Trade : You Choose, Sweetcheeks

Story by Ryuzaki-Kai on SoFurry

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Short story written as a commission trade for : Treacherous Vixxen.

Basically this is an example of what you'd get for $11 if you commissioned me. A detailed plotline which isn't choppy with describtions ect. ^^ Anything shorter than this would be blunt and straight to the point, but, if thats what you want then thats what you want! :3

Written and based on me and my girlfriend (TreacherousVixxen), back when we first met and the characters we roleplayed. This is a trade for : Dripping Wet, F/F Suicune Vaporeon. Check it out, she's an awesome writer! ^^

_The sound of water droplets broke through the pitch black silence, echoing in the creatures mind.

'Wh... Whats that... S... Sound?'

Drip... Drip...

It stopped, nothing but silence entered the creatures mind once again, leaving her to ponder on her own thoughts. There were no other feelings; her eye's permanently fixed on the black canvas ahead of her.

'Where am I?'

There was whistling; a sharp scream of condensed air rushed past her; the bitter cold feeling racing through her mind. Then the dripping again; that mind numbing continuous sound... But it was different this time; thudding against a larger pool of water it seemed, dully slapping the water. Before, it was only quiet clapping... Why did it sound different now?

Something coo'ed behind her; she wanted to turn but couldn't move. Searing pain dashed through her body; as if someone had forced a dagger through her chest. She winced, but her voice only echoed through her head, causing her to grimace at the though of being completely alone; undefended and unable to move. There was only one thing she could do, sleep, and hope to god that she was still inside the bathroom she collapsed in when she wakes up; because by the sound of it, she wasn't._

Silver moonlight cast it's gaze across the barren landscape; shadows of the objects which stood, lifeless and lonely cast long black figures across the sandy plains; their shadows eerily moving slowly as the night moved on. Cacti stood erect from the sand, boasting their sizes to one and another in the silver gaze of the low moon; it's face almost seeming to touch the ground. Propped up against a Cacti laid a furry black creature; it's fur an ebony colour while distinct markings exposed themselves; seeming to react to the moons gaze. Coiled around it's ears and tail were golden rings; glowing bright and casting their golden radiance against the spiked plant it reluctantly leant up against.

A single ear twitched slightly, followed by a hind paw. Mumbles broke the whistling winds chime, followed by a loud yawn and a wince.

The furred creature opened it's eyes; paw automatically placed across the scarlet red grazing on it's side. It scanned the surroundings out of it's blood red eyes, quickly realising where it was; face now contort with confusion. It craned it's neck forwards, trying to look behind it; but that didn't work as the cacti had decided to acupuncture the canid with it's sharp spines. Winching again from the pain, it slumped forward against the soft sand; whining to itself.

"Damn it... Why am I in pain so much?"

Her voice was weak and sleepy; with a slight growl in the back of her throat. Shifting a single paw towards her face and placing it over her closed eyes; grumbling nothing to herself. And then she noticed the pink paw pads where her fingers were meant to be. Now, if waking up in the middle of nowhere wasn't enough to surprise her, this certainly was.

She rolled onto her back, wincing as the spikes that the cacti so graciously gave her as a leaving present pushed into the ground; sitting up sharply to avoid the unnecessary pain. She scanned her body, looking over each of her arms and legs; taking particular interest in the glowing rings which shone brightly against the moons glow. And then she saw it; the huge face of the moon which beamed down at her; the craters and little ridges and bumps all magnificently detailed, so close up she felt like she could touch it; reaching out a paw to do so before returning her gaze to the magnificent rings around her legs. She bit her lip, fighting back the tears which welled in her eyes.

A Pokémon! A real life Pokémon! I... I'm a Pokémon! I'm Moonlight!

Chuckles began to escape from her maw, at first just small quiet chuckles, which soon turned into loud laughs; she almost rolled back, laughing and crying to herself in happiness. Ignoring the pain in her side and the few spikes that still stood pinned against her back.

It came true! I can't... And the Moon! That magnificent Moon and! Wait...

She screwed her face together, closing her eyes for a second as if concentrating hard on something; opening a single eye lid for a quick moment.

Damn, no powers though. But still! I'm actually here...

Giggling to herself in glee, she placed her two front paws against the soft sand, pushing herself upright on all four legs; swaying slightly and watching her legs carefully.

Oh... This is going to take a bit of getting used to...

She took a single step forward with her right front paw, placing it down on the ground. Easy!. She thought; before attempting to move both her back legs and front left at the same time; collapsing back down to the ground with a pathetic thud.

Or... Not.

It took the ebony creature a while to get used to walking on all fours; but eventually she did it with ease and began to stroll around the desert aimlessly, her padded paws slipping through the golden sand with each step.

Which way should I go...?

A light in the distance caught her gaze; it flickered orange and white, which only meant one thing; civilisation. The best place to get a free meal, or captured, if she remembered correctly.

Maybe that's not such a good idea then... I don't even know how to use a move.

She scanned the area once again, looking for another sign; there was nothing. It was either the dangerous path to rabid crazy trainers or to count the cacti one by one; but there was something. Against the corner of the huge moon stood a big black mass, not too far from where she was stood; it could either be a house, or a cacti - The latter, most probably; but it was a risk she was willing to take. Besides, breaking in the new paws would do her some good in the long run.

Long rectangular shadows doomed over the sandy plains, their creators were splintered wooden houses; their dried wood breaking off from each house creating holes in each of the weary structures. Laid across the ground were remains of old wooden wagons; barrels and small metal shells. Typically, a tumbleweed rolled past, following the wind as it swayed in and out of the large creaking mass of wood; it was deserted, no one had lived or been in the western city for years.

A cautious paw padded down gently over a broken panel of wood, it's eyes scanning the surrounding area for any signs of life; the only things close to living being the rolling tumble weed and the creaking sign of a old Saloon. She huffed slightly to herself, frowning at the eerie buildings; which was worse, being stuck in a desert or inside a abandoned Saloon?... Desert... She Thought bitterly, turning on her heels and making her way through the grave yard of wood. As she began to walk, the wind picked up; rustling the creaking houses foundations and whistling a high pitched squeal in her ear. It twitched, listening to the winds cries carefully. A voice? No... Its not a voice, it's crying... She turned on her heel again, ears pricked up listening to the wind as she tried to pick up the direction the crying was coming from, but with the wind almost deafening her it was nearly impossible.

Something creaked loudly in the distance; the hanging 'Saloon' sign, it swayed back and forth with the wind. Despite the sign hanging on it's last legs, the building it was attached to seemed fairly sturdy; Mainly because it was half made from cast iron and brand new wood. The creature figured that this must have been one of the most recently build buildings before the town died; and so staying in there for the night would probably be better than out in the desert. With cautious foot steps, the ebony canine walked up the wooden stair frame; sliding through the broken sign which half blocked the entrance to the building. It was pitch black inside, the only light being the silver rays which broke through the small holes and the large, broken window. Great, a back door. She thought sarcastically, walking forward carefully; anxiously placing her paw down in the black patches of the floor in case there was a hole hidden in the shadows. The Saloon creaked gently as the whistle of the wind broke through the holes, deepening in pitch as it began to die down.

Something rattled in the corner, and then a single, low pitched wail; it only hung for a second, but enough to scare the ebony creature; her body freezing to a stop.

"... Who... Who's there!?" Her voice trembled slightly; though there was still a sense of power and dominance around it. The rattle came back again; as if something was being pushed across the floor; but this time it was accompanied by a pair of golden yellow eyes. They pierce the darkness in the main room, staring at where the ebony canine stood. She gulped; the feeling of cold sweat breaking out, causing her to tremble in fear. Shit... Why can't I be moonlight right now... I'd be the one scaring people...

The eyes disappeared for a moment before appearing again, seemingly staring at the ground; Something was different about them this time, she could see it in it's eyes. The pain, something was hurting it. "A... Are you okay...?"

"You remind me of someone I used to know..."

His voice was weak, as if, distraught for some reason; but behind it lay a sweet, gentle, caring voice. Something that triggered something in the canines memory. "As... As do you. Your voice... It, It sounds... Familiar." She was almost lost in her own thoughts; too busy to notice or register the gentle thuds of paw pads which seemed to get closer. He was making his way towards the canine though the shadows; figure barely visible due to the lack of light; but he was there. Each step he took, one foot hit the ground lightly, while another pressed hard against the wooden floor. Wincing in pain as his heavy paw hit the ground, he collapsed onto the floor, landing in front of the moonlights beams. It was only now she noticed him.

Kneeled against the ground with both paws grasping his left side, was another furry creature. This one much different to the canine; although he was canine in appearance, he stood, or rather, kneeled, like a human. Royal blue fur covered his arms, face and lap; while a black strip wrapped itself around his face; running over his eyes and long muzzle. Behind his head were four, black tassels; two on either side of his head. Chest, a beige cream fur; while a single silver spike poised itself in the centre of his chest. He wined in pain again, glancing over at the ebony canine for a split second before he cried out. Underneath his black paw stood a blood stained mess of fur; gaining in the deep red colour with each second that passed.

Shit... She thought to herself, noticing how bad the wound was. Shit shit shit! What was that move that Umbreons can do again... Oh fucks sake... Oh! Moonlight! As if something had reacted inside her from the word 'Moonlight', a bright golden beam shot out from the golden ring around her head; covering the wincing creature in the golden radiance. He winced, not aware of what was going on, before he noticed the pain; it was gone. Slowly shifting his black paw from his side, he noticed there was nothing left but blood stained fur. The Umbreon smiled smugly to herself, proud of her achievement of 'First move used'.

"T... Thank you... What's your name?" His voice had picked up now, no longer weak but strong and caring; the Umbreon nearly melted at the sound of his voice. "M... Moonlight..." She shied away timidly, blushing beneath her ebony fur. W... Why am I acting like this...?. He chuckled to himself, standing back up on two legs; the shadow of his body covering Moonlights, despite him only being 5ft tall. "Thank you Moonlight... You saved my life, and for this, I'll protect you. My name is Kai, it's a pleasure to meet you." Kai beamed down at Moonlight, almost chuckling as he noticed her watching him out of the corner of her eye. She was just about lap height on Kai, so not that much shorter. "Kai... Funny, that name sounds familiar too..." He chuckled again; sending warm vibes through Moonlights body as he did so. "Strange, Moonlight is strangely familiar to me, too. Maybe we were destined to meet?" She nodded her head in agreement, still avoiding his face slightly. Something grumbled inside her, causing a warm, fuzzy feeling deep in her depths. Something she had only ever felt while talking to someone she'd met before. Before she was a Pokémon, that is. "Uhh.. Uhrm.. Maybe, maybe we should get your side cleaned up, just in case." Kai nodded in agreement, staring towards the Saloons almost fully blocked door. "Yeah, okay... I found this place before I came here. A oasis. We'll be safe there, then maybe tomorrow we could..." He stopped for a moment, looking down at the Umbreon for a second before shaking his head slightly. " Maybe we could find a forest or something." He didn't sound too certain, frowning slightly when he said 'Forest'. Moonlight giggled, pulling herself together as she looked up at the Lucario. Well, there's no point shying away if I do like him... Otherwise I'll have no chance. She laughed to herself slightly, walking closer towards Kai who beamed down at her. "Yeah, sounds like fun... Lets go there then. Who knows, we might like it and decide to settle down there." He laughed loudly, turning his head to the side and looking out of the window at the moons face. "I'd like that..." He mumbled to himself, grinning as if lost in thought.


Drip... Clap... Drip... Clap...

Large water droplets fell from the huge palm leaves, clapping against the silver pool of water; palm tree's surrounded the silver pool; standing erect from the golden sand. Silver beams reflected themselves off the falling water droplets; twinkling like falling stars before they crashed to the pool of silver water. Ripples broke through the water, bouncing off the edges and reflecting back on each one like a weak wave; their source, a small ebony paw which dipped into the waters edge.

Moonlight stood in front of Kai, her damp paw shifting towards the blood stained mess on his side; wiping the water against it and rubbing gently. She repeated the process in silence, focussing on her paw with almost a strict gaze.

Damn it...

She cursed to herself while rubbing against his side, watching a small amount of she managed to wipe off drip down his beige fur.

Why does he have to be so big...

She stuck her tongue out slightly, dabbing the paw back inside the water and placing it on his side once more.

This doesn't help me at all... Oh well... Better commit to my sins... Maybe he might not notice...

Placing her paw back inside the water, and back to his side again, she quickly took a glance in between the Lucario's crossed legs. Almost whimpering to herself as she stared for, what seemed like too long, at his thick long furry sheath. She wiped the blood off him again, cursing the lack of blood that was now on his side.

Fuck that makes me so horny... I... I wonder what he would say if, I asked him, if I could....

Repeating the same process, she merely dabbed gently at his side, too busy looking at the Lucario's huge, fist sized balls. He grunted softly, causing Moonlight to blush heavily and bow her head slightly, attempting to hide where she was looking; it didn't work, and she knew it, so why stop now?

Taking her paw from his side again, dipping it in the silver water, she place it in the centre of his stomach; his muscles spasiming slightly at the foreign feeling on his stomach. Strangely, he didn't object to her paw being against his stomach; then again, he did have his head facing a different direction. Slowly, Moonlight shifted her paw down towards the black fur belt which wrapped around his waist; this is when he started to realise something was happening, yet, he didn't look. Taking her paw down even further, she slid it across the side of his thick sheath; rolling her paw down his long sheaths length and landing against his huge balls. Kai groaned almost, a blush appearing against his blue fur; watching Moonlight out of the corner of his eye.

_ Yes... It's as if she read my mind... _

Moonlight whimpered hornily; despite only touching his sheath she could feel herself moistening up for him. She gradually took her paw back up to the top of his sheath, wrapping it around the furred skin and pulling it down gently; exposing the Lucario's pink member; naturally thick. Kai was well endowed, though even he didn't know it just yet. He moaned slightly, feeling the fresh night air against his exposed cock; the feeling arousing him slightly. Moonlight could feel his cock beginning to throb in her paw, watching it push out and thicken out wider slowly; so she decided to speed up the process. Taking her paw from his furry sheath and placing it against his huge balls, she began to push against them and caress each testical with her paw; watching his face light up in pleasure as she ran her ebony paw across his huge sack. Kai's cock grew thicker, pushing itself out of his sheath with ease; quickly gaining in length and thickness.

Poising her body so that her muzzle was now close to his thickening member, she brought her busy paw back up to Kai's cock, pulling the sheath down further to expose his long, 6 inch cock. At the base, his knot began to swell slowly. He could feel his cock slide out further and further; his knot gaining in thickness with each moment it throbbed; what made it worse was Moonlights warm breath. Teasing his cock as her breath treated it with each and every breath; it was too much. Kai pushed his lap forwards, almost pushing his lengthening penis into Moonlights face. She tutted to herself, glancing over at him hornily.

Fuck she's cute...

This only made it worse for him; causing him to moan and groan slightly in anticipation as his cock grew to the full 8 inches of shaft he was endowed with, and a further 3 for his thick, large knot. He breathed heavily, looking down at himself as he realised just how big he really was. "Jesus I didn't know that happened!" He was almost in awe of himself, his cock nearly reaching up to his mouth even though he was leant backwards. Moonlight murred slightly, sticking her tongue out of her mouth, panting heavily. "Show me what'll happen if you put that, in me..." She had completely changed; no regret, no shyness. Kai liked it, especially if It meant doing something like this with her. He was going to enjoy spending every waking moment with her; yet there was something he was unsure about. Something familiar about her... Either way, best not to ponder at a time like this.

Shifting his attention from himself, to Moonlight, his face almost burst out in a deep red blush. She had positioned herself on all fours, rear facing the Lucario; her moist, dripping wet pussy exposed against her black fur. She was obviously needy, and it showed.

In experience dawned on Kai as he stumbled to the ground; she was the perfect height for him, so he didn't need to crouch, however...

"Moonlight, are you sur..." He was cut off; she spoke to him in a soft, cute voice. So sweet and gentle. "Yes I'm sure Kai. Now do me... Get that beast of a cock inside me..." She almost whimpered while she spoke; her body naturally pushing back against Kai's lap.

Taking a single black paw, Kai held his meat and slowly poised his dipped head against Moonlights wet lips. She whimpered at his touch, pushing back on the thick cock and moaning loudly as she felt his girth inside her. She was tight, even for only an Inch of his cock; and it felt incredible. Her soft walls caressing his cocks head, tightening each time he moved. They both breathed heavily, almost synchronised; the pleasure was immense for both of them. Slowly, the Umbreon began to slide herself down his thick cock, moaning in pleasure as she felt his cock thicken out from the tip, stretching her insides almost too much. Kai grunted in pleasure, holding his large knot with a single paw and resting the other one against Moonlights rump; it was pure bliss, he loved the feeling of being inside such a tight girl. Lust took over their bodies, causing Kai to begin his slow thrusting into Moonlight. She was too tight for him to go fast, but the feeling of his knot hitting her rump combined with his balls slapping her stomach nearly threw him off the edge; with just one thrust. With that much to offer, he slowly began to slide his thick length out of the small canine; his tip precariously placed against the stretched pussy. Her juices covered his long length, lubricating him enough to slide his length back inside her, knot hitting against her rump again, eagerly waiting to enter the canine. Moonlight moaned again, whimpering and whining for more; she could do nothing but watch the ground, mouth open and tongue hanging out. Her saliva trailed from her opened mouth, dripping out to the ground in ecstasy; she wanted more, needed to feel him pummel her with everything he had.

Kai took his time, slowly building up speed with each thrust; but he wasn't being rough enough, he wasn't attempting to get that huge knot of his inside her, which is what Moonlight wanted. With each of his thrusts, she slowly began to push back; moaning loudly in lust as she began to feel his large knot widen her up with each thrust he took. So she continued, moaning louder and louder as his knot stretched her lips out wide. She tried to force him inside her, but that didn't work; for the rest of his knot to penetrate her she needed his help.

"K... Kai... H... H... Harder...."

He didn't know whether to submit or keep his enormous knot out of her; despite the lustful vibes it sent when he felt her tight pussy stretch around his knot. He submitted, now almost slamming his cock against the Umbreons rump. Whining each time her pussy stretched around his knot, the lust almost fully taken over now. He began to thrust wildly, pummelling himself into her; placing both his paws now around her hind legs, he started to shove the Umbreon back into him. With each thrust he groaned and moaned, grabbing the little creature and holding onto her tightly while almost forcing himself into her. Moonlight whimpered, feeling his large knot slide into her tight depths; it was painful at first, but Kai didn't stop the moment he managed to slip it in. Grabbing her again, he pulled the canine as far back to his lap as she would get; pressing her stomach against his huge balls before he forced his knot out of her pussy quickly. The resounding effect caused Moonlight to moan in ecstasy, orgasming wildly and tightening herself around the Lucario's cock. Then he took his moment; while she was whining and moaning due to her orgasim, he thrust himself hard against the Umbreons lap; sliding his knot inside her again and howling at the feeling of her tight depths around him. Moonlight almost screamed in pleasure, climaxing around the throbbing cock inside her; and if that wasn't enough, she was treated with the warm, soothing feeling of Kai's climax. He howled, tongue hanging out of his long muzzle dripping with saliva as he filled the Umbreon with long spurts of his thick, creamy cum. Each time his cock throbbed inside her she tightened around it, milking him for all of his cum. Moonlight murred at the feeling of herself being filled up, contently knowing his load was inside him and that she'd received every last drop of cum he had.

Breaths heavy and faces content with the amazing orgasms they had both received, Moonlight slumped herself to the floor; loving the feeling of Kai's cock inside her. She didn't expect all of this in one day. Kai slipped himself out of Moonlight, tugging at his knot tightly until it stretched the Umbreon's pussy out wide again; causing her to gasp in shock and pleasure, her insides almost orgasming again from the feeling of his thick cock sliding out of her. He's amazing... I need to keep him close by... She thought naughtily, turning around to face Kai with a sweet smile on her face. He huffed gently, smiling back before collapsing to the floor.

"Oh god I'd of never done anything like that back when I was a human!"

Wait... Did he said... Human...?

"You were a human too?"

Kai didn't seem to notice the use of the word 'Too'. He simply laughed at himself and carried on talking. "Yeah, a sad pathetic teen sat on a computer all day... Not to mention I role played this character, which was, a Lucario called Kai... And here I am, Kai, the real me... Hahah!" There was a silly, large grin spread across his muzzle; nothing could ruin this moment now.

"K... Kai...?" "Yeah?" Moonlight stopped for a moment, looking down at the ground. Her golden rings shining brightly for a quick second. "Kai, or, Chris?" Kai shot up, staring at Moonlight for a quick second. How'd she know my name...? Wait..."M... Moonlight... No... No it, it can't be... Zoey?" The Umbreon nodded her head slightly, smiling a sad yet happy smile_. I knew it... I knew it was him..._

Moonlight made her way towards Kai who was still sat up in shock; her ebony paws resting against his strong shoulders as she faced him, almost muzzle to muzzle. Her eye's looked deep into his; the same warm fuzzy feeling inside her over taking as she chuckled to herself. She could feel it, something inside her which just took her by surpise. Love. Something that she thought she'd never feel in her lifetime. What had just happened meant nothing to her, because it's how she felt that really mattered; not her actions. But now, now that she was presented with the man she once fell in love with; what had just happened had made it all the sweeter. He was her mate now, and nothing was going to change that. Slowly, she shifted her muzzle closer to his; closing her eyes gently as she kissed him on the muzzle for the first time; after waiting so long.

It was love.