Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master - CH 163

Story by ModestImmorality on SoFurry

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#163 of Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master

Chapter 163 - Save the Temple! (Part 4)

"Hey girls! I'm back!" Chris waved with a grin, approaching the trio as they stood by the refreshments to the side of the temple's main chamber, snacking on the bite sized sandwiches once more. "And so arrives the man of the hour. That was quite the spectacle you pulled off up there." Alicia smirked. "Coming from you that means something." Chris thanked before looking down at Rose, her cheeks stuffed. "Wou did gwood jwob!" she praised, making him laugh. "Maybe you should wait till' your mouth is empty." he replied, rubbing her on the head as she glanced away with an embarrassed scowl. "I'm glad you girls enjoy the food, but maybe you should ease up? You could wind up sick." he cautioned. "You would think we'd be so already..." Alicia answered, looking down at herself. "You girls have been kinda different since we got out of Millennium... That sick spell, then the hunger pangs..." Chris admit, thinking it over. "And then there's the weight gai...!!" he tried to add, only for the two girls to send daggers his way with their glares, making him stop before fully stepping on the mine, raising his hands with an immediate apology. "...Still..." Rose muttered, looking down at herself and rubbing her stomach. "You'd kinda think we were..." she suggested, looking up at Alicia making the snake tilt her head before flushing wide eyed. "Oh certainly not, do you know the odds of that?" she reminded, glancing at Chris making him respond with an "eh?" before she focused elsewhere shyly. "...Don't be ridiculous." she grumbled before both returned their focus to their stomachs. "You... Girls okay?" Chris asked before turning his focus to Serenity who'd been oddly silent, her focus on the people in the chamber.

"Uh... How about you?" he asked, reaching out and putting his hand on her shoulder making the Pokemon jolt before looking at him with an "Oh, hi." response and a small smile. "Eh? Oh... Hi...?" Chris replied in surprise. "What wrong?" Serenity asked, blinking at him. "Er... Nothing... I guess... How are you?" he answered, getting a shrug. "I doing okay... You did good up in sky. I really liked it." she praised, giving him another smile before turning her focus back to the people in the chamber, her gaze meeting with Holy and Barnack as they stood in a corner laughing and drinking making her expression turn back to its former emotionless state, seemingly losing herself in her own mind. "Hm..." Chris muttered, showing intrigue and concern combined by her shift in behavior. "She's been like that for a while actually, up until now she managed to hide it whenever you came around." Alicia revealed, making him turn to her. "Kinda gotten worse over time... She makes sure to watch when you're doing something but other than that... She just zones out." Rose added. Looking at the two, he turned back to Serenity and put a hand on her shoulder once more, making her look at him curiously. "Hey... You sure you're okay?" he asked, getting a nod. "I fine! Not worry." she assured with a smile. "...You can talk to me you know." Chris pushed, making her look down at the cup of juice in her hand before shaking her head. "I okay, really... Just thinking is all." she explained. "About what? Something or... Someone bothering you? Is there something you sense we should know about?" Chris asked, making Alicia and Rose look at them. "Mm... That a good question... I not really have good answer though... I not know either." Serenity replied, looking back down at her drink.

"Feel like... Have something to say, but not have something to say...." she added, puzzling Chris and the others. "Have something on mind, but not have good way to put it... So been thinking a lot." Serenity explained. "Is it something you want to say to me? Something that I can help with?" Chris offered, only for the Pokemon to shake her head. "No... It something I have to say when time is right, when find good way to put it... And what I say, it not for you." she assured, though her cryptic responses only served to further puzzle, and somewhat concern Chris as he looked at her, only for the Pokemon to smile again. "Not look that way... Everything okay, I promise. Having good time, you doing good job. I very proud of you." she praised with a nod. "If you say so... If you need me though you know you can tell me..." he insisted. "I know... You always here, for me..." she paused before looking at the crowd. "For... Everyone..." she added, her tone fading to a mutter, her slow drift from him causing Chris to call her name again, only to be ignored. "...I guess we'd better wrap this up. I need to get you girls home..." he spoke as Serenity seemingly looked through all the people in the chamber rather than at them. "We'll be fine, you go and finish what you have to do." Alicia coaxed, slithering up. "We'll keep an eye on her... This is a big thing you're doing for this temple, go see it through." she insisted. "Yeah, don't worry." Rose agreed, holding his hand. "Go and finish what you started. We'll be here when it's over." she assured, getting a nod from him in turn. "Okay then..." he agreed, looking back at Serenity as she stood in silence, causing him to show concern again as he turned and started making his way to the stage, looking back at the Pokemon in the process.

"Hey, you're making things difficult." Alicia scowled, nudging Serenity making her stumble before looking at the snake with an "Eh?" in response. "She said you're making it hard on Chris, you're letting yourself slip and he's noticing." Rose warned, making her rub her head guiltily. "Sorry..." Serenity apologized. "He wanted us all to have a good time, sure he's busy but the fact remains. What's getting into you?" Alicia pushed. "It nothing! Not worry about it!" Serenity affirmed with an irritated stance. "We're more concerned about Chris than anything... You know he doesn't need to be worrying about us right now." Rose point out. "I not trying to make him do it on purpose!" Serenity insisted. "Easy, don't get snappy. Cause a scene and there will be trouble." Alicia warned, the three of them looking around before Serenity sighed and apologized. "Whatever is on your mind, it can be sorted out later. Right now he needs support, from us and you... Just try to keep your focus for a while longer." Alicia coaxed, getting an "Mm" and another apology. After a moment, they suddenly heard Chris's voice echoing from the speakers, calling out with an "Attention! Your attention please!" remark that made the crowd quiet down and turn to him as he stood on stage before the mic. "Before we begin our final two performances of the night and start winding down, I'd like to take a moment once more to thank you all, both here and abroad for being with us tonight, for watching us from wherever you may be, and helping to spread our message throughout Yulema City and the rest of the world!" Chris grinned as spotlights focused on him. "We've had a lot of fun so far, we've had amazing guests show up, and more help than we know what to do with..." he point out.

"And through it all, you've allowed me to share what I've had to say with you all, you've given our guests their chance to speak their minds, and you've done so with open minds, and open hearts..." Chris praised, making the crowd smile at one another. "However..." he added, making them pause and look back at him. "I know as well as anyone that words alone can only take you and your cause so far, which is why I want to let everyone know before this next performance begins that it will be a little... Stronger... Than what we've done and shown so far." he warned, getting both curious and wary looks from the audience. "As we've moved forward in our societies, there are those among us that have been stuck in the past, and not through a will of their own. As we've used them to build our futures, we've left them without one. As our societies grow, theirs vanishes. And worst of all, very seldom to they resist it, very seldom are they given the opportunity to truly live and thrive in the world we've done all we can to replace theirs with... And it's a world we've built on top of theirs, using their own hands to do so..." Chris point out. "We've taken their land, we've used them to develop it into our image, and when they've finished their work, we've left them with nowhere to call home..." he added, looking at everyone in the chamber. "Nowhere, except the devices we wear on our belts and stuff in our pockets." he affirmed, finally revealing just who he was talking about. "Throughout history, we've put our own kind in chains. We've beaten our fellow men, tortured our fellow women, and to this day, as we gloat about how equal and just we've become alongside one another, we've failed to acknowledge those who still live the same existence we claim to have surpassed!" he lectured.

"It took me some time to think of the right way to word this... And it still may not be perfect, but I hope what I'm about to say will stick with you, long after our gathering here tonight is finished." Chris nodded as everyone listened. "The thing I have to say, that I hope will leave an impact, is this..." he paused, looking down as the girls watched as well before he faced everyone and the cameras watching.

"Those who cheer for the pride and freedom of some, or of oneself, at the expense or ignorance of others, even if they believe it's justified, deserve neither pride nor' freedom!" he insisted. "Those who would take the home of another and leave those that came before them shackled and subservient, deserve neither the land nor' home they dwell on!" he added. "And those who would find joy in such a society and hope for a future that continues to thrive on the backs of others while they themselves do little of the work they expect of others, deserve neither joy, nor' a future." he finished, lowering his mic as he let everyone take his words in as the girls showed their own surprise.

With those in the audience murmuring from the coarseness of his words, those from the media looked at one another warily from broadcasting such remarks across the globe, all too wary of the response it could garner as Chris remained silent under the lights. Nearby, both Holy and Barnack looked at one another with the same wariness as the media, yet maintained their silence nonetheless. Though whether it was out of respect for him being bold enough to make such a statement to the globe, or wariness of the retaliation from powers that be was impossible to tell as he raised the mic back toward his mouth. "To those who take offense to what I've just said, rather than me offering an apology, I'd like to ask... Does your offense come from guilt, acknowledging your own part in the behavior I've mentioned? Or from your position of power in which it threatens?" he point out. "If you're innocent of these deeds, nothing about what I've just said should bother you directly. Though if you're bothered by the neglect itself, well then..." he paused, reaching his hand out. "Welcome to our side, and welcome to what we're fighting for here tonight." he nodded. "I've talked about how much fun we've had here, and while what I've just said may turn that fun in another direction, I ask that you still stay with us, and see this event through until the end." Chris encouraged. "With that out of the way, it's like I said... Words can only push your cause so far, so without further adieu, please enjoy this next performance, and let what you see, the message it shares, sink in, and never forget it!" he finished with his fist raised.



As you read, it will be up to you to decide when you are done listening to each song. It's made clear when each performance ends, so you can either stop when the story basically tells you to, or of your own accord.

If needed, pause reading the chapter here and take a break to give yourself time to ready yourself for the mood to follow, or take care of any tasks that need be so you needn't interrupt yourself partway through reading.

With that out of the way, enjoy Part 4 of the Save the Temple finale fans of TOTGM! Thanks for sticking with it thus far as another saga of this ever sprawling series reaches its spectacular climax!

**LISTEN WHILE READING** - Leading A Revolution


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Suddenly, the drummer and guitarists began to play around him as the lights flashed along to the beat, the chamber dimming as the monitors flashed on and the projectors outside the temple activated. "This one goes out, to the man who mines for miracles. This one goes out to the one's in need, this one goes out to the sinner and the cynical, this ain't about no apology!" Chris declared, and as he sang, the monitors began showing old black and white images of black slaves working on buildings and railroads, with some screens showing depictions of black people being whipped and dragged along. "We weren't born to follow! Come on and get up off your knees!" Chris shout as the monitors then changed to recent depictions of Pokemon still going through the same torture, showing species like the Timburr and Machop lines being forced to build and mine, carrying far too heavy supplies while being whipped and dragged the same as the black slaves of the past, blurring the lines between them. "We weren't born to follow! You've gotta stand up for what you believe!" Chris pushed, pointing at the crowd and cameras. Next on the monitors, historic depictions of both blacks and latino's being hauled off in cages and various types of vehicles began to show, going through the forced migration of labor from various peoples in history before showing more types of Pokemon going through the same, including lines like Ponyta, Smeargle, and Combee along with their queens, each with their homes ruined while they were taken away and used for things like lugging supplies, forced labor painting homes, and mass production of food against their will with humans shown forced into factory labor alongside them. "We weren't born to follow! Come on and get up off your knees!" Chris pushed again.

With depictions of latino's and various oriental migrants shown being forced to work on farms across the world, this was shown in contrast with species like the Diglett line being forced to till fields, and as both were shown working, the humans were shown on farms as planes filled with poison to spread on crops released it like rain over them regardless of the harm it would cause, while the Diglett line were shown smoked out of the tunnels in the fields after their work was done for recapture, both shown collapsing because of the abuse from the toxic fumes. Once these scenes were finished, with most of the ones showing humans from long ago while all the depictions of Pokemon were current to show the contrast between the degrees slavery has been ignored between them, the crowd noticeably stiffened as the performance went on, many clenching fists from their own people's suffrage being broadcast worldwide for all to see. Lastly, a scene was put together to show the women's suffrage in particular, including native women taken from their tribes and forced into marriage and servitude, shown standing by their conquerors while black women were shown forced into living as maids for the wealthy. The oriental women were shown bowing on their knees on camera alongside military men during wartime, and in contrast with this, it was organized to show all the types of Pokemon taken away and put in similar roles those like the wealthy forced them in, showing the worlds most beautiful species like Roserade, Vespiquen, Lopunny, Gardevoir, Lucario, Froslass, Serperior, Audino, Leavanny and Lilligant, Gothitelle and Braixen, Florges, Primarina, Lurantes and Tsareena, all reduced to maids and trinkets dressed up for service and contests with defeated looks.

Seeing the comparisons forced together over and over, it was a revelation that Pokemon were truly no different than the countless races of humans forced to serve throughout history, from the black maids forced to serve and look good for their masters, to the trophy wife natives and oriental peoples who were made to live alongside those who took their homes and families away, even the black men and immigrants transferred around the world and forced to farm and build the societies of others, it was a moment that riled up the audience regardless of race or gender, with both Serenity and Tsarea sensing the extreme shift in mood from all who were present. "Believe that the sun will shine tomorrow, and that saints and sinners bleed!" Chris called out, and just as the scenes of suffrage pushed the crowd toward a rebellious boiling point, the performance shifted to the period of cultural revolution, and as Marvin Luror appeared during his "I have a dream" speech, the audience let out a roaring and victorious shout as the man was shown behind his podium calling for equality. After this, depictions of minorities and immigrants of all backgrounds were shown finally rising up for their rights. From an extremely old black and white video of a black man pulling his chains apart with his own strength and retaliating against his captor, whipping the one that had whipped him with the very chains he was forced into, to a video of immigrants throwing down their tools and ganging up on their abusers, to those in the east rebuilding their homelands after the wars and overthrowing their leaders with democratic systems in their place, the depictions had shifted from misery to hope and success as videos of men and women of all races were shown marching with signs for equality.

As the music went on, walls were torn down, officials with legislative power were shown passing new laws, dictators were overthrown, all the while marching peoples of every race were shown along the buildings surrounding the plaza outside, their signs for justice raised high, while on the monitors, rather than races enslaving one another, white and black people were shown getting married, natives were shown being granted their lands back, trade deals were shown to help rebuild the economies of nations that had suffered from wars, new monuments were shown rising for those like Marvin Luror, and even Barnack's victory to become the first black Mayor of Yulema City was highlighted along with Holy as the first woman to win, showing the two grinning and waving which got more raving responses from the crowd. Reaching the end of the performance, the monitors faded to black after showing Barnack, and the words

"Our Revolutions Have Come And Gone"

Faded into view, after which they disappeared and countless pictures of Pokemon suffering in the current day appeared as a collage, followed by a large depiction caught of the Temple when it was on fire with the words

"When Will These Slaves Have Theirs?"

Before the screens faded back to black and a picture of chains followed by a Pokeball appeared with the words

"What's The Difference?"

**LISTEN WHILE READING** - He Who Lives For Everyone


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After which the audience in the chamber that had been so riled began to simmer as the suggestion registered in their minds, with many taking out the Pokeballs they had with them and showing both uncertainty and guilt, the realization that after being owned themselves for so long they were now taking it upon themselves to own others, regardless of if they were man or Pokemon as Chris's performance finally came to an end. With the lights returning to normal and the monitors shutting off, he put the mic back in its stand and looked at everyone, with the audience looking at him in turn. "...Who are we to claim freedom for ourselves, to say we deserve anything, while to this day we're busy kidnapping and using beings all over the world we deem as lesser than us, regardless of the reason? How is holding those beings in the palm of your hands, which many of you are doing right now, any different than how the people of the past held your people in the palm of theirs?" he asked, after which he stepped next to the stand and bowed, telling everyone "Thank you" before looking at everyone again to gauge their reactions, with all who'd enjoyed the festivities up to this point now standing as their own individual judge and juries. Taking his leave of the stage, he then made his way to Tsarea and bowed to her as well, giving an apology even though he played no part in the attack on the temple before returning to where the girls were, all three looking at him wide eyed, even Serenity who'd been so distracted moments before. "...Thank you too." he smiled before taking another bow for the trio. "I don't think I would've realized any of this myself without having you girls with me. Thanks for teaching me all that you have." he added, raising and looking at the trio warmly and fondly putting blushes on their still silent faces.

"...You think I went too far?" he asked, scratching his cheek warily making the girls immediately shake their heads. "You... Bewilder me..." Alicia replied first. "It's hard to know if we really know you at all sometimes..." Rose added, looking up at him with eyes still full of awe while Serenity stepped up, making him turn to her before finding himself in a hug. "So... Pretty good then, yeah?" he questioned, the Pokemon stepping back and looking at him as though sizing him up anew, causing Chris to tilt his head curiously. "Something on me?" he asked, looking himself over after which Serenity merely smiled approvingly. "You bigger man than thought is all... And that say something." she assured. "Uh, thanks! But... Does that mean you didn't see me as one before?" Chris asked warily. "No, already think you man, now you just bigger is all." Serenity giggled, her way of phrasing it leaving him slightly puzzled yet appreciative nonetheless as he nodded. "That was rather bold, in a much different sort of way than your usual deeds. Impressive as it was, won't such a proclamation before the world grant you... Enemies?" Alicia point out, making Rose and Serenity pause as Chris thought it over. "By this point, I already have them I guess... When you have a cause like this, you really can't help rubbing people the wrong way, it's gonna happen." he answered. "But that's the only way things happen sometimes... Humans are just like that... Sadly." he admit. "We live in a cycle, and it's only broken when a strong enough force makes it happen." he added, making Serenity look down before hitting her fist in her palm with a grunt. "Nobody touch you on my watch." she affirmed. "Come now, I'll be fine." Chris assured.

"Considering the atmosphere of the place now... I'm glad about the song I chose to finish things off with. These folks will need something to help mellow them out while they deal with the lesson." he added, looking around. "What song DID you pick?" Rose asked. "You'll see." Chris winked before rubbing her on the head. "I hope I don't seem like too much of a stranger to you after what just happened though." he point out, the girls shaking their heads. "Not at all... Discovering new depths to someone keeps things refreshing." Alicia smiled. "Yeah! Just when we think we've got a grasp on you, next thing we know you're slipping away again. Kind of fun trying to keep up." Rose giggled. "Each new thing about you just remind me more why you stand apart so much, it good thing." Serenity praised with a smile of her own. "Appreciate it... Good to see you back among us again too by the way." Chris point out, looking at Serenity making her blink before glancing away and rubbing her head. "Mm... Sorry for way I seem so distant bit ago... Still thinking about stuff but it not so bad now... Listening to you, it help me figure some things out, so not so bad now." she explained, making Chris nod. "Good... That means I won't have to worry about you paying attention to my last performance." he grinned. "Final push... Sure you're ready?" Alicia spoke in a cautionary tone. "Being at the finish line will help give me what drive I need to make it through, don't worry." Chris assured, offering a thumbs up before Serenity brought him a cup of juice. "Drink before go." she insisted. "Ha ha. Alright." he smirked, accepting the offering and downing it. "I... Not mean drink like that." Serenity hesitated. "It's fine, I gotta get back." Chris answered, handing her the empty cup.

"Well then, good luck." Alicia nodded while Rose held his hand and smiled. "Yeah... Be back in a bit." he assured, looking at Serenity as she looked back and shook her head. "You something else... Always go go go." she sighed before smiling again. "...Love you." she spoke using her own voice through her mouth, making Chris jolt and blush. "Agh... Why does hearing you say it like that still get to me..." he groaned, rubbing his head in embarrassment before heading back to the stage with a wave. Watching together, the girls saw the drummer and guitarists leave the stage as a piano was rolled along and placed in the center, making Rose let out a drawn "O-oh!" from knowing he was about to play again. In front of the stage, the orchestra started prepping for the performance as well, strumming and testing their instruments making the crowd watch curiously as Chris took the mic from its stand and placed it on a smaller one atop the piano while a chair was rolled out for him. Taking a seat, he took a moment to play several keys, getting himself in the mood as well while clearing his throat. With several minutes having passed since he and the orchestra started their preps, Chris reached up and adjusted the mic before finally looking at the crowd, the majority now more wary of what would come next than excited as he looked at the girls, giving them a smile before focusing back at the people filling the chamber. "Ladies and gentlemen... Once again, thank you for everything tonight." he spoke, making many jolt from the sudden speech from the speakers. "I know my last performance rattled many of you... So while you think about the lessons it taught, before you leave, I have one more thing to sing that will hopefully better explain why I've done all this." he said calmly.

"This final performance... Is going to be an extremely personal one. More people than I can probably count now know who I am, who those I journey with are... But up to this point, you haven't really seen MY side of everything, you don't know how things really felt for me as I've made my way through Ureaxion, you don't really know me personally, besides forming an image based on the news and some of my speeches so far... To many, I may seem like an extremist, because of my views, but deep down, I just care. And not only about the cause of Pokemon, but of humans as well... I do all of this, because I fear... If we don't work to change how we treat Pokemon for the better, the day might come when our treatment of them, becomes how we treat one another again. So many species of Pokemon are so close to our own kind, some pretty much to the T besides looks... If we're this comfortable treating those, especially the one's who mirror us so well, the way we do... How long until we look at one another again and think lesser of the person beside of us because of a difference of race and the like?" Chris asked. "Many Pokemon can literally speak our language, they have our level of comprehension and awareness, some even more-so than we may have. They can sense our very auras, know who we are just by a glance, both now and who we were in the past, we're like windows to them and they can read us better than we read ourselves, and yet they too fall prey to hunters and trainers, they are captured like the rest. The wisest Kadabra is treated like the simplest Magikarp, and even they aren't completely mindless, as it's their vengeance for how we treat them more often than not that turn them into Gyarados..." he point out.

"I want us, all of us... To treat Pokemon better, to give them the same rights as we've given ourselves, so that we can truly move forward, truly deserve this world we have now, because for the time being, all we really have is a world we've reaped the benefits of while leaving those who created it to serve beneath our feet. Humans may have built things on their own, and more power to them, they deserve what they have for doing so... But even this temple we're in now, that was burned for having a Pokemon serve as a Mother, it too was made by Pokemon labor, by species that were imported from abroad to construct it and much of this city so long ago... The floor you stand on was built off the sweat, and the suffrage of the very beings persecuted among us today." Chris revealed, having done some research on the city. "Do you really want the motto of your city, of our world... To be what you build, we will take, and you will live beneath us?" he asked. "Do you want our people to be remembered as a race, a collective race regardless of color, that fought for our own rights, but anything, anyone that wasn't human was left to rot? Is that what our legacy in this world is destined to be? Self indulgence, and a blind eye to those who built all that we were blessed with?" he added as everyone listened and reflected, many looking around at the temple. "To me... It doesn't matter who you are. What you are... There isn't a soul on this planet that has less value than any other. We always say we're all created equal. So... When will we act on what we say?" he pushed. "With that out of the way, everyone... I hope you enjoy our story, poured straight from my heart." he smiled before closing his eyes and turning to the piano with hands out.

**LISTEN WHILE READING** - Our Adventures


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Suddenly, in contrast to the bombastic performance from before, a soothing melody began to echo from the orchestra before the stage, the sound filling both the chamber walls, as well as spreading far and wide from the speakers outside the temple. In the process, the effects lighting the temple and plaza changed to reflect softer shades of colors like orange and purple while the projectors showed Chris on the outer walls of the temple itself. "Serenity... Rose... Alicia..." he called, making the girls jolt. "Come to the front of the crowd please... This is our story, you should be front and center." he smiled as they looked at one another and approached, the audience making room for them to pass as the orchestra began to pick up, and upon doing so, he formed a mellow mixture of a gold and blue aura around his body, revealing his power over ice for the first time since its discovery. After this, his energy began to rise and gather into a massive ball over the stage, looking as though it were made of gold and blue dust of sorts as it glistened while he played the piano. "When I am down, and oh, my soul, so weary... When troubles come, and my heart burdened be... Then I am still, and wait here, in the silence... Until you come, and sit a while with me..." he began softly, looking at the girls as his voice made their eyes widen. Looking up, they watched as the ball of energy began to waft and change shape, almost as though a breeze had begun painting a tapestry above the stage, with the gold the dust turning into him sitting alone at a fire made of the blue dust. As the scene showed him stand and turn, it waft away and changed to show him standing at a golden cliff, looking down as the blue dust gathered at its base and dimly glowed like a dying star, representing Serenity as a Ralts.

Seeing this, her heart suddenly skipped a beat as the scene changed to show him walking up to her before all that was shown were his golden arms slowly lifting her. Changing what was shown again as the dust swirled together, Chris revealed himself climbing up the cliff with her in tow, her body made of glistening blue dust still dimly flickering as though about to vanish before showing him tending to her. Following that, he created a scene of him from the torso up, walking along with her atop his shoulder as a now brightly glowing Ralts, emphasizing bringing her back to life making the Pokemon cover her mouth as tears welled in her eyes. Showing them spending time together in various ways, he highlighted them eating and drinking together, even showing himself squatting down and reaching out as she practiced learning to walk without sight as she nervously walked toward him, reaching out herself until he held her tiny hands. Next, he changed the scene to show him walking up to Guile and his Pangoro with her atop his shoulder, with Chris and Guile bowing to one another before he showed only Serenity and the Pangoro facing one another, like an ant before a mountain yet showing no fear as the later lift her and held her up. Changing the scene to show only her floating out of Pangoro's hands, streaks of gold began wafting around her, like brushes painting along her form until a blue flash lit up the chamber and she was shown as a Kirlia, breaking Serenity down into tears as he showed himself from the torso up with her sitting on his shoulder, their fists raised in victory as gold dust formed a necklace around her neck, emphasizing its importance as a sign of her growth as Serenity clutched her badge with her other hand.

"You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains... You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas. I am strong, when I am on your shoulders... You raise me up, to more than I can be..." he cooed into the mic, looking at Serenity before turning his focus to Alicia and showing a scene of himself walking along until another ball of blue dust formed a dimly flickering figure before him on the ground, her eyes now widened as just like with Serenity, his golden arms were focused on as they slowly lift her up before revealing himself feeding her in his embrace with a glistening blue spoon, her dim blue light slowly growing brighter as she recovered within the warmth of his golden glow. Following this, he showed himself standing with his arms crossed as she stood before him, lashing out her vines as she trained and built her strength back up until he suddenly ran past her, the scene moving slowly as he looked back and waved for her to follow, making her run along with him to emphasize her moving forward by his side. And as the scene waft away once more, it changed to show the two of them walking up to Lia and Infernape, the four of them bowing to one another with their fists against their palms in mutual respect before only showing the two of them, with Alicia turning and leaping into his golden arms. Twirling about, he showed himself suddenly tossing her in the air, then focusing solely on her as she float while bands of gold swirled about her blue form and another flash lit up the chamber, revealing her as a Servine and donning her with a golden necklace of her own as she too stood with pride. With no hands to cover her face, all Alicia could do was bite her lip to reel in her emotions as her own tears welled.

"You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains! You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas!" he repeat, this time with more energy in his tone as the scene swirled and changed to show his golden form leaping from the edge of a cliff, his arms reaching out to their blue forms as they fell before him and showing him slowly catching the two and turning his back to the ground below to take on the impact for their sake, further rattling the two as both streamed tears and trembled while the scene showed him lying on the ground, this time his golden glow being the one flickering as though fading away as both of them slowly ran up to his body. Following this, he showed only himself and Serenity as she tried to shake him back to life, and with him failing to budge, she was shown clutching her head in agony before leaning back as though screaming to the sky, and as the scene changed, an explosion followed that showed her standing as a fully fledged Gardevoir, her arms out and gold radiating from her blue form as it shined now like the sun, making her look like a holy figure rather than malicious as he then showed her lifting his unconscious body and being the one to now hold his weakened and flickering self in her embrace. After this, as his golden glow remained dim, Chris showed himself sitting in a blue hospital bed, his head lowered alone before Serenity walked into the scene and Alicia jumped onto the bed, with the girls now the ones with the radiant glow that soothed him as his head raised and he looked at the two, making his own glow turn a little brighter. In turn, he moved on to show his golden figure in a blue wheelchair, with Alicia on his lap while Serenity pushed him along until Gerald showed up before them, offering a bow before walking by their side.

Following that, he slowly added Arthur and Angela, along with their father making his way along with his cane to emphasize the friends they'd made up to that point, with even Guile and Lia, Pangoro and Infernape, as well as nurses and children from the hospital and Pokemon Center he'd helped, all of them walking slowly together with pride like a peaceful march of sorts toward the future while he was wheeled along in front, still dim in comparison to the glow everyone else radiated, and beneath their feet a glistening trail was left by the wheels beneath his chair for everyone else to walk safely along, emphasizing how even when wounded his desire to help others remained. Once the scene was finished, it waft away as though hit by a breeze again, and with the music calming to a near silent state, he looked at Alicia once more before turning his focus to Rose, showing himself in his wheelchair slowly rushing to a third flickering blue form on the ground as what was thought to be the end of the song instead turned into an explosion of spectacle when the curtains at the back of the stage abruptly flew open and the sisters of the temple joined in, the lights flashing on from beneath them giving the choir an angelic atmosphere. Above their heads, as he loudly sang "You raise me up!" once more, Chris threw his head back and showed a colossal truck slamming into him from the front as he now held Rose her in her own tiny blue form. Emphasizing that it was her that served as the catalyst for his awakening, when the truck made impact massive wings of gold burst from his back as the truck vanished before him as though it were nothing, his own golden glow finally returning to its own sun-like state after his willingness to sacrifice his own life for hers like his own rebirth of sorts.

With her lips quivering, Rose held onto one of her ears tightly as she too began to tremble as he showed the recovery they went through together, with Chris showing himself pushing his body to walk again along bars in rehab as they stood near him for support. Turning the scene to the Warden of Millennium City, he showed them standing before one another as the Warden's powerful team appeared behind him like a blockade of sorts and the Warden held his hand out in a "Stop!" manner, with Chris standing behind Serenity and Alicia as the one now being protected. Down at his feet, Rose stood timidly from behind him until the scene changed to show Serenity and Alicia weakened before the Warden's team. Following this, he showed Guile and the rest throwing their teams in to help him win from the stands, their Pokemon appearing in flashes and standing with Serenity and Alicia to help them up and eagerly defend Chris as well as they took on fighting stances together. With the scene that followed, he focused on Rose as the tugged on his leg before showing himself squatting down to look at her, the tiny rabbit finally standing tall as well and hitting her chest eager to help. After this, he showed only her as she raced forward and made a mighty leap, followed by an explosion of light as gold rapidly embraced her like Mega Evolution and she joined the rest of the fighters as a Mega Lopunny for his sake, looking as though charging into battle together. Showing the battle won shortly after, he made a scene of the other Pokemon lifting her and throwing her into the air as a hero herself, and just like the others a golden necklace appeared on her neck as he showed a scene of all of them standing with their fists up, each having pulled themselves from the brink and thriving as they shined like stars.

After this, he showed them and their friends standing around the massive cake that was made for the party at the mansion and all the people that had come to meet them and celebrate their freedom, with their departure from the city following after as they waved farewell to Gerald from the railing of the Guardian ship. Going through their time on the sea, what started out as happy memories of their vacation soon changed to when they were attacked by the Gyarados as he showed himself at the helm of the ship, struggling with the wheel before the scene suddenly exploded in a flash before the gold and blue dust wildly swirled into a new scene showing the chaotic ocean, himself shown on the surface while Alicia leaped through the air for his sake in slow motion and evolved into a Serperior, the moment focusing closely on her before the two were shown being pulled back onto the ship by passengers. And as he began nearing the end of the song, Chris showed the Guardian climbing the massive wave that sank it before showing them on the bow of the ship as Serenity went through her own Mega Evolution, becoming a radiant star on the tip of the vessel just in time to form the barrier which protected the entire ship as it was shown sinking to the ocean floor, with Chris making an illusion of the Arceanic wreckage nearby as the Guardian landed in the chasm close by. Focusing on the wreckage, he showed Smith and all of his passengers and crew rising up from within in their Pokemon forms before working together to lift the remains. Wanting the moment to stand out further, he showed the Arceanic sailing through the chamber before returning to the scene on stage and colliding with the chasm beneath the Guardian liner.

With it now free, he showed them working to lift the Guardian back to the surface before focusing on himself and Smith working together against the Gyarados, and once the battle was over, the two of them were seen shaking hands on the Guardian deck before the scene vanished, the gold and blue dust merely hovering over the stage without form as the music and Chris's tone began to calm. "I am strong, when I am on your shoulders..." he sang before showing a final scene of him walking ahead of the girls in their first forms, then showing them walking closer by his sides in their second, and as Serenity and Alicia turned into the current selves, all three transitioned into being the ones walking ahead of him, stopping and looking back as he caught up with his staff in hand before they stood together and faced the crowd. Now finished with the song, Chris slowly lowered his arms from the piano as the scene above vanished like sand from an hourglass, the particles slowly and softly raining down while glistening in the light and vanishing as it touched those beneath it and the floor. Taking a breath to relax, having shaken himself as well, he took the mic from the stand on the piano and walked up to the edge of the stage, looking at the girls as a spotlight remained on him. "Serenity... Alicia... Rose..." he called, their eyes overflowing with tears as they hicked and sniffed. "Thanks for being my family." he spoke through the speakers before grinning warmly, breaking the last nerve they had as Serenity and Rose fell to their knees sobbing and Alicia hung her head doing the same. Looking between him and the girls, the audience in the chamber began applauding, both for the performance and their relationship, causing the claps and cheers to spread throughout the plaza outside as well.

And with the final song now complete... All that remained was to see the fruits of his labor unfold...

Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master - CH 164

Chapter 164 - Child of Hope \*\*MESSAGE FOR READERS\*\* Beginning this chapter, all LWR tracks are optional once more, you aren't required to listen to any of them for the full experience if you choose not to do so. If you would rather read in...

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Pokemon - TOTGM - After Story Special - 20

Chapter 20 - A Captain Like No Other (Part 2) "Alright now... Comfortable?" Chris asked, tucking Sera under the sheets of his cabin bed, the small fox resting on her back with a nod as her paws held the sheets. "You've been such a good girl......

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Pokemon - TOTGM - After Story Special - 19

Chapter 19 - A Captain Like No Other (Part 1) Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - The Voyage Begins! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfGYD1Vnk80](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfGYD1Vnk80) Recommended - Right Click On Video -...

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