A New Life: Delivery

Story by Volatus on SoFurry

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I stared at the box that arrived 2 hours ago at my house, yet I still couldn't bring myself to open it. Made entirely out of Aluminium, without any inscriptions or labels, that would indicate what resided inside or who sent it, it measured about 1.5 m x 1.5 m x 1.5 m [~5 foot]. The only feature of significance, aside from the lock, that gave a hint of what occupied the box were three sets of small air holes on the top of each side of the container. Unfortunately, I knew quite well about the box's content. After all, I ordered it myself just a few months ago, and judging by the enormous size of the container, that dreadfully occupied my living room now, it could only be that particular order from that dreadful night. The key, with which one could open the inlaid lock on the topside of the box arrived several weeks ago by mail. I feared and anticipated the arrival of my order for months. Though, now in my plain view, dread outweighed the joy.

When I ordered the product that occupied the box's inside, on that accursed night a few months back, I was drunk---very drunk and equally horny. When else would one order a 50.000 bucks Sex Doll, after all? Typically, those particular ones are even more expensive, and their price starts in the millions, which despite my stable financial situation, would be out of my league. Though it happened that this particular company created a new product line with less individualization and hence a much more affordable price. Not that fifty grand would be peanuts for me, but it didn't ruin me either. Though, drunk and horny, not thinking straight, I clicked the order button. The next day I woke up with a manageable hangover and less manageable regrets. I thought about refunding, but only shortly, as this company for various reasons won't accept them, but mainly due to their questionable legality. Well, who am I trying to fool? Their business is as illegal as it gets. I ordered, and with that, I was stuck with my wrongdoings and regret.

While still getting weak knees by just thinking about opening the box, I instead went to my PC and rechecked the webpage, from which I ordered this peculiar Sex Doll. I logged into my account. Status: paid; Shipping: delivered---well yes, certainly true. I couldn't stop myself from browsing the product samples listed on their webpage once more. Seeing those Sex Dolls made my cock twitch in my pants, it doesn't surprise that I lost control in my by booze weakened mental state. More precisely "Living Sex Dolls" as the product is correctly called---very illegal, equally immoral and incredibly hot. The word "Doll" might be very well replaced with "Slave". And none of these furs did this voluntarily, they are abducted, broken, conditioned, trained, and eventually sold. Now, one of those poor creatures waits inside of that box in my living room. It's so wrong, and I hated myself for it. At the same time, I did love the idea of owning a sex slave, the excitement made me almost jizz in my pants.

Shortly after I ordered my "Living Sex Doll", they sent me pictures of my product by email. In the past months, I looked at them countless times.---Yes, I could simply open the box and see my purchase live and in action, but my stomach still cramps up from nervousness. Will I think of him as a person? Will I feel pity for him? Would I want to help him? Or can I just see him as the sex slave they turned him into?---I kept browsing the pictures they had sent me. I knew them all in detail and spewed my load to most of them at least once. Most of them had been shot prior to his capture, as part of the observation to prepare the abduction.

The first photograph showed him working as a librarian. On the next, he played video games at home, with a noticeable lack of clothing. Further down the list, he masturbated his sizable cock while showering. A few more pictures belonging to the showering-adventure showed him collecting his cum in his palms, which he then mixed with his shower gel and rubbed it all into his fur---such a little perv. Later there were pictures of him in a club, he eyed some hot looking dudes but clearly never mustered up the mental strength to talk to them, since later images showed him leaving alone and sad. One of my favorite photoset accompanied him while he jerked off to BDSM porn on his PC. While that would be already hot, our little kinkster here also wore a ring-gag, a cock-ring, a collar, and nipple clamps while doing so. The series continued with him jizzing all over his face, although most ended up in his mouth, which he managed to eagerly gulp down despite the ring-gag. Though one series of pictures outshone all. With one leg, the small Mouse stood on the ground while the other rested on a chair. He pushed a medium-sized butt plug into his anus while he wore red stockings, and a pulled down pink lace pantie could be seen around his ankles. Then, he attached a vibrator egg to the base of his cock and switched it on. In the next picture, he dressed up for work, before he left for the library, with his kinky secret beneath his dapper work outfit. He looked so humiliated and embarrassed as he stepped out on the street and even more when he entered the subway, despite that he did that to himself. Unfortunately, no one seemed to have noticed his kinky adventure.

The second batch of photos could be described as a product showcase. One set showed him standing straight from every imaginable angle. Another, while he kneeled and presented himself, and so on. In none of this batch of pictures wore the Mouse anything else than the sorrow and pain in his face. To my knowledge, all "products" have to be always nude while in training. This Mouse might be a kinky pervert, but his face showed undoubtedly that he considered this endeavor as several magnitudes too extreme. He seemed to have preferred fantasy over reality. Not that it surprises me since I got a rough idea about how cruel and merciless they treat the captured furs. And the source of this knowledge was also the single reason I knew about this whole operation and its not publicly accessible web page.

Due to my job of admittedly questionable legality, I ended up learning to know an equine working in this facility as a trainer. Over time we developed an unusual friendship, and while indeed not a relationship, it still involved a good amount of sex. Eventually, he built up enough trust to reveal to me the true nature of the facility, which I supplied with equipment of various nature for several years by now---medical equipment, food, spare parts for machinery, as well as the more odd orderings of whips and other torture instruments. Nothing I'm selling to them is illegal in itself, but I knew whatever could be found behind the walls of what they called "New Life" had to be. If their operation would be legal, they'd not sought me as their supplier. I earned a reputation for not asking questions or stirring in matters that weren't mine. Characteristics that persons and operations outside of legality value quite highly. Which brings us to the reason why I'm working for them, they simply pay well.

However, when my friend revealed the true nature of "New Life" it shocked me to the bone---with a boner that almost ripped my pants. A circumstance that didn't change since, as horror and arousal still fought their battle to what my stance toward "New Life" should be. Having a box with my very own slave in it, standing in my living room, intensified my internal conflict rather than the opposite. It was so real now and not a perverted fantasy anymore. What am I doing now? This situation won't solve itself. I owned a slave now if I wanted to or not. A circumstance that I couldn't change---not too soon at least. Refunds and cancellations were not part of their ToS, and they enforced their will not by law, but by violence. They offered a single route to bail out, though. They took old "products" back by paying a hefty fee to them. Too much money to procure, after having bought the Mouse in the first place. Besides, they offered this service mainly to get rid of "products" that grew too old. As most people don't fancy a 40-year-old, or so, sex slave. In fact, most prefer them likely younger than 30. I rather not fancy knowing what they did with the slaves they took back. Especially considering that they called this service "Product Recycling". As much as I regretted having bought the Mouse in the first place, I don't think I'll ever return him---who knows what they would do to him. At least with that guilt, I didn't want to burden myself with.

Then, my procrastination continued by reading the email they had sent me after I had placed my order for the hundredth time. Besides the usual "thank you for choosing us" and "we hope you will be happy with your product" marketing blah, it contained some necessary information about the product, because when buying from their cheap product line, you don't have a lot of choices. In fact, you only get to choose your Sex Doll's gender, but even properties like age or species are not determined by you, but by "New Life". The email informed me that my "Living Sex Doll" would be a Mouse, a very appreciated choice, as Mice were cute and due to their small size quite tight. When "New Life" abducted him he just turned 22, now after two years of relentless, merciless training and conditioning, he was 24. They described him as a shy, nervous and anxious librarian prior to abduction with a distinctively kinky side to his personality, which they have proven thoroughly with the abundance of pictures they sent. Apparently, he didn't have many friends nor a particularly deep relationship with his family. An anxious loner? I guess that's the perfect material for "New Life". Further, they added some instructions; for example, to buy a cage for the product to sleep in. Lastly, the email contained general maintenance and handling advice. Don't see him as a person; remind him that he is an object; punish him regularly regardless if he deserved it or not, they advised at least twice a month; only feed him the food paste distributed by "New Life" since he can't digest anything else anymore, of course, that's something I had to buy separately from them; clean your "Living Sex Doll" at least once a week; use the slave at least twice a week; don't let them talk or orgasm, to not interfere with their conditioning; and so on. In short, they suggest treating the "Living Sex Doll" as inhumanly as possible. Quite extreme, and I'm not going to apply all of that to my Mouse. Lastly, they mentioned that the "Living Sex Doll" products were trained in being used while passive themselves, and were not capable of fitting an active role in a sexual encounter. Which made sense, I guess, since that allowed them to reduce the training to a threshold, which allowed them to sell them relatively cheap compared to their usual pricing.

Back in the living room, my hands finally reached for the key in my pocket. My hands shook slightly as I approached the box and slid the key into the lock *clck---click* and the lock sprung open. My heart skipped a beat. A mere moment and I will see the hottest turn on imaginable---my very own sex slave. On the flip side, I was equally close to see the most terrifying thing in my life---an abducted, enslaved, and broken creature. Slowly I opened the lid.

There he lay in a fetal position. The Mouse, the Living Sex Doll, my slave. He didn't look at me, instead, he stared straight ahead fixating an undefined point at the inside of the box. Neither did he move, except for the almost unnoticeable but persistent shivering. Despite his utter nudity, it can be doubted that he shivered from being cold. I eyed him up several times. What a beautiful creature---so slim, so small, so cute, so sexy. My finger brushed lightly through his fur, starting at his neck, moving down his rib cage, following the side of his lower torso, then over his thighs and finally reaching his shin and the for a mouse typical furless feet. He neither budged nor twitched at any point, he only kept shivering so slightly. My finger traced the way back to his neck, through his soft fur. Looking at him, it was difficult to not notice his huge furless genital. While this was apparent on many of the pictures "New Life" has sent, and thus known to me, seeing them live made me appreciate them so much more. For a guy his size, those balls were huge.

My cock pressed so hard at my pants that it hurt. They really sent the most exciting and sexy product I could hope for. What a beauty! My concerns had been swept away the moment I saw him. He was a person that received unbelievable injustice, but he belonged to me now, and even if I could change his fate without putting myself in danger, I'm not sure anymore if I would want to. Such a perfect Mouse, such a perfect slave---my slave. I wanted this Mouse. Until now, I wasn't aware of how happy it made me owning this person; this slave; this Sex Doll; this product. My concerns about what he used to be were swept away; I only cared to whom he belonged now---me!

However, aside from the Mouse, that did become my most prized possession already, and whom I kept scratching behind the ears, there were several other items in that box. First, a batch of the instant nutrient powder, which was necessary to feed the Mouse. After years in the facility only being supplied with this, his body apparently lost the capability to digest other kinds of food. That's at least what they claimed, and I won't put it to the test, the powder wasn't too expensive and had some nice perks. When mixed with water, it becomes a tasteless paste, which is perfectly matched to the product's needs. I, in fact, have to insert a key on their webpage when ordering that has been given to me by email to uniquely identify my Mouse, which lets "New Life" know what exact mixture they have to send. Further, I have to bi-yearly visit "New Life's" inhouse vet with my "Living Sex Doll" to check him up and calculate if changes in the nutrient mixture are necessary. Due to matching the mixture to the "products" needs and physiology, "New Life" claims that the "Living Sex Doll" produces barely any waste. Apparently, my Mouse is going to shit at most twice a month, well, we'll see if that holds true. According to the packaging, it keeps the "product" at perfect health, since it gets the exact amount of nutrients that their body needs. Though, the part that really caught my eye where the instruction about proportioning:

"One bag a day gives your Living Sex Doll a slim appearance.

Two bags a day, combined with a rigid work out routine (visit our webpage for more information and instructions), gives your Living Sex Doll a muscular appearance.

Three bags a day gives your Living Sex Doll a chubby appearance."

While I don't fancy a chubby mouse, I have to admit a little cute muscle mouse was quite alluring.

The necessity of food aside, they further added a handful of goodies. First, a huge bottle of lube, which, while very considerate from "New Life", I'm not going to use. Sorry, my little fucktoy, but you can't say no, and I'll take advantage of that. Further, they added a beginner piercing set, including the guide: "Piercing for Dummies", well, at least worth a thought, I guess. Next, a collar, which, in the email received prior to this box, advised me to keep it on the product at all times. Part of its functionality included a GPS tracker, as well as a remote-controlled electroshock function. Additionally, when I install sensors in my house, they provided a dozen of them, then I'm able to create no-access-areas for the Mouse since they would activate the shock function of the collar when he would cross them. They suggested to install them at least at any door that leads outside and on every ground-level window. Funnily they explain in the very next sentence that this was just for precaution as there are no known cases of runaway Living Sex Doll's. To continue with reassuring that their training methods were foolproof and every product has the best quality etc.

Lastly, they included the usual thank you letter, which became so common in many expensive products. They're thanking you for the trust put into them, and wish you much enjoyment with your product. Further down they mention that my "Living Sex Doll" had the name "SD184", though they suggested as well, that the product was capable of learning to listen to a different name of my choosing.

But enough for the goodies. If I don't use this guy now, my pants are going to explode. The Mouse still hasn't moved an inch or looked at me. They broke and trained him well, call me impressed. Time for my Doll to leave the box. I shoved my hand under his abdomen and then hoisted him out of the box with ease. Handling this small lightweight barely took any effort.

After putting him down onto the floor, he came to life in an instant. Letting him out of the box seemed to have triggered his conditioning to assume what they explained on their webpage as the "Idle Position". Without order to perform, they move into and hold this position indefinitely. He kneeled in front of me and kept his legs far apart to not obstruct the view of his genitals. Further, the Mouse kept his back straight, and his arms crossed behind his head. He opened his mouth wide, and let his tongue hang out as far as he could. While still not looking into my face even once, he seemed to worriedly eye up the very visible bulge in my pants. But even that was hard to catch, yet his eyeballs seemed to fixate that particular point. Taking a step back, I admired the Mouse---my very own personal "Living Sex Doll". So pretty, so cute, so broken. The inner voice that used to tell me how wrong owning a slave was has gotten almost silent---replaced by the excitement of owning and using my very own slave.

"SD184 up the table, on your back, and present your ass!" I ordered, unable to wait any longer to take my Mouse hard and rough.

He started moving momentarily toward the table directed to. But not upright on his feet like a person, but walking on all fours instead. Mind, on his hands and feet, and not his knees. Which forced his ass above his other body parts, except for his tail, of course, which he raised as well, to not obstruct the view of his anus and genital. It surprised me how agile he moved on all fours, he seemed to have had quite a bit of training. In no time, he arrived at the table, his naked feet squeaking on my hardboard floor. His balls had wobbled delicately and made me throb even harder. After the Mouse had arrived at his destination, he faced a small issue. Or rather a big one, since the table had been designed for a guy my size and not for a short, tiny Mouse. He stood up to fulfill his task, but even upright on his toes, his hands barely reached the edge of the table. Yet my Sex Doll seemed determined to not fail the given task. He used the table leg simply as a climbing pole, and while it took him some effort, he eventually pulled himself up onto my dining table. On top, he quickly lay down, with his ass close to the edge as instructed, and his legs pulled up out of the way. Then the Mouse grasped his asscheeks and pulled them far apart, with no concerns for his own dignity or comfort. His obscenely revealed asshole tried desperately to close, but his metal grip on his own asscheeks prevented that. With his task fulfilled, he once more didn't budge.

To not let him wait any longer, I stripped my pants while making my way toward my Sex Doll. Just to get that half-second quicker to him, I simply ripped my underpants from my body. Unlubed and hard like never before, I pressed my cock against his entrance. Though despite that he stretched his asshole as much as he could, and I pushed as hard as possible, our both best efforts didn't suffice, his small little mousehole was simply too tight for my length. So, to increase the force with which my cock pressed against his hole, I grabbed the Mouse's shoulders and pulled him toward me. After 20 agonizing seconds in which I did my best to increase the pressure, my cock finally popped in. Our combined effort broke the resistance of his anus finally, and my cock slipped halfway in immediately. His ass was tight as a rubber band, I never experienced anything like this. Although tight, it didn't take much effort to slide in my remaining rod and go balls-deep, after the initial resistance had been broken. Despite, that this treatment had to be incredibly painful, my Mouse didn't flinch or make any noise, not even his breathing changed. What an utterly broken creature. And what torment he had to endure, to develop such a pain tolerance, one didn't even want to imagine.

However, his tight hole massaged my cock heavenly and milked precum out of me. Slowly I pulled back. Then, without hesitation, I rammed back in. Quick thrusts in and out of his ass, that kept a metal grip around my length. But no more than 30 seconds was I capable of keeping that up. While usually lasting considerably longer, in this particular circumstance I just could not. Too pent up, facing a too hot guy, which as a final kicker, wasn't a person but a slave in my possession, made me erupt much quicker than usual. With a last mighty thrust, my length once more entered my Mouse fully, and shortly after my knot began rapidly to form inside him, while my semen flooded his inside. I doubt my cock is going to leave him as long as my knot is fully engorged. Which might last for a while. I'm up for it! And he hasn't a choice.

The sex didn't take long, but I panted hard, exhausted from the monumental load I planted in my Sex Doll. Unlike my Mouse, who seemed not to be particularly faced by any of this, and despite the discomfort, he had to be in, simply stared at the ceiling. I had to lean down and rest pantingly on my slave's body. His soft cock and balls brushed over my abdomen.

With our faces so close, I could not resist kissing him. Without a surprise, he parted his lips and let my tongue enter. Though, like during sex, he filled his role very passively. While not pulling up any resistance, he didn't take any actions to help either. That kept me not from conquering his mouth with my tongue, however. I kissed him long and passionately, exploring every inch of his mouth and lips. Eventually, after several minutes I broke the kiss and got upright again.

I needed a beer---urgently. The small issue standing between me and my beer was that Mouse inseparably connected to my cock. Still, I began to slowly step backward. Steadily my Sex Doll got pulled off the table by his anus. Until there was no more table left beneath him, and he dropped between my legs. I took in a sharp breath as he fell and his whole weight suddenly hung on my penis. Even gravity, as expected, couldn't solve our temporary conjoined situation. A bizarre scene indeed! While tugging noticeably on my cock, it stopped being painful after his initial drop. At least for me, but if my Mouse suffered from any pain, and I would be surprised if not, he still hid it well. Awkwardly I waddled to the fridge and fetched a beer. While I gulped down the beverage, the Mouse's spasming anus kept milking my cock. More and more semen flooded him, while my cold beer flooded me---so refreshing! Slowly, since a Mouse still dangled between my legs, I walked back into the living room, occasionally sipping on my beer. Looking down, my eyes inevitably met my Mouse's enormous balls, which I once more admired thoroughly. They're upside down as pretty as from any other angle. Firmly but certainly not painfully, I grabbed them with my free hand and began to massage them---so fat, so soft, so smooth, and so full.

My hand wandered down further and grabbed his flaccid cock. If my friend hasn't told me bullshit, and I have no reason to doubt his integrity, then all the products in training were never permitted to cum, or even have the slightest hint of an erection. When either occurs, they are severely punished. Only exception was if the training required it, but that's apparently never true for the cheap Dolls like him. My thumb rubbed slowly over the soft cock. In fact, the photograph that depicted the Mouse cumming into his face, that I admired earlier, had been almost certainly his last orgasm. That had been over two years ago. According to my friend, the customized expensive products they offered were so disciplined that they wouldn't get hard, even if they would receive the best blowjob in the world while not having had an orgasm for a decade. On the flip side, they would cum in an instant from their flaccid cocks, just by command and without touching, even if they had shot their load 10 times in quick succession prior to that. If my cheap version here could accomplish that? I'm doubtful. In fact, just after a few seconds of rubbing his cock, it already began twitching. I was neither surprised nor upset, it rather amazed me that he apparently was at least capable of keeping himself flaccid while not stimulated. Though now my Mouse showed a distinct reaction, aside from his rapidly stiffening penis---he audibly inhaled a deep breath and began to shake. Of course, he did, would he be still in the facility he'd be now in dire trouble. But luckily for him, this wasn't "New Life" but my home, and even though unbeknownst to him, getting a boner won't result in a punishment.

My friend told me about those punishments as well. Sensory deprivation with electroshocks for days and weeks with no break. They call it "the capsule" an oval coffin-sized containment. According to my friend, no product has ever left the facility without spending at least several weeks in the capsule during their training. I wonder how much time my Mouse has spent there? Further, he mentioned that the longest time a product has spent in a capsule had been a year. What an extraordinary cruel fate. The other common punishment they executed was additional training shifts. The regular training regime of a product encompassed 16 hours a day, but for punishment, they often increased it to 20 hours a day for weeks and months. And lastly, without a surprise, the products had to endure some smaller punishments on a daily base, like whippings, beatings, getting spit on, licking the floor clean, and whatever other cruelty the trainer could come up with.

Neither his cock nor his willpower had any means to oppose my merciless masturbation. Holding his rod now firmly in my hand and stroking him rapidly. To be frank, I'm not opposed to the thought of rubbing one out of him on occasions. His rock-hard cock got pumped for at least two minutes already and leaked precum in a steady stream, but the Mouse held back his climax admirably. But the pent up slave will break soon and have no choice but to spill his load. Increasing my pace, even more, it didn't take too much longer until the Mouse's training failed. For the first time, my Sex Doll emitted a sound, a long low moan, as his balls got drained for the first time in years. And what a load he shot! His streams of cum reached halfway through my spacious living room! My Mouse kept cumming and moaning. Even after ten seconds, he hasn't slowed down, and one rope of white fluid after the other gushed out of his cock. 20 seconds have passed and his eruption still goes strong, while his ass clenched around my cock the whole time. 30 seconds and I kept masturbating him while he still moaned and painted my floor white. 40 seconds have passed and very slowly his streams began to reach less far than the previous ones, even though he still emitted copious amounts. I still stroked and massaged his cock, he deserved his balls being properly emptied after all those years. By the 50 seconds mark, he noticeably slowed down, though he still pumped out stable amounts of white. It took more than 60 seconds before his mind-shattering orgasm finally came to an end. I milked out the last few drops before I let go of his cock. My goal wasn't to provide discomfort by stroking his now hypersensitive cock. My Mouse shook and panted heavily, though presumably now due to exhaustion and less by fear. This monumental orgasm had to be the greatest thing he has ever experienced! Judging by the length of his orgasm and the amounts of semen, the Mouse had to get rid of, he very much needed that.

What happened next came as a surprise. "T-thank y-you..." said a Mouse almost inaudibly, who judging by his raspy voice and what I knew of the facility, hasn't spoken in years. Would he still be at "New Life", he'd earned right here a few more weeks in "the capsule". In my house, though, he won't get in trouble for that. I like my cute Sex Doll Mouse way too much already to punish him, even though that's nothing I'm going to tell him.

"You needed that? Didn't you?" I once more massaged the balls of the still upside down Mouse. Just lightly to not overstimulate his, from the orgasm sensitive, genital. "I tell you what SD184, if you keep being the best and cutest Sex Doll around, this wasn't the last time I emptied your balls!"

While last sip of beer found its way into my bowels, I heard in exact that moment a loud *thud*. At the same time, my member was greeted by cold air and a welcome loss of weight. My knot finally had shrunk to a level that allowed gravity to do its job, and my Mouse simply slid down from my cock. When I looked down, my slave had already assumed his idle position. But this time, it seemed the kneeling Mouse tried to spread his legs extra wide, had his back particularly straight, and tried to open his mouth wider than ever while his tongue hung out so far that it had to hurt him. He really seemed to have appreciated that orgasm. Such a cutie. As sorry as I feel for him, for what he had to endure, I'm so happy that he found his way here into my home. Even though I owned him for only a few hours, he was already irreplaceable.

Looking through my living room, I admired the mess the Mouse made. A massive splotch of cum, as well as several smaller puddles, were scattered through the room. "You made quite the mess SD184---lick it up!" The Sex Doll didn't hesitate for a moment to get to his demeaning task. Despite my earlier climax, my cock rose once more by seeing such obedience and self-degradation. Nonetheless, I put back on my clothes. Clothing---if the Mouse missed wearing them? Probably, but he won't ever wear some again, he used to be nude since his abduction, and that won't change---ugh---I have to stop thinking those things, or I'm going to make a mess in my pants.

Awkwardly the Mouse once again walked on his hands and feet with his ass raised high, presenting his privates obscenely. Was he ashamed to show himself that way, or did he lose even the slightest inkling of dignity long ago? Now a creature that only tries to avoid punishment? Eagerly he slurped up the copious amounts of semen he sprayed all over my living room. My cum leaked out of his ass, ran down his drained balls, before it then dripped onto the floor, and later ended up in his stomach too. The Mouse thoroughly licked the floor clean, quickly and efficiently he moved from one puddle to the next, while not missing a single drop. What a show!

All too soon, he finished his demeaning task and once more assumed the idle position. As much as it itched me to go for a second round, playtime had to be over, unlike my Sex Doll here, I had other things to tend to. The instructional email also mentioned, that to "turn off" the product you can just order the Sex Doll to sleep. They are apparently trained to fall asleep immediately by that order. Let's put it to the test!

"SD184, sleep!"

Again without the slightest moment of hesitation, my Mouse lay down onto the floor in a fetal position and closed his eyes. Not more than 10 seconds passed before his breathing perceptibly slowed down, indicating that he fell asleep already. Quite impressive, but I should have indicated to him beforehand that he should have moved to his cage first, that I had placed in my bedroom. Whatever, he might as well sleep on the living room floor for now, if it comes to comfortability, they are the same anyway.

After fetching the collar from the box, I wrapped it around the neck of my deeply sleeping Mouse. The next hour I spent fiddling with the sensors and installing them at any place that leads outside. As unlikely as it seemed that my Sex Doll would try to escape, I'm not willing to take that risk. Later I visited their website to educate myself a bit about the "muscular type", they mentioned on their food packaging, because the more I think about it, a little muscle Mouse seems quite appealing to me...

The Wolf in the Room Ch. 3

The evening has finally come, and I went down the stairs, excited to finally get some more playtime with my pain-toy. Quickly I shed my clothing, put on my apron, lit a new cigar, and opened the door to the torture room in my basement. Indeed, it had...

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I barely had time to take a breath when the horse cock left my throat, as only mere seconds passed before he rammed it in again. Then he rested his cock for several seconds in my throat, which involuntarily spasmed and thus massaged his length. All the...

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The Wolf in the Room Ch. 2

Excitedly I went down the stairs to visit my recently acquired pain wolf again. As expected, yesterdays torture ended with him passing out. His next session will be later today, but for now, I need to take care of him. Pain toy or not, he needs to eat...

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