Changes - Part 1.7

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Part 1.7

by Dego

Author's Note: This is a very long story about a fox. If you're not interested in sitting in for the long run, don't read it and don't give me a bad vote. The story is split into 10 sections and numbered 1.0, 1.1, 1.2... and so on. I will post a new section each day. Please enjoy.


During the bus ride Charlie and Jack just talked about how they could kick each other's ass at Modern Warfare 2 and how much fun video games are and about Charlie's family.

"Hey, what's your family like?" asked Jack.

"They're ok I guess. My dad had to move to follow his job so that's why I'm here. My mom is pretty nice."

"Ah. What does your dad do?"

"He works for an insurance company. I think he sells car insurance. What about your family?"

"Well, actually, I live with just my mom because she divorced my dad."

"Oh... I..." Charlie wasn't sure whether to apologize or to inquire further.

Jack noticed: "It's fine; it was a long time ago. I haven't seen my dad in years and my mom supports us just fine. I don't have any brothers or sisters."

"Well that's good. So, what rank are you on Modern Warfare...?"

The pair argued the whole way home what gun was best and what tactic was the most effective.

The bus finally arrived at Charlie's stop and the pair got off. Jack stopped once he was off the bus and looked around.

"Come on! My house is this way." Charlie was wondering why Jack didn't follow him.

"I... think I recognize this neighborhood. You're South of the 7/11 by that intersection, right?"

"Um... yeah. Why does that matter?" Charlie replied.

"Oh, wow! I do recognize this place! That means that you're only a 5 minute walk from my house. I can ride the bus with you every day!"

Charlie was overjoyed! He didn't know the akita was only 5 minutes away. They could be closer friends than Charlie ever expected. He smiled at the thought.

The akita with the curly tail followed Charlie to his house and received a warm greeting from Charlie's parents.

"Come on upstairs! I'll show you my games." Charlie called. Jack followed Charlie into his room and they fired up the PS3.

After a few hours it was time for dinner and Charlie, his family, and his friend enjoyed meatloaf. Jack really hit it off with Charlie's family and his parents seemed to like the akita. They ate until they were full, Jack thanked Charlie's mom for the great meal, and the pair raced back upstairs.

"So what do you want to do now?" Charlie asked. He was kind of tired of playing the same game and he also didn't want to bore Jack.

"I don't know. Hey, what kind of music do you listen to? Do you have any songs on your PS3?"

"Oh yeah!" Charlie showed Jack some of his playlists. The akita pointed at some songs that he liked and wondered why Charlie liked some of the songs he did. Eventually Charlie came to one of his playlists entitled 'Lonely Island.' He passed one of their songs, 'Jizz in my Pants,' and Jack's eyes lit up: "Ha, I love that song! Play that!" Charlie started the song and both he and Jack made dramatic motions and sang along with the comical lyrics. The song ended and they both laughed at each other. Charlie was so happy to have such a great friend. They sat silently on Charlie's couch while Charlie wiped the tears of laughter out of his eyes. Then, Jack turned and got all serious.

"So, um, have you, you know, ever... jizzed in your pants?" He asked.

"Ha, what?" Charlie thought Jack was kidding, but looked up and saw his serious face. "Oh, uh, no I don't think so."

Jack got up from the couch and walked over to the door of Charlie's room. "Hmm. Well have you ever... spooged?" He said the last word quietly. He also very quietly shut the door while asking the question.

"Well, yeah." Charlie felt uncomfortable and comfortable at the same time; uncomfortable that he was discussing this topic, but also comfortable that he was discussing this topic with his good friend behind closed doors.

Jack chuckled. "When?"

"When I was... heh, you know."

Jack sat down on the couch, next to Charlie and closer than he had been ever before and looked straight ahead. Again, Charlie felt a mix of emotions. What was Jack's purpose? Did it even matter?

"Have you?" Charlie asked Jack.

"Yeah." He replied. Jack turned his head to gaze at Charlie. Charlie felt the faint flow of air when Jack exhaled. The akita slipped his bushy, curly tail behind Charlie and wrapped it around his waist. But, unexpectedly, Charlie was comfortable. He blushed.