The Brothers Switfbreath

Story by naturescall on SoFurry

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#1 of The Brothers Swiftbreath

A pair of Elven brothers now find themselves stuck within the confines of Stormwind, exiled from their homeland after the banshee queen's wrath. But what new and exciting adventures await?

It had been several months since that dreadful day, the day that the Banshee queen had taken the torch to a home beloved by many and a refuge for a people already lost. In that time though, the two brothers had begun to grow more accustomed to their life amongst the stone fixtures and strange cramped spaces that the humans and dwarves called home. The wildlife and surrounding woods now a more familiar hunting ground while the drums of war slowly came a close. The old god had fallen and the whispers that haunted the night softened. There was for the first time in as many years a sense of serenity and peace. Resam and Karion Swiftbreath sat in the little park the humans had constructed since the shadow of Deathwing had darkened the city. Between them a game played between their people, an organized set of pieces upon a board. It was their way to spend time with each other and catch up on the various happenings throughout the world. As they had both been trained as followers of Ashamane it was difficult at times to see each other and reminisce. "You know, you have faced me in this same way 1,000 times, and yet every time I still beat you" Resam said confidently, moving one of the pieces with a smirk on his face. The elder of the two, Resam had spent most of his time deployed to Boralus to help the Alliance with their efforts to recruit more in the war against the horde. He simply rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest "You know, they say the definition of insanity is to try the same thing again and again and expect a different outcome" "Oh shut up, I'm concentrating," Karion said eying the piece with a near anger in his eye. His brother was of course correct, for as many years as the two brothers had played, which could easily extend into decades or even centuries, he had yet to beat his brother. That did not dampen his determination though as he moved his own piece, playing it out the way he thought would surely win this time. "Pure stubborn determination" Resam snorted as he looked upon his younger sibling. "You know, I'm fairly sure that you were meant to be a follower of Ursoc or Ursol, not of Ashamane. You lack the cunning and guile," his tongue quickly darted form his lips as he began to laugh. The truth was just as with many times before his victory was all but assured, but he might as well savor the moment correct? The windswept sea blew a scent of salt across the park and the two laughed once more as it became more and more clear that Resam had once again claimed victory in this match. The younger of the siblings shook his head and began to put the pieces away before his eyes fell upon a lovely Quel'dorei huntress who seemed to be strolling through the city with a rather pregnant Wintersaber. It caused both the brothers to turn and look almost curious. "You know, I did not think there were still Quel'dorei that kept such beast as their companions" Karion remarked, giving a warm smile as the woman passed even bowing his head a bit. "There is a certain fondness in seeing that the Wintersabers may yet find new life in this land, perhaps amongst the home of the Dwarves and Gnomes. I doubt very much it will be long before the priesthood somehow manages to turn over Winterspring to the Horde". Karion shook his head grimly, knowing that even in this time of peace the wounds of war could only fester and rot "Maybe it is a sign" Resam said snickering a bit "And look she is very much your type" "The Quel'dorei?" Karion puzzled "No the Wintersaber, of course the Quel'dorei" the elder sibling said as he reached over to flick his brother's forehead. "She is short, she looks commanding and I imagine she could protect you in a fight. All traits that you would need" he winked Karion rolled his eyes shaking his head "You know you would think after a few decades you would change, but I think it is you who ought look into become a follower of Ursoc. Your stubbornness can make even mine look like a passing phase" The two laughed and joked with each other, slowly putting the pieces of the board away as the woman walked her Wintersaber upon a leash, a rather simple leather collar tied around the beast neck. The poor feline was like to pop at any moment now, and it was a wonder that the woman would take her around in such a state. Regardless the two would eventually travel out of site and the brothers would once again get to catching up. "So are you being sent back to Boralus or are you getting to spend some time here?" Karion asked quietly. He had hoped in a way that he would get to spend some more time with his brother. All to often, there would be news of yet another deployment and within hours the possibility that he could never see his only remaining relative would become a very real possibility. "No, I think they're going to allow us to stay in port for at least a few days" The man said softly, a gentle smile tucked away in his white beard "I should probably drop by An'da's place before I end up getting called back to some pointless battlefield" "I'm sure he would appreciate that. I am saddened that we could not bury him in a spot more suitable, but it would seem getting to Darkshore or Ashenvale is going to grow increasingly difficult." Karion's face saddened but he forced a little smile "And if not that you should spend a little time amongst the refugee camps, I'm sure there is a sentinel or priestess there which you could impress with your whiles" he stuck out his tongue. "Oh don't you give me that, you know damned well that between the two of us, it is not I that has trouble finding a nice sentinel woman to spend my time with. That little brother is where you need to spend some more time hmm?" Karion once again rolled his eyes but sighed. His brother was not wrong, between the two of them he was admittedly the one who had more trouble finding a woman to bed at night. Perhaps it was because he was the scrawnier of the two, or perhaps the more shy. Regardless of the reasons he could not deny it was not his specialty. "Regardless, I should be getting back to the encampment, I'm sure there's more then a few there who wish to see my return" Reesam boasted going to show off his arms and flexing with a laugh. "Oh yes, go impress all those Dwarven ladies" Karion snorted before standing up and giving a bow. "I'll meet you back here tomorrow hmm? Perhaps then I will find a way to beat you at this little game" "Not Likely" Resam chuckled, bowing as he too began to exit, heading back to the small barracks that he and his fellow troops were stationed at. Left there, alone in the park, Karion let his mind wonder. He sniffed at the salty air and let the wind blow through his white braided hair. Stretching and wiping at his eyes, it would not be long before the sun began to rise and the humans would once again begin to dominate the city. The nocturnal elf knew that he would need to catch something to eat before he rested and so he looked out towards the refugee camp starting to make his way there. In the last months at least the forest past the refugee camp had started to grow more familiar. They were not the forest of Ashenvale and Ferelas that he had grown up in, but the fish were plentiful and the predators fairly tame. The druid spent a bit of time walking back from the park, through the countless homeless Kaldorei citizens that still called the farmlands of Stormwind their home, and into the streams and quiet forest beyond at the foot of the mountains. Mother moon shone brightly tonight, and it would at the very least make the fish a bit easier to catch. So the man took on his most favored form, shifting into a more feral, feline state. That same white hair that has defined him before did so now as well, a coat of beautiful white fur spread across his form as he dropped to all fours. His eyes adjusted for a moment, and his nose sniffed at the air. The forest smelled lovely tonight and he was sure that it would be a good night to hunt. Delving deeper and deeper, seeking a stream he had become quite fond of it for its isolation and abundance of prey he stopped as his nose caught wind of something. It was not an animal or beast, it was something different. Lowering himself a little his eyes quickly peaked through the bushes, only to be stunned by the site of the same Quel'dorei that had passed them earlier now very clearly bathing in the stream he usually went hunting in. His mouth would have stood agape as he gazed upon her form, those curves accenting every part of her body. A perfect set of breast rest upon her chest perky and there for the world to see. She was covered in water and were he a more lecherous man he would have kept his eyes fixated upon the site. That was not Karion though, and so he quickly turned around trying to be discreet and attempting to disguise the fact that he had stumbled upon the woman. "Come on in, the water's fine" she called out Karion's eyes went wide as his ears stood up in shock. Had she seen him peaking through the bushes at her? Did she think him some lecherous old elf come to pry into her bathing? Frowning he stepped from the bushes into the clearing and immediately began to apologize "Listen I am... very sorry I just uh..." he tried to explain. "It's quite alright, I am not offended" she said with a warm smile, pulling herself out of the stream and making her way back to shore "Were your intentions evil or malicious I'm sure you would not have turned around in embarrassment" she snickered a bit. He could not help himself, as this goddess of a woman stepped from the water, he could hear his heart thumping and that feline shaft began to stir. "Kodos, uh... math," he thought to himself, desperately trying to distract his eyes and nose from the creature that stood before him. His eyes darted to the ground and he laughed nervously "Yes well.. uh... see the thing is... I usually hunt here and..." "It's quite alright," the woman said in a soothing tone, wrapping a towel around her form and approaching the embarrassed feline slowly. "I'm not ashamed of my body and have spent more then a few years with humans, dwarves, kaldorei, and more. If you had any intention of acting in a lewd way I would simply kill you" she gave a bright smile "Oh... uh.." he bit his lip at that and nodded "I suppose that is very fair." He went to offer his paw like the humans were so keen to do with their hands in greeting. The woman chuckled a bit taking the white paw and kissing it softly. "It is good to meet you..." she peaked around a bit going to look between the cat's hind legs "Mr...?" "Karion, Karion Swiftbreath!" he quickly clarified going to curl his tail between his legs as if in shame about the tip of that feline member that was just barely visible outside of his white furry sheath. "Right Mr. Swiftbreath, my name is Alynna" she bowed her head softly going to curiously pet at the feline's head. Karion didn't mind really, any feline, druid or otherwise, would be a fool to deny how good scritches and scratches felt. He felt his foot thump gently against the ground before nervously laughing attempting to stop himself. "Oh uh... good to meet you Ms. Alynna" he said in a feline sort of grin, nervously placing his front paw upon his head, rubbing at it. "I... I think we saw each other earlier, in the park? I was with my brother playing a game". "Oh yes, of course, I have seen you two out there playing that game for a few nights now. He seems to have you rather beaten at it," she nodded sagely "Oh uh... right" he looked around, pondering for a moment how he had managed to miss the Huntress and her pregnant Wintersaber before in the nights prior. His senses weren't growing that dull were they? Speaking of the Wintersaber, where was it? "I saw your wintersaber, she looked quite heavy with child. I am sure she will make a wonderful mother" he added trying to think of any piece of conversation to distract from a Quel'dorei in a towel petting at him. "Oh yes..." she said with a strange almost twisted smile "Yes, I suppose with her out of commission I will be needing a new companion for a bit". "Ah well that is what hunter's do hmm?" he laughed still trying to avoid looking at the towel "Yes... yes it is?" she smiled once more reaching down to pet at his ear, causing a shiver to go down the druid's spine. The ears after all were a rather sensitive spot "Lucky for me though, I doubt very much that the hunt for a new companion will take all that long" "Oh well, I am sure you are quite skilled at finding new companions, after all a woman of your skill and talent should have no problem at all" "I couldn't agree more," she whispered into his ear. That's when he felt it, a magic unlike any he had ever felt before began to taint the very air around them. It was strange, different, seemingly unnatural. Little whispers began to seep into his mind as the druid tried to shake his head. Blinking a few times he stumbled backwards towards the bushes and away from the shore "I uh... I think I should be going, let you get back to your bath hmm?" he half laughed, trying to make the whispers stop "Oh... no, my little friend, I'm afraid you won't really be going anywhere" her smile grew cruel as the whispered seemed to grow louder and more persistent. Looking upon her it was easy to see now, a stream of magic flowing from her finger tips which seemed to wrap around his muzzle and ears, as if poking at every little point. His hair stood on end, but for some reason he could not find it within him to move. There was something terribly dark and unsettling about this magic as it started to cloud his senses. Karion grew dizzy and disoriented, stumbling in any direction that his feet could take him. "You see... my snow coated friend, I will need a replacement and you... are perfect" her smile cruel and gleeful. "And once our little ritual is done, I don't think you'll really have any choice but to comply. So why don't you stop fighting it and let the mean old Quel'dorei have her prize hm?". Struggling against the magic, it was unlike the taming magics of any hunter he had ever come up against. The horde would use the strategy from time to time, attempting to turn druids into little more then thoughtless war machines. Even so, they had trained in Moon Glade for just such a thing, and as the green glow of the magic floated in the air he tried to resist. "Or perhaps," her voice started to grow darker, more masculine "It would be easier to accept if you knew what you were truly facing" the image of the half naked Quel'dorei before him shimmered and in the blink of an eye a powerful Satyr stood. "Submit now druid and I will make your life an easy one, or struggle and we can make it so much more difficult" The haze was so strong, Karion felt like the entire world was spinning, but the voices were growing louder and louder until it was like the feral spirit within him snapped. And then he couldn't seem to move his legs, his mouth, not even his tail. "There we are" the Satyr chuckled cruelly "I did not think you would last too long". His devlish red eyes set upon the druid as he walked forward going to pull on Karion's ear and tail and getting no reaction. "So easy to trick... so easy to lure, it is a wonder there are any of you Kaldorei left in the world" Karion knew this was trouble, a Satyr? Those were creatures that had been locked away in the Nightmare were they not? Surely with the whispers of the old god conquered there could be none left? Yet here he stood, powerless as the hooved beast walked around him as if analyzing a cut of beef. "It is a shame," the Satyr continued, "Roll over" Karion laughed to himself, there was no way in fel he was going to roll over for an opponent like this; however, his body clearly had other ideas. Without a moment's hesitation he felt him self falling to his side and then rolling upon his back presenting his belly to the would be assaulter. "Yes see... this simply will not do, the males fur coats are never quite soft enough". There was a powerful magic once more as the Satyr's hand drifted closer and closer to that furry sheath. Were it that Karion could whimper he would do so, but instead he simply stared up at the beast that held his body hostage as that hand crept lower and lower, finally feeling it upon that sensitive furry sack. "But we can fix that right up" There was a few moments of quiet and then the Satyr reached into his pocket pulling out a small paint brush. Dipped in some kind of glowing ink Karion's assailant began to draw intricate patterns upon his sheath and furry orbs. There was a terrible tingling sensation that teased at his entire lower half and the more he tried to fight it, the more powerful the sensation became "Don't worry, it doesn't take long" The satyr practically hummed as he began to channel magic once more into the captured druid. Karion could feel it, and were it that he could move his head to look down in horror he would see it as well. That sheath and pair of furry balls almost melting away right back into the flesh of this feline form, all the while his insides felt as if they were attempting to brawl for some kind of championship. He felt as if he could vomit before a strange heat began to grow between his hind legs. Where once a modest furry sheath and balls sat, instead replaced by a flowering pussy's pussy. The sensation was hard to describe, it was if someone had rearranged your organs, and even stranger still was all the little nerve endings that fired, all the tiny sensation that crept up Karion's spine. It was made all the worse as the Satyr stood and moved between the druid's hind legs, leaning in close as if to sniff, before that beast tongue rasped across the newly formed furry cunt lips. Karion could feel his whole body shiver as his hind legs all but kicked with excitement. A hint of arousal growing at that new entrance The Satyr's fingers snaked between the furry little lips peeling them apart to peer into Karions new intimate depths. "Well... this will do for now I suppose," the beast hummed standing up once more and going to grab a leash and collar, not to unlike the one that had been attached to the Wintersaber earlier. "And with a bit of..." a shimmer of arcane magic filled the air and rather suddenly the Satyr was once again a Gorgeous and well armored Quel'dorei huntress and Karion? Karion now looked suspiciously like a Wintersaber, at least to an onlooker. "There now, are you ready to begin your new career? I promise it will be... thrilling" Alynna snickered attaching the collar and leash and tugging Karion to his feet. He did not know what horrors awaited him, but he did not look forward to them [Part 1]