After Hours Activity

Story by Spicy4k on SoFurry

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#4 of Fiverr Commissions

Two owls in heat can't wait to get finish their workdays. Once they're both clocked out, the real action begins.

Another great commission from Fiverr. These are the same characters from my previous submission, "Their First Time." Had a ton of fun working with these two characters again. Enjoy!

After Hours Activity

By Spicy4k

Surrounded by clocks, watches, and all sorts of timekeeping instruments, it was hard for Lou to escape the feeling of every minute going by painfully slow. He picked up his phone, seeing a new message from Morale.

"How's it going babe?"

Funny of her to text in the middle of the day. She was usually the more occupied of the two during work hours.

"Quiet day here. Work going well?" Lou quickly tapped out the response and slid the phone back onto the table, only for it to light up again seconds later. Another message from his owl, this time with a picture.

"Could be better if you were here. Feeling a little needy."

The picture attached was nothing more than Morale's fully exposed cream-colored breasts. From the background, it looked like she had taken it in a bathroom stall. Surprised in a pleasant way, Lou saved the photo.

"Dirty girl. Lou couldn't help but get aroused himself as he typed out the response. Just thinking about his girlfriend sneaking away from her post just to send him nude photos... it made him think about doing the same. It's not like he was expecting anybody coming into the shop that afternoon anyway.

Standing up from his desk, Lou unzipped his fly and swiped open the camera.


Morale's day started in the shadow of yet another buzzkill. She thought she was so close to getting her boyfriend to screw her in the middle of the work week the evening before, but only two minutes into making out in their shared bed after dinner, she realized her love making partner wasn't closing his eyes as part of the kiss.

Morale was well into her usual monthly heat, but Lou wasn't getting the message. She tried all her usual tricks to get him into bed sooner: Complimenting his figure, ordering in food instead of cooking, even not-so-subtly grinding against Lou's waist when it felt convenient. They had both gotten into the habit of weekend sex after their first foray months ago, but lately, her body had stopped caring for her calendar; Her impulses demanded she get laid daily. She didn't know how Lou would take the proposition, but with so much pent up sexual need, she was ready to take some risks, even at work if it meant quenching her body's thirst.

As soon as she wrapped up her conversation with the other clerks and secretaries before the lunch hour, she excused herself to the restroom. Inside the chique black tiled washroom of the accounting firm, the female owl hastily removed her bright orange dress and bra, letting her lobes spill out into the closed stall. Framing the photo to only show her tits and a slight grin forming from her beak, Morale struggled to press send, even though it was going to her most trusted friend.

If he's not in the mood, we'll just laugh it off after work, she thought to herself, and finally worked up the courage to fire off her first message asking how his day was going. He responded quickly thankfully with the usual "Quiet day" Lou response, and before she could convince herself otherwise, she sent the explicit photograph along with her suggestive message.

Great, now back to work.

Slipping back on her bra and colorful dress, Morale headed back for the front desk, where she sat most of the day as the first face business partners and professional guests encountered on their way up into the firm. Almost the second she sat back down in her desk, she received another message from Lou.

"Dirty girl..." Along with the message was a photograph that made Morale readjust her sitting position: A point-of-view shot of Lou's respectable semi-erect piece of equipment hanging out of his pants, his tools and workstation in the background. "Need me to take care of your heat after work?"

"Yes, please..." Morale responded quickly. She could feel herself getting warm and sensitive, her hormones easily triggered by even the most mild and distant suggestion of intimacy. She felt self-conscious getting so hot and bothered in her company's lobby, but couldn't help herself. She needed to respond with something, something that would get him hard.


The amber-eyed owl eyed his notifications curiously, glancing down at the cock in his wing every once and awhile, giving it a gentle stroke just to keep it at attention. If that was all she could manage at the moment, he'd have to get back to focusing on work, but based on how he had seen her acting the past few days at home, Lou felt that his creamy owl was ready to go the distance even during the workday. He waited for her response, the ticking timers around him punctuating every passing second.

C'mon Morey, show me how bad you want this.

He got a slight thrill from having length exposed in a semi-public place, even if the actual risk was low. An even greater thrill came from how he imagined Morale was going to get him another photograph. He'd seen what she was wearing to work that morning, and that orange dress, while beautiful with Morale's coloring, wasn't easy to remove if someone like him wanted easy access. He thought about how he would go about removing it that evening, and all that came after, until his phone lit up again with a message. He opened it quickly with one hand, his other hand at the ready.

"Yes, please. I need you to make a mess of this."

Attached was a very exciting photograph for Lou: A closeup underskirt shot of Morale spreading her vaginal lips, which by the light from the flash reflecting off of them, Lou could tell were quite moist already. It was more than enough to get Lou fully erect and producing a little moisture himself. He was surprised to be doing this in the middle of the week, but now that he was well into the swing of things, found it thrilling. He wanted more.

"You've got me so hard baby, you still at your desk?"


Leaning far back into her chair, her legs off the ground and dress bunched up, Morale quickly pulled the phone out from under her skirt, letting her wet panties slip back into place for the time being, and sent the message to Lou. She could feel adrenaline from the thought of someone catching her and being disciplined for acting like such a horny slut in a professional environment. She read Lou's response. Jackpot. Slipping her feathered fingers back beneath her skirt, she rubbed her labia while typing out her next message.

"Hey, Morale!" A familiar voice from lunch sounded behind her desk. Morale jumped as she was caught off guard by the grey snowy owl's approach, whipping her wing out from underneath herself in a very suspicious fashion. "Oh shoot, I'm so sorry if I scared you."

"It's okay! Just adjusting my stuff down there. It can just get a little uncomfortable after sitting most of the day," Morale lied. It was as good of a story she could come up with without sounding unnatural. Thank goodness the female bird could possibly relate.

"Yeah, uh, I totally understand," the brighter owl staggered. Well, she tried. "You're still down to do dinner at your place sometime soon right? I would love to get to see your new space."

Morale remembered she mentioned during lunch she'd be happy to show their new home to a few of the other secretaries, but didn't think anything more of it than small talk. Vice apparently took it as a real offer, and Morale wasn't exactly in the position to say no.

"Sure! How about you text me and we'll setup a time? I'm actually about to hop on a meeting here." Morale pointed to her laptop, trying to come off as authentic.

"Oh sure! I'll let you know what works for me." Vice said, turning and strutting away in her boots and heels. Morale let out a sigh of relief. Before anyone else could accost her, she called in another secretary to take her place, and headed back to the restroom to continue her conversation with Lou.


The grey and amber-eyed bird thrusted the key into the lock to their front door with more courage and excitement than he'd felt in weeks. His owl was apparently already home and their favorite takeout had already been ordered. She had also been stroking his ego essentially all afternoon. Soon he'd be getting her to stroke something else.

"Plenty of space on this desk for you to lay me out and fuck me. I'm sure the firm's visitors would understand once they got a good look at you," Lou had their explicit conversation in his head on repeat. "You should come stop by sometime. I would check you in, assign you a badge, and then let you drain those hefty balls of yours all over me in the bathroom."

He tossed his overcoat on a nearby armchair. Usually he'd let Morale undress him, but tonight he felt a shared sense of urgency between the two. Their business couldn't wait for pleasantries.

Throwing open the door to their modest bedroom, Lou found his owl laying sideways on their nest completely naked already.

"How was work sweetheart?" Morale cooed seductively, caressing the sheets in front of her invitingly. Lou started to get fully undressed in front of her.

"Boring and lonely," Lou mumbled in his low, bassey voice. "Maybe you can make up for it."

Slipping out of his heavy corduroys and boxers and walked over to the side of the bed while he worked on unbuttoning his undershirt. His length and sack dangled like a bushel of ripe produce in front of Morale.

"I'd be more than happy to help," Morale said, scooting closer to the delicious-looking fruits. She quickly took Lou's cock into her expecting beak, delicately tonguing the underside of the rod. She could taste a hint of salty pre all along his shaft, as if he had been edging all afternoon. She reached out to massage his testicles, and looked up to meet his burning orange eyes glaring right back as he towered over her.

"Good girl, Morey. This heat must really be taking its toll on you," Lou spoke. Morale closed her eyes and nodded. She felt Lou wrap both wings around her head, and all at once, he thrust into her gullet, shoving his length down her throat. Morale's nethers burned for attention, as if they were jealous of beak for getting fucked first. After several seconds, Lou pulled back, letting his entire shaft out, which was covered in Morale's saliva.

Morale coughed and felt tears on the corners of her eyes from such a deep invasion of her throat, but she wasn't going to let them slow her down.

"I'm fine," Morale said, waving off any caution Lou might have brought to the situation.

"Are you sure?" Lou said, dropping his bedroom tone for just a moment. Morale knew deep down he was still quite a mushy emotional bird, especially when it came to her.

"I'm sure," Morale said, reaching out to stroke Lou's length. "I'm feeling great baby, I just really need this inside me."

"If that's what you want," Lou said, changing his tone back. "Get on your hands and knees like a good girl, and get your ass over here."

Morale obeyed at once, grinding her backside into Lou, almost pleading with him to take over.

"Please baby," she begged. "I need my big strong Lou to take me."

Lou didn't need anymore words of encouragement. Grabbing both her sides, Lou wasted no time thrusting his cock inside of Morale's soppy vagina with drive and vigor. Morale gasped, pinching the sheets between her wings beneath her.

Lou groaned in satisfaction as he quickly bottomed-out inside his beautiful bird. He quickly got to fucking her with a combination of pulling her back, and pushing himself further into her, creating a symphony of sloppy slaps underlying Morale's own solo of pleasured moans.

The two continued copulating, forgetting romance for the time being and simply indulging in their deeper primal desires. Unsatisfied with just doing her doggy-style, as he was sure she was too, Lou flipped her love onto her back and climbed up onto the bed to join her. He cupped his wings around Morale's so-far neglected breasts and spread her legs wide as he resumed fucking her.

"Oh, Lou..." was all Morale could manage while the larger male did what males do all across her body. Although she missed their romance, she loved this more courageous, assertive Lou, especially when he started leaving little love bites all along her fluffy neck and tits.

"Is that what my girl likes?" Lou whispered dirty talk into Morale's ears, not letting up on her pussy. "You like it when someone else gets to take control, don't you?"

"Mhmmm!" Morale sounded through her pants and chirps of pleasure. Her heat made every single pounding feel like the force of three. She was totally entranced with the idea of getting filled to the brim with Lou's virile semen. She knew she wouldn't have to wait much longer at this rate, and simply wanted to enjoy the ride while it lasted.

"I'm getting close, Morey." Lou huffed. In his fervor, he'd totally forgotten to pace himself.

"I-, I am too. Keep going!" Morale said underneath the full strength of her man.

The continued their romp for as long as they could, but Lou's stamina and Morale's pleasure-centers could only take so much. Morale was the first to let herself go, squirming and calling out Lou's name as he held her in place. She felt herself climax all over Lou's powerful member. Not a moment later, Lou gripped his love hard and forced himself completely inside her breeding chamber as his cock spraying copious amounts of hot white semen. His balls clenched and pulsed, emptying themselves completely inside his sweetheart. He gave a few more thrusts, just to make sure he'd truly hit his mark. Morale sounded her approval, grinding herself deeper on his rod.

As the room grew quieter, Morale heard someone knocking on their door.

"The takeout!" Morale rolled the exhausted Lou off her and rushed to the door, her used cunt still dripping with seed. She tossed on his coat still sitting by the door, and leaned out to pay the delivery person. Setting the plastic bags down on their kitchen counter minutes later, Morale returned to find her boyfriend fast asleep right where she had left him, his head feathers matted and soft length slick with their juices. She smiled and laughed to herself. She'd make sure Lou would have plenty of leftovers to snack on when she wanted him to rail her the next evening.