. Still, being magical beings were able to keep their psychic connection. Thanks to Aramis he made sure the unicorn had gone to a loving home where his secret could be kept and still able to see his sibling from time to time.

And now, the unicorn would be looking after royalty. "I think I'll call you... Frostbite," said Nathan stroking the unicorn, "Because your body's white as snow and you can fight with plenty of bite."

"Frostbite eh" a deep voice said followed by some hearty laughter. Standing there with his hands on his hips was a massive black bull. Standing at least seven feet tall with horns so large as to eclipse the sun. Massive muscles that made even Aramis look small. The anthro would have been utterly intimidating if it wasn't for the broad smile and twinkling brown eyes. "So my small friend, you must be the dragon prince everyone has been talking about." The bull stuck out his meaty hand. The name's Torick. And you are?"

"Nathan," said the blue dragon as he shook the strong yet gentle hand, "I don't believe I've met anyone like you before. Are you a warrior of some kind? Or is there something else you do?"

"Ha, ha, ha, warrior eh? I'm a blacksmith my friend. The best you'll ever meet." The bull brought his arms up and showed off his guns. "I guess you could say that in a pinch I could be asked to knock a few heads together.". "

Nathan giggled. "Or send breeders into a stupor," he chuckled softly, "You know, Aramis could use a black smith like you. Do you know how to make strong armor that's light weight?"

"That old nag? Good luck getting him to listen to anyone who has a brain." A shadow fell across the ground in front of the dragon. "I would rather go naked then to wear anything made by the likes of you old man." The knight stepped past Nathan as he walked up to the bull and embracing him. "It's good to see you my old friend" said the horse. "Aramis, you son of a basheer, it's been too long since I have seen you."

"I might have known that you two knew each other," chuckled Nathan as he did his best to stand up on his cane, but he started stumbling. Luckily, Frostbite was there to catch him. "Thank you Frostbite," he said stroking the stallion's nose.

"Frostbite?" said Aramis. Torick looked at his friend and shrugged his shoulders. "So when did Bastion change his name?" It was at that moment Baylor arrived. The two brothers butted heads and let out happy nickers at their reunion.

"They seem quite fond of each other... Uh... Who's Bastion?" asked Nathan and he could see that there was an embarrassed look on Aramis' face. "Aramis? What're you hiding. You'd better tell me or I'll do you like I did that rat back in the tavern."

Bastion and Baylor are brothers. It was in the south near the Firethorne mountains. My Order was stationed near a small village. A group of nomads came through and camped just outside. There stock in trade was horses. One night they came to me in a panic. It seemed one of the elders daughter had been kidnapped by some bandits. There plan was to make her their sex slave.

I took a couple of my fellow knights and tracked them down. We dispatched them and saved the girl. In return the leader offered me two colts. He said they contained very old magic. I laughed it off thinking it as the ramblings of an old man. My plan was to make one of them my next mount since my current horse was getting on in years. It didn't take long to realize the old man was telling the truth.

Late one night I went out to the stables to check on them. Can you imagine my shock when I found one of them had sprouted wings and the other a ivory white horn emanating from his forehead. It was then I knew I would have to protect them from anyone who would kill them for their horn and wings. Both contain powerful magic.

It was Torick here who I shared my secret with. I of course took Baylor as my mount and he took his brother and kept him as his own. Over the years I would come back to the order so the two could visit. It was me who told him to let the unicorn be your personal mount."

"Well, I'm grateful... And Bastion sounds much better than Frostbite. Sorry about that," he said petting the unicorn who gave him a forgiving nuzzle.

The knight looked at his mate with amusement. "No, I think Frost is a fitting name for him." He looked at the two horses. "What do you two think?" The two horses shook their heads and neighed with joy. Patting the dragon on the back. "Well then, Frost it is." looking into Nathan's eyes. "He's now your responsibility. I expect you to take care of him like a knight of the realm would do."

"I will, though isn't my rank a prince?" asked Nathan as he winked at Frostbite who crept up behind Aramis to poke his horn at one of Aramis' rear cheeks.

'Prince! pish. I can count on my hands how many useless princes I've encountered in my life. But be a knight of the realm is a mighty thing in deed. To be willing to sacrifice your life everyday to save others, to make things right and to be a shining example of what goodness and selflessness really is." Torick looked at the dragon. "He's right you know. To be a knight truly is to be a beacon of hope to all that live in these lands."

"Yes I know, but a prince is not without justice," he said as Frostbite poked Aramis' rear with his horn and Nathan burst out laughing at the site of the paladin jumping around holding his rear end. "Good boy, Frostbite," chuckled the dragon.

"HEY! watch it you overgrown pest." He rubbed his woolen britches with his hooved hand. "And how many times have I told you to keep your horn hidden when in public." Baylor whinnied to his brother. The white stallion let out a deep nicker. Slowly the horn began to shimmer and fade from view. Aramis turned and walked away in a huff, muttering under his breath. The bull spoke. "Bast..... um Frost, you know better than to act like that." Looking at both the horse and the dragon. "And you my young prince. I wouldn't push my luck too far with Aramis. The fact he didn't say or do anything tells me he has a deep affection towards you. That's a rare thing in deed. Now, let's get you acquainted with saddling a horse."

Nathan nodded and in no time at all, the dragon had grown accustomed to the saddling and so on. He patted Frostbite's neck and the stallion was impressed.

Aramis walked through the camp inspecting his army. Barking out orders or giving encouragement to others. Standing not too far away was his friend Harrod. The former human stood looking out towards the west. Now clothed in chainmail armor and leathers. His sheathed sword sparking in the sun. "Harrod, my friend." The equine walked up and stood next the winged. "Are you ready to exact your vengeance on that scum Exortos?" "More than you'll ever know." They both stood there, feeling the rising sun behind them, warming their backs. Aramis reached up with his hand and placed it on the other's chest. Harrod turned to gaze into the eyes of his friend. They both leaned in and gave each other a deep lustful kiss."

It was then Nathan came by but he stopped and hid behind a tent to watch this scene unfold before his very eyes. There was Aramis, his one true love, kissing someone else. Nathan turned around feeling mixed emotions arise within himself as tears welled up in his eyes. He hurried off to where Frostbite and Baylor were and Two Fang was with the two. The dragon just sat down on a stump and buried his face in his hands. "Why?" he whimpered, "Why?"

Finn walked through the camp. He was attending to last minute details and meeting with the leader of each of the fighting group. Making sure all was ready for tomorrow's March. He rounded a corner, he spied Nathan sitting on a tree stump. "Hey dragon man, what's up?"

Nathan looked up with tears in his eyes and Two Fang was resting his big head on the dragon's lap feeling sorry for his foster parent. "Finn... I just saw... Aramis with Harrod.... They were kissing... like they were in love," whimpered Nathan sadly, "How dare he treat me like an old glove... after all we've been through?" Frostbite came forward to nuzzle the crying dragon.

The man stood over Nathan feeling the dragon's pain. He leaned over and said, "Nathan, take a walk with me." Looking at the horse brothers. "You two look after the cat ok?"

They nodded and Two Fang curled up beside the stump but remaining ever watchful over his two equine friends. Nathan was still in tears as he got up with cane in hand and hobbled alongside the human.

"Nathan, there's so much about my brother you don't know about. He has lived most of his life alone and in deep pain. Something you have personal experience with."

"But why did he have to cheat on me like that," he sobbed, "If he had feelings for Harrod, he could of just said so instead of keeping me in the dark... I don't want to be alone... Not again..."

"Oh Nathan. You needn't worry about how Aramis feels about you. What you saw was too old friends who had a deep and close relationship. Then in a moment it ended with no closure. You need to be supportive and understanding. Give my brother time to prove how much he cares about you. Think you can do that?"

"I don't think I can... Not after seeing that," sniffled Nathan as he wandered away from Finn. His heart was broken and nothing Finn could say would help heal. There was only one thing that the human could do and that was to tell Aramis and explain what happened. Nathan had wondered into a small clearing where he sat by a stream to look at his own reflection. But the water had turned frozen solid and it started to snow lightly upon him.

"Brother, there you are." Finn had been looking for his brother since his conversation with Nathan. "Finn. Is everything ready for tomorrow's March?". " What? Oh...ah, yes. Yes it's all good. Listen, you have a problem. It's about Nathan." The knight had a perplexed look on his face. "Nathan? What about him?" His brother took in a deep breath. "It seems he saw you kiss Harrod. And now he's upset over it. I spoke to him but nothing I said would change the way he felt about it."

The equine looked both shocked and annoyed. He placed his hand on his brother"s shoulder. I'll speak to him. Would you handle the final details for our exodus tomorrow?"

"Of course. You can count on me." Aramis walked away into the deepening darkness.

The air had gotten colder and the snow had spread as Nathan sat hunched over the stream crying and still feeling heartbroken and betrayed. "I could never go on," he sobbed, "First my mother dies trying to save me. Then I get captured by Langwidawn who'll send me to Exortos to be killed, and now Aramis abandoned me for someone much better than I am. I'm the most worthless dragon who ever lived." He kept on crying until he felt something firm yet warm gently wrap around him.

"There you are. I've been looking for you everywhere." The winged male stood there. His face showing a friendly face. "We need to talk."

Nathan looked with sad, hurt eyes as he looked up to see who was holding him and he was surprised to see Harrod holding him.

"Nathan, first of all, I'm sorry if I caused you distress. I never meant to cause you pain. What you saw between me and Aramis did not mean he cares about you any less. "

The dragon just buried his face into the bat's chest. "I just want to feel loved," he whimpered, "Not once has he ever said 'I love you', and he just... I don't know what to think." He stayed in Harrod's arms feeling sadder than ever.

"Oh little one. You needn't worry about Aramis not loving you. He cares deeply for you. He just has a hard time saying it. I should know. Before my transformation he and I were lovers.

"What happened between you two?" asked Nathan confused, "If you were lovers, why didn't you two propose or something. Isn't that what lovers do?"

"Our relationship wasn't like that. You could say I was a poor substitute to his real love. I mean we cared for each other but we were more like friends who were intimate with each other."

"I don't understand," said Nathan confused.

After he lost his true love who was another knight in our order he become so despondent he almost killed himself. He would take on the most dangerous missions. Many times alone. A few of them almost cost his life. Over time we became close and spent time together. I think mostly so that neither one of us wanted to be alone."

When I disappeared and become what you see now he took it hard. Another loss for him. When I was returned to myself mentally he was overjoyed by our reunion. So what you saw were two old friends expressing their care for each other.

"Oh... I... I had no idea," said Nathan as it stopped snowing, "I must have looked childish by acting this way." He looked down feeling ashamed and embarrassed.

"That wasn't so much acting foolishly, but more about how much you care about him. I assume this is your first serious relationship?"

Nathan sighed and nodded. "I really and truly love him with all my heart," he said, "Sure, I like to joke around every now and then, but there are times when I just want him to hold me closed... And feel at peace whenever he says how much loves me."

The winged reached out and pulled Nathan into a warm embraced. "Don't doubt your feelings Nathan. They will serve you well." Harrod slipped a taloned finger under the other male's chin. Bringing the dragon's face closer to his. Harrod's golden eyes shone. "So handsome" as he brought his lips to the dragon's.

The moment their lips touched, Nathan felt more calm than before. The ice and snow around them melting slowly as he tilted his head to deepen the kiss a little more.

As the two stood there, Harrod pulled his massive wings around the two of them to shield themselves from prying eyes. He reached down with his hand. Slipping it inside the dragon's pants. Enveloping Nathan's cock he began to slowly stroke his cock.

Nathan moaned as he two opened his wings to join the cover. "Harrod... What about Aramis... Wouldn't he feel the same way I did- Ah! -when I saw you with him?" moaned Nathan, though it was difficult for him to talk and think properly when Harrod was sending some much pleasure through his crotch groping.

"Shhhhhhhh.......let's not talk about him right now." He reached around with his other hand to grab a hold of of the base of the prince's tail. Gently he gave little 'tugs' to it knowing it was a erroctic spot for creatures with tails.

The dragon flinched and whimpered at the tugs. "Wh-What... just happened," he moaned as the tugs felt somewhat electrifying to his senses.

Harrod then slid his hand under Nathan's tail and gently began to stimulate his sensitive pucker. Messaging around its rim until finally sliding a talon inside the hole. Pushing in a bit more as he continued to hand fuck his cock.

Nathan was whimpering and he hugged Harrod's neck to keep him steady for the pleasure on both sides was making it hard for him to sit upright.

The winged slid his prodigious digit deeper into his rectum. Meanwhile, the expanding cock in his hand began to leak precum across it and the ground.

"Harrod," whimpered Nathan as he humped into the hand stroking his cock. This was enough to drive him into a mating frenzy. The dragon was lost in a lustful haze which made his thoughts feel cloudy and muddled, but he didn't care.

The dragon began to thrust into the hand that was servicing him. The sound of labored breathing filling the air. Harrod shoved a second finger into the dragon's rectum. Stroking it faster, the cock in his hand bloating larger, hot breath warming his neck.

"Harrod... I... I think I'm getting close," stammered Nathan as he was feeling pre leak from his cock and he could feel his imminent climax approaching fast.

The older male pushed his fingers against his partners prostate, talons stimulating its surface. "Let yourself go. Give up your essence."

The dragon winced and came all over Harrod's chest and then he fell over feeling exhausted. He waved a hand over the spilled sperm and it turned frozen. "Cumcicle?" asked Nathan with a tired smile.

Harrod felt a shiver from the ice against his body. Pulling his hands from the dragon's body he wrapped his sinewy arms around Nathan, keeping him from slipping to the ground. The male swept him up in his arms. He carried Nathan to the tent the dragon shared with Aramis. Entering he walked over gently placed him on the skin covered cot.

"Looks like I won't need that cane... now that I have you, Frostbite and Aramis to support me till I regain my strength," said Nathan as he held Harrod's hand and kissed the back of it, "Thank you."

The winged spoke softly. "Now my young friend. Get your rest, you have a busy day tomorrow. Dream knowing that Aramis will protect and care for you always." Harrod bent down and pushing his bangs aside, softly kissed him on his forehead. "Goodnight my prince." Silently he slipped out into the night.

"Harrod... tell Aramis I love him... and forgive him," yawned Nathan as he fell fast asleep. But unknown to the dragon or winged, a green snake with fangs full of an enchanted poison was slithering towards the dragon. It climbed up onto the bed and found the dragon's tail. It reared its head back and bit Nathan making the dragon scream before passing out with his color draining. The snake smirked evilly, as it grew taller and took the form of a black naga with horns. "That should put an end to you, season half breed," snarled Exortos before he disappeared in his own black whirlwind leaving Nathan unconscious. The Black Serpent knew that if true love's kiss was the only cure to breaking the spell he put upon the prince. "But what're the chances that people actually believe in that garbage?" he cackled when he was back in his castle far away from the group.

The look of dread crossed Harrod's face. Before he could even draw has sword from it's saber the foul creature was gone. Looking down at Nathan he could see his blue scales slowly wash out to a milky white.

He went tearing out of the tent. Screaming his friends name he took flight to better find his friend. Flying above the encampment he continued to call out Aramis's name. Finally Harrod found the paladin near one of the camp's outer edge where he was talking to some of his men. "Aramis. Come quick, to your tent. Nathan has been attacked by a snake. I think he's been poisoned." No sooner had the winged alerted his friend, the paladin was tearing through the camp. Knocking over people, Aramis tried to get to Nathan as quickly as possible.

Arriving at his quarters he found several dragons, Baylor and Frost just outside the structure. Upon entering, he found his brother and Torick along with the head magician standing over the dragon. "What's happened Finn?". His brother looked at him with a tight, drawn face. "It was Exortos, at least we think it was him. He was injected with some type of poison into Nathan."

Nathan lay there motionless and he wasn't breathing. Both Baylor and Frostbite were concerned and they tried to comfort Two Fang, who was greatly heartbroken at losing the one person who made him a better screecat.

"Nathan" yelled out the knight. The bull and his brother held him back. "Aramis, let the mage do his job.". The three stood there as the dragon was being attended to. Minutes passed as incantations were being spoken. The mage turned and sighed. "This is powerful magic. I've never seen anything like it. He's been infused with a poison I have never seen.

Nathan's body began to shake. A gasp emitted from his lips. His body went limp. "No," said Aramis. He tore away from the arms holding him. Pushing the mage aside he picked up the lithe body of his lover and held it in his arms. "Nathan no! Tears streamed down his face as he rocked the dragon softly. The knight never thought this could ever happen. Aramis put his hand behind Nathan's neck. "I love you" as he leaned in to kiss him gently on his lips.

Their lips parted but still nothing happened. Nathan was put down upon the bed but Aramis never let go. No sooner had his head felt the pillow, Nathan's eyes opened and his color was restored. "I love you too," he said as he looked up at Aramis kissing him in return. The spell was broken and everyone cheered.