Prince Ass-Eater's Genie 3

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#4 of Prince Ass-Eater

And so we finish this series, finally. Poor Prince Zander has been pushed to the brink, just about completely broken by Mina, and...well, I admit, I didn't know that this particular kink was coming, so it's a bit of an out of left field moment. You'll know it when you see it.

Commissioned by Guderian and Sinister

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Prince Ass-Eater's Genie

Part 3

For Sinister and Guderian

By Draconicon

Mina's power spread through the palace as her musk spread through the minds of her followers, converting more and more of Zander's subjects and friends and advisors to her side. It didn't take long before the king himself was little more than a musk-zonked slut to her, though she allowed him to maintain his position on the throne, unlike most of the other nobles.

Zander was giving just enough lucidity during his times out from under her ass to see what she did with the power that she gained. She didn't abuse it, exactly; there was no sudden attack or shift in the way that the people were treated, nor did she suddenly declare war on this, that, or the other noble, as some of the people of his own class would have done. There was no civil war of resistance, nor anything else that might have ripped the kingdom in twain.

No, all she did was play around. The minotaur assigned the positions of power in the kingdom to her friends, from Andrea the cat to Tesla the hound, and many more in-between. Executioner, general, treasurer, and more, all of these positions were given to the little posse that she had brought with her to the harem, and not one went to the people in power that were waiting for the chance to advance.

He shivered every time that she slammed down another brick in the wall that supported her power, knowing that it was growing to be impenetrable. Even if he had been able to get to the genie again - something that had grown impossible after the second wish - he would never have been able to get rid of all these people.

The kingdom, as he knew it, was gone. It was no longer ruled by the serpents, but rather by one musky minotaur.

The outside world didn't know this, of course, and suitors continued to arrive in his quarters, princesses and more sent from the other nations that wanted to have a connection to the snake lands. He trembled every time that Mina made him go out to meet them, knowing what would happen to them by the end of the day.

Zander would have to wine them and dine them, charm them and keep them interested in being part of the kingdom. He would have to show them all the power that the kingdom had, make sure that they understood what it meant to be part of it, the alliance that they might gain for their homeland if they married him. He would show them the strength of their armies, the richness of the treasury...

And then he would bring them to the minotaur.

Every time, he was made to watch as Mina fucked them in front of him, as the superior shemale showed her power by making whatever woman had been sent to him go completely out of her mind in pleasure. It took almost no time once the minotaur's massive cock entered the female in question before the other woman was completely lost, giving into her needs, thrusting her hips back to get more and more of that thick cock.

And he had to watch, and he had to tease his own ass to the show. That was the rule, and that was how it went.

Every time, he found himself sliding a little deeper into submission. He had been controlled by her completely, ever since he had seen the effects of his second wish, but there was something else that happened after that. Something else that dragged him deeper. Maybe it was the musk, maybe it was the conditioning that she was putting him through, maybe it was something else entirely.

He didn't know. But he knew that he was starting to like this. And he was starting to like her.

The thought that he might no longer hate her kept him up at night, and he kept trying to fight it.

It wasn't working.

Several months after the invisible fall of the kingdom of serpents, another woman appeared. This one, a tigress, was given to him by his father directly, and he was told that this one would become his wife. Whether this was Mina's decision or not, he didn't know, but he knew that the minotaur would approve.

After all, this feline was covered in muscles from head to toe, and she looked like the strongest woman that had been sent to him thus far. The feline looked like someone that would be completely able to run the kingdom, someone that would be able to beat the crap out of him or any soldier in the army, and generally intimidate anyone that came knocking and asking questions.

Zander bowed his head to her as his father left, a greeting that had been instilled so deep that nothing Mina or the others did to him could shake it.

"Welcome to my quarters, fair one. Your name?"

"Princess Ashien."

"Well, Ashien, be welcome in the palace. If my father has declared us to be wed, then we must at least be happy with one another?"

"I imagine that I will be. There are many amenities here."

"Heh, there are those, yes."

Those, and more. There was a part of him that knew that he was stalling, trying to keep from taking her to Mina just yet. The strength in her face and in her body made him want to keep her from being broken, keep her from turning into just another one of the minotaur's sluts that were always swarming around her. He knew that once that cock went into the feline's pussy, there'd be no turning back, no recovering from what it did.

But just as soon as he thought of that, the compulsion to introduce her hit him as hard as ever. He groaned under his breath, trying to fight it, but there was no holding back. Not anymore. He had been marked too many times by Mina's authority.

"I should introduce you to the others," Zander said, getting to his feet and tying his robe tightly. "There are many that you should come to know."

"I am not a concubine; if you will have me, your harem will be disbanded."

He smiled at her, though more in the melancholy way than any sort of hope. There had been others to say that exact thing, and they had been no better off than she would be.

"I will let you make that decision after meeting them. You might change your mind."


She was stern and strict, and she didn't seem at all bothered by the idea of being in power here. If there wasn't such a worry about her becoming nothing more than another drooling slut in the grip of Mina's musk, he would have admired her. As it was, he still sort of did.

The compulsion to lead her down the hallway was too strong to resist, and he gestured for her to follow him. The smell of the harem came down the stone corridor despite all the doors in the way, and the chambers had changed since the shift in power. The guards that lived in the barracks had stopped bothering to get dressed during the day, and it was even odds whether one would find them fucking one another when one passed by.

This time, they were not, but they were naked as they played poker together. The tigress stopped as they passed by, her green dress shifting about her ankles as she stared at them in disapproval. They didn't move, just as Zander had known that they wouldn't. They had no loyalty save to Mina, and no respect for authority outside that of the minotaur's.

"What loathsome creatures," the tigress said, shaking her head. "No discipline in the slightest. How are they assigned here, if they cannot even give a proper greeting?"

"They are loyal," was all he said.

She didn't seem to like his excuse for them, but Ashien said nothing. All she did was walk a little faster, growling ever so slightly as they walked down the halls towards their eventual destination.

He could already see what would happen when they arrived. She would challenge Mina, and the minotaur would allow it. There'd be a small scuffle, the princess growing ever more flustered as the smell in the air got to her, until she finally fell to her knees and begged for the minotaur's cock. There would be shame, even then, but when that shaft finally reached her, breached her...

He knew the face that females made when Mina got her hands on them, and he knew that he'd see the same face on this warrior woman. She'd be broken just like the rest of them, her mouth hanging open, her face a picture of bliss. There'd be nothing left of this severe woman, just a wanton slut that wanted more and more and more with each passing day.

They reached the door, and he could smell the sweat and sex on the other side. He looked over his shoulder, the snake taking in the slight blush on Ashien's face. She didn't show much, but he could see the slight hardening of her nipples already, the tigress obviously feeling some of the heat that indicated her need.

"You're going to change your mind after meeting them. And for that, I'm sorry."

Before Ashien could ask him what he meant, he pushed the door open. The thick smell of cock musk, ball sweat, and ass heat filled the air, and it slammed them back as hard as a gust of wind might have. There was a sudden cacophony of moans and groans and grunts as the orgy that had been contained was suddenly let loose.

Around the great lounging throne were women of reptile origin, lizards and snakes alike that were eagerly worshiping their queen, their mistress. There were other species, too, the princesses of a dozen lands that had been claimed by Mina rather than allowing him to lay claim to them. She had taken them, fucked them, rutted them a dozen times, making sure that they knew their place, that they understood where they belonged in the structure of the world.

There were guards that were eagerly sniffing at her body, licking along her breasts and her sides. There were others that held her ass, rubbing along her hole, even going so far as to dive down and huff and suck at her musk as if it was an addictive drug.

For all that Zander knew, it might just have become that.

A glance at the tigress saw her sweating, droplets running out from her hairline and down her forehead. Her muzzle was clenched shut, and he shook his head. It had already started settling in. The hunger, the arousal, the horniness. It would take very little time before she was begging for more, before her legs gave out and she submitted to the minotaur queen, just like everyone else had.

" the meaning...of this?" she managed to hiss.


He wanted to explain, to say that this was a coup, that the minotaur had taken over. But even now, even when confronted with the ultimate in humiliations, he could not do it. He had been changed, altered, warped from what he had once been. The prince of power that had ruled over an entire land with eagerness and intelligence had become an ass-worshiping slave.

"This is the Queen. The true Queen, the power behind the throne. May I introduce you to Mistress Mina?"

The minotaur finally looked up from her den of debauchery, smiling as she recognized him. Her eyes turned to the other woman in the room, and she chuckled. As the minotaur sat up, her various lovers and worshipers dropped to their knees, staring up at her with empty-headed bliss. Their minds were not gone, truly; he had seen them come back to themselves, though with a different set of priorities, when Mina wasn't in the room. However, that was a rare event, and most of the time, they were the eager, slavish people that he saw today.

Mina got to her hooves, and then clip-clopped across the room. The confidence she had in her nudity was powerful, and there was no denying that she claimed the room in a way that few others might have been able to do. She strutted forward, her hard cock swinging around, clearing the way for her like a page might have done through a crowd, and even Ashien backed up a pace as that dick came close.

"So, you're the one that the king picked for my little highness's bride. Are you going to be able to take this?"

"You..." The princess gulped, shaking her head despite how sweaty and nervous she obviously was. "You are not part of this harem any longer. I am here to take the position of princess. You are no longer needed to see to the needs of the prince, so you will pack up your bags and leave. You will take the rest of your little...cult...with you, as well."

"Ah, you think that you can just kick me out? Tell me, prince. How much do you want to keep me?"

He wanted to protest. He really did. But when she turned to him, when she lifted her cock and showed off those black-furred balls, that puffy donut of a hole, there was nothing that Zander could do. He moaned, his own bestial shaft pushing free of his robe, finally, as he fell to his knees. Even with the tigress staring at him in shock, he could do nothing but lean forward and rub his face against those massive minotaur balls.

"I worship you. I need you. I hunger for you at all times. If you left, I would be broken. I would be lost. I would need to find you again."

"See, darling? He's already broken to me. He needs me far more than he needs you."

"Then...then I will have to...teach you your place," the tigress said, rolling up the sleeves of her dress. "I will...I will evict you myself."

"I'd like to see you try."

The fight went as expected. The tigress managed to outlast the musk for perhaps a minute, dragging the minotaur along by the wrist, shoving her about. It was a weak effort, though she had managed to get Mina out of the room before finally succumbing to the scent. It was more than what most of the princesses had been able to manage when they tried to evict the woman.

Zander had watched as the princess had been dragged back to the chamber, watched as the tigress had been thrown over the lounging throne. There was no need for gentleness, not when Mina hiked up the other woman's dress and showed off her dripping pussy, her clenching ass.

"Over here, little highness," Mina said, patting the throne. "Put your head under her."

"Yes, Mistress Mina."

He laid down on the throne, looking up at the dripping pussy. It was almost right over his face, just a bit too far up and back for him to be able to lick, and he could make out the little strings of pussy juice that were slowly rolling down from the tigress's slit. She was horny, beyond horny, and her eyes were so glazed over that he doubted that Ashien even had the mental state anymore to realize that she had an audience to her own deflowering.

The fact that the minotaur was so eager to shove her dick into that slit only made it that much more humiliating. The fact that he had to watch his own wife get fucked had him blushing...

And it had him hard.

His dick trembled as he watched that fat cock coming for the hole that should have been his. The one that had taken the kingdom from him was taking one more prize for herself, one more thing that he might have been able to claim if he had just a little bit more manhood than he had been allowed to keep. His cheeks burned as he watched the bigger shemale take her place, watched as she trapped his cock between her thighs, making sure that it couldn't swing up.

And then, she slammed forward.

He stared at the point of connect, stared at the thick shaft slamming into the tigress's pussy. The way that bestial cock claimed her was different to anything that he had ever seen in another harem. There were so many loving ways to hold someone, to have sex with them, to make love, but that wasn't what Mina did.

Instead, the minotaur rutted them. She fucked them hard, used them harder, making sure that they knew exactly what their place was. He shivered as he watched her pussy spread, watched as it got wider and wider, more and more gaping from the sheer size of that cock pounding in over and over again.

A fine woman might have whimpered in complaint, but Ashien was no longer a fine woman. Her body had been stolen, and her mind had been warped by all the musk in the air, just as his own had been. Instead of complaining, of whimpering, of being in pain, she arched her back and thrust her hips to meet that thick cock.

"Fuck yes, fuck yes! Fuck me!"

The shouts echoed along the walls, and the minotaur sure as hell followed through with the request. In and out, in and out that cock went, claiming the depths of the other woman, forcing her to cum again and again as she was filled to the brim and then emptied out again.

From below, it was a deluge, a waterfall that was constantly dripping on his face. There was no getting out of the way of it, only getting used to being under the flow of moisture. The pussy juices were strong, but not as strong as the pre that was laced through them. He moaned as they dripped on his face, marking him with more and more of her scent and Mina's.

The pressure of that musk only added to the need that he felt, the powerful scent of the minotaur making his cock throb all the more. He wanted to cum, wanted to be allowed to cum, but he was trapped, forced down, his cock made to point down with his legs rather than be allowed to stand up.

And then, he saw her ass.

Her fucking ass.

Her beautiful, black, shining, puckered asshole.

Every time that the opening slid into view, every time that the minotaur hilted with the tigress, everything else fell away for Zander. All he could focus on was that perfect pucker. All he could think about was being inside of it.

Not just tonguing it, either. The fantasy had come to him the first time that he had earned an orgasm from Mina, the first time that he had eaten her out to try and claim a bit of peace. He remembered that, remembered the idea of being shoved in there, of being a pleasure toy for her rump in a way that he never would be allowed to be in his current state. It was a fantasy that had built up over the months since, and he shivered as he imagined it again.

Not him as himself, but him shrunken down, little more than the size of a butt plug. The idea of taking that last wish from the genie, of becoming a toy for her ass, something that rendered him into the object that he had become.

That is where I belong, he thought. Not out here. Not as a prince. As an ass-toy. As something. As her something.

The thought sent a shiver down his spine and a spike of pleasure through his cock. He couldn't get it out of his head, and even the humiliation of watching his declared wife getting cock-fucked and cock-molded by his mistress couldn't get through that.

Eventually, the tigress came, and then came again, and again, and again, each time squirting on his face as she was molded into what the mistress wanted her to be. It was like being pinned down to watch a life sex show, but every time that he got to see what he really wanted - Mina's asshole - he only got to see it for a few seconds before the show switched back to the thing that wasn't so interested in. The fucking.

He wasn't sure how long they were in that position. Time had a way of going funny lately, making it hard to tell if it was going fast or slow. But eventually, the tigress came for the seventh time, and Mina was finally dragged over the edge with her. The explosion, the burst of pleasure, was enough to shake the room and the tigress, and even him.

His balls churned, his cock throbbed, and his cheeks burned as he stared at the heavy, throbbing cock that split the tigress in two. Ashien rubbed her clit desperately as she rode her seventh orgasm to her eighth as the minotaur shemale flooded that tight pussy. Well, once-tight. He doubted that she'd feel anything smaller than Mina from now on.

The sight as that cock came out, as a load of minotaur cum landed on his face, was nearly enough to distract him from his fantasy, but not quite enough. He wanted to feel it, still, and the desire had completely taken over any common sense. It didn't matter that it was his last wish, that it would be the thing that he couldn't reverse. It didn't matter that he would be wasting it.

No, all that mattered was that he would be able to feel that, to know what it was like, and that it would please his mistress.

"Mistress Mina," he panted as the tigress slid off of him, away from him. "I...I beg a favor..."

"Heh, yes, little highness?" she asked, her cock bobbing up and down over his face.

"I want to get something from the vault."

"What, hmm? A treasure? A bauble for me?"

"A genie."

The room went silent, and she stared at him just as much as anyone else. She had to have known that her new abilities and his new parts were not due to just chance, but this was the first confirmation that he had given her. This was the first time that he had mentioned it directly, and more to the point, offered it.

After all, the vault was closed to all but the royal family, and his father was unlikely to be willing to do everything that Mina said. Most all things, but not quite everything. But him? He was a lost cause.

"Get it," she said after a moment. "Get it and bring it to me."

It was a short trip to the vault, and a shorter trip back once he had the golden bowl in hand. He carried it in a tight grip, blushing as he realized just how much of a frenzy he was caught up in. He needed this, and craved it, to a degree that he didn't know was possible to feel.

As he returned, the various women were staring at him. Ashien had taken her place on top of Mina's cock, grinding her ass back against it. Her pussy was already spread wide, but her tight little pucker seemed to be the next thing that she wanted to feel impaled on that thick thing.

He didn't let himself be distracted. He knelt, instead, the snake offering the golden bowl with outstretched arms.

"This is the great treasure of my family. It contains a genie, and...and with your permission, I would like to use my final wish."

"And what would that wish be, hmm?"

"I want...I want to be inside your ass..."

Everyone chuckled around him. Doubtlessly, they all knew the stories, too. The way that genies would twist any wish around for their own ends. There was every chance that it would be turned into something horrible for him, in their eyes.

That was fine. He was counting on something like that, wanting it, craving it.

He looked up, meeting Mina's eyes, and she met his. They stared at one another for a moment, and then she smiled.

"You have my permission."

Zander nodded, lowering the bowl to the ground. He ran his fingers along the outer edge of the bowl, whispering to himself. Some part of him knew that this was the last thing that he should be wishing, but the fantasy would not be denied.

Lavender smoke rose, and the genie formed. The same demonic sort of figure, one that stood there with horns out of her head, with pierced nipples and pierced cock. She rotated in place, looking down at women and men alike with a smirk on her lips. She even offered the same expression to Mina, who, for the first time, looked vaguely nervous.

Then, she turned back to him. The genie reclined, showing off her cock to him. This time, it almost looked appetizing.

"You called, hmm?"


"What is your final wish, then, little prince?"

There was a split second of hesitation, his eyes drifting from the genie back to the minotaur. There was a chance, a slight chance, that he could make a wish to reverse all of this. He wanted to turn this back to the beginning, rewind all of this to the point where he had made the decision to get under Mina in the first place.

And yet, at the same time, that tiny little part of him was nothing compared to the part that wanted to live out a fantasy. He wanted to be nothing but a good little bitch, nothing but a little toy for her.

And that meant getting into her ass.

"I want to be in her ass..."

"Hmmm, in her ass, you say."

"Yeah...I want to be in her ass...I want to fuck her...I want to fill her up and be the perfect toy for her..."

"Hehehe...I barely have to twist that at all. You're no fun."

"Just...let me have it..."

"Wish granted."

She snapped her fingers, and suddenly, he was shrinking. The ground was coming up to meet him, or he was slamming down towards the earth. He barely understood which, anymore; all he knew was that he was shrinking, falling, dropping.

The genie disappeared with a chuckle and another poof of smoke, but even that wasn't enough to hide his fate. He was no longer the tall serpent that he had been. No, he was only four feet tall, now three, now two, dropping so far and so fast that it seemed almost impossible. He shrunk right out of his clothes, remaining proportional rather than looking like a child, but still he shrunk.

"Oh, my..."

Mina's statement of surprise would have been a comfort if it hadn't been quite so joyful, so gleeful. As it was, it still stood out for him, and he blushed as he shrunk to the one foot mark.

There, it finally started to slow down, giving him time to start realizing what had happened, what he was becoming. He was no more than ten inches - no, nine - tall, and he was still slowly dropping down. Something else popped up near him, rising out of his clothes and forming a bulge.

He didn't have to see out of the clothes to know what it was. It was a butt plug, one that was nice and thick, one that matched what his cock's thickness would have been, and as he saw it, he felt the hunger to be near it. His body moved as if compelled, sliding across his clothes as he dropped another inch to eight inches tall, so small, so tiny compared to everyone in the room. He was smaller than some of the cocks on display, for that matter.

Not that it bothered him anymore. He had fallen too deep, slipped too far to care what others thought of him, how others saw him. All that mattered now was the feeling of being in the minotaur's ass.

He pushed the clothes out of the way, exposing the purple butt plug. It had a smooth, but tapered, tip, and he shivered as he saw the little runes that ran up and down it. Various enchantments, none of which he understood, but all of which looked kinky.

As he touched it, another compulsion struck him, forcing him to turn around and put his back against it. He did without fighting it, the snake prince obeying.

All eyes were on him as ropes started to appear, rising from the plug and wrapping around him. He moaned, arching his back as some of them started to wrap around the base of his cock. It was almost like a shibari bit of art, forcing his dick up and hard with the restraints. Not that it wasn't hard already, but now, it was harder still, like a cock ring of ropes around the base of the bestial shaft.

Mina stared at him with a dripping dick, her teasing hunger for all the other men and women in the room almost forgotten. She didn't even have eyes for them anymore; all she wanted was him.

As the ropes pulled him tight, the minotaur stood up from her throne, walking right over to him and picking him up from the floor. She held him aloft, or rather, the plug, and she turned in place, holding it up to the light and staring at him.

"Mmmm, aren't you just a kinky little slut?" she teased.

"I...I can't help it..."

And it was true. He no longer could. Her ass had become perfection, the center of his world, the thing that he needed more than anything else in his life. Power didn't matter anymore. The hunger to change things back had been forgotten. All that mattered was that ass, filling it, satisfying it, and making it better.

He moaned as she lowered him down to her rounded, sweaty rump, and he smelled her musk all the stronger. Some of the droplets fell on him, and he moaned for that, too, his cock arching up, thrusting between the ropes that bound him to the toy.

"You want inside so badly?" she asked.

"Oh, gods, yes."

"Then beg."

"Nnngh, come on..."

"Ah ah. Be a good boy, and beg to be inside your mistress's ass."

"I need it..."

"Then tell me why."

"It's the most perfect ass in the kingdom!" he shouted, moaning and whimpering. "It controls me. It's perfect, so big and round and musky and - oh fuck, it makes me so hard. I need it. I need it in my face, touching me, smothering me. I need to be inside of you, to make you feel good. I need to do this. I need to do this, please, please let me please you!"

"...Wow. You really are needy."


"Fine. It looks like you're going on a journey."

She put him down on the throne, and he looked up as she spread her ass cheeks for him. It was hardly needed, considering her new puffy pucker pushed out slightly between the cheeks anyway, almost like a feral animal's might do. He stared at her, licking his lips as she descended on him.

The tip of the toy caught her ass, spit-soaked and sweat-drenched as it was, and she slowly pushed down. He could see her rim spreading, the shiny black flesh opening up for the toy. The close-up was even better than watching from afar as someone else shoved their tongue up that pucker.


He wanted to jerk himself off, but he couldn't reach his cock. His arms were tied up near his head, and his cock could only throb as he watched that rim slowly descend towards his face. He couldn't move, couldn't protest, couldn't even beg. All he could do was watch, wait, and enjoy.

It slid further down, then a bit further down, before it finally touched his head. He gasped as the musk felt even stronger this close, this small, and then realized the pressure from above was slowly rolling around his forehead. Her rim was opening up for him, allowing him in.

He gasped as he was suddenly popped past the opening, his head in her dark, somewhat slimy ass. More and more of his body followed as she fucked herself down the butt plug, taking him deeper, further.

It was so hot inside, so hot and strong. The bitter-hot musk that clung to her hole at all times was stronger than ever inside. Clean as it was, that scent left him immediately light-headed, and he moaned as he thrust his hips as much as the bindings would allow.

The silky, textured insides of her hole made him moan more, his eyes rolling back in their sockets as he ground himself against her again and again, feeling more and more of his body slurped up into her hole. His cock, his thighs, his calves, and then finally -


The plug was all the way in, and so was he. There was just enough air to keep him from passing out, and so much musk around him that he didn't care. All that mattered was that he was there. He was in her. He could make her feel good matter how humiliating this actually was.

The End