Little Red Ridding Wood: Ch. 2

Story by Allester Darkflame on SoFurry

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#5 of Commissions



Little Red Riding Wood Ch. 2


STORY CONTENTS: Vaginal, Wet & Messy, Bestiality, Mild Domination, MiLF, GiLF, Semi-NC, Breeding

COPYRIGHTS: All characters are © Nursery Rhymes

Story is © Allester E. Darkflame & Nursery Rhymes

NOTE: Commission story for Rajan Wolffang


Deep in the forest, near the lands of Everafter, Granny's Game preserve spanned thousands of acres across the land with woods, rivers and waterfalls speckling the area - all fenced in by stone and brick to protect the animals from illegal hunting. Granny's hut was the only entrance and exit from the woods - a small little hut barely two bedrooms big but with the best back porch a kid could ask for. Little Silver waltzed carefully from between two tables and his mommy. The elderly woman smiled as she rubbed the large wolf ears perched on the boys head. "That's a good boy Silver! You're growing so fast." Granny said as she kissed his cheek "Momma's good little boy."

A doorbell in the distance alerted Granny to visitors. "Come on sugar. Let's go see who's there." She said, picking up the one year old boy in her arms. Her naked figure jostled in the proper places and a little more on her chest, as her breasts sagged from the weight of milk in her orbs. The walk to the front door was short and sweet, opening the door swiftly with a smile. "Welcome to Gra-" she stopped and smiled. "Well hello there Red!" she exclaimed.

Standing in the door way, Red had aged in to a beauty of a woman. Standing five feet and three inches tall, she had sweeping strawberry blond hair that flowed down to her curved bum. A red hood pulled back behind her neck with a white blouse over her upper body that revealed her curved bosoms pressing to the fabric tightly. Her belly exposed to show off the lightly tanned skin of her toned figure with a skimpy red skirt that didn't even pass her ass cheeks. A pair of red panties covered her cheeks and mons from view. White thigh high stockings rolled up her legs with lace tickling the tops with black Mary-Jane shoes on her feet.

Her eyes sparkled with mischief as she looked up and down her Grandma's nude figure, giving a light chuckle as she winked. "My Granny, what big tits you have." She taunted.

Granny just smiled and turned on her heels to let Red in. Silver tucked on her hip as she moved to the couch. "Silver's walking now. Took five steps today from the back porch tables." She said with a proud and motherly voice.

"Really? Well that's amazing Silver, congratulations!" Red responded, a smile on her ruby red painted lips as she leaned in and kissed the boy on his cheek, leaving a smear of lipstick there.

Once they were all sitting down, Granny used her free hand and poured some luke-warm tea for herself and Red. "So how are you and that Mongrel that ran out on me and his own little boy hmm?"

Red smiled, licking her lips with a wink "Still a submissive little cock toy for me. I can untie him from the bedpost if you want to see him again." She responded, her thighs pushing tight together as she thought of her 'pet' she caught when coming up on a previous visit.

"Well that would be good for him to see his own son ya know. Tell that mongrel he better have a stiffy when he shows up, Granny's been in need of big doggy dick for the last year." She teased.

Red laughed and smiled as she sat a basket of treats and goodies down on the table. "Well I better get going Granny, he's on a short leash and my mother's supposed to be over at some point today. Don't need her finding my dirty little secret now do I?"

Waving a dismissive hand, Granny just smiled and nodded her head. "Go on dear. Remember what I said!" she said, watching Red stand up, flagging her skirt briefly to show off that pert round eighteen year old ass - which Granny missed spanking by a mere inch while the girl waltzed off.


The long walk down the trail back to her home was uneventful. It always has been since she got her fingers in to the long coat of the wolf's fur and made him her toy. Now the forest just seemed so... dull to her. The walk was slow, her skip still strong however. No basket on her arm to be in her way, it left her arms free at her sides to swing back and forth along with the rest of her body. Her large DD's bounced from every jostle of her body as she landed on her feet from each skip. Her skirt flounced around her hips, showing her panties off and how the silk squeezed to her ass cheeks and cunny mound.

After a small stop near the half way marker on the path, she peered around the forest edge and sighed. "Nothing dangerous anymore." She grumbled. At least she thought she did. The sound seemed more like a deep growling sound that resonated from somewhere around her. She knew it couldn't be the wolf - he was chained up to her bed back at home. Her skin crawled, something about that growl scared her and made her blood run cold.

"H-H-hello?" she asked, her voice a soft squeak as she brought her arms up against her large breasts and squeezed the flesh to her own chest. She looked around, taking small steps towards her home once more. She never let her gaze move from the forest line to her right. She had to keep moving, had to move faster. A snap in the woods made her freeze, shifting her footing closer together as she watched the forest closer.

As quickly as she could, she started to run from the woods, fleeing down the trail and kicking up small tufts of dust at her heels. Her skirt whirled around her hips as her body jostled while she ran for her life. Sweating a cold sweat, and frightened for real. Her breathing picked up heavily as she heaved for every breath and found her lungs screaming for more air. Another set of snaps in the woods, followed by a large rustling sound caused terror to run through her veins as tears began to trickle down her cheeks.

All at once, the sounds stopped and all she could hear was her own panting breath. In an instant, her vision was gone, and the breath knocked from her lungs as she fell backwards and landed with a heavy grunt and huff. She could feel a new weight on top of her body, heavier than her wolf and far stronger. She couldn't see anything more than dark black fur blinding her with a masculine chest and thick muscled forearms. She coughed and squirmed, screaming as she felt teeth bite in to her hood and a bit of her hair. A loud scream echoed out again as she was dragged by her hair and hood in to the woods. Her legs flailing and kicking wildly as she tried to beat the beast's sides with her fists.

For several hundred feet she kicked, screamed and punched at the animal that had a hold of her. Her head ached from the yank and tug of her hair in its jaws. She could see the sun setting in the distance, the orange and gold hues of the sky blending to blues and dark violets. The forest line grew thicker and thicker until she felt her panties ripping off of the back of her bum from rough rock grabbing at her silk panties. Eventually her panties snapped and fell off - getting further and further from her ass her rump took the punishment directly.

After several long minutes more, she found her rump being punished by smooth and yet rough rock constantly, and she looked up to see she was being dragged in to a dark cave. It was baron save for a pile of bones littering the left wall and a pile of leaves and twigs tucked deep in to the cave, the very spot she found herself dragged too. Those twigs and a few brambles caught her skin leaving scratches on her flesh. Then the beast did something crazy, his masculine arm pushed at a boulder that crashed down on top of her. She screamed in fear as if she were about to be crushed, but instead - the wolf had let go of her hair and hood, letting the rock pin her hair and hood to the ground.

Blinking several times and trying to ignore the pain on the back of her head, she stared at the animal that had caught her. It sat on all fours, gigantic in size and power. She realized the beast's fur wasn't black at all, but stark white with a thin undercoat of black on his chest along the right side and right shoulder. Sitting on all fours as it was, it still topped seven feet with a tail almost as long as her legs. She stared at the massive creature, its head bigger then her own head with a muzzle about two feet long. Its eyes were cold, uncaring and yet boring in to her spirit as if she were a piece of meat.

She cringed, caught between the rock and this giant wolf. Unlike her wolf, this one wasn't morphic, and wasn't cautious and playful. Though his dick was jutting up straight from his lap, she could see that engorged eleven inch pink pole of flesh wobbling from between its hind legs in the dim light of the cave. A set of balls that made her wolf's sack look like raisins rested by its hind feet, she knew what caused it... her pussy was wet and scenting the air - in such a confined area that smell would intoxicate any male.

All she could do was sit and wait... hunch up close to the rock and keep her legs pinched tight together. As soon as she moved, so too, did the wolf. His nose twitched as he moved in closer, all four legs moving in proper unison to move her body slowly in to a position he could handle. She did just the right things too - unconsciously moving to avoid him, but eventually she found herself on her back with her head against the rock. The massive beast was between her legs and she screamed out "STOP!" through her teeth as she felt his hips hunch up.

Her hands shoved at the animals barrel of a chest, she screamed out again, trying to shift her legs around to push him away or at least get her legs closed. Her pussy was drooling her honey down her ass cheeks, spicing the air even more that made the animals instincts kick in even harder. Her movements, however, only served to help the wolf get further and deeper in to the V of her thighs. She felt his cock head kiss her folds, her eyes shot open as she felt that cock smearing against her folds the bulbous arrow head shape almost as thick as her fist. She cried out as the head of that shaft plunged in to her folds roughly, the head of his dick spreading her folds so wide it hurt, but then it opened her muscles up for the coke-can shaped rod of cock behind it.

Her cries fell on deft ears as the wolf plunged foreword with his shaft squeezing in to her tiny folds. The landing strip of blond hair just looked even more like that as his dick dug its way in to her flesh and within moments hilted inside of her passage with his crown kissing her cervix. She was gasping for breath after the initial push in, her fists squeezing his chest fur with a grip that ripped several shreds of fur free as she whimpered. The animal didn't care, his ass lifting and dropping to move his shaft from her folds and push once more in to her passage. His hips pumped wildly, feral in every motion as his shaft stabbed roughly in to every inch of her pussy flesh, making her muscles squeeze down on his flesh as she ground her teeth through the pain.

She could only hold on for dear life as the animal plunged in and out of those folds between her legs. Twenty minutes in to the rutting she was being given, she felt the pain subside in to a dull throb, replaced by the pleasure of cock sowing through her cunny folds. Her back arched as her feet planted firmly against the ground and raised her hips as her mind went blank. She couldn't resist that turgid dick plowing her fertile fuck field with hard shoves of those hips. As she started to move with this animal pounding her small hips roughly as she bucked up against him and countered those hip thrusts.

The wolf over her was drooling, feeling her tits pounding against his lower chest and belly while she squeezed at his thick fur. His ears tilted around and around, listening to lewd farting sounds that echoed from her passage and filled the air with their joining. She couldn't believe it, she was being used without her permission, some beast was making her his toy, she should be in control here, and she wanted it back. She grabbed at his fur firmly, wrapping her legs around his hips and digging her heels in to his ass cheeks. The wolf complied, starting to pound her hips harder and faster, but just as she began to feel in control again, she felt it slip away.

Her back arched as she screamed in pain and pleasure, her pussy spasmed on the flesh of the males cock, squeezing it violently even as the shaft drove in harder and pierced her cervix with his dick head, at the same time a knot kissed her pussy lips firmly, it couldn't dig in to her flesh, too large for her small pussy to handle. But she felt his dick twitch and throb, his hips jamming repeatedly against her crotch as cum being to flood her fertile belly with thick globs of sperm and seed. She could feel the cum sticking to her inner most flesh, coating her inner muscles with seed as she hissed in pleasure as her orgasm ripped through her core.

She felt him leave her passage and her body dropped to the ground as she rolled over some. The wolf simply pulled himself away, dripping sperm on her thigh and the ground as he stalked out of the cave and ran off. Looking around she groaned weakly, with a sigh and fell asleep.


A loud crunching sound woke her up, sitting up so fast she let out a sharp scream as she ripped her hair off in split ends near to where the rock held her hair down. She was free, but then there was the wolf sitting right at the entrance, chewing on a fresh bone of some dead animal. She looked down and found her clothing in tatters, her pussy sore, and more cum leaking from her passage - the wolf had used her in her sleep. She felt violated for a second time, but at the same time she wanted to feel it again.

With a sigh, she pulled the rest of her clothes off, the only piece surviving those mighty claws was her lace bra, so she left that on, not like the wolf would know what to do with her tits anyhow. Once naked, she turned and laid down on her forearms and pushing her knees under her to hike her large ass off the ground so that her tits pillowed against her chest. She wiggled her rump side to side, smiling over her shoulder as she saw the large wolf looking at her.

She had to wait for a good ten minutes in that position before the wolf got up and stalked towards her. She could see his dick swelling under his belly again and smiled inwardly. She regretted this position almost immediately as she felt the claws on its large paws rake along her sides and tits before he mounted her bum. As tall as he was, his dick lined up perfectly with his prey's passage. "Come on ya big bad wolf, fuck me." She snarled.

The sound irritated the wolf, like a challenge, his hips slammed in hard against those folds - his dick stretching her insides open around him once more. No longer painful, just a bit sore now, she felt him pounding almost immediately in to her folds. Her hips bucked back and forth from the strong drives the male made against her ass cheeks, feeling the flesh of her ripe bum jiggling and wobbling from each pump. She sighed heavily, moaning deeper in to the ground as she was plowed violently by the animal over her body. Her fingers squeezed as much dirt as she could as she felt the sturdy flesh bored in to her flesh, stretching her insides around his shaft, so pleasant, so delicious she groaned audibly as sperm drooled from her folds.

One of her hands reached back and slapped the dog on his flanks, making him bark savagely with a deep snarl and showing off his teeth. She got the message, rubbing his flanks as she felt the muscles in his ass and thighs flexing and relaxing rapidly while beating his thighs in against her bum. She moaned deeper, grunting audibly as she felt the dog shove hard in to her and begin unloading his seed in to her once again. She blinked, a mix of anger and confusion written on her face as she felt the dog empty his balls in to her once more long before she could get off!

Once that dog dismounted, pulling his dick from her folds, she felt that slimy - liquidy sperm rolling down her puffy cunt lips and along her inner thighs. She sat up on her knees and looked back, the wolf was leaving again. She waited, five minutes, ten minutes, and finally half an hour until it left. She crept out of the cave, and bolted down the path the wolf had made dragging her body the other day. She ran as fast as she could, her breasts slapping against her chin as her bra loosened up on her chest, her tits soon fell free and jostled on her chest as she ran for her life.

Sperm oozed down her thighs and coated her vulva, making a rabid look around her folds. It was another hour of running, panting, and stumbling before she found her way back to her little village. Her cut up skin and nudity, as well as disheveled look alerted the village to her distress. The woodsmen were all rounded up and sent out to look for the best as Red was led home in just her bra and red hood. Once she was alone, she walked up stairs towards the bathroom and stopped. There in her room, with her door wide open, was her Wolf on his back, hands squeezing a set of tits soaked in sperm... and her mother riding her puppy's large dick. "Red honey! W-Welcome home... uh... what happened to you?" her mother asked with a busted tone to her voice.

~~ The End.

~ Allester E. Darkflame

Project Zolaris: Ch. 4

DARKFLAME STUDIO'S PRODUCTIONS Presents: Project Zolaris Ch. 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STORY CONTENTS: Apocalyptic Future, Love, Miracles COPYRIGHTS: All Characters & Situations © Allester E. Darkflame...

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Project Zolaris: Ch. 3

DARKFLAME STUDIO'S PRODUCTIONS Presents: Project Zolaris Ch. 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STORY CONTENTS: Blood, Violence (Not in Yiff), Apocalyptic Future, Carnage, Tragedy COPYRIGHTS: All Characters &...

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Project Zolaris: Ch. 2

DARKFLAME STUDIO'S PRODUCTIONS Presents: Project Zolaris Ch. 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STORY CONTENTS: Blood, Violence (Not in Yiff), Prostitution, Apocalyptic Future, Incest, Oral, Vaginal,...

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