
Story by FoxLightning on SoFurry

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Careful picking up old video games you never know what kind of effect they may have.

Awesome little story by AwesomeIsRed AwesomeIsRed all credit to him posted with his permission

It was late Sunday night as Lightning entered his house. The young man was carrying in a hefty small brown box filled to the brim with old Nintendo 64 games. Lightning walked into his living room, decorated with light yellow walls, a small flat-screen TV set on top of his wooden stand, along with a dark red couch sitting next to a small lamp on the side. Setting the package onto his small glass table, Lightning rummaged through the box for one particular game that he hadn't played for a very long time. At one point, Lightning had to flick a piece of his brown hair to allow him to see through all of the cartridges he could find. Lightning was thirty years old. He lived up in Canada by himself and would occasionally go snooping around for particular things from his childhood. Like Digimon, Starfox, Sonic the Hedgehog, and other franchises that he grew up with. Though he often wondered what it would be like if any of those fictional stories could be real. Then again, Lightning usually shook the idea from his mind. He was an adult now. Of course, he knew better than to dream for an impossible miracle to ever come true. Taking out a few games, Lightning eventually noticed the one he was looking for at the very bottom. Leaning in further, the young man reached inside and pulled out the game. It was called Banjo Kazooie. A late nineteen nineties game created by Rare.

The game was about an ugly witch named Gruntilda. The main antagonist of the game who kidnapped Banjo's sister named Tooty in order to steal her beauty. Meanwhile, Banjo and his partner Kazooie go out on an adventure to save his sister from the evil witch. It was a pretty fun game when Lightning was a kid. And seeing the brown and beige bear with his blue backpack made the young man smile. He was ecstatic to play the game. Walking over to his stand, Lightning kneeled down and placed the cartridge into the Nintendo 64's slot with a bit of force. Sometimes Lightning wondered if he should replace the system considering the slot was a bit bent. Lightning eventually heard a click and watched as the console turned on. Stepping away from the system, Lightning picked up one of his light green Nintendo 64 controllers and sat on his couch. The young man was in utter joy as he watched Banjo, Tooty, Kazooie, and Mumbo Jumbo playing on their little instruments next to a beautiful waterfall. It was always a nice little prologue before he got into the game and started playing as it went to Gruntilda's castle with her watching Banjo and the others with anger in her eyes. Lightning lifted up a small fist, pretending to be a young kid again as Gruntilda focused her eyes onto Tooty. Once the title screen popped up Lightning pressed the red start button and began playing the game.

Lightning was up for a good while. He started playing the game around eight and was up past twelve. The young man just couldn't set his controller down and call it a night. For some reason, he had a strange urge to keep playing. After another hour or so, Lightning felt a small electric shock coming from his gaming controller. Dropping the controller onto the ground, Lightning felt quite dizzy and blacked out onto his couch. His game and TV both seemed to turn themselves off as the cartridge was slowly melting away. In his dream, Lightning noticed he had paws instead of hands reaching down towards his cock. He screamed for control, begging himself not to masturbate as his hands continued to rub against his swollen cock. Lightning couldn't stop grunting in pleasure. Though he swore he wasn't the one making the noises. In fact, Lightning had a hard time figuring out if it was his body due to all of the brown fur. Cumming like mad, Lightning yelped in his dream as he mumbled out, "Guh Huh." Waking up from his dream, Lightning rolled off the couch and fell on to the floor. He immediately noticed his green camo pants were soaked with cum. He picked himself up to see a large stain on his couch and gasped. "Holy shit! Why the hell did I do that for? Was I dreaming about some sexy stud that I met a while ago? Wait... Why can't I remember?"

Confused, the young man decided to walk into his dark blue kitchen. Lightning had a grey metallic stove next to the sink as he leaned over the brown counter and grabbed himself a dry towel to wipe himself off. Suddenly, the phone started ringing beside Lightning. Frustrated beyond belief, Lightning placed it on speaker and noticed it was his boss's voice. "Hey Lightning, Um... I gotta question. Where are you? It's already eleven-thirty and you still aren't here. Well, unfortunately, due to the rules I must tell you that I gotta let you go-" Without warning, Lightning ended the call and threw his phone across the kitchen. Lightning started panting, sweat coming down his face as he wondered what the hell was going on. He never was late for work. Why didn't he get up in time? Was he too busy playing a game on one of his new Nintendo 64 games? The young man walked back into the room and took a glance at his gaming system. No cartridge insight. But before Lightning was about to call back his boss he headed upstairs to his bedroom. His mind was hooked on the idea of taking a walk outside instead. Though he needed to grab a change of pants. Zipping on his shorts, Lightning was still lost with words. Why was he going outside? He couldn't find an appropriate answer as he left his dirty pants on the floor while grabbing a small red backpack from the closet.

Ignoring the stained couch entirely, Lightning walked out the front door and began to walk down the sidewalk. Lightning could feel the light breeze hitting his body. The young man looked at the houses passing him by. Each one had a brown roof and white walls covering its exterior. However, Lightning's feet seemed to be taking him to a specific location. He walked out of his neighborhood and down towards the park. Noticing the trees surrounding the area, Lightning headed to a small bench that was next to the swings. No one was at the park during the time due to being a school day. Then again, Lightning wondered if any of those thoughts mattered. He screwed up by not going to work and is now wandering around a park. "What the hell is wrong with me?" Lightning asked himself as he placed his hands over his face. Without realizing it, Lightning's black t-shirt was slowly becoming too tight for his upper body. His nipples were even hardening as they pressed harder and harder on to Lightning's shirt. The young man's hand seemed to move on its own and squeezed one of his nipples hard. Lightning gasped in pleasure as he saw his shirt getting soaked with milk. Breathing in gulps of air, Lightning was bewildered once he saw his shirt collar was pulling down to reveal his beefy looking pectoral muscles that were swelling like crazy. Shocked, Lightning saw his hands were trying to pull the rest of his shirt off without his command. "Hey, what the fuck is happening to me?!"

"What's the matter, foxy boy? Afraid to be taken over again?" Pulling up from the bench, Lightning looked over his shoulder. Where the hell was that voice coming from? Lightning was considering getting some help until he noticed his body wasn't obeying him. The young man glanced down to see his hands were rubbing against the front of his body. Watching his abdominal muscles slowly push outwards while forming into an eight pack. The only thing Lightning could possibly do was watch in horror as he screamed for help. "Help! I'm turning into some freak- Guh Huh!" Unable to cover over his mouth, Lightning was truly freaking out by this point. What the hell came out of my mouth, he thought while he struggled to speak. It was almost as if he was commanded to say that from an unknown force. "What's the matter, fox boy? Cat's got your tongue?" The voice chuckled at poor Lightning who was trying to make a single movement. Anything to save himself from this neverending nightmare. The sleeves of his shirt were torn off from his growing biceps that were erupting throughout Lightning's arms. He shuddered as his shoulder blades popped open and rounded with muscle, rolling itself in place while poor Lightning could only whine. "Relax! You'll love this eventually! After all, you enjoy being stripped away, don't ya little fox boy?

"Guh huh!" Lightning said to the voice. Agreeing to everything he was being told though not given a choice to do otherwise. The young man felt his anger building up from inside him. Unfortunately, it was weak and underpowered from the presence slowly taking over his body. But his frustration was getting stronger. Almost causing the young man to lash out in rage while his nails were sharpening into black claws. In fact, Lightning's hands were thickening with muscle as they resembled more like paws than actual hands. Blushing like crazy, Lightning could feel his right hand gripping over his crotch. His short camo pants were leaking with precum spilling out of the material and dripping onto the ground. Embarrassed, Lightning was growling in protest. "Can't ya give up already? I told ya there is no other option. You gotta go. Ya hear?" Lightning's left hand was now digging into his short pants in order to rub his massive balls that were getting too tight for the small attire. There was nothing but hate within Lightning's mind. His body was no longer in control, he lost his job, and now the voice was commanding him like a small child. Suddenly, Lightning's foot twitched as he barely lifted it up and down onto the dirt ground. The young man took a large gulp of air and bellowed as loud as his voice could. "Guh- N-Nah huh! Nah huh! Nah huh!"

"What?" The voice was lost in words as Lightning continued to let everything out of his system. It was a cry of glory when all was lost. Though Lightning didn't bother to realize that the world around him was washing away while a new one was being born. The park itself was spreading its layout along with a small pile of dirt building on top of one another and climbing upwards into the sky. Lightning was interrupted once he noticed the back of his pants were stretching from his ass and widening into two gorgeous butt cheeks. "Listen very carefully. Ya may think that yelling and screaming could save ya but it won't work on me. We are already deep into this. There is no stopping me now, foxy boy!" Lightning could only grit his teeth while his camo pants were changing colors. The green camo was forming into pure yellow as torn bits of his shirt wrapped around his waist and transformed into a black belt. Whimpering, Lightning was thrown back into a corner. Lightning's body was back to the voice's control, with his hands shifting along his new bottom. Every slight movement made Lightning's bulge emerge from his pants, smacking in between his abdominal muscles. The whole experience was wearing on the young man. Wanting to sit down and take a break from all of this madness, Lightning wondered how he ended up in this mess. The strange thing was he recalled not remembering what he did the night before...

Laughter could be heard inside Lightning's head. "Thought I could hide that away from a puny human like ya. Yes, it was I who erased your memories. Though, you ain't gonna be needing them soon enough." Lightning's hands were now stroking his huge cock, distracting the young man from his legs that were now chiseling with muscle. Breaking out of his pathetic form and turning them into legs for an athletic olympian. As the voice was now using Lightning's legs, that was when he noticed a pretty good-sized pond was in front of him along with a Spiral Mountain looming upwards. There was a moment where Lightning tried to move away from the pond. Not wanting to see his changed self. Yet, the voice had too much power over him. All Lightning could do was obey and allow the voice to take control. Gulping with worry stuck in his throat, Lightning started to drool once he saw his shoes were unable to hang on to his growing feet. Black claws were tearing the poor material apart as Lightning's feet formed into large looking dirty paws that were musky and covered with filth. The smell was so strong that it went all the way up into his nostrils. At that moment, Lightning's fears were gone. His will power was shattered as his true self was building up into his cock. Meanwhile, the voice was now laughing out of Lightning's mouth, holding onto the hefty girth and mocked the young man. "Looks like you lost, fox boy!"

As the voice cackled in triumph, his body was now being covered with brown and beige fur. His arms and legs were now fur and matted with cum stains and pieces of dried up food while the voice decided to tease his victim one last time. Dropping onto the ground, the voice lifted up one of his legs and began to lick his toes. In response, the voice's cum was leaking out of his cock and spraying all over his abdominal muscles. It was a great feeling as the voice took note at his reflection from the water below. He looked into the water, only able to see a human face covered with fur until his mouth was stretching out into a thick rounded muzzle. The voice giggled as the veins in his neck were changing, causing his voice to boom and deepen every time he spoke. His nose deformed into a black snout while the voice's light blue eyes glowed brightly. He aimed his cock into the pond, dripping out the last remains of his seed as his ears rounded and shifted over the top of his head. The voice combed his short brown hair, causing it to transform into his fur and stretched out over his forehead. Finally, the voice's cum was about finished as he could no longer feel Lightning's presence. Hefting his small red backpack, Banjo began to take a walk up towards Spiral Mountain. His main goal in mind was to go into Gruntilda's lair and kick her ass for stealing his sister. Though he figured he would need a bit of help along the way...

With the voice's shoe strings forming into a necklace with a sharp white shark tooth placed over his neck, he began to walk up Spiral Mountain. Every step the voice took, his small backpack was slowly changing with its red color turning light blue. Its straps hardened by the end and shaped into two rectangular grey buckles holding the straps together. The top of the backpack flap opened up, revealing a large red bird with a yellow beak and green eyes. The creature made some nonsense noise to the voice, though the voice understood perfectly well. "Hey Banjo, glad to have you back. I hope we can have more sex during this journey of ours." Banjo gave a thumbs up, grinning by the idea of cumming into his partner Kazzoie. Once they reached the top, Banjo noticed the brown bridge connected to the end of where Gruntilda's face was carved into the rock walls of the cave entrance overhead. The brown bear looked up at the ugly face, wondering how the hag could ever think she could be beautiful in a million years. It was easy to make fun of her in his mind, though his sister was still taken away from him. He picked up the jiggy that Kazzoie took out for the brown bear, as Banjo grunted in determination. His sister was gonna be fine as long that her big bro was coming to save her. Banjo went into a sprint, creaking the wooden bridge beneath his paws, while he cried out as best he could with pride and bravery. "Guh-Huh!"

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