High Tea Café -Flyer

Story by BluKal on SoFurry

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#1 of High Tea Café

Once upon a time, I had joined SoFurry as someone else, a pretend me. Now, I'm very much happy with the me who has found his love for writing again. So I've taken this series back and will be posting it under this account. Some of you may recognize it even! If you do, welcome back!

This is a series for another of my characters, Ollie the Red Panda (originally named Owen, but that name has been taken by the sexy sabercat in a speedo in my gallery). Ollie works for Tess at High Tea Café, just trying to adult, and trying to survive her shenanigans. Ollie lives in the same city/space as Cal does from his series, so I hope to overlap at some point in the future.

You'll have two proper stories added soon!

Welcome to High Tea Café

Where your stomachs are filled and your dreams are fulfilled

Open Sunday to Saturday from 7am to 7pm Mon to Thurs,

7am to 10pm on Fri, 8am to 5pm Sat and Sun

Here at High Tea, we pride ourselves in serving the best Lunch and Breakfast foods in the city. With our variety of teas and coffees, pastries and cakes, we're sure to be a crowd favorite with the hectic, to-go, 'need that latte or my boss will kill me' crowds. Managed by the five-star chef, Tess, the Café is known for its warm, open atmosphere, delicious found, varied wait staff and the bold daily events.

Following is this week's Specials and their bold Daily Events:

UnderGarment Sunday : A Breakfast Buffet is offered with a variety of breakfast foods - eggs, bacon, sausages, porridge and creams. Over 50's get a 20% discount. Not only that, but one tea or coffee of your choice is limitless! Our intrepid wait staff will be serving you only in their best socks and undergarments - as well as the signature High Tea apron.

Bottomless Monday: Monday's are horrid, so why not come down to High Tea for our Bottomless Monday's! A signature Chef's Dish is the order of the day, as well as a free choice of dessert to accompany it. Don't want to get up in the morning? You should! As our fabulous wait staff will be serving you with nothing under their waists! Don't believe? Come on down and get that slice of cake and see!

Oriental Tuesday: A more sedate but not any less popular choice, we serve a mix of Japanese, Chinese and Korean fare, as well as our regular dishes. Our wait staff wear traditional garb in the form of jackets and dresses - a varied sushi bar is the special of the day.

Italian Wednesday: Bring out the cheese graters! We return to a more classic setting as our waiters serve pasta, lasagna, garlic bread and pizzas. On Wednesday it is Build your own meals - as long as Tess has it, she'll make it!

Ice Cream Thursday: Almost done with the week? Come and sit for a treat! Our ice cream bar, cakes and desserts explode over the menu, with hot teas, coffees and chocolates, as well as sandwiches to tie you over. Have a birthday? Get a discount on Ice Cream Thursday! Our wait staff will even sing for you, dressed in colorful candy stripes!

Happy Hour Friday: The weekend is finally here! The minute you're off work, and well into the night, High Tea offers a place to unwind. With music and drinks pouring and flowing from 7pm onward! Come dance, drink and eat the night away with competitive prices and the most delicious alcoholic mixed drinks and desserts! Students get a discount!

Shirtless Saturday: Have a hangover? Come to our more sedate Shirtless Saturdays! Have some soothing teas and coffees and a warm meal that'll sure to put some hair on your chest and kill the headache. Our wonderful wait staff will be walking around without shirts on - yes, even the ladies - so at least you'll have some eye candy and remember why you were drinking in the first place!

Want to book for a party? Food catering? Call ###-###-#### to book!

Any questions or complaints, please direct them to the Maitre'd or Tess herself.

"So, what do you think?" Tess asked Ollie with a big grin on her face. The red panda was sandwiched between her large and in charge bear frame and her husband, a tall and skinny waif of a house-cat; said cat had made the stationary, font and everything for the add on to the menu's.

"It's..." Ollie sighed. "It's great Tess, honest." he admitted, because it WAS. "Do we really need to change Sunday's though?" he asked.

"You have a boyfriend yet?" she asked.

"No." he replied.

"Have I been shut down?" she asked again.

"Not YET." he punctuated with a very firm finger point.

"So, until someone openly asks for a sexual favor or gets caught blowing/getting blown in my premises, I'll have my fun, OK?" she winked, ruffled the panda's ears and took the flyer back, intending to have it copied and printed.

"...your wife is crazy, you know that right?" the panda muttered.

"We love her anyway." the cat drawled, one paw coming up to pat Ollie on a shoulder. "I'll be upstairs, yell if you need me." he said in that slow drone of his as he padded away.

Ollie took a deep breath. Let it out. And resumed counting out the money in the register.

He hated(loved) his job sometimes (always).