Personal Affairs Part 2

Story by Lykos Bane on SoFurry

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#2 of Personal Affairs

A wolf and rabbit find a way to pass the time while a worn out tiger sleeps in.

Personal Affairs Part 2

By Lykos Bane

Theodore awoke the next morning, mindless and groggy with sleep. Sunlight filled the living room, dim enough to tell the rabbit it was still early. After a stretch, he sat up on the couch while attempting to rub the sleep from his eyes. Stiff muscles made his legs ache. Those two wore him out much more than he expected. Theo's knees and thighs were especially unhappy about the double time they had to pull last night. So much so that they refused to leave the couch at first.

"" Theo muttered through a yawn and pushed himself from the couch.

Even now, the rabbit couldn't believe he did half of what he did. Perhaps the whiskey provided a bit more courage than he expected. Then again, he didn't feel that inebriated during the festivities, but he did have more than a few shots. Definitely not enough to have a hang over, as the bunny felt bright eyed and bushy tailed. No, it wasn't that.

It was that damn wolf.

Just the thought of Sam sent a jolt of excitement to his nether regions as the rabbit entered the bathroom. It was an understandable reaction recalling all those....things with him. The truth was that it felt great. Getting to that lupine, making him squirm, making him moan. Theo wouldn't have been surprised if he could have gotten off another time with that toothy muzzle buried in his lap.

Not to mention the fucker was attractive as hell. The tiger was no slouch, but the wolf pushed all the right buttons. Old, burly, gruff and predatory. All traits that made it so much more delightful when he squirmed and whined. The rabbit found it tough to maintain his composure at first, especially at the wolf's first appearance. It was tough to deny natural instinct and submit to the guy, but it didn't take long to lose himself in the role. Especially after Sam retrieved the condom.

Did he really follow an order like that? Theo smirked at his reflection in the mirror. He did, and so much more.

The reactions he got from the wolf also made Theo think that John didn't give Sam all the information. There was definitely a bit of confusion over how things played out, a fact painted all over the old dog's face while he watched his husband slobber on a mouthful of bunny cock. It was completely evident when things escalated that Sam had no idea that John and the rabbit had met through an app that catered to cuckolds looking for bulls.

That was true, bitter shock all over the wolf's face as he watched, not the expression of a willing participant. He wasn't looking to be cuckolded. Of course, by the time the wolf was swallowing the rabbit's cock, it was apparent the lupine had discovered something new about himself. Bodies don't usually lie and that dog's dick was throbbing. It made the rabbit feel big, dominant. Right now, it was even more powerful since it occurred to Theo that the big wolf probably thought it would be the rabbit in the middle and not the tiger.

Theo did his business in the restroom before making his way to the kitchen. Hoping his hosts wouldn't mind, the rabbit helped himself to some coffee. A bathroom break was only so refreshing after all.

Returning to the living room with a hot mug, Theo's eyes landed on an alcove off from the corner. He hadn't noticed it the night before, but now that the room was full of sunlight, there was no missing it. Or the contents inside. The mug of fresh coffee nearly fell, much like the rabbit's jaw. He set the mug on a table as he made his way over.

The movie geek of a rabbit felt as if he had died and gone to heaven. An assortment of movies, in just about any format he could think of, lined the walls. Theo's eyes darted along the titles, growing more excited by the moment. They weren't the normal mishmash of random movies someone randomly collects over time. This was a collection with a focus, a focus on...trashy exploitation cinema? The rabbit grinned as he read more of the grindhouse titles. Most were in a foreign language and almost all were late sixties to late eighties.

Theo wouldn't have been surprised in the least to discover the pair of predators were into foreign films, but not of this calibre. Their extravagant tastes would lean more towards films by Bergman and Fellini, not obscure sleaze by Bava and Franco. If the rabbit had more of a tail it would have wagged wildly. Someone had similar tastes. And unlike his digital collection or MPEGs and AVIs, these were all physical media. A true collector.

"God damn," Theo muttered to himself, reading through the titles.

There were classics, such as Salo and Non si deve profanare il sonno del morti, of course, but the rabbit had seen those hundreds of times. Of greater interest were the ones Theo hadn't seen: Oltre il Sangue and Los Ojos Muertos, films the bunny couldn't even find online. Hell, Oltre il Sangue was on actual film stock that would require a reel to reel projector. Theo didn't think he would have been shocked to find a real snuff film in this collection. Rich guys were into that sort of shit, right?

Theo's breath caught in his throat about half way through the collection of laserdiscs. He couldn't believe his eyes! La chaleur nocturne de la bête! A holy grail of sorts, the title was highly sought after among collectors, especially considering how incredibly out of print it was. Most of the VHS versions probably wasted away a long time ago, so besides the incredibly limited run on laserdisc, the movie practically didn't exist. And they made about ten copies for that run so it was almost an urban legend by at this point.

Any attempt at finding a digital copy ended in failure, so the rabbit had only seen pictures from the movie up to this point. Considering the content of the movie and how suddenly it was banned nearly everywhere, the fact that it was nearly impossible to find didn't surprise the bunny in the least. The plot of was your typical monster flick with all the expected tropes. Reptilian drooling monster, check. Abandoned isolated location, check. Unsuspecting horny teenagers, check.

Unlike most monster flicks, this monster apparently had a taste for flesh of a different type. While the males were brutally murdered by the creature, using practical effects way ahead of their time, the females weren't so lucky. The tag line on the slip case said it all. 'La bête doit se reproduire'.

The Beast Needs to Breed, indeed, Theo thought to himself with a smirk.

The rabbit looked at the disc a moment longer, then glanced back out at the entertainment center in the living room. The urge to watch the movie was too great. They wouldn't mind, would they? Fuck it. The worst that would happen is they'd throw him out. There wouldn't be another chance to see a movie like this.

Excited, Theo practically bounced back into the living room and spent a few minutes figuring out the set up. It was an expert display of AV wizardry. Everything from a betamax player to a blu-ray system were right there, everything except a reel to reel. That was probably in some dark, smoke filled basement somewhere. The rabbit pressed the power button for the laserdisc player, carefully loaded the silver record onto the tray, then closed it.

The gentle whiz of the disc spinning up sent a thrill through the bunny as he took a seat in the large leather recliner. A remote on the table next to him controlled the projector and sound system. It even lowered the projector screen. Someone wasn't just a eurotrash collector, but an avid A/V-phile as well. This setup was amazing. Theo would never leave the house, with a system like this. With a sigh, the rabbit relaxed and let the experience wash over him. This was the life! And he was going to enjoy it while he could.

The movie was everything he could have hoped for. Terrible acting, a completely synthesized score, and a re-dubbed dialogue track that failed to line up with the actors' lips. A complete classic. And within minutes, a young male bear was being graphically and realistically mutilated by the monster, made all the more shocking due to the shoddy production value up to that point. With the bear no longer breathing, the monster turned its attention to the still screaming young doe, probably the bear's girlfriend. The flick did not waste any time getting to the good stuff, that was for sure.

After about forty five minutes or so of multiple forms of monstrous assault, some shuffling down the hall caught Theo's attention. He glanced away from the screen to see the older wolf, clad in a robe, groggily make his way to the living room. While the rabbit didn't feel any hang over, it was obvious Sam wasn't so lucky.

"Hey hey!" Theo grinned, cheery, "I hope you don't mind, but I made some coffee. Want some?"

Sam plopped down on the couch with a groan, "Please." The wolf gave a nod of his head before he let it fall back on the couch, rubbing his eyes again, as if that would fix the increasing spin behind them. "You kids bounce back so easily."

"And you old men drink too much," Theo chuckled as he pushed himself from the recliner, striding into the kitchen. The clank of glass came a moment later, "Is John up?"

Sam mumbled, "No. He's still asleep."

Theo returned with a steaming cup. Samuel was now watching the movie as well. There was a smile on his muzzle that eased the slightly nervous rabbit, having expected anger at overstepping his bounds. Instead, it appeared that the lupine liked what he saw.

"Night Heat of the Beast, eh?" Sam never took his eyes off the screen as he spoke to the rabbit. On it, a jaguar ran down a dilapidated hallway in some forgotten mansion. A moment later, a large lizard like creature chased after her, erection bobbing freely with its obvious intent. "Amazing movie. Probably one of the best pieces of my collection."

Theo perked up at that, having expected the collection to belong to the tiger and not the older wolf. Handing the coffee off to Sam, the rabbit took a seat next to the lupine on the couch, managing a nod, "I hope it's OK. I couldn't help myself when I saw it. I've always wanted to watch La chaleur nocturne de la bête."

Sam's ears perked when the rabbit mentioned the original title of the film. It looked like he impressed the older wolf and the bunny liked that. He found his attraction to Sam growing, too. Last night never even came to mind as they began to chat about the movie. This guy was really interesting, on top of the whole big growly wolf thing he had going on.

"Not at all!" Sam perked up as well, "Movies are meant to be watched. It's good to know I'm not the only one into these types of flicks. John won't come near them."

"Well, you have a very impressive collection," Theo grinned, before patting the wolf's thigh through his robe, which tensed up for a moment, "'re a perv."

They both laughed. Sam shook his head, "Just because I like obscure films doesn't make me a perv."

Theo rested back and looked at the screen, his shoulder pressed against the wolf, paw still on his thigh. Sam must have noticed, but didn't try to move away, "So all obscure films involve horny monsters and barely dressed ladies?"

Sam took a sip of his coffee, then set it on the nearby table, "Of course. Nothing gets a movie banned faster and I have a soft spot for the banned stuff."

"Still an impressive collection," the rabbit perked up and sat forward. "Ooh," Theo squeezed the wolf's thigh, excited. "This looks like another good part."

In the movie, the drooling beast had the feline pinned against a dirty wall with a paw around her throat. Regardless of the snarling coming from the sound track, the creature's snout remained motionless. The shoddy costume was an obvious casualty of the low budget, regardless of how impressive the violence was. The costume barely hid the actor's eyes.

The thing's claws, each one very obviously shaped out of rubber, reached up and ripped off the jaguar's already skimpy top. The scene cut to a direct view of the struggling female's bouncing breasts. Maybe it wasn't meant to be humorous, but the sleaziness of the situation always made the wolf laugh. It appeared to tickle the rabbit's funny bone too.

"You know, I may be gay, but it is impossible not to love Cattorina MacGrun's boobs," Theo grinned, eyes locked on the movie as the victim continued to struggle.

Sam once again flashed a look of approval, ears perked. Maybe it was the name drop or the good taste in breasts, but the Hare was learning to read the wolf. Those ears made it easy to do. "Yeah. I can agree with you there."

Once again, the scene grew even sleazier as the beast's motionless muzzle moved lower to assault the feline's breasts. The actor did his best to mimic licking even though there was no tongue, but it ultimately looked as if he were rocking his head from side to side between her mounds. The overdubbed growl sounded like a motor and got another laugh from the two viewers.

"Not many actresses can put 'motor boated by a monster' on their resume, " Theo smirked and watched intently.

"Obviously the offers came pouring in," the wolf replied.

The next cut switched to a lower angle as the beast's penis ground against the spotted fur of its victim's hip. Another casualty of the film's low budget, the rubber phallus was a poor attempt at a feral canine cock, but shaped more like a carrot and bent under the pressure when pressed against the squirming actress. It leaked a copious amount of what appeared to be thick white lotion onto the female.

Both wolf and rabbit nearly doubled over with laughter.

"So great," Theo shook his head, rubbing a watering eye. "As if anyone could cum that much."

Sam's laughter died off abruptly, as if that statement made him think of something else. The wolf shook the fleeting thought off and found a grin, "And it's not nearly as much as poor Cecile Dalle got earlier."

The momentary lapse of silence didn't go unnoticed by the rabbit. The wolf's sudden discomfort caught Theo's attention. His little comment must have reminded Sam of something. Perhaps the discarded condom full of a comparable amount of bunny cum. Theo nodded anyway, "I'm surprised it wasn't my laughter that woke you up. Another reason this movie is so good. Cattorina's great, but Cecile's way better. She can really act. They were never in another movie together."

"Her scene was way better too, regardless of her little white shower. I'm surprised she never went on to do more," Sam's tone was sarcastic. He definitely found it funny they were comparing monster rape scenes from some trashy 70's film.

"I agree," Theo never took his eyes off the movie, "Wolves look better than jaguars covered in monster cum too."

Sam gave a snicker at the rabbit's words, even though his ears belied his discomfort, "Wolves just do everything better."

Having freed herself from the clutches of the reptilian monster, the jaguar on screen ran screaming from the old mansion and into the dark rainy night. It didn't take a genius to realize that the movie was heading towards its notoriously bleak ending. Theo heard the wolf's breathing increase, an excited sound.

"I hear the ending of this movie is really messed up," Theo glanced at the wolf, then tested the waters by slowly rubbing up and down his thigh. The breathing increased.

"Heh," the wolf exhaled once, but caught himself before he panted. There was no attempt to move the paw from his thigh, "It really is. Surprised me the first time I saw it. And the second."

Emboldened by the lupine's compliance, Theo's excitement grew with the prospects of having the lupine alone like this. The rabbit could tell Sam was unsure of how to react to being treated like this, obviously far more accustomed to taking the initiative and being in control. Or at least was.

Until last night.

On screen, the climactic chase continued, the now thoroughly soaked jaguar ran blindly through the night. Knowing not to miss a good opportunity, the director made sure to frame each shot so the swaying breasts were the focus, still exposed from the previous encounter with the creature. All it succeeded in doing was add another goofy layer to the already hokey flick.

Inevitably, the creature caught the girl at the most convenient moment, right when escape looked hopeful for the jaguar . Fate thought otherwise when an overzealous root hooked her foot and sent her tumbling to the muddy forest floor. Before she could so much as squeal, the lizard was upon her. As if the situation couldn't grow even more ridiculous, the tense cat and mouse chase devolved into a mud wrestling bout for the next three minutes, ensuring the mostly nude jaguar was now covered in slick gooey muck. A burst of energy made her kick and punch at the creature, but exhaustion soon made her efforts futile. Sharp claws hooked into the jaguar's already ripped pants and violently ripped the material from the female's hips, leaving her completely nude and at the monster's mercy.

Theo couldn't believe how explicit the movie suddenly became. A full frontal close up of the jaguar's exposed labia filled the screen for a split second before it was obstructed by the creatures silly looking fake cock. Amazingly, the shot didn't cut away, blowing right past the hard R line and straight into full on X rated. Expecting the scene to cut, the camera lingered to show the monster grind, then penetrate with the thick tapered dildo. The rabbit couldn't believe his eyes. He heard the wolf snicker uncomfortably to his right.

"See?" Sam smirked, "Totally unexpected."

"Wow," was all the rabbit could manage.

And the scene continued. The angle switched to the side of the now mating pair on screen, the jaguar crying out as the monster buried himself within her. There were jump cuts to shots of the creatures smooth hips rapidly slapping against the female's spotted groin, further pushing the movie into unexpectedly obscene territory. The actress was actually getting fucked, or at least stimulated. After about a minute of this, the feline's struggles began to die off until her arms fell to her sides. As despicable as the scene was, and as offensive as it was trying to be, Theo found himself excited.

It was fucking hot.

"It always amazed me how far these actresses would go for these cheap flicks," Theo never took his eyes off the screen, nor his paw off the wolf's thigh. He finally glanced over at Sam, "I mean, going in to the movie, they must have known this wasn't going to be a star-making, game-changing role. Yet here's Cattorina, baring it all, covered in mud, getting screwed by a monster."

Sam's focus remained on the screen, even as his tense thigh pressed into the hare's rubbing paw, "Mmm....still beats a lot of jobs, I bet."

Theo snickered at that, then nodded his head and looked back at the screen, "Does it beat your job? Baring it all and getting fucked by a monster?"

Sam snorted, "Heh...isn't that all a job really is anyway?"

The rabbit looked thoughtful about that, "Huh..." He rubbed a little higher along the wolf's thigh, and the older male still made no move to stop him.

The monster was still going at it, but the female was no longer fighting back, giving in to her fate. There was no escape and no one coming to her rescue. It was the whole reason to watch movies like this. A strong female lead is put through the ringer, beaten and bloodied, then finally broken. Although, by the end, they regain their strength and best the villain in a final exciting showdown. Sometimes, movies have a different type of happy ending.

With a final shove, both the jaguar and lizard went completely motionless before the monster made a strange squawk akin to a bird, announcing his climax. The jaguar cried out with him. As if to hammer it home, the director thought a strike of lightning and boom of thunder was needed. Dramatic effect and all that.

Sam and Theo nearly burst out laughing again.

The jaguar was left bawling in the mud as the lizard pulled out roughly. With some effort, she turned onto her stomach and tried to crawl away while the reptillian monster sat on his haunches and panted. The unfortunate feline didn't make it far before a claw closed on her ankle. The final scene had the crying and nude female clawing futilely at the slick mud as the monster dragged her off. Her screams continued as the screen faded to black.

Expecting credits, the rabbit was pleased that the ordeal wasn't over. After the fade in, the camera lingered on an ominous shot of the dilapidated and run down mansion that was the set piece for most of the movie. The weather, once rainy and cold, seemed to have improved. Some time had passed apparently, as the ground was fully dry.

The sound track played a single, flat, uncomfortable bass note, meant to create unease in the viewer. A low whimper grew to a high pitched continuous wail, the obvious sounds of a female in labor somewhere within the confines of the old house. After a good ten seconds of this, the female's cries were soon joined by the faint sound of a baby, taking its first breaths with a bird like squawk that resembled its father. Apparently, the monster was successful in breeding.

Theo felt excited as the credits began to roll, red letters on a black screen. Expectations, while high, didn't even get close to what he got. That might have been one of the 'best' bad movies he had ever seen. It was thrilling, in more than one way. The rabbit glanced at the wolf, who appeared to still be engrossed in the movie, even if it were just credits.

"I knew you were a perv," Theo grinned, finally getting the wolf's attention.

"Huh?" Sam feigned confusion, but the scent in the air was heavy, excited.

Casual and cool, as if it were nothing out of the ordinary, the rabbit pushed his paw into the wolf's robe to cup the lupine's groin. Sam tensed at the unexpected pressure there, but his secret was out. He was turned on.

"You're hard," the rabbit teased. "You like monsters."

The wolf's ears flushed before he growled softly, "It You know. And sex is sex."

Theo chuckled as the older male stumbled for some type of excuse and failed pretty hard. The wolf also didn't try to pull away from the paw molesting him, "Yeah. Straight sex turns the old gay wolf on, eh?" He shook his head, "I don't think so. You got turned on by the monster."

Sam had nothing to say in response to that, but remained motionless, docile. The lupine's continued compliance further emboldened Theo's confidence. Using his free paw, he took a hold of the wolf's wrist and directed it into his lap. The rabbit flexed his hips and pressed his covered bulge into the older male's grip. Fingers hinged against the pressure and soon clutched the younger bunny's package. Shockingly little effort had been required to move the lupine's paw, and even less to get his claws to take a grip on the impressive bulge. Theo's confidence went through the roof when he released his hold and Sam kept his paw in place.

"You know monsters come in all shapes and sizes, right?" Theo began, keeping his hips angled to allow as much pressure against Sam's paw as possible. The rabbit gave a slow, firm stroke along Sam's already throbbing shaft, getting a shuddered gasp from the lupine. That nervous look on such a powerful male drove the rabbit crazy with some new desires. "You never know when you might run into one."

Sam's fingers continued to grip the rabbit's hidden prize, the pajama bottoms failing to conceal the weapon as the fabric outlined every inch. The wolf finally regarded the younger male next to him, "We...probably shouldn't do this?"

"No?" Theo tilted his head, eyes locked with the lupine. "That's unfortunate." The rabbit squeezed and gave another stroke to the hidden cock before he pulled his paw away, "Because you really seem to like monsters there, wolf."

There was a challenge in the rabbit's gaze, daring the older wolf to put a stop to things. Using the paw that was recently stroking the wolf's dick, the hare gingerly worked the cloth belt holding the wolf's robe closed. Just as slowly, Theo pulled the belt open, then hesitated for one final moment that kept Sam's modesty in check; a last chance for the wolf to escape this monster.

The old lupine didn't move a muscle.

"Mmm," a gentle nod from the younger male, "We don't have to continue big guy."

A simple tug fully opened the robe, revealing the older wolf's heavy set form. It wasn't a new sight as the rabbit had seen the wolf naked the night before, but he had yet to truly study and appreciate it, especially this close. Now that he thought about it, he never actually touched the wolf besides guiding the lupine's muzzle down along his cock.

Fuck that muzzle was great, the rabbit thought. Maybe I can get those lips on me again.

The older male had a gut that proved he was well off. While he obviously didn't over indulge, he obviously didn't deny himself the good things in life. His wide form held it very well so he didn't look overweight, just big. The wolf was naturally gray, but his age was catching up with him. White fur salted his pelt and appeared thicker around the muzzle, chest and crotch. It gave the lupine an ashen appearance. The respectable look made it even more tantalizing to see the beast squirming and unsure of himself.

Sam fought some internal battle with himself, tempted to do something he thought was bad. Theo loved the indecision on the wolf's face and the apprehensive manner in how the wolf's fingers molested his covered bulge. It was so obvious the wolf wanted to continue.

"No," Theo's paw returned to the wolf's member, visibly milking it now, "We should continue, right?"

Ears splayed wide as the wolf continued to fight that internal struggle. It was a losing battle judging by how Sam didn't move a muscle to stop anything. His robe remained open, his cock remained hard, and his paw remained groping the hare's bulge. Theo brushed the paw away a moment later, released his grip on the wolf's length, and briefly stood from the couch to push his sweat pants down. Finally exposed, the rabbit's tick cock bounced into view and gained a gasp from the wolf.

"Right?" Theo asked again.

The nod, no matter how slight, was all the rabbit needed. Time was of the essence. They could be interrupted at any moment. While that wouldn't be a bad thing, Theo's desire for this older male was driving him mad with lust. He straddled the wolf and sat on the exposed thighs. Making himself comfortable, the rabbit's cock came to a rest over the wolf's own. Finally, the bigger lupine had a definitive, side by side comparison. It did the trick as the wolf once again blushed, enthralled by the image.

"That's right," the rabbit continued, breathless. "Just look at it."

As if Sam could do anything else.

With a methodical sway of his hips, Theodore adjusted himself so his rump rested just above the wolf's knees, which allowed his heavy balls to dip between the wolf's thighs. This allowed his nuts to snuggle up to the lupine's groin. The resulting placement of the monstrous shaft allowed it to rest along Sam's throbbing dick, visibly dwarfing the big male by a good few inches. While the crown of the wolf's cock managed to reach his belly button, Theo's nearly reached the lupine's diaphragm.

It was easy to read the wolf. Every reaction, from the uncomfortable squirm to the angle of his ears, told Theo everything he needed to know. At the moment, it was obvious the older male was making comparisons. Hell, Sam had been since last night. Something about the hare packing such a weapon appeared to drive him crazy, be it jealousy or humility. Whatever it was, the wolf wore it well and only made the younger male's desire grow.

Using a paw, the rabbit angled the wolfs cock upwards. It gave the enthralled male another angle to compare as the rabbit's other paw squeezed the two shafts together before stroking once. Sam hissed through clenched teeth, but never took his eyes off the gathered dicks. A dab of thick pre-seminal fluid oozed from the large slit at the tip of Theo's length before the stroking paw sent it flowing along the underside. Sam gasped when he saw it touch his tip, only to be rubbed into the sensitive skin of his member by another drag of the rabbit's paw.

"You've got an impressive cock, wolf," the rabbit continued to stroke, looking up from his paw to regard the older male, "You shouldn't be embarrassed that a younger, smaller male has a much larger one."

Sam squirmed at the rabbit's statement, possibly even blushing anew. Theo couldn't be sure, since the older wolf probably never stopped in the first place. The younger male never missed a beat. The tempo of his stroking increased and the flow of pre matched it. Slick fluid easily coated both males, but it was the wolf that got the brunt of it as it left his ashen pubic fur soaked around the base of his dick.

Theo couldn't help himself. It was abnormal of him to be such an arrogant bastard. In fact, he'd never spoken to anyone the way he spoke to this tiger and wolf. Any uncertainty he may have had was long gone and the awkwardness with it. Last night had been an eye opener for him. Apparently, for the wolf as well. And that was the problem. It was the lupine's behavior that was bringing this out of him.

"Maybe you want another taste," the rabbit teased, intending to remind Sam of the night before. "Want to feel this between your lips again?"

Sam whined, a long whistle from his nose. That internal conflict continued to rage within the older male, processing these new feelings the hare was bringing to the surface. The lupine was obviously someone that kept silly things like emotions in check. Maybe it worked as a safeguard against doing something stupid on impulse, like letting a lecherous bunny stroke him off while his mate slept the morning away.

"Was it the taste you liked so much?" Theo continued, teasing the wolf further. "It was coated in quite a bit of rabbit cum, you know?" The buck could feel the lupine throb, both in his paw and against his penis. It spoke more than just about anything the wolf could have said, "Or was it that it had just made your loving husband cum without touching himself." Theo started stroking harder, faster, along both cocks. "Have you ever done that before?"

The rabbit knew the answer, but it was good to make the old wolf contemplate it as well. At least it was good to the rabbit. There was an endless stream of runny pre now, the viscous fluid growing thicker as both males neared release. Sam's eyes closed tight, breath catching as his body tensed up.

Somehow he found the strength to grab the rabbit's wrist, stopping a stroke mid way through. Unable to catch his breath, he growled and spoke through his panting, "No...We...we should stop...We can'"

Theo didn't let him finish. A slight lean forward was all it took to press his lips against the wolf's muzzle. The shock of the connection was enough for the wolf to lose his grip on the rabbit's wrist. Once his tongue was inside the lupine's mouth, the younger male began his rapid stroking again.

Muffled by the rabbit's lips, Sam's complaints went unheard. Every muscle in the lupine's body went tense, almost as rigid as his throbbing cock. A long, low whine was savored by the young stud moments before he forced a climax from the wolf. Theo's paw was a blur of sandy brown as it helped drain the older male's balls.

Theo held the kiss. All the while, Sam squirmed and whined under the rabbit, until instinct took over and the wolf started to rapidly thrust his hips. As the euphoric bliss of orgasm began to subside, the lupine's whines died off into heavy pants. The rabbit finally leaned back, allowing the wolf's head to fall back on the couch, tongue lulling and muzzle wide. The rabbit gave a final, slow stroke, milking the remaining pearly fluid from the wolf's member, before he let it fall back on Sam's round gut.

"Oh," Theo cooed, "What a mess."

The musky aroma of spent lupine filled Theo's nose, its source obvious as it soaked into the fur along Sam's lower belly and groin. No matter how pungent the smell, the scent of aroused rabbit overpowered it. It was enough to keep the wolf panting.

Theo raked his claws through the slimy gray fur around the wolf's navel, rubbed it between his fingers, then used it as additional lube to stroke himself. There was an urgency to his motions, finding no need to waste any more time. Slow to process his current position, the wolf's ears perked as he tried to move the rabbit off of him. Before he could so much as wiggle his hips, fingers curled in his head fur and directed his gaze downward.

Hardly recovered from his orgasm, Sam had no time to react before the rabbit gripped his head and brought it down until his wet tongue met the rabbit's swollen dick. Theo expected resistance but was shocked when the wolf's tongue flicked against it once. The sight of the old wolf's muzzle swallowing the swollen, leaking cocktip sent the buck over the edge. The eruption made them both grunt, eyes meeting as the young hare nodded in approval moments before coating the mature lupine's mouth with a spurt of boiling seed.

While Theo allowed Sam to pull off his twitching shaft, he never released the lupine's ears. Sam had enough presence of mind to close his eyes as the next surge of cum hit the bridge of his muzzle, spattering over his lips and nose. As did the third spew. Then he was hit by another, and yet another.

And some more.

There was a reason the condom appeared nearly inflated. The shocking climax subsided and left Theo struggling to breath. Somehow he managed to muffle his own moan. Sam cautiously opened his eyes, no longer feeling himself being shot. The rabbit's cock now oozed the rest of his cum directly onto the wolf's belly where it rested.

"Wow," Theo moaned, trying to readjust himself, "hehe....yet another mess, eh? Glad I wore that tiger out last night." He saw Sam's throat bounce once, swallowing. His tongue then darted out and licked over his lips. He smirked at the wolf, only for the lupine to repeat the process, tasting the rabbit's seed again while licking his muzzle, "Good boy, Sammy."

Sam heard the word this time, but he had no comeback. He let it go, but his ears didn't and burned at the slight. Even as he took another lick over his lips. A paw wiped the mess off his nose. The dazed wolf gave it a short glance, considering, before he then looked down over himself. His chest was coated as was his belly and cock.

It reminded Theo of the condition of the female wolf in 'Night Heat of the Beast', after her encounter with the titular beast left her covered in the monster's load, "Huh. I guess the movie wasn't so outrageous after all eh?"

Despite himself and his current state, Sam laughed and shook his head, "Fucking Asshare." He looked down at himself and rubbed a paw over his chest, "Get off me. I think I need to clean up."

"Yeah?" Theo teased, moving off the wolf's lap to retrieve his sweats, "I don't know. It looks good on you, wolf."

"Har har," Sam sat up and moved to his shaky legs, "Its going to take ages to get this shit out."

"Just use your tongue," Theo shrugged. "Problem solved. Your welcome."

Sam growled and used the robe to clean his hand instead of his tongue, then closed it around himself to walk down the hall. He made his way to the bathroom, leaving the bunny alone once more. Theo smirked and pulled his sweat pants back over his once again spent cock.

The rabbit flopped on the couch, head back and eyes closed, all his nerves rushing back again. "Fuuuuck."

Theo had no idea what got into him, or where this confident beast came from, but he liked it.

A lot.

The reflection in the mirror shocked the old wolf. Sam didn't recognize himself. White globs of semen coated his face from between his eyes to his chin. A missed strand oozed from his chin and fell into the sink. The condition of his chest and stomach were no better. Even his spent cock and drained balls displayed the rabbit's sticky mark. And worse of all, it fucking stunk! The heady, wild scent wasn't bad per se, just....strong.

A paw rubbed down his muzzle and collected the fluid along the bridge of it, coating his palm. Despite being alone in the bathroom, behind a locked door, Sam still looked around as if to ensure no one gave witness. With the coast clear, he brought the paw back to his muzzle and slowly licked his palm clean.

Why did it taste so good?!

Sam was never much of a cock sucker. It was rare to give his mate a blow job and even more rare to do it to completion. Semen had always come across as kind of bland to the old lupine. It never occurred to the wolf that different guys would have different flavors. And that flavor filled his sinuses and coated his throat. Everything smelled like rabbit.

Of course, his eyes returned to the mirror a second too soon, and realized he had an audience. His reflection watched this new level of degradation, even as he continued to clean his paw. The wolf pulled it away from his muzzle, ashamed despite himself.

"Ah fuck," Sam said to no one but himself.

As he turned on the shower, Sam wondered how many times Theo had done this type of thing before last night since he seemed so skilled. It was strange that the rabbit made him feel both old and young. Theo's stamina was already too much and it didn't help that he was such a stud either.

Steam bellowed from the tub as the water grew hotter. Twisting another knob caused the water to spray from the shower head to further spread that relaxing steam. Adding a bit of cold water downplayed the steam, but not by much. The wolf liked it hot, after all. Plus, the sticky goo matting down his fur would need some hot water to properly wash out. Hopefully, scent and all.

What kind of wolf goes around stinking of bunny?

The nude wolf stepped into the stream of water and sighed once it soaked into his thick mane. The heat felt great. Sam allowed the water to run over his head and muzzle, then down his chest. Claws raked through the pelt.

The solitude gave the wolf some more time to think. He hated to admit it, but he found himself liking that rabbit more and more. Theo's attitude was carefree and confident, an aspect the wolf was proud about in himself. Or at least used to be before the rabbit came into his life. That was where the conflict arose.

How could he actually like someone who treated him like that?

Stealing his carefree and confident disposition seemed so easy for the rabbit. Somehow, he worked the lupine into an emotional mess. Apparently, the old wolf found it arousing and exciting too.

And he couldn't get that haughty grin out of his head. The hare acted as if he owned everything around him, a trait the wolf saw in himself. Yet, he found himself wanting to please the rabbit. He felt...not submissive, but... The wolf couldn't think of the right word.

Sam considered that. Did he feel subservient to the rabbit? Thinking back on the previous evening and how simple it was for the young male to manipulate him and the tiger. The wolf liked it. He liked everything about last night. And this morning.

Maybe it was the buck's amazing cock that did it. The wolf supposedly really liked that too. Getting a mouthful of cum straight from the tap was far different from the sample he got last night. The sample from last night was enough to drive him wild. He shook his head slowly.

_I can't believe I did that. _

The lupine sighed as his mind once again found itself conflicted. He had never viewed anyone as better or above him. Never once found himself kowtowing to another soul, always on top. Sam loved to be on top. Unfortunately, these new emotions could not be denied.

No, Sam said to himself, This was a one time thing.

They could be denied. There was no shame in experimenting. The lupine was able to convince himself of that. Being allowed to go with the flow was kind of relaxing for a change. Not being the top wasn't so bad, especially considering Theo was practically a stranger he would never see again. At some point, the wolf's tail began to wag through the spray of the shower, happy to have had the adventure.

Once again, John helped him grow and experience new things.

The wolf laughed to himself as he filled a paw with shampoo. Using his claws, he raked the soapy liquid through his head fur, making sure to rub roughly in an attempt to clean it of the rabbit. He did the same to his muzzle and chin. By the time his paws trailed down his front to his groin, he found himself hard again.

"What the fuck, old man," Sam snickered.

Maybe you are a puppy.

It had been years since the wolf was able to get hard so readily. Twice last night, once already this morning, and he was ready to go again? Even in his teens, he didn't recall being like that. Early teens, even. Sam shook his head and ignored it.

Wash, rinse, repeat, and repeat again. The wolf groomed his fur thoroughly, applying the shampoo no less than three times, hoping to wash away the rabbit, scent and all. Finally, he turned the water off and proceeded to dry his fur. Being such a shaggy beast required multiple towels. Soon, his fur was on its way to being fluffy and dry, devoid of any signs of Theo's 'conquest'.

Sam felt refreshed when he donned the rob and left the bathroom, no longer smelling like a rabbit just coated him in semen. Apparently during his shower, John woke up as he now sat in the dining room with the rabbit, drinking a cup of coffee. He grinned when he saw the wolf.

"Good morning!"

"Morning," Sam smirked. "Get enough sleep?"

"I don't know," John took a sip of his coffee. "Did you save any hot water? You were in there a while."

The question reminded the lupine of the reason for his shower, "I wasn't that long!"

Theo flashed a smirk at the wolf, "It was quite a while. I told John about the movie we watched."

"Still getting excited by those dirty old movies, Sammie?" John teased.

Sam began to wonder if Theo mentioned what occurred on the couch. It was impossible to read either of them at the moment. The wolf fought the urge to splay his ears, forcing them forward as he laughed as well, "What? Jealous you can't turn me on like that?"

John stuck his tongue out at the old lupine.

"I figured as much," Theo tapped his fingers on the table, "You left right after the climax, wolf."

The old wolf couldn't help but laugh at the double entendre, but tried to keep his composure.

John adjusted himself in his seat with a slight scowl at the rabbit, obviously a bit sore as would be expected, "Well...I hope you saved some hot water. I feel like I worked out all night."

Theo grinned, "Maybe you should have done your stretches before hand."

"Yeah yeah," the tiger rolled his eyes. "Doubt I'll ever need to do much stretching again."

"Oh, I don't know," Sam took a seat. "You'd have to keep up on your exercises to avoid that, wouldn't you?"

John blushed hard as the wolf made him think about the 'work out' he got last night, "Well...that would require my workout partner to stay another night."

Sam found his ears perked forward at that. Another night? With the rabbit? Despite the sudden unease he felt, the lupine found the idea appealing. One more night with the rabbit would be...dangerous. He glanced at Theo, only to find the rabbit studying him again. Did he see the ears perked or read the unease? Hell, the buck probably saw the erection he had in his shower. The old wolf began to think there may be something supernatural about the hare.

"Mmm," Theo nodded, "I really should be going. I've got a busy week ahead."

Why would that response make Sam's ears splay? The wolf couldn't ignore the disappointment, even though he already accepted this as a one time thing. Which was for the best, after all, but the wolf found himself disappointed nonetheless.

"You sure you don't want to stay for a couple more hours," Sam was shocked to hear his voice asking that question and hoped it didn't show his dissatisfaction.

Theo grinned over at the wolf with that studious gaze again. The lupine saw the rabbit's eyes dart to his ears. Sam bit his lower lip, his voice sounded more hopeful than he would have liked.

The rabbit stood from the table and slowly shook his head, "As much as I'd love to stay longer and keep playing with you boys, I have a few things I need to get done."

Was he leaving right now? Sam definitely felt a little sad as he stood from the table. He only let it last a moment as he watched the young male retrieve his duffel bag from the living room. For some reason, the lupine started to have trouble accepting this as a one time thing, which began to disturb him.

John grinned and met the rabbit at the front door. He hugged the hare, "Thanks Theo. This was fun."

Theo nodded and returned the tiger's hug. He winked, "I enjoyed it."

Sam soon stood with the two, but didn't offer a hug. Theo stuck his paw out toward the wolf for a friendly shake, "Thanks for the fun this morning. That movie was great. I love the collection."

Sam took the paw and shook it firmly, "Uh...the pleasure was all mine."

"Mmmm, I don't know," Theo winked and nodded once and released the paw, "See ya, old man."

The wolf snorted, "Get out of here, asshare."

And that was that. Theo walked through the door and out of their lives.

When the door closed, John stretched and yawned with a grumble. A paw came down to rub at his rump, "Fucking asshare indeed." The tiger laughed, "I think its time for a soak."

The feline never looked back as he left the wolf alone in the entryway. The sound of running water came up the hallway shortly after John disappeared into the bathroom. Sam still wasn't sure if the rabbit told John about their little dalliance on the couch. If he had, the tiger didn't seem to mind. And Sam, being the shrewd business beast he was, knew better than to volunteer information like that.

Besides, it wasn't like he got fucked or anything.

That image filled the wolf's mind for a split moment, of the rabbit bending over his back and mounting. It left the lupine breathless. Sam was quick to leave that image in the past, once more thankful this one time thing was over. Theo had gotten much further than expected. Who knows how far he could go with more time, even if just one more night.

With that, the weekend was off to a great start. Sam and John spent most of the day lounging around the house in recovery mode, both from the week itself and the previous evening. Surprisingly, they didn't talk at all about it, but it didn't become awkward or anything. What was done, was done and they both had a great time. Sam knew the tiger was pleased he managed to get the old wolf out of his comfort zone again. He liked showing the lupine new things.

Regardless if they discussed it or not, Sam found himself dwelling on that damn rabbit. The cute buck left a huge impression that still excited him.

Unfortunately, weekends end far too soon. Sam found himself sitting at his dreaded desk, steeling himself for the unending workload ahead. The wolf was thankful at the distraction though. He couldn't get his mind off Theo, still, and he was worried it would become a full blown obsession. The work would be something he could lose himself in.

Sam didn't register the knock at his door. His ears perked when he noticed his door open.

"Sir?" Alex peeked around the door, ears perked. "Are you OK? Should I come back?"

"Huh?" Sam tilted his head, then smiled, "Oh no. Sorry Alex. I was of in my own little world."

A world full of bunnies, Sam thought.

"Oh. Good," the raccoon looked relieved. "I wanted to introduce you to the interns if you have the time. They're in the meeting room now. They've already been briefed on what their roles will be."

Sam pushed himself from the desk and grinned, "Of course! Just gotta get my wolf face on to put a little scare in them, right?"

Alex laughed and nodded, "Wouldn't expect anything less."

Sam followed the raccoon out of his office, "So how were the ponies?"

"Majestic," Alex said sarcastically. "Ever find yourself wishing for overtime?"

"I think I'd always look forward to overtime if I had any children," Sam replied.

The meeting room was only a few doors down from Sam's office, so the trip was brief. The raccoon entered the room first and spoke before Sam even got there, "Guys, this is Sam. He's the founder and CEO. Sam, these are the new recruits."

"Its a pleasure to," Sam lost his train of thought as he looked over the three newcomers.

The wolf failed to make much of a 'wolf face', eyes and muzzle a bit wide as his eyes landed on the rabbit sitting directly across the table.

At least Theo looked just as shocked.

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