Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master - CH 164

Story by ModestImmorality on SoFurry

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#164 of Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master

Chapter 164 - Child of Hope


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Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - Give and Receive


Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

"Buh... Bat was bwootifwul!" Serenity whined before blowing into a napkin Chris had brought before grabbing another from the pile atop the table they'd sat around. "I-I'm glad you liked it." he smiled, slight sweat showing as the others blew their noses in the same manner. "I love you so much!" Rose cried, about to blow into her ear before Chris quickly stopped her and offered a napkin instead. "Why do you always do this to us...? And in the midst of such a large gathering..." Alicia sniffled, letting out a toot into her own napkin. "I'm uh... Sorry?" he apologized nervously. "I wanted it to have an impact on you girls but... Maybe it was poured on a little too thick this time..." he apologized, looking back at Serenity as she looked at him for a moment, only to tear up again with an "I can't!!" before grabbing him and holding him close as she called his name. "E-Easy!! Easy!! You'll mess up my clothes!!" Chris panicked, still having work to do and trying to avoid becoming a napkin himself as she released him. "I guess I'm glad I got my feelings across though." he smiled, looking at Rose and Alicia, only for both to respond to his gaze the same as Serenity forcing him to focus elsewhere while scratching his head. "Yeah... Definitely too thick..." he muttered as they reached for more napkins. Looking down for a moment with his back to them, he then looked around the chamber full of the people who'd gathered, still offering money to the sisters as they walked about before showing another smile. "...You know, it may not be the best time to say this..." he paused as they looked at him. "They may think it's thanks to me all this happened... But in the end, if it wasn't for you girls... I couldn't have pulled this off." he admit.

"You girls gave me the understanding I needed to feel the way I did about this whole situation... You were my reasoning and inspiration for all of it... And all of us owe most of that to Serenity and her Telepathy more than anything..." he chuckled, looking down again and closing his eyes. "You girls, you're the real blessings here tonight... I'm just the middle man who passed along the messages I've learned from you..." he nodded, looking back. "...You three really are something special." he grinned, the trio's lips immediately quivering again before crying together. "Ha ha... I really am lousy at timing." he admit. "My word... Even from a distance your emotions are hard to handle." Tsarea giggled, approaching the group. "S-Sorry, kind of going through a cool down spell over here." Chris point out as the Mother looked at the girls. "Rarely have such feelings registered so strongly among so many... What a man you must be to these young ladies." she praised, making him blush slightly. "...Would you mind if I say something a bit personal?" she asked, making the group look at her curiously while Chris gave a "Go ahead" response, turning her focus to him. "For so long there was a void in your heart... Darkness where there should only be light..." she point out, making him glance away with slight discomfort. "And yet, despite your emptiness and the shadows in which you dwell... You found a way to fill their voids, and to banish the darkness which had taken them... And through that feat..." she paused, looking at the girls before lifting his chin with a warm smile. "Your own darkness shrinks. Your void dwindles... Though it still remains. In the future, not too distant... The final piece to the puzzle within you, that was taken by duty, will find its place at last." she assured.

"I cannot see all, my visions are mere glimpses at best... But after your struggles, your trials and tribulations, those you love, and who love you, will grow... And the generation to come will be the remedy to that which you think remains beyond reach. The weight that clings to your shoulders will lose its grip, and when it does, I see a man who walks taller than any, bathed in the light always meant for him. And that blessed glow, which the world will see, shall be surrounded by those destined to maintain that light. They will be Guardians all your own, like Valkyrie's from on high sent to protect one destined to be the King of King's, honor bound to he who lift them, as they will you." Tsarea nodded. "You will gift many souls with hope and a future they thought impossible, and in turn, they will make your name eternal, and your light will be everlasting in this world... And the next." she hinted. "Be patient child... And as you walk into the future I see, as that light touches you at last, continue letting the feelings of these women which overflow from their flasks, pour into your own, until yours too, overflows." she instructed before giving him a maternal kiss on the forehead. "Blessed boy, your gifts will come, for you've given so many." she assured, taking a step back. "So says a devoted Mother, through the will of your elated Father..." she finished, offering a slight bow before walking off. After this, for some reason he couldn't explain, a tear fell down Chris's cheek as he touched his forehead where Tsarea had kissed, the girls taking notice and asking if he was okay as they sniffled. "I-I uh... Yeah..." he nodded, touching his tear and looking at his fingers with a curious "Huh..." before wiping the rest away.

Looking at Tsarea's back, Chris then looked toward the statue of God and Arceus looming behind the stage, going silent until showing a small smile. "It's nice... Making someone proud..." he muttered as the girls tilt their heads curiously. "You always make us proud." Rose point out. "I know... It just feels kinda... Different... Depending on the person you feel like you've impressed..." he tried to explain as they looked at one another. "Heh... Never mind me." he waved before standing and taking a breath. "I feel like I've got another wind in me now... I think I'll go wrap things up." he affirmed, clapping his hands together and rubbing them. "It's time we find out what the tally is for the night! You think we made our goal?" he asked, looking back with a grin and getting smiles and nods from the girls in turn. "Time to find out then..." he chuckled before making his way back toward the stage, leaving the girls with their smiles maintained and tears still in their eyes as they reached for another tissue. After taking time to speak with the staff, Chris stepped on stage and called for everyone's attention, his arms raised as he spoke at the mic front and center. "Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls! What a night it's been!" he declared. "On this night, we've been inspired by our progress, reminded of our shortcomings, and have attempted to push ourselves toward a future in which we overcome our misdeeds toward those who've yet to taste the same freedoms we take for granted, and help guide them alongside us so that, together, we may reach a tomorrow all of us can thrive in!" he grinned. "Through your efforts after all this is over, we'll be able to say this was the moment, this was the place in which a new revolution began!" he affirmed as he motioned for Tsarea to join him.

"Throughout our history, the greatest changes in society have started, more often than not, by the hands of one." he continued, motioning for Barnack and Holly to join him as well. "But this time, we have a chance to start something amazing, not on our own, not by one, but with the whole world behind us for support, creating a tailwind that will help us soar towards untold miracles to come! On this night, we will give rise toward a destiny unforetold, supported on a scale our planet has never seen before, and it will be thanks to you!" he affirmed. "In this world, movements come and go, some survive the ages, some fizzle out before they even had a chance... It's up to you, up to all of us from coast to coast, to make sure this is one of the movements that thrives! It's one we can't let die!" Chris insisted. "We have to help it, develop it, evolve it and carry it forward! We've given rights to so many, and now it's time for us to extend those rights past mankind, and move on to those who've built our world by our sides, and deserve to have their era! Do you have what it takes to stand down, so that all who've given us what we have today can rise?!" he called, taking Tsarea's hand by the wrist and raising it up. "Family comes in all shapes and sizes! Destiny extends its hand to each and every one of us! Man and mon! Do any of us have a right to prevent that?! Do we have a right to claim our own and deny it from others?!" he asked firmly, keeping Tsarea's hand up as she looked at him in surprise before releasing her and taking Barnack's hand and raising it. "Be you white or black, or whatever your race may be..." he paused, taking Holly's and raising it instead. "Be you a man or a woman! Or wherever your identity may lead you!" he pushed,releasing her hand.

"All of us are born for greatness! All of us have a place in this world! But none of us have the right to decide for others where that place is! We're born to live, we're born to evolve! Humans and Pokemon! Physically, mentally, and not as one species above the other, but together as one the way we were intended to be!" he emphasized, his words making the girl's eyes widen the same as many in the chamber. "Tonight is the night we tell Tsarea her love isn't one sided! She cares for our kind, and we have to let her know we care for her own just the same!" Chris continued. "To all the Chansey in our centers and hospitals, to all the Machamp that have helped us move and construct, to all our Legendary protectors who look over our regions, from the Alolan Guardians to the Beasts of Johto, this is their night! The moment mankind humbles itself for those who deserve our admiration to a degree they've never been given before! Tell the Pokemon who gave us the world, this is still your world too!" Chris shout through the speakers, after which a roaring applaud echoed through the chamber and Yulema City itself, making him grin and nod. Giving everyone a chance to settle, he raised his hands again to silently order their attention, clearing his throat before continuing. "Now then, as I finish the last of what I've got to say, I'd like everyone to wrap up any further donations they wish to give the temple tonight. We'll need time to put everything together and count it before the tally's revealed, so I'd like to ask all the sisters and those who've volunteered in gathering funds to return to the temple, and gather in the room designated by security upon entering the main chamber." he instructed as guards made space in the crowds and lined up like walls for safe passage.

Watching as sisters and volunteers alike made their way along with baskets full of money, gradually making their way down the hall to the left of the chamber, Chris couldn't help but show another grin before calling attention back to himself. "The things I've said tonight have come from my own heart, for the most part... But this final bit is from a man named Rogers, who upon winning one of many awards not long ago, made a speech I feel is all too fitting to cap everything off." he explained before taking a sheet of paper out from his coat as murmurs made their way through the crowd about "That neighbor guy...?" before Chris began. "Fame is a four letter word... And like tape, or face, or pain... Or life, or love... What ultimately matters, is what we do with it." he point out, looking at the crowd before reading. "I feel that those of us on television, are chosen to be servants. It doesn't matter what our particular job, we are chosen to help meet the deeper needs of those who watch and listen, day or night." he added. "Some people say life's cheap, what does it matter...?" he asked. "Well, life isn't cheap. It's the greatest mystery of any millennium, and television needs to do all it can to broadcast that." Chris instructed. "To show, and tell, what the good in life is all about. But how do we make goodness attractive?" he hinted. "By doing whatever we can, to bring courage to those whose lives move near our own. By treating our neighbor, at least as well as we treat ourselves, and allowing that to influence everything we do." he pushed. "Who in your life, has been such a servant to you? Who has helped you love the good that grows within you?" he asked before taking out his Pokedex and making a hologram of a timer pop up.

"Lets just take ten seconds, to think of some of those people who have loved us, and wanted what was best for us in life. Those who have encouraged us to become who we are tonight... Just ten seconds of silence." he instructed, adding "I'll watch the time" before starting his timer. After this, the girls watched as the chamber went silent, with many people closing their eyes and lowering their heads, doing as suggested of their own will. Looking at one another, the girls then focused on Chris and went through their own thoughts, taking in his amount of influence on others while reflecting on the same influence he'd had on them. After a brief moment, his timer hit zero and he faced the crowd once more. "No matter where they are, either here or beyond, imagine how pleased those people must be, to know you thought of them right now." Chris point out. "We all have only one life to live on earth, and through television and your own actions, we have the choice of encouraging others... To demean this life... Or to cherish it, in creative and imaginative ways." he cautioned before folding the paper back up and tucking it away. "On behalf of all of us here at Yulema Temple, I thank you for all the good that you do in this unique world, and for wanting our event tonight to be a part of your lives..." he paused, taking a bow to the audience. "Thank you very much." he finished, raising before making his way away from the mic to another round of applause, leaving even Barnack and Holly stricken from his moment as the two Mayor's looked at his back. "Alright... Everything's set, now we just have to...!!" Chris muttered, only for his eyes to widen as a dizzy spell came over him, making him stumble on a set of steps behind the curtain out of sight before being caught by Tsarea.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - Preparations


Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

"Woof..." he groaned, shaking his head. "Easy child... This was bound to come..." the Mother cautioned. "I-I'm fine!" Chris laughed nervously, straightening up and shaking his head. "Just a slip of the foot." he assured, only to be given a wary look. "You've done all you can... It's time to stop..." she warned. "There's nothing major left to do! I can handle the rest, really!" he promised, getting a stern look in turn. "...Seriously, just let me see it through." he pleaded, glancing away. "I finish what I start... I have to." he insisted before Serenity and the others came up. "You alright? Seems something set Serenity off." Alicia point out as the former checked him over. "What happened?" Serenity asked. "Nothing really, just talking to Tsarea here is all." he assured, the Mother looking at the group before subtly nodding, not wanting to step out of place despite her own concerns. Looking him in the eyes, Serenity let out an uncertain growl of sorts. "...I sense something not right a second ago..." she insisted. "I'm fine, I promise..." Chris repeat, putting his hand on her head. "Please... Don't push." he asked, the Pokemon letting out a sigh and nodding before they watched the line of sisters and volunteers marching along between the wall of guards lined up to protect them, safely carrying the aid along. "Heh... Folks are gonna love the way we tally it all up." he smirked, turning toward nearby crew and motioning them over before discussing if the software and effects were ready once the earnings were counted. Getting assurance in response, he gave a "Good" remark and nodded, letting them get back to work. Taking out his device, he was patched into the cameras outside the temple, allowing him to bring up a hologram of the sisters and volunteers marching toward the temple from the plaza.

"Look at them all... Each and every one with a basket full of aid..." he grinned. "...You've done very well..." Alicia praised, leaning her head over his shoulder from behind for a look at the scene before brushing her cheek against his. "Heh... I definitely tried by best." he nodded, holding her cheek before offering her a peck, the snake blushing slightly in turn before Rose tugged on his pant leg. "...We really love you, ya' know." she grinned. "I know, right back at ya'." he grinned back, rubbing her on the head before looking at Serenity, who although still gave him a wary look of concern, shook her head and turned her expression to one of an admiring smile. "That why you one human above them all... Why you only one I ever accept in heart... Like she say, you do very good tonight." she praised, putting her hand on his shoulder. "It's not over yet though, save some of the praise for when we know if we met our goal or not." Chris reminded, looking at Tsarea as she kept silent. "...I know we'll save this place though, and make sure it's well protected from now on..." he promised, getting a small smile from her and a nod. Giving some time for all the donations to be carried in, once the line of sisters and volunteers ceased the security then moved to scatter about, forming a double-lined human wall around the entirety of the temple while others took guard posts at every window, lined the entire roofing, and filled various areas within its walls. It wasn't until now that the sheer might of protection Chris had hired was on full display, having been in the shadows up to this point as each man and woman stood at the ready, firm stances with their hands behind them while gazing at their surroundings like secret service prepped for offense at any moment.

Awed by this, and intimidated to a degree, those present were as wary as they were wowed by the sheer number of the Temple's forces, instilling the sensation that none dare make a false move toward it as the money within was tallied, the number of security turning the Yulema Temple into a vision of a national bank of sorts. Even atop the buildings surrounding the plaza, security watched from the rooftops and within the windows of shops, not one being out of their line of sight and retaliation if wrongdoing came about. In this moment, such a power play put just how serious Chris was about aiding and securing the Temple in the final hour of the event, with so much money being all too sweet a temptation to those who think there's a chance for undeserved riches. If there were any expecting to get a piece of the fruits of their labor, that hope was firmly clamped shut as the entire Temple and surrounding area gave off the vibe of an impenetrable death trap for any with ill intent, with more men and women in black than those present dare attempt to count. Within the Temple, now that the funds were safe, Chris looked at the girls and Tsarea and nodded before turning and reaching toward his ear, connecting him to staff where the money was taken. "...Good, sounds good. Let me know." he instructed, giving the group a wave before returning to the mic on the stage, the crowd present turning their attention from the security forces back to him. "I apologize for startling you folks! Rest assured you're all safe! These guards are just a precaution, they're here for your protection as well as the Temple itself, please pay them no mind!" he coaxed as the people looked at one another. "More importantly, we're busy putting your donations together, it won't be long now!" he grinned.

Taking the time to settle the nerves of everyone present, he made sure to point out guests are still free to come and go as they like to avoid any unnecessary panic before going over the events of the night, mentioning the main highlights and getting feedback from the audience on their favorite moments, all to help pass the time until the tally was complete. Eventually, after what felt like an eternity of anxious anticipation, he finally paused in the midst of his conversations, touching his ear before showing an eager smirk and nodding, a sign which told everyone the Temple was ready to reveal how much their efforts had garnered for the night as he hovered his gaze over everyone before him. "Ladies and gentlemen... I'm excited to say, the moment of truth has arrived!" he exclaimed, making the crowd stiffen from both, the thrill of success and the fear of failure combined. "Together we've given it our all tonight... So no matter how things turn out, never forget the lessons you've learned here, keep them in your hearts and minds, and pass them on to those who come! Don't let tonight be all for naught! For even if we've succeeded, if the message dies with us it won't matter!" Chris warned, getting nods as everyone wanted to get to the final score. "With that out of the way... I won't keep you waiting any longer... Alright men, ladies! Bring up the counter on the monitors and lets see what we've go....!!" he began to order, only to be cut off by a hysterical "Wait!! Wait!!" from the midst of the crowd, making him blink with an "Eh?" as a panicked hand waved above the heads before him. Walking up to his sides, the girls as well as Tsarea, along with Holly and Barnack looked on in confusion before a man rushed up through the crowd.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - New Life


Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

"Help!! Please help!!" a young man begged, pushing through people and stumbling up before them as they noticed the crowd parting in a wide circle in the distance, murmurs and the sounds of panicked women rising in their midst. "What's wrong? What is it?" Chris asked, his expression turning as security went on alert all over the Temple as the man looked up. "It's my wife!! You gotta help, she's going into labor!!" he panicked, making everyone's eyes widen. "She's a diabetic!! She'll die!!" he revealed, the group looking at one another before Chris handed the mic to Tsarea and jumped from the stage, following the man through the crowd as he took out his device and called for paramedics to rush to the Temple for aid. Reaching the open space the crowd circled around, a woman lie on the floor clutching her stomach with pain in her face, her water having broken as the man hurried to her side and held her hands. "She wasn't due for another week!! We thought it'd be safe!!" the man panicked as Chris looked her over, the mother to be already breaking out into a profuse sweat as she trembled. "Make a path to the stage, everyone! I need Tsarea, you too girls!" he ordered, both the Mother and Serenity flying over the crowd and landing by their side while Alicia and Rose sprung from the stage and hurried through the crowd. "It's gonna be a bit until the medics arrive, from the looks of it the kid's not gonna wait. We're gonna need hot water, I need something to sanitize my hands with, and gloves if you have them." he point out, Tsarea nodding. "We need to get her off the floor. Bring me a cot, or just a mattress if you have that. If nothing else, bring a clean sheet to lay her on!" he ordered. "I also need a pitcher of cold water and a cup, we'll need to keep her blood in check." he warned.

"Do you have what she needs to test her blood with on hand?" Chris asked, the man taking out a device from his pocket. "Good... I wish we had a monitor on hand for the pulse but we'll make due the old fashioned way." he assured, taking the woman's wrist and pressing her veins. "...Quick, but nothing out of the norm for a mother to be for the time being..." Chris nodded. "Alright! Tsarea, take Serenity and get what I asked for! Serenity, use your abilities to help Tsarea carry things! Rose, you help support this lady, hold her hand, and Alicia, you're on nutrition duty. Push comes to shove I'll need a leaf or two with the right content to keep her from going in the red, start prepping." he ordered, the snake nodding as the leaves along her back began to glow. "Tsarea, Serenity, go get what I need! Any sisters who can spare a minute, have them bring multiple sheets for us! I'll need towels and rags too. A large bowl full of iced water, and a bowl full of hot! If you have something that works as a small tub, fill that with hot water and bring that too! Lets move!" Chris demanded, after which Tsarea and Serenity flew off as the woman looked between him and the man she was with in panic. "Don't worry now, you're gonna be fine." Chris assured as the man held her hand while Rose took the other, Holly and Barnack joining the circle around them. "Anything we can do?" Holly asked. "In a minute." Chris answered. Soon enough, Tsarea and Serenity returned along with a group of sisters with everything he needed, allowing him to lift her onto the cot they'd brought with the help of the young man. "There we go, off the floor..." Chris sighed, dipping a rag in the iced water before patting the woman's face with it.

"She'll need this to keep from overheating, whenever she wants it, dip it and do as I just did, you may want to dab her chest as well." Chris told the man, handing him the rag. Taking a small bottle of hand sanitizer from one of the sisters, he wiped his hands clean before taking a pair of gloves from a box another had brought. "Tsarea, you're capable of keeping her mind in check, right?" he asked. "Ah... Yes." she nodded. "Keep her organized, don't let her panic. Try to keep her focused on breathing, pushing, and relaxing. Hysteria won't do us any good." Chris ordered, the Mother making her way around to the woman's head where she lay before getting on her knees at the ready, the woman looking up at her warily as she offered a smile. "You'll be fine child..." she assured before the woman began breathing heavily, mentioning being hot after which the man did as told, wiping her face and upper chest with the cold cloth. "Serenity, you remember what it was like when you healed Arthur during that heart attack?" Chris asked, the Pokemon thinking for a moment and nodding. "Even with Tsarea on mind duty, her body's still gonna be under stress, you help keep the pain to a minimum." he instructed, after which Serenity positioned herself at the ready, her hands over the woman before she suddenly let out a shout that warped into a scream and began to curl in pain, after which Tsarea and Serenity's hands both began to glow as the Mother held her head and a green glow waft over her body from Serenity's hands, allowing her to relax though the heavy breathing remained. "Thank you, thank you." she gasped, looking at the two Gardevoir's.

"Alright! Listen to me, everyone!" he ordered, those around them jolting. "Take those sheets from the sisters, I need a makeshift curtain around us now!! Hold them in front of you!!" he shout as the sheets were immediately passed along, with Holly and Barnack helping to raise them and keep them held high to conceal the birth and grant privacy. With all of this happening, the event was still being broadcast, the crowds and audiences beyond on edge for a very different reason as things unfolded. "Alright now... Ma'am, the choice for this next part is up to you." Chris spoke, getting her attention. "Before we go any further, who do you want to help deliver it? If you're more comfortable with him, I can help walk through things." he point out. About to stand, the young man was pulled back down by the woman as she clung to him tightly, shaking her head and wanting him to stay beside her. "...Me it is then..." Chris nodded. "Alright, you're going to need to keep your legs apart, Tsarea will help but try to stay calm and relaxed as best you can, if you let yourself tense up you'll make things harder." he warned, the woman nodding before another round of pain ran through her, making her grit her teeth and groan. "Shhh... Be calm child." Tsarea coaxed, softly rubbing her head. "Breathe... That's it..." she added as the woman settled once more. With her legs spread, Chris raised her skirt slightly, enough to give his hands access while keeping her concealed before removing her undergarments. "I'll need to take a look to see where we're at, is that alright?" he asked, the woman quickly nodding as another wince crept over her face. "Serenity, do your thing." he ordered, getting a nod before another green aura waft over the woman.

Lowering his head while lifting her skirt slightly, he could see the oncoming crowning of the baby, along with remnants of water and blood alike. Though briefly it made his color turn somewhat, Chris shook off the hesitation and raised his head. "Y-You're doing fine... It's in more of a hurry than I thought. It'll be over in no time." he grinned, making her and the man look at one another and smile before she groaned again. Taking a hot towel, Chris worked to clean the area between her legs as a sister set a small tub of warm water to the side, meant to be the bath for the baby upon arrival. Instructing the woman she'll have to start pushing in a moment, Chris was forced to pause when his hands suddenly began trembling, something that forced him to lower them out of the sight of the others as he took several breaths himself. "Little more... Just a little more..." he insisted to himself, feeling a slight dizziness return which he quickly fought off as the group looked at him, making him straighten and nod. "Alright everyone... Lets deliver a baby." he instructed, getting nods in turn. Checking once more, as the woman raised into a slight curl again, the baby began crowning, albeit just barely making Chris sweat slightly himself. "Okay buddy, you're about to bring life into the world, no pressure..." he thought to himself, taking another breath. "Lady, you're doing fine. Take a moment to relax, and on my mark, give a good push. Try to follow my orders, when I say to stop and breathe, let yourself do just that." he coaxed, getting a nod in turn. After she relaxed a bit, Chris readied himself and gave a stern "Push!" command, after which the woman arched and groaned. "Good... Now relax... And once more... Push!" he repeat.

As the mother to be fought to birth her child, Chris went through his own battle to maintain himself, beginning to sweat as time went on. With the baby's head reaching into the world little by little, it was a repetitive process of cleaning the woman off with hot towels, the young man keeping her cool with rags, Tsarea keeping her at peace and Serenity easing the pain for what seemed an eternity all its own. Noticing her dwindling state, Chris had her blood checked, noticing a drop after which he played a delicate balancing act with Alicia's help, offering a leaf with the nutrients needed as her diabetes began hovering higher into the yellow. Crushing it into a glass making the water within glow just the same, Chris had the man allow the woman to sip. "Not much left to go... You can do it." he assured as the woman struggled to breathe despite the aid. "Easy child... Easy... Deeply and slowly..." Tsarea coaxed, rubbing her head once more with a warm glow radiating from her hands while the woman squeezed Rose's hand and the man's, those around them continuing to shield the scene from sight with the sheets they were given. Enduring the battle of cleaning and instructing, at long last Chris showed excitement and proclaimed "We have a head!" to the couple, after which the crowd beyond the sheets began to cheer. "You're doing just fine! The worst should be past you now! A little more pushing and you've got a new kid on your hands!" he praised, making the woman show joy through her exhaustion. "You're almost there..." the man coaxed, dabbing her face and chest once more. "Nicely done child, just a little more." Tsarea assured, brushing her hair from her forehead. "A little more blood than I'd prefer... Serenity, focus on this area." he ordered, the Pokemon releasing another green aura.

From where he was, Chris asked for the woman's hand, reaching out and taking her wrist for another check on her pulse. In his mind, he thought "Quick, but weaker..." before releasing her. "How's her blood?" he asked, the man checking once more showing her sugar was staying below safe levels despite the nutrients from Alicia, making Chris show a brief glimpse of wariness before smiling again. "We're almost there... Hang on just a little more." he assured, wiping around the baby before extending his hands. "Take a few breaths, and on the count of three..." Chris instructed before giving a firm "Push!" to the woman, her body arching as she began struggling with the command. And yet, despite the odds ever dwindling, little by little the baby slipped from its mother, making its way into the world through the hardship as its body made its way out. Eventually, as time ticked on, at long last through the fogginess of the woman's waning conscience the majority of the baby was free, with only its waist down remaining. With himself sweating as profusely as the mother, Chris was visibly quivering just as badly, wiping his forehead with his arm as drops fell from his chin. "You're doing it... Almost there... If you can just give me one last big push, the rest should slip free!" he encouraged, the mother looking at him with glazed eyes and weakly nodding. "A few more breaths, relax a little... Then after one deep breath, push with all you've got left." Chris instructed, the young man assuring "You can do it!" as he held her hand. Doing as told, the woman lay her head down, collecting herself as best she could, and after a moment arched her body one final time, groaning before letting out an echoing scream of effort to release the child from within her.

Hearing this curdling sound, everyone tensed in terror and anticipation, until the woman went silent and not a thing was heard in the bowels of the chamber. With the Temple and surrounding area turning more silent than at any point in history, never had Yulema City felt so empty. It was a moment of stillness that would make even the bravest shudder, until finally Chris exclaimed "It's a boy everybody!" after which a roaring cheer louder than any overtook the Temple, and after several moments of cleaning and concealing the mother and child, those around them lowered the sheets for the world to see the new life in Chris's arms. With those around them maintaining a wide circle, everyone began to relax as Serenity and Tsarea took their hands away from the exhausted woman, having endured the birth but still heavy with fatigue as she was tucked under sheets, the young man praising her as he wiped away her sweat. With random "aw" noises echoing around them, the girls gathered curiously, smiling themselves before tilting their heads. "...Pardon me but, human newborns..." Alicia spoke, getting an "Eh?" from Chris as he looked at her. "...Don't they tend to move a tad more? Make noise?" she asked, making him pause before looking down at the baby in his arms. "...Huh?" he muttered, looking at its stillness himself before his expression began turning. Lifting it toward his face, he tried to feel for a breath, focusing on its chest as well while leaning his ear toward its mouth. With his eyes widening, Chris's color began to turn a deathly white, his blood running as cold as he realized the child was growing in his arms. Merely looking at it, the crowd around them became wary as well, their doting noises turning to murmurs of concern.

"What's going on?" the man asked, approaching Chris only for him to quickly turn his back, unsure of what to do in the moment as he prevented the child's own father from seeing the stillborn in his arms. With the mother weakly speaking up to ask what was wrong, Chris could only stutter, letting out things like "I-I" and "It-It uh..." repeatedly as those around them began turning pale just the same. Concerned herself, Tsarea approached Chris and held his shoulder, pulling him around before letting out a "Lord help us..." remark and making the sign of Arceus before her. Realizing what was going on, the mother began panicking in bed, growing hysterical as she questioned what was wrong with the baby, struggling to push herself up as the man stepped back, trembling in equal fear. With the baby's head tilt to the side, its silent and motionless form, with its arm dangling from Chris's, put fear none had felt before in the hearts of all in the chamber and beyond, and just as those recording were given immediate orders from superiors to cut the broadcast, they paused just before doing so as Chris moved quickly, snatching a warm towel to wrap its gradually chilling body in before placing it on the cot by the mother's feet, causing the woman to grow still before abruptly passing out. "Check on her!!" Chris demanded, the young man and Tsarea rushing to her as Chris parted the towel from the baby's chest. "Damn it... Damn it...!!" he growled before he began CPR on the infant. "Don't do it..." he added, offering a short breath before carefully pressing on its tiny chest. "Not here... You can't do it here...!!" he insisted as he began fighting to keep the newborn in the world of the living.

"You're in there... I know you're in there!" he coaxed as the girls stood as motionless as the rest. Performing the act for minute after minute, what had been excitement for the birth of new life turned to grief for its loss, with more and more heads hanging as people turned away one after another. "Come on... Come on!!" Chris demanded, and as time continued, deep in his psyche Ninetales's finally spoke, with nothing more than a "Stop" given, answered by a cross "Shut up!!" from him in turn, a remark that caught those around him by surprise. "I know he's in there!! He is!!" Chris added. After a moment more passed, it was the father who reached out this time, his hand on Chris's shoulder. "...We were told this could happen." he explained. "You... Kept her alive... That's enou...!!" he added before Chris shout "THEY BOTH ARE!!" in frustration, smacking his hand away before continuing CPR on the infant. "Come on!!" he added as the girls began streaming tears nearby. "Live!!" he shout. "He's... De...!!" the man tried to say, causing Chris's eyes to widen before snapping back at the father. "DON'T SAY IT!!" he warned. "You've gotta believe in him!! What's he supposed to do if you don't?!" he exclaimed before resuming his fight for the child. "You can't abandon him!! Believe!!" he insisted, patting its small cheek. "Come on... Come on...!!" Chris coaxed as he began breaking down himself. "A father has to believe!! He has to try!! What... What's a kid supposed to do if... If his own parents just..." he struggled, his own trauma of feeling abandoned beginning to show in the moment. "Don't... Don't give up..." he begged, performing CPR despite his emotions welling up. Hearing and seeing this, the father looked at his hand before clenching it into a fist.

Stepping around the bed, he got on his knees and took the infants hand, looking at Chris, then his child before steeling himself and letting out a "Come on... Son..." remark, making Chris pause and look at the man. Looking back at him in turn, the infants father braved the words "He's alive" to help encourage Chris to continue, making his tears flow all the more before wiping them away and continuing his fight for the soul of the newborn. With its father repeating the words "Come on son" as he leaned in closer to it, the father redoubled his faith, saying things like "Please" repeatedly. With the last of those still willing to watch turning their gazes elsewhere, and the stations broadcasting once more insisting the feed be cut, all of a sudden the father grew still, his eyes widening as in his grasp he felt a twitch from the fingers of the infant. And as Chris continued forcing the breath of life into its tiny frame, against the doubt of even Ninetales herself, another twitch came, then another, until its arm abruptly jerked, bringing the father to tears of his own as its entire body then jolt to life, catching Chris's attention as well. Beginning to thrash its limbs, its face began twisting until out of nowhere, the scream of a newborn echoed within the chamber walls, the sound picked up and carried through the speakers in the plaza and through televisions and radios the world over. With mouths agape from coast to coast, as cameras zoomed in on the crying newborn, it was as though a roar could be heard miles away from the planet as the globe celebrated the survival of the child, with Chris looking at the life he saved despite the doubts around and within him. Beginning prayer, Tsarea and all the sisters in the Temple made signs and held their hands together in silence, lowering their heads in thanks.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - Well Done Hero


Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

In response to the stirring of the child and its cries of life, everyone present were shouting things like "He did it!!" all around them as they jumped about excitedly, while nearby the orchestra before the stage began playing a tune in celebration. "Well done children." Tsarea praised, looking at the new father as well as Chris and the girls. "And if I'm not mistaken..." she paused, looking at Serenity. "You just helped bring a human child into the world alongside the rest of us... Did you not?" Tsarea point out, making Serenity jolt and look away. And as the jubilee resumed for not only the sake of the Temple, but the birth that had just occurred within it leaving many feeling like a hefty cigar, paramedics from an ambulance outside arrived on scene, hurrying along to take over the situation. And as they did, the crowd made way while the eyes of the infants mother weakly opened once more, a groan escaping her lips before jolting when she heard the music and cries of her baby, raising with the aid of the medics and looking at the flailing infant by her feet. Immediately streaming tears, the father noticed her and took the child in his arms, bringing it up and letting her hold it with help as she merely looked between it and him, saying only "Alive...?" as though in disbelief making the father nod. Outside the temple, a massive display of fireworks began firing into the sky in honor of the birth while the bells of the Temple loudly tolled, a glow around Tsarea showing it was her own power swaying them to and fro in their towers as their gongs echoed throughout Yulema City, and as everything happened, Chris remained still and unblinking, his shock having shut him down in ways as the medics prepped the couple and their child. Helping him stand and step back, Serenity carefully held him up as the family was escorted away, the mother and infant on a stretcher as the father stopped and thanked Chris, rapidly shaking his hand while failing to notice his unresponsive state before rushing off, jumping in the air and tapping his feet together with a hearty "I'm a dad everyone!!" as he followed the medics, the crowd patting the father's back and shaking his hand as they made their way out with roaring congrats.

In the moment however, it was impossible to tell whether Chris was even aware of where he was anymore, until suddenly he slowly pulled away from Serenity in a slumped manner and began walking off almost subconsciously. Collectively calling his name, the girls watched his awkwardly staggering movement, with Holly and Barnack reaching out warily as they too called him as he passed, nearly stumbling into the two Mayor's as the crowd, in their distracted state, failed to take notice. Having given all he had left to bring a child into the world, then claw it from the grip of death after already being on the brink of collapse, it was as though his body, knowing only that it couldn't give in before the sight of others, had taken over through sheer will itself and was taking him somewhere he could surrender without making a scene.

After having endured what was essentially insomnia to get everything done, putting an entire celebration together and all involved with it in merely three days time, only to go through birth and the near loss of a child he himself delivered at the end, his body dragged him along to the stage one final time, and once safely behind the curtains, his limbs surrendered and abruptly dropped the warrior with a thud like the mighty Achilles of legend, the fatigue finally snipping at his heels and forcing him to the ground leaving him unconscious...

With the man who did it all now out for the count, and the women who love him quickly surrounding him for support... There was still the matter of the results of all his hard work left to show, a responsibility that would now have to pass onto the shoulders of another...

Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master - CH 165

Chapter 165 - Save the Temple! (Part 6 - FINALE) Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - Last Orders [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIZ35jJ79xU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIZ35jJ79xU) Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select...

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Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master - CH 163

Chapter 163 - Save the Temple! (Part 4) "Hey girls! I'm back!" Chris waved with a grin, approaching the trio as they stood by the refreshments to the side of the temple's main chamber, snacking on the bite sized sandwiches once more. "And so...

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Pokemon - TOTGM - After Story Special - 20

Chapter 20 - A Captain Like No Other (Part 2) "Alright now... Comfortable?" Chris asked, tucking Sera under the sheets of his cabin bed, the small fox resting on her back with a nod as her paws held the sheets. "You've been such a good girl......

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