The Life and Times of Soma Hikari: Chapter 5

Story by tigera117 on SoFurry

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#5 of The Life and Times of Soma Hikari

The Life and Times of Soma Hikari

Chapter 5: You Can't Always Get What You Want

6:00 PM: My House

Tonight was the night of my fancy date with Haru as the result of our bet and I was nervous. This was going to be our first really big date and I was going to all extremes to make sure that this worked out. I wanted to make this one of the best nights of her life and I had it all planned out. I was going to take her to a fancy dinner and then we were going to go dancing, it was going to be perfect, special, and especially romantic.

I was dressed in my father's old tuxedo and was looking amazing. As I fixed my bow tie I was wondering what Haru was going to be wearing. We hadn't talked all day because she wanted to surprise me, and I was starting to get curious. But I would soon find out and that made me happy.

When I walked downstairs I was ambushed by my mother who began to fuss over me like most mothers do.

"Soma!! You look so handsome!!" She exclaimed as she looked me over. "Just like your father at your age"

"Mom, stop it. You know I hate when you do this!" I said trying to get out of this uncomfortable situation as soon as possible.

"But you look so cute!" She said as my father walked into the room grinning

"Honey, stop bothering the boy. He's on a time schedule you know."

"Thank you dad!" I replied as I headed for the door

"Don't forget these!" My dad called as he tossed me the keys for his car

They hit me in the back of the head causing me to yell out in pain as I bent over to pick them up.

"Yeesh dad, give me a warning next time" I said laughing as I opened the door

"Sorry son, have a good time and stay safe" he said giving me a wink

I walked out the door blushing; he didn't have to say something like that to me in front of my mother! But I didn't have time to think about it, I had to be at Haru's house by 7:15 if I was going to make it to the restaurant in time.

7:00 PM: Outside of Haru's house

I stood outside of Haru's house about to knock on the door, I had never met Haru's parents before and I hoped they'd like me. Just before I could though the door flew open and I was face to face with a tall muscular wolf.

"Who are you and why have you been standing on my porch for the last five minutes?" he said as he looked me over suspiciously.

"I'm Soma Hikari" I said nervously, trying to keep my composure "I'm here for Haru"

"Oh, you're Soma!?" He said laughing "Well come on in, she's just finishing getting ready"

"Thanks" I said as I walked inside behind him, surprised that things were going so well.

"And by the way, I'm her father" He said patting me on the back roughly "You better treat my little girl right"

"Yes sir" I managed to say as I sat down on the couch

He laughed as I looked around the room; they had a big beautiful house, with very nice furniture. As I was about to ask what he did for a living when another wolf walked into the room, this one looked like an older version of Haru and I could already tell it was her mother.

"You must be Soma", she said pleasantly as she smiled. "Haru talks about you all the time, she's really excited for tonight"

"It's nice to meet you too" I replied as I looked at the clock. It was 7:15 and our reservation was for 7:45, she needed to hurry if we were going to make it in time.

Just then I heard footsteps on the stairs, I turned my head only to see the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my life. She was in a dark purple dress, a pair of silver earrings that matched her bracelet, and heeled shoes. I was amazed, I had never seen anything this beautiful, nor thought such beauty ever existed.

"Hi Soma, ready for our date?" She said as she walked over to me smiling

"I sure am, but we have to get going now" I said chuckling

"Well let's go then, I wouldn't want us to be late" She replied as she grabbed my hand.

After saying goodbye to her parents we headed for the car and set off for our night of romance, trying to make it to the restaurant on time.

7:40 PM: Outside of the Restaurant

We made it to the restaurant with five minutes to spare, and she held my hand tightly as we walked inside. This was the fanciest place in town and by pure luck I got the last table available for weeks. We walked into the reception area and Haru sat down as I walked over to the greeter.

"Mr.Hikari, table for two" I said as I stood in front of the greeter.

"One second sir" The greeter replied as he checked his computer

I stood there waiting as he stood there looking at the screen, but then he looked up at me with a worried expression on his face and I knew something was wrong.

"Well, um, we kinda gave your reservation away" He said nervously "The mayor came in with a date and paid us a large sum of money to get a table and yours was the only one available. If you'd be willing to wait we might have a table available in a little bit"

"Fine" I said with a growl and stormed over to where Haru was sitting

"What happened baby? You look upset" She said looking up at me with a concerned look on her pretty face.

"They gave away our table!" I said angrily "But they said their might be one available in a little bit if we wait"

"Well then I guess we have to wait then" She replied as she pulled me down into the chair next to her 'Now calm down"

I took a deep breath and she snuggled up next to me as I wrapped my arm around her. I guess I could deal with waiting, I still had her by my side and that was what mattered. But we had to be out of here by 9 if we were going to make it to the dance hall.

9:30 PM: Restaurant Reception Area

We had now been waiting two hours for a table and my hopes were down. Haru was sleeping in my arms having grown tired of waiting and I was getting angry. Nothing had been going right, and at this rate we weren't going to get to go dancing either. As I was thinking this the greeter walked over.

"I'm sorry Mr.Hikari but it isn't looking like a table is going to be available tonight, maybe you should come back another time" He said apologetically

"Fine, thanks for nothing!" I growled angrily, as Haru woke up slowly

"What's wrong baby?" She said sleepily

"We're leaving" I replied as I stood up "There aren't going to be any tables tonight"

We took our leave and got back in the car, we had waited two hours for nothing! I was honestly angry; our romantic evening had been ruined just because someone else paid to skip ahead. AS I thought about this I began to cry silently.

"Baby, it's ok" Haru said as she wrapped her arms around me. "Stop crying"

"No! Our evening is ruined! I wanted this to be a special night for you and nothing has gone right at all!" I sobbed as she held me

"Look at me Soma, do I look mad? Or upset?" She said as she turned my head to look her in the eyes. "I just wanted to spend the night with you, that's all that matters to me, not some fancy meal or anything like that, you're what matters."

I sat there stunned as she wiped my eyes, I couldn't believe it, all she wanted was to be with me, not some fancy date. I felt relieved yet stupid at the same time. I should've known that, but I guess I got too wrapped up in trying to make her happy that I didn't really think of that.

"Well then, do you just want to go get some burgers and go to our spot on the beach?" I said sniffling

"That sounds wonderful" She replied smiling before kissing me softly

10:30 PM: The Beach

It had been a long stressful night but things were finally starting to look up as we sat on our rock looking up at the stars and eating our food. I was happy and I was pretty sure she was too, this is what she wanted, just to spend time with me. I felt special, no one had ever said those things to me before and I was still amazed that she felt that way about me.

"Soma?" She said looking at me happily


"I had a really good time with you tonight, even if things didn't work out right"

"So did I Haru" I said as I wrapped my arm around her

Just then out of nowhere, music began to play, a slow smooth waltz, and as it did I stood up and looked her in the eyes and extended my hand to her.

"May I have this dance?" I asked, smiling lovingly.

"It'd be my pleasure" she replied as she stood.

As the music grew louder we began to dance slowly in the moonlight, her eyes glowing like distant stars as I held her close. Our footsteps were in perfect sync with each other, almost as if we were in a dream. I had never felt closer to anyone in my life than I was feeling right now as we twirled around in the darkness.

As the song ended I held her close and looked into her eyes as I smiled warmly. I could feel her heart racing as she held onto me tightly.

"I love you Haru" I said softly before kissing her passionately under the stars

"I love you too Soma" She replied as we pulled our heads back

1:00 AM: My Bedroom

I laid in bed wide awake, I couldn't sleep, the memories of the night still fresh in my head. I loved her more than anything in the world, and now I knew she felt the same. Even though things didn't go the way I planned, they turned out better than I ever could have planned. The last thought that ran through my head as I drifted off to sleep that night was the one thing that summed the night up perfectly........

"You can't always get what you want, but you get what you need"

To be continued

The Life and Times of Soma Hikari: Chapter 6

The Life and Times of Soma Hikari Chapter 6: Complications In the days after I told Haru I loved her, things just kept getting better for us. We spent all our time together, in school, outside of school, every second of everyday pretty much....

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The Life and Times Of Soma Hikari: Chapter 4

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The Life and Times Of Soma Hikari Chapter 3

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