Dinner Deals

Story by WineStainedFeathers on SoFurry

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Sam feeds his fat cat boyfriend some burgers and they end up breaking the bed oh no

Sunsets always seemed to calm Sam. Things were always winding down around the time the sun set. It was always more fun relaxing in the evenings when your boyfriend was visiting. Even more so when you're looking over the local restaurants on a food delivery app since you got a 50% off offer.

"You're sure you're not gonna get anything? I mean, I know what you wanna do tonight but at least get something small." Eliot, his fat, tubby cat of a boyfriend said.

They sat together on the couch, pressed together as they both looked over the menus of the various restaurants nearby. The cat was at least a good foot and a half taller than the tiny, just barely over four and a half foot mouse. He was huge in height and of course, the belly that strained the cat's t-shirt was just as huge. He'd seen that creamy underbelly of his stuffed almost to bursting so many times before, but it never stopped exciting the comparatively small, thin mouse.

"Alright alright, just get me some chicken nuggets from that burger place you were looking at." Sam said.

That seemed to be an adequate enough answer for Eliot, who he knew was already starting to get hungry. He could hear his stomach growling in the silence of his apartment.

"Wow, you really did luck out this time. It would've been like sixty bucks..." Eliot said as he looked over the impressive list of food. Most of it was from the burger place he loved so much, but he couldn't help himself. They specialized in oddity burgers, and the glazed donut burger was just too good to pass up.

"Yeah, for you anyway, tubby~" Sam teased, nudging the cat's doughy belly.

It jiggled against the impact, making Eliot giggle before setting the phone aside once the order went through. Sam felt the cat's arm wrap around him, pinning him against the pudgy belly he just elbowed with no way to pull back. Not that Sam wanted to, anyway. Even through his shirt, he melted against his body heat, squeezing the fat of his gut gently as he was held against it.

"Careful! I don't wanna start eating with an upset stomach." Eliot said before releasing the reluctant mouse from his grip.

Within half an hour or so, the food had arrived. It took three huge takeout bags for the food to fit, and even though the delivery driver gave the pair an odd look, both Eliot and Sam were excited.

The moment the door closed, Sam led Eliot into his bedroom. The bed was far smaller than what would be practical for Eliot, but that only made the comparison more attractive to Sam. His room was as tidy as it could be. The bed was neatly made, his desk was free of even dust, and not a single stray garment of clothing lay on the floor next to the hamper. That wouldn't last long though.

The smell of greasy hamburgers filled the small room as the bags were set on the floor right next to the bed,

"So, what do you wanna start with?" Sam asked, but he already knew what the cat was about to say.

"Donut burger, obviously! Why do you think we order from this place so much?" Eliot said. His chubby arms reached down to pull his shirt up and over his head, leaving his gut totally exposed.

Eliot's fur was bright orange with subtle stripes of a darker shade forming little tigerlike stripes in his fur. His underbelly however, was a rich, cream color. Every inch of that cat's soft, pudgy gut on proud display for the mouse. He wanted so badly to just jump and lay on his waterbed of a boyfriend, but he would have to wait. Sam reached into one of the bags and retrieved the burger in question. Unwrapping it, he felt the glaze of the donuts already making his hands sticky as he raised it to the waiting cat.

"Go on big guy, it's all for you." Sam said.

Eliot didn't respond, he just took a huge first bite of the burger and gave a rumbling, delighted purr that filled the room as he chewed. Another bite and half of the burger was gone, even though it was a massive patty sandwiched between two fluffy donuts and stacked high with bacon. Sam lowered the hand that wasn't holding the burger and gently ran it over Eliot's belly. The purr that already rumbled his whole torso grew more intense as he finished the burger with his hands running over the swell of it.

"Mmh, I think I got a half pounder in there. Can you get me that one next?" Eliot said.

Sam nodded, reaching into the bag and pulling out a hefty burger that strained the paper it was so tightly wrapped in. He unwrapped it, letting it fall to the floor alongside the first wrapper. This time though, instead of standing next to him, he climbed up onto the bed. He straddled the cat's chest, just above his belly and looked down at him with a grin. Before he began to feed him the second burger, he closed in for a kiss.

His lips pressed against the cat's, feeling the vibrations of his purr against his body. He pulled away, smirking down at him as he still tasted some of the donut glaze from the first burger as he drew away.

"You taste as sweet as you look." Sam said before presenting the hungry cat with his second burger.

He ate quickly, taking surprisingly big bites of the massive burger. In only a few moments, it was gone, what must've been nearly in the thousands of calories range, gone in an instant. Sam could hear his bed frame making a familiar whining sound that always happened whenever they did this. Of course it wasn't meant to hold this much weight, but blinded by the arousal that his boyfriend's slowly growing form gave him, he continued on.

Next was a large cup of french fries, which he fed to the cat in handfuls. He giggled every now and then as his rough tongue lapped at his salt covered fingers between handfuls. One of those cups could've easily fed two people as a side, but the cat inhaled them like they were nothing. He heard the springs creak in protest of the weight being forced upon them, and glancing back, his massive belly was slowly growing. Even with the cat laying down, it sagged noticeably more than before and dipped even further down over the cat's shorts. He fought off the urge to descend upon it and instead grabbed the next item from the bags.

A box of chicken nuggets similar to the one Sam ordered for himself, only it was a 20 piece instead of a 10 piece.

"Jeez, you really can pack away a lot, huh?" Sam said, feeding them to him one by one in a slow, teasing pace.

"Mgh, why're yuw teasing me like that?" Eliot said with his mouth full.

"Because I wanna make this last, silly." Sam said, feeding him two nuggets at a time this time.

Watching him easily swallow one nugget after another was mesmerizing. It was a wonder how he was able to eat so much so quickly. Even with the amount he'd eaten already, his pace never slowed. Sam would've thought it strange if it wasn't so purely arousing to him. He reached for another burger, and heard the wooden frame of the bed creak in protest in advance as he returned to his seat.

By the time they were finished, Eliot couldn't have tried to get up from where he lay if he tried. With his stomach so full, he lacked any energy to lift himself. His belly, which started to cover his crotch before the session now completely eclipsed it. Even so, Sam knew he was hard under all that fat.

"S-Sam, can you..." Eliot began to say.

The mouse was already on his way down, scooping one more item out of the bag, an apple pie. Of course you gotta have dessert. He handed it to the cat, who chomped half of the fried, cinnamon and sugar treat in one bite as the mouse approached his prize.

He had to lift the cat's massive, furry gut just to tug his shorts down, and once he did, he was greeted with even more inches of squishy, fatty belly to admire. He couldn't even see the cat's junk, he had to lift his belly just to get a good look at the fatpad beneath it. He let it rest against his head as he pushed the fatpad back, just enough to expose the cat's dribbling, throbbing erection.

Sweat and musk, that's all his sensitive nose could pick up now. Completely overpowering every other scent in the room, his nose filled with his scent as the warm, furry fat rested heavy on his head. His lips smooched the tip, lapping away the pre that drooled from it as he reached down to toy with the cat's balls. Eliot was sensitive to the touch, already throbbing and jumping against his lips as he dragged his tongue across the length of his cock. Sam felt him trying to hump against his face, but his body barely moved. He finally opened his mouth and suckled on the cat's erection, sliding easily down to the base. He let the full weight of the sagging belly fall on his head then, trapping his face against the cat's musky, fat crotch with his cock spraying precum into his throat. It didn't take long, since his cock was grinding against his own fat the whole time. Only moments later, he came, filling the mouse's mouth with cum and groaning out as his hips actually managed to move some.

Sam swallowed every last drop he was offered, and slowly climbed back onto the cat's belly. It felt like an actual water bed, only far warmer, and a cute, chubby face was looking down at him as his hands ran over the inches and inches of fat, doughy belly.

"Th-Thank you... I'll help you clean u-" Eliot started to say before a loud SNAP interrupted him.

Both Eliot and Sam fell a bit as the bed frame completely succumbed to the cat's added weight, leaving them on a mattress atop a pile of broken wood. There'd be some explaining to do to the landlord, and a new bedframe to buy... But Sam just shrugged and lay his head on Eliot's chest, smiling as he felt the cat's chubby arms wrap around him like a blanket.

"We'll worry about that tomorrow, let's just rest a bit." Sam said.

He fell asleep shortly after Eliot zonked out, lulled away by the soft, warm body he lay on and gentle, calming purrs that accompanied the cat's steady breathing.

AC Troubles

Early spring doesn't usually bring to mind highs in the eighties and muggy, blindingly bright days, but this spring was proving to be an annoying exception. The only thing worse than an unseasonably warm spring is broken air conditioners, both of which...

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