Dinner Invasion (Commission for Latria Eclipse)

Story by Cimmaron on SoFurry

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#71 of Commissions

A sequel to another story (Date Night Aftermath, to get up to date). This time, battling technologically advanced aliens with the help of magic swords, mystical spirits, and a towering werelion!

Anyway, hope you all enjoy!

Characters (c) LatriaEclipse on Twitter

Story (c) me!

Want a Commission? Details here!

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Dinner Invasion

By Cimmaron Spirit

Commission for Latria Eclipse

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WARNING: this story contains: violence, nudity, transformation, human to lion, werelion, spirit lion, physical fighting, an alien invasion, and more. If it's not your interest, then you might as well find something else to read. Otherwise, enjoy!

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"Remind me again why we are doing this?" Brandon shouted as explosions made the ground shake, and green and blue laser bolts flashed through the air, dust, and ash from a crumbling building and the fires that raged clouding the air. One laser bolt clipped his shirt, burning through the fabric, and exposing his muscular arm and the lion tattoo inked into his tanned skin. Fortunately, it didn't hit his body, but that was still way too close for comfort.

"Because neither of us wants to have hostile aliens roaming around!" Lars shouted back, before turning around, and slicing a lizard-like creature on the chest with his wakizashi blade, making the creature scream, and fall over. He then ducked behind another table, as five aliens blasted where Lars had been standing a moment before. At least these laser bolts were stopped by simple wood, leaving a scorched burn mark where the directed energy would hit.

Of all the things on planet Earth, it was the humble tree that could possibly stop an alien invader's ultra-advanced weaponry.

The aliens were a bit shorter than the average human, maybe about 5 feet tall. They each had slightly different coloured scales, ranging from light brown to dark grey. They had long claws, vicious fangs, yellow and black eyes with two pairs of eyelids, and spoke with a high screeching, chittering language that was grating on Brandon's ears.

They were smart though. Besides the fact that the aliens had laser weapons and interdimensional portal technology, they had a sense of tactics and strategy. They tried to outflank the humans that were trying to hold them back, causing distractions or diversions while others would sneak around.

Brandon and Lars, using tables, chairs, carts, the kitchen, and other places, were able to hold them off well enough, causing casualties and forcing wounded aliens to retreat to the portal. But many more lay where they fell, hissing and clicking in pain, or totally still due to unconsciousness or death. But as one fell or crawled through the portal, another one would come out, maintaining the assault.

But still, why us? Brandon asked, adjusting the grip on his own sword and wiping sweat away from his eyes: his right a normal soft green, his left red and black from being united with a powerful spirit. He took a deep breath before standing up and, with a roar, charging forward, bulldozing through a small squad of aliens and sending them flailing to the ground.

Here they were, using swords against laser guns. Of course, their swords weren't mere forged steel, but instead possessing the essence and spirit of two powerful entities: Stolz and Anguis. Stolz, a fiery lion spirit, took the form of Brandon's double-handed broadsword, and the snake-like Anguis, commanding the powers of light, took the form of Lars' short wakizashi. Their magic powers came in use: cutting through the aliens' armor, deflecting their attacks, and generally making the otherworldly invaders ever regret stepping out of the portal that appeared in the restaurant that Brandon and Lars had been dining in for a date that had already been delayed once.

A fiery red force field formed at the tip of the blade and in front of Brandon. Just in time too, as the aliens, now focusing on the tall and broad-shouldered human, began to target and shoot him. But their laser blasts were blocked and dissipated by the fire shield.

Lars had jumped up from where he was sheltering behind an overturned table and joined with Brandon, stabbing and slicing at any alien that tried to get around the sword mounted shield.

A couple of days ago, a massive portal had opened over the city, unleashing a giant flying creature bent on destruction. Brandon and Lars had managed to stop it then, but now they were facing an apparently full-on alien invasion: battalions of alien soldiers were swarming through smaller portals all over the planet, causing chaos and destruction. Now the two lovers, one a successful businessman who was a reincarnated hero warrior, the other his servant who had died and remained by his side through divine intervention, were fighting side by side again to prevent their home and present time from being overrun.

Why us again? Brandon asked as he thrust the sword through the energy barrier, impaling an alien's stomach and making a green blood ooze out, followed by a shriek of pain and horror, before pulling his sword back through the forcefield and knocking the alien off.

Sure, they had magical artifacts and links to powerful spirits, Brandon himself was strong and powerful, and Lars was no slouch with the sword, but wasn't there still someone better equipped to fight off an alien invasion? The army? Some secret military force fighting from an underground bunker? A time-traveling doctor in a phone box?

But if Brandon and Lars were all that stood in the way between these aliens enslaving humanity... then at least they had a giant sword to deal with it.

The aliens, bloodied and bruised by the human's counter-attack, began to withdraw, to protect the portal, a swirling blue fissure in space and time.

"We're pushing them back!" Lars remarked, before swiping at another alien that tried to get around the shield and forcing it to duck back behind cover.

"Now, if the bastards would just leave," Brandon replied, furrowing his eyebrows as he kept pushing forward. There was a glowing blue gemstone that appeared to be making the portal. If he could just get to it, then it could be destroyed and prevent any more aliens from attacking.

Just as he was making up his plan, three more aliens appeared through the portal. They were a different species from the regular soldiers: taller, bigger, with different patterns on their scales, and carrying larger weapons.

One of them aimed at Brandon and fired a blast. The energy shield took the full blast of the impact and began to shudder and fail.

"Urgh!" Brandon grunted, wincing at the power that was felt with that energy weapon, much more powerful than a regular laser.

It took a moment for that alien to recharge his weapon, but the other two swiftly lifted up their powerful cannons and took aim.

Brandon took a deep breath and threw his sword at them.

"Alright, big guy, time to shine!"

The massive blade then morphed and grew into a massive lion, covered in orange and red fur, his mane and tail pure flames, nearly seven feet in height to the top of his ears. It was Brandon's spirit entity, Stolz.

"Don't have to tell me twice," the lion rumbled.

"Just don't make too much of a mess!" Brandon shouted, glaring at the aliens.

The elemental beast wasted no time. Letting out a massive roar that made the building shake and the aliens scream and cower, Stolz easily batted aside the aliens that got in his way with powerful swipes of his paws, slashing others with his claws, and sending out tongues of flame that burned and injured yet more aliens, setting their armor and weapons on fire, and making them screech and flee from the giant creature. The few aliens that did fire on Stolz were stunned and terrified to see their blasts merely bouncing off or going through the spirit's body. They were being cut to pieces by the alien, but in turn, could do no damage.

"Now I remember why he was sealed for so long," Brandon mused, watching the carnage ensue. "And to think Lars had to deal with him for 500 years..."

Stolz continued to tear through the aliens, decimating the attackers with his fire and strength, with Brandon looking on.

"You're doing great Stolz!" Brandon shouted. "Keep it up!"

"Heh! Like I'd lose to these weaklings!" the giant fire lion shouted, before using his claws to cut through an alien's legs.

He didn't notice one of the small aliens, wounded in the leg, crawling away from the giant fire lion. It was sneaking around to where Brandon was crouching behind a table.

The alien chittered softly, before raising up its weapon, and pointing it at Brandon's back.

"Brandon! Behind you!" Lars shouted.

Brandon spun around, just in time to see the alien pull the trigger on his gun.

The human tucked and rolled, as the laser blast impacted where he had been.

The alien snarled and clattered away, before firing again, again, and again. Brandon was able to duck the many shots fired his way. With a roar of anger, he ran forward at the alien, and knocked the alien down, making the gun drop to the floor and tumble away. With his powerful fists, Brandon began to punch the alien's face repeatedly, until it slumped over and laid still.

Brandon took a deep breath, wiping the sweat-dripped hair from his face, only to hear another laser weapon charging up behind him.

He turned around to see one of the taller aliens, with the bigger guns, pointing it right at him and firing a blast of powerful energy.

Brandon was then knocked down to the floor at that moment, hitting his head with some force and making stars appear in his eyes. There was a clatter of steel on the floor, followed by a scream of pain, then silence.

Brandon blinked, trying to clear his vision. The first thing he noticed was long, black hair, falling over his chest.

It was Lars. His shirt had been burnt away, and a nasty looking burn mark was on the side of his body where the powerful energy blast had impacted him. He was still breathing, but it was labored. He was unconscious.

Beside him, Lars' sword, Anguis, lay, a soft white glowing from the blade.

Brandon stared at Lars and his injury for what felt like a long time, trying to wrap his mind around what just happened.

Lars had saved his life, at the risk and possible cost of his own.

Brandon knew that Lars was more than a servant and a lover: he was his protector, that, after he died 500 years ago, he beseeched the divine to be allowed to remain by his side and protect his very soul. He forsook the final rest he rightfully deserved out of loyalty and asked for nothing in return. Lars' resurrection was a gift of the divine, yet his beloved risked his second life to save his own.

Brandon trembled in shock and confusion, anger, and agony. He carefully set Lars onto the floor, sheltering him behind a table.

Then he stood up, his whole body trembling, before he let out a powerful roar and charged the alien that had caused this. As he did, his body began to transform.

The short yellow hair on his head grew longer and turned red, turning into a long and flowing mane that surrounded his changing face: his nose was pushing out into a short muzzle, while his right eye turned yellow with a slit pupil, and his left eye retained its strange and disconcerting black and red eye.

His muscles, already large from an adulthood that involved trips to the gym and many evenings and weekends of sports, now grew even larger, forcing his already damaged shirt to rip and tear in many places to provide the room for his arms, chest, and abs to go as they got larger. His pants fared no better, the denim jeans being torn apart by the seams as his thighs and calves nearly doubled in size. Fangs grew in his maw and claws from his fingers. The expensive shoes on Brandon's feet now tore apart, exposing massive paws with fearsome claws on the end.

Brandon also grew taller, from his normal 171 centimeters (5'6" in America) to a massive 240, just a couple inches shy of 8 feet tall. His strength and power increased even more, as his werelion transformation was completed.

The invader, nursing a cut on his arm from the wakizashi that Lars had been holding, was also trying to get their weapon to recharge, and didn't notice that the human they had been targeting was now a giant lion man. It finally noticed when Brandon easily picked up the alien's gun, and with a mighty roar, smashed it on the ground. It screamed in its high-pitched indecipherable language as Brandon then grabbed the alien, and with all the force he could muster, threw it at the crowd of its kin, bowling a couple of them over.

All eyes, both alien and giant spirit animal, now turned to Brandon: a towering, fur-covered, naked lion man, scowling and furious.

"You just made a very grave mistake," Brandon snarled, as he dashed forward and punched the closest alien in the face, making green blood dribble from its mouth.

"Invading my planet?" the lion man growled as he grabbed an alien's laser gun and bent it in two. "That was a mix-up, I'm sure."

Brandon then grabbed two aliens that tried to scramble away, smashing both of their heads together and knocking them out.

"Trying to conquer the human race? That, I might be able to overlook."

The bipedal lion grabbed another of the larger aliens, ripping the powerful gun from their hands, and then using it as a bat, crashing into the alien's head and making it fly through the air, landing in an unmoving heap near the portal.

"But you hurt Lars, my soulmate," Brandon growled, his voice low and deep, as he grabbed another alien and, with his claws, tore through its armor before curling his fingers into a fist and giving a massive uppercut to the exposed alien's chest and stomach, making it scream in pain.

"And for that, you will die!" he bellowed before punching the alien in the face again and then throwing it right into the portal.

The other aliens, already facing a tough battle thanks to the magically enchanted weapons, then an uphill struggle the giant fire spirit entity that they couldn't injure, and now also a human that turned into an even bigger, stronger mixture of human and animal, realized that this was just not going to end well for them. They all began to simply run for the portal: some stopped long enough to try to pick up wounded comrades, others to grab weapons they didn't want the humans to get a hold of, but soon, with flames on one side, and fearsome claws and righteous anger on the other, they were routed, all dashing back into the portal.

Brandon snarled as he missed grabbing the last alien going through the portal. Instead, he reached for the blue crystal, clasping it in his hand.

There was a huge amount of energy and power in the crystal, which began to spark and sizzle blue energy into the air and down Brandon's arm.

He snarled, growled, and roared as he closed his fist tighter on the crystal.


The crystal finally shattered in his grip, and the portal collapsed.

Brandon opened his hand, letting the shards of the blue crystal fall to the floor, before he turned around and ran back to Lars, carefully picking him up off the floor and avoiding the burnt spot.

The smaller human's eyes began to flutter open, and he looked up into Brandon's leonine face.

"B-Brandon? You changed again," Lars said, his voice tired and weak.

"Well, couldn't let Stolz have all the fun now," Brandon smiled, as the giant fire creature came up with Anguis in his maw, having finished off the last of the aliens in his range before picking up Lars' sword. The spirit was usually the biggest one of the group by far, but Brandon was now maybe a foot shorter than Stolz.

"This is... unexpected," Stolz said, placing Anguis by Lars' side, then sitting down on his haunches.

"Aww, someone's a little bummed," a gleeful Anguis teased, his voice echoing inside their minds.

"I'm just glad it's all over," Brandon remarked with a sigh of relief.

Lars tried to sit up but winced in pain.

"Easy, amaur. You were burnt badly," Brandon said, using their ancient language to address his soulmate. "Why did you do that?"

"I swore an oath to protect your life," Lars replied, wincing in pain, "and that hasn't changed."

Brandon wanted to tell his beloved that what he did was stupid, dangerous. But... he couldn't stay mad at him. Brandon knew very well that Lars did it for more than that. He wouldn't admit it in public, and even in private it was nearly impossible to get it out of him, but it was not only because Lars wanted to protect Brandon, but also because he loved him.

"But I must admit," Stolz said, looking over the transformed Brandon. "You don't look shabby in that form."

"Really now," Brandon said with a smirk. "Never thought I'd hear that from you."

"Though I do wonder why you took upon this particular form," Stolz remarked. "After all, you could have been turned into a tiger, a bear, or, you know, something else. A dog." He practically spat the last words out.

"Spiritual imprinting, perhaps? I mean, you two were stuck together for the longest time, after all," Anguis suggested.

"Perhaps," Brandon remarked before his and Stolz's ears perked up.

"Sirens. The cops must be coming," the werelion said, before turning to Stolz. "We better go."

Stolz bent down to pick up the sword in his mouth and followed Brandon, the werelion bridal-carrying Lars through the abandoned and messy kitchen, out into the back alley, and straight for home while trying to sneak away from the mess. After all, a giant fire spirit with a short sword in his mouth, and a naked werelion carrying a human might attract some attention.

Lars, still tired and in pain, let himself be lulled to sleep by the steady heartbeat of his giant feline boyfriend, nestling into his strong arms and chest.

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