Blood & Carrots - Episode 18

Story by GCStargazer on SoFurry

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#18 of B&C

So, you wish to hear the old bunny-tales of the misadventures of Alice Blackpaw, do you? Hmm, I suppose I can, but you may be here a while. My life was a simple one once, not unlike your own, but time and circumstance changed that. You ask if I'm a vampire? Yes, I suppose that is partially accurate, but there's so much more to the story than that. Love, lust, war, reinvention...

I see you're determined. Very well, I'll tell you the tale of how I came to be who I am today. It may be a long tale, but after all, we have nothing but time. So, rest your head on my lap, my pet, but I warn you... storytelling can make me a tad thirsty.

18+ Mature sexual content.

Episode 18:

Say the words and I shall return them

You interrupt me and I quirk a brow. "What's that? Did I ever lay with Harold or his wife? I suppose you will just have to wait and see." I hum the words teasingly.

I grin at your childish pouting but wag a finger. "Now now... you wish to hear my stories, you hear them at my pace. Shall I retire for now and this will wait until the next evening?"

A smile plays on my lips as you backpedal on your fussing. I give a haughty huff and place my hands in my lap. "As I was saying... The training really helped mature me. I was still a foul-mouthed, hot-headed thing in the heat of battle. However, Harold had instilled upon me much wisdom and composure."

"I may get long-winded with this particular tale, I apologize." I give you a knowing grin. "The good news is, there will be plenty of saucy details and the return of the wolf I know you're quite fond of..."


"Really now? That is troubling news." I spoke to my retriever on the other end of the line, phone pinned between my head and shoulder while I laced my boots up.

"Indeed... I apologize to ask... but I know one resides within your family, Alex, I believe?" She spoke out to me in quick pants and I could tell she had her headset on. I imagined the movements in my mind of her practicing her thrusts and parries with her rapier.

"I don't mind, this is something of concern if four people have already been slain. You're sure it's the doing of a lycanthrope?" I frowned and stood from my bed, bouncing on my heels to test the fit of the boots.

"I'm absolutely certain, all of the signs are there for it." The dog spoke in a matter of fact tone. I heard her give a sharp bark, imagining the large sweeping arch her blade must have made before sheathing it. "Alice... I apologize, please do not assume I keep this relationship out of convenience..."

"Hush your mouth my sweet angel, that is the furthest thing from my mind!" I fussed the words at her before rubbing my chin in thought. "This is a grave matter, It threatens my house and his pack. If we don't deal with it hunters may come and they won't be looking for just one... Helping you will help my family and his."

"Thank you... uhm... will I see you this weekend?" I heard the eagerness creep into her voice and smiled.

"You will... I will pack my things and stay the day with you. Even wear that little red number you like seeing on me."

I smiled at the huff of her breath on the other line. "Ah... o-okay... will you-"

"Yes my angel, I will make my eyes red for you, don't I always?" My teeth showed in a grin, looking upon myself in the mirror, my eyes red even now from the thought of her happy face.

"I'm sorry, we were talking about something so dreadful and serious, but my own desires came to the front. Divines forgive me..." I could just imagine her bowing her head and making a sign.

I pursed my lips and smiled. "It's okay Gloria... don't beat yourself up over it. I'm sure the divines know it's just the influence of a wicked demon."

The dog laughed into the phone gently and I could see her smile in my head. "Silly... you've more kindness in you than most celestials I know."

"You don't really get out much with your own kind, love." I hummed the words and giggled. "Let me go speak to my master and Alex. I will reach out to you when I know something."

We said our goodbyes and I moved to the wall, pulling my wrapped whip from its mount. Donning the whip on my right side, I reached for my guns but then decided I didn't feel like sporting the holsters with this outfit. I shrugged and just took one of the revolvers and slid it into the back waistline of my jeans.

Making my way out of our Master's bedroom, I stepped out into the main hall that adjoined the foyer. It was a good thing Elias had a massive bedroom, he needed the space after having me and Katrina basically move in with him. Moving through the mansion I happened upon Alex coincidentally and gave the wolf a grin. "Hey... there's my sexy wolf."

His amber eyes met mine and I saw them soften, a cheerful smile crossing his face. "Alice, my lovely rabbit. How are you this evening?"

"Not bad... well, I have news for you actually." I thrust a finger upwards at him, my look shifting to a serious one.

"Oh?" He frowned and put his hands on his hips. "What's up?"

"Well, let's go speak with our lord. It's probably going to become family business." I cut my eyes to him as we both made our way to Elias's office. "And pack business..." I saw his jaw set at the words and he gave me a nod.

Elias peaked his fingertips in thought. "So four mundanes have been slaughtered in the last three nights and your celestial is certain the attacks are by a lycanthrope."

"That's right, Master. She sought out my council because she knew this could jeopardize us and the pack." I looked to Alex, seeing his teeth showing in anger.

"Alice, forgive me for saying this, but I must. Are you certain we can trust her?" Elias frowned and looked into my eyes.

I showed my teeth for a moment but quickly reigned the anger in. He was right to show concern and I shook my head. "Master... just having me in her life is enough to risk death for her. I do not believe she plays any games with me. Even if she did, I would know the instant I touched her."

He gave a nod and then looked to the wolf. "Alex... you represent Gnarled Fang, what would you have me do in this matter?"

"With your permission, I will seek counsel with the elders. They will certainly wish this investigated and resolved. I will then travel to the city and deal with the threat myself." He growled the words and I could tell by his tone it was personal.

"Like hell, you will!" I spat out and gave him a stern look. "I won't let my wolf run off alone into battle. I go with you and I bring an angel's sword arm with me."

Alex gave me a laugh. "You seriously think she would ally with monsters?"

"She will, Gloria is a wise and kind soul. She is also a formidable warrior. We do not know this lycanthropes strength, better to go armed to the teeth, then come in lacking." I spoke the words pointedly.

"I do not like the idea of sending you onto a dangerous task like this, either of you." Elias frowned and shook his head. "Alex, I agree with the countess. I believe she should accompany you. You train with her daily, surely you are as confident in her abilities as I am?"

"I am..." Alex rubs the back of his head and frowns. "Well... you talk about her enough, it will be interesting to finally meet this other dog in your life."

"Good boy..." I cooed the words and brushed my fingertips along his tail, watching him shiver at my touch.

Elias cleared his throat. "Well... I and Alice will wait for your return. When should we expect you?"

"Give me two hours, it's only about a thirty-minute sprint to the homestead." He spoke the words and turned to walk out of the office.

"I will see you out, Alex." I spoke the words and bowed to Elias.

We walked out onto the lawn and Alex jerked his pants open. I offered him an excited grin. "Ha... right here in the grass my dog? You long for me that much?"

He offered me an apologetic smile. "I am fond of these pants and shirt. Will you take them to my room?"

"I will... if you promise to bend me across your bed upon your return." I cooed the words, watching him drop his pants and boxers, seeing the effect right away my words had upon him. His legs showed the clear outline of the well trained muscles, his backside firm and muscled beneath the base of his large fluffy brown tail.

"A fair trade... you have my word." He showed me his teeth, peeling his shirt away and kicking his boots off. He stood before me fully nude, every glorious muscle bared for my eyes. I sighed at his form and felt my eyes burn, my hips squirming slightly.

"Can I not convince you of a quick session here in the grass before you leave?" I practically panted the words, moving towards him.

I saw his hesitation before he gave me another grin. "I'm sorry my rabbit, the elders will be hunting within the hour. Time is not on our side for now."

I pouted and collected his clothes, smelling his strong feral scent upon them. "Well away with you then, I will be waiting in your room for your return."

He gave me an adoring smile and then turned away. I watched him shift but not into his hulking bipedal wolf form. He dropped to his palms and simply turned into a large brown wolf. I saw his black eyes cut back to me and I gingerly patted his head.

"Safe travels my cute little dog." I cooed the words and he took off. Within a few paces, he was easily up to the speed of a car and tearing down the fields of grass and deep into the hills. I gave a resigned sigh and moved into the house with my hands filled with his clothing. "Perhaps I will kill an hour in the training room..."


Alex pushed the door to his seemingly empty room open and stepped in. He had a room with both a balcony exit and an internal door. Seeing as he ended up leaving and arriving buck naked a lot of times. I was hiding in his partially closed closet with a wicked grin on my face when he slipped in.

The wolf lifted his ears and grinned. "I can smell you, Alice. You might as well give up on the surprise attack."

I pouted and stepped from the closet, stepping into the moonlight that was shining in through the window and open door. Alex gave me his full attention when he saw me. I had stripped naked for him, without even a pair of socks or a piece of jewelry on.

"Wow... hell of a greeting..." He bit his lower lip, his tail wagging furiously at the sight of me.

"Well... I thought I would make you feel better, knowing you would be coming home in a similar way." I moved to him, my hips swaying as I grinned. My small hand drifted to his already swollen length, gripping at his base and eagerly pumping my hand a few times, feeling it throb violently. "Glad you seem to approve..."

The wolf growled and grabbed my hips, my tail flicked in excitement as he pulled me up to him and shoved his mouth to my own. I moaned against his mouth and grabbed his shoulders. I mean he literally lifted me off the ground, my feet were well clear of any hope of the floor. I felt my breasts push into his strong hard chest and playfully nipped at his tongue, careful to keep my canines from it.

I pulled from his lips after a time and panted against them. "Take me outside... I mean to say... take me... outside." I stared into his eyes with a hungry smile.

He nodded and held me in his arms, quickly making his way back out the balcony door. It was a quick walk to the large field of grass and when he lowered me to the ground I hit my knees right in front of him.

I didn't ask or give him any warning, I just grabbed the base of his large shaft and shoved my small mouth over the tip of it. He growled and I felt his hand heavy on my head, gently rubbing at my hair and ears. I dipped my free hand between my own legs, rubbing and stroking at myself while I happily suckled upon his length.

There was no way I would get more than a few inches into my small mouth and my teeth always made this very challenging, but I did my best for my wolf. I felt his eagerness bead at the tip and spread across my tongue, his essence musky and wild tasting.

My body shuddered and I pulled my mouth from his length. I panted up at him, my eyes blood-red in the moonlight. "Sorry, I'm not very good at it..." I moaned the words, recovering from my own release.

"I love your mouth, it's perfect, like the rest of you..." He growled the words in adoration and I bit my lower lip.

With a needy groan, I turned from him and planted my right hand on the ground, bending over and arching my back. My tail lifted straight up and slid my left hand between my legs. I gave him a coy grin and used my fingers to spread myself, exposing my tight clenching rabbit hole to him. "Come here... take me properly my alpha, my love."

There was no hesitation, he was behind me and pushing his saliva coated tip right against my entrance. I bit my lower lip feeling it brush my fingers as it forced into me. Inch by inch he forced my walls apart until he bumped deep into me at my very core. I shuddered and pulled my hand away, and planted it onto the grass with my right one.

"To your liking my rabbit?" He growled the words over me, his hands on the ground neary my own. I could feel his chest on my back, his body hunched over me. I moaned happily feeling feral and wild with him in this position.

"Yes... ngh... my big strong dog... ha..." I tried to speak through his deep thrusts into me, my body jerking in the grass. I shuddered as he drew forth my release, my tongue lolling out heavily from the sensation. "Ah... I've longed for you... ha... it's been too long!"

Alex chuckled into my ears and gave my small body a heavy push, his tip shoving hard into my deepest regions. "Ngh... it's been two days at most... such a dramatic rabbit..."

I Bit my lower lip, not saying anything. My arms felt week so I dropped to my elbows, my exposed breasts now in the grass, rubbing against the blades while he ground and bucked against me eagerly. My tongue was hanging out in a heavy pant while he pushed into me again and again.

"Ha... Alice... fuck..." He moaned the words and I could feel him growing close. It felt so intense tonight, perhaps because we both knew we would be going into battle soon.

I shivered and jerked my hips back, shoving hard against his crotch. I clenched my teeth and snarled out. "Ha... say it Alex... say the words and I shall return them!" I spat the words out in a command to him.

The wolf gasped at my words and I felt him return my push with a deep thrust. He pushed hard into me and I croaked out a slightly pained yelp from how roughly he was pushing at my core. I heard his words come to me in a feral growl, they were hot against my ears and made me smile.

I found my palms and pushed against his chest with my back. I swallowed down my power then looked back at him over my shoulder, meeting his amber eyes with my wet blue ones. "Ha... I love you too, my wolf... now cla- H-huff!" I must have overloaded him, I didn't even get to finish before he was pouring his love into me again and again. I shuddered and fell back to my elbows, panting and moaning, feeling his heat fill me completely while my eyes returned to a deep red.

The wolf snarled and ground his hips against me over and over until my walls clenched everything he had out of him. He collapsed onto his elbows, his chest heavy on my back and his panted breath hot on my ears. I sighed blissfully and licked my lips. "I do mean it Alex... perhaps it is wrong to love so many, perhaps one would think my love spread thin and meaningless... but it is true..."

He nuzzled my head and I felt him nod. He didn't answer, he was too busy panting and coming down from the euphoria and adrenaline. I knew it was a challenge for him sometimes and smiled, letting him take his time to compose himself.

Several moments passed before he spoke into my ear gently. "You've known I've longed to hear those words..."

"I have... and I meant them. I felt the time was right..." I sighed happily then giggled as he shifted and took a seat in the grass. He never left me and I found myself pulled with him, resting in his lap and leaning back against his chest. I leaned into him, sitting upon his lap, feeling him still pulse and throb against my walls.

His large hand rested over my stomach while he held me. "Do you say it because we go to fight? Do you fear for me or yourself?"

I shook my head. "I do not fear any such thing, I do so simply because I feel it was the right time. However..." I hum playfully while moving a hand to stroke at his cheek while looking up at him. "If my love hardens your battle resolve like it does that which is within me presently... I fear for anyone that we stand before."

The wolf barks a laugh and leans down to nuzzle my cheek gently. "I fear anyone that is subjected to your wordplay, my love."

I felt my cheeks heat up and I pouted. "T-that is rude! I felt that line was quite witty!"

Alex showed his teeth in a grin then simply embraced me. I felt him hug me tightly and securely. I blinked and leaned into his chest, feeling his warmth and energy. "I will always keep you safe..." He whispered the words and I heard the fear in his voice. I knew it was not the fear of battle, but the fear of possibly losing me.

"I will be here my knight... for a long time yet, I shall be here at your side. You have my word." I whispered the words and moved my arms to clutch over his own, returning the embrace.


The clan did as was expected and wished to send out a party to find and deal with the rogue lycanthrope. Alex had explained the intended group and mentioned how the elders were reluctant about a celestial being involved. He said it took some convincing but since the divines were more tolerant of their type, they eventually relented.

"So anything I should know about Gloria?" Alex asked me from the passenger seat of the car.

I lifted my ears and gave him a grin. "Yeah, she's mine, so don't go sniffing her butt."

"Haha, nice dog joke... want me to avoid peeing on her things too?" He showed me his teeth playfully.

"Joking aside, I'm not sure what to expect. She knows of you and I've made no effort to conceal what we are or what we do." I gave a shrug. "Let us play it by ear. All you need to know is that she is a good strong dog."

He nods and looks out the window. I was driving like a maniac like I always did, my eyes red and the car struggling to keep up with my own reactions. Alex didn't seem to bat an eye at the driving and looked as if we were at a leisurely pace.

We arrived at Gloria's apartment and she greeted us at the door. "Thank you for coming, Alice." The retriever gave me a smile and happy wag of her tail. Her eyes then looked up at the very large wolf beside me. "Ah... you must be Alex! My goodness you are big!" She barked the words playfully and showed her teeth in a grin, I saw a blush on her cheeks, feeling torn inside about it.

"Am I big or are you just really short? ... and cute." He growled the words back playfully before giving a polite bow.

I heard Gloria giggle at the exchange and bit my lower lip, feeling something stir inside me. All my other lovers were intertwined together in the web of the council. They had always been a package deal. This dog though... she was separated, she was special, she was mine and mine alone. Of course, I had told her I didn't expect her to be mine alone, I had multiple partners. It would be both madness and hypocrisy to expect monogamy from her.

"Alice, love, are you okay?" Gloria's words reached me and I lifted my ears, snapping out of my internal brooding.

"Oh... Y-yeah! I'm sorry, I was just thinking." I gave her a quick grin and lifted my ears.

Alex gave me a long look but said nothing. Gloria smiled and pulled her door wider open. "Ah, well come in! I will make some tea and we can talk about our plans."

I nodded and walked in, Alex following behind me. We took a seat at the small kitchen table in her apartment and I watched the wolf curiously glancing around the new surroundings.

"Ah, what kind of tea would you like, sir Alex?" Gloria called from the stovetop where the kettle was heating.

"Anything is fine. Oh but please, just call me Alex." He nodded his head and grinned at the other dog.

"V-very well... Alex." Gloria gave a soft giggle at the display and I felt my left ear twitch sharply. The wolf's amber eyes moved to the motion and he settled a curious look upon me.

I blinked back at him and tilted my head. "Are you well, Alex?"

"I think so... are you?" He asked me directly.

"Yes, I'm fine." I gave a nod and looked back to Gloria, watching her set out teacups while humming happily to herself.

"Lady Gloria, I apologize, I need to speak with Alice outside a moment. We will be back." Alex stood from the table and gripped my wrist.

"Oh? Well, the tea shall be steeped by the time you return." The golden-haired woman gave me a smile. I gave her a smile back and felt the wolf pull me along with him out of the apartment.

He walked me several yards from her apartment before fixing me with a look. I blinked up at him and frowned. "What is it, Alex?"

"L-look... uh..." He rubbed the back of his head and frowned. "I don't have fancy supernatural mojo to pick up on feelings, but I can tell you're bothered..."

"I'm not." I spoke the words pointedly.

"You've never been good at full-on lying, Alice." He folded his arms and showed his teeth. "Have I upset you?"

"No! Yes... no! I... don't know, okay?" I spat the words out rapidly, then rubbed the back of my head and looked away.

"Come on... it's me... we talk about everything... I love you, Alice... so just tell me what troubles you." He spoke the words softly, his fingertips brushed my cheek and guided my face to look upon his own.

"Ah... I..." I clench my teeth and fix him with a look. "Have you and Katrina had that date yet?"

He gave me an awkward glance. "No... why bring that up?"

"I don't know!" I snarled the words and clenched my teeth. My eyes jerked away and I shook my head.

"Uh... I'm not trying to lay with her, Alice." He spoke the words of realization towards me.

"Then why do you flirt with her?" I showed my teeth and huffed the words.

Alex folded his arms. "Alice... of all people... you have I, Katrina, El-"

"I know!" I growled and stepped away from him, my tail flicking furiously about. "It's stupid! I know... and I'm being selfish... but... the thought of her with someone else..."

"Would it be different if I wanted to lay with both of you at once?" He asked me curiously.

My gaze shifted back to him, my eyes red at the thought of it. "Ha... that sounds... fun..." I felt the heat and eagerness fill me.

"Hmm... could it be your jealousy is at the concept of someone laying with another without you involved?" He rubbed his chin in thought.

"N-no... because I know Val regularly lays with others. Elias and Katrina regularly partake of one another too. I'm sure if Lor-" I snapped my mouth shut before saying her name.

Alex cocked a brow at me. "Alice... just tell me she is yours and spoken for. I haven't set any intentions upon her."

"No!" I spat out and clenched my fists. "The demons in me can fuck off! I- I will not restrain her like that, n-not when I have like... five fucking partners other than her!"

"Five? I only count four..." He pursed his lips and gave me a smile. "Well... it's not my place to keep up with all of your ongoings... you love me and that is enough for me."

"Thank you..." I push my hand to my forehead and shake my head, my ears flopping about. "Ha... Val warned me about this, said it would show sooner or later..."

"What?" He asked me curiously.

"It's the nature of the power, it wants to possess and claim, and with that comes the unwillingness to share. Like a dragon roosting upon a pile of treasure." I growled the words bitterly.

"Why doesn't this come up with everyone else then?" He asked me curiously.

"I think it's because... well, we're all intertwined and family in a way." I rub at my forehead and frowned.

"Can I say something about all this?" He crossed his arms and fixed me with a hard look.

"Y-yes..." I blink up at him and frown.

"Who I lay with is my business. I love you Alice, but I am not tied to you and none of the others are. None of us agreed to anything like that." He showed his teeth and spoke in a matter of fact tone towards me.

I folded my ears and cast my eyes away, giving him a nod. "I know... and I wouldn't expect any of you to only have me."

"This is just another form of the hunger in you trying to control you, Alice. You know that and I know that. You are better than the demons inside you." He barked the words at me and put a hand reassuring upon my head.

I nod at him and blink tears from my eyes. "Thank you... I have trained and tried to focus, tried to get stronger, but... it seems to always slip through the cracks."

"That's what it does, Alice... I do not fault you for any of this." He took a knee and put his hands on my shoulders. I feel the wolf pull me closer and force me into a kiss.

My ears fold and I wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him back eagerly, my tail flicking rapidly. We stayed that way for several moments and finally I pulled from him with a sigh. I push my forehead to his own and shake my head weakly. "I know... it's really her decision..."

Alex stood and gave me a nod. "She's a lovely thing Alice. However... I think she only has eyes for you. I think her playing along with the flirting was just an oblivious thing." He gave me a gentle nod.

"Y-you think so?" I blink up at him again and tilt my head.

"Well I'm not in her head and you know her better than I." He raised a finger and gave me a grin. "Tell you what, if she starts making moves on me, I will tell her I'm only game if you're involved. That's fair isn't it?"

I blush at the thought, my eyes turning red as I answer without hesitation. "Oh yes... so very much so..." He gave me a smile and took my hand, I grinned childishly at him and squeezed his grip.

"I think she is firmly yours though, Alice. She strikes me as the loyal type." He spoke the words comfortingly and began to pull me along.

"Welcome back, is everything okay, love?" Gloria looked upon me with concern, setting the third cup down upon the table.

"Yeah, we just had some council business to discuss." I gave her a smile and moved to take a seat.

The three of us engaged in small talk over tea and blood for several minutes. I felt better at his words and gave myself a reassuring nod. If the demon was at play I would fight it off. When I seriously looked deep in myself I knew that whatever made any of my partners happy, especially Gloria, would make me happy as well.

"So what do you do for fun, Gloria?" Alex spoke out conversationally.

The smaller dog lifted her ears and tilted her head. "Oh... well, I practice my swordsmanship, I meditate and... uhm... does having sex with Alice count?" The words were lewd but she spoke them in an innocent childish like question.

Alex barked out a laugh and gave her a grin. "Well, we have at least one hobby in common then." He gave her a nod before sipping his tea.

I blushed and pursed my lips. "Sorry if this is awkward for you, Glora." I mumbled the words and cast my eyes away from her.

She gave me a heavenly smile and shook her head, her golden hair bouncing slightly at her drooped ears. "No, not at all, he is a fetching wolf. I can tell he really cares about you, I can simply feel his love and respect for you radiating from him."

Me and Alex shared a look before turning back to her. Gloria blinked at the dual gaze and lifted her ears. "Ah... did I say something odd?"

"Nah... you're cool, Gloria. I'm glad Alice has such a great girlfriend." He showed his teeth in a grin.

Gloria put a hand to her cheek and I saw them darken. "Oh... we are dating now, aren't we? It's hard to believe such a wonderful rabbit is with me."

"You're exaggerating, my dog." I hummed the words gently and gripped her hand.

"I am not! You are a wonderful creature and I thank the divines I met you!" The dog placed a hand to her chest and closed her eyes, as if giving a prayer of thanks.

I felt a shiver go down my spine and laughed. "Ha... careful, Gloria. You pray too hard like that and I might just burst into flames."

The dog fixed me with her eyes and I thought I saw flecks of gold in the deep blue for a moment. "I will never allow that to happen." She spoke the words with full authority and I felt my face grow hot at her confident glare.

Alex whistled at the display. "Now you're talking my language. I feel the same way, Gloria."

"Truly? I am thankful I am not her only shield then. You have my gratitude sir Alex." She smiled brightly at the wolf and bowed her head towards him.

He showed his teeth and gave his own nod. "Likewise, thank you for protecting my rabbit."

Gloria gave a soft cough and gave the wolf a challenging look. "Our, rabbit."

Alex showed a grin and waved a hand. "My apologies... our rabbit."

I huffed and felt my cheeks darken more. "Cool! Well if we can adjourn from the first meeting of the 'Let's make Alice die of embarrassment club'. How about we talk about why we're all here?"

"Your wordplay needs work, my love." Gloria hummed the words and sipped her tea. Alex simply barked out a laugh at her words.


"So we've got four deaths eh?" I spoke to Gloria while producing a small leather sack from my duffle bag and dumping a small pile of silver bullets out in front of me. Alex looked nauseous and scooted away from me a little, as if just having them near was making him ill. I gave him an apologetic glance and started laying them out in rows of six, tips facing up.

"It's up to seven." She spoke the words solemnly. I and Alex both frowned and looked upon one another.

"Damn it... we should have gotten started last night instead of waiting." The wolf growled the words and shook his head.

"It is my fault for not bringing it to your attention sooner, their blood is on my hands." Gloria gave a sad grimace and placed a hand to her chest.

"Stop it, both of you." I growled the words and placed the last bullet, making a set of thirty-six in all. "It's none of our faults, but we will be the ones to put the fucker down." I moved away from the table and gave Gloria a nod.

The retriever steps over the bullets and gripped her pendant, a small rosary with cross and thorns adorning it. Her right hand moved over the spread of bullets and her brow furrowed in concentration. She gave a soft pant and smiled at me. "There you are, my love."

Alex blinked several times. "What just happened?"

"She blessed them." I spoke out pointedly before bringing both of my forefingers to my teeth and gnashing them open. Alex flinched at the display and I gave him a small smile.

"Yes, since they are made of silver I can impart divinity to them." Gloria spoke the words gently while watching me go to work. I began touching my bleeding fingertips to each bullet in the rows, dotting them with my blood.

"That's pretty cool. I take it the blood is so you can use your thaumaturgy upon them?" Alex looked upon me curiously.

I finished the last bullet and licked both of my fingertips, healing the wounds. I then smiled at Gloria. "See... he's a smart wolf. I told you he was more than just a pretty face and a good lay."

Gloria showed her teeth and wagged her tail. "I never doubted you, my love."

"Glad you think I'm pretty, maybe I should break out of this gig and go be a model!" He barked the words playfully.

"Hmm... I would not be opposed to seeing more of you." The smaller dog wagged her tail while humming the words, then lifted her ears in the realization of what she said. She put her hand to her mouth, blushing deeply before giving a bow to the wolf. "Goodness... my- my apologies sir Alex!"

I gave a laugh and took out my set of four speed loaders, collecting bullets and placing them into the loaders. "My girlfriend the deviant angel."

"A-Alice... I'm so sorry..." She folded her ears with a whimper.

I gave her a grin and shook my head. "Why? I'm kidding with you."

"Yeah, it's cool Gloria. I wasn't bothered at all by it." The wolf gave her a playful grin as he spoke.

"Really, do you mean it sir Alex?" She blinked her blue eyes upon him and frowned.

"Of course I do! You've got a great looking body from what I can tell, I wouldn't mind seeing yours too!" He barked the words in a laugh, but wasn't apologetic for the statement like she was.

I offered him a small grin before pulling my revolvers out and loading the remainder of the bullets into each gun while speaking out to him. "Such a confident wolf..."

Gloria blushed and put her palm to her cheek, biting her lower lip and glancing away. "My goodness... I don't know what to say..."

"Well let's wade through the sexual tension after the business is concluded." I spun the chamber of my gun before locking it into place and sliding it into the holster on my back.

Alex gave me a nod. "Yeah, we've already lost over half a dozen mundanes, this needs to end tonight."

"I agree and again, thank you for helping with this." Gloria nodded and watched me holster my second gun. "By the way love, I thought you used semi-automatic guns?"

I grinned at her. "That's right, we've not talked shop about guns since I returned from sir Harolds. He showed me the versatility and elegance of a revolver. The weight feels good and I like the punch it offers. It's also just more fun to use and it's the same type of gun Katrina uses."

The celestial gave me a nod of understanding then turned to Alex. "Sir Alex?"

"Just Alex please." He smiled upon her as he spoke.

"Very well, Alex." Gloria offered him a smile then put a finger to her cheek. "I can prepare a ritual that will help us find them. But ah..." She blushed and averted her eyes.

"What? We need to have sex for it to work?" He barked the words playfully and wagged his tail. I grumbled at him and folded my arms.

Gloria's ears lifted and her cheeks turned a deep shade of red. "No! Ah... of course not. I mean I suppose in theory that could work too..." She rubbed her chin in thought.

"Gloria, my love... please focus." I spoke the words out gently but firmly towards her.

"Right!" She barked out and clenched her fists. "Ah... so I need a drop of your blood. That will allow me to create a ritual that should allow me to focus upon any lycanthrope within one hundred miles."

"Ah... that's pretty impressive. Where should I bleed?" He asked with a grin.

Gloria produced a small piece of charcoal and quickly went to work drawing an ornate circle of runes upon the table. The design looked highly complex but she threw it together as if it were a mere child's doodle. "Right here in the center, just a drop will do."

Alex nodded and walked over to me. I blinked upon him as he leaned in and shoved his mouth to my own in a possessive kiss. My eyes blinked red at the gesture, feeling even more excited he did it in front of Gloria. His tongue pushed into my mouth and I groaned happily, flicking my own against his.

The smaller dog gave a shocked gasp and blushed, putting her hand to her chest. I heard her breath hitch and could sense the excitement from her. The wolf growled against my lips then I felt his blood fill my mouth, his tongue brushing my canine.

He parted from the kiss and lolled his tongue, dragging his finger over the blood and saliva before sliding it over the table in the center of the circle. He marked a small X shape in the center and showed me a grin. "That enough Gloria?" He growled the words towards her.

"Y-yes... p-plenty..." She panted the words in response.

Alex moved to me once more and growled. "My tongue is still bleeding, can you heal it?" He hummed the words gently.

"A-ah... of cou-" I yelped as he forced me into another kiss without asking. I shuddered at his dominant display and felt him embrace me closer. Our tongues met and I rolled mine to his while groaning out in approval of his actions.

Alex withdrew his tongue from my mouth and gave me a confident grin. "Thanks, my countess..." He rose back to his feet and glanced over at Gloria. The smaller dog gave a small yip and jerked her eyes away, having been caught intently staring upon us.

"Soooo.... Now what?" I spoke out awkwardly and shifted on my feet, feeling my body warm and eager.

The golden-haired dog gave a controlled breath and nodded. "R-right! This will only take a moment." She barked the words and I saw her grip the rosary in her left hand. Her right hand moved for the sharp edge of the pendant then hesitated. She opened her eyes and blushed at me before offering her hand to me. "Uh... w-would you?"

I blinked at her, my cheeks darkening at the gesture. I cut my eyes to Alex who grinned at me then back to Gloria, her cheeks flushed heavily but her hand remained extended. I gently pulled her finger into my mouth and carefully pierced it with my tooth. Her divine blood filled my mouth and my eyes glowed a hot red. I shivered at the taste and found myself supping from her wound for a few moments.

The small dog lolled her tongue, a soft pant on her breath while I fed upon her ever so gently. I furrowed my brow and forced myself from the intoxicating nectar, my own pant erupting from my throat. "Fuck you taste so good..." I showed my teeth and shook my head to clear it.

"Th-thank you..." Gloria whispered the words and held her fingertip over the table. She clutched her left hand over her rosary and closed her eyes.

"That was actually kind of hot..." Alex whispered the words into my ear while grinning. I blinked over at him and my blush deepened.

The retriever gave a long slow sigh and opened her eyes. They were half-lidded as if she were drowsy or in a trance and they shone in a brilliant gold. A large drop of blood fell from her wound and splashed against the center where Alex's had been laid. The moment the blood struck she winced and grabbed the table, her bloody hand grabbing her forehead, smearing her blood against it.

"Gloria! Are you okay?" I spoke out and moved to grab her arm.

"I am fine... sensory... overload..." She spoke through clenched teeth. "Ha... I see... dozens! M-my word... several dozen, far though..."

"That's my clan most likely, ignore them and narrow your focus if you can." Alex spoke the words gently to her.

Gloria nodded and furrowed her brow, her eyes closed tight in concentration. "Ha... yes... there you are Alex... so that's what you look like..." She mumbled the words and he frowned at them.

"No no... you may not..." She hummed the words in a playful tone while trying to focus. "Aaaand there you are... O-oh! Oh... oh no!"

"What?" I snapped out and gripped her arm hard.

She flinched at my grip and frowned. "Wait... a moment... almost..." She hummed again and I saw her lick her lips before popping her right eye open and grinning at me. "I got them."

"Awesome! Wait- Them?!" I spat out and showed my teeth.

She nodded and frowned. "There are two of them, they are moving together through the city as we speak, no doubt hunting for a vagrant or hoping to single out an individual."

"Two... fuck..." Alex snarled and ran his fingertips through his hair.

"Is it possible they spread it?" I asked him.

"No way... a new one wouldn't be able to control it like that, they would stay mundane until a full moon and certainly have no control." Alex shook his head and clenched his fist. "It's a pair and they're not rabid if they are working together. They know what they're doing."

Gloria blinked between the two of us with just her right eye open. "Then we should move before they strike again."

"Right! Your eye?" I tilted my head curiously.

"It's okay, I've got them marked, we won't lose them so long as I keep my eye on them." She hummed the words and lifted her ears. "Let us go."

"Wait!" I spoke out. Gloria froze and turned to me. I moved in and kissed her forehead before lapping her blood from it. I then took her finger and gently dragged my tongue over her wound, healing it. "Can't have you leaving dirty, now can I?" I cooed the words into her ear and hugged her.

Gloria huffed and embraced me hard. I felt her shiver a little and I shook my head. "It's okay... we will all be okay. Five wouldn't be a match for us!" I spoke the words with a haughty tone.

"You think so?" She whispered into my ear.

"Damn right!" Alex showed his teeth and clenched his fist.

"Right!" Gloria spoke the words and pulled from me, then moved over and embraced Alex.

"Uh!" Alex blinked at me and I shrugged and frowned. He awkwardly held her to his chest.

"Divines watch over this brave wolf..." She finished a quiet prayer then pulled from his grip and smiled up at him.

Alex blushed and grinned. "T-thanks... I think I feel that..."

"Is it a blessing or the sensation in your pants you feel?" I spoke out dryly.

The wolf gave me a playful growl. "Both."

"L-let us go!" Gloria yipped the words in embarrassment and quickly moved away to collect her rapier. She strapped it scabbard and all to her left hip.

The three of us shared a nod and made our way to the waiting car.


To be continued.

Thank you for reading and I hope you look forward to the next episode.

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