The Wolf in the Room Ch. 3

Story by Volatus on SoFurry

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The evening has finally come, and I went down the stairs, excited to finally get some more playtime with my pain-toy. Quickly I shed my clothing, put on my apron, lit a new cigar, and opened the door to the torture room in my basement. Indeed, it had been torture for me to wait the whole day before I could finally see my pain toy again. Sweet little Trevor, the poor guy, has been only here for merely two days---still so fresh, vital, and hopeful. The first weeks are always the best, no doubt---it makes me wonder why I decided to keep them always for 12 long years. Well, I know why. It's the risk. An abducted teen-boy case is in the news for weeks, the rarer you do it the saver it is. Let people forget that something happened before doing it again. Even though it means working with stale meat for years. Considering my own age, I have to wonder if this Trevor will be my last? Will I still be in the business in 12 years, to catch myself a fourth pain toy? Hrmph, silly thoughts, no need to worry about that now. I have fresh meat in my basement right now, and he will bring me joy if he wants to or not.

I slowly approached the hatch at the western wall, my semi-erect elephant dong, dangled excitedly between my legs. My heart beat faster, the closer I got. Knowing that behind that hatch, Trevor waited for the past eight hours, while receiving electroshocks, delighted me. My hands shook when they reached for the hatch, so ecstatic was I. A strong smell of sweat and urine hit me when I opened Trevor's cage. Most would consider it disgusting, but for me, it is the sweetest smell of all, as it is proof of his suffering. Half-dazed, he whimpered. I'm not sure if he had yet noticed me. A low scream while his body cramped up, showed me that he just received another electroshock. I smiled at his suffering, such a cute wolf. He will bring me so much joy.

After I finally turned off the current, I grabbed the wolf on his right ankle and pulled him out of the cage. His face appeared to be soaked in his own pee. It seems the boy couldn't hold his bladder. But that's his problem, he decided to pee in his cage, and I won't clean it up, nor will I clean up him. In fact, I'm quite curious how he will react when he realizes that I will shower him only twice a year.

I held the boy on his ankle upside down. Eyeing up the pee- and sweat-soaked wolf. I noticed that he tried to protest, but he barely could get a word out, not to speak of a coherent sentence. The past two days certainly took a toll on him already---exhausted and throat sore from screaming. It won't get better, poor Trevor.

"Shh, it's ok, Trevor, you don't have to say anything. I know you want to go, want to tell me how terrible I'm. But I know that, and it won't change your fate. Save your strength for the torture to come." Tears dropped down onto the floor as he whimpered and shook his head "no" in response.

Soon my wolf once again did lie securely tied on the table in the center of the room. Trevor seemed to slowly regain his strength and voice, as he once more began to plead.

"Please, please---mercy---please---"

"Shhh, Trevor, it's fine. Just a few hours of torture, then you can go back into your cozy box."

He didn't say anything but began to cry. To distract him, I told him a story from earlier that day.

"You know Trevor, I had a whore here today. A male lion. Drug addicted---a total wreck. Told his pimp, she shall send him here with withdrawal symptoms. Haha, yeah, you're not the only one I enjoy seeing suffering. Fucked that mess hard before I threw him out the door with his pants still down. Couldn't feel a thing for that piece of trash, but it was good enough to empty my balls into, I guess. With you it is different, I feel sorry for you. You don't deserve this, but it has to be someone, so it might be as well you. However, bet you had a lot of girls before you got here, am I right? Hahaha! Such a pretty wolf like you."

He blushed and looked away from me, clearly ashamed. "Huh? Had no girls or boys?" He slowly shook his head.

"Inacceptable! We have to change that! I can't kill you knowing you'd never laid one." He only cried and whimpered.

Well, getting him a girl had to wait, though. His naked, bound body was too enticing, too inviting; I couldn't wait any longer to begin tonight's torture. I grabbed the huge funnel stored in one of the many boxes in this room. It could hold 1 gallon of liquid. I attached it to a chain hanging from the ceiling, above Trevor's head. He tried to turn his head away when I pushed my thumb into his mouth to put the end of the funnel in but to no avail. Nor did his tongue any better job in trying to push the funnel out of his mouth again. It, in fact, looked rather lewd how his tongue probed the funnel's hole. He quickly had to admit defeat and only whimpered as I fastened the leather straps around his head and mouth, making it impossible for the bound wolf to escape the funnel. The sweating and crying wolf began to shake more, maybe he has an idea what will be in store for him tonight?

Even with my quite considerable strength, I struggled to carry the heavy iron weight over to the torture table. But eventually, I bested the encounter, and the weight hung from the ceiling attached to another chain placed above Trevor's stomach. I lowered the chain, so the rectangular metal weight rested heavily on his chest, abdomen, and bladder. I, of course, was careful to ensure that it was as uncomfortable as possible for my toy without crushing it beneath.

Trevor clearly began to panic by now. The loud rattling of the chains showed how much his body shook, while cold sweat glistened his fur. Despite that, his heavy breathing was clearly audible. His wide, panicked eyes met mine, and I smiled at him.

I grabbed Trevor's cock what he acknowledged with a worried whimper. His worries didn't seem to cease as I pulled back his sheath and revealed his swollen, tortured member. I rubbed the needle-stabbed dick a few times with my thumb---Trevor's screams were delightful. Holding his soft cock vertically, I aimed the 2.5 cm [1 inch] thick metal stick, that I protruded from my apron's pocket, at Trevor's urethra. Gravity did the work, I just watched how the urethral sound slowly vanished inside my pain toy's cock. Trevor screamed and actively pulled at his chains, in reaction to this unwelcome and foreign sensation. He tried to protest, but with the funnel, in his throat, his attempts to speak were quite pitiable.

"Nuhh, ugh, nuhhhh, ohhhp, huuu usew!

I let go of his cock, whose exit was now perfectly blocked by the for his size too big sound. With that, the setup was done, and tonight's torture session could start. Now the time has come to use those five one-gallon canisters of water, which I had carried down, and stored behind the torture table, earlier this day. The lid of the first canister fell on the floor with a "clack" as I unscrewed it. I shook almost as much from excitement as my pain toy did from fear. My hardening cock slapped uncomfortably at the underside of the table Trevor was lying on, and my precum dropped onto the floor. Without further hesitation, I poured the whole content of the canister into the funnel.

Trevor panicked immediately. His whole body spasmed, and he furiously tugged on his restraints, but the metal was unforgiving. My eyes met his, by panic widened eyes, once more. Trevor was incapable of swallowing the water that flooded his mouth quickly enough, the gurgling noise was music in my ears. Some excess water spilled out at the corner of his mouth and out his nose, but he still swallowed most of it. Slowly but mercilessly the funnel drained its contents into the struggling wolf, whose face slowly turned crimson beneath his fur, due to the lack of air. But if he wants to breathe he has to swallow. His fight against the restraints became more and more desperate, but the chains were relentless. My hard cock dripped and constantly bumped onto the underside of the table by now. Such a delightful sight. I'd also bet that by now, the metal weight started to become quite uncomfortable as Trevor's stomach got flooded with more and more water. Sadly there is no way he could tell me right now.

Eventually, the whole liquid ended up inside my wolf. The out-of-air pain-toy desperately inhaled fresh air. But I didn't allow him more than a single breath before the second canister entered the funnel. Trevor began to spasm even more than before. The shackles chafed and cut the skin on his wrists and ankles. But to no avail, if he wants to breathe, he has to swallow, the chains won't give in and neither will I. Again water spilled out of his mouth and nose, but as before, most of it ended up inside him. Eventually, the funnel was empty once more. Trevor inhaled fresh air desperately, and now I gave him a little bit more time. He moaned and whimpered in discomfort and pain. Tears ran down his cheeks. I pet his fur, which was damp from sweat, and gave him some time to cough up water, which he was forced to swallow again due to the funnel.

"Easehe, nuhhh, nhuu ohe, ehy ehy" Whatever he tried to say, I couldn't understand. Probably the usual begging, and while I feel for him, it won't change a thing. And thus, the funnel got filled for the third time. He attempted to scream, but before he could make much noise, the water hit his throat. One gulp at a time, Trevor managed to empty the funnel. He still had the strength to fight, but he clearly didn't pull on his restraints as hard as before. My precum dripped on Trevor's forehead as I milked some pleasure out of my cock while I watched how my wolf suffered, how he struggled, how he got weaker, pushed way past his limits.

Just when Trevor got halfway through the fourth canister of water, he became rapidly weaker. His gaze glazed, and he barely fought his chains, and not long after he passed out. A disappointment, no doubt, but he'll get more resistant to torture over time, and will learn to endure the whole session without passing out prematurely. Still, that's not helping me right now. I got ripped off a good chunk of his suffering. But alas, what can you do? I accepted my fate and ended his session early. The equipment and restraints stayed on for now. The weight will continue to pressure my wolf's overfilled stomach, the urethral sound will keep him from relieving the pressure in his bladder and the funnel, well, it should be at least inconvenient to have it in his mouth. Poor boy, it will be a few hours before I allow him to piss, or free him from his restraints.

I circled around the table, watching Trevor from every side and angle while stroking my enormous penis. He looked so peaceful now, just occasionally coughing up water. My fingers caressed his damp fur. When reaching his balls, I couldn't help but cup and weigh them in my huge hand for a bit. They were astounding for a canine in size---big like oranges. With those assets, he would have made a good whore, I'm sure. Despite being unconscious, he grunted and whimpered as I began to play a bit with his tortured dick, like his balls considerably bigger than one would expect from a canine. He coughed up some more water in the process.

Down at his feet, I rubbed my thumb over the brand mark I left earlier that day on his sole. It also reminded me that my cigar, still in my mouth, was only a pathetic stump by now. I took the opportunity and pressed it onto Trevor's other foot sole---leaving another mark on his body. This seemed to have done the trick of waking him up, as a loud scream, distorted by the funnel and followed by more coughed up water, clearly indicated that he was awake.

"Ah, there! You're back again. Passed me out amidst the session, Trevor. Disappointing, but I don't blame you. You'll learn with time. For now, you'll stay here for a few more hours before my rat servant comes and puts you back in your box, Trevor. You remember him from yesterday, yes? For now, I have to arrange a few things for your sex date. As I said, I can't have you die without having properly fucked at least once. Well---exactly once in your case, after that you'll not need your weiner anymore, haha. Have a good day, I'll see you tomorrow, Trevor."

The young wolf acknowledged with moans and whimpers of discomfort and pain, and some more coughed up water. He'll be in for a few hellish hours before my rat puts him back, and I can't wait to watch the footage later. I love my hidden cameras, I never tell my Trevor's, that their suffering is kept on camera forever. That they can suffer for me again whenever I choose.

I began to plan his sex-"date" right away after I left the basement. I had a glorious idea, and while risky, it certainly would be worth it. Trevor is going to hate it, I can't wait to see his face.


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The Wolf in the Room Ch. 2

Excitedly I went down the stairs to visit my recently acquired pain wolf again. As expected, yesterdays torture ended with him passing out. His next session will be later today, but for now, I need to take care of him. Pain toy or not, he needs to eat...

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The Wolf in the Room

"Help! HELP! HEEEELP! IS SOMEONE HERE? Please, anyone, help me! HEEEEELP!" Oh, those delightful hysterical screams behind that heavy metal door in my basement. He has been there for the whole night, and likely didn't get any sleep, considering the...

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