The Hunt

Story by Melanth on SoFurry

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Melanth's thoughts roamed as he soared over the deep valleys, scanning the ground for his prey.

The wide expanse of plains and plateaus, interspersed with shallow, crumbling peaks and raging cataracts where river met crag was a fantastic sight, like something from a far flung dream. Game was plentiful year round, the numerous rock facings offered many fine spots for nesting and if the weather was often wet then it was not oppressively so. Thick grasses half as tall as a man grew from every flat surface; only in the great water-carved clefts did they give way to forests that clung tenaciously to the valley sides.

It was very nearly perfect terrain for dragons; perhaps too cold for his liking, but he was descended of the southern breeds more used to a desert climate. Just the thought of those ancient, untouched savannahs stirred a sense of longing in him, but his eagerness for the coming hunt quashed it stillborn. It wasn't for the scenery that he had flown so far, and his thoughts turned mischievous as he caught the faintest whiff of a scent; her scent, in fact. He wasn't the only dragon to see the benefits of such a land and another lurked somewhere below. Searching the skies for him no doubt. It was a game they'd played many times before, and he knew what to expect. She was hiding, and she was very good at it.

There were countless places that he would never find her if seeking by eye. Fortunately though, it wasn't by sight alone that he was searching. He banked, spilling wind from his wings when he tasted her spoor once again on the wind, angling his body to follow the faint taste of scent but staying high enough to remain hidden in the blanket of clouds. He was fairly certain that she knew he was coming; this was her territory after all and she would be alert to even the slightest of changes within it. But the game was too entertaining not to pass off a chance of catching her unawares, and he was fairly certain she didn't know exactly where he was yet.

He traced her scent upwind, losing it, flying a regular pattern until he picked up where the faint trail had been broken by a particularly powerful gust. The scent grew stronger as he closed, dropping altitude to risk a peek at the distant ground and sudden movement caught his eye; a slithering motion between two crags, so tiny it was barely detectable against the dull stone as it darted out of sight. With a satisfied smirk he held his pattern, looping wide to circumnavigate a large hill and landed on the leeward side as quietly as he could manage. Flicking a forked tongue he tested his surroundings, tasting moss, rabbit and distant rain. She was close now, no more than a mile. Now the hunt was truly afoot.

With a predator's instinct he flattened himself to the ground, mindful always of the direction of the wind and crept along through the thick grasses, using the natural hollows and uneven, glacier carved terrain to hide from watchful eyes. A distant bird cried alarm, and he angled towards it, her scent so strong now that he could follow her progress along the ground step by step. She was a cunning prey, looping her trail, altering the width of stride and depth of print to give the impression she moved slower than she ought. He ignored her diversionary dog-leg, cutting straight through with his snout to the ground, towing the rest of his body at a fast trot until at last he was stumped, losing her trail by a small stream and unable to regain it on the opposite bank.

Throwing caution to the winds he slunk through the undergrowth, approaching the hollow where he'd spotted movement cautiously, scaled bristling in anticipation. When he was only a few yards distant he broke cover, dashing at full pelt into her hollow and pouncing upon-

Absolutely nothing. Puzzled, he sniffed around, finding the impression of her scales on the ground where she had lain for some time. It was a good spot, comfortable and sheltered from the wind. Her scent was thick here; a heady nepenthe overlaid with the smell of the wind- enticing and distinctly female. And there was something else to it as well, something that he could barely place-



He collapsed, winded as an immense force struck him between the shoulders, neatly folding his forequarters under him and clinging tenaciously. He swept his tail in a wide ark, bucking in a vain attempt to dislodge his assailant to no avail.

Laughing uproariously Nara pinned him to the ground, sitting sphinx-like upon his broad back, panting and triumphant whilst he tired himself out. The sound of her merriment was infectious and wonderful to his ear, more valuable to him than even the brightest gold. He joined in her laughter, hunter become hunted and all the happier for it.

"How," He exclaimed in mock seriousness between bouts of laughter, "Did you sneak up on me like that?"

"The stream." She said, tossing her head proudly, clearly pleased to have put one over on him. "I past the bend and came ashore further down. You went for the decoy like a ferret after a hare." She snickered. "After that I just followed, with all the racket you made it wasn't too hard. Gold scales really don't work too well in green grass."

She nuzzled him deeply, a faint purr of contentment escaping her throat. "Oh how I've missed you."

It had been more than a year since they had last met. Duties now distant and owed to others frequently saw them separated by more than a continent. By necessity a dragon's life was a chaotic one, though perhaps their close association with other races did them no favours in that regard. Ever the call for their aid was in the air, everything from fighting off invading armies to digging wells was laid at their claws, though Melanth could scarcely find it in himself to be bitter. It was those same duties that had brought them together. When they had first met they had been foes, though any animosity they carried had been softened by time and slain by acquaintance. For years their friendship had endured, and slowly the realisation had dawned that it had become something much more.

They'd been cautious however; a dragon's life was long and their heart, once given, would retain that affection forevermore. They made the most of the short times they had together in play and philosophy; long nights spent in each other's company before the setting sun a bliss in the happening, and a warm happy memory to long for when abroad. There was something different this time however; like the air's sharp taste before a coming storm.

"And I you." He murmured, feeling his heart flutter at her touch and returning the caress wholeheartedly. In the contented silence that followed he took in her form; as glorious as he remembered it. Her proportions were perfect and deep bronze scales buffed to a perfect shine in sad contrast to his own- still stained from travel and marred by the scars of many battles. Even though they hailed from different breeds of dragonkind, the sight of her reflected in the evening light never failed to stir his breast. She marked his study of her and cocked her wings to let the light better catch her hide in a way that she knew riveted his attention, a slight smirk giving away her intent in the innocuous motions. He was ready for it when he felt her grip relax slightly as she shifted to subtly show off the curve of her long neck, kicking into the ground with his powerful hindlegs and writhing out from under her, catching her totally by surprise and leaving her momentarily standing arched like a spooked cat.

In a moment he was on her, pinning her to the ground in much the same fashion she had used, allowing just a little smugness at the manoeuvre to show through on his snout. She feigned a petulant huff as he nibbled affectionately at her neck.

"I knew you'd do that." She murmured, though it was only a half-hearted complaint. He grinned, and the comfortable silence resumed as they enjoyed each other's presence so long denied them.

With her so close he could begin to make sense of her scent, and felt a suspicion rising in his mind that was both exciting and frightening. Continuing his ministrations, he moved his attention slowly up the curve of her warm neck, feeling her press against him in encouragement, finally stopping at the delicate skin in the hollow of her throat and source of the scent, nipping gently at the soft, sensitive flesh there. He gave a snort of surprise when she groaned throatily, lifting her hindquarters and tail as far as his weight upon her would allow in a dragon's instinctive mating posture.

Melanth smirked mentally, letting surprise settle into amusement. There was no mistaking that reaction. Several mating seasons had passed throughout their long acquaintance and longer friendship, but for reasons of prudence they had always spent the time separately, secreting themselves in isolation lest instinct urges rob them of their common sensibilities. Heats were infrequent, but when they came the effect on their psyche was pronounced and nearly irresistible. Nara's muzzle visibly deepened in a blush as she composed herself, and he snorted amusement, flicking his tongue lovingly across less erogenous areas.

"So, what now?" He said, offering a handy distraction as she made a show of grooming to spare further embarrassment. He found his eyes drawn to the sinuous curve of her neck and frame; strong and supple in obvious health. She studiously ignored his attentions, though a mischievous glint in her eye and sudden sensual litheness to her movements told him they had not gone unnoticed. Oh she was a prize.

"I'm thinking maybe something to eat. All this hunting you has worked up my appetite." She said, flicking him with her tail and casting her gaze to the position of the sun. She left off her grooming and shook out her wings, the span riveting his gaze.

"The herds should just be leaving the waterfalls. If we hurry we can catch them before they disperse too widely."

"Sounds good." She tossed her head, eager to be off. Or maybe she was just teasing him. "Are we carrying them back to your territory or mine?"

"Neither," He replied, the beginnings of a plan already forming. "I have a better idea."


It was long past noon by the time they had caught and devoured their prey. It had taken a little longer than usual, as Melanth had flitted around in all kinds of showy displays and aerial acrobatics, finally culminating in a game of tag amongst the clouds. He was showing off, she knew, though she wondered why he bothered. He knew he had her heart, and she his.

Something Nara couldn't fault him for was the location he had chosen. The spot on a high sun-drenched plateau overlooking the plains was like something from a dream. Even with keen eyes one couldn't see across the whole of the expanse; light streamed from between the billowing clouds in vast pillars, sending up thermals upon which eagles circled and called. Golden grasses swayed in the wind, looking enough like waves that she wondered if they hadn't left the highlands entirely and now lay together upon the shores of some tropical sea. Every hill, every outcropping of rock and tor for miles around was captured in fantastic relief, standing like islands amidst a stormy sea. It was beautiful. She pressed her muzzle into his throat, sighing contentment. It was a moment as close to perfection as she could imagine.

He spread a broad wing across her back, and the thrill of the touch sent shivers down her spine. She huffed hot air at him, snuggling in closer; her back pressed against his belly and his paw on her flank in a tender caress and she smiled to herself, watching the eagles swoop and dive through the thermals in play. She knew what was about to happen, the contentment in her heart and hot rush in her blood working in concert with building excitement. The time of year wasn't lost on her, nor the prodding of her own instincts with a male so close. There had been other suitors; their rough, unflattering displays doing little to win her favour. This time though was different; a bond forged in battle and gentle friendship that had matured slowly to greater things, like sweet wine. Even at the times their duties found them separated by a continent their love had remained undimmed, and she finally felt ready to give herself to him.

As though sensing her thoughts he leaned in closer, his muzzle brushing against hers; his eyes bright and alive with tender emotion. She smiled and flicked him playfully with her tail, laying her head alongside his and together they looked out on the vast perfection of the plains below.

"Are we ready for this?" He wondered aloud, moved to say something after a seemingly endless moment. It was almost a shock to hear him speak openly of it after all their subtle teasing. "The world is not a kind place to us. Even before we began courting I feared that if anything should befall you, I would..." He let the sentence hang.

"The world is what we make of it." She said, a smile playing across her face as she recalled the day they had met. By chance of fate they'd been opposed then, he a mercenary fighting for gold, and she fighting to protect a group of humans she knew as friends. They'd damn near killed each other before he decided that the lure of gold was not worth setting dragons against each other. Perhaps pragmatism hadn't been his only motivation for yielding the field to her. "We, together. Would you let fear hold you back in anything else?"

"No, but that's different. I only risk myself then." He said.

"Then afford me the same concern." She said, still lost in memory. Remembering the strange, aching sadness she had felt as he fled. "For I would not have us separated either."

The hiss of scale against scale jerked her from her reverie. In an instant his muzzle was pressed firmly against hers, parting her lips. Their long tongues entwined in a passionate embrace, his paw cradling her head to his. Her blue eyes found his green. They were breathing hard as they parted, Nara blinking in pleasant surprise, the taste of him still upon her tongue and all reservations gone. They would be making their own world from this night on.

"That was... nice." She said, breathless. Her blood seemed aflame and her thoughts were reduced to a muddle by the sudden and unexpected kiss. He chuckled, leaning in close to nuzzle her. She turned her head and smoothed her paws across his back, urging him closer, a smile playing across her lips. They turned, laying belly to belly, his paw on her neck as he kissed her again, and again, and again, the heat rising between them slowly drowning all inhibitions. She submitted to his touch, feeling his claws dig teasingly into her scales... his jaws nip at her lips... his breath hot on her face. He growled long, low and deep and she shivered, half in fear, half in sudden bitter need. She lost track of time as they embraced, the ardent fervour of passion beyond any other concerns.

His teeth found her throat, and she squawked in surprise, her eyes wide and hips arching in brazen need. He chuckled; a more un-dragonlike sound could not be imagined, and nuzzled along the length of her neck, nipping playfully at the smaller and more sensitive scales at the base of her throat. Moaning, she didn't have the will to stop herself this time, her hindlegs planted firmly and tail lifted invitingly in a mating posture, her swollen sex leaking a trail of fluid down her thigh. Rolling to his feet he circled her, flicking his tongue along her flanks and tail, testing the air for her readiness. She chanced a sly glance at his underside, catching a glimpse of his penis already standing erect and hanging free of its protective pouch, fluid glistening and dripping at the tip. She braced herself, both craving and dreading the feel his weight upon her back and rough scrape of claws against her hide as she succumbed to baser urges.

With gentle pressure he settled onto her, his body taut and needy length pressed against the inside of her thigh. The scent of cooling sandstone and smoky, almost sweet tang of arousing pheromones hung in the air and set her breathing ragged. Nara sighed, raising her muzzle to his chest to feel the pounding pulse within, his claws exploring the firm lines and thick, chorded muscle of her body, tracing over her powerful muscled chest and buttocks. She leaned closer, her forked tongue flicking out to take in the taste of his flesh.

"I've dreamed of this moment..." He whispered into her ear. Hearing his breath so close shot incandescent shivers down her spine. "Please... No words," He breathed, "Just us. Together. As it should be."

They embraced, planting ardent kisses over the soft gold of her throat scales and deep bronze of her shoulder and cheeks. He traced his claws along her flanks until her eyes fluttered closed and she made the soft, restless moan he'd been waiting for. He locked his gaze to hers, eyes alive with mischief, their tails entwining like courting snakes, snarling as the tip of his member found her moist vulva and humped teasingly, parting her aroused nether lips and slicking it with their fluids. She growled in mock anger, twisting and tugging on his tail with hers to still the irritating motion, slowly taking him into her body, her heart pounding fit to burst. Her digits spread wide at the new, unfamiliar, thrilling sensation of lovemaking, her tongue touching his once more as his shaft met the barrier of her maidenhood with a small twinge of pain.

He stilled for a moment, meeting her eyes with concern and wonder; wordlessly begging permission to go further. Nara deepened the kiss, lifting her hips; it was a subtle, feminine motion, but he understood holding her close as he pressed into her smoothly, claiming her. Nara hissed and bared her teeth, her entire body stiffening in sharp but fleeting pain, her claws digging furrows into the packed dirt. He ceased the motion, planting tender kisses and whispering soft words of love and comfort into her ear, waiting as she recovered. Slowly she relaxed as the pain subsided, her breathing growing slower and wry, almost apologetic smiles playing across both their muzzles. With a gentle push on the base of his tail, she let him know she was ready to continue, submitting as he locked his jaws to her neck, taking his time, letting her feel every ridge, every bump and pulse. She was tight and tender and wonderfully responsive, her sex rippling in reflexive pleasure as he slowly slid within, teasing her, making the moment last seemingly forever. They held each other when they were finally hilted, panting, shivering, moaning their combined lust into the wind. She could feel his pulse pounding against her chest and deep within her hips; the hot, musky scent of mating already thick in the air.

They moved together, their bodies entwining as they made love, exploring each other's flesh with talon and tongue. She ran her claws through the scales of his back, the sharp tips teasing the soft hide beneath even as he shifted his hips to impale her again, his penis a hot, wet pressure against her insides. His forepaws found her chest and massaged it gently; the flesh still tender and sensitive in her arousal even though she lacked breasts. Her own forepaws came to cover his and guided them over her body, showing him where to rub, where to squeeze and pinch; the pleasure so exquisite it was nearly painful and pushed her to even greater heights. She let him claim her, his thrusts firm and urgent, their lips sore and rough from kissing. He shifted his hips constantly, each thrust sending a barrage of new sensations through her body so that her hindlegs felt weak and it was all she could do to hold them in place. He was holding back, she knew, forcing himself to be gentle for her against every urge of his body. She sighed, letting her mind drift on waves of pleasure and contentment, bucking her hips against his when he grew tired and learning how to pleasure him in turn. She could feel a tingling begin in her paws and slow warmth building in her belly, a heedless pool of combined fluids building beneath their hips. She loosed a sharp exhalation as he found a new spot within, her hips arching and most intimate parts clenching against his and he set to it with gusto, his teeth clamping onto her neck as the urge to hold his female grew too strong. The tempo of their mating built; she closed her eyes and tipped back her head, a low moan escaping her throat as she lost herself in rapture.

Melanth lost his battle with need, plunging into his love. Their hips met so hard it hurt but she only pulled him all the closer; the air in her lungs had turned to molten lead, irresistible blind heat that had been building and burning through her rigid body reaching its peak and consumed her, mind, body and soul in waves of liquid fire.

Her universe exploded.

She shuddered and cried out, a low wordless sound from her very core. He pulled her close, clutched her hard as she bucked and shuddered, her sex squeezing his shaft hard even as she squirted hot fluids against their conjoined hips as she rode out her seemingly endless climax. Her orgasm sent him to his own release and with a roar he roughly impaled her, the tip of his twitching penis pressing into her cervix and spurting thick ropes of hot sperm deep into her womb. His talons found her hips, pulling her further onto him and for a few wondrous moments they were one entity united in their pleasure, her paws crushing his head against her heaving chest...


The cool breeze brought her back from the grey netherworld of bliss and exhaustion she hadn't even noticed herself slipping into, and that had left her feeling weak and shivery. She roused herself just enough to take in minor details, feeling sleepy and contented and enjoying the spell of her afterglow enough to not wish it broken. Through her drowsy perception she sensed that some time had passed; the warmth of the day was gone from the ground and her body, replaced with a comfortable coolness and moist air that held the promise of rain. She shifted slightly and found that their bodies were still joined; the base of his penis swollen not uncomfortably and holding him within her, still twitching occasionally and a wet pressure telling her that he has not finished ejaculating. His sperm was a warm, damp weight in her belly, some leaking out to coat her sex and pool on the ground amongst the warm fluids her own orgasm had produced. All of her felt warm for that matter- the embers of orgasm smouldering in her blood making her body relaxed and tingly.

It was twilight now, and the first stars beginning to glint in a cloud-marbled sky. The playful eagles had abandoned the sky to their nocturnal cousins; owls skimmed and flitted on ghostly wings through the long grass in search of mice. Melanth still lay with her and still held her in a tender embrace; his head alongside hers and their cheeks touching. In the dying embers of the day his colouration gave him the semblance of a living flame. His eyes were half-lidded and glazed, seemingly in a trance. She sighed contentment and nuzzled his cheek, knowing there could well be eggs from tonight.

A light pressure on her shoulder told her that he was awake. Melanth smiled as his eyes rolled lazily open at her touch and he gazed upon his mate. She was radiant in the dawning darkness; each scale gleaming in the smouldering sunset, reflecting starlight and sunlight in a spider's web of luminous patterns. The maze of light only enhanced her beauty and drew his eyes to the steady rise and fall of her chest and pulse at her throat, enchanting his minds in a spell of vivid colours.

She closed her eyes and kissed him, a satisfied rumble reverberating through his chest and tickling its way into hers, making her squirm slightly. Still entwined he rolled them until she was on top. With a papery rustle he spread his wings, wrapping them around and laying them lovingly over her back like a leathery blanket. He ran his snout under her chin, along her jaw, down the side of her neck to her breast and back, settling his muzzle against hers. She imitated the motion and felt her breath catch in her throat a she saw the deep gashes she had clawed into his hide; she'd been so absorbed in her ecstasy she hadn't even noticed.

He chuckled, a gentle nip on her lips stilling any apologies. "You've hurts of your own to mind." He murmured, stroking her head and neck where his teeth had marked her. As though waiting to be reminded she felt a twinge from the amorous bites, and found herself grateful that the pain she had expected to accompany her first mating was not so bad, a pleasant pain half lost amidst the barrage of sensations still assailing her most intimate parts. She twitched her hips experimentally and laughed to hear his sharp intake of breath. The scent of sex clung to their scales; it would probably take many hours of scrubbing with sand to remove the lingering smell, but for now she quite enjoyed it.

Ignoring the faint twinges she settled down, yawning mightily and tucking her head in with his, feeling the slow, steady pulse of his heart as he laid a protective claw over her. Though they'd never spent the night in such a fashion she didn't feel at all uncomfortable; not now. She smiled as she felt sleep gently carry her unresisting into its warm embrace, wondering just what they would make of the whole experience in the morning. It had been a most thrilling hunt.