Cleaning Day (Story commission)

Story by IsaacKonos on SoFurry

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This story contains some kinks such as macro micro and destruction of a good amount of tiny cities.

"Jack lost a bet to his friend and found himself forced to execute cleaning tasks at his house while dressed up as a maid until he accidentally stumbles upon one of his friend's invention, changing the perspective of Isaac's reality entirely."

A story commission for my friend Coolest (on FA) who has been a long time friend. Always nice to write about giant boys dressed up like maid >;3

Credits for the thumbnail art and character goes to its owners.I'm currently open for story commissions like this. for more info check:

Google Drive link if you prefer:

Other places where you can find me:


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"Ah, come on, you'll look cute~."

Said the slim, Siamese-cat with some cyberware implants covering his body standing in front of the bathroom door.

"I'm trying! Why did you choose clothes so tight?!"

Said Jake, the anthropomorphic domestic Cat who was struggling to get himself dressed in the bathroom.

"Pff, everyone knows boys look better if they are dressed in skin-tight maid clothes~~. Besides it, I told you wouldn't make it any easy for you if you happen to lose the bet."

Giggling after finishing his sentence, the Siamese-Cat leaned himself over the bathroom's door just to tease over his friend some more.

"Hey!!! Get out!! I told you I'm not ready yet!"

Jake said as he immediately pushed the door back, hoping that Isaac didn't manage to see him naked. The Siamese Feline was giggling more, and despite the efforts of his friend, the kitty did saw parts of Jake's long thick thighs, one of them dressed in a long white sock already.

"You know what, I might even take some photos of you~ you know, just to save the memory~."

"No way!!! You promised me! No photos!"

"Fine, fine, fine. No photos. I was only joking, though."

Finally, when the Feline, owner of the place, finished his sentence, the door in front of him opened, revealing a tall, anthropomorphic cat who could only be described as the cutest, girly boy in the world. Even if Jake's face was looking quite cranky.

"You are my boy!! 10/10!"

Isaac said, using his hand's gesture to form a heart while looking at his friend's face.

"Just tell me what I have to clean, so I can get out here and out of these clothes... They are so tight it feels like my balls are being pushed inside my pelvis..."

Isaac couldn't help but let out another soft giggle before he gently placed a hand over his friend's shoulder and told the fellow Feline to follow him.

"Well... Let's start by...hehe... Sorry..."

The Cat was still trying to recompose himself.

"Alright, I believe it'll be better if we start by the places you should not clean. Or better said, not even touch."

Isaac led Jake through the house, a relatively large house with a lot of rooms and some fancy furniture and full of detailed decorations. Although Isaac never got into the details about the house itself. There was a room separated from the others, and that could only be accessed by passing through a biological scanner.

"What is it so important behind this door?"

Jake asked, still adjusting himself a little bit. One of his hands all the way down around his privates, even if the Feline was doing his best to hide it.

"Ah, you'll see~."

The door opened, revealing a room full of electronic devices. Jake was looking at all the types of equipment, each set up on top of a cybernetic pedestal directly connected to the house's smart system.

"Welcome to my security room. Basically, this is the Place Millo, and I keep our personal inventions stored. I could list to you everything we got here, but it would take an eternity. Just don't touch anything here as you go on cleaning."

Isaac said while he was shortly walking around the room, double-checking if all devices were in place.

"You rich people really like to waste space, don't you?"

The Siamese-feline immediately stop for a moment, looking into the other Feline's eye for a moment.

"It is not a waste of space, and besides it, you could very well have all the space you want yourself if you just drop down some more levels in the size scale. Just remember you were the one who wanted to be a full normal-sized furry for a day so badly~. Well, now you got the chance."

Isaac said, sounding a little spoiled, but smiling at Jake's face and walking outside the security room.

"But don't worry. To be honest, I never really understood why micros always want to be... Macros? Is that how we are called?"

"Well, yeah... to us, every single normal-size furry is a macro."

"I bet it is more of a fetish thing for you, isn't it?"

Isaac said while looking at Jake's face, even though the other Feline was trying to hide it, Isaac was fully able to see Jake's face blushing.

"Alright, alright. I have to attend an important conference call in a minute. You clean everything and behaver like a good kitty, and who knows, maybe when I'm back, you might get the chance of making out with "macro"~."

Isaac said before passing right in front of the taller macro, like-normal sized Cat. The Siamese-cat passed close enough to let his long, glowing tail touch Jake's skirt as he continued to walk steadily disappearing in the long, almost endless hall.

"Time to clean, I guess..."

Jake thought to himself, but at the same time, the Feline was wondering.

"Well, what if the inside of that room there is a device that I could use to maintain or change my size?"

Although his mind was telling him it was not going to be a good idea, the Cat was still pondering. After all, life as a micro was not all bad. Micros could live just like normal-size furries do, they have all the same fancy things, they are just smaller... Although, to Jake, it didn't feel like the same thing. He needed to sneak into that safe room, he needed to fill his desire to remain this "massive"!

"Ok, so how to pass through the biological scan... Oh!!"

Very conveniently, Jake spotted a strand of Isaac's fur attached to his skirt from the moment Isaac let his tail touch it. The black-furred Feline with some orange furry stripes covering his body pinched the dark blue strand of fur between his fingertips. He approached it to the device's graphene-like surface. Much to his surprise, the security apparatus recognized it, and the relatively large, heavy door opened up again, Jake had a wide grin planted on his face.

He didn't wait even a second before walking inside the room. The tight maid suit was still feeling slightly uncomfortable against his body as the Feline moved through the room. Jake didn't have a clue what each one of the devices stored in the place could do. Neither he knew if they were dangerous or not. He only knew he needed to find something he could touch to begin with. Although it looked like it was not going to be easy until the tall Feline spotted a desk at the far end of the room.

The desk was quite modest if compared to the rest of the house's furniture. On top of it, there were several super thin, transparent tablets among some pieces of paper.

"Who still uses paper our days..."

Jake inquired to no one in particular. He continued to glance over the messy desk until his eyes spotted something that grabbed his attention. A ring! A glistening, polished steel finger ring. Jake pinched the small object and brought it up to see its details noticing that the ring was actually a camouflage to some sort of device.

Jake was slightly afraid, he didn't know if the device he had between his fingers was dangerous or not. He probably should place it back where he found it, but his curiosity spoke louder than his consciousness. The Feline dressed like a maid continued to poke and turn the ring around his finger, trying to force the device to activate.

After a few moments trying, Jake finally managed to hit his claw tip precisely inside a small orifice on the robust ring surface that worked as a reset bottom. The ring released a low buzz before some of its arcs spun around its own axes to finally reveal a holographic projection in front of Jake's face. Jake didn't saw the ring's mechanism at work as he dropped the ring from his hand to use it to cover his face. Only after a few seconds of silence, the Feline decided to see what was going on.

Jake noticed the holographic screen in front of him, and almost immediately, a grin appeared on his face. The mostly black-furred, anthro Feline found what he was looking for as the screen displayed several size controls.


Jake said, grabbing the finger ring once more, deactivating the device and placing it on his index finger, and walking outside of the safe room. Once he stepped outside back at the hall, he repeated exactly the same commands the Siamese-cat used to close the security door. As Jake was about to begin his cleaning activities, he stopped on his tracks.

"What if Isaac sees me wearing the ring?..."

The Cat was embarrassed. The maid suit he was wearing didn't have any pockets, he couldn't think about anything other than move the ring from his index finger to one of his toes. Jake smiled as he did so, the thick ring looked so much better on one of his toes instead of his fingers. Finally, the tall Feline was good to go after he placed his foot back inside the shiny high heel, Jake gave his first step forward, feeling the ring being squeezed comfortable between his toes.


The people of the coastal town couldn't understand what just happened. At one moment, they were enjoying a beautiful summer day in a tourist city. On another, the beautiful blue sky was replaced by towering, textured pillars so tall that only the most prominent skyscrapers could dare to compete with them. The soft, cold, summer breeze was replaced by a stagnant, dusty air that involved the whole town just like the towering pillars.

The citizens and tourists inside didn't know how to react, their smart devices and phones were not working. Even Satelite links were not working either. While some people were trying to contact other places and regions outside the town, some decided to take their chances and venture themselves among the looming pillars like a forest surrounding the area.

That until a powerful earthquake shook the whole place, sending shockwaves powerful enough to make buildings fall instantly followed by loud thump that shook the citizens to their bones! Even if it was an alarming scenery, things were about to get a lot worse to the poor town, and to its citizens as they started to slowly realize after some of them decided to look up one more time.

At first, it was difficult to comprehend what they were staring at. The object's sheer size made it a lot difficult for them to recognize what they were just looking at. Its base was black, like an endless black wall extending itself into the heavens. On top of it, there was a round object barely visible to them due to the angle. A potent sweaty musk scent replaced their air, immediately followed by intense heat. When some of them started to put A plus B together, it was too late.

Meanwhile, Isaac was about to steps in his office when he felt an intense, strange tingling sensation growing around him almost as if it was magnetic energy in the air.


Jake was heading towards the storage room, he didn't even know about the whole situation unfolding underneath his unaware gaze. A simple step forward would be the end of an entire town and millions of souls among it. No matter how much the tiny micros yelled, Jake never heard their cries.


"It is odd, it feels almost like when Millo and I were testing that..."

But the Siamese Cat sentence was interrupted brutally. A condensed energy wave surged around him, englobing the hall walls and everything around him until the whole landscape around him changed. Isaac found himself in the downtown area of a large city.


In the meantime, things weren't any better at the coastal town. Everybody saw the mountain-sized black colored wall lifting itself high up above in the sky, a wall which turned out to be nothing but the base of someone's high hell! And that high heel was moving forward, casting an imposing shadow above the whole town and its districts.

Some citizens even tried to outrun the moving mountain hovering over them. Still, they failed to understand the sheer scale of the sole, which turned their day into night. However, as the sole began to move down towards them, it became slowly clear, it would be impossible to outrun such a massive object.

A powerful gust of air, followed by an increasing rumble and an overwhelming earthquake put an end over the lives of the majority of citizens at the town. Only a few lucky ones managed to survive by the mere fact they got themselves right in the middle of a groove underneath that titanic feminine shoe. Even that was short-lived when the god-like being moved his foot, he gave another step forward what was left of the town was ripped out from its foundations, leaving behind only a few tiny survives among the debris of what was once a town, now lost among the carpet fibers.


Jake felt and heard a tiny, little crack from underneath his right high heel. He could have stopped to check what was it he just stepped on, but he assumed it was probably some leftover of something which got lost among the carpet fibers.

"Hum, better start with the Vaccum cleaner instead."

The titanic maid boy thought to himself, changing his plans. However, he wouldn't need to change his route since everything he needed to perform the cleaning was stored in the storage room.


All the while, Isaac was still trying to figure out what happened. The Siamese-cat was smart, he had a small guess what could possibly be going on. Although the situation itself was quite odd nonetheless. The city the Feline happened to find himself transported too was quite empty, despite its size.

"How can It be possible for a metropole this size to have not a living soul?..."

However, the Cat wouldn't have much time to investigate or look around as suddenly a quake shook the downtown area. First, it felt like a very light quake, forcing Konos to turn around as he thought it was caused by a heavy object falling behind him. But the reality proved the Feline to be wrong. The second quake was slightly more intense than the previous one, and it also felt closer too.

"Something is approaching... but what could it be..."

Isaac pondered as he began to think about the countless possibilities until he thought about one possibility...

"Oh!!! No!!! I can't be this unlucky..."


"Ouch! Another one. It'd be better if I take off my shoes if I left a permanent smudge on this carpet Isaac would be mad at me."

Jake said after just crushing one more city without even knowing about its existence. The tall Feline wanted to be normal-sized so bad even if he couldn't afford just to have the pleasure to experience life at a massive size considering he has been a middle-class micro most of his life. However, Jake couldn't guess he would end up having a lot more than what he bargained for, even if he wasn't aware of it.


For Isaac, the situation was getting worse. The quakes turned into earthquakes, but even before the quake increase Isaac got the confirmation he was indeed quite unlucky. As he explored the surroundings of that apparently abandoned city, the Siamese-Feline got to its edge. At that location, the metropolis simply ended, leading to a towering forest that Isaac immediately recognized as being carpet fibers of his own carpet.

As if the whole situation was not bad enough, while the poor Feline was looking upwards to see through the towerings pillars like carpet fibers, Isaac spotted the source of the overwhelming earthquakes.


His friend went from micro to average, and then right after to titanic size. Isaac still didn't have a clue what in the world could have possibly shrunken him and brought an entire city to the middle of his main living room carpet to begin with. But the Siamese feline was running out of time. His friend was only a few steps away from crushing one more pathetic city that has happened to be teleported to his path.

"I need t..."

THUMP!!! The poor anthropomorphic being had his sentence interrupted due to the sheer power of one step alone from the approaching giant. The gargantuan Cat dressed up as maid was still some steps away from actually stepping at Isaac's location. But unfortunately, there was no slow motion. Isaac barely had time to recompose himself and get himself back up to his feet until.


Another step, this time followed by a light blast of wind caused by the air displacement, that only a massive being could generate simply by walking. This time Isaac managed to remain still, and the puny Feline even managed to look up in an attempt to see his friend's face. The only thing he managed to see was the thick, girly thighs of his friend dressed in white, light long socks.

The socks might be light to Jake, but their fabric looked thick as reinforced concrete walls from Isaac's perspective. And as Isaac tilted his head further, he got a perfect view from underneath girly boy's skirt!

"Those panties look tight! Perhaps I shouldn't have given him a suit so skin-tight..."

Sadly, it was too late now. Not only was Jake at the beginning of his cleaning routine already, but Isaac also ran out of time. The gorgeous view the pathetic, nano-sized Siamese feline was admiring was replaced by a growing shadow cast by a large, single toe alone.

From Isaac's perspective, everything happened so fast and yet slow at the same time. First, his friend's upper body was replaced by the growing toe sole, followed by his waistline. Finally, the whole sky turned into massive sock dressed toe sole with the debris of previous cities raining from the fabric's fibers.

The anthropomorphic Siamese-cat didn't even try to react. Even if he wanted, Isaac knew he couldn't outrun a giant of such sheer scale. Also, if he tried it, he would have been defeated by the simple air displacement alone. Thanks to the close proximity, the air movement carried an overpowering musk scent, not to mention it was a lot stronger, given Isaac no possible chance of resisting what could be called a power of nature.

The poor, nano-sized Feline was carried along with wings as if he were nothing but a dust bunny hitting against objects, and walls along the way. Although this time luck decided to stand by Isaac's side, his cyberware implants preventing him from getting severely injured until the storm calmed down. When the blow passed, two imposing mountains revealed themselves standing on each side of the small, nano-sized Feline. Two monolithic toes landed where once were buildings, houses, and skyscrapers.

Despite the astounding landscape in front of Isaac, one specific detail got the puny, anthro Feline attention.

"My ring!!!"

Isaac's widened immediately!

"I told you to not touch anything, Jake!!!"

Although Isaac was aware his friend would have never heard him given the sheer size difference between them, the micro-sized Siamese cat yelled at his friend anyway. However, as if the titan looming above Isaac responded to his cries, a single involuntary contraction from one tendon was more than enough to generate a rumble and tremor, forcing the small Feline to shut up his mouth.

Being a fast thinker, Isaac promptly changed his strategy. Instead of remaining watching and complaining, he thought that if he could get closer to the ring and touch it, he might be able to reprogram the device's settings and reverse the whole mess his friend had obliviously caused. But time was playing against the little kitty, and he knew Jake wouldn't stay still on that specific spot forever.


"Hum!... I'm sure this bookcase is not gray."

Jake said to himself as he passed his fingertips over the bookcase's surface, confirming some dust was concentrated right there. The towering Cat simply moved his hand to his waist to get the feather duster he carried attached to the elastic of his tight waistline to remove the dust from the bookcase. Unfortunately, Jake was forced to change his stance to do so even if only slightly, it was enough to invoke a Ragnarok over the little Cat's world.


Before Isaac could make much progress towards the mountain in front of him, it began to move one more time. The massive structure made of flesh lifted itself up towards the sky, displacing a sheer amount of air among it.

The fact that Jake's socks design allowed for an opening at the front permitted his toes to poke out of it was proving to be both good and terrible at the same time. Good because this way, Isaac was able to see and identify the robust device like a ring around his friend's massive toe. Bad because without the fabric to work as an attenuator, even the subtle movements from the smaller tendons doing something as simple as changing the stance could generate body shaking shockwaves to Isaac. Not to mention the natural scent from Jake's toes could run free.

Isaac was lifted out of the floor due to the sheer force of the winds. Instead of blowing the little Cat away, he was dragged towards the large toe he was trying to reach. He didn't have a chance, neither the time to stop or change his course. The small Feline hit face-first against the endless, polished steel device's surface.

Fortunately, he wasn't injured, but it did hurt a lot. But Isaac didn't have the luxury to rest. Without giving the poor Cat enough time to even recover, the toe which the ring he was on top of began to move once again. Jake was about to squeeze his toes tightly together. Isaac couldn't do much other than brace for impact, although it was at that moment he noticed a crucial detail.

Isaac's friend was undoubtedly unaware of this. But every time his immense toes squeezes or moves, the ring was being pressed by them, but not only that. The toes were touching the ring commands and activating the device's system teleporting and shrinking even more cities from different corners of the world, and who knows from where else.

"I should have listened to Millo and dismounted this prototype..."

That sentence was the only thing Isaac manage to speak before the same condensate wave of energy from before surged around him once again. In a blink of an eye, the Siamese-feline was no longer on the ring's surface, neither between his friend's toe.


Jake was about to finish cleaning the first shelf level of the bookcase when something got his attention.

"Hum!!! I could swear the other shelves were clean!"

An entire new layer of gry dust seemed to have surged on the shelf immediately below the one Jake had just finished cleaning.


Isaac was a little bit disoriented. Being teleported and have your size manipulate all at the same time wasn't exactly a smooth ride experience. The most confusing part was the fact he was now staring at his own reflection reflected by an office building with beings inside of it looking back at him with a blank empty expression.

"What that hel..."

Isaac was about to say as he was trying to comprehend what the beings staring at him were. They missed a fur layer covering their skin, they did have some fur covering their bodies. Although, they all seemed to be anthro primates. But Isaac's sentence was interrupted shortly as a sheer shadow dominated the entire


A loud thump and a moderate wind blow marked the positioning of two pillars right on the horizon line. The small micro like aliens on the ground around Isaac's paws didn't have a clue about what it was they were staring at. But the only fur-covered, biped animal in the city knew very well what was it that just took the whole sky and horizon.

"Jake's thighs..."

Isaac said, almost getting horny from the sheer display of two sexy, muscle thighs right in front of him, not to mention the particular shelf the city he found himself in was teleported to about waist height with the owner of that large pair thighs. But, despite being a sexy display, Isaac was very well aware of the imminent danger.


Jake casually brought his right index finger to the shelf in front of his waistline, running the tip of his fingerpad over its surface and then bringing it back to eye level.

"The weirdest dust I have ever seen. Hum!"

The girly boy simple moved the fingerpad away from his eyes, and with a mere flick of his fingers, he blew away the "dust."


Everybody started screaming, the micro aliens around Isaac's paws began to run desperately. On the far end of the shelf, Isaac could see his friend's fingertips approaching.

"Oh my! He is about to crush another city! JAKE WAIT!"

It was no use. Even if Isaac were not on the ground anymore, it didn't change the fact he still was far too small to be heard by his colossal friend. However, Isaac hoped that by bringing the city closer to his eyes, his friend Jake would finally recognize it and stop the cleaning. But unfortunately, every single structure was utterly pulverized already by the time Jake's fingertip was in front of his eye.

The divine being standing and looming over them couldn't recognize them even if bringing them up close to his pupils! That definitely wasn't good news.

And their situation was about to get worse as the massive male casually moved his body again. Moving his thighs as Jake was simply switching his stance once again to use the same feather duster from before to swipe all of them away from the shelf surface.

The small-micros running for their lives on the streets and sidewalks didn't stand a chance against the sheer size of the synthetic feather. Some of them simply gave up and decided to stare in awe at the monolithic object, destroying their buildings and extracting huge skyscrapers from their foundations effortlessly. But Isaac still had a chance to avoid being decimated, and he was willing to chase it as he ran throughout the miniature city streets.

At least Isaac was used to running, the Siamese-cat enjoys waking up early to run or bike through the central park every morning. But, to run throughout a miniature-sized city was an entirely different experience from what the biped domestic Cat was used to. Although Isaac was doing his best, he couldn't avoid stomp on small vehicles and on the little beings running around his paws every now and then. Those furless creatures left minor red stains underneath the massive Feline's paw pads. Consequently, every new step Isaac made left behind not only huge, deep craters on the streets, but the same craters were turning redder and redder.

But the poor little kitty was running out of time as the feather dust was getting closer to wipe him and that entire new mini-city away. Isaac fought for breath, running as fast he could. The poor kitty turned his head to look back, he wished he didn't have done that. One single feather alone was literally erasing the entire city district. At that moment, Isaac realized that despite the fact he was a macro if compared to those alien beings, he was still nothing in comparison to the sheer, overpowering size of his friend. Isaac was forced to change his strategy, he didn't have any other choice.

Turning ninety degrees, Isaac changed his course, heading towards the city's "edge," which happened to be the edge of the endless shelf Jake was casually dusting away. When the anthro Cat was about to reach the border, Isaac stomped on top of a ten-story office building and jumped out of the shelf.

Fortunately, Isaac's calculations turned out to be correct. After what felt like some terrifying minutes of free failing, the shrunk Feline reached the surface of one of Jake's thighs. Unfortunately, it wasn't a soft landing as Isaac was greeted by titanic sized black color fur strands. Thanks to the sheer size difference, every single fur strand worked as a massive pillar that Isaac hit against. To make matters worse, even the most trivial movements from the god-like creature thighs were enough to make the nano-size Feline lose his balance and continue to stumble down indefinitely.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Isaac landed face-first on a dump, white fabric. The surface was large, and the ground was very soft. It didn't take much time for Isaac to figure out he simply landed on the surface of the white elastic band that holds the left, long maid sock tight around Jake's thigh.

After a short glance on his new surroundings, Isaac noticed it was virtually a miracle he managed to land on the elastic surface from his friend's sock given how tight the elastic was pushing against the enormous muscle wall that was Jake's left thigh to the point it was forcing the feline fresh to curve inward slightly. Of course, from Isaac's perspective, even that lightly curvature was impressive.


"Now, that is what I call a well-cleaned bookcase."

Jake said to himself. He finally finished cleaning every single shelf of the bookcase for the second time before turning around to continue to walk towards the storage room. Jake couldn't even possibly imagine the untold amount of destruction he caused to countless cities that happened to be teleported to that bookcase.


Isaac had barely recovered from the fall when his whole world was thrown into motion forcing the poor Siamese-feline to hold tight against the slightly sweaty fabric surface.


The anthro cat yelled, despite the fact he knew his friend couldn't hear his insignificant voice. Although, as Isaac turned his face upwards to scream, he got another privileged view. Being able to see underneath the girly boy skirt Isaac watched awe as the biggest pair of balls he had seen in his life was gently swinging back and forward being pushed by Jake's thighs casual movements.

But Isaac's daydream was shortly interrupted when the monstrous-sized femboy landed his high heel on the floor. The very first impact sent vibrations through Jake's leg. To the massive femboy, it all was nothing more than a casual step forward. Still, to someone Isaac size, it was like level ten earthquake. As a result, Isaac fell off the sock's elastic band.


"This ring feels so nice to squeeze~."

Jake thought to himself while he softly squeezed the ring-like device between his toes as he walked. The newly normal-sized femboy didn't have a clue about the dangerous situation unfolding around his waistline. He didn't even imagine the sheer amount of danger his mere presence posed to millions of newly teleported beings and the owner of the place.


Isaac wasn't going to have a second chance. This time Jake wasn't standing still like before, and the poor boy couldn't do anything other than watch the massive pillar-like leg moving away from him, propelling itself forward as Jake was about to complete another step.

A loud thump signaled the massive paw had successfully landed on the floor. That was also the last thing Isaac heard before the magnetic field from before involved him one more time teleporting the tiny Cat again.

This time the first thing Isaac noticed the new environment surrounding him was a hypnotic testosterone scent overtaking the entire atmosphere. Immediately after, he felt his body glued to a sticky, semi-transparent liquid that seemed to be the source of the potent smell that he was currently breathing.

"This can't be..."

Unfortunately, the smell, the heat, the darkness, the quakes, and the loud rhythmic noise confirmed to the poor, little Feline he was very likely stuck to an insignificant, tiny wet spot on the front of his friend's panties! And every time Jake made a step, the poor kitty was forced to fight to stay on the surface of a pathetic droplet of precum that was probably too small for anyone else normal-sized even notice.


Jake casually opened the storage room door.

"Gosh, there wasn't a single step I made, which I didn't feel little leftovers being crunched underneath my soles. Where is the vacuum cleaner?"


Isaac was almost giving up. He never thought he was going to drown in someone's precum, not to mention his friend's precum. Lucky, when the nano feline was about to give up, Jake suddenly stopped moving his legs, remaining still for a short moment, providing Isaac some minutes to recover and rebuild his stamina. Almost as if that male dressed in a maid suit was some sort of divine being unawarely testing him.

All of a sudden, Isaac began to listen to a somewhat loud rumble noise followed by an abrupt increase of g force. Isaac had no idea what was going on.


"Why in the world would someone place the vacuum cleaner parts on the upper shelves? Why not put everything together?"

Jake groaned as he had no choice other than going tiptoes to reach the upper shelves, despite being tall.


The poor, nano-sized Siamese-Cat couldn't believe the sheer g force he was experiencing as a direct consequence of his friend going tiptoes. Unfortunately, the movement upwards was not Isaac's only concern. The two muscle pillars like thighs contracted themselves tightly together to allow that girly femboy to reach upwards. Unfortunately for Isaac, he got himself pressed tightly by the legs against the white fabric of his friend's panties.

A simple movement for Jake was applying so much pressure over his nano friend. The Cat eventually passed through the pantie's fabric and went into the dark, damp confines of his friend's bulge due to Isaac's small size.



Jake didn't even feel or noticed his friend landing right on the edge of his shaft. He finished assembling the vacuum cleaner and walked out of the storage room back to the main living room. Jake was getting so used to being dressed as a maid; he was kind letting himself go, walking like a girl placing one foot right in front of the other.


Some good kilometers below around the waistline of the black color feline, Isaac was suffering due to how Jake's walking. Under normal circumstances, Isaac would love to watch. Still, it's something entirely different when you are actually inside the boy's bulge. However, away below Jake's gaze, there were more innocent, pathetic beings who weren't so happy about his walk either.

The people at Savana Central couldn't do much other than watch in awe Jake's massive foot paw approaching. Some of the micros who were at the highest buildings could see some other cities far away from them getting crushed entirely and being erased by Jake's massive paw pads. They thought they were going to be simply crushed as well, but fate reserved something else for them.

All of a sudden, that immense titan who happened to be a maid stopped. The puny micros at the insignificant city below couldn't understand why, until they saw the giant lifting an equally massive object and positioning it right over them. The object was large enough to dominate their whole sky, and it didn't take much time for them to realize they were staring at the entrance of a vacuum cleaner tube! A super-sized vacuum cleaner tube.


Despite his efforts, Isaac was about to fall off the edge of Jake's shaft, it was only matter of him choose whether to fall inside or outside. But unfortunately, the choice was made for Isaac as the titan-sized boy dressed like a maid casually moved himself changing his stance and sending the poor nano kitty off the edge free falling again.


"And now, on~."

Jake said to himself, letting out a soft giggle. The boy was enjoying his evening as a normal-sized furry for once. Even if it means doing some cleaning for his friend.


The loud noise from the vacuum cleaner engine was terrifying. However, the micros at Savanna Central didn't have enough time to think about such thing as the atmosphere around began to move fast. At the moment the colossus towering over them activated that device every single micro who was standing or walking through the streets and sidewalks of the tiny city were sucked from the ground so fast their bodies were crumbled mid-air and so had the same fate the buildings around them. Any evidence of the small city existence was gone in an instant.


As Isaac was falling inside the confines of his friend's warm, musky panties, he couldn't do much other than watch the slightly sweaty surface of Jake's ballsack approaching down below until...

"AH!! Shit!! not again!"

Jake probably squeezed his toes one more time, activating the ring once again. Isaac was inevitably teleported, but this time the Cat found himself falling face-first against the carpet.

Jake immediately turned off the vacuum cleaner and turned to see what caused the loud noise. The tall Feline was surprised to see his friend strained on the floor, right in front of him.

"Isaac?!?! What happened?!"

Once Isaac heard his friend's voice, he immediately looked up, realizing he was back to average size. Jake toes were right in front of his face as the boy was standing exactly in front of the anthropomorphic Siamese-cat.

Isaac immediately removed that ring from his friend's toe abruptly before getting himself up, making the girly boy let out an.


"I told you to not touch in anything from inside that room!!"

The Cat said, sounding very annoyed and with his clothes covered in different body fluids, which by the smell Jake could recognize as being his own body fluids.

"Well, I'm sorry... but what happened to you?..."

"No asking! just go back to cleaning as I'll go take a shower. I'm never betting with you again!"

That was the last thing Isaac said before turning his back to Jake and walk away, leaving his friend utterly confused.

"But... I was the one who lost the bet..."

Hungry for Size (Story Commission)

A quick glance over his smartwatch was all that it took for the Snowleopard to quickly save his work in progress, get himself up from his seat, and head right to the office cafeteria. Cookie was in a hurry, but he also didn't want to draw attention to...

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Close Encounters of the First Kind (Story trade)

A terrible flash of light turned night into day. But that was not even close from being the worse part of the events that were about to happen that day. Immediately after that overwhelming flash of light, powerful enough to be seen throughout the...

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Romantic Shrink Revenge

Mondays can be annoying because Monday means the end of the weekend and the beginning of a new hardworking week. However, at a specific dorm room, a peculiar situation was unfolding. Two soft, slim boys were walking up. They were roommates and were...

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