Scented Fantasies

Story by Anduriel on SoFurry

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When Matthew Musk, a young cloud architect, invited you over to his apartment to enjoy a read through of a book he recommended, you didn't quite have something so ... alluring in mind.

Just kind of a fun, silly thing that I wanted to do a while back. Not really part of what I'm doing for his actual stories.


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If there was ever something you probably didn't expect of a skunk's apartment, it was how nice everything smelled.

Oh, certainly, the young cloud architect's office space smelled like a library full of your favorite books some days, or a jug of iced tea newly brewed others, or even a batch of fresh-baked coffee cakes and he himself always seemed to wear just the right cologne to make every fur in the office give a wistful sigh. But, typically, skunks liked to ... well ...

They liked to let their tails raise a bit at home. That was a nice way to put it.

Yet, when you took in another deep breath, you just couldn't help but let a smile spread across your features.

Books, tea, and coffee cakes. Just like the office. And something just underneath it all that made you long to keep sniffing and drinking it in.

"Aha!" you heard his triumphant cry sound from over by his desk. You turned to find a mass of furry, fluffy black tail with twin stripes whip about to reveal a handsome skunk clad in a black t-shirt and green kilt, beaming behind those rectangle-rimmed glasses of his, holding a small green book in his hands. "I knew I'd set it down somewhere silly when it wasn't in the normal spot! It was set over by my phone charger and the shredder!"

You raised a disbelieving brow. "The shredder?" you parrot, laughing. "I thought you said you liked that book, Matthew."

Matthew's cheeks colored a dusty pink, visible beneath that white masking which spread from the tip of his nose to his cheeks, framing his lovely green eyes. "Er, I love it, really. I just put it down to answer an urgent call." He fidgeted, one hand straightening a crease in his kilt. "Work emergency."

An ear flicked. Right. A bunch of clients' cloud environments went down due to an outage. Why wouldn't they call in Matthew Musk to make sure they had all their best cloud architects on deck?

They knew far more about it than you, admittedly. Sales only covered so much of the actual technical knowledge.

Such a shame, though, that Matthew just happened to be so scatter-brained when distracted.

Chuckling, you shook your head. "Stars, you're adorable. What is this book about again?"

His cheeks were almost red. Matthew gave his tail a lashing, betraying a bit of that awkwardness he sometimes let display at work.

"W-Well!" Matthew stammered. He huffed, but couldn't quite hide the hint of a smile tugging at his lips. "It's a fantasy novel, part of the Discworld series. There's some magic, a lot of satire--" a glint shone in his eyes "--and dragons."

Your ears perked. "Dragons, eh?" A wry smile spread across your features. "And here I thought you were about to invite me to read a story about computer discs."

"I would not!"

Too fun. Far too fun, no wonder the sales girls loved teasing him so.

The skunk huffed and flicked his tail across your nose, your head spinning as the scent of old books and coffee cake thickened and filled your senses. Why, you could've almost sworn there ws a hint of shimmering golden-brown wafting through the air in his wake.

And, with it, an inclination to just ... relax in his arms and see if he might let his tail coil around your body. He certainly had enough ...

Just as soon as the feeling came, though, it was gone. A sheepish look showed upon Matthew's face. "Sorry. I forget to keep it under control when I get excited ..."

"It?" You blinked owlishly. "It what?"

Matthew looked down at his feet, hesitating a moment. Slowly, he raised his gaze to meet your eyes and bit the inside of his cheek. "Nothing." He fidgeted with the edges of his kilt again, before blurting, "Why don't we just sit down? Would you prefer the table or--"

"The couch is fine. Really." What was it you were asking again? Matthew said it was nothing, so it must not have been too important.

More importantly, just where was that scent coming from? It was heavenly. Too good to resist the urge to drink in a deep breath and hold it, almost as if you were savoring a glass of wine. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed him sitting down on the couch, then the ticklish touch of silken skunk fur brushed against your hip.

The skunk's tail seemed to slither around your waist like a boa, his lips pulled into a crooked, nervous smile as he gave a little tug, just enough to draw you to sit and join him.

Somewhere in the back of your mind, you wondered just how strong his tail actually was. Enough to coax you to scoot a little closer, closer until your thighs touched.

He seemed to relax and settle in. Matthew let his tail slid up, winding around you like a scene out of an old movie you couldn't quite recall. Something where a young cat sat in a tree, eyes wide and filling with rings of colors as a singing python wrapped him in endlessly thick coils.

Only here, the coils were made of a fluffy tail. A fluffy tail carrying that enticing scent, and with it, the temptation to just bury your face into it and cuddle.

"You look so cute like that," he whispered, his breath teasing your ear and spurring giggles and squirms. "Eyes glazing, mouth curling ... all zonked out under my scent, under my spell." Matthew wrapped his arms around you in a warm embrace. "I only meant to put you under when we started, just to help you visualize everything ... but I just couldn't help it."

You blinked and shook your head, but settled back against his chest. So warm. Stars, it was like just sitting in a bakery. "Wha ... I don't ..."

"Shhhhhh. It's okay. Just relax." You felt his lips press against your cheek. A friendly kiss, nothing more.

Wisps of shimmering scent sparkled with an odd green light. Matthew rested his chin upon your shoulder, smiling to himself.

"My family's magic is so often used to control and addict furs to us," he said, almost conversationally. "Among skunks, we're revered as sorcerers who punish those who marginalized us for so long. I just prefer more fun applications. A little light mischief. Or playful ones, like this."

With each passing second, each wondrous breath of his scent you so greedily drank in, the air grew thicker and thicker with his scent until your vision filled with that shimmering golden brown. Within it, there were shapes, creatures seemed to take form and dissolve in an instant. You gasped and clutched at his tail.

Matthew gave you a gentle squeeze. "Just a little warm up. You're doing so well, falling deeper and deeper. Like your drifting off in a nice, warm hot tub. My scent fills your senses like bubbling, churning water, carrying you into my grasp."

Straight into his grasp, straight into a world under his control. Matthew's apartment seemed to vanish in a swirl of sensuously scented musk, the linoleum flooring, bookshelves, and furniture all dissolving into wispsy tendrils. Around you, there was nothing but pure blackness.

Save for the handsome skunk holding you tight and the couch upon which the pair of you sat.

The skunk loosened his embrace just enough to hold the book out, a pair of tendrils of his scent shimmered with that sparkling green and wrapped around it like a hands and took it aloft. They brought it to float closer, the tiny visage of a red-brown dragon breathing fire set upon a green background sat beneath the title:

Guards! Guards!

With another squeeze and peck visited upon your cheek, Matthew began to read and let his voice whisk you off to a strange disc-shaped world which rested upon the backs of four elephants standing atop a giant turtle, swimming through the stars.

Then, from the blackness, a shape began to take form. A great dragon, laying in some unseen dimension in the space between spaces. Not resting. Not waiting. Because, you see, waiting implies expectation. Possibly, the word we're looking for here is ...

... Dormant.

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