Tower of Ancients Chapter 11~ Luna Awakens

Story by Raven Capatora on SoFurry

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#11 of Tower of Ancients

Chapter 11

Luna Awakens

Deep in a dark twisted forest path, surrounded by thorns and rocks stood stone statues that seemed to dance around a mysterious crystal. There the wind was cold as ice, the clouds above swirled high in the heavens. The sound of crows echo throughout the land as it seems the shadows creep closer to every step.

"D-Do we actually have to take this path to the Tower of Isis?!" Sen asked as she hid behind Serios

Zen smiled and dashed down the rocky paths, the crows stared at her their bloodshot eyes,

" Yay, come on Sennie Chan. Don't be a chicken!" Zen yelled.

Inuko looked at Serios as he felt his fur crawl from the moving shadows,

"My friend, is this truly the only way to the Tower?" he asked.

Serios began to walk down the forest path as Rebecca followed him,

"Don't tell me you are scared, Inuko." he said.

Inuko slowly took a gulp as he dashed after them. A few hours later, Inuko was constantly looking around as the trees seem to reach out to them. Fog slowly consumed the pathway as the songs of frogs filled the air. The dead trees stood bent as the dark tree bark seemed scorched by flames. Vines covered the branches as black flowers covered in thorns hung low.

Rebecca slowly walked deeper into the forest just as she felt something creep closer to her she stopped. Her body began to shake in fear as she slowly began to walk backwards against a tree. The shadows seem to wave back and forth as her back pressed against the tree. Sen slowly turned around as she saw many eyes glaring from behind Rebecca.

"AAAAHHHHHH!!!" Rebecca screamed.

Rebecca was thrown high into the trees as white silk wrapped around her faster and faster. Her screams filled the air, as the group turned around looking for Rebecca. Sen looked up as she saw a gruesome spider holding unto Rebecca high in the trees. Inuko looked at Sen as he ran towards her,

" Sen, where did she go?!" he demanded.

Sen dashed toward the tree as her feet stuck to the bark, she ran faster and higher into the tree as she appeared before the giant spider. Her eyes met the creature's as it lashed out at her. As the spider's leg approached her, Zen appeared and grabbed hold of the spider's leg.

"Heh heh heh" Zen laughed as she grinned at the creature.

Sen quickly grabbed her sister's shoulder as she pushed herself toward and clenched her fist tightly as blue aura quickly blazed from it. She struck the spider's face gracefully, the spider was thrown across the forest as dead trees were uprooted from the impact. Zen appeared behind the spider as she stuck it in the back with her leg to the ground. It's blood sprayed from its mouth as it stuck the earth getting buried deep in the crater from the impact.

Serious looked at his watchers as his muzzle drops open,

"W-What....just...happened?" Serios asked as he stuttered.

Inuko began to climb the tree as he came upon Rebecca struggling to get free in the cocoon. Inuko stripped the silk from her mouth as Rebecca gasped for air. As Inuko took her into his arms, Zen and Sen were punching the giant spider back and forth as the inners were spilling from it's opened wounds. Serios ran towards the girls as he jumped high into the air as he slammed towards the ground and smashed the spider flat. It's legs twitched as green blood oozed and pour unto the ground from under Serios. Zen and Sen looked at Serios and then smiled as they dashed towards him; hugging him closely.

In a distance away, the crystal slowly sparkled under the moonlight. The flowers began to bloom around it as they let off an eerie light. Howls echoed along the land, as the stone statues slowly begin to move to the music of the crystal. Each dancing figure swirled around the crystal, dancing faster and faster to the rhythm of the music. A creature of red fur appeared before the dancing figures as it kneeled down before them howling to the blue moon above.

A droplet fell from the heavens as it softly lands on the flower's petal, rain begins to fall. Back in the forest, Rebecca walked closely to Inuko as the group continue down their path. Zen and Sen laughed and smiled as they rode on the back of Serios. Inuko looked on as he saw strange light coming from the center of forest.

Meanwhile back in the Tower of Ancients, Rose stood over Raven as she waved her hand over the floating water orb. Arianna suddenly appeared from the darkness, as the black mist cling to his armor.

"My Lady?" he asked.

Rose looked on as the image on the orb reflected Rebecca and the figure in the crystal.

"Smash the pendant she wears, Arianna." she said.

Arianna bows his head down as he stares at the floor,

"The pendant?" he asked under his breath.

Rose slowly touched the floating orb as the pendant appeared in the orb,

"The pendant is the key to the third lock." she replied.

Arianna stood up as his body was engulfed in black flames, his image turned into a strange creature as he stood before his Watcher.

Back at the forest, Inuko and the group come upon the dancing statues. The statues pay them no mind as they continue their dance. Zen and Sen's eyes light up as they run off to watch the figures dance gracefully under the moonlight.

Rebecca kneels down as she looks at the wonder of the glowing flowers, while Inuko searches out the area around them. Serios begin to sniff out the area, as a familiar scent came to mind.

"" he said under his breath.

Inuko stood tall as the moonlight softly laid upon his fur, the gentle wind brushes against him. He looked at the others,

"We'll set up camp here." he said.

Serios looked at the crystal as his eyes widen to the dark figure that slept in it.

"Luna..." he spoke softly.

A white figure encased in the crystal, her green blue eyes looked at the blue moon as her brown hair covered her breasts as she was frozen in time.

Later that night, Rebecca awoke from her sleep as she left Inuko's side. She quietly left the tent as she saw Serios keeping guard by the open fire. She softly passed Zen and Sen as they slept holding unto each other.

"Trouble sleeping?" he asked.

Rebecca slowly grabbed hold of her pendant and let out a sigh,

"How did you know?" she replied.

Serios stood up as he walked over to her,

"I raised two young girls for a long time, it comes with practice." he said.

Rebecca turned her attention to the figure in the crystal, she slowly walked past the dancing statues as the pendant gave off a soft glow. Serios watched her as she placed her hand on the crystal.

Suddenly, a figure in all white appeared before Rebecca as he stood on the top of the crystal. His wings stretched across the sky, as he slowly opened his eyes. Rebecca fell backwards as white feathers fell to the ground. Serios dashed towards her as the flowers bend against the strong force of the passing wind.

"WHO ARE YOU?!" he growled.

The Angelic figure stood tall over them as his eyes seemed gentle upon his gaze towards Rebecca.

" To awaken this girl, you must destroy that cursed necklace that you wear." he spoke.

Rebecca quickly grabbed hold of her pendant tightly as she stood before the mysterious angel.

"C-Cursed..." she stuttered.

Serios bared his fangs as the angel fluttered from the top of the crystal to the ground.

"I am Angelus, the last survivor of the holy clan of Angelics" he said.

Serios froze as he heard the angel's words,

"Angelics...T-That's impossible..." he thought.

Rebecca stood before the Angel as she slowly took of her necklace,

"H-How will it help?" she asked.

The angel reached out to Rebecca's hand as the pendant flowed back and forth in the wind. Silence fell upon the dark forest as the dancing figures stopped.

Suddenly, a monstrous red beast struck the Angelic as the flower petals rose high into the air. A hand burst from the crystal as it quickly grabbed hold of the pendant, keeping it from the Angelic's grasp. Time froze as the crystal shards slowly pass Rebecca's body.

"DON'T!!" a female voice yelled.

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