Snake Lords of the Desert 18

Story by SkyWing on SoFurry

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#18 of The Chronicles of Lore

Lore continues to have trouble with his fellow prince as his plans for the emperor move forward.

The escape of Ah-Mosan had the capital city in an uproar, though there was little that could be done now that the crocodile was gone. There was not a man in the guard that could chase after him with any chance of catching up, and it was unlikely that the bandit would stop before finding his men. Once that happened, recapturing him would be all but impossible.

Of course, once that was determined, the next phase was damage control, which was mostly done through the fanning of smoke and smog through the city. The burning incense that had filled the palace was blown through the streets, and it continued to fill them until the paths and roads between the buildings were completely smothered in the calming fumes.

Lorenus watched the debacle from the palace, shaking his head the entire time. It was hardly helpful to blind the citizens from the truth, though he could understand why some of the officials believed it so. To have them panicking would have threatened the hedonistic rule of those at the top of the heap, and they would have wanted to keep everyone else calm, collected, and a little bit stupid so that they could continue enjoying themselves.

Lorenus understood that. The banished Adelin understood a great deal more than most would have expected, even if he didn't agree with them.

As he watched from the window, the pleasurable lips of the prince bobbed up and down his shaft. The hungry elephant had little of his mind left, and certainly almost none of it was free at this point. The cukani that he had imbibed at an astonishing rate had left him with little more than an addiction for the pleasure that came while high, and the need for more of the drug in general.

This was his way of earning it, and it was the naga's way of keeping control.

As he allowed his cock to slip and slide, pop and squelch in the elephant's maw, the naga prince leaned his head back against his hand. He knew that there was something else that he needed to do, and he was rather annoyed at the need to do it.


The monkey prince had become an ever-greater thorn in his side, and he honestly didn't know how much longer he could keep control over the smaller male. The longer that he pushed the other prince into the depths of his mind, the more that the prince seemed to uncover about how to fix himself, how to fight against the power of hypnosis, how to keep the commands of others from settling in. It was problematic enough in the palace, but if he was ever able to teach those techniques to someone else...

Lorenus shook his head, leaning back to wrap his coils more tightly around the prince beneath him. The elephant didn't even seem to notice, not even when he had a tail tip wrapping around his bloated shaft. All that the elephant cared about was the chance to get the naga to cum, to get the cobra to spill his seed and earn another dose.


Lorenus shook his head as he leaned against the windowsill, the soft pleasure of the warm mouth enough to keep him from sinking into a mood for angry sex. He could feel the soft tongue working along the bottoms of his cocks, dragging them deeper, swallowing the tips right to the edge of the elephant's throat. They were sucked on, tugged, teased, but no more than that as the prince pushed himself right to the base.

If he had not taken the step of removing the prince's ivory, such a move would have been most uncomfortable, but all he felt were the soft gold bumps where he had covered the remnants of the tusks. The young prince had been rendered completely harmless in the process, and he doubted that anyone would ever fear him again.

Laying his hand on the prince's head, he guided him to move a little faster, a little more firmly. Another suck, another little slurp, each movement granting a bit more pleasure. The soft suck of the elephant's rubbery lips near the head of his shaft was particularly nice, and he tried to encourage longer bobs of the head, longer slides forward and back, making the prince linger so that he could taste everything and touch it a little more effectively.

Whether it worked or not, he didn't know. All he knew was that the prince did as he was told, and that was better than what the monkey did.

Once more, he was brought back to the problem, and as he looked out the window, he saw Thulani perched on one of the trees. The monkey prince was not allowed outside the palace, but he kept finding excuses for how to get there. Whether it was the loophole of keeping just the tip of his tail inside of the palace, or not leaving the palace grounds, or leaving everything but his body in the palace walls - as he did now, stripped down, naked, with his cock flopped against the branch he sat on - the monkey prince kept finding new ways of causing him trouble, new ways of giving him a headache.

The problem was, he didn't know if he could afford to get rid of him yet. If he was wrong...if there was something else that the monkey prince hadn't told him...

But on the other hand, the problems that he could cause were growing, and expanding, and getting worse by the day. He needed to do something to slow it down, or he would have to get rid of the prince regardless.

He sighed, pulling his coils under him. Prince Dumisani immediately ceased his sucking, turning around and presenting his asshole. The big elephant's big rump was more than sufficient to swallow more than three cocks at a time, as the naga had seen in the past, but this was not the time for that. He would spend his time playing with the prince later.

Slithering past the elephant in question, he started making his way through the hallways of the palace. Here, in the stone halls, he could not just see the power he had claimed, but feel it.

Here and there were soldiers that he had taken, that he had brought under his control. There were men and women, but mostly men. A crocodile there, who grunted and thrust his hips forward at a look from the naga. An elephant there, one that fell to his knees and thrust his ass out as soon as the prince looked his way. There, a boar, who suddenly went onto his back, his legs spread, his hooves up besides his ears as he put himself on display.

They were all among those that he had hypnotized, and he imagined that, at this point, there were more that were in the palace that had been turned than those that hadn't. He chuckled to himself as he slithered along, knowing that sooner or later -

"You are delaying..."

Yes, there was the monkey prince. He turned, looking up to one of the high windows. Thulani had left his clothing behind, and the prince was as naked as the day he was born. His cock hung low, his balls lower, and his eyes were half-wild with anger. The primate hopped down, holding a stick in his hand the way that another might have held a sword. Lorenus arched an eyebrow at that.

"Are you threatening me?" he asked.

"Not unless I have to..."

"You want me to fix it all, sssstill?"

"My people...are...dying."

How many times would they have to go through this, he wondered? The monkey would threaten him, he would shut the monkey down, the monkey would push the point, and he would send the monkey back down to the depths of his mind. That was the routine, though the cycle was getting ever shorter between when the last event happened and the first started over again. Sooner or later, it wouldn't end.

Nonetheless, Lorenus narrowed his eyes, glaring down at the other male, shaking his head at the impudence of the prince. He should have set limits on the other man, pushed him to be less than he was. This return of pride and duty had been admirable, at first, but now that it was unleashed, it was downright annoying.

The naga shook his head, darting his tail out. The monkey was still slow, still fragile from his time as a slave, and he was not quick enough to keep the naga from taking his stick. Lorenus threw it out the window once more, shaking his head before he snared the monkey by the throat. He lifted him off the ground, letting Thulani choke in his grip.

"Do you think that ssssuch a thing matterssss when I am trying to take control of a kingdom? Or an empire?"


"Now, assss long asss you're just hanging there..." Lorenus pulled him closer. "Pay attention. When I take over, the war will be over. Your perssssisssstence in trying to make me finisssssh it now isssss only causssssing more problemsssss. Sssso isssss your ressssisssstance to the hypnosssisss. If you will only give in, life would be better for both of ussssss."

Yet, he knew that wasn't going to happen. Not willingly, and not easily. He had yet to find the right way to bind the monkey to his cause in a way that wouldn't cause permanent brain damage. The slaves that he had been experimenting on had become half-vegetables, at best, barely able to hold a conversation when they were just told to talk about sex or food. Anything more complicated might as well have been politics of the highest order.

Somehow, he doubted that sending the monkey back home at that point of braindead activity would go over well.

"Now...for the final time...either fall...fall deep into trance...or jusssst do assss I ssssay without me forcing it..."

He blinked, and the monkey dropped, once more a drooling idiot. It was little more than a flick of the finger to push the button in the monkey's mind, these days, but just as easily as he went down, he came back up. It would be perhaps an hour, this time.

He would have to use it wisely.

Lorenus was about to slither back to his lab when one of the soldiers rushed up to him. The snake turned as the boar bowed at the waist, cocking his head to the side.

"What issss it?"

"Prince Lorenus. There is news of the Kgosi has finished his war. The primates are all but subdued, fleeing to the edge of their provinces."

That would hardly be good news for the monkey at his feet, but that would mean that the next phase of the plan could be put into effect. Lorenus nodded.

"He will be returning home sssssoon, then?"

"Very soon, sir. He will be here within half a month."


"Do you wish to send a runner, sir? Telling him of your presence?"

"Not yet. It will be more of a ssssurprisssse if he sssseessss me when he arrivessss."

That, and he doubted that the Kgosi of the Sizwe would ever reach the capital. There were many dangers on the road, not least of which was Ah-Mosan. The crocodile would be a good warrior, an obstacle that would be hard for the Kgosi to slip by, particularly in his exhaustion after the war.

The boar bowed, leaving the two of them alone. The naga turned to look down at the monkey, lowering himself in his coils until he was nearly laying across the floor. The monkey, kneeling as he was, was slightly over the eye level of the serpent. He chuckled softly to himself, shaking his head.

"It sssseemsss that you will be releassssed ssssooner than expected. I imagine that you will run, run far and fasssst, to reach your family. Pleassse, do that. I will ssssee to it that you are not harmed on the way..."

There was a flicker of understanding there, a hint of intelligence even in the monkey prince's trance. Lorenus knew that it would not be long before Thulani was completely free, and then...

Well, it might be best for him not to be there. Despite his new freedom, the monkey would likely hold a grudge, and he didn't want to be around for that.

Lorenus slithered away, his tail flicking back and forth along the carpet and the stone of the palace. The Old Hump would be waiting for him in the potion lab, and he doubted that there would be much in the way of congratulations for what he had decided. Letting a prisoner go was hardly the way of a snake lord.

That said, it was unlikely that Thulani would be that much of a danger. He was still a monkey, and not a very intelligent one at that. He was merely a tenacious survivor, someone that would push themselves hard to keep coming back, to keep fighting. In a way, he was almost a mental berserker, braving the pain and the anguish and waiting for the perfect time to strike.

At this point, there was no way for the monkey to teach that to the rest of his folk, and if he did by some chance manage it...

Well, that was what the cukani was for.

Lorenus arrived at the lab to find the camel waiting for him, his long-time advisor having strung up a number of slaves in the back of the room. Their eyes had been propped open, their faces restrained to face forward.

"As you wished, sir, fresh minds."

"Thank you."

"Is there anything else?"

"Just ssssome parchment for notessss."

"Yes, sir. I will return shortly."

As the Old Hump left, Lorenus slithered up to the first one. He must have been a recent capture from the sea battles, one of the orcas that had been at war with the Sizwe for some time. He smiled to himself; he hadn't had one of them in a very, very long time, and to have one again would be a unique pleasure.

"Look into my eyesssss..."

The End