Kingdom of Pleasures

Story by Macabre Dragon on SoFurry

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#8 of Vore

Samael the dragon has caused quite a bit of trouble in the lands outside the city. Unable to tolerate his actions any longer, and seeking to find a beneficial relationship between himself and the fearsome predator... King Talos invites the reptilian beast into his palace for some 'private time,' and an offer that simply can't be refused.

This is an origins story of how my dragon, Samael, and King Talos from GryphonWings came to meet!

It contains sexual acts, vore, digestion, and lots of terrible things happening to tiny humans. You've been warned! Please read and let us know what you think. )

This story was written by both Macabre Dragon and GryphonWings . It was great working with you on this one as always.

And also, a big thank you to Bunsen.Dragon over on Fur Affinity for helping with editing and proofreading!

For the first time in his life, Samael had finally been permitted to enter the city.

It wasn't common for a dragon of his size and ferocity to be granted access within these walls. He was a massive beast, standing at over twenty feet from the base of his paws to the top of his horns, and many times larger in length. His scales were a dark, shimmering black that ran across the majority of his body, while his torso and belly were coated in a lighter shade of grey. He had a set of long, pointed claws decorating the digits of each footpaw, and a single line of spikes lining the top of his head, all the way down his back. He was certainly a sight to behold within tighter roads and streets of the mostly human-populated town.

It was almost as uncomfortable for him as it was for those spectating his arrival. He would've preferred to remain outside these narrow streets and return back to the forest to laze about at his own leisure, or hunt for food when the mood struck him. Such freedom was truly how every dragon should live. When you get an invitation from a king, however, that's not something even he would ignore.

Not just any king either, but a gryphon king at that. The Gryphon King, to be precise. The name of King Talos stretched far beyond the mere scope of his newly discovered home. He wasn't about to deny himself an opportunity to meet such a highly positioned beast.

And so, he accepted the invitation. Samael had been told nothing up to this point, but he assumed that the amount of havoc he'd been wreaking upon the townsfolk and their flocks had been enough to force the king's hand to act.

He continued to pad along the dusty roads of the outlying town at a steady pace. He hadn't truly entered the main city walls yet, though he imagined that they would be rich with grandeur, filled with paved sidewalks and other such lavish things not found in the forest and mountains. With every step he took, the human townspeople shrunk away to their homes, cowering in fear at his presence.

It was mainly the humans he was walking past that feared him the most. The other residents of the town were the gryphons, and they were not quite so terrified of his arrival. Much like dragons, they typically varied in size, shape, and color, depending on which part of the world you happened to be in. These gryphons were mostly either a rich, healthy black or brown, to match the desert areas in the surrounding territories, with many of their females colored a bright, vibrant white, or luscious grey. They had impressive, eagle-like wings folded on the crest of their backs, with bestial haunches, and an avian front, complete with long, curved talons on their feet and a checkered mane of feathers surrounding their heads.

He was escorted by four of them currently, each one striding abreast of him to ensure that he was boxed in to avoid potential incidents. It was mostly out of formality that the four of them accompanied him, though Samael could certainly see the two, front birds giving him wary looks, wondering if he was going to hurt them in any way. They had nothing to fear from him in the moment, but he wasn't about to tell them. He was enjoying the situation far too much.

A pair of keen eyes monitored his progress from afar; the King himself gazing out from the balcony of his private chambers atop the castle. Even without the royal gryphon's incredible eyesight, he would have been able to track the cottage-sized dragon as he strode through the outskirts of his castle. The dragon in question had given him trouble for some time; attacking the odd human caravan here and there and stealing their livestock for his own personal consumption. It was infrequent, but enough that he had been forced to act. Food was scarcer than ever outside of civilized walls, which drove dragons to act irrationally to survive.

The four guards he'd sent to escort the dragon back to his castle were primarily to ensure the beast didn't attack his citizens along the way, something which he was sure would cause a great outcry for him to execute the dragon. It was an outcome he wished to avoid; a dragon ally could be most useful if he positioned his offer well. A smirk crossed the avian's curved beak; rare was an opportunity to flex his diplomatic talents from a position of physical inferiority.

His luscious golden-brown mane ruffled in the morning winds as he quietly observed the scene below. As the dragon reached the outer gate, the Gryphon King stepped away from his balcony and back inside his private quarters, making his way out and down towards the throne room where he could greet his new guest. First impressions were important, after all.

The guards escorting Samael stopped at the gate blocking entrance to the main castle lands. A large wall, nearly fifty feet tall, surrounded the area beyond where the King's castle lay. The dragon huffed impatiently as human guards pulled on the large chains that allowed the iron gate to raise up high enough to admit a dragon of his height. It was evident from the looks in their eyes they felt that letting a feral dragon enter the heart of their Kingdom was a poor idea indeed.

Despite the danger a fully grown dragon posed in the city, Talos was confident that the reptile would maintain a good demeanor. If any violence was to be started by the other beast, there would be more than enough gryphons within the palace to take him down. The loss would be great however, so it was something he truly wished to avoid. He was here under genuine pretenses, and he planned on keeping that way.

Samael didn't wait for the gate to be fully raised before he moved forward. He dipped his head and lowered his body, crouching under the iron gate to make his way through the massive, inner city wall, beginning his journey on the long path up to the gryphon king. The humans were certainly taking a long while about it, and he didn't have the time, or the patience for their weak arms to delay his audience with the king. The gryphon's accompanying him panicked for a moment before joining him in stride.

"You should remain with us, Samael, please don't dart ahead," one of the lead gryphons commented, looking back at him as they continued their walk. "We don't want to cause any undue panic with the townsfolk. They need to see you're with us."

Samael raised a condescending brow at the gryphon, before snorting with disdain. "Yes, we certainly wouldn't want the little humans to be worked up, would we? They might run between us and get crushed by our paws," he stated. He meant it as a joke, but when none of his accompanying guards seemed to show any amusement, he simply rolled his eyes and kept walking. "But sure, as you wish," he growled. His tone was more reluctant than agreeable.

The first area beyond the iron gate was a massive courtyard of sorts, lined with market stalls that were mostly empty upon his arrival. He could only assume that the once, bustling trade outpost had been completely empty on his own account. Having a massive dragon in the square probably wasn't good for business.

Samael huffed with annoyance and continued on, allowing himself to be led further on and up the long hill towards the royal quarters. He very much would've liked to see the market with its full populace and fully stocked stalls.

The road up to the palace was made of a smooth, beige sandstone, and the homes lining the sides were of a much wealthier status. They appeared to be made of the same, stone material, coupled with slanted, wooden roofs, and intricate patterns of colored squares or triangles lining the walls. The houses varied in shape, however, most appeared to accommodate the size of a gryphon at least and many humans were seen lining the sides of these as well. Just as before, they were all hidden from his approach, but he would catch a good number hiding out inside or dipping behind a corner up ahead.

Knowing he was being watched by most of the populace, and perhaps a number of them that he'd terrorized or heard whispers of his deeds near the outskirts of town, he made sure to make an impression. He kept his tail straight, and his head held high. With every step he lifted his legs up powerfully, taking on a rather gallant posture as he stomped up the rest of the way towards the palace. Little did he know, he was in fact breaking some of the cobblestones under his heavy paws as he walked; an accident to be sure, but not a single gryphon guard seemed brave enough to inform him.

Lucky for the guards however, they wouldn't have to be accompanying the dragon much longer. The palace grounds were just up ahead. As Samael followed his escort through the main inner gate to the castle and out into the castle courtyard, they stopped beside him and bowed. He was unsure what was going on until his gaze followed the direction of their bowing, realizing that the grand castle doors were ajar and the largest gryphon he'd ever seen was standing between them.

King Talos stared at his reptilian guest from across the courtyard as the beast stopped in his presence. There was no doubt in the dragon's mind that the avian in his sight was the King himself, the golden-brown royal looking every bit the impressive leader he'd expected to meet. The cool breeze flowed through his luscious mane as the hybrid took in the sight of the sizeable dragon before him, but he didn't look the least bit threatened like his guards had.

"Welcome to my Kingdom, Samael," Talos greeted with a powerful voice that carried easily across the courtyard. "Come, join me in the castle. I have much to discuss with you." Without waiting for a response, the King turned and walked back into the main hall of his castle, leaving the dragon little choice but to start making his way over to the castle doors. The guards that had been escorting him remained in place, and the dragon snorted in irritation as he reached the castle doors. He wasn't used to being told what to do, especially not by a gryphon.

As he stepped through the incredibly large doors and entered the main hall of the castle, Samael looked around in surprise at the lavish furnishing of the entry hall. The room was long; nearly five times the length of his large body, with large tables intended for feasting moved to the sides; evidently in preparation for his arrival. The walls were adorned in red velvet curtains with gold trim, and the overall feel of the grand hall was impressive. At the far end was a raised platform with a huge golden throne, upon which the King had seated himself with a light smile tugging at the edges of his beak.

"Welcome to my throne room," King Talos greeted once more, "I have been eager to meet you for a few weeks now. Come, sit before your King." His confidence was unwavering, despite the dragon being nearly twice his size.

Samael stood before the king in a wary stance, his red eyes scanning the room. He briefly wondered if it was a trap, given how unflinching the royal bird was in the face of a dragon that had caused much trouble around these lands. But, once he had sniffed the air, and was satisfied that he and Talos were alone, he obeyed. He took a single stride forward and relaxed back on his haunches, his tail sliding lazily over the ground behind him.

"You've been wanting to meet me for a few weeks, have you?" Samael questioned, tilting his head in amusement. "Then why did I only get this invitation a couple days ago? I thought a King could get what he wants immediately." He allowed himself a smile at those words, but only by curving his lips, not showing any of his fangs just yet. He didn't want to issue a threat.

"I had other priorities to attend to in the meantime," Talos stated, his piercing eyes staring into the dragon from his relaxed position on the throne. "You were on my mind, but a King can't always drop everything, even if he desires to meet a dragon."

"More important than confronting a dragon that's terrorizing your townsfolk?" Samael asked.

"Yes," Talos responded, giving the dragon a quick simple answer. He didn't elaborate on it more, decidedly refusing to provide any further information to his guest. "But, now that you're here, we can begin to have a dialogue, you and I. The people wanted me to send out my army to slash your flesh to ribbons and bring your head back as a trophy."

Samael narrowed his eyes, casting them about some more to look in the far corners of the room. He also chanced a quick look above. "That would've been a mistake," he rumbled.

"In more ways than one I realize, now that I've taken a good look at you," Talos continued, shifting himself on the chair and letting his tail drape over the side. "You are an impressive specimen."

Samael made a small noise in his throat, catching himself before he grunted in surprise. "Why thank you, King Talos," he responded.

"Yes... my gryphons would've had a hard time taking you down, if they managed it at all," Talos continued, holding onto that same smile again, an amused curve on his beak. "They could attack, bloody you, possibly succeed or not, and then what? I'm either less one dragon in my kingdom, or I've made a powerful enemy. Both of these situations I wish to avoid."

"The latter would've been more likely, I promise."

"As I'm sure it would, Samael, which is something I certainly don't want," Talos answered. His tone remained neutral as he spoke, giving no hint if he was sincere in his statement or not. "I would much rather discuss our options in person. I prefer making allies with creatures of great strength and power, not waging war and adding more problems to my list."

A low, humming noise of thought reverberated in Samael's chest before the dragon responded. "You make it sound like losing a dragon in your lands would be a loss," he said, testing the gryphon's train of thought. "Not a common stance to take."

"Not at all, and yes, it would be, at least in my eyes," Talos answered.

"The townsfolk I ate might disagree with you."

"They are not King, and I am," The gryphon snapped back, clicking his beak in amusement. "In fact, they're not much more than dragon fat and muscle now, and in no position to voice their displeasure."

Samael chuckled at those words, a sound much like rocks rolling down a mountainside, the heavy noise echoing through the chamber. That joke could've come from a fellow dragon, for all he could tell. "That is very true, King Talos, very true indeed."

Talos held his smile at the other dragon for a long moment, knowing that he'd struck a chord with the visiting beast, and gained perhaps some of his trust. "Then, in knowing this, Samael... would you like to hear my reasoning for bringing you here today?"

The dragon's deep crimson eyes narrowed as he gazed at the gryphon upon his throne, his long tail slithering across the ground as he listened closely.

"That is why I'm here, King Talos," he rumbled in reply. He did not know what the gryphon wanted from him, but he suspected it was too try and get him to stop attacking the King's citizens on the outskirts of his lands. Unlikely, he mused to himself.

"Very well then," Talos spoke regally, leaning forward on his throne, "I had heard many reports of a large black dragon stealing livestock from trade caravans going between my Kingdom and that of my allies." He paused, eyes narrowing. "Now that I have located you, I wish to offer you a deal." Samael snorted in amusement; he'd already expected the gryphon to try and dissuade him verbally.

"As I currently see it," the King continued, "I have three options that would suit me reasonably well. The first, and most distasteful, would be to deal with you personally." His avian tail flicked briefly as his razor sharp claws flexed. "I have fought and defeated a dragon before, you may have known him as Carnos. He did not acquiesce to my demands, and instead attempted to attack me upon this very throne. I would very much like to avoid the same outcome with you." Samael's eyes widened a little; Carnos he did indeed know, and that explained why he had vanished years prior. Could this... this gryphon have truly done such a feat? It made the black scaled beast even more wary of his host.

"Please do not misconstrue this as a threat," Talos added, "as there are more reasonable options at hand. The second, as I'm sure you would understand, is to simply leave my citizens alone and hunt for livestock elsewhere." He saw the dragon begin to smirk at that suggestion, and raised a claw quickly. "I did not expect you to be malleable to such a suggestion, however." The gryphon chuckled and leaned back in his throne, clicking his claws on the golden metal adorning the front of his throne.

"The third," he offered finally, "is for you to join me in my private quarters this evening, where we can share a nice meal together, and perhaps come up with a mutual understanding on how we would both like to behave moving forward." His piercing blue eyes gazed into the dragon's confidently. "I'm most certain this would be the best option for both of us."

Samael raised his brow as the gryphon spoke those words. He wasn't sure he agreed with Talos at first. It was certainly the most ideal choice from the King's point of view. He certainly wasn't going to leave the townsfolk alone at the request of another beast, regardless of how strong and powerful they were. Perhaps this shared meal was the start of a deal that was about to be struck. Or it could be a trap.

"Will we be alone in the meeting?" Samael asked. "Just as we are now?"

"We will be quite alone, I assure you," Talos responded, nodding his head in affirmation at the reptile. "Even more so than we are now. There are guards outside the doors behind, and to the sides. But, they are called my private quarters for a reason." He continued, the sides of his beak curving upwards in a smile. "It's a treat that only a select few get to experience."

The dragon hummed deeply in his throat as he considered his options further. He swished his tail along the polishes floor, and looked down to the side, his mind racing. If he refused the King's offer, he had the attention of the city now, and they would be forced to act. He didn't want to fight this gryphon, else he would surely be either killed, or driven from the territory anyway. Simply leaving was... not something he would even consider without a proper reward.

He lifted his eyes up towards the gryphon and nodded his head. "I'll agree to joining you in your private quarters for a meal, and a longer discussion," Samael said, "As long as we have a mutual understanding that I have no intention of leaving your kingdom. The food is simply..." he paused, before sliding a long, red tongue across his lethal fangs. "Too delicious."

Talos gazed at the dragon with stoic amusement, before he slowly stood up and hopped off his throne and onto the red carpet in front of it.

"Well then, if you'll follow me," he requested, turning away from the larger male and beginning his walk towards the grand staircase in the center of the castle. His private quarters were at the very top, and as the dragon began to follow, he wondered if the steps were big enough to accommodate the impressive beast.

Samael managed reasonably, managing to keep up with the gryphon's swift pace by having a stride that was twice as long. A minute later they reached the top, stretching out into a long corridor leading to the most prestigious residence in the land; that of the King himself. Reaching the twin oak doors, the two burly gryphon guards that stood beside it opened it for the approaching gryphon and the dragon that trotted along behind him. They didn't so much as give Samael a glance, showing how impressive they were in their role. Unable to help himself, Samael brushed his tail against one as he walked by, but to no discernable reaction.

"Welcome to my private chambers," Talos announced grandly, and even the dragon was impressed as he gazed at the lavish furnishing. A huge bed was the centerpiece, large enough even for a fully grown dragon, and much bigger than any lone gryphon should ever need. It was surrounded by all manner of furniture and showed a great deal of wealth in almost every individual piece of it he could observe.

"Please, make yourself at home," the royal gryphon offered, heading over to the bed and leaping up onto the mattress. Turning, he seated himself on the very edge and looked up at the dragon from what was still less of a height than the reptilian beast.

"The casks against the wall over there have a fine whisky from my land within them," he added, "feel free to indulge in one yourself." He gave the dragon a beaky smile and let out a hearty chuckle.

"I can see you are a proud and independent dragon," Talos commented with a grand swish of his wing, "powerful and confident, walking with all of the bluster of a beast who knows he can get what he wants." He could see the dragon nod in agreement, even as he was nosing about the casks.

"But," the King smirked, his tone changing, "you are foolish. Your methods are crude; attacking caravans, inspiring terror, carving out a fearsome reputation." He saw Samael stop, the dragon looking at him with a definite scowl.

"These are the ways of old," Talos explained, "and what does it net you? A cow here and there, the occasional sheep? Humans finding new paths to avoid you or sending hunters to slay you. You would not be the first dragon to fall to their weapons. You may be satisfied with your ways, but as a predator, I can assure you, you are a failure." He grinned and could see those deep red eyes flashing with anger.

"But do not take my... light teasing as insult, Samael," he purred, "for I only have the purest of intentions. Come, let us speak. I would love to show you why the grass is greener, so to speak.

"It certainly sounds like you're intending to insult me," Samael rasped in a quick response, his tail moving from side to side in agitation. Nonetheless, he padded over to some of the whisky barrels lining the wall stopped, moving his head in close to give one of them a curious sniff. "Attacking caravans and travelers along the road may not have the best outcome, but it certainly is the most exciting. I live for that feeling."

Talos held a smile as he looked at the dragon, nodding with understanding. "The thrill of the hunt?"

"Yes, exactly that," Samael answered, before grasping one of the whisky barrels in his paw and hoisting it into the air, carrying it back towards the center of the room, walking on three legs. "To watch the humans run away in fear after I've found them, and to catch those unlucky few, along with some of their flock."

"I still believe you to be a failed predator, in my eyes," Talos continued, eyeing the dragon with amusement as the giant reptile began to bite into the whisky barrel. "Why go through all that trouble? The humans are low and should be bringing the food to you."

The dragon looked up from his cask in surprise for a moment, before chuckling and resuming with his work. "Don't let the humans in your kingdom hear that," he rumbled. "They might not enjoy those words from their king." After he spoke, he angled his fang into the top of the barrel and bit down, breaking the top of the wood and poking a single hole in the barrel. He then lifted it into the air and began to drink from it, pouring some of the whisky down his throat.

The King chuckled, both out of amusement for Samael's response, and the sight of him gulping down his finest whisky in such a crude manner. Very typical of a dragon, he thought. "Nobody can hear us in these private chambers, not a soul," he said.

"So you truly mean it then?" Samael inquired, holding the barrel in front of him, and settling back into a seated position on his haunches. "You think that humans should be the ones serving dragons?"

"Not just dragons, us," Talos said, nodding his beak in affirmation. "Some of them anyway... the ones that nobody will care or notice if they've gone missing. You see, that is why you've failed as a predator, Samael...when I hunt, all I have to do is snap my claws, and I can eat whatever I want."

Samael was staring intently at the gryphon now, raising his brow in curiosity, and not bothering to drink any more of the whisky in his paw. Where was the King going with this? He wondered.

"Put simply, dear dragon," Talos rumbled proudly, "if you are clever about your food supply, it doesn't get more difficult to procure good food over time." He raised his claw and clicked it loudly, followed by the sounds of one of his guards outside his room leaving his post.

"The laws of my Kingdom ensure humans and gryphons can live in harmony, and protect them from consumption," Talos explained, "and the human citizens adore me for this. They believe me to be a kind savior." His smirk widened as he gestured around his room with a sweep of his foreclaw.

"But there are always those who society overlooks," the royal beast continued, "those who they would rather not think about. The criminals and thieves who roam the streets, the prisoners locked up in the castle dungeons, the stranded, estranged or widowed... all those who do not have anyone who would notice if they were just... gone, one day."

He smirked, watching as the doors to his room opened and one of his guards brought a large, cloth-covered cube atop a simple cart, wheeling it over to an empty space beside the bed. Samael looked at the new arrival, watching as the guard took the cloth in his beak and pulled it off, revealing a large metal cage beneath with a young-looking red-haired human woman sitting within.

"They find a way to my stomach," he finished with a smirk at the larger male. Samael's eyes widened a little at the realization, and he gazed upon the human that had been left beside him.

"This is one such woman," Talos explained, "as I recall, she was caught stealing gold from a market stall in town. A rather petty crime, to be fair. A sentence of a month in the dungeon." He sat more upright in his bed as the woman shrank back in shock and fear at the sight of a dragon so close before her, the protests in her throat vanishing as she also realized she was in the presence of the King himself.

"As easy as that," the avian King rumbled in amusement, "I have fresh, young, healthy prey at my disposal." He leaned in slightly and licked his beak with a dominant gaze.

"As a simple gift from me to you, my dear dragon, would you like to join me upon my bed and consume her alive?"

The only one who showed more surprise than the human at the gryphon's words, was Samael. He raised a scaled brow and lifted his head back, as if the words struck him. Consume the human alive? Did the king really just ask him to eat one of his subjects?

Samael looked over at the caged human, his gaze forcing her over to the other side of her small prison. His red eyes studied the prey up and down. The human woman was completely naked, afraid, and her face etched in a mix of shock and confusion. Clearly, she'd never expected to be given audience to the ruler of all the land, along with a massive, predacious dragon.

The fear in the woman's expression made Samael salivate quite profusely. He was used to such an expression fromm his food, right before he snatched his prey up into his powerful jaws and swallowed them down. In the wild, sometimes this process was rushed, especially if he needed time to escape, or hunt down other, fleeing prey. What the king was offering him however, was the chance to take his time.

It felt too good to be true for the large dragon.

Samael looked up at the gryphon. "How do I know this isn't some sort of ruse?" He asked. "What if you're getting me to eat the human, just so you can incriminate me?"

Talos snorted in disbelief at the suggestion. "There are thousands of eyewitness accounts saying they saw you eat, kill, or destroy something or someone," he said with a chuckle. "Don't be so foolish, dragon. There is more than enough incriminating evidence against you. I'm still telling you the truth about what I want to offer you."

"Maybe... but, what if the human is laced with something?" Samael inquired further, narrowing his eyes over at the cowering woman. "What if I eat her, and I pass out?"

"She is completely naked, and there's nothing on her, can you not see that?" Talos explained, rolling his eyes, his tail flicking behind him in agitation. "She is perfectly fine, whole, and stable: a healthy human for a beast to devour. I know you dragons are stubborn, but this offer is genuine." He stated, before giving the human woman a look of his own, his pupils focusing in on the smaller being, a tongue flashing across his lips. "As I've been saying, this is how a king can hunt... and now, this king is offering you to share in his meals."

Samael continued to watch the gryphon for a long, tense moment. The look that the gryphon was giving that human was certainly one of a predator, that much was certain. There was nothing but hunger in those eyes. "You eat humans like this always then?" He asked.

Talos returned his gaze to the dragon, a smirk on his beak. "Not always," he said. "A king can eat whatever he wants, and therefore I do prefer a certain amount of variety. Can't let humans get boring now, can we? Besides, there's more things to do with them then just eat..." He stated with a chuckle, before turning his lean, powerful body and making his back towards the bed.

Samael watched him go. His eyes following the muscled gryphon with a rather... strong interest after that last remark, studying the predator's form as he moved. "Indeed there is," he said," many different ways in which a human can be enjoyed." He swallowed a bit and waited, listening to the king talk.

"Perhaps you're more of a predator than I thought, if you've explored those options," Talos said, grinning back at him. "So, as I was saying, Samael," he continued, before hopping up onto the bed in a smooth, single bound, before turning around to face him, and nodding towards the cage. "Go on and take the human from the cage. Join me up here for some fun with our little morsel."

The dragon took one last suspicious glance at the King atop the grand bed, before looking back you the woman in the cage before him. He didn't know her name, nor did it truly matter when she was likely not going to survive her encounter with both predatory beasts.

"Please," she almost whimpered, pressed back against the cage, "you... you can't do this..." Samael smirked; it was a line he'd heard before. Reaching into the cage with his claws he scooped her up with ease and carefully carried her over to the King's bed. She struggled in his grasp as he walked, and the dragon squeezed a little to subdue her. With a large step he got up on the mattress beside the King, impressed as the bed sagged a little under his immense weight but didn't break. Placing the woman down on the sheets, he kept her pinned in place with his huge claw as he faced the smirking gryphon.

"See, nothing to be so concerned about," Talos remarked as he looked down at the terrified woman trying to get out from under the black dragon's paw.

"I simply want to extend a welcoming claw to a guest such as yourself, and show you that there is a common language that you and I speak," the avian added with a deep, rumbling purr. Samael hesitated for a moment, but slowly nodded his head. He'd had no idea the King had such a clever system in place behind the closed walls of the castle. A controlled, readily available supply of prey, limited to no competition, and the privacy and time to truly enjoy them. The idea was... enticing. It was like nothing the dragon had been able to experience out in the wild.

"Please!" shouted the woman once more, begging desperately, "I only stole some money! You can't..." She was silenced as the King lowered his beak towards her, a smirk on his features as his piercing blue eyes gazed into her own.

"There is no use pleading," Talos told her firmly, his voice dropping to a deep rumble, "your fate has already been determined." He glanced up at the dragon towering above and licked his beak slowly at the sight. She'd given up trying to lift that heavy reptilian leg off her, and instead looked at the King with fear etched on her face.

"This dragon who is currently holding you down is a new guest to my Kingdom," he told her with amusement in his voice, "and so I wish to extend him the finest of welcomes. You are to be my gift to him, to ensure that we forge a long and lasting relationship that is beneficial to the Kingdom." He leaned back and glared down at her with authority.

"Alas, it may seem unfortunate from your perspective, my dear, but you're going to be eaten. Samael here is going to swallow you whole, and you're going to digest inside him." His cruel smirk only widened as he saw her face pale.

"You're going to be broken inside a dragon's guts," he added coldly, "physically, and mentally. I daresay you should save the complaints for later. Now... Samael, my dear guest... why don't you have a taste or two? She doesn't quite seem to... understand."

Samael looked down at his prey with a constant, piercing interest. "Oh, I have much experience in helping them understand," he said, with a low, excited growl in his throat. "With the amount of time at my paws, it will be a simple task."

With that, the dragon dipped his snout in closer and hovered his lethal fangs just above the human. She only had enough time to let out a single, fearful scream before that massive tongue was upon her, splatting into the front of her body without any concern or mercy.

Samael exhaled briefly over his meal, before carefully licking up her body. As his prey was pinned beneath his paw for the moment, he simply slipped his tongue into the cleft of his claws, before pressing his slimy muscle upwards, leaving a trail of warm, viscous drool behind. The wonderful taste of human skin flooded into his mouth, leaving him drooling rather copiously in an immediate reaction. The human was sputtering in discomfort beneath, now more concerned with the disgusting nature of his predatory drool rather than the weight of his paw. A reptile's saliva was as both heavy and thick, as it was smelly.

"Oh my, she tastes amazing," the dragon said, complementing Talos on his offering. Without missing a beat, he settled down on his belly and got comfortable in the king's bed. He sprawled out and lay on his side, facing Talos, and draping his tail over the side of the mattress. If he was going to enjoy the taste of this human for a while, he might as well get himself comfy.

He lifted his paw away and brought his massive jaws down again towards the defenseless human. He bared his fangs in an amused snarl, letting her see the shining, pearly white curves of his lethal fangs. The human shrunk away from them, whimpering at the horrible, fetid breath washing out from the back of his maw, but was unable to move far before that tongue came crashing down again. He licked her from head to toe, pushing her a few feet into the bedding before coming up again, his slimy muscle having its way with her, gliding over her naked form to explore each and every portion of her body. Her arms were raised to defend herself, but it was of no use. His tongue licked over, up, and curled as he finished, humming with delight at the promise of placing this delightful morsel in his mouth entirely.

"Mm, you see, human?" Samael rumbled, replying for the first time since he began his licking. "You're nothing more than a snack, for predators like me and your King. I'm going to keep tasting you for as long as I wish... then I'm going to swallow you whole. If I were you, I would try to find ways to make yourself more tasty and entertaining right now, or else you'll be in my belly sooner than you think."

The woman was terrified at the prospect, but utterly defenseless beneath the two impossibly powerful beasts. Naked, caked in reptilian saliva and bathed in the dragon's steaming hot breath, Ellena had never considered that her crime of theft would lead to a situation so terrible. Everything was happening so fast that she didn't know what to do in the face of near certain death.

She threw a glance at the gryphon, hoping that the leader of their Kingdom would see sense, and save her from the dragon. Yet, there was no mercy in those cool blue eyes as he smirked and licked his beak.

"Don't look at me, my dear," Talos remarked with amusement, "I'm the one who brought you here, after all. I want to see you eaten." His cruel words left her pale, and she looked back at the dragon surrounding her. Between the two there was utterly no room to escape.

"You're more than welcome to come over to me, though," the gryphon added teasingly, "you're still going to be eaten, but I'm much more likely to take liberties with you first." His smirk only widened as he lifted a leg to reveal his impressive royal equipment, showing off to the terrified woman. She sidled back from him, only to bump into a thick, scaly leg. A small yelp of fear escaped her lips as he looked up and saw those terrifying red eyes leering at her. Another chuckle came from the avian as he lowered his leg and looked up at the dragon.

"I doubt she's going to prove much fun," the King commented with a shake of his head, "why don't you go ahead and consume her? Her screams can make a backdrop for our ongoing discussions tonight." He gave the dragon a smile, watching as the larger male nodded in agreement and licked his huge maw. He hadn't expected such delights when being called to meet the King of Gryphons, but it seemed that the royal hybrid had quite a lavish predatory lifestyle indeed.

"I will have more brought up later if you're still hungry, my dear dragon," Talos added as he watched the dragon's claw curl around the woman. "Whilst I have a near endless supply of prey, it is entertainment that is often scarce. Share a night with me, Samael, and show me what a dragon can do to his prey. We can save the conversation for when your belly is sated."

Samael began to salivate heavily at the mention of endless prey. This King could get humans to eat whenever he wanted? Delivered directly to his private chambers? It was unclear if Talos wanted to share this with him forever, but even for a single night of fun it would be worthwhile.

He lifted his meal easily up to his snout with his claws. "What do you think, morsel?" He asked his prey directly, smirking with malicious intent. "Should I accept the King's offer? Seems like a good offer to me." The human female began to struggle and beg in his grip, holding out her hands and pleading for mercy, her legs kicking out behind her in a panic as she stared forward towards his black, scaled lips. Of course, he'd already made up his mind, and the games were just beginning. His little joke made the gryphon chuckle, which only spurred him on even more.

"Oh, I can't think of any reason why not," Samael rumbled, giving the gryphon a quick glance, and a nod. "Yes, I accept your offer, King Talos. I'll join you for a night of fun and amusement. Starting with this little meal here." He stated with a nod, returning his hungry gaze to the prisoner. "Time to descend down my throat, little human. Try to struggle lots when you're going down, if you can... I do enjoy a bit of a movement."

And with that, he opened his reptilian mouth wide, his jaws lined with white, curved fangs and dripping with thick, disgusting drool. He slid his tongue out far and opened up his blackened throat, basking the human in the heavy aroma of his predatory breath. Sensing that the end was near, and there was no reasoning with the beast, his prey simply stared ahead in complete shock, still as a statue, hardly even moving as he brought her in, dropped her on his slimy tongue, and closed his mouth.

Samael rumbled with delight as the familiar taste of human flooded into his maw. Her tiny body sprawled out along his slick tongue, drool coating her naked body in copious amounts, before he decided to pin her to the roof of his mouth, squeezing some of the initial flavour from her. He sighed and rubbed his tongue up and down her form, closing his eyes in that moment to enjoy it, before opening them back up and giving the gryphon a look of admiration.

"Mmm... this human is delightfully tasty," He informed the king, moving his jaws in mild effort, pushing the human morsel around his mouth and smacking his lips. "I'd like to take my time with this one if you don't mind. I don't think I've ever been able to savour a prey like this before. Would you like to see how she's doing?" He asked, giving his fellow predator a grin.

Talos gave the dragon a small nod and a large smirk as he watched the larger male toy with his prey. He took great pleasure in watching another predator as incredible as himself take the time to truly savour a live meal.

"By all means," the King rumbled as he ruffled his feathers and leaned in a little closer, "part of the delights of having all this privacy is the opportunity to really... experience your meals." He watched as that large maw shifted as the woman within was tasted over every inch of her body, no doubt being liberally basted in thick, unpleasant reptilian saliva.

Samael parted his maw a little and used his tongue to push the human right up to his lips, her head hanging over the edge. Able to see the light again, the young prisoner found herself staring at the King through a cloudy layer of thick drool that clung to her eyes. Her body was covered in growing bruises from the rough treatment inside that large maw, but that hardly bothered either of the merciless predators present.

"P... please, Talos!" she begged finally, her arm stretching out towards him, and the gryphon's smirk only widened.

"That's King Talos to you, human," he responded in a mock stern tone, and looked up at the dragon's crimson eye gazing at him. "Be sure to remember that when you're becoming a layer of fat on my guests' rather shapely haunches."

With that, Samael's jaws slowly closed around her, muffling the terrified scream as she was dragged back into the middle of his greedy mouth. The tasting continued a little longer as the dragon enjoyed the risk-free meal, salivating over her heavily as he swished her from side to side with playful ease before tilting his head back a little to show off the next stage of her consumption.

As he moved his head back, the human slid down to the pocket of his gullet, appearing as a tiny bulge in the front of his throat scales. He held his treat there for a moment, pausing, and letting his prey stew in the slimy grip of his flesh. He could only imagine the horror she was going through in that final moment before the plunge, her tiny body wriggling rather visibly in the outline of his neck. The thought made him smirk, showing off some of his fangs.

But it was only for a moment. He sealed his lips once more, closed his eyes, and swallowed.

Hardly any effort was required to send the human on her way. Samael gulped only a single time before feeling the human sink into his long neck. Although it wasn't necessary, he swallowed one more time for good measure, taking in a good helping of drool with it. He made sure to keep his snout tilted up, letting the King watch his prize descend.

The human female had the wind knocked out of her as the beast swallowed her down. Those heavy throat muscles shoved her down without mercy, opening up, letting her drop downwards, and then shoving her into the reptile's gross body. Her cries of terror were muffled as she became encased in a long, dark tube of thick saliva, mucus, and flesh, pinning her limbs to her sides and preventing all forms of movement. The heat and smell only got worse, and she could feel the terrible monster vibrate around her in a long, happy purr as she was eaten. After a brief moment of respite, she then began to sink down... and down. There was nothing she could do as she dropped down the dragon's neck, the esophagus opening under her feet to allow her descent. She wanted to scream but found herself unable to do more than simply struggle, trying to free herself and push upwards in a useless attempt to avoid her fate.

Samael breathed a sigh of delight as his minimal efforts to eat his meal were complete. He licked his lips of her taste, continuing to rumble in a happy, content fashion as the human began her long journey into his body.

"She's about halfway down now," Samael informed the gryphon. Although he could witness the initial swallow, his neck was simply too thick and muscular to show much of a bulge. Not that he needed it; he could certainly feel his meal going down. He lifted a claw and traced it along his scaled form, moving it along at a slow pace. "And she's moving down, just a bit more... and now she's through my neck," he finished, with a grin and click of his jaws.

Talos chuckled at the antics of his fellow predator. An amused grin was on his beak as he regarded the dragon's form, continuing to lay in a relaxed position on the bed. "It certainly takes your prey a long while to get to your belly," he commented, humoring his guest. "Having more time to think about their fate on the way down sounds quite scary."

"I imagine it is," Samael answered with an excited grin, his tail moving carelessly along the bedding as his meal finally dropped into the expanse of his massive gut. He reached up and gave his middle a pat. "But, unfortunately, they still have a long, long time to think about it in here."

Even despite his incredible self-control, King Talos had a hard time keeping himself from sporting an erection at the sight of the dragon's ingestion of the helpless human woman. It was one thing to devour them himself, but another entirely to watch the act with such a delightful view of the process.

"I would expect nothing less from such an incredible beast," the King huffed, "and here you can take all the time you like to really enjoy it, and let her suffer your body for as long as she can endure it." He leaned his head in towards that impressive reptilian stomach, one not unfamiliar with the weight of live prey, but not one that had been given the chance to truly relax and work on its occupant at a more casual, cruel pace.

Now that he'd eaten the King's offered gift, the dragon appeared visibly more relaxed around his avian host. He could feel the woman inside him, trying to get herself out of the thick pool of rank chyme that lined the bottom of his stomach, having been deposited so unceremoniously inside his steaming hot guts. There was always that moment of shock when prey smelled and tasted the inside of stomach, the horror of being squeezed into such a foul place designed purely to turn them into something more readily absorbable. Samael smirked; it was only the beginning of the hell she would endure to become more of him.

Content to simply admire the dragon's natural processes at work, the King moved closer in the bed until he was nearly touching that sizeable belly. Looking Samael in the eye he gave him a small nod and a light smile.

"I have cleared my schedule for the next day, so there is no rush," Talos explained, his sensitive ears attempting to pick up on the sounds inside the larger male's scaly belly. It was difficult without being pressed up against it. "I invited you here because you have been making trouble for me and my people, but I only wish to foster a relationship with a powerful dragon like yourself, not squander it by leaving such an important creature broken and bloodied on the battlefield." Swishing his tail, the gryphon looked into those seemingly glowing red eyes.

"Now that you are settled, and lightly fed, I wish to simply lay here with you and allow you to enjoy your meal to the fullest," the King continued, "any deals or negotiations can come after indulgence." He gazed down the length of the dragon's impressive body and noted silently that the drake was similarly sized in... a very specific way.

"I cannot smell the scents of a mate upon you," Talos remarked, licking his beak slowly, "I can only imagine after years of living without an affectionate touch out there in the wilds, you must be... rather pent up." His voice lowered a little as he brought his beak in a little closer to his guest.

"I would like to appreciate you, Samael, as both a fellow predator and perhaps... as something more."

Samael was rumbling with his eyes closed when the gryphon proposed that idea. He lifted his gaze with wide eyes, taken off guard by the sudden advance from the other beast.

"You meant to say, that you'd like to have some fun? Here? Right now?" He asked, looking at Talos with an inquisitive stare.

The King held his serious expression, closing his eyes only briefly to nod at the massive dragon. "Why not?" He continued. "As I said, I have as much free time as I desire at the moment. I wanted to invite you up here to share in what it means to be a true predator at the top of the food chain. Seeing you swallow down that human has made me rather... excited." He said, giving the reptile a wink. "Surely there is another hunger we can satisfy right now?"

Samael stared at the King for a while longer, his tail thumping heavily on the bed as he considered the proposal. "It has been a very long time," he admitted. "Your sense of smell is not wrong." He found his eyes wandering up and down the gryphon's form, studying the strong musculature under those layers of smooth, perfectly arranged fur and feathers. He couldn't recall the last time he'd been with a gryphon, but surely none were as perfect as the one before him now.

He felt a stirring of excitement inside him as the King gave him that lustful stare. It wasn't long before Samael returned that same look, showing off some of his pointed, white fangs. As sudden as the idea was, he was not a beast to pass up an entire evening of pleasure and fun. "Will there be more humans to eat?" He asked.

"As many as you want," Talos answered, his voice dropping into a lustful tone as he brought his beak in a little closer. "Until we run out that is," he added, with a small chuckle.

"I like that idea very much," Samael huffed, licking his lips with the thought of more humans to come. "How would you like to start? And can I have another human... now?" He asked, his gaze flicking over to the back door where the last snack had entered.

"Patience, Samael," Talos cooed at him, before shuffling close on the bed and dipping his head down towards the dragon's bellow. "There will be more humans for both of us in due time. For now, just remain as you are and listen to your King... as he takes a moment to listen to the human digesting inside of you."

The gryphon's ear brushed that scaly underbelly as he got nice and low on the dragon's body, his attention split between listening to the young human woman face the horrors of being digested alive, and getting to know his companion more intimately. The target of his affections was right there between those muscular hind legs; an absolutely huge, thick black sheath sitting atop the biggest ballsack he'd ever seen on a male aside from himself. The smell of masculinity was musk was clear even from a few feet away, and the avian's eyes fixated on that beast of a package with eager anticipation of discovering all of its secrets.

"Do not hold back on my account, dear dragon," the King practically purred as he eyed off that impressive pouch, knowing full well that the dragon's dick would be a sight to behold if the container that held it was so imposing. "If it excites you to torture this innocent woman in the depths of your belly, you have every right to sport the erection to prove it." He could see those deep red eyes flash in excitement, and he could hear a muffled, terrified scream from somewhere beneath those unyielding plates that adorned the dragon's underbelly. As if on cue, he watched as the slit at the tip of that leathery pile of sweat-slicked flesh parted to reveal an emerging teaser of the glossy crimson organ within.

"If you insist," the dragon rumbled, letting his arousal show through as his heavy penis grew in size before the royal bird's keen eyes. While he wasn't entirely trusting of the avian's motives, the promise of a decent bit of long-awaited intimacy combined with the feeling of a live human woman kicking and punching the walls of his gut in vain left him eager to let himself bare all. No doubt his prey was starting to feel the tingle of stomach acids and thick enzymes softening her flesh and stinging her more vulnerable areas, and he could hear her still begging to be let out between panicked screaming. She sure was a lively one~

Watching the King's expression, Samael continued to focus and enjoy the situation, experiencing a growing pleasure the longer his tiny meal melted away in the depths of his rumbling gut. His breathing quickened, and he licked his lips with a slow, teasing stroke of his tongue to remember the human's taste. Her flavour lingered, making him salivate all the more. He moved his hind leg back to allow himself more room. In doing so, he exposed himself more to the gryphon laying against his belly, who could see very plainly that he was growing even more aroused, his reptilian length pushing free, hanging heavy with weight.

Samael then felt a warm, bubbling sensation blossoming from the depths of his stomach. He felt it rise up from his chest, before escaping the back of his throat in light, yet guttural belch. "Urrrrp! He blasted out, making the slimy flesh of his maw vibrate, some spittle spraying over the King's bed.

Talos chanced a look up at the engorged dragon, finding his own excitement rising as the hungry reptile relaxed and enjoyed himself. He let out a rumble of his own after his companion burped, before returning his gaze to the member directly in front of him, clicking his beak together.

"I'm going to get a little closer now, dragon," Talos said, moving a taloned paw up to the inside of the dragon's leg. "I'd like to get a taste while all the action in the belly of yours is going on."

Samael looked down with a raised brow. "What do you - oh..." He didn't get many words out, before he felt the warm, smooth surface of the gryphon's tongue brush over the emerging tip of his cock. The King got closer to his hard member, rubbing a feathered face over the hardened scales of his lower belly. Even from there, the continued sounds of his working gut, along with the punctuated screams of the suffering human within, were quite apparent.

Talos inhaled the dragon's unique scent with a firm sniff from his nostrils, before letting his air blast back out over that reptilian crotch. He smelt that heavy, smoky, draconic musk tickle his predatory nares, making his beak tingle with a rather pleasant aftermath. When he heard no complaints, he simply went in more, pinching his claws lightly into the inner scales of the dragon's leg, while using his dexterous tongue to lift up that weighted shaft before sliding it down the base in a slow and teasing motion, letting his fellow beast feel every moment of it. When he was finished, he looked up at the dragon with a grin on his beak.

"You taste like a wild, unwashed beast, dragon," Talos said, his voice low and commanding. "I can only imagine the delight you're getting from this human. I can still hear her in there... fighting for survival, pointless as it is." He closed his eyes as the reptile remained still, letting him press up to his thick paunch. He listened to the churning motions of slimy, viscous digestive fluids washing over the living morsel, taking time to work into the soft skin, and break down that tiny body into nutrients for a much stronger, powerful being. When he opened them again, he looked up at Samael. "I'm going to add to that pleasure now," he said. "I want to taste you more... deeply."

Without waiting for further permission from the larger male, the King opened his beak and took the dragon's shaft inside. His tongue curled around the middle of that heavy organ, holding it firmly and protecting it from the harder exterior of his beak as he guided it across the bumpy surface of his tongue. He could hear Samael groan in surprised delight as his erection was devoured by the gryphon, who took great care to treat his masculine length the respect it deserved.

Talos could taste the rich, slimy oils from that coated the entire length of that slick cock, a natural reptilian lubricant secreted in that warm sheath containing all of that potent male scent that he found himself inhaling. His ears remained focused on all the delightful sounds available to him; the wet slurping of tongue on cock, the begging and pleading from within the dragon's merciless gut, and the heavy breathing and grunting of the bigger beast as his dick was so eagerly sucked by a King who had never let another male defile his tongue in such a manner.

With the sheer size of the dragon's endowment, it wasn't long before he was guiding that plump glans towards the back of his beak and to prod at the entrance of his throat. He could barely see the dragon's face from behind that mountainous gut, but he could sure feel the eyes of the beast upon him as he tested his throat with a noisy 'gluk'. A visible bulge appeared in the avian's neck as he pushed the dragon's cockhead until into gullet, waiting for a moment before pulling all the way back to take a deep breath.

Samael rumbled in delight, not used to any oral affections to his impressive length. Sure, he'd crammed that sizeable shaft up the tight tailholes of a dragon or two in his time, and a few dragonesses, but never had he experienced another male salivating over his cock before. He certainly hadn't ever bothered to clean inside it before, as the King could tell there was a good decade or two's worth of musk, sweat and cum that had accumulated inside that leathery sheath.

The dragon lifted his hind leg into the air and fully submitted himself to Talos' treatment. His guard was down now with his belly and more sensitive bits completely exposed, while his mind was wrapped in a haze of pleasure. In that moment he was under the whims of the gryphon King, and already losing control with the heavenly bliss that came with it.

That lethal beak was stretched wide over the girth of his reptilian cock, sinking down to hug his shaft in a tight, slimy embrace that massaged and gripped him from all sides. Despite the sharp edges, they were nowhere his sensitive flesh, allowing only for the predator's drool-covered tongue to lather and rub along every inch of his bestial member. The same tongue pressed along his base and stroked forward, then back, treating the sensitive spines to a constant massage that sent tingles of delight washing through his loins. His tail lifted, then thumped down on the bed in an almost involuntary fashion.

Samael was breathing heavily when he looked down at the gryphon and studied what was happening. His red eyes watched as his fellow predator came down on him, stretching that impressive maw rather easily around his draconic spire. There was no question that he was a massive male, but the bird was having no trouble swallowing him down directly into that feathery neck. While this went on however, Talos was also keeping his head pressed down against his belly, rubbing up against those scales as he continued to digest the human within, taking pleasure in the consummation and breaking down of a living creature to fuel his needs.

"Oh, King Talos," Samael breathed through rows of clenched teeth, his body shivering and flexing on the bed. "I never thought something like...t-this would be offered." He managed to gasp, throbbing powerfully as the gryphon's throat swallowed up his length once again.

Talos simply made a deep, rumbling noise of appreciation at the dragon's words. The reaction added vibrations to his already divine offering to the massive reptile. He kept his eyes closed and continued to concentrate on the task at hand, finding delight in not only providing such a large, strong dragon with a rare treat, but also in being right up close to that churning reptilian gut. From this close, he could pick out the female within pounding at his stomach walls, weakly shouting for their life to be spared through the layers of muscle and fat. Nothing could save them from their fate now... something the King knew well and took delight in. He could sense the prey growing weaker with each passing second, giving in to the distinct rumblings and putrid acids working them down. It was this experience that fueled the king's excitement during the intimate act with Samael, and urged him on to bring ultimate pleasure to the handsome being that shared his royal bed.

Talos churred with delight as he swallowed the dragon's impressive cock like a healthy piece of prey, kneading it with the same experienced muscles that normally dragged struggling humans down into his gut. Each time he compressed that shaft in his throat a verbal grunt escaped the dragon's maw and a sloppy dollop of thick pre-seminal fluid was deposited into his throat to be whisked away down into his own gut. He gulped the viscous arousal from his reptilian companion eagerly, demonstrating to the larger male that he was very much into what he was doing to him. More than anything, he wanted Samael to understand the sincerity of what it meant for a dominant King like himself to be under another male.

His ears could hear things picking up in the dragon's digestive system, the act of getting his cock sucked driving the big predator's body to become more active as pleasure flowed from multiple sources. The begging and pleading was becoming more panicked, the telltale sign than things were beginning to go from disgusting to deadly inside Samael's inescapable paunch.

The longer he bobbed his beak up and down on that unwashed length, the more Talos grew accustomed to the rather potent flavor of a feral beast who didn't have such incredible facilities for pampering and personal care. It only saw to excite the gryphon more; this wasn't one of his stunning hens sprawled out across his sheets but a near-wild, yet sentient animal whose gigantic cock stretched his throat impressively. He could easily tell the dragon hadn't ever been sucked before, or used it much at all for that matter; good dragons were rare in the wild.

Pulling back with a messy trail of Samael's precum drooling from the side of his beak, Talos slid his tongue all over that rock hard dragon dick, making a show of how he wriggled it all over the inside of that rolled back sheath to get the more potent flavors out of him.

"How does that feel?" he asked quietly, "you sure look like you're enjoying it."

Samael returned his gaze to the other predator, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he brought himself back down from his pleasure. His expression radiated with lust as he met the gryphon's gaze. He was mildly disappointing at having his treatment stopped, and yet, at the same time grateful. He wasn't sure he could've last much longer during such a divine and unfamiliar experience. He swallowed to clear his throat before responding.

"How can I not?" He said, casting a quick glance at his hard, drool-covered member before returning to Talos. "It's rare to get such a thing from any fellow dragon in the wild, and never from a gryphon. You not only seem into it, but also naturally equipped to... well, pleasure me in this way." He commented, giving the King a grin. "I didn't expect this to happen."

Talos gave him a wink, letting the dragon continue to rest for the moment. He truly desired to keep going, and to fulfill his instinctual need to continue slurping and sucking down on this messy, unkempt beast's reptilian member, but there was no need to rush this moment. He had all night to spend with his fellow predator. Instead, he left his paw resting on the dragon's back leg, while resting his beak teasingly close to Samael's length.

"Let's just say that a big, strong dragon with a human in his belly makes this gryphon a little excited," Talos said, leaning in to slide his dexterous tongue over those hardened, tummy scales. "It makes me more than happy to get up close, and very personal with a fellow creature, showing humans their place in the world." He clicked his beak in a relaxed motion, before moving himself back into position.

Samael held his grin for a moment longer, before longingly watching his partner return to his crotch, hovering close. "I'll eat all the humans you have to offer if it pleases the King," he said, in a half-joking tone.

"Then I'll make sure you have them all," Talos purred, sliding his paw up the dragon's leg, running his long, lethal talons over the inside of his thigh. "There's more than one thing we can get up to with prey stuffed in our bellies." Once his exploring digits got close enough, he lifted his paw up to softly cup the dragon's nuts, affectionately holding them in his grip and massaging them between his claws. He felt their weight with a careful lift, while moving quite slowly over perhaps the smoothest scales he'd felt yet on the dragon. Soft, delicate, and giving off that same, rich, warm musk that permeated throughout the air.

He brought his beak in close to give those reptilian orbs a long and needful sniff, exhaling with delight, and continuing to play with them as he moved back into position, resting his head against Samael's middle. He closed his eyes a moment, straining to hear the human inside for a brief moment, before he heard a long, distant gurgle, and a panicked, desperate scream. The prey was growing weaker, already getting broken down by the dragon's strong gut, and losing oxygen fast, the king had to assume.

"Like... what?" Samael asked, his mind a haze of desire and need, his words distant as he found himself only able to pay attention to what was coming next. The gryphon's paw around his most intimate areas would usually be a cause for alarm for the proud male, but at this point he trusted his fellow beast entirely. It was again, something he rarely experienced, and it sent a warm, blissful tingle through his loins that made his length spring back to attention.

"You'll find out soon enough, Samael," the King teased, returning his beak to the dragon's cock, his paw fixing itself in a strong grip around the base to point it in the right direction. "For now, simply relax, and try not to spend yourself too quickly, yes?"

Before the dragon could say more, Talos swallowed that impressive shaft down to its root, his beak sliding into that sheath as he skillfully avoided grazing the organ with his sharp tip. That glossy erection was all the more delightful now that he'd scraped the thick sheath residue off its surface, leaving him with a delectably warm, musky dragon penis to deepthroat at his leisure. His neck bulged visibly with its notable girth, and he once more lay his head against that proud gut to enjoy the cruel machinations of the beast while he worked on making him empty his excessively heavy balls.

As his tongue curled around that virile dragon dick and worked to stimulate the larger male further, he listened to the meal he'd given his new companion fighting fate inside him. He could feel that thick organ pulsing thick, syrupy ropes of precum into his own belly as the woman's screaming grew more difficult to hear under the heavy grumbles and gurgles of that active stomach. He felt a huge throb run through the dragon's cock as it flexed powerfully in his throat, the dragon no doubt enjoying himself wholeheartedly as his prey fell quiet. Both of them knew it was no mercy; the woman's voice had likely been eaten away by the harsh stomach acid, left to suffer for another few long minutes in silence as she endured the worst of her digestive hell. It was a deep, primal cruelty that only a powerful predator could indulge in, and the gryphon doubled down on his attention to that thick crimson spire.

He could feel the dragon's leg tremble as he plunged that heavy reptilian breeding organ into his gullet repeatedly, the messy sounds filling the King's chamber as avian saliva drooled all over the beast's thick sheath and ample balls. It was a messy affair for messy feral creatures, and he felt the dragon's testicles begin to tense up under his dense mane as he continued to suck the newcomer off.

It only took a small glance and a wink from the gryphon King to encourage the virile Samael to finish off in his beak. He'd been working the dragon's shaft for nearly half an hour and his nares burned with the dragon's musk and rank scent. Neither male knew if the human morsel was still alive, but as Samael's claw grasped the back of the gryphon's head in pleasure, he knew full well that the powerful clench of his gut in orgasm would be more than enough to grind what was left of her into something more recognizable to his intestines.

Given how long Samael had been getting his treatment, it was impressive that he held out as long as he did. At the wink of encouragement from his fellow predator however, he found that he couldn't hold himself back any longer. The gryphon's long, avian neck had been perfectly designed to swallow his length down whole, capable to take all but the largest prey. His cock throbbed within the deepest, warm, and drool-covered tightness of the King's gullet, squeezing him in all the right places. His breathing quickened and his tail began to thump heavily on the bed. It began as a low, building of pleasure at the base of his reptilian shaft. His penis throbbed with a need for release as the bird gulped all around it, coaxing him onwards, and bringing him over the edge.

The dragon let out passionate rumble, his hind legs lifting up into his body and his back arching instinctively as his bliss exploded out from his loins, washing over his body in wave after wave of orgasmic delight. He opened his maw wide and roared loudly, his entire body twitching, as he began to dump his hefty, draconic load directly down Talos' stretched neck.

Samael slammed his eyes shut and felt the strong grip of ecstasy crash over his body, enough to immediately make him dizzy and faint of breath. The first rope of thick, reptilian batter squirted down the King's avian gullet in a rush of liquid warmth, making those feathers bulge out some as the powerful spurts of cream travelled down his impressive length. The amount of semen produced in that short period of time was perhaps even more than the normal, expected amount of a large, pent up male dragon. His nuts clenched up into his groin as his cock delivered vast amounts of his viscous, salty breeding fluids, travelling down from his loins from the source of his pulsing, cum-delivering vein. His penis would throb, showcasing a swell that blossomed in the bottom and smoothly deposited down, before appearing into the gryphon's neck, and vanishing into his partner's belly.

This went on for a long, drawn out minute as Samael enjoyed himself. The delight of being able to spend himself so powerfully, and having every drop gulped down by a King, was not lost on the needful reptile. He lowered his head to watch the last half of his load being swallowed, his eyes wide with lust, and his tongue hanging low from his open maw. His chest was heaving with the effort, and his abdomen muscles were clenched tightly up against his middle. True to expectations, he'd effectively crushed the human in his gut down into more malleable proportions, not caring at all for the meal's well-being. His food would be broken down further, once he eventually relaxed, to be carried along deep into the smaller, tighter spaces of his long, winding intestines for absorption.

"Oh... by the Dragon Gods, you swallowed it all," Samael breathed, his voice raspy and tired from the aftermath. "You've impressed me, Talos." Talos looked up at his companion as he swirled his tongue all over that slowly softening shaft, slurping up the leftover mess to ensure the dragon's sheath didn't get any less pleasant once he'd softened up entirely. As that impressive, spent reptilian penis slipped from his beak and slapped back down against the dragon's thigh, the King gave a small burp, the lingering stench of semen on his breath.

"Indeed," the King rumbled, drawing himself back up to his full height so the dragon could admire his handiwork. That already healthy, rounded paunch was sagging a little lower with the sheer volume of hatchling batter the larger male had packed in the King's gut. Satisfied with his first meal, Samael rubbed his own stomach, enjoying the predatory sensations of dominance over an inferior species. He'd done a terrible thing to an innocent human and drained his backed-up balls in the process. To a dragon such as him, it was pure bliss.

"I trust you enjoyed yourself?" the King inquired as he felt his stomach gurgle around the dragon's load, "as I said before, I would like to appreciate you in a number of ways." He moved in closer, sitting back down right in front of the dragon's head.

"I cannot have a dragon running amok in my lands, and if you continue to persist with your ways I will regrettably have you put down. What I aim to demonstrate to you, my fellow predator, is that there are alternatives that are not only easier, but allow for more... fun to be had in the process. Have you ever digested prey in such comfort, with so little risk? I think not." He could see the dragon listening intently, evidently a lot more willing to consider the gryphon King's words now that he'd experienced it for himself.

"I would like to offer you a place here, in my castle," Talos added, reaching out with a claw to caress the underside of that reptilian maw, "and I have a particular position I would like to propose to you. But, before I explain this to you, I think a little more indulgence is in order." Letting go of the dragon's jaw, he winked and loudly clicked his claws. Once again, noises could be heard outside of the room as the royal gryphon's private guards followed the simple order that came with that sound: deliver a meal to the King.

Samael gave the King a short growl when the other predator suggested putting him down. He listened to the rest of the proposal attentively however, seeing as how he'd been treated quite well for his time in the castle. More than well.

"I could also simply go to another territory, and resume my hunting on those grounds," he suggested, maintaining a neutral look as he mentioned it. "That could resolve your... problems." His voice trailed off however, as yet more meals began to trail into the room. Two, covered cages on identical carts, much like the last one, were rolled in through the adjacent, side door by two gryphon guards in shining, royal armor. The guards left each cage by the foot of the bed, near the two beasts laying on it, before bowing to the King and taking their leave.

As their two guests left as quickly as they arrived, Samael turned his head towards the two cages, his attention peaked. There was a small, terrified whimpering coming from each of them, announcing the presence of new meals for each of the hungry predators to enjoy.

"You were saying?" Talos remarked, smirking at the dragon as he lifted himself up and off the bed, hopping down next to the cages with deadly ease. "We've been over this before, dragon. I would indeed let you leave my lands if you wished, that is one solution, but not an idea that leaves you with free meals on a daily basis," he chided, standing beside the carts and fixing the dragon with a judgmental stare. "Don't let my statements of truth distract you from the reward I am proposing to you now, Samael."

Samael was indeed distracted for that moment, his eyes focusing on each of the cages with a penetrating hunger. He blinked a few times, feeling a new wave of excitement come over his body. "Your words... make sense," He admitted after some time. "It would only make sense that the people would demand you to get rid of me. I couldn't keep hunting in your lands."

"And thus, I am giving you a much better alternative," Talos said, grinning at the dragon. "And if the last human wasn't enough to convince you, perhaps these two might." He said, before lifting a claw and lifting the cover off of each cage, tossing the cloth to the side in a theatrical display, to reveal two, cowering humans: one male, one female, both of them young, horrified, and completely naked. "Whenever I snap my claws, my guard will bring humans to me," he explained, his tongue darting over his beak. "In this case, you may choose one of them for yourself. The other however, is mine." He said, his golden, predatory eyes wandering over each of the morsels hungrily.

He could see the hunger in the dragon's crimson eyes, the telltale body language of a predator spoilt for choice. The King's tongue dragged over his beak as he observed the larger male pouring over his options, this time given a selection of two prisoners. They were looking out of the cages at the dragon, terrified by his presence as soon as they caught on to it. Large as he was, and with the many rumors that surrounded them, both the imprisoned man and woman began to press against the back walls of their cages fearfully.

"I do hope that I am fostering some trust between us," the King spoke quietly, reaching down with his foreclaw to gently reach under the dragon's gut and caress one of his two large testicles in that leathery sack. Samael tensed briefly, but relaxed as he found the touch of those claws to be tender and intimate, rolling the slightly-less-burdened orb about fondly. "I have little desire for us to be enemies, quite the opposite. I wish to see you fed and pleasured, as a large beast such as yourself deserves. Perks that I already enjoy, my dear dragon." He slowly lowered the hefty scrotum and looked up at the beast, sliding his tongue across those plated neck scales.

"I believe it may be your pride that prevents you from truly seeing things my way," the King continued as he turned his attention to the prey before them, "understandable, of course, but concessions must be made. You are a powerful dragon, unused to being commanded and restrained. I am a King, and must preside above all others. Yet, I have lowered myself between your legs, taken your shaft within my beak, and allowed you to empty yourself within my belly as if I were naught but a common whore." He smirked and flicked his gaze to the dragon briefly.

"Such is what I am willing to do for you, so that we can reach an agreement," Talos explained, "and you too will be required to make concessions. I hope that by the time these humans before us have been... used, you will be ready to hear my terms with an open mind." He heard the dragon growl lightly and raised a claw. "But these are not for discussion until we've had our fill," the gryphon interjected quickly, "so might I recommend the male, if only because you have already devoured a female this evening?" Samael nodded slowly, and stepped down off the King's bed, approaching the cage containing the increasingly concerned human, who didn't seem to quite know yet what was happening to him.

Samael eyed his food with a rather hungry stare as he stepped closer. "I'm already weighing the benefits of your offer in my mind," Samael admitted, bringing his muzzle close to the cage, causing the man inside to balk at his presence, and huddle in fear at the other end. "It is a good deal, I must admit, but I believe a meal first is in good order. One cannot think on only a half-full belly."

After those words were uttered, the human in the cage finally understood his purpose. There was no 'early release' from prison, as he was promised, but rather a condemnation to die: to be taken and eaten by the horrible dragon that was plaguing their lands. He attempted to squeeze himself through the bars in desperation, but it was too late. The dragon's claws had already found him.

Samael reached into the top of the cage with purpose, his pointed digits grasping the tiny morsel with little care for its well-being. He tore the human away from the bars and lifted him free, the shrill screams of the horrified man like music to his ears. He chuckled as he settled back down on his haunches, relaxing on the cool marble floor of the lavish palace to truly enjoy his meal from a relaxed position. He licked his lips, before casting an eye over to the other predator, whom he now realized has been watching him rather attentively up to this point, without saying a word. "Do you... want to grab your human, and swallow her down along with me?" He offered to the king, waiting patiently.

Talos found this rather amusing, a grin forming on his beak. "How polite of you, dragon, waiting for your host to eat first," he remarked, approaching the other side of the last, remaining cage holding a human, staring in with his radiant, merciless eyes. "Though I haven't been the first one to eat tonight, have I?"

"No, but I believe you've had a larger meal than me regardless," Samael answered.

To this, the King seemed even more amused, as a deep, reverberating chuckle came rumbling out from his beak. "You might fit in here better than you think, dragon, you seem to have at least some wit for it," he said, before reaching into the cage himself and yanking the woman free, with a seemingly more vigorous and practiced removal to get his meal free. "But, before you go ahead and gorge yourself on that former subject of mine, I have a second, and... more entertaining proposition for you. One that will make this evening quite a bit more fun." He said, waiting to see if the dragon would humor him. Meanwhile, the human female began to scream and beg within the grip of his talons, pleading for her life to the gryphon in a useless attempt for freedom.

Although he scowled some and did a very poor job at hiding his disappointment in prolonging his meal some more, Samael continued to look at the King and lifted his brow with curiosity, waiting to hear what might be said. "And what might that be?" He asked. "Again, I'm open to options but I doubt you'll convince me not to eat him. My belly could use another human."

The King's smirk only widened, and with a firm grasp on his prey he climbed back up onto the bed, muffling her protests in the sheets. Doing likewise, Samael climbed up with him, seating himself before the King with curiosity on his visage.

"Since we have all the time in the world, let me show you a new pleasure you might indulge in," the King explained with a wry sparkle in his eyes. He leaned in a little, looking at Samael's prey with delight before returning his attention to the dragon.

"Imagine how good his struggles would feel right up against your prostate," Talos suggested quietly, "why don't you take that young man between your claws and show him what it's like inside your tailhole?" Samael's eyes widened; he hadn't expected the King to suggest such a thing, and yet that playful look in the avian's eyes demonstrated how eager he was to observe it.

"You wish for me to devour this little human with my anus?" Samael inquired, looking down between his claws to see those terrified eyes looking up at him.

"P... please! No! You can't be serious!" begged the prisoner below, and even the woman in Talos' unyielding grasp had fallen silent in shock at what she'd heard.

"Yes," Talos confirmed, "wouldn't that be a fun way to spend the afternoon? Imagine how good it would feel to have that kind of stretch in your rear from prey." He leaned in towards the pale-looking human male, and slowly licked his golden beak as he spoke directly to him.

"I want you to listen to me very carefully, little morsel," he rumbled in his deepest, most intimidating tone as the young human man fell silent.

"This is Samael, a guest of mine from outside the Kingdom. He's just finished turning a human just like you into a thick, nutritious slop in his stomach, and you could even hear the screaming through those thick scales of his. Does that sound like something you want to experience too?" The horrified man slowly shook his head, grunting in discomfort beneath the dragon's heavy feet.

"I'm going to give you a chance to live," he continued, letting his hot, predatory breath clog the man's sinuses as he spoke, "but it's going to involve you going up his tailhole. You're going to be eaten by this dragon's big, musky ass as dragged deep into the depths of his intestines. You're going to wriggle against his prostate as best you can until he ejaculates, and if you can accomplish that little feat, then you will be pushed out and allowed to leave. How does that sound?"

Samael was also listening to the King explain the situation. A mild disappointment gripped him when he heard Talos' promise to the human, but it soon vanished, as he realized it was a lie to give his food hope. He had to admit that the proposition of taking the tiny morsel in his paw up into his tailhole was... very intriguing. The prospect excited him more than he cared to admit, though he kept it hidden by keeping his expression neutral. Only his eyes might've given him away, as he stared at the human with a deep and powerful hunger: one that only came upon his countenance when promised with the thrill and pleasure of trying something new.

When the human still didn't give the King an answer, Samael piped up. "You can always trade places with the female, if you wish," he offered, grinning as he played along with the game. "Of course, she's going to end up in the gryphon's stomach I believe. It's an end befitting your kind, but certainly not a quick death, nor does it have a chance of survival." As he finished talking the female let out a yell and began to struggle again.

Talos met the dragon's eyes with an amused expression, before squeezing the human clutched in his claws with a brief clench of his paw. It didn't hurt the morsel, but it did knock the wind from her lungs, and stunned her for the moment, achieving the silence he desired. "An amusing proposal, my dragon guest, but one I'm willing to entertain," he growled, before looking down at the tiny man. "Do you wish to be eaten instead?"

With narrowed eyes, Samael waited now, holding the man directly in front of him and waiting for an answer. He expected that same sort of delays that most humans gave when facing a hopeless ultimatum. What more could they hope to achieve when so powerless? He was surprised when the morsel quickly agreed.

The man nodded his head and spoke. "Ok, ok, I'll go. I'll do it," he pleaded. "Just please, let me out after. I don't want to die."

With a rumble of approval, Samael lazily began to roll his massive body onto his side, making the royal bed creak as he moved. He sprawled out and spread his hind legs, while simultaneously lifting up his tail, sliding it along the surface of the sheets to reveal his most intimate areas. His sheath was still mildly swollen and spent, absolutely reeking with the stench of spent, musky dragon semen. The main focus this time, however, was the heated, glistening anus that was placed directly near the base of his thick tail. The hole seemed to flex and clench with each motion from the larger beast. Although the sight was most pleasing to the King, to the human he immediately regretted his decision.

"Oh, that part about letting you out was a promise from the King, but didn't you hear? I'm the royal guest for the day," Samael purred, in warm admittance to his prey. "I have no intention of letting you out soon, human. You're going to be the first I've done this with, and I'm going to see just how deep you can go." He exemplified the word 'deep' with a loud growl and a clicking of his fangs, directing his merciless glare right towards the human as a dawning horror came across his features.

Talos chuckled from his view on the bed, licking his lips as he viewed the delightful event of his making unfold. "Already getting him right down beneath your tail, dragon?" He mused, deciding not to eat his human just yet, fearing he might miss the beginning of the show. "I'm interested in seeing how deep you can get him as well... Go on. Rub him up against it first so I can watch him squirm."

With a firm claw holding his prey down so she wouldn't disturb the show, the King watched as Samael curled his thick tail around and pushed it right into the small of the man's back, shoving him rather firmly up against that glossy, black reptilian pucker. The man's face was smushed right up against those thick, velvety wrinkles of the dragon's anus, and a heavy coating of heavy, oily dragon sweat was imprinted on his features.

The reaction was immediate; hands pressing against that supple flesh to try and push away, only for Samael's tail to insist quite firmly that he remain where he was. The smell diffusing into the man's lungs was intense; thick with warm, predatory musk and the stench of a masculine male in his prime. It made the prey lightheaded, and Talos watched in delight as Samael began to use his powerful tail to grind the naked man back and forth against his greasy pucker.

"That feels quite nice," the dragon commented to his host, enjoying the sensation of dominating his prey in a more alternative manner, "I can only imagine how good it will feel when he's inside me." The dragon's words reached the ears of the musk-drunk man, who tried to regain some semblance of control through struggling, only to have his face sink right back into one of those thick wrinkles. The dragon's natural oils, trapped in those heavy folds around his rim, were nearly enough to render the man unconscious from their intense scent.

"Mmmph... take a good sniff," Talos encouraged playfully, "he looks like he's about to choke to death on your scent, Samael."

"I am clean... enough," the black-scaled beast huffed indignantly, "we dragons are simply... more potent than other creatures." Talos smirked and licked his beak slowly. He would have to get a taste of that velvety black orifice himself soon enough.

"Going to push him in now," Samael grunted, to a fresh wave of protest from the man smothered by his ass. Letting his tail loosen a little, the dragon watched the man stumble back a little, his face caked in slick anal lubricants while he slowly slid the tip down to curl around the human's legs.

"Take a good look," the larger male smirked as he gazed down at his prey, "might be the last thing you ever see." Reaching down with a claw, the imposing beast gently inserted it into the outer rim of that glossy tailhole and began to stretch it open slowly to reveal the deep, dark passageway within.

Even in his dizzying state, the first thing the human noticed was the potent wave of heat that washed over his form. It was stronger than he could have ever imagined, weighing him down with a greater burden than any of the beast's tailhole moisture had managed so far. The dragon's anus opened wide before him, stretching before the entirety of his vision, and showing off a long, fleshy tube slickened by natural moisture. It dipped backwards a few feet, before seemingly directing upwards and deep down into the reptile's body, casting the last portions in a dark shadow that his eyes couldn't penetrate. Even in his current, limited awareness, he could sense the dragon's claws straining to hold it open, those internal muscles clenching, pulsing, demonstrating a heaviness and strength he would never be able to beat.

He tried to backup but found himself unable due to the tip of Samael's tail curled around his legs. He hadn't noticed before, but now he realized he was truly trapped, and was having second thoughts. "Actually, I've changed my m-mind," he mumbled, his words falling from his mouth in a drunk, lazy drawl as he found his senses overwhelmed. "I-I can't do this," If he was already this affected by the outside, there was simply no way he could survive going any deeper. But it wasn't the little human's choice.

Samael completely ignored the man's last complaint, deciding that he had waiting long enough. He watched with extreme interest, feeling the gryphon's eyes taking in the sight as well, as he used his back claws to reach back, hooking around the man's middle before yanking his prey forwards and in. He only had to shove briefly, for the man stumbled directly headfirst into his hungry pucker, sinking in all the way up to his waist. Right after, the heavy ring of muscle collapsed down around the unfortunate human as he let go, sealing his little plaything in place.

The dragon gasped with delight at the sudden intrusion. The beginning, sensitive interior of his tailhole sent tingles arching up his spine as the human began to struggle, fighting against the hopeless onslaught just as it began. Such a battle only served to make the situation more dire his morsel, as he suddenly found a single, powerful need to drive the little guy deeper, to feel him pushed right down to the center of his very core. He curled his toes and shuddered as he let go of his anus, trusting the grip of his butt and the coiling length of his tail to keep the man in place.

Talos looked up to regard the dragon's expression, smiling as his companion continued to gasp and clench those fangs together, not saying a single word. "Enjoying yourself already are we? I knew you would like this," he said.

"Oh gods... this feels amazing," Samael breathed, looking up to meet the King's eyes for the first time in a while, his serpentine tongue lolling out from his mouth in an expression of pure arousing bliss. "I want him in more, I need him deeper." He growled, his sheath already beginning to grow outwards and harden, his arousal renewed.

"Take your time, Samael, that is all I ask," the gryphon answered, before returning his attention to the massive reptile's ass. He held his own human tightly in his paw, the female looking on in absolute horror, wordless and pale at the atrocity she was witnessing. "You do have an audience to entertain, after all."

The dragon grunted in acknowledgement at the request, his cock now fully erect once more as he worked the squirming treat deeper into his bowels. The struggles only intensified the deeper the prey was inserted, until finally those feet were coaxed inside by that powerful, insistent tail and the human man was sealed in his new prison.

"Gods above that is quite a sight," the King huffed in delight, watching as the dragon's tail relaxed and his cock lay lazily across his inner thigh, dripping precum over his leg. The woman was horrified by what she'd just witnessed, but there was very little she could have done to have helped her fellow human avoid his fate.

"He's really struggling in there," Samael grunted in satisfied delight, "grr... it feels great, really hitting the spot..." He could feel his prostate being pushed and rubbed by the man's feeble resistance, making his huge shaft twitch and flex from the stimulation. Once again, the King had been quite correct.

Inside the dragon's anus, the young man was experiencing a unique and terrifying situation as those oppressive muscles dragged him deeper into the beast's body. His helpless form was squeezed firmly around the first bend of the dragon's lengthy intestines, deeper to the core of the beast as his sense of direction was effectively disrupted. Surrounded by heavy folds of greasy flesh, his lungs afforded only the thick, musky pockets of air trapped in the dragon's humid innards, the man tried to do anything he could to halt his progress deeper into this terrifying tunnel. Every bend and curve in that tight intestine left his bones straining under the incredible weight of the dragon all around him. His screams were muffled by the fleshy walls as he was dragged further within.

"What a delightful sight," Talos growled, his own heavily erect cock dropping slimy pre-cum all over the feet of his pinned morsel, "eaten alive by a dragon's tailhole... you've given me quite the erection, my dear guest."

Samael groaned with immense pleasure as he felt the human sinking down inside of his tailhole, his strong muscles pulling him deeper with each passing moment. His snout was transfixed in such an expression of delight, that he didn't notice the King was erect until those words reached him. He looked over at the gryphon and smiled, showing some fangs.

"I'm happy to have provided you with such a good show, King Talos," Samael answered, his red eyes studying the large, avian length. It was large and impressive for a bird of such size, with a smooth, fleshy surface covered in slimy moisture, leading up to a tapered tip. Even from the short distance away, he could see the King's attractive cock throbbing gently as it lay on the bed, enticing the beast towards another species in a rather powerful and arousing way. As the human pressed and struggled against his deepest, most intimate areas, he let out another moan of desire.

Talos let out a rumble of need as he scooted himself forwards on the royal bed, getting himself closer, and the human female continued to panic and uselessly push against his claws. With all the pleasant struggles from within, and the growing atmosphere of lust blossoming between the two of them, he could see that the proud dragon was ready to hear his next proposal. After all, he'd given his guest a lovely service in sucking down a load from that smelly, draconic shaft. Though in all honesty, the king had to admit it was a bit of a service to himself as well.

"I think I have an idea as to how we can enhance our newfound pleasure, Samael," Talos began, a tongue sliding across his beak. "That human seems to be serving his purpose quite well, but you probably need a little more in there to push you to another climax, yes?"

Samael opened his eyes and stared at the gryphon for a moment. He already had an inkling of what his fellow predator was going to ask next, as he felt some need to ask the gryphon himself. After taking a good look at the maleness sprouting between the king's legs, it was clear that he was one of the impressive of his kind: a true royal avian in every sense of the word. Despite having a suspicion of what was being proposed, he bit his lip with a fang, flexing his tail to squeeze down hard on the human within, sensing discomfort, and gaining all the more pleasure from it. "W-What are you asking?" He asked, the volume of his words dropping some as he waited.

Before answering, Talos decided that he was getting rather annoyed with the increasing, pointless struggles of the human female in his clutches. Her consistent yelling, and slamming of her tiny hands down on his paw was truly growing irritating in the moment. He glanced down at the morsel with murder glaring in his eyes, clicking his beak together with hunger, before looking up at the dragon. "Just one moment please, I think it's time this one went down to join your load in my belly," he snarled. "We only need one human to play with between us. This one is all mine."

With a firm grip on the helpless woman, Talos lifted her up in front of him. She knew full well what horrors awaited her now that she'd seen what had happened to her fellow human, and the struggles only increased as she tried to fight fate.

"Calm down, woman," Talos smirked as he lifted her higher, "I'm only going to digest you alive." With a cruel smirk his beak then parted, revealing the glistening pink interior and the sloppy strands of saliva that strung between the roof and his tongue. With a lazy roll of that fat oral organ around the inside of his beak, the gryphon tilted her forward until she could see the black tunnel at the back of his maw, where a terrifying future awaited.

Feeling an uncomfortable gurgle in the depths of his gut from the sheer amount of dragon sperm swimming about inside, he let it travel up his throat and released a thick, cloying belch right across her body, clouding her in the foul stench of his cum-stuffed stomach. She paused for a moment, shocked by the stench, as the gryphon seized the opportunity and delivered her feet right into the clutches of his muscular tongue.

A scream filled the room as he began to devour her, whole and alive, feet-first as his powerful tongue kneaded her legs towards that black esophagus. No matter what she tried there was nothing to grasp, no surface that wasn't sloppy and slick with the gryphon's viscous drool. As his claw relinquished its grip on her middle, his tongue swiftly replaced it as the woman was guided bit by bit into his crushingly tight neck.

It was all a wonderful show for the dragon, however, who was sporting a considerably firm erection as the human in his tailhole squirmed and the King made such an entertaining display of his meal.

"I'm surprised you still have room to take that human down, after how much I've filled you up," Samael teased, his attention fixed on those final moments right before the gryphon swallowed. It was a small tease to his fellow predator, though he had no doubt that the avian could've gulped down several more humans if they were around.

King Talos gave the dragon a small smile, his beak closed, and the morsel lodged somewhere in the back of his gullet. He made a show of clicking his beak together to show off his empty maw, before tilting his head back, closing his eyes, and swallowing. There was a rather large bulge in his crop, sinking down as a round form in his neck, before vanishing down into his body almost as quickly as it had appeared.

The human was pushed down into that horribly tight neck, where the torrent of dragon semen had been ejected into just moments before. The undulating muscles, mucus, and drool made the trip down into his belly a rather fast and terrible one. Whole and alive, the female slipped down into his stuffed, and rather heavy stomach, mixing in with all the gurgling fluids and viscous layers of spooge that his predacious belly was already working on from the minutes before, treating her in exactly the same way. The smell, humidity, and gastric atmosphere was only the start of the snack's terror, as the gryphon slid a tongue over his beak and turned to look at Samael again, his food already forgotten.

"I don't think I've ever been full enough to pass on a human," Talos boasted, his strong limbs flexing lightly as he stood himself up on the bed, his paws now free of any burden. His guest had warmed up to him and he had solidified Samael's trust in the King. Perhaps now, this handsome, massive reptile would become one of his more willing subjects and trouble his townsfolk no more.

Samael regarded the King, his serpentine member lying lazily on the inside of his scaled leg, completely erect and throbbing. He was approached by the avian with a lustful glint in his eye, and something told him that the pleasures of the day were not yet over. "What... did you want to do now, Talos?" He asked.

The gryphon purred in delight as his belly swayed with the weight of the woman he'd packed away inside of it. Looking over the handsome dragon before him, and especially that well-stretched rump, he licked his beak and inhaled the scent of the masculine male sharing his bed.

"I believe I was going to suggest that you raise your tail for me," the King stated bluntly, "and I was going to mount you." The dragon had known the request was coming, and he exhaled heavily before looking back at his rump.

"And the human?" he asked, and Talos smirked.

"He'll either drown in my load, or be crushed to death in your intestines," the King replied, "I have little need of him back alive." The dragon's cock throbbed in delight at the thought, a cruel smirk appearing on his features.

"How about it, Samael? I have brought you to my private chambers, shared the finest food with you, and have even provided scintillating oral satisfaction. Your King now wishes to take something in return... so will you agree to my request? I daresay you don't find yourself on the bottom often, but... I am sure you will be thrilled to experience it with one as skilled a breeder as I." His gaze never left the dragon's eyes, sizing him up closely, for if the beast were to decline, it would be less than ideal.

Samael stared at the gryphon for a long while. He made a show of taking his time, considering the King's offer with an air of indecision. It was true that he was a stranger to allowing a partner to take him, even one as impressive as the predator in front of him; however, it didn't take long for him to accept. Talos had provided him with quite a number of pleasing experiences since his arrival, most of them new and exciting. The human in his tailhole has sunken deep within at this point, though he still showed signs of life, struggling and moving about against the weight of encompassing flesh that assaulted him. It was all just too much of a tease for the large reptile, and he wanted to feel...more down there.

The dragon let out a grunt before nodding his head. "I accept your offer to mount me, King Talos," he stated in an almost, official-sounding tone. His tail flexed downwards and his legs shifted with some restlessness. "In all honesty, this... human down there has gotten me quite hard again. He's pushing at me in some very deep and interesting places," he continued with a rumble, giving his partner an intimidating, yet sultry look. "I need something more filling down there."

Talos returned a lustful look of his own, finding his loins stirring at the promise of such a strong, handsome beast submitting willingly to him. "You made the right decision, Samael," the King said. "I've never bred a dragon like yourself, but you won't be disappointed in the slightest, I assure you."

"And I've never allowed a gryphon to mate with me like this before, but I feel like you've earned it," Samael commented, in a joking tone. "Besides, I'm in a horny mood, and part of me really wants to feel just how deep you can shove this human down inside me." He punctuated that comment with a low, deep growl in his chest. His member started to pulse strongly between his legs as he brought them over, closing his genitals from view for a moment. "How do you want me? Lay back, or... do you wish to mount me?" The large reptile raised his brow after posing the question.

Talos got to his feet rather quickly on the bed, showing a fair amount of agility, despite having a low, mildly sagging belly full of the reptile's load and a single, unfortunate human. "Stand up on the bed, Samael," he said in a commanding tone now, making it sound like an order. "I'll mount you from behind, like any proud King would with his subjects." He stood and waited for the dragon to obey, his sheath swelling up between his legs. He held a strictly dominant and predatory gaze on the dragon, even if deep in his chest, he was holding back showing the powerful excitement rising within.

"I usually wouldn't fuck on a full stomach," Talos huffed, reaching down to caress his swollen gut, "but in your case, I wouldn't pass up on the opportunity." He admired the physique of the dragon as he stepped up behind him, the large beast slowly lowering his haunches to allow the King to mount him from the rear. Samael had given himself over to this royal gryphon now, so eager and enthralled as he was to allow this feathery hybrid to show him the delights of his predatory world. He'd digested a human alive, another was fighting to survive in his bowels, and his impressive balls had been greedily drained. He'd rarely been in such a good mood.

With his prey-weight sagging his underbelly, Talos heaved himself up onto Samael's back, pushing him down a little lower as he settled the churning bulge over the dragon's spine. He could hear the woman inside screaming in protest as she was compressed between the weight of a royal gryphon and the hard scaly back of a tough reptilian body. His foreclaws settled on either side of that handsome dragon midsection, clutching him firmly as his heavy shaft impacted firmly against the dragon's balls with a lewd, wet slap.

"Krr... you're quite well equipped yourself," Samael growled, his tone rich with lust as he felt the gryphon's sizable cock drag up behind his scrotum, leaving a slick trail of precum over that leathery sack. The wriggling deep inside his body was constantly stimulating; his own crimson spire jutting out towards the bedsheets, dripping arousal messily.

As he adjusted his claws to better grip that scaly body and leverage himself into a better position to fuck the dragon, he could hear the prey in his gut howl in terror as her body was ground between two immense feral males, sputtering and choking on the thick spunk. Talos smirked, pushing down with his weight until he heard a dull snapping sound from within, breaking her leg over the dragon's unyielding spine. Samael shuddered beneath him as her screams faltered, shock setting in almost instantly, delighting in the gryphon's cruel dominance.

"That was bound to happen sooner or later, with what's about to happen," Samael growled in a quick answer, his snout tilting to the side to fix Talos with a single, red eye. "Your size is impressive for a gryphon but do let me know if I need to drop my haunches lower. I want you to push in deep." He finished his comment with a longing rumble, flicking his tongue across his lips before looking forward once again. He flexed his legs and his hindquarters, getting set, wondering just how far the bird's spire was going to reach under his tail, holding his breath with anticipation.

Talos felt the strength of the beast submitting to him in the grip of his claws. He held on tight with his talons, pinching the rock-hard scales to the dragon's sides, and easily getting himself into position. The reptile hardly moved at all, remaining stationary with supreme ease. He felt a large surge of excitement in his chest as he lifted his haunches, the tip of his avian cock brushing up against the inside of Samael's thigh, then along his shaft, and poking it up at the base of Samael's tail.

"I'll certainly be letting you know what you need to do for me, dragon," Talos said with a dominant tone, the anticipation bringing out his true, predatory nature. "And as for how deep I can get... let's find out, shall we?" He could feel the heat of the dragon's entrance on the tip of his length as he prepared himself. He braced his hind legs against the bedding, before slowly beginning to move his haunches forwards and press the tip of his drooling length up against that musky, heated tailhole. He prodded at it briefly, meeting some resistance, before it finally gave way, and he found himself sinking into Samael's reptilian rump.

The King let out a needful huff, followed by a growl, and an overwhelming urge to get himself inside. He lunged himself forwards and put more weight over the dragon's back, his swollen belly compressing even more over the scales of his partner's back. He hugged his powerful limbs around Samael's middle with great strength, leaning his head forwards and resting it on his upper back as he shoved himself deeper, knowing his partner could take it. He slammed his eyes shut and held his beak together tight, growling as he humped forwards, his tip rubbing up against those walls of encompassing pressure. It didn't take long for him to nudge up against something small, unfamiliar, and still wriggling... within the dragon's tailhole, but that didn't stop him at all. He simply kept going, using that struggling lifeform as a toy to enhance their pleasure.

And as the man within Samael's tailhole began that horrible torment, the female within the gryphon's belly was starting to pass out. The human morsel within was encased in a tightening environment of stomach flesh, dragon seed,and overwhelming digestive fluids, losing consciousness, and still in pain from the previous weight added on. She tried to scream, but nothing could come out, the small levels of acrid air making it impossible to take even a single breath. Talos and the dragon didn't care in the slightest. At this point, the remainder of her was simply along for the ride, to be used as pleasure for these two, joined beasts.

An experienced lover, the gryphon King focused on drawing the very best in pleasurable sensations out of his reptilian companion. It was clear the proud dragon was having his anal virginity taken, and Talos used every advantage to ensure that the experience was an unforgettable one. Fueled by the energy he was actively robbing from the living being in his stomach, the King gripped that scaly hide and gave the dragon's tailhole a good pounding.

It was a different sensation to feel his thrusts into that velvety dragon anus met with the body of a human also lodged inside. He huffed in delight as his barbed cockhead slipped in beside the man's body and those supple inner walls of the dragon's intestines, creating a unique and stimulating pressure on his glans with every thrust.

"Your tailhole is divine," the King purred, delighting in the sensation of those strong muscles gripping down on his length, "I consider myself very fortunate to be in your company." He growled lustily, letting his heavy testicles slap loudly against the dragon's own as he continued to put that rump to good use.

Samael was treated to a delightful cocktail of pleasure, feeling so many different things that he'd yet to experience in his life at the claws of the King. The cock thrusting into his rear was a foreign experience, but the way that the big avian beast used his girth and barbs to stimulate his innards was a thing of pure delight to the dragon unused to being on the receiving end of cock. He could feel the human in the King's stomach ground back and forth over his spine, her body brutally worn down like meat in a grinder. The screaming had stopped after enough stomach acids had entered her throat, but the digestion would continue for a while longer as the big beasts rutted without care for her wellbeing.

Talos could feel the human inside Samael's tailhole with each thrust, squirming and trying to avoid getting crushed by the King's insistent cock. The additional movement against the dragon's prostate had that glossy crimson cock swaying heavily between the larger male's thick thighs once more, unable to deny the predatory pleasure. While delightfully arousing to the King, he didn't much care for how it felt to have his heavy thrusts stopped before he could really bury himself to the hilt.

"Relax a little, my dear dragon," he purred, "I'm going to fuck this human around the first bend of your intestines."

Samael only managed a fast, deep grunt at the King's words, finding that he certainly should try to ease himself up. The claws of each foot were digging hard into the bedsheets and bunching up against his grip for support, whereas his muscles were flexing and straining against each of the avian's thrusts. As good as this felt, it was a position the dragon was admittedly not experienced in. He forced himself to spread out his claws and loosen his limbs, exhaling heavily against the mattress. The submission had immediate effect, as his eyes began to glaze over with absolute delight, and his reptilian tongue slipped free of his lips to lay messily on the fabric.

"I can still feel him in there, this one is a fighter," Samael commented through ragged breaths after a moment, looking back at his partner behind him with a sidelong glance. Although the majority of the heated, tingling pleasure washing over his body were thanks to the gryphon's massive spire, those tiny, distant motions tickling the most intimate depths of his tailhole were enough to drive him wild. His own, draconic cock was throbbing heavily, fully erect between his hind legs, and dribbling with the occasional stream of thick fluids onto the messy sheets.

Talos simply growled in affirmation, before halting his thrusting for just a moment and readjusting himself on the dragon's back. He reached forwards with his claws and got a grip further up on his scales, walking his hind legs in, and grinding hard into the reptile's rump. He could feel the dragon taking his advice: that tight, clenching tailhole loosening somewhat around his powerful maleness, allowing him to get just a bit deeper. He got a good hold once more, made sure that the human was nestled right up against the tip of his dick, and then slammed himself forwards with as much strength as he could muster.

That one, single motion not only made Samael roar in surprise, but it speared the tiny human within and forced that tiny, unfortunate morsel to vanish deep within the thick, musky folds of anal flesh, vanishing up into those crushing tubes where there was no telling up from down. He was lost in an enveloping darkness, unable to move, and surrounded by the continuing clenching and pulsing of powerful walls around him.

"Loving this quite a bit, aren't we Samael?" Talos teased, a growing raspiness entering his tone as his dominance and excitement grew. As soon as he shoved the human in, his haunches had not stopped moving, pounding hard into the dragon's rear with the strength of his entire royal body. The sleek fur along the lower half of his form rippled with the shape of muscles underneath as the workout went on, the wet sound of bestial sex filling the inner chamber with noise. There was no need to hold back for his partner at all. "This is what you will get to enjoy, every moment you're here with me, Samael," he managed to say, huffing forcefully through the words with each thrust. "A King can give you all the prey... and all the fucking you could ever want."

The King of Gryphons focused on drawing every bit of pleasure out of the dragon beneath him, eager to bring the bigger male to an absolute conclusion that he couldn't go back to life without the things he could offer. With the human now lodged deeper in Samael's intestines than his cock could reach, he focused on ravaging that virgin reptilian tailhole with powerful thrusts that sank all but his knot into that hot, velvety anus.

Using his claws and even his beak for additional leverage, Talos fucked his guest at a heavy pace, precum slopping into that slightly steamy tailhole in messy quantities. The distrusting beast had softened considerably now that he'd had a good meal, and was getting his prostate firmly pounded by the insistent thrusts of that barbed gryphon penis.

"It...huff...feels..." Samael growled in pleasure, trying to find the words to respond with so much simulation affecting his mind. He could feel the prey, deeper inside him then any had ever ventured, fighting the oppressive tightness and overwhelming weight that was bearing down upon him in those rank, musk-drenched rolls of intestinal flesh. He could feel his own hard cock grinding against the sheets of the King's bed, once more rock hard, his balls gurgling with fresh sperm while the gryphon's own impressive pair slapped dominantly against them. And then there was that stud of a bird on his back, pinning him down, giving him the sensation of being on the bottom for another male for the first time.

He didn't mind it.

"I want you, Samael," the King growled, grinding his slowly swelling knot up against that loosening pucker with every firm thrust, "I want you to stay, to live with your King." His claws sank into those scaly flanks, fucking the beast below with authority as he robbed the human in his stomach of nutrients to breed this incredible dragon raw. After nearly fifteen minutes of being brutally crushed between two heavy ferals, the digestion of the woman had been accelerated significantly, mechanically broken by the constant shifting of their heavy bodies.

"Submit to me, forget the ways of your past... I can give you all this and more."

In the heat of the moment, Samael was more than ready to accept this King's generous offer. He was getting close, and he could feel it. The warmth within his loins was beginning to build, edged on by the strength of the gryphon's thrusts behind him, and that constant, moving presence of the human within his bowels, struggling for those last and final moments. He must've figured out by now that the two beasts had no intention of letting him get out. The tiny morsel was simply there to be a toy, and to add to his carnal delights.

"I can... agree to that," Samael managed to growl, a pause between his words as the gryphon humped him. He renewed his grip on the mattress with his claws and pushed his haunches backward with each thrust, grinding himself hard on that impressive spire of avian flesh, throbbing within his bowels. He lifted one of his hind legs and moaned, finding that perfect angle, where the King's length was rubbing up and prodding against a particularly sensitive area under his tail. He shivered and gasped, the liquid heat of his reptilian load building in the base of his musky cock, the tip drooling and leaking with salty precum down onto the bed. He clenched down in response and pinched his fangs into his lip, urging himself onwards. "I will be yours."

Talos smiled at such a response, knowing that the best, possible outcome and solution to his dragon problem was about to be solved. He was growing close to the edge as well, feeling it coming, the motions of his body becoming quicker and stronger as he mated with the powerful reptile underneath him. He pounded into the undersides of the dragon's tail, keeping that appendage over to the side with his torso as he placed more of his weight down, the female human within his gut now nothing more than thick, digestive mush to be pulled into the rest of his digestive tract. He snarled loudly, wanting more of an answer.

"You will be my pet dragon, Samael," Talos continued, his talons hooking onto the sides of his body and staying there, strong enough to pierce them somewhat, drawing blood. "You will be under my command, and refer to me as your Master, and in return... I will give you... everything you could desire." He grunted, snapping his beak shut rather violently after he spoke. He was so close.

"I will be yours," Samael said with a shuddering, an acceptance coming over him as he lost himself to the primal, bestial feelings coursing through him. "Fill me with your seed, show me what I'll be getting." He said, agreeing to the proposal, and also offering a challenge in a typical dragon fashion.

With the two of them on the brink, the human within Samael's bowels was struggling to stay conscious. He was close to passing out within that rolling mass of encroaching, clenching anal walls, the reptilian's haunches swallowing him up more and more as time went on. The gryphon's cock would smack into his form every now and then, just as the dragon's walls would close in on him, and gulp him deeper within and back into place. He could sense the beast quivering around him, getting close, while the avian's cock continued to bathe his naked skin in copious amounts of smelly, mating liquids direct from the depths of those furred balls. He was pinned from all sides, unable to move, and completely at their mercy. When the two of them came, he knew... it would all be over. He would be lost and forgotten, no more than a bit of prey for Samael to play with.

The King's burdened balls could no longer contain their load, the powerful avian shoving his swollen knot into the dragon's tight tailhole with incredible authority. He felt Samael clench down hard on the invading bulge of breeding flesh, the final bit of simulation the gryphon needed to reach his long-desired climax inside his new pet.

With a deep snarl the King's claws dug scratches into the dragon's hide as he came, his balls twitching heavily as they sent a thick helping of sperm right up through the avian's rigid shaft. His urethra yawned wide as that first thick rope of fertile gryphon semen was ejected into the dragon's virgin bowels, spurting deep into the back of that tight tunnel as it milked his organ for everything it could provide.

And provide it did, as Talos lay over Samael's back and ejaculated heavy globs of potent genetic material into the dragon's intestines, flooding that no-longer-virgin tailhole with his incredible output. Samael grunted as he felt the steaming hot cream the dominant male was pumping up his rear, the pent-up bird delivering copious quantities of his rich seed inside him.

Trapped in the dragon's innards, the human felt every shot of cum from that powerful cock fill up a little more of the free space he had to breathe in those rank inner folds. With that knot locked in tight, none of the King's spunk was permitted escape from his pet, and the human inside began to panic as his mouth, nose and ears began to clog with the royal load. Yet, try as he might, he couldn't move well in the crushing confines of a dragon's intestines, especially not one who had just started an orgasm of his own all over the King's bed.

Samael felt his orgasm hit with a sudden, tingling pleasure rising up through his loins. It built up over a few moments, brought to life by the adding pressure within his haunches, the human wriggling within, and the final, strong thrust of the avian cock within him. He shuddered from the tips of his horns, all the way down to the base of his tail, before letting loose a heated stream of reptilian breeding matter all over the bed between his hind legs once the knot of the griffin King sank into his warm depths.

Any sort of mess that had been there before was nothing in comparison to the dragon ejaculate that covered it now. Rope after rope of heavy, viscous semen splattered all over the sheets in complete disarray, the impacting sounds of fluids smacking into the mattress filling the room before it pooled and gathered into clumps. The smell was immediately palpable as a salty musk laden in the air, as he grunted and groaned, his claws and tail flexing downwards with each blast from the tip of his powerful length. And, coupled with each shot of cum, came a strong clenching within his tailhole that only made the human's predicament worse.

Within the dragon's rump, the human was losing consciousness. The encompassing, anal walls all around him were flexing with more strength than ever, almost as if they were gulping and swallowing him down deeper into the darkness, with the fresh helpings of heated, gryphon spooge directly from those fur-covered nuts. He felt his body wedged and pulled into uncomfortable shapes, unable to breath or move, simply along for the ride until it would be over, his entire existence smothered into gallons upon gallons of male breeding fluids. He felt himself sliding deeper, or so he thought... as he really had no sense of direction anymore. He heard the distant sounds of the beast's heart, and as the heat grew, he felt his sanity slip away, and his form was lost into the bowels of the massive reptile.

Talos grunted as the last few sloppy spurts from his testicles were deposited into the dragon's tailhole, his knot firmly locking them together as he clutched his new pet's sides for support. It was incredibly satisfying to spill himself inside a beast as magnificent as a dragon, a cut above the usual company that graced his private quarters. The smell of dragon semen filled his room, the larger male's copious load saturating his bed and leaving an unmistakably rich stench of a virile breeder's presence to any who would visit.

"Was that adequate enough for you, my dear dragon?" the King purred, resting his weight over the muscular body of his intimate companion. A chuckle escaped the dragon's maw as he felt that heavy shaft throbbing in his rear, reminding him how impressive a claim the gryphon had laid upon him. He'd never once considered submitting to another male before, especially not an avian. Loathe as he was to admit it, he loved how it felt to be fucked raw by that barbed, knotted cock.

"It was wonderful, Master," he replied, trying his best to remember to address the King in that manner. Somewhere deep inside his rump, the human he'd devoured with his anus had stopped struggling, submerged entirely in royal semen for a little too long. Smirking, he looked back at the panting gryphon and gave his knot a deliberate squeeze with his inner muscles. "You have convinced me... I will remain here with you to serve as you see fit. Provided, of course, that you meant what you said about prey on demand."

Talos chuckled, slowly plucking his claws out of those onyx scales. He'd left deep trenches upon them in his excitement, a light quantity of reptilian blood trickling down the sides of his body. Samael growled lightly at the sensation, and the King leaned in to lick up the back of his pet's scaly neck affectionately.

"You need not even wait for me," he purred, "ask my private guards any time of the day, and they will fetch you a human to consume or amuse yourself with. I would ask that you restrain yourself to... no more than one a day, or I shall have to start getting creative with my excuses." He pushed his knot in a little deeper, feeling his own thick load pooling around his length.

"Was tonight's full course of entertainment to your liking?" Talos rumbled as he slowly encouraged the dragon to splay out on his side, laying together while still firmly tied. "I must say I am rather stuffed. I'm not sure which was the larger part of my dinner, the woman or your load."

The dragon scoffed at those words. "I would hope that my load is larger than a puny human," he stated, obeying the gryphon's wishes and moving to his side, allowing the weight of the avian to pull him into a more relaxed position. The bed creaked as they each settled, with his tail draped over his fellow predator, and their limbs folded against each other amidst the mess he'd made on the sheets. He rumbled with content, feeling rather comfortable, and most importantly: satisfied.

Samael felt surprisingly at peace as the King remained tied to him. He didn't know how long he needed to wait for that knot to diminish in his tailhole, but he was in no rush to move. There had been no intention to let the human inside him live regardless, so he had all the time in the world. The tiny, sexual toy had most likely perished already either way. The dragon lay his head on the pillows and waited, his chest thrumming loudly as he breathed, showing off his contentment with a deep, sonorous sound echoing within his form.

Truly it wouldn't be so bad to stay here as the gryphon's pet. He could still come and go as he pleased, and he would get whatever he desired. He only had to force himself to restrain his urges to steal from humans and eat them while out in public, something that he could manage without much difficulty given what was on offer.

"But..." Samael continued. "It will be nice to stay here with you." He looked back at the gryphon with an evil, toothy grin. "In fact, if sex with you like this is what I get for giving you my ongoing obedience than I'm happy to do so, especially in this... kingdom of pleasures. It is well-suited to beasts like us."

The King nodded in agreement, affectionately stroking over those scales with his claws. He'd left some good gouges on them, a reminder of the pleasure they had shared, and a lingering claim over a new, delightful pet.

"I can think of many ways in which a dragon would assist me politically," he added, "I foresee my greatest rivals thinking twice when I could have them fed to you." The dragon looked back at his new companion in surprise.

"You would feed me gryphons?" he inquired, and Talos smirked.

"Are you saying you couldn't?" the King challenged playfully, and the dragon returned his smirk.

"Anything for you, Master."