Alpha/Omega House

Story by Roxan on SoFurry

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#1 of Alpha/Omega House

Kib tries out the hot new FoxFindr app and accidentally pledges a fraternity! Yiff inssues...

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.......... It's a Frat house?!?

I sighed audibly as I looked from the big white house, down to the map on my phone, and back again. It was right out of Van Wilder, a two-story Victorian with columns in the front, a keg on the lawn, and furs hanging out of several of the windows, drunkenly calling to one another while music played way too loud.

"Ugggggghhhh" I sighed again, looking up at the house. It even had oversized Greek letters nailed to the front, proclaiming to all passers by that this house belonged to Alpha/Omega.

_The whole point of this app was getting to avoid places like this... _ I thought to myself, licking my left fang.

I looked back at my phone, and the red dot clearly indicating that the request was coming from inside. Someone has requested your: Ass, was all it said. No name. No picture. It didn't seem fair really. This stupid app had asked me to take half a dozen picture of myself, showing off every aspect of my 5'9" frame; my face, my chest, my arms, my feet, my... other parts. I shuddered again at how I had bent over in front of my dorm mirror to take a picture of my tight pink pucker, tail raised and balls tucked, making myself as appealing as possible for anyone browsing my profile. If my face-fur hadn't already been orange, it would have turned red when I snapped the photo. Then I had had to stroke himself.

Take a picture of: Penis (erect)it had said, and I had been in just the right state of mind to do it. I'd lain back on his tiny dorm bed and imagined meeting some anonymous hunk, maybe a lion or a wolf with big muscular arms and a huge cock. Someone who would hold me down against my bed and breath hotly against my neck while he spread my ass cheeks apart... maybe I would struggle a little bit, just a bit, not really wanting him to stop. He would hold me down with those big arms and tell me what he was about to do to me, how he was going to make me his bitch, and mark me inside and out. I would plead and cover my hole with my tail, which he would easily yank out of the way. I had imagined him grinding himself between my cheeks, already drooling precum at the sight of me laid out helplessly beneath him. He wouldn't even need lub... just to line him self up and...

"Are you the Fox?"

"huh?" I snapped back to reality to find a white rabbit standing in front of him with a pen and a clipboard.

"Are you the Fox?" he asked again, putting a little more emphasis of the word 'Fox' this time. He was wearing a tight white tank top with a Greek letter Omega on it, announcing that he was part of the fraternity in charge of the raging party going on behind him, and the clipboard told me he was probably in charge of the door. He didn't look like a typical bouncer though, he was short, maybe two or three inches shorter than me, thin, in a good looking way, and he was wearing short pink workout shorts that would have been more at home in sorority than a fraternity. He was also wearing a matching pink headband that kept his ears pinned down to the back of his head, and a pair of flip flops to round out his casual party outfit. He kept staring at me, until I realized I hadn't responded, but what could I say? I hadn't been expecting to walk up to a frat house party, much less to be put on the admittance list as 'The fox'.

"Uh, ya." I said dumbly "I'm Kib.... uh Kiba, short for Kibanas, but everyone just calls me Kib."

"Awww that's cute, well, right this way Kib". He turned and started walking towards the house, flipping trough the papers on his clipboard, making a mark and mumbling something under his breath.

No turning back now...

_ _ "I'm glad you came", the bunny was saying as he lead me up the drive, "they're waiting for you upstairs, Mike is going to be so excited you came, hes put a..." his words were down out by the music as we entered the door way. Parties always played music way too lout in my opinion, even if I did like the song they were playing. I had to cover my ears as we passed through the main room where the dj had set up an impressive stack of speakers and sub woofers. Furs were dancing and jumping to the music, a rock song my Papa Roach, 'Help' I think.

Fuck I hate parties... I thought to myself. They were always loud, and crowded, and everyone was drunk, and I never know anyone, and its all just so dam awkward! I just felt so uncomfortable in crowds, it feels like everyone is watching me, like they know why I'm here...

We wormed our way through the crowded dance floor, the rabbit moving with surprising ease through the sea of bodies, and me awkwardly trying to keep up. I kept losing sight of him, he would slip around some huge hunk of muscle and the crowd would shift, I would catch an elbow to the head and a splash of beer from someone on my left; or a girl would scream 'Woooooooooooooooooooo!!!' and jump on my shoulders for a second to get a better view of the crowd, only to land on my tail as she dismounted. Fuck I hate Parties! I had a wave of real fear that if I lost the rabbit I would be stuck here forever, like some hellish version of Alice in wonderland.

By the time I made it through the dance floor I was seriously over this whole night. My tail hurt, my ears hurt, I was covered in beer and I hadn't even had a drink...

Fuck I hate parties, I thought to myself for the third time in 10 minutes. I should have just stayed home. I should have left as soon as I saw it was a frat house.

You'll never lose your V card that way. _ Chirped in that voice in my head. _Do you want to be pawing off alone forever?

_ No.... but..._

_ Then Suck it UP! You've been fantasizing about this for Months now. You finally worked up the balls to download the app. You took some very revealing pictures that are definitely on the internet by now, and you're going to chicken out now?!? Over some beer and smashed tail?_

_ Ya... your right... I have to do this... just follow the white rabbit..._

_ Ok Alice. Glad you're on board! Besides you seem to be missing the part that you should REALLY be worried about..._

_ Which was....?_

_ Did the Rabbit say, 'They're'...?_

"Here we are!" the rabbit announced cheerfully, once again snapping me back to reality. We had made it upstairs and were about halfway down a long corridor on the second story, standing in front of a large oak door. The name plate on the door read simply, "Pledge".

I stared at the door, not sure what I should do, still puzzling over the word 'they're'.

What did he mean They're?

We're about to find out dummy.

Fuck you!

Just open the dam door...

I reached a paw out hesitantly, unsure if I should knock or just go in. I glanced over to the Rabbit, "Do I...?"

"Little nervous?" the rabbit asked kindly.

"haha, ya..." I replied nervously, running my paw through my short red fohawk and smoothing down my ears.

"It's ok", the Rabbit comforted, "I was just as nervous as you my first night here". He put a hand on my arm, "Don't be nervous, it going to be fun. Here, ill introduce you." He opened the door and put a comforting hand on my back, leading me inside.

The room behind the door was a typical college bedroom. A queen bed took up a quarter of the room, a desk with a laptop took up another quarter and the rest of the space was full of beanbags and dirty clothes. And the furs. five of them that Kib could count, spread around the room beneath posters of marijuana and rock bands, sitting on anything that could support their weight, and drinking from red solo cups. Three of them were Wearing colored t-shirts and tank tops Marked 'Alpha'. A thin buck in the corner was wearing a skimpy high cut shirt marked 'Omega', and the last of them was a grey wolf siting on the bed, leaning against the back wall, who's shirt was marked 'Pledge'.

"Hey guys! look who's here!". All eyes in the room turned to me as we entered.

Holy Shit! There's five! "They're" meant 5 PANIC PANIC!!!!!!!!

CALM DOWN! Calm Down... think... read...Breath... its probably only going to be 4.


_ _ I was too busy low key freaking out to notice the mischievous tone the Rabbits voice had taken on, until he shoved me into the middle of the room and said:

"Fresh MEAT!!!"

Then he was gone, his laughter fading down the hallway as I stumbled into the middle of the circle. And I was alone, the center of attention of five pairs of hungry eyes.

This is how furs get raped...

_ It's not Rape, you came for this._

_ I came for 1! Not 5!_

_ 4._

_ Still not Helping!!!_

_ Maybe they're just here to watch? We both know you're into that..._

_ This is soooo not what I signed up for...._

I swallowed, my mouth suddenly dry, "Uuuuuh.... Hi" I said lamely, trying to keep the panic I was feeling out of my voice, and probably failing.

This was my nightmare. No one said anything. No one moved, they all just kept looking at me, their eyes taking me in, appraising me, judging me, and as far as I could tell, not liking what they saw. I felt naked before those eyes, and my hands moved subconsciously to cover myself. The moment seemed to stretch on for eternity.

"I'll start", said the Husky standing behind me, "he's too small, we agreed we needed someone who could take Ron, I don't see this pup doing it",

"Most of the guys like small," replied the buck, who was sitting on the floor leaning back into the lap of a large white leopard, who was reclining in a large black bean bag chair. "Besides, that's why we chose a fox, they're notoriously stretchy", he said with a smirk.

"He's a shy little thing," said the bear to my right, "We'll have to break him of that".

"Lets have a proper look at him them", said the Leopard, rising from his seat.

"Arms up, lets get that shirt off."

"There we go, not half bad, toned, but soft", His hands explored my stomach and chest, I tried to flex, conscious that I wasn't exactly a gym rat. "Not much muscle, but we can work with that. His fur feels great, nice and soft, not course a like some I could mention".

"Go fuck yourself", the buck shot out, stealing the leopard's seat and gulping from his drink.

The spotted hands explored lower on my body, my pulse quickened as his fingers dipped into my waistline, "flat stomach, no muffin top". I was frozen in anticipation of what I knew was coming next. The leopard sniffed my neck and pulled me back against him. I stiffened at being held by such a large predator. The leopard dwarfed me in both size and muscle, held tight against him, I knew I couldn't get away if I tried. I struggled, testing his grip, but he just squeezed me tighter, bringing one hand up to grip me by the neck. "Little bit of fight in him", his other hand ran down my front and gripped the bulge I hadn't known I was sporting and squeezed it roughly, "but overall compliant".

"Oooooooaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh", I moaned loudly, as he gripped my cock, feeling the blood forced back into my body in the most incredible way. My knees went weak and if he hadn't been holding me up, I'm sure I would have fell to the floor. I'd never been manhandled like this before in my life, and I was absolutely loving it. He stretched and flexed his grip on my crotch, taking all of me into his hand. My mouth hung open as lewd noises were pulled from my throat, I tried to close my mouth, tried not to moan like a whore, but every time he squeezed me, I would gasp and moan all over again.

The leopard pulled me up to face him, and then his lips were on mine, his tongue forcing me open and exploring me from the inside. I gripped his hands as he gripped me, and I let him explore me however he wanted. He had grown hard behind me and was now grinding against my lower back. He was so much bigger than me.

I was so busy massaging his tongue that I forgot I was being watched by a room full of strangers. My fear had fled, along with almost every other conscious though in my head. My world had shrunk to the hands dominating me, and the lips and tongue exploring me. I could have stayed like that forever.

But without warning, the leopard broke our kiss and shoved me forward onto the bed. I landed bodily at the feet of the wolf. Dazed and confused, staring up into a grinning face and a massive red cock. I looked around to find that I was no longer the only naked fur in the room, and all of them were staring at me like a slab of raw meat. The wolf, Mike ostensibly, was stroking himself furiously, and looked to be half dazed himself. His eyes were glassy blue, his mouth was slightly agape, and he was panting lustily. He stared at me for a moment, panting, and stroking, and dripping, before reaching out suddenly to grab me by the head fur and pull me onto his cock.

AaaaaaaahHH! I yelped as he yanked on my hair, pulling myself forward as he yanked me towards his cock. He pointed it at me as he pulled, and my yelp gave him the perfect opportunity to slip it right into my open maw.

"AAaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh", this time mike was the one moaning, as he slid against my tongue and pushed himself as deep as he could go.

"Get it!" said a voice to my left.

"Show that slut who's Boss!" came a voice from my right.

"He's got a nice tongue Mike, make him use it"

I'd fantasied about sucking a dick for years, imagined how it would feel and what I would do; how I would lock my lips around his shaft while I sucked, how I would massage his cock with my tongue as he thrust, how I would deep throat him and look up into his eyes with quiet innocent need while he fucked my mouth, and how I would swallow his cum, never spilling a drop.

None of that happened. I barely knew what was happening before his tip was jammed against the back of my throat. I gagged so hard that I threw up a little in my mouth and had to swallow it back down. After that all I tasted was bile. He held me down with both hands on the back of my head while he moaned, and the others cheered. He ground his hips forward, pulling me down harder, but his shaft didn't slip down my throat like I had imagined, the angle was off, so instead he ground harder against the back of my throat, and I spasmed again as my gag reflex tried to expel the long hard intruder.

I tried to massage him with my tongue, but he was too big, and every time I tried to push my tongue forward I would gag, and all my concentration would go back to trying not to vomit. I needed air, I needed to cough, I needed him out of my mouth! But he was holding me down tight, and I had no way of telling him I needed air!

You could bite him....?

_ DO. NOT. BITE. HIM! You will be forever known as the bitch who Bit a guy during a blowjob, and you will never get another chance at this!_

_ Need. AIR!_

_ _ I choked, and sputtered around his cock, flailed my arms, and finally found myself pushing against him, desperate for breath.

"Easy Pledge, lets not break our new toy just yet." The buck said, coming to my rescue. He pried the wolves fingers apart and I popped off his cock with a gasp, coughing a sputtering.

"I was so close...." Mike sighed, shuddering slightly, and deliberately not touching his cock.

"first time sucking cock fox?"

I nodded, still trying to get control over myself.

"Don't worry. You'll have tons of practice".

"While Mike backs off the edge, let's try this, lay on your back."

"Now scoot to the edge of the bed"

"That's right, head hanging over"

"Your turn Jake, let this fox taste an established Alpha".

The Husky, who had been stroking himself and casually leaning against a low dresser, his cock was bright red, and extended a good 3 inches out of the hand gripping his base. His furry sac swung below it as he walked, his orbs the size of golf balls.

"Open up foxy, and cover those fangs of yours, I don't want to feel anything sharp".

I opened my mouth and he slid in slowly, much more controlled than the needy wolf had. I ran my tongue across the top of his length as he pressed forward with his hips. He leaned over me, resting his forepaws on my chest and grinding himself forward. His thick length slid all the way to the back of my throat, but his time, when I gagged, he pulled back, slow and steadily till just his tip was left between my lips. I sucked on his length as he pulled out, letting the vacume pressure build until there was just his tip. Then I licked it, moving my tongue in quick flicks over his tapered tip.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccckkk...." He moaned and shuddered, digging his paws into my chest fur, his nails scratching against my flesh. He held himself there and let me lick for a moment, enjoying the sensation of my rough tongue. Then he slid in again, going just far enough, before pulling out. I held my tongue to his length, letting its rough texture slide across his tip while he fucked my muzzle with slow deliberate thrusts.

He was building a rhythm. Slow, but getting faster. My nose didn't quite touch his sack when he thrust, he was longer than I had given him credit for. His sack started to swing as his rhythm increased, I could see it coming closer in the rare moments I opened my eyes. I wanted to feel it, I wanted those nuts on my face, I wanted what was in them in my mouth. I wanted him to cum.

"What do you think fox, this angle is much better isn't it?"

I couldn't respond, my mouth was full, and my hands were busy feeling up the Husky's hips. They were so strong! I reached over his firm cheeks and pulled him too me, not caring that doing so would push his cock deeper.

"I think he wants more Jake" the lithe buck taunted.

"If I go any deeper, I'm going to knot his muzzle," Jake managed between pants.

I knew that he was right. He had built himself to a steady fuck, and my nose was now bumping against a growing knot every time he bucked into me.

After a knot comes Cum. I told myself needily, working myself up to take his length into my throat.

"I think he like that idea!" the buck exclaimed, snaking a hand down along my belly to grab my flagging cock.

I moaned in response, squeezing my knees around his hand, while he gave me a few playful jerks.

"What do you think Mike? Should Jake christen your fox? What am I saying? Pledges don't get to choose."

"God Dam Right!" the Husky groaned, his voice taking on the edge of a growl. "Open wide Fox, and I swear to god; if you bite me, it'll be the last thing you ever bite!"

The Husky grabbed my head, and I opened my mouth as wide as it would go. He pushed forward slowly but forcefully, pressing his growing knott past my lips and into my gaping jaw. At the same time his knott passed my lips, his tapered tip entered my throat. By this time it was thickly coated in saliva, as was his shaft, and most of my face. I gagged, but less than I had before, and I put all my energy into squeezing his firm ass cheeks and relaxing my throat. Inches felt like feet as he pressed himself in, my teeth digging into my own lips rather than his sensitive knott, and my Jaw stretching painfully wide as he passed my meager fangs. He moaned, and I squeezed tighter, digging my nails into his cheeks, sure that my jaw was going to unhinge! And then he was in, and my lips closed around his base and his tip firmly lodged in my throat.

He sighed and rolled his hips, "Oooooohh that's nice. This is what your throat used to feel like Brian". The Husky moaned again, rolling his hips in short thrusts that massaged his tip and pulled his knot against my lips.

I was rolling my own hips against the buck's grip, my thighs alternating between squeezing together and spreading open like a bitch. I think I blushed from the husky's complement, but that may have just been the blood rushing to my head.

It was so hot! Being used like a fuck doll. How they were talking about me like I wasn't even there, like I was just an object to be used. I wanted it. I wanted this strange Husky I had never met to blow his load in me. I wanted him to cum in my throat and in my mouth and then wipe his dick clean on my face fur. I wanted them to see me as a whore. As a fucking slut.

And that's exactly how they saw me.

The husky was getting close, his sack had grown tight, his knott had grown even larger, his balls bashed against my nose as his thrust got harder and more forceful. I was choking again, his tip making my throat bulge and my eyes watter. I needed to breath but couldn't, I needed him to cum.

The husky didn't disappoint. His hands squeezed tight and he gave one last thrust!


He howled loud enough to wake the dead, as his cock erupted down my throat. His Knott swelled and his shaft pulsed, and a torrent a canine cum gushed down my throat. The throb was too much for me, I coughed and choked around his shaft, cum exploding out around his shaft and through my nose. My jaw spasmed and my hips bucked, strong hands held me to the bed as Jake savagely fucked my overstretched throat. The roof of my mouth squeezed his engorged knott and he howled again.

AAAAAAAAAoooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! HA HA HA HA!! FUCK!!!! Oooooohhhh Fuck Yes! I vote yes! Deffinitely a yes." The husky babbled as he rode through his orgasm, his hips spasming and bucking against my face. He slumped forward onto the bed before collapsing on top of me completely.

He laid there for a minute, his full weight pressing me into the bed, while he lazily pumped the last of his seed down my throat. I savored the taste and smell of his cum while he slowly deflated enough for me to swallow. When I did, he shuddered above me, giving my balls an appreciative few taps. "good boy", he said, rising off me with a groan.

He pulled out slowly, and I coughed before licking my lips. His cum was everywhere... I looked around, slightly dazed, "who's next?"

"Dibs. On. That. Ass." Said the leopard, emphasizing every word as he approached. He spun me around and flipped me over without ceremony or preamble. Leaning over me, while I leaned over the edge of the bed. He lined himself. "last chance for lube Fox".

I didn't understand, but the Buck with the Omega on his shirt came to my aid. He put his open palm below my muzzle. "Spit", he ordered, Gross I though, but and I let a large glob of salive and cum drip out of my mouth and into his waiting hand. He giggled and patted my head with his other hand, then smeared my hole with the glob of yuck, coating both me and the leopard. "You'll thank me in a minute, Tyler can be a bit much."

I nodded stupidly, then; "HhhhhaaaaaAAAAAAAAAA!" my head shot up and my eyes went wide all over again as the Leopard pressed himself in to the hilt! My tailhole screamed with pain at the sudden invasion, and I was right behind it, "FUUUUUUUCK!" I hissed at the pain and tried to clamp my over stretched sphincter shut, which only made the pain worse. I buried my head in the bed sheets and screamed into the blanket again. My tail hole was on fire! Was this what anal sex felt like!?! How could anyone enjoy this!?! I shook my head vigorously. "Nope!, No, No, No...... Its too much.... Take it out......take it out!"

"Ooooooooh, not a chance....foxy" the leopard moaned above me, lowering himself onto my back and hugging me with his thick muscular arms. He held me tight while I struggled, pressing as much of himelf against me as he could. My Eyes whatered, and I started hyperventilating, trying desperately to push him off, and get his cock out my tailhole.

While he moaned and rubbed his cheek against the back of my head, someone else was cooing soothing words at me.


"don't clench...."

"'ll pass..."

"Ride it out.... It's almost over...."

I tried, my best to do as the buck was saying, I forcefully stopped myself from clenching, and focused on anything but the fire under my tail. I breathed deep, feeling myself go light headed and concentrate on the strong arms holding me. The pain was easing... slowly... but surely.

After a few minutes I could open my eyes. The buck was face to face with me, petting my head and shhhhhhhhhhing softly. "There he is". His face was concerned, but with a slight smile. "I'll tell you what, since its your first time, we'll do it together. Bran?"

"You'll spoil him if your too nice", came a deep voice from my left, "but if it means I don't have to wait, I guess ill play along". The bed indented a bit as a big brown bear crawled up to kneel in front of the buck. His soft cock was already 8" long and nearly as thick as my fist. I couldn't imagine taking something that big...

"Well we don't want to break him. We want to break him in". the buck gave me a wink before kneeling in front of the bear and lifting his cock to his lips.

"watch carefully fox, this is your future." The Buck pressed forward on the bears cock like it was nothing. Swallowing eight inches in one go. He bobbed up and down on it, making the bear moan. His cheeks indented as he pulled out, sucking on just the tip of the bears cock, then diving back down to press his nose in the bears pubic fur; his throat bulging as the bear entered it.

I moaned at the sight, and felt my tail hole finally start to relax, the leopard noticed as well. He rocked his hips slowly, just an inch or so, as we both watched the show in front of us. The grey wolf was still leaning against the head boards, stroking himself slowly as he got two shows at once.

The bear was hardening fast and the buck had to adjust his angle. Coming onto all fours so he could line his back and throat up to the bears cock. The bear was getting into it now, spreading his knees to help the buck with his angle, he took hold of the bucks short, almost sawed off, antlers; and took control of the show. He pulled the buck against him while simultaneously thrusting forward. I watched his cock advance all the way through the bucks throat in a bulging line that almost touched his chest. The buck's eyes were trained up at the bear manhandling him, as he pulled out and thrust again.

"Are you watching this fox?" the bear grunted in a deep commanding voice.


"This is how an Omega SERVES his Alpha."


"This is why Omegas EXIST!"


"To be Dirty"




"Cum Drinking!"

_ Thrust!_


The bear Brian back by the antlers and shoved his pelvic right up against his nose and held it there. The Buck's back arched, and wet noises came from his throat as the bear ground his hips against the Omega's muzzle "YeeeeaaaaaaHHHH" he growled, "feel that cock. WORSHIP that cock".

The leopard was obviously enjoying the show. He ground harder against my freshly opened tail hole. His tip finding a spot within me that I had only ever heard about. A spot I had dreamed of but never felt. I moaned when he hit it, and he took that as the signal that I was ready to be bred for real.

His thrusts got longer, pulling out a good two to three inches before plunging back in to find that spot. The feeling was incredible; his cock sliding against my walls with every pull and thrust, his barbs, adding extra sensation, but not pain; his cock pressing against my prostate again, and again, and again, while I watched the Alpha bear hold his Omega against him.

Their eyes were locked both reveling in the transfer of power; of the bear depriving the smaller buck of air, forcing him to service his cock instead of breath. I could see the movement in his cheeks as the Omega ran his tongue up and down the Alpha's cock. Tears formed in the buck's eyes, as the lack of oxygen started to get to him, but he didn't fight back, he didn't struggle, not yet.

The Leopard rose off me, opting for a better angle to breed his new bitch. He gripped my hips and started thrusting in earnest. Pulling all the way out to his tip and slamming in hard against me. His hips slapped audibly against my ass cheeks, and I moaned in time to his thrusts. My tail was at full flag.







"Fuck him Ty!" Yelled the Husky, "FUCK Him good!" and Ty obliged, kicking his thrusts into overdrive.

Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! SLAP!!


My moans ran together into one long cry of pleasure and submission. In front of me the buck had started to struggle, first tapping the bears leg, then pounding on it, then struggling in earnest, pushing and beating against the much larger predator, desperate to breath. Tears running down his face and snot out of his nose and he choked and sputtered. His chest heaving, trying to breath, but having no where to push or pull air from with the bears cock lodged firmly down his throat.

"There it is!" growled the bear, obviously turned on by the smaller animal's struggles. "Struggle! Fight for Air! Fight to survive!!!" he started humping again, using the bucks shortened antlers to push and pull him five or six inches at a time. Rolling his head back, he moaned as his Omega struggled, "Here it comes Bitch!"

I was terrified by what I was seeing, but at the same time, incredibly turned on! My cock was rock hard beneath me leaking pre down the side of the bed when the Leopard Hilted in me one final time. Roaring in concert with his Alpha Brother before leaning down lightning speed and biting into my neck. His jaws stretched wide enough to engulf my collarbone, one of his fangs breaking skin and plunging an inch into my flesh.

That pushed me over the edge.


I cried out, pumping my hips and shooting my load against the bed, at the same time, feeling the leopards cock throb painfully inside me, and my insides swell as he emptied his balls into his newest conquest.

In front of me, almost loft from sight, the bear was emptying his own balls down the bucks well stretched throat. His struggles growing feeble, his eyes rolling back into his head as the bear finally let his antlers drop. The buck collapsed to the bed, unable to catch himself. He laid there for a long moment, coughing and gasping, while the bear jerked off above him. The last of his load landing on the buck's face and back.

I rode my orgasm for a full two minutes, poking my useless cock against the cum covered bed spread beneath me, the leopard purring contently above me. He released his bite and licked my wound gently, his tongue gently lapping at my fur; whether to apologize or just to taste the blood, I may never know. His hips kept thrusting for a few minutes, emptying the last of his own load.

We laid there in silence a long while, I think the leopard dozed off for a minute. I didn't mind. I had grown to enjoy the feel of his cock lodged inside of me, and later I was sad when he pulled it out.

The bear was the first to move. Standing up and wiping his cock on the bedspread, "Well, if he can take Ty as his first cock, I guess he'll do." Then he lifted his buck and slung him over his shoulder. "I'm gonna drop Brian off upstairs then go have a drink. Will I see you two down there?"

"I'm in", said the Husky, following the bear to the door.

The Leopard yawned and raised up a bit, "uuuuugh, what? Drinks? Yeah, I'm coming. A drink sounds good actually". He pulled out slowly. I moaned as his barbs made their final exit, then felt a warm liquid gush down my legs. "hahaha, not a virgin anymore is he?" He gave my ass a final slap before heading to the door. "well, its up to you, he's got my vote if you want him". Then he followed the others out the door, pulling it shut behind him. None of them had bothered to re-cloth. And then it was just me and the grey wolf in the _Pledge_t-shirt.

He was panting heavily, his cock drooling a copious amount of precum, and he was staring at me with an intense expression of almost pained need and desire. He was clutching the comforter to either side of him. I guessed that he was just about ready to pop and trying his best not to before he got his turn.

A moment passed between us, neither of us able to move. Me feeling the leopards cum soak into my fur, the taste of the Husky still on my tongue, the smell of the bear emanating from the space between us; him dribbling his own pre, knott half inflated, tail thumping hard behind him, fingers white knuckling the bedspread trying not to cum before he has a chance to sink into his prize. The moment stretches, his breathing evens out.

Finally he speaks, just one word, but it's enough.


I look into his steely eyes and obey. My legs are unsteady, wobbling and unable to support myself, so I crawl, on hands and knees up to him. I crawl over puddles of bear cum, up between his legs. I sniff his cock and lick a line of pre from his knott to his tip. I know I could finish him off with my mouth, but I also know that its not what he wants. So instead I rise, unsteadily, and grip the headboard behind him for support. I pull myself closer to him. Were face to face. His eyes hold so much need.

I straddle his waist, and he lines himself up to my hole. There's no need for lube this time, the leopard has seen to that. I lower myself down onto him.

"Hhhhhhhhssssssssssssssssssssss," he's not as thick as the leopard, but he's still thick, and my sphincter had just gotten used to the idea of being able to close again. It stings, but the pain fades quicker this time, and by the time I reach his knott, I'm moaning in pleasure again.

He's gritting his teeth, determined not to blow his load without claiming me. Without knotting me. I don't know how I know this, but I do. So I grind my hips. Slowly. Working his knott against my cum lubed asshole. Slowly I work it in, stretching back to where I was for the leopard, then past it. And still there is more. It's so thick!

Now I'm the one gritting my teeth, while he moans. His hands find their way to my hips and I adjust my angle. I have gone as deep as I can go while kneeling. I lean back, hands on the bed and maneuver my knees and feet into a crab walk position. I grind against him harder. Hissing as his knott works in me inch by inch, centimeter by centimeter. And then he's in, halfway at least, I can feel his widest point slip past my outer gate and into my passage. I never knew that I had such a thing, but I can clearly feel his knot lodged between two rings inside me, his tip pressing against that special place that makes it all worthwhile.

I press down farther, grinding him further in, I know that if I can get him in past his knott I will be alright, I can feel the hollow inside me and know he will fit. So, I grind down into his pelvic, and he lets me do all the work. His head rolls back as the stretching gets to me and I squeeze down on his knott.

He's getting close. He was already close, and this is taking everything he has not to blow his load. I feel for him, I'm hard again myself, and I can't help but grab my cock and jerk as he sinks that final two inches into me and locks himself inside me. I feel instant relief as my sphincter shrinks and locks behind his knott. At the same time his knott swells even larger inside me, his cock presses hard against my magic spot and I see stars! I jerk furiously and he lifts me up and pulls me down onto him, the only way he can fuck me from this angle.

Neither of us last. Within 3 pumps he lets out a Canine howl that drowns out the music from downstairs. His shaft throbs and his cock erupts inside of me. A pressure builds, as he fills me, his balls emptying as my cavity fills. My muscles clench and try to eject the pressure, but his knott is tied tight, and isn't going anywhere. I push a few times but all it does is press his knott against my ring, and his cock against my prostate.

It sends me over the edge again. I didn't think I had anything left after the leopard, but three distinct splatters on my face proved me wrong. I jerk furiously! Cumming harder than I have ever come in my life. Both ends of me unable to process the pleasure of being tied by an Alpha wolf. I feel so full, so used, so thoroughly fucked!

I collapse back panting and moaning, stroking my cock and clenching my asshole. Its not a dignified pose, but I'm in no position to do anything about it. We lie there, neither of us saying a word. I can feel his heartbeat through his cock and wonder idly how long it will take for him to deflate.

As my orgasm fades, my senses return, and I replay what I had just done in my head. I hear a buzzing. It takes me another minute to realize its not in my head. His cock tugs at my asshole and I moan once more as the wolf, Mike, reaches for his cell phone.

"Oh shit... I totally forgot about this thing." I hear a phone picture sound and look up to see Mike pointing his camera at me. He notices the dumbfounded look on my face as I lie spread eagle and tied to him. He takes another photo. "The app wants a photo fox", he says with a smirk and a laugh, "I probably should have taken a few so you can build out your profile, but I was a little too distracted". He tosses the phone aside. "Besides, I don't think you'll be needing it anymore."

I cock an eyebrow at him. Looking down my body I can see a lump in my belly with the faint outline of his cock. I shudder again and my head drops back. The last thing I hear before darkness takes me is, "Welcome to Alpha/Omega Fox".

Fin... for now...


Whooooo! been a while haha, feels good to post something again :D i hope you all enjoyed reading it, i know i had a ton of fun writing it. If you like this kind of content and want more, please check out FoxFindr by the very talented Chaosgoat who let me use his app in one of my stories! Have a great Fap and I'll see you all on the next one :D