Cinema Slurping

Story by mongrelhog on SoFurry

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#1 of Kink Trades

My half of a story trade I did for done via stream.

A unique, genetically created lizard named Blue finds a nice snack. Blue doesn't know why he loves balls, but he can't seem to get enough of them.

CW: Castration, trickery, bull, lizard, genetic enhancements, orgasm denial

Blue sat in the back of the theatre, feeling sweat trickle down the back of his neck. The lizard's skin was always moist, salamander-like, but the heat made him overproduce that slime the way other beasts sweated. The AC had gone out about half-an-hour into the three-hour-long blockbuster blow out film. Blue had been waiting to see this movie and had paid a ransom for the ticket. Even with the heat, the blue and white skinned lizard was loath to leave now. So, he sat stubbornly, even as other viewers gave up and started to trickle out of the theatre due to the heat.

The lizard grunted, shifting in his seat. The heat was getting oppressive, and thus Blue's sensitive nose was starting to pick up scents around him. Everyone was sweating now in the mostly empty cinema, and Blue's snout was attuned to pick up and pick out the most pheromone heavy, testosterone laden scents that it could. Like a dowsing rod, his snout lead Blue's head to turn and look over his left shoulder.

In the very back of the theatre, seated in the corner, Blue could see a bull seated in the semi-darkness. The bovine was huge, wearing a wifebeater and ripped, pale-wash blue jeans. He had a pair of yellowish work boots on his feet, and a trucker's cap perched on his head between two thick, curved black horns. The bull was idly rubbing the huge basket packed into the front of those pale denim jeans, looking extremely bored. Blue's mouth watered, though he never was exactly sure why it did. His stomach growled, and again, he never was sure why. He got up, smoothly making his way through the aisle toward the bull, his eyes locked on that huge bulge. He was definitely sure why.

Blue walked up to the bull, who looked up at him when he approached. The blue and white lizard didn't bother with small talk. Blue knelt down between the bull's legs, his slender, long limbed body fitting easily into the space between the seats and the bovine's tree-trunk thighs.

"Gahdamn, boy, yer sure eager," the bull drawled, not even bothering to act shocked or indignant. "Ya really want some cock, dontcha?"

Blue smiled, licking his lips with his long, unique tongue. It was a slick, glistening ribbon of pale blue, with a forked tip that was darker, navy blue. Blue's small teeth glimmered white in the semi-dark. The bull grunted, putting his hands on his thighs.

"Alright then, boy, ya want cock? Go on. Git it." the bull demanded, smirking as he spread his knees and put his hands behind his head, leaning back in his chair. Blue nodded, his green eyes locked on the massive lump just a few inches away from his face. His belly gurgled. The lizard reached up, his smooth, sensitive fingers grabbing at the bull's belt nimbly. The bovine watched as Blue pried open his jeans, his underwear clad bulge springing up out of the confines. A wave of humid musk accompanied that wad of meat, the bull just as sweaty and hot as Blue. The lizard boggled at the bulge, the twin globes of the bovine's balls stretching the thin cotton to its limit. Nestled between them, the large curve of the bulge's cock made a darkening bridge in the damp cloth. The briefs had been pale grey, but with the bull's sweat soaking them, they were closer to charcoal.

Blue reached up and dug his fingers into the bull's waistband, tugging the stretched elastic southward. He had to peel it off of the bovine's flesh, such was the sweat clinging to it. The bull's cock flopped free, a huge log of beef that slapped up into the ravine of his navel. His enormous cods however, pushed and flopped up and over that waistband to sprawl out onto the 'V' of the bull's open jeans. Blue wasn't satisfied with just having the bull's pants open, however. He grabbed the back of the bovine's belt under his ass and pulled, taking those jeans down to the ankles of the bull's workboots.

"Ngh, damn, yer ballsy, boy," the bull grunted, but he didn't resist as the strange lizard exposed him. There'd be no hiding what they were doing, should anyone notice. He apparently liked that idea, however, as Blue noticed his girthy prick started to swell. Blue, for his part, didn't care if anyone saw. His attention was elsewhere.

With his jeans down, the bull's gargantuan cods had swung down between his thighs. Each sweaty, brown mango dangled freely, the bull's scrote loosened and slack from the heat. Blue's senses were inundated in the bovine's musk, the pheromones making his mouth water, his fingers tingle. He stared at the bull's balls, just...admiring them for a long moment. The way one hung lower than the other. The way the ovoid orbs were twitching softly as they awaited the lizard's attention. The bull watched Blue watching him for a moment or two, before he got impatient. One huge hand came down and cupped the back of Blue's head, shoving the lizard into his crotch.

"Quit gawkin' and get ta suckin', ya slimy slut," the bull commanded, grimacing at the stickiness that had clung to his fingers from touching Blue's head. He didn't bother keeping his voice down. Blue grunted, frowning a little, but then he got a deep whiff of that bull musk straight from the source, and his irritation evaporated. Blue buried his face into the bull's balls, cupping behind the massive orbs and pulling them against his snout. He nuzzled them, breathing heavy lungfuls of the bovine's reek. Blue felt the strand of drool escape his muzzle, but he didn't care.

Those huge bull balls moved freely in their sac, each nut smooth, almost glass-hard beneath the supple flesh of the bull's scrotum. His sac was hairless, stretched smooth by the weight of his own cods. Up closer to his body, they were covered with a fine layer of brown hair, but around the balls themselves, the bull's nuts had stretched his scrotum bald with their weight. Blue stroked his fingers over them from root to tip, feeling the difference in texture in the single scrotum. His stomach thrilled at the size that filled his hands, the weight. The sheer, masculine heft.

The lizard let his long, prehensile tongue fall from his mouth, the lengthy appendage starting to slurp and caress over the bovine's testicles. The bull grunted, finally getting the stimulation that he wanted. He spread his legs a little wider, and Blue set about spreading a layer of sticky, clinging saliva to those low-slung cods. As Blue worked, the bull would start to notice a tingling in his ballsack. His scrotum grew a little slacker as that saliva warmed them even further. The sensation grew, until the bull's cock started to thicken and grow even more, though the lizard had yet to even touch it. Blue heard him snort, and he smiled to himself. He didn't know why his tongue had that effect on males, but he was glad it did. He noosed the neck of the bull's sac with his tongue, and stroked that slick knot of tongue down his sac until it was cinched around the top of the bovine's cods. Then, with a simple flex, he pulled the bull's balls into his mouth. Both of them, together.

Blue felt the painless dislocation of his jaw, his physiology made to handle males like this one. His jaw opened wide, his flesh, cheeks, and maw stretching wide around that bundle of balls, to wrap both of the ovals in his snout. Even the bull was surprised; no one had ever managed to fit even one of his nuts into their mouth, let alone both. He looked down, seeing his masculinity bulging in Blue's mouth on either side of his cheeks.

"Fuckin' in the fuck...?" the bull groaned, a surge of that tingling in his ballsack suddenly stealing his breath. With his cods wrapped in Blue's mouth, attacked on all sides by that unique saliva, the tingling, warm, spicy heat that it brought to them doubled in intensity. The bull's cock flexed, its broad underside clenching and a blob of precum belching from its wide head. Untouched, not even breathed on, and the bull's dick was hard as steel and leaking. Blue sucked on those balls, his tongue pulling on them, and the bull's scrote grew taut. It led out of Blue's mouth like a fishing line, his twin groupers snared in a fleshy, blue net. It was still plenty hot, and the bovine's ballsack was getting looser and looser the more Blue sucked and slurped at it.

The bull's hips started to flex a little, jerking at his stretched ballsack. The pleasure in his crotch was growing, but not nearly as much as the swelling need of lust that accompanied it. The bovine was grunting, gripping the arms of his chair as he uselessly thrust his spire of beef into thin air. "Fuuuuck, boy, c'mon, at least jerk me off! Fuck!" he groaned, his previous commanding tone deteriorating now into pleading. Blue smirked discreetly. They always did.

The lizard ran his hands along the bull's thighs, over the creases between them and almost touched the root of his cock. They tickled down around it, and wrapped themselves around the taut, ropey neck of the bull's captured scrote. There was enough skin between the bull's cock and Blue's mouth that the lizard was able to wrap both fists around it, showing the bull just how far away from his body his boys had stretched. Blue watched him grimace in surprise. He was used to his balls hanging low, but that was a new sight for him. Seeing that expression always brought a little surge of satisfaction deep to Blue's belly. What he was about to do next, did so even more. He swallowed.

To the bull, one minute he was staring at his impossible lengthened scrotum disappearing into the lizard's mouth, at the distended bulges of his testicles on either side of Blue's jaws. The next...the next he was looking at a handsome blue lizard with an empty mouth, and his scrotum still disappearing into the lizard's mouth. His balls were just...gone...but the bull could still feel them. They were still attached, somehow.

Unbeknownst to both bull and Blue, that when the lizard had swallowed, those pilfered treats had slipped into the limitless confines of Blue's voidbelly. Blue didn't know it, all he knew was when he swallowed his snacks, they disappeared from his mouth, his throat, any of it. But if he tugged on the bull's scrotum...plop! His mouth and cheeks were full again, swollen and stretched around a fat pair of bovine balls. The bull boggled, and his cock did jumping jacks.

Blue chuckled, loving the way the bull looked intensely horny and incredibly confused all at once. Just for fun, he let the bull's balls drop from his mouth, held in his tongue. The fat, musky ovals were still there, fat, potent, swollen, just as always. They were wet, sure, and slick, and maybe a little pinker, as though sunburned, than they had been before. But they were still his, still attached, still whole and healthy and hearty. Blue reeled in his tongue, and reabsorbed those swollen balls.

"Jeezus..." the bull groaned, and he started to reach for his cock, his need too great now. He had to cum, there was no getting around that, and he didn't care if it was from his own hand or the lizard's. A few centimeters from grasping his cock, however, Blue swallowed again. The bull's nuts winked out of existence once more, but this time, something was different. The bull couldn't feel them anymore. But Blue could. No one could see it, but the bulge of the bull's balls slid down his special gullet, warm and thick and solid. It was a feeling that was more satisfying to Blue than any orgasm he had ever had. He didn't know why, but the knowledge that he had just filled his belly to the brim was ecstatic to Blue.

Playfully, Blue smiled, and as he did, he let the still stretched length of the bull's scrotum fall from his mouth. That's all that fell out, a limp, empty, length of skin like a stretched out snake of silly putty.

" balls?" the bull mumbled, stupidly. Blue just waved. "Thanks. Popcorn doesn't really fill anyone up, does it?" he said, before his camouflage cells activated and to the bull, he seemed to disappear. His mission completed, the lizard slipped out of the theatre. He didn't really care about the movie anymore. And he certainly didn't need to stop for dinner on the way home, either.

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