A Good Start to the Day

Story by Blackopsgamer on SoFurry

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#1 of A Good Start to the Day

Hey everyone, back with another story! There's a couple different outcomes for this scenario like with the Late Night in the Alley story. You'll also notice that this piece is the first straight piece that I've published! With all of that being said, I hope you enjoy this short story!

The black furred wolf's eyes slowly opened as he was woken up, still cozy in bed. Due to him still being asleep for the most part, he couldn't comprehend what exactly woke him up just yet. He instinctively rolled over to his other side to see if his wife was still in bed with him. "Honey...?" He mumbled, but got no response. He then realized the white furred arctic fox wasn't in bed with him.

As his senses came back online from his sleep, Hendrick could then smell something in the air. The smell of a delicious breakfast being made. Even though he was still mostly asleep, he could at least put the pieces to the puzzle on where Maria was. He smiled softly and laid his head back down on the pillow, debating on if he should get some more rest. He then looked over to the digital clock on his nightstand to see that it was already 10:30 in the morning. Any debate on sleeping in some more was thrown out the window as a result of this. Hendrick didn't want to waste the day by sleeping in, and neither did his wife. He let out a soft sigh and essentially slid off the bed, being able to stand up in time before falling face first onto the floor. He let out a stretch coupled with a yawn, looking back to the bed. The thoughts of the fun the married couple had last night had Hendrick grinning a little bit. Perhaps he should say good morning to his wife in a more unique way this time. He was already nude, and knowing his wife, Maria would probably be casual about her clothing, or lack of any, as well. Even though it's only been a minute or so since he woke up, the black furred wolf had a plan in mind to start off the morning well~

First thing was first though, the usual morning routine. He went into the bathroom to begin it. A few minutes passed before Hendrick walked on out, having used the restroom and eliminated his morning breath through the use of the toothbrush and toothpaste, along with some mouthwash as well. He looked to the bedroom door and playfully said to himself, "Clothes? Nah, no need for them right now~"

The smell of breakfast in the morning was now much more apparent as the wolf began making his way downstairs, doing so a lot more slowly and silently so he could give Maria the surprise good morning. Upon making it down the stairs, across from where he stood was the kitchen, and the beautiful arctic fox he called his wife. As expected, Hendrick found Maria to be wearing nothing more than a 'Kiss the chef! apron. The wolf got a good view of his wife's backside, which ended up getting him a little riled up down there, his humanoid member starting to grow again as he began to slowly make his way over. Maria was oblivious to her husband's incoming surprise as she continued with making breakfast, having laid out some strips of bacon on a cooking tray as she was about to put them in the oven. A few seconds later, she felt some hands from behind her as they undid the knot that kept the apron from falling off. She let out a soft gasp as Hendrick's hands were quick to cause the apron to slide to the ground, the wolf making his next move. His hands slid ever so softly around his wife's body and found her breasts as he began to play around with them a bit.

"Good morning, Maria~" Hendrick said with a grin as he placed a kiss on his wife's cheek.

"You sly wolf~" Maria replied with a chuckle as she continued to let her husband have free reign over her body, feeling those hands rub and gently squeeze on her boobs. "I take it you slept well last night if you have this much energy in you?"

"I sure did. How about you?" Hendrick asked.

"Same here." Maria replied with a smile. "Some good love making in the bed is a good way to end the night if you ask me."

"And a good way to get yourself recharged for the following day." Hendrick replied as he planted another kiss, this time on Maria's neck. The arctic fox began to develop a small blush as she gasped again softly.

"Right here in the kitchen, hun~?" Maria asked with a small grin on her face, not opposed to the idea if her husband said yes.

"Why not?" Hendrick asked in a playful voice as he kept gently squeezing on his wife's breasts. "I can take over on the cooking if you'd want me to."

"That would make things easier if we want to multitask like this." Maria replied as she turned around to face the wolf. "Alright mister, you got yourself a deal~"

The two then leaned in for a kiss, which started out as a simple touching of lips, but eventually turned into a full blown session of making out as the kiss was retained while the husband and wife tongue wrestled and took turns exploring each other's mouths. Hands were gently rubbing up and down each other's bodies as more time passed before the two finally took a break for air. Hendrick quickly put the bacon into the oven before reaching up on top of the fridge to grab some bread to make some toast. Meanwhile Maria assumed position as she got onto her knees, soon staring at her husband's massive length as it throbbed in front of her face.

"Have you thought about where you want to cum?" She asked out of curiosity as she took one hand and wrapped it around the 8 inch long 3 inch wide cock.

"Haven't thought about that yet. I'll let you know when I get closer, though~" Hendrick replied. "Now put that mouth to use~"

Maria nodded and did as she was told, starting off by planting soft loving kisses onto the tip of the shaft while her husband put the bread into the toaster. She added in some licks as she let her tongue travel from the tip of the shaft all the way down to the base, then vice versa as she let out a moan here and there as she licked. With the bacon cooking in the oven and the bread getting toasted, the last thing that the wolf needed to get to work on was the eggs, which Maria had already pulled out earlier in the morning. The wolf could feel Maria take in his tip and a little more as she began to slowly bob her head up and down on what was already inside her mouth, stroking what wasn't inside with a free hand of hers.

"Ahh, there we go~" Hendrick moaned out softly as he complimented Maria. "I am sure lucky to have you in my life, hun~ Your mouth is the best~"

Maria blushed at the compliment and continued sucking on her husband's dick, closing her eyes as she took in a little more after a minute or so. All the while she could hear Hendrick cracking eggs into the pan. Hendrick's mind was struggling on paying attention to making the breakfast and receiving the excellent service from his wife, but he was ultimately able to stay focused and somewhat concentrated on making the eggs. It was only when Maria decided to take about half of his length into her mouth that Hendrick was starting to let the pleasure take over. By now though, the breakfast was almost done. The eggs were just about ready, the bread was about to pop out of the toaster, and the bacon had some more time on it before it was ready. Maria kept on moaning softly as she sucked on the large shaft, in a state of pure bliss as she also let her tongue lick around as well. Based on the wolf's moans, Maria could safely conclude she was doing a pretty great job~

Hendrick could definitely agree, as he was also in a state of bliss as he took the eggs out of the pan and set them on the two plates that were laid out in front of him. Right in cue, the toast popped out of the toaster, the wolf deciding to let it cool a bit before grabbing it out. And the bacon still had some time before it would be ready. This all meant that he could focus on his wife for the next few minutes, a small grin now across his face. He watched as Maria bobbed her head up and down a few more times before she slowly pulled off to catch her breath.

"Ah...mmm, honey~" She said. "You figured out where you want to shoot~?"

Decisions, decisions. Hendrick could feel the built up pleasure starting to become too much for him to handle. Soon he would burst, but what kind of mood was he in today?