A strange Pet

Story by naturescall on SoFurry

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#1 of Strange Pet

A story of a young worgen girl who heads into the woods to read and gets far more then she expected

[Feedback Always Welcome please let me know what you think]

The Gilnean girl sat quietly outside the quiet and lazy barn in Westfall, yawning some she went to rub at her eyes. She had been doing this work for nearly two months now, and with each passing night it seemed to get even duller. Shoveling cow shit wasn't exactly Annie's idea of a good time, but for the getting the bills paid it kept her belly full, and a small if leaky roof over her head. Annie Ward had come from a poor Gilnean family, and like many others the years of war and strife in her homeland had left her with little in hand, and even less in spirit. Like most of her people she was recovered by the Kaldorei and brought back as a refugee.

Having spent more than her fair share of weeks living among the arrogant dagger eared elves that inhabited her new home, she chose to escape, hoping to make something of herself she had packed her belongings and made a contract with the first merchant ship she could find in order to cross the great sea between the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalmidor. She hadn't remembered the exact details of the contract, in fact she had just signed her name to it. In truth, reading and writing, and a great deal of her education were something that had been left out of her day to day life.

The struggle against the undead abominations that had invaded her homeland, and the Worgen that had claimed so many lives, and altered others left Annie with little knowledge of things that were probably common or even taken for granted by others. That is perhaps why she felt so at home in the dustbowl that was Westfall. The fields of seemingly endless crops and the people seemed to fit in with the girl's general demeanor.

"I suppose this will help me get the money I need" she chuckled going to count the few silver coins she had earned so far in her job as a stable hand. Biting her lip some, her lupine ears gave a flick, twitching slightly as the noises on the plains seemed to change. She had not gotten away from the curse that afflicted so many of her people, instead finding herself at the thick of things as the streets of the Gilnean capital were filled with the howls of the afflicted.

She had watched her mother and father savagely torn limb from limb by the terrible beast before she had found herself with the accursed bite upon her thigh. The girl sighed some, her training as a harvest witch had helped her calm the wolf skin that she now wore, but the truth was that she was trapped like this. She came to found out that the cure the Kaldorei had developed didn't have a complete success rate, and the tawny brown fur that covered the whole of her body wasn't going away any time soon.

The girl went to scratch idly at the ear that now irritated her on a daily basis seeming to have a mind of their own, they would react to every little sound that seemed to be present in this usually quiet farmland. Stretching some she looked out to the lightly wooded area in the mountains, often finding the area a nice retreat from the flat cropland that presented itself to her. She felt more comfortable, and more at home back in the trees, even if there weren't as many.

"Come on Romeo" she laughed going to saddle the horse she had become accustomed to using to get around the area. It was not long before she had climbed atop the beast back, beginning a slow and even trot towards the wooded area that would hopefully offer her some relief. It had been some time since she had been out this far, but the rather dull day had prompted the need for this little journey. She smiled briefly at the townsfolk, all who seemed to shy away from the Lupine woman, giving their own disapproving nods as she passed.

Though she ignored it, she could not pretend it did not hurt, each terrible glance to her new taller, slimmer, and admittedly much furrier form making her feel less and less accepting of herself. She simply spurred the mangy and aging horse on, pushing into the mountains. Finding a familiar hitching post at the forest edge, she pat the creature's mane gently as she hopped off, "Just stay here and wait for me Romeo, I promise I'll get back out to you before the sun sets hmm?"

The horse gave an unenthused whinny lazily chewing at the dry and dying sod grass that lingered at the forest edge. The girl gave a polite nod to the beast before she pulled a hood over her head and traveled into the woods, her ears flicking once more at all the noises that presented themselves. There was something that had been bothering her, though she couldn't quite put her nose to it. In the last few days it had been getting harder and harder to control the wolf skin, even with her training. It's needs became more pressing, the need to just... disappear into the woods, to never come back. She tried to shake the feelings off as she climbed into a tree with the book she had been studying

"Math and you, the basics of Arithmetic" All the trees around could be shown to have her previous work carved into them. Using a claw she would slowly draw out the problems into the wood, trying to learn what she could, but it was becoming more and more frustrating, unable to even enter Stormwind without paying the fees. The Girl turned the pages slowly, shifting uncomfortably in the tree branch, licking her now clawed fingers as she tried to understand the contents.

She goes to itch rather ungracefully at the top of her pants, she wasn't sure if perhaps she had picked up fleas in the last few days or something else was going on, but for whatever reason her nethers had an itch to them she couldn't quite describe. Looking around to make sure no one was watching the worgen girl slowly pushed her furred clawed hand under waist of her leather pants, pushing them into her panties, she nearly gasped.

Her woolen panties already seemed to be soaked, looking around at the area, she tried to hide her embarrassment at this, hoping surely now that no one was in this forest. "These are brand new I didn't.... Oh by the light" she murmured softly to herself, a blush that would shine through even her tawny fur. She went to pull her hand back instantly, seeing that even the brief contact with the fur on her mound had left hand dripping in something. She began to whimper and whine, her ears flattening, "Oh I need to get back home this is terrible," seeming to think she had soiled herself, and having no real idea of what was going on.

Of course the truth was simple, she was going into her first heat, she hadn't experienced anything like this as a human, but her Worgen body was ready and preparing itself to be bred, something Annie could do very little about. As she looked around nervously again, she seemed to think for a second before she forced her hand back into the waistband of her pants going to scratch idly on the outside of the wool cloth that protected her. It started slow at first, but as she hit the delicate nub hidden beneath cloth and fur, she sent a shiver through her body, biting her lip some.

Annie wasn't what felt so good about her gentle scratching, but something compelled her to continue, so she began to pick up the pace of her scratching, slowly just coming to realize she simply enjoyed the pressure again her mound, her tongue rolled out slowly as she let out a soft whimper. Her pace increased as she began to make broader strokes, closing her golden hazel eyes she spread her legs in the branch, simply enjoying the feeling of pressure against her soaked pedals and irritated mound, though she did not dare to push a clawed finger into her depths, keeping her attention to the outside of her clothing, an ever growing dampness there. Some of her fluids began to run more freely down her leg, matting the fur there, the girl was in the throes of ecstasy, not having masturbated, or perhaps having had the time.

She began to squirm as she rubbed more and more vigorously against the woolen fabric that protected her damp sex. A single eye shot open for only a moment to observe her surroundings, a certain fear in her eyes, this was not something that a proper girl should be doing, she did not know why, but that much she was sure of. Licking her lip she began to pant slowly but surely, coming dangerously close to pushing a single clawed finger past the fabric and into her waiting nethers. The simple material between her thighs quickly becoming soaked in her juices she let out a soft but contained howl into the woods.

The sound seemed to distract her as she suddenly opened both eyes and instantly retracted her hands, going to cover her muzzle in shame. She looked around the woods making sure that there was no way that anyone could have heard her, before her ears were graced with her greatest terror.

"Good Show" came a simple voice from the limbs above her.

Annie's eyes shot up in terror the limb above her as she saw standing proud, and clapping, a tall, muscular Worgen man, a bow on his back, a smirk in that devilish muzzle. She screamed going to try and tighten her pants back up and quite nearly falling out of the tree in the process, scrambling to try and climb down, "I... I didn't know anyone else was here!" she pleaded looking around now to see if he had been the only one watching her indulge in such bodily pleasures.

"There aint no worries girly, aint no one out here in this forest but you and I" he stated proudly giving a smirk before he scampered down the tree, sitting at its base, her eyes were now drawn to a large and quite sleepy looking lion, clearly from the Barrens, the creature had a brilliant dark brown mane to match the tawny fur of its body, not too much different from her own. She seemed to give another squeak of terror at seeing the creature.

"Old Juno, on you don't need to worry about him, he's just a big old kitten that's all" The man chuckled some as he approached the nervous and caught off guard girl, "So what's a girl like yourself doing out in the woods, tending to herself when she could be back at home with a good man hmm?" He smirked some as the flustered Annie looked away in shame.

"Look I know what I was doing wasn't proper, I just had an itch, that's all" she protested looking down at her feet and shuffling softly. "And well I started itching, and you know when you have an itch that you just can't stop scratching it, it was a bit like that"

With a roll of his eyes, and going to pull out a flask of what smelled like whiskey the man gave a simple nod, "Oh I imagine, having your hand down your pants and rubbing one out is more like the work of farm boys, not farm girls anyway." He grinned for a bit before he capped the whiskey and pulled out a small sheet of paper. He seemed to almost be sizing her up, or giving her some kind of evaluation before he folded the scroll, "Yep I thought so," he muttered to himself almost disappointed.

"Thought so what?" she tilted her head in curiosity approaching slowly and with a keen interest. Her clawed hand reached out as the scroll was pulled away, a slight look of disappointment on her face.

"Well it would seem my dear, that not only are you putting on quite the good show, but you're actually the one that I'm looking for"

This caught the girl off guard as she looked around the woods, perhaps hoping that there was someone else he might be confusing her with, "Me... you're looking for me? Whatever for?" She went to scratch at her head, realizing that her hand was still somewhat slick with her juices she went to brush it off in the grass.

"Well you are Annabelle Rockstead correct?"

The girl gave a simple nod and a shrug, still not really sure what this all might be about.

"I have orders to reclaim you in name of the Blue League trader's union, your repayment of services rendered has not been given and the boss doesn't take to kindly to debtors." He went to start pulling the bow from his back, eliciting a shriek from the woman.

"Whoa now!" she scrambled pulling out the few measly silver and copper she had collected as a farm hand, "I have been getting my payments back together just fine, I've just had a little trouble recently that's all!" she offered him the small and rather pathetic sack of silver before the man once again rolled his eyes tossing it to the side.

"I'm afraid you owe the Trader's union a hefty sum, nearly 300 gold for getting you out of Darnassus and into the human lands. On top of that you haven't taken the cure and you seem" he gives a sniff to the air, a devious grin once again crossing his face, his eyes showing no sympathy, "To be coming into season right now, and if there's anything I love more than recapturing those who don't pay, it's recapturing those who don't pay that offer me something fun"

The man began to look her over as she seemed to be looking for escape routes, "This isn't right, I can get the money to you I promise, the first year's harvest just needs to come in. The family I'm working for just doesn't have the money to pay me right now that's all!" she whimpered helplessly, her clawed hands going to brush against the fur of her mane and ears, as her demeanor seemed to fall apart.

"The League doesn't really care for excuses girly, what's important is that we get our money one way or another, and if you can't serve us by working in Westfall then you'll serve us in another way, and don't think about running out of here, I've got this whole forest just ready and waiting for a wonderful looking girl like yourself to try to escape" another bright grin escaped him as he leveled his bow with her head, almost taunting her to make a run for it

Annie looked around, trying to get a better feel for the situation before she simply began to bolt for the edge of the forest, looking behind her fear in her eyes, knowing that at any moment arrow or beast would come tearing into her backside, but as she got further and further away the moment never came, and for a brief time she felt as if she had almost escaped whatever terrible fate the man had in mind for her. That was before her foot went sailing over a well-placed trip cord, sending the girl spiraling, a hint of whiplash as she was hoisted by her ankle and into the trees.

It seemed like she was hanging there for hours, perhaps even longer as her eyes darted around the woods looking for the hunter that was likely soon to follow, growling in a low tone she tried to undo the bind that held her upside down, "This just isn't right" she protested silently stretching again and again to reach at the rope wrapped around her ankle, but it was little use. The trap almost seemed designed for her.

A slow whistle was coming from the woods as the woman tilted and moved her head to see what could possibly be approaching. "Oh by the light!" she muttered as she more feverishly worked to try and throw whatever she could at the limb holding her, only resulting in the girl's skinning knife and supplies landing in a sad heap at the ground below her.

"Well well well, Juno and Phillip are going to have quite the time, isn't that right Phillip" the man had returned and by his side, instead of the proud tawny lion, a rather hungry looking wolf looked on licking its chops and pacing gently by his side, "But before all that we have to get her ready for her meeting with the boss, I can't have you coming up looking like this. He might think I'm just bringing back random farm girls for the taking."

At seeing the second creature standing by his side the girl worried and whipped her head around trying to find the tawny lion she was sure he had before, her body shaking in fear, she whimpered softly, starting to pray to the light for help.

"Aint no point in praying little miss, you should have been doing that when you realized you aint go not gold to pay the boss. I'm afraid the only praying you'll be doing is to me here shortly, and don't worry about old Juno, he'll get to have his fun soon enough" He grinned widely as he walked up and despite her feeble attempt at fighting, began to bind her arms above her head climbing the tree, it was not long before he had her legs bound as well, leaving her suspended and bound she could only flail, "Ah now, don't fight it, this will all be done and over with soon enough"

"Let me go you sick monster, if you don't I'll... I'll tell the Stormwind Guard!" she kicked and flailed from her place in the tree, her strength having already drained by being strung up in the tree so long, looking at her hands and legs she let loose a growl spitting in his direction.

With a simple smirk as his eye was struck by her last feeble attempt at proving her freedom, "Well my girl, I'm afraid we pay the Guard more money than you do, and more than that..." He seemed to take a large inhale of her scent, his nose growing to become uncomfortably close to the waistband she had her hand so quaintly tucked away earlier. Before she could even react, the sudden pull of gravity sent her crashing back to earth, as the man had cut the rope.

"Ah yes my girl," The man paused as she leaped down from the tree pinning the already tied girl beneath him, "even your scent spells out your state, an unspoiled young lady, undergoing her first time, it will be glorious to be the one to open your eyes" with a squirm beneath him, she could feel his muzzle pushing against her neck, sniffing and chuffing as he hovered above her form.

"Let... let me go" she cried softly closing her eyes and trying to kick her legs only to find that even her most powerful kick did little to affect her attacker.

He took little time to begin what he seemed to have had planned from the very beginning, his taught Worgen form reaching over to grab the skinning knife she had dropped earlier, running the blade gently across the fur of her throat, "Don't worry girl, I'll let you go when I think you're ready" He smirked as slowly drug the knife down, across the cloth shirt, slowly cutting at the fabric, all the time never letting his eyes leave hers. "I've tamed a few Kaldorei Druidess in my time, but I must say I've never tried something as feisty as a Worgen girl, this promises to be a great deal of fun".

The girl's look become one of quickly shifting horror, her eyes darting down to where his knife had begun to cut through the material of her shirt trying to move her bound hands she could do little more than whimper and whine, "Please whoever you are, I don't have much to offer, but there's no need for this, please just let me go!" her pleading became pathetic as the knife cut further and further across the simple cloth material that covered her chest.

It was not long before the man was using his own clawed hand to peel back the thing fabric covering her chest, instantly moving one of his paws to grope at her furry chest, pinching at one of her already hardening nipples. "Oh no... those who can't pay their bills will face their punishment, and yours fate is already sealed my dear... I am going to quite enjoy breeding you, and then.... Of course letting some others have their fun."

The girls eyes went wide as she instantly seemed revolted not only by the groping to her modestly sized breast, causing her to, much to her own revolution and embarrassment, a hint of white milk leaking from her waiting nipple. She turned her head away partly in shame, and disgust. "Please... please stop that" she called out though her voice was more quiet and broken now.

"That's right girl, you'll soon realize that I'm going to be a good master for you, and look at this, when I have filled your belly full of pups you'll be more than ready to give them something," he stopped lowering his muzzle to her chest, giving a gentle lick of her nipple, suckling on It, causing it to harden in his mouth, a small moan escaping his prisoner. "Sweet, oh yes... you will be very good for my operations" he huffed some as he began working with his knife again, now pulling away the cloth shirt that had covered her, his gaze came down to the simple belt that wrapped her hips.

The girl could only turn away, her eyes scanning for any signs of the beast he had brought with him, her hope that distracting herself from this terrible onslaught would somehow make it all go away. That perhaps there was still hope for her yet. Maybe a guard from one of the nearby towns would come and find her. Her nose was starting to pick up on the subtle scent of his musk, though she did not know it, droplets of sweat seemed to come from the fur on her chest where had already shown her so much attention.

The hunter atop her was diligent in his work, looking her over he cut slowly at first, removing the belt that hindered him from reaching his prize, shortly after Annie would feel the blade cut along the side of the pants, each time a sickening ripping sound was made before he pulled that all away, leaving the helpless, bound, worgen girl in only her panties before the predator atop her frame. He seemed to look over her form for a long time, simply running his hand across her chest and belly, stopping as he pushed his muzzle against the cloth fabric, soaked in her juices from earlier.

"Hmm... so warm, and inviting, only a bit longer and the whole world will know just what it was you were hiding under there hmm?" he laughed a bit before he rolled her over on her back, much to the harvest witch confusion, a muffled "huh" being the only sound she could make before she gave a sickening shiver as his claws traced along her back shoulders and more, "A good stock," he said quietly, going to lift her face so he could inspect her teeth and jaw, "It's going to be a pleasure taking you little Annie, you just sit still we're almost done"

Annie tried to roll but quickly found herself tied down even further, as she tried to peak up to where he had left to, it did not take long to find what he was spending his time doing. A stockade, not unlike the one she had seen when she was first captured after being turned Worgen. The man seemed to be putting stakes into the ground, "Don't worry my new pet, I'll be the one seeing to you first, the other two will get their turn after I am sure that you are good and bred" he gave a big grin before he seemed to heave her up, cutting the rope around her feet, she thought now perhaps more than ever would be her chance to escape, she tried to sweep her leg attempting to knock him over. The sweep was met with only a thud as she hit the mail armor of his leg, "Oh it's going to take more than that love, just be still and this will be much easier. I don't want your first time being too painful..." he seemed to hum to himself before she felt his clawed hand near his head.

"Just relax and let this all... end rather peacefully, it will only take a bit if you are willing," at his words she would feel green tendrils pushing into her mind, she tried to fight the matter, even if her worgen side seemed almost soothed by the sensation, her mind became a battlefield, as on the outside world she seemed to have closed her eyes, going almost completely still, "That's right... just let me have control and this will be over soon... it won't be much longer now" he pushed more and more of his magic into her mind, breaking the young worgen girl. Her legs no longer sweeping, she seemed at best subdued.

A quiet hum escaped him as the girl struggled at the last strands of her independence, her mind flooded with fear and hatred, the feral side of her asserting more and more control. Annie was losing herself and she could feel it, her urge to escape, to get away from all of this was starting to become little more than an old dream. She could feel as her head and arms were placed in the stocks, her feet bound to the small stakes at the side, her rump on display for the hunter behind.

"That's right my love, just keep calm and listen to my voice.... If you keep like this I might even reward you" he laughed, her mind undisturbed by the goings on of the world around her before she felt the skinning knife from earlier now grazing lazily across the fabric of her panties, "Let's see what's here hmm? Is this your natural fur color?" he joked. The feel of the blade pressing against her rump slicing the last piece of fabric and dignity away from her sent her reeling back.

The woman now more feral then girl struggled in her confinement, feeling the last barrier between the man and her drooling sex slip away and to the ground. She growled and barked at him as he slowly lowered a finger to her waiting folds, very slowly circling her nub, "That's a good girl, you just growl all you want, and we'll make this easy hmm?" he laughed a bit before she would feel his clawed finger press past her virgin entrance the tiny hints of her pink nether lips only visible because of her heat, puffy and inflamed, the claw would quickly come to her maidenhood which only prompted a subtle smile from him

"Let me go" she now growled defiantly, finding her strength returning with her ever more feral mind as she struggled in the stocks barking and showing all of her teeth, "Let me go or I will rip you limb from limb, and spread your flesh across the fields!"

A deep growl and a laugh came from him as he retracted his finger, lowering his muzzle to come looking at her swollen folds, she felt a long slick tongue make its way from her sensitive nub all the way to the base of her swollen netherlips, prompting a gentle moan from her, "I thought you might like that" he laughed some, but did not stop. She quickly found the tongue darting in and out of her waiting sex, forcing it way inside, scooping out what nectar it could. This invasion of her most private region, an area she had neglected for many years caused her to nearly collapse from the shock of the feeling.

"Ah~" she managed to say, involuntarily spreading her legs to allow the man easier access to her sopping wet folds, his tongue lashing out again and again, mixing her own juices with his her ears stood on edge as she tried to push back towards the tongue that now made it's way across and into her folds. A tongue slipped out of her muzzle as she panted softly, the hunters now soothing hand coming to stroke gently at her back. She heard the gentle clattering of armor, and though she could not see what he was doing, she soon felt it.

The warmth of his tip pressed against her waiting sex, using his tip to gently spread her nether lips, his hand now coming to grace her ear as she felt him leaning over the stockades, "I'm about to breed you my pet, simply be calm and this will all be very easy. If you fight... I can't promise your fate will be a pleasant one, do you understand?" that familiar green glow began to push its way into her mind, the tendrils wrapping their way around her last thoughts of freedom. She could only offer a simple nod.

"That's a good girl" he gave a near growl, and in a matter of seconds her sex was speared, her maiden hood torn as he shoved the whole of his length spread her slick virgin walls, it was only a matter of moments before he had hilted himself upon her. The girl, still firmly locked in place by not only the stockades, but the magic that held her mind, howled in pain, as he stroked her face gently, "That's a good girl, you're fine... just hold on and we can be on our way as a happy couple, you will be my pet, my well-bred little pet"

"What... what are you going to do with me" her voice came quietly, all while his member pulled back, raking along her velvet walls, small drops of precum spraying across her unspoiled depths, even the gentle raking of his member seemed to cause her to gasp in pleasure, shuttering at the attention, the terrible pain of having her maidenhood taken, having been deflowered was now a simple figment of her past. All she could focus on was her insides coiling around him, desperate for more of the warmth spearing her depths.

He growled knowing that she was his now, picking up his pace, his furry balls slapping against her sex as slammed into her again and again, "I'm going to make you my pet, I'm going to use you in every way I can, I am going to fill you belly with pups, and more than that you are going bow to my every word, you are going to want to feel my cock pushed into your fertile passage from now until the day one of us dies"

Her submission almost complete, he was relentless as he began to growl scraping his claws along both sides of her body, going to pinch at her nipples, she could hear him ruffling around in a satchel before a metal collar slowly started to slip around her neck, "There you go Annie, now everyone will know just who you," he was cut off as he slammed into her once more, coming closer to his peak, she felt his knot starting to swell at the edge of her netherlips, pushing more and more her virgin folds had just become accustomed to the member that now invaded her depths, the thick buldge at the base of his red cock was slipping in and out, but with each time he pulled back it was becoming more difficult for him to remove himself.

"Your... your pet?" she called out, her mind intoxicated by the sex and the hunter's magic, "I... I like that" was her meager response, the last vestiges of freedom pushed away trying to push her hips to meet each of his thrust. It was with those words that she found his knot pushing into her, locking the two together, the hunter howled out in glee, a quick finish as he began to pump a final time, the girl felt it, quick at first a gush of his virile seed gushing into her depths, the treatment continued for what seemed like hours in her mind, his knot making its way deep inside of her, a small squeal of pain and delight was all she could make as she was locked to him just as she was locked to the stock.

She felt as the stock was lifted off her hands and neck, the ties that bound her feet were removed and even though his knot still locked deep inside of her, he turned the woman so that she would face him, giving a lick of his chops as he looked in her eyes, petting her belly, "There we go my pet, the next time I promise I won't be so rough with you" she brushed her muzzle lightly going to lick at her face, taking a deep inhale of her scent.

She shivered in his grasp, pushing her head underneath his neck as he pet at her, "There there... I'm sorry" he said softly cuddling her, the exhaustion from the day's events were quickly claiming her, and it did not take too much time before she was snoring soundly his knot still locked inside of her. He simply smiled and laid her down, pulling a blanket over them both, the night falling over them, what did the next day bring?

[End Chapter 1]