Raven's Orphanage

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#1 of Raven Orphanage

Raven's Orphanage

It was a nice warm and sunny summer day a young boy named Raven 13 years old, covered in worn-torn clothing, stomach growling living on the streets of an old neighborhood sneaking through garbage cans for food and sneaking drinks from peoples garden hose when he needed water.

Raven was roaming around the neighborhood looking for a trash can to scavenge through for food or something to eat with his stomach growling.

Raven: "there is nothing in here except diapers and some weird gun"

Raven took out the gun like object a note fell from it but Raven noticed it on the ground and picked it up and put it in the back of his pants pocket under his shirt figuring that he could learn how to shoot it later for fun and entertainment it felt a tad heavy as if it was loaded and went back to grabbing what food was good and what else he could take with him, the shit filled diapers he took because for some reason he started to like some of the smell even though he should not be liking the smell but he started getting aroused by the smell as he grabbed some of the diapers and decided to head back home.

Raven's stomach was growling as he put the stuff he collected inside his card board box home, the note and the gun on one corner the other side sat the poop filled diapers but raven wondered if he could eat poop and survive he was so hungry he could eat just about anything and figured he was willing to try it just to be able to live for another day or 2, as he unwrapped one of the diapers it had small brown pieces of poop and next to it one large brown piece, he grabbed one of the small pieces as he brought it close to his mouth as he licked it to get test the waters, it had a spicy flavor but and a bit of an odd taste and then proceeded to put the rest of it into his mouth and started chewing and managed to swallow with it finally hitting his stomach, Raven then continued to eat until the diaper was empty, with no trash can around he decided to throw it outside and then proceeded to lay back against one of the walls and relax as he grabbed the note that fell out of the gun earlier luckily he could read before he was abandoned.

The note read "To whoever reads this note and finds this gun, it will lead to the mansion for lost children a large home that has many doors leading to different universes (which anyone can walk through) with the 2nd floor for orphans to live and thrive, complete with a living room, a kitchen, an indoor pool and 50 bedrooms with 15 bathrooms, there are unlimited water and electricity (no bills) but getting a job is still an option if you want additional furniture (even though all the rooms come with furniture, how to use aim at a wall, shoot and a portal should appear and all you have to do is walk through it the gun is only meant as a key from this universe to the mansion, the choice will be left up to whoever is reading this note of my final words".

Raven looked at the gun wondering if it is a blessing or luck or was he destined to find this thing but it sounds better than this box that he has been living in for the past few years and he did enjoy that last meal but some real food would be a nice change.

Raven stood up and aimed the gun at a wall pulled the trigger and a portal appeared as the note said that would happen Raven stepped through the portal into the mansion's floor with hundreds of doors as the portal behind him closed, Raven moved towards the stairs to check out the rest of his new home, locating the kitchen and the living room and to find a bedroom that he could call his own as he reached the 2nd floor their was another stair case leading up in which he was guessed that it leads to the bedrooms and the bathrooms, raven found the kitchen and on the counter appeared to be instructions or a manual in case he ever needed some help with any problems that could happen, Raven figured he could read that later as he walked up the stairs to the 3rd floor with hallways going both directions, Raven opened the first door straight across from the stairs the doors for the bathrooms were left open making it easier to find them from the bedrooms as Raven entered their was a bed with thick blankets and a pillow, the room also had a closet with clothes his size, Raven found some pj's to wear and went to the bathroom to pee, Raven went down stairs to get the manual and came back upstairs to his room as he hopped into bed as he started to read while settling down.

Raven opened the first page of the manual. "universe doors may be used by anyone as long as the owner of the mansion permits them to live at the mansion, every person, animal or creature, or furry must have a special mark on their hand for the door from that world to enter the mansion"

Bedrooms and bathrooms will change based on who or what claims them for example if an animal claims it, the room will turn into what the animal wants and same with the bathroom the toilet will change to a squat toilet.

After a few things that were read Raven fell asleep but happy to be laying on a nice warm and comfy bed, a great ending to a great day.

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