Naughty Paws - Midnight Lover

Story by carlos_penguin on SoFurry

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#2 of Old Crap

Naughty Paws

A Series of Romantic Encounters

©2010 CarLOS Penguin

(time frame for this story is a short time after Equulust-II)

Midnight Lover

Carlos sat in his chair reading an antique electronic publication. He thoroughly enjoyed reading these treasured paper magazines from the past that his lovely Equuleusian wife, Sami, had found for him on an online auction house.

It was pleasing to pass the time in that quiet way, as Sami had been working rotating shifts at the various hospitals doing maintenance on the equipment. This however, left her very tired and the rotating shifts were doing a number on her sleeping schedule. She had settled on taking naps throughout the day, that way it was less stress on her when the shifts rotated 12 hours, every four days, with one day per week off.

Fortunately, this would not go on forever. She had only taken the shifts for a month while most of the other maintenance staff were on holidays.

Carlos and Sami had always been a romantic and loving couple ever since they decided to have a relationship, the first between a human and Equuleusian at the time, and this was throwing a bit of a dent in that part of their relationship.

Seemed like such a waste though. After many years, they finally had the place to themselves for a while. Their adoptive children were having the time of their lives at summer camp off world, Sami's brother Jorgen was on a deep space courier run for the next six weeks, her sister and her wife, Miha and Teela were camping for the week. Though the girls lived in their own flat a few floors down in the building, they may have still lived with Carlos and Sami for the amount of time they spent with them.

All alone and no visitors! Then her boss called and offered her the shifts.

Carlos put down the magazine, turned out the light and prepared for bed. An empty bed that made for 'cold sleeps' without his lover beside him, even though this was the peak of the summer months.

0600 came too soon. Carlos reached over and shut off the alarm chrono. Working from their apartment, he didn't normally have to set the alarm and awoke on his own around 0800. The advantage of having investments and wheeling and dealing on the data-net in interstellar goods, it didn't matter when you worked, as long as you worked and put in a decent effort for the day, especially in customer service.

But today he had a meeting with one of his shippers. A whole new sector of space was opening up for trade and he didn't want to miss the opportunity. However, it was a totally new sector, with several new species of beings residing in it. Until they felt entirely comfortable with the new trade agreement, they wanted 'i's dotted and t's crossed' very literally, on real paper for their archival records.

As he threw back the covers to get up, Carlos noticed Sami was beside him. Startled at first, he admired his lover as she lay sound asleep, exhausted from the night before. "I wonder when you got in?" He thought to himself as he fondly looked upon her tiny form, curled beneath the blankets, her lush dark brown mane of hair scruffily draped over her neck and side of her face and her long eyelashes that were the envy of every human female that met her.

Normally, she'd be awake before him, lovingly having breakfast ready and a tea. But despite her superior-to-human hearing with those equinesque ears of hers, she didn't even flinch at the alarm noise.

Carlos leaned over and kissed her on her furless, pink nose and smiled as she just snuggled her head into her pillow more. Carefully he got out of bed, so as not to disturb her.

It was early afternoon when Carlos returned home. He entered quietly so as not to disturb Sami if she was still asleep. "Honey, is that you?" came her sweet voice from their bedroom.

"It's me, Sweetie!" He responded, happy heading down the hall to greet her. She had just finished getting dressed and came out of the bedroom. Throwing her arms around him, they embraced in a long kiss that both so missed these last couple of weeks.

"Lunch is made and waiting for you." Sami said sweetly.

Carlos reached down and cupped her full buttocks, "There's only one thing I want on my menu.." he said, then whispering in her hear, "... you!"

Sami giggled and grabbed Carlos' ass with look of sexual hunger in her eyes, "I would so love to..." her expression turned to one of regret as she sighed and finished, "...but I got called in."

"Ugh! Just my luck!" Carlos shouted after slapping his hand on his forehead.

Sami looked at him with pity, "Why don't you just do that thing you do to yourself when you look at your... 'art' sites?"

"Eh... huh... wha?" Carlos looked at her with an expression of one that had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. "How would you know anything about that?"

Sami strutted up and wrapped her arms around him, giving a very mischievous grin and bouncing her eyebrows a couple of times, "Because sometimes.... it's really fun to watch you." Giving him a quick kiss, she headed off to get her tool bag for her shift.

"You naughty... little... pony!" Carlos said to himself grinning, impressed with how sneaky his sweetie could be and getting an idea or two of his own.

It was a little after three in the morning when Carlos awoke to find Sami lying beside him. She was sound asleep and lying on top of the bedsheets. This was unusual for her, she loved to curl up nice and warm under the blankets as her own world was significantly warmer than the new one she called home. "At least she'll be home with me today!" Carlos thought to himself as he smiled at her and used the washroom.

He found towels all over the floor, more typical of her brother. She was usually meticulous about keeping things neat and tidy. "Maybe she was that tired? Maybe she didn't want to wake me?" He thought as he just shoved them off to the side.

Exiting the washroom, the light from it shone dimly in the bedroom. He left it on to admire Sami's naked form lying on top of the bed covers. She was lying on her right side with her bottom leg straight and the other raised knee towards her chin as she cuddled the pillow beneath her head. The shining hair of her immaculate tail were draped across the lower part of the bed, still damp, as was her mane.

Carlos got a mischievous grin and leaving the washroom light on, he carefully got back into bed. With his head towards the foot end, he gently stroked the longer, soft dark brown fur of her ankles and admired her tiny, perfectly polished hooves (he also hoped he didn't startle her... that hoof in his face could require he make a trip to the hospital!).

He rubbed the hairs of her tail against his face, still in awe after all these years together and touching her daily, at how incredibly soft Equuleusian hair and fur was every time he did. He also noticed the wild rose scented conditioners she liked to use on her mane and tail that left her always so irresistibly sweet to hold close. He couldn't help but tenderly kiss her inside ankle and calf as he repositioned himself carefully.

Sami didn't stir. She did let out a heavy breath and Carlos paused, but perhaps was just part of a dream, as she didn't move a muscle. Cautiously, he returned to his midnight exploration of his beloveds body, running his lips gently over her inner thigh, feeling her fur just tickle his face, but hopefully not enough to wake the sleeping beauty.

Her leg was angled enough to expose the beauty of her soft pussy, completely relaxed by her slumber. Her lips were very dark grey in colour, practically invisible in the dim light, but sight was not needed as his nose picked up her sweet, delicate scent.

His lips gently nibbled her well rounded ass as he worked his way as high as her tail would let him. "That was quite a little treat!" He thought to himself as he ran his hand over her hip and returning to a position with his head on his pillow, placing his arm around her and with quite an erection, realized getting back to sleep would be rather difficult to do now.

As Carlos placed his arm around and spooned his lover though, she let out with a sigh and placed her arm over his that was around her, her hand on his, in a manner that she knew he was there, but not fully concious of the fact. She also had changed her position a bit and he could feel the tip of his penis, pressing against soft, furless flesh.

"This could be too good to be true!" He thought to himself as he thought his simple exploration may not end here. With his hand pinned down by Sami's, he couldn't position himself properly for 'which soft furless area' it may be he was pressing against, so gently moving his hips, he felt his head make an almost effortless entry to her and unlike the times Sami felt a little 'adventurous', her tail didn't flick sharply on penetration, telling him where he was.

When awake, Sami always clamped down on him when he entered her body, but tonight she was totally relaxed. Her relaxed juices made for a slow, but steady progress as he pushed deeper and deeper into his sleeping beauty. At full depth he dared go, he pondered how little thrusts he could make before waking her.

Gently, slowly he thrust, not hardly making the bed move at all. It was something very erotic as he felt every little texture inside her an going slow enough that it was even oddly romantic, like making love to a delicate princess.

Despite the slow, shallow motions, his pent up lust for his hard working sweetheart didn't require much effort or time before he felt his seed swell up inside him and burst into her with a force he thought might wake her any time. Carlos bit into his pillow, trying to muffle the passionate moans that strained to escape from his mouth.

He took deep breaths, trying to control his panting as his first release in two weeks was like a great weight off of his mind and body as the tension drained from him, like a 'complete vacation in two minutes'. He didn't even remember feeling himself relax and withdraw before the dream world took conciousness away.

Sami Was happily humming one of the many tunes she loved as Carlos staggered out of the bedroom some time past noon. "Well, good morning, sleepy head!" She said as she wrapped her arms around him and gave him a more passionate than usual morning kiss. "Ready for some breakf... errr.... lunch?"

He gave her a big hug as he replied groggily, "Not that hungry just yet Sweetie, thanks. Maybe just some tea."

"Com-ing right up!" She said with as much of a happy skip in her voice as in her step as she darted off to the kitchen. Carlos sat down at the dining table, grumbled and turned his computer towards him for the morning... well.... afternoon currency report.

"You're awfully chipper this afternoon?" He said in a slightly louder voice so he could be heard from the kitchen. "Do I get my Sweetie for the whole day today?"

Sami poked her head around the corner with a big smile and sharp nod as she said in a blink, "Um-hm!" and her head withdrew back into the kitchen as quick.

Carlos smiled, memory of last night returning to his sleepy head. "Uh-huh to... which one?"

Sami again poked her head around the corner with a big smile and sharp nod as she said in a blink, "Um-hm!".

A few minutes later, she brought him a tea, made just the perfect way she always could do it along with a cup for herself.

"Work go okay for you last night?" He asked as he looked up from his view screen and noticed she was looking at him with sultry eyes and her chin resting on intertwined fingers with her arms on the table.

"Work was fine!" she said, then let out a giggle.

Carlos got up and went around to Sami with curiosity itching at him. He wrapped his arms around her as she sat and she wrapped hers over his. "Now are you going to tell me your secret?" He asked as he nibbled her neck, causing her to giggle even more.

Sami looked up and over her shoulder to him, placing her finger in front of her lips as to say 'shhhh...', "I think..." she began, then looked around as if she was looking for anyone listening in. Raising her mouth to his ear, she whispered, "...I have a midnight lover."

Carlos gave an expression of complete surprise, "Oh really now?" He sat back down and looked across the table with an interested expression at this 'startling revelation' of his wife's. "Do tell!"

"Well.." She said as she lowered her head and leaned over the table to whisper, ".. a girl just knows these things."

Carlos leaned over the table as well until there noses touched, "A secret 'mystery man', huh?"

Sami nodded with a smile as they kissed sweetly. "I wonder if he wears a mask? Or maybe a cape? Or maybe...."

"Or maybe he's just some old pervert that like taking advantage of sleeping ladies?" Carlos finished her thought with an expression of curious wonder.

Sami looked sideways at him with a disbelieving grin, "Nope! No, no, I don't think it's anything like that at all."

"Well maybe..." Carlos said, rubbing his chin with exaggerated concern and pondering, "... I should set up a security camera. Protect you, y'know?"

Sami exaggerated a shocked expression, placing her hand on her chest and shaking her head, "Oh, no, no, no.... I don't think we'll need that at all!"

Taking her other hand and giving it a kiss, "And why is that, Honey?" He asked with a curious smile.

She leaned over the table again and whispered secretly, "That might scare him off!"

It had been a wonderful, romantic day for the couple. She took her days off as serious as her work and Carlos showed his appreciation by treating her to a day of shopping and dinner out. She showed her appreciation in her usual sweet ways... as well as making them both get up late the next day.

One day left before her sister and her wife returned from camping. No doubt as soon as they settled in, they would be up and telling all about their experience. Knowing those two, Teela would go on and on about the great time she had and Miha would go on about the bugs and lack of running hot water. Teela having been a refugee as a child, knew the meaning of roughing it. Miha however, 'roughing it' was a two-star instead of a five-star hotel.

Sami had to pull a long shift that night and luckily, would be her last until she got called in again, hopefully not until next year. Some of the people she substituted for had cut their holidays short. One of the annoying things that still had not been conquered by the early 23rd century was the weather, or the accurate predicting of it.

Carlos had returned from a grocery run to stock the house for the hungry relatives that would be returning later that night and no doubt would be too tired to cook for themselves and Miha being a week without her fancy grooming kit, would not be caught dead in a restaurant looking like she just came from a camping trip.

After putting away the groceries, Carlos checked to see if his sweetheart was home yet. The bedroom door was closed and the windows were set to darken when he carefully opened the door a crack, so she must be home.

He had no idea what time she returned, so decided to make a tea and catch up on some news on the data-net before "putting on his mask and being the 'Midnight Lover' " for the next time for.... who knows when they could indulge in their new found fetish.

While he was taking the time to finish his tea, a call came in that the girls were on their way back already and would be there in an hour. As he thought, they were quite hungry, tired and exhilarated from the experience. Miha of course was grumbling about how scruffy she felt, to the background teasing of Teela over the comm link.

"So much for the mask and cape!" Carlos murmured after terminating the connection. "Better wake her up and let her know the family's coming." He got up to go to the bedroom.

He opened the door and dimly lit the lights. "Hun, your sister's on her way back..." There was no response as Sami lay on her belly, completely 'spread eagle' in the centre of the bed, with her head was turned, mouth open slightly and a gentle snoring sound emanating from her.

A wicked grin crossed his face as he considered there was still some 'time left' for a little fun. He walked to the side of the bed and admired her delicate, sleeping body that was nothing less than an absolute work of art to him. Gently running his hand up the back of her leg, over her buttocks and up her back. She didn't move a muscle.

He ran his hands down her beautiful and still soft mane of hair, seeming unperturbed from the long shift. Her tail was knotted in a few places, telling him she had it tucked into her coveralls and likely was in some tight paces, probably access conduits. But that didn't matter to him, she could be a total mess and she'd still be his Goddess of flawless beauty.

Kneeling carefully on the bed, he gently kissed her shoulders and down her back. She still didn't wake, nor her little snore changed. He gave her rear a caress and a few gentle kisses, moving her tail hairs aside. This was more of an exotic treat, as she was a meticulous as her sister with her grooming and the fact her hubby was down there without primping and polishing herself, would have made her squirm. But her careful treatment of her body meant she never 'was off' and in the years they had been together, she always was a 'bouquet of flowers' to his senses.

Carefully he got up, slipped off his pants and returned to his gentle fondling of her body. Centring himself between her spread legs and placing his hands on either side of her torso, he propped himself up until the only part of his body touching her was his hardness, touching, guiding, probing for that soft spot he sought... and found.

As with the other night, he was slow, subtle, gentle in his penetration and motions. This position was rather erotic for them both when she was awake and a daring treat now. He felt his balls dangling against the bed, giving a tickling sensation that just added to the pleasure as he fought to remain gentle and slow with his thrusts and his breathing.

Like a movie slowed down, he felt his climax build, but not the quick way it did the other night, it grew slowly as he felt little throbs of his muscles deep inside acting almost if he was pounding her like mad.

Like a volcano ready to erupt, he felt the pleasurable swell build higher to a point he hadn't felt since the first time they made love. The memory of the erotic sensation of that first time with his alien lover came to the forefront as he felt his orgasm still build as a small stream escaped into her. His peak was a measure of pleasure and pain with its intensity and was followed by an explosion of release as his tension eased like an elastic stretched to the limit, then allowed to relax.

"Hey, wild mountain girl!" Carlos shouted as he gave Teela a big hug, swinging the tiny fennec-like vixen around off her feet as she gave him a peck on the cheek.

Miha cringed when he went to hug her, but he did anyway and gave her a kiss on top of the head, between her ears. "Ohhh, you really shouldn't!" She said self consciously.

"Hey, you're still my sister, even if you do smell like a camp fire." Carlos replied and gave her a scratch on the back of her neck.

"This chick is paranoid, Carlos!" Teela laughed. "Three times a day in the river with a bar of soap."

"They're all like that. Even Jorgen I don't think would fare much better 'in the wild'." Carlos chuckled.

"I thought I heard voices out here?" Sami said groggily, standing outside the bedroom door holding a dress against her body, covering only half of it.

She smiled sleepily at the group as they went to greet her and Sami all of a sudden stood upright with a surprised look on her face having felt a familiar 'tickle' on the back of her thigh, clenched her legs together and shuffled backwards into the washroom and closed the door.

"What's her problem?" Teela chuckled and looked back at Carlos, her and Miha only making it halfway down the hallway to greet Sami. "She get into too may apples and they 'hit her' or something?"

Carlos grinned, "Something like that, I think."

Miha helped Carlos whip up a bountiful dinner for the four of them and the girls told stories throughout the evening of their adventure. To everyone's surprise, it was Miha that suggested the whole lot of them together spend a week 'roughing it' before summer was out. That way she'd have someone for sympathy while Teela would really have a 'mountain partner'.

Later that evening, Miha and Teela returned to their own apartment a few floors below and Carlos cuddled Sami on their futon. She lay against his chest as he stroked her hair, "Things are back to normal again." He said with a sigh as he kissed her head.

"I guess they will be." Sami said with a contented sigh. She looked up at him with her soft, adoring eyes, "But with everything the way it was, I think that may scare away that mysterious visitor I've been getting this last week?"

"You never know my dear." He said softly, "The dream world can be a mysterious place.... full of all sorts of scoundrels and sneaks."

She gave him a couple of tender kisses, "Ahhh, but my heart will always be yours, my love."