Dragon's New Toy - Chapter 2

I flipped the light on as I stumbled into the room, still bleary-eyed from my sleep. The fox seemed to have finally fallen asleep too. The piss-tube was full, but it wasn't currently flowing; evidently the fox had been well-trained not to wet the bed...

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Dragon's New Toy - Chapter 1

The fox jerked awake, his sudden change in breathing one of the only signs. I watched as his fingers, curled around an iron bar, flexed and attempted to move first, only to find themselves held fast by the strange half-metal half-wireframe gauntlet I...

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Thornpaw's Dream

Thornpaw's Dream by Nightcatcher Blackwolf Thornpaw wandered aimlessly among the huge oaks... His wolf senses failed him, left him lost and directionless in the midst of a deep, fogshrouded forest. How he got here, he couldn't remember; he remembered...

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Summerwind's Journey, Part 1

Summerwind's Journey, Part 1 by Nightcatcher Blackwolf The sky was dark blue... and yet, it seemed wrong. The blue was... too blue, too real. There were no stars, but the moon was there, shining steadily, almost fiercly, with a burning white light that...


Nighttime Visions...

Nighttime Visions... by Nightcatcher Blackwolf Thornpaw awoke, his heart pounding as he lay staring into the depths of the starry night. The same dream that had haunted him for the past week now prevented him from sleeping at all. He carefully uncurled...

First Fatality And Funeral

First Fatality and Funeral by Nightcatcher Blackwolf BOOM BOOM BOOM! Echoed the iron-clad giant's footsteps through the clearing. Thornpaw looked up from where he had been thrown against a tree, battered and bloodied. Through the haze, he saw the giant...

...And Something Else Besides

...And Something Else Besides by Nightcatcher Blackwolf Thornpaw, the black-furred alpha of the Blazewood pack in Northern Vermont, paused a moment at a fork in the trail he traversed to let his companion catch up with him. "You ok back there?" An...

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Pride And Prejudice...

Pride and Prejudice... The black-furred wolf screeched to a halt in a clearing, sniffing the air. He'd been after the cheetah for well over an hour now, and the sun was getting low in the sky. He sat a moment, his well-muscled chest heaving as he...

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Fang's Decision

Fang's Decision by Nightcatcher Blackwolf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, let's recap. I was sent into a rival pack's territory with an injunction from the elders of my...

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Fang's Revenge

Fang's Revenge by Nightcatcher Blackwolf ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...And so he left me there. Bound, my thickness under constant assault by the machine, knowing that in the morning it would be...

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The Breaking Of A Fang

The Breaking Of A Fang (as told by himself) by Nightcatcher Blackwolf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The mission was a simple one. I was supposed to make a brief foray into...

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Breaking The Curse

Breaking The Curse by Nightcatcher Blackwolf They stood on the outskirts of Dansilia, the broken lands west of the Shilt river. It was noon, and the sun beat down on the arid, dry rock of the dead plains without mercy. No living thing would dare call...
