A Little More Fun At Night

Story by Scian on SoFurry

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A Little More Fun At Night by Nightcatcher Blackwolf "A WHAT?" The loud tone of Katherine's voice caused people to look over and stare. She glared around, and the patrons of the small restaurant returned to their meals, casting odd glances towards Katherine's booth. She looked back to Adrian, where he sat, staring down at the table refusing to meet her eyes. She repeated herself, this time in a much lower voice. "A what?" Why me? Why do I always have to like the weird ones? Katherine thought. She stared at him, but he still stubbornly refused to bring his head up to meet her gaze. Katherine was new to the small town of Laurel, Maryland. An ambitious seventeen year old, she was aiming to follow in her mother's footsteps and become a lawyer. Her first day at her new school had not been a good one; her teachers were much more rough on her than she was used to. She had arrived late for her second period class, having been lost in the unfamiliar hallways. When she rushed breathless into the room, the whole class stopped. The teacher, an elderly man with a look about him that suggested backtalk was not something he tolerated, looked to her from where he was at the black board, writing up algebraic expressions. He fixed her with a steely gaze. "Well, Mrs. O'Connell..." He drawled, a most unpleasant slur. "Why don't you tell us how to solve this equation?" He rapidly chalked up an equation on the board. Snickers and titterings flew behind her back as she watched him draw out a complex mathematical formula. Her cheeks got red as she studied the board carefully, the snickers getting louder as the students saw the effect on her fair complexion. The silence, growing powerful, was abruptly shattered. "X-1." Both the teacher and Katherine jumped. All eyes turned to the back of the room to the young man who had spoken. Katherine had noticed him immediately upon entering. Handsome, she thought. His brown, shoulder-length hair was trimmed neatly, but still managed, somehow, to look... wild. He was dressed all in black, and had a small crystal hanging from a rope around his neck. He was leaning forward, his hands clasped before him, his eyes squinted, even though he wore brown-rimmed glasses. The teacher sighed, deprived of his excuse to make the late arrival feel uncomfortable. "Mr. Spokane, please refrain from calling out your answers. You'll deprive others of their chance to learn for themselves. Mrs. O'Connell, please take your seat." He waved her to a seat, right next to the kid who'd spoken up. He erased the board and resumed his lecture where he left off. The young man leaned over to Katherine and whispered. "Don't mind him... he's being rough on you because it's your first day. He just views you as fresh meat. Give him a while, he'll ease off. My name's Adrian." She smiled, running a hair through her long black hair. "Katherine... the new kid in town." Adrian grinned at her, his hazel eyes sparking. "5609 Light's End Road." Her eyes must have shown her shock, for she controlled her other reactions. "How'd you know?" "I read your files in the database. You should see some of the comments in there..." He grinned and winked, watching the shock intensify. He tapped into the databases?! She carefully relaxed, then grinned. "I'm sure you can..." "... tell us all about it, Mr. Spokane." The teacher was sitting at his desk, regarding them over the rims of his glasses. The entire class was back to snickering, watching them. Katherine felt herself coloring, and saw the red rush into Adrian's face too. "Yes, I'm sure I can. However.... " And at that precise moment, the bell rang. The entire class let out long-suppressed laughs and exited the room quickly. The teacher tried to catch Adrian behind, but by that time, Adrian was already in the midst of the crowd exiting, dragging Katherine along with him. During lunch, they'd talked, and gotten to know each other. He was a lonely kid, apparently. His abilities at such things as tapping into the computer databases had set him apart from the other teenagers. She smiled, knowing herself what that kind of unknowing prejudice was like; "Lawyers", they'd say, and shy away from her. She felt sorry for him, that his skills should make him lonely, and he DID speak up to help her.... And besides... he was handsome... So, she asked him out. After many blustering protests, he'd given in and accepted, which led them to the T.G.I.Fridays nearby, where she now sat, staring at him as he sipped a peppermint milkshake. "I said... I'm a werewolf." He repeated flatly, still not daring to meet her gaze. "You probably think I'm insane." "Well... not insane... but... a werewolf? I mean, really..." She sighed. "It is a bit... well... unbelievable." He shook his head. "Not to me it's not. It's all I really have... My parents..." He trailed off and looked up at her. "I'm sorry... you must think I'm really nuts. I just... I don't know... I felt some kind of pull towards you.... I'm sorry." And with that, he got up and ran out, eliciting more stares from the patrons. She stared after him for a few minutes. A waiter came up, and asked if she needed anything. She shook her head, watching as he walked around the glass windows at the front of the building. He seemed to be angry as he turned the corner and disappeared from view. I bet he really believes he's a werewolf.... Lonely as he is... The next day in school was not nearly as rough. As Adrian had promised, the teacher had eased up, and now seemed to treat her much as any other member of the class.... But Adrian himself wasn't there. She knew he was at school; she had seen him in the hallways, and tried to catch him, but he evaded her with the same smooth ease he had used on the teacher. The class was over rather quickly, but on her way out, Katherine was tugged gently aside by the teacher. "Do you have any idea why Adrian wasn't here today?" The man actually looked concerned. "I... have an idea, yes... but I'd rather not say." The teacher sighed. "I've known Adrian for three years now... this is the first time he's ever pulled anything like this. I can look away this time, seeing as how it's the first time, but after this, I'll have to report him. Tell him that, will you?" Katherine nodded, and the teacher let her go. That night, Katherine had an idea. She rolled her chair over to her computer and cracked her knuckles, dialing into the Internet quickly. She pulled up their school site, remembering that he'd written it up.... And sure enough, near the bottom, his name was in the credits. She clicked on his name, and a small screen with a picture of him and his phone number and email address popped up. She copied down his phone number and disconnected, having only one line. She dialed him up. "Hello?" "Just my luck, it's his mother... "Hi, is Adrian there?" "No, he's still at school, said something about needing to talk to a teacher... Shall I tell him you called?" "No, that's all right, I'll just catch him at school tomorrow. Thanks." She hung up, a slow grin spreading across her face. He was avoiding her now, making up the classes he took with her at night, after school. Well, time to put an end to that. She reconnected to the net, and looked up the "Online Yellow Pages", and put in "Spokane, 301-776-0239, Maryland", and hit "Go". Within about two minutes, she had his street address. Who needs the database? She thought smugly as she copied it down. Now... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adrian completed his work quickly and handed it to his teacher, who regarded him over the rims of his glasses. "It's the girl, isn't it? O'Connell?" Adrian nodded with a sigh. "I don't know why... I feel pulled to her somehow." "Then why avoid her?" "Well... I... kind of told her... about my secret..." The teacher simply regarded him quietly a moment, then sighed. "That attached, huh?" Adrian nodded again. "Well... I hope you can trust her. You'd best get on home now, your mom'll tear a hole in my hide if you stay too late again." Adrian turned to walk out, but as he reached the door, the teacher called his name. He turned back and looked at him. "Just... don't be afraid to open up to her... and let her care." Adrian sighed, and without responding, walks out. The teacher sighed, and looked back down to his book, muttering to himself. "Kid's gonna have a hell of a time... Hope he figures out what to do." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adrian walked slowly home, his mind working on what he should do. Call her? He could just imagine how that would go. "Hi... it's Adrian." "Oh." A spurt of suppressed laughter. "The werewolf. Right." Adrian shook his head, dispelling that image. He couldn't handle the scorn he could imagine in her voice. What else could he do? Just start going back to classes, and watch her giggle with her friends over "the poor boy who thinks he's a wolf"? That would be just as bad. He walked down the forest path towards his house, his eyes on his feet, lost in his thoughts. He suddenly had the sense that someone was following him, and turned to look. His eyes couldn't distinguish anything, but it was already dark, and his vision was limited. He ran a hand through his hair, and shook his head. My imagination. Not like I could do much if it WAS following me... He turned and continued walking, the feeling soon fading from his mind as he pondered his problem. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Katherine got up from the bushes, where she'd had to hide when he turned. She could imagine his reaction if he saw her. "What are you doing here?" She restrained a giggle at the thought, then smiled at the irony. What AM I doing here? Chasing after werewolves. Geez. She got up and resumed stealthily following him. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adrian took the stairs up to his front door with an easy quick jump, and walked up to his door, jiggling the handle. Locked. His mother had already gone to sleep. He bent over and picked up the small flowerpot, retrieving the key from under it, and let himself in. He replaced the key and locked the door, shutting it quietly. He turned and took the stairs up to his attic room two at a time. Shutting the door behind him, he tossed his book bag in the corner, stretching... Goddamn algebra... He took off his shirt, which followed the book bag over into the corner. He slipped into his bed tiredly, not even bothering to take his pants off, and flipped the light off. He lay back against the pillow, and closed his eyes.... And immediately opened them again. What was that? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Katherine watched as Adrian retrieved the key from under the flowerpot and let himself in... She watched the attic window, remembering that he said he slept there. She watched him peel off his shirt, the light from his lamp illuminating his smooth chest. Goddamn... how can he possibly be so lonely, his looks alone should have made him popular... She watched him slip into his bed, and finally, the lights went out. She crept up the stairs, carefully retrieving the key from beneath the pot and letting herself in. She replaced the key and closed the door. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adrian listened as stealthy footsteps made their way up his steps. He pretended to be asleep, keeping his eyes open JUST enough to see through. The door opened... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Katherine cautiously opened the door, making sure he wasn't still awake. No, he was asleep, his chest rising and falling peacefully. She stepped in all the way and closed the door, moving over quietly to his side and looking down at him. He is hot... She giggles, then immediately clapped a hand over her mouth, looking down, making sure he hadn't woken. He hadn't, which reassured her. I suppose I should wake him up... Adrian's mind was whirling. Katherine, here? What could she want? Unless... Hope flew through his mind quickly. He quelled it, not daring to get his hopes up. He watched her smile down at him for a moment, then slowly, as if having a good dream... Which I probably am... let a smile pass across his face. Katherine saw him smile, and smiled herself. He deserves to be happy... I wonder... She let her eyes stray down to his crotch, but she couldn't pick anything out through his pants and the blanket on top of him. She carefully began to pull back the blanket. He chuckled, and she jumped... then realized he was just snoring. Well, small flaws can be tolerated. She pulled down the blanket, looking at his groin as she did... Must be a VERY happy dream. Considering his pants were tented due to the erection within. She reached down to put a hand on his crotch... and jumped nearly out of her skin as he grabbed her arm, chuckling quietly. She bit back a scream. "Aww, shit." She turned bright red as he grinned at her "You didn't really expect that I wouldn't wake up, now did you?" He chuckled, grinning wildly. "Well... I... hell, I don't know." The look on her face told Adrian that she had had no plan on what to do beyond appearing here and startling him. He laughed. My, how the tables have turned. "Well, what did you intend to do next?" She caught the sparkle of wicked amusement in his eyes, and turned even more red, as if the very thought of what she wanted to do were evil. She could feel her cheeks burning, but could do nothing about it as he watched her and waited. She looked up, and saw the sparkle still in his eyes, and suddenly grinned. No way am I letting him off that easy... "Oh, I don't know... something like... this!" She grabbed his pants and yanked downwards, making them fall off. He turned red as he was exposed - the underwear having come off with his pants - to her critical gaze. "Hmm. Not too bad." He regained his composure quickly. "Well, are you going to do anything, or just stand there?" She waved at his erect cock. "From the look of that, I don't NEED to do anything else!" He mock growled at her, then stopped and turned away. Her face fell, and she looked at him. "What's wrong?" He turned back to look at her. "I told you what I was, and still you came after me." She turned red, and looked at the floor. "Didn't you?" She looked up at him. "Well... I didn't precisely believe you... but it doesn't matter. I like you, Adrian, fantasies and all." He sighed and sat down on the bed. "It's not a fantasy. I'm a real werewolf." "Then change." He looked up at her in shock. "What?" "I said, then change. Why not?" He hesitated. "You wont run?" Katherine bit her lip. "I.... Will you still be in control of yourself?" He nodded. "Then I wont run." He looked at her for a minute, then sighed, and nodded. Katherine tapped her foot. "Well?" "Gimme a minute, it's not easy." He closed his eyes. Katherine waited, absolutely sure that this was just some silly fantasy that he wanted to act out. Of course, I wouldn't mind letting him act it out... what the hell? Before her eyes, Adrian had grown almost a foot in height. Dark brown fur sprung from his skin, coating his arms in thick waves. His entire head seemed to distort, as a canine muzzle grew from his face, and his ears slid up to the top of his head, becoming furry and pointed. A tail, the same dark brown color as the rest of him, sprung from his backside. His penis withdrew into his legs, to be replaced by a furry canine sheath. As he opened his eyes, she could see them glow eerily. He stood up, now towering over her, and offered a clawed hand. Katherine had to gather her jaw up. She could not have run, even had she wanted to. Fear and curiosity about him, and her care for him warred within her for several moments. Adrian, seeing this, simply waited, his hand outstretched. Her care and curiosity held out. She took his hand, and he smiled. "Thank you, Katherine." A tear trailed down the fur of his cheek. "I was so afraid you'd run..." "No... I told you I wouldn't, remember? But... how?" "Well... one night, I was walking through the park... and I felt someone following me. I looked around, but didn't see anyone. Much like I didn't see you, tonight." She turned red and opened her mouth to protest, but he hushed her and continued. "I had come to the bend in the path... you know, where the trees hide the view both ways. I felt something grab me and haul me to the side. When I got a good look at it... it was like you see me now, only completely black. He looked at me oddly. I tried to scramble up and get away, but he knocked me down. He bit me once, hard, on the neck... I still have the marks there, beneath the fur... and ran off. A few nights later, I was lying alone in bed, and all of a sudden, BOOM, it happened. I figured out, when my mom started coming up the stairs, that I could control it by will. I've hidden the powers as much as possible since then." He finished his tale and looked to her, waiting. "I... see... Well..." She ran her fingers through the mane that had formed from his hair... He had started crying, and she smiled at him. "It's all right. I still care for you." He sniffled and shook his head. "I'm simply a monster..." She leaned over and kissed him on the snout. "Do I have to SHOW you I care for you?" She eyed him carefully. He blinked. "Show me? How?" "Well.... " She reached down a hand to his sheath, rubbing it. He stiffened, then relaxed, smiling as she stroked. "As I said. I'll show you." She kneeled down, her face closer to his cock, which was starting to come out of his sheath as she rubbed. She looked up at him, then took his growing organ into her mouth. He groaned as she warmed to her task, running her tongue along his head and down under it, moving in smooth motions and teasing his balls with her hands. She could feel his organ growing stiff, and finally pulled it out of her mouth. Oh... my... Adrian's cock, now fully erect, was over 11 inches long. The person who had taken her virginity thought he was big at 8 inches, but compared to Adrian.... He looked down at her. "Why'd you stop?" She grinned up at him. "To change positions. Lie down." Surprised by her aggressiveness, he did as told. She stripped herself, tossing her clothes in a rumpled heap on the floor, and got on top of him, straddling him. She lowered herself onto him slowly, as he squinched his eyes shut and moaned. Ooooooh... She shuddered as she felt 9 inches of prime-cut werewolf meat slide into her opening. She stopped there, and pulled halfway off, sliding down again, this time going all the way to his knot. His WHAT? There was a large swelling at the base of his organ, as wide around as a tennis ball. As she hesitated, looking at it apprehensively, he thrust up, into her, causing them both to moan. She fell on her side, and Adrian's instinct took over. He levered himself up on top of her, and began thrusting slowly in and out, working up the pace. Katherine moaned and cried out, filled to the brim with the sensations caused by the beast's huge member inside her. He grabbed her and crushed her to him, thrusting madly into her. Through the sensations, she was dimly aware of his knot pressing against the outside of her opening, straining to enter. Adrian thrust madly into her, his wolfish instincts kicking in. She was his mate, and doing a damn good job of it, too. She hunched against him, then cried out as he rotated her into the "doggy style" position while he was still inside her. His thrusts matched hers, then grew somewhat erratic as she neared her orgasmic peak, crying out. She pushed hard against him at the same one of his thrusts brought him into her. With an odd *thunk*, his knot popped into her. Katherine felt afire with the sensation. The HUGE knot had just penetrated her, leaving her aching as her vagina lips grasped hold of the small section of cock behind the knot. Adrian still thrust wildly, not able to get much friction. His pattern changed to short quick thrusts, and she felt the second orgasm washing over her as she called out his name. Adrian gripped her to him by the breasts, and lowered his head to grasp her neck in his jaws. It wasn't a hard bite, or wouldn't have been to a werewolf; as it was, the pain of the bite only added to the increasing orgasm in Katherine. Adrian's cock-knot pulled at her insides with each quick thrust, but would not come out. She felt him tense, and knew he would release soon. Adrian thrust wildly away, not realizing that his love bite had drawn blood. He could feel himself coming up into the peak facilitated by Katherine's hot insides. His orgasm hit hard, making him deliver a full-throated howl as his seed washed at her insides, coming out in wave after wave of hot semen. He continued thrusting for another full minute, before he slowed, and collapsed next to her on the bed, pulling her with him. Katherine could not believe the sensation caused by the flowing stream of werewolf cum coating her insides. She felt him gradually slow, and pull to the side, dragging her with him. That was the most intense ride she had ever had. She felt... filled, and satisfied. But... he was still inside her, locked to her by the knot. She looked up at him, squirming a little, then rotated to face him, rewarded in her efforts by a groan and another spurt of hot werewolf cum. "What... the hell... is that thing...?" She panted, referring to the knot. He shook his head. "I don't ...know. This is my ....first time." THAT made her eyebrows go up. "I think... we're stuck." She pulled at the tie, which didn't give. This got another groan from Adrian, who was quite empty. "Well, THAT'S helpful to know..." Adrian chuckled down at her. "It's a good thing my room is soundproofed..." She grinned back, then felt a twinge. She moved her hand to the back of her neck, which was slightly wet with blood. "Adrian... you bit my neck." "I did? I just did what felt natural... are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine... Just a bit startled." "That's what you get for sneaking into my room to seduce a werewolf!" He grinned at her, and she snorted at his mischievous humor, rubbing her neck. "I suppose so! But, Adrian..." She kissed him. "I'm happy with you as you are, in the other form and in this one." Tears sparkled in his eyes as he smiled. "Thank you, Katherine. You have no idea how much it means to me..." She sighed. "No, I suppose I don't." Then she looked up at him, her eyes wide, and a slow smile spread across her face. "But I will soon! You bit me!" He looked puzzled. "So? I already apol..... oh. OH." Realization crossed his face. "Oh no... I'm so sorry..." She blinked, and gazed at him. "What's to be sorry for? You can teach me how to control it, and we'll live just as other humans do, only..." She grinned. "... with a little more fun at night." His jaw dropped, then he hugged her to him. In moments, they were fast asleep, werewolf and human locked together by the embraces of both their kinds. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, this is my first story.... A friend, seeing how interested I was in such things, suggested I write one, so... here it is! Hope you enjoy! You can contact me at [email protected] Comments, suggestions, requests, all responses welcome. ;)