I'll Show You Mine...

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#21 of Complete Stories

Dylan just wanted to get through the youth group meeting without attracting any attention or getting in trouble. But that goes out the window when Nikki and her two friends approach him, begging him to teach them the (literal) ins and outs of "the sex". Fortunately for all four kids, this youth group is very poorly supervised, and once they sneak off into the back room, it's not too hard to convince Dylan to teach them everything he knows.

M (Horse) x F (Fox) x M (Fox) x F (Deer). Incest, loss of virginity, cub (ambiguous age), partner swapping, innocent homosexual experimentation, possible impregnation, references to incestuous molestation of a young boy by an older woman. 10831 words in 1 chapter.

Cover art by Delicious. Pictured character by Sallycat. Used with permission.

I was the only colt in our church's youth group, and I was already a lot bigger than most of the other kids. Even though I wasn't any older than the other kids, they tended to treat me like I was.

That's why I found myself just kind of hanging out by myself again, when our youth pastor - a tubby old brown bear - decided it was 'free play time' ... which meant it was time for his nap. I often found myself alone during these Wednesday night youth group meetings, despite the crowd of other kids. It didn't help that we'd recently moved here from halfway across the country in order to be farther from my Aunt Dillis, for ... reasons.

All the others were working on puzzles together, running around crazily in the middle of some game I didn't quite understand, challenging each other to elaborate tournaments on the worn-out Foosball table, and all kinds of other things. But I didn't quite feel up to joining any of them. It seemed like I would be intruding, and they'd probably resent me for it. So I just kind of hung out near the edge of the big worship hall near the stage, hoping nobody would notice me.

But, of course, somebody did.

Nikki ran up to me, suddenly breaking away from whatever that game was. The others didn't seem to be bothered by her absence. In fact, the pace of the game seemed to increase after she left. She was a fox, nearly a whole head shorter than me, with pink fur and a long pink braid that went down as far as her knees. "Hey Dylan," she said, holding her hands behind her back and rocking back and forth on her heels. It made her little pink skirt swish back and forth over her thighs.

"Hi," I said back, not sure how to reply or what she'd want. Was she going to invite me to join the game? Now I really wished I'd been paying attention and figured out how to play it.

"Well, um, I was talking to Brooke, and she said she'd heard that you know how to..." She glanced around from side to side as if checking to see if anyone was watching her.

"How to what?"

She came in conspiratorially close and whispered, "She says you know how to do the sex."

My eyes shot open wide. "She said what?"

"Ssh!" She glanced around again. "A lot of these kids are tattle-tales."

That was true enough. Apparently, word got around _really_quickly here. I'd hardly told anyone about what my Aunt Dillis had done with me - only my sister and my best friend at school. How had these kids already heard about it? And how much had they heard? I didn't really mind them thinking that I was experienced and knew what I was doing ... but if anybody knew just who I'd gotten that experience with, I'd die of embarrassment.

"So, do you? Do you know how to do it?"

I felt my face heating with an unmistakable blush. Darn it! If she saw that, she'd already know the answer. Might as well tell her. I nodded slightly, trying to look aloof and all-knowing.

"Yay!" Without another word, she ran off again, to who knew where.

So weird. But at least she didn't seem freaked out about it ... and hopefully she wouldn't go around blabbing about it to the whole youth group.

For a long while, nothing else came of it. I went through my usual routine of being bored and trying not to be noticed too much, and everyone else went through their usual routine of completely ignoring me. Eventually, I almost completely forgot about that weird little conversation with Nikki ... until she came back, with a couple friends.

One of them I recognized - the blue fox was Nikki's twin brother, Ricky. The other, though, was a young doe I'd seen around the youth group a few times, but I didn't know her name. She was just old enough that she was starting to lose her spots, but they were still visible around her shoulders where her tank-top didn't cover.

All three of them stopped right in front of me, the two foxes in front, with the doe hanging just behind them, as if she could hide behind them ... even though she was much taller, almost as tall as me.

"Okay," Nikki said. "Let's go!"

I glanced between the three of them. "Um... Go where?"

She came a little closer and spoke more softly, but just as enthusiastically. "You've got to teach us how to do the sex."

Her brother leaned in next to her. "Yeah - just like mommies and daddies do!"

I held my arms tight against myself, shrinking back down against the wall. The blush was coming back, worse than ever. "I... I can't do that."

"Come on!" Ricky said.

"Please..." Nikki whined, grabbing my left arm.

The doe behind them was completely quiet, though. She glanced up at me, pursed her lips tightly together, then glanced away, blushing herself.

I glanced over at Nikki. "Who's that?"

Before Nikki could answer me, the doe did: "I'm, um ... Brooke." She gave me a little smile and toyed with her hair, even as she shrank down behind Ricky.

"Please teach us," Nikki said, turning her attention back to me. "You've just gotta. Everybody else we ask just says we have to wait 'til we're older."

"Yeah," her brother chipped in. "Our room is right next to our mom and dad's, and we hear them all the time. It sounds like they're having so much fun, but they won't teach us how to do it! Nobody will!"

I hesitated for a long moment. "I don't know... It wasn't that much fun for me. It was mostly just really weird."

"Please?" Brooke looked up at me with her sweet little... Well, her sweet little doe eyes.

How had I never noticed her before? She didn't seem to belong to any of the other little groups of friends in the youth group either. Maybe she was as good at going unnoticed as I was. But now that I was paying attention to her, she was kind of cute ... cute in a way that made me feel funny and brought up memories of my aunt.

"Um..." I took a deep breath. I couldn't really do what they were asking, could I? No. Of course not. "We really shouldn't ... everybody's going to see us."

But that just made Ricky break out into a huge, toothy grin. "No problem - come on!" He grabbed my other arm, and the two siblings worked together, tugging me closer to the big stage at the end of the room. Brooke trailed closely behind.

"W-where are you taking me?" I said, stumbling along behind them as best as I could.

Neither of them bothered to answer. We were already there: a nondescript brown door at the side of the stage. Nikki opened it, and all four of us slipped quietly in.

It was musty inside, and dark. Especially dark once Ricky shut the door behind us. But a moment later, Nikki turned on the lights with a click. The light revealed a dusty storage room with lots of boxes and things that looked like they hadn't been moved in ages.

I stepped lightly, half expecting some kind of alarm to go off at any moment. "Are we supposed to be back here?"

"Nope!" Nikki said, dragging me farther into the room.

On the other side of a pile of Christmas decorations, there was an old threadbare couch. Ricky hopped onto it without a care in the world and patted the cushion next to him with a smile.

Well, that was clear enough. I sat down next to him, and Brooke sat down next to me on the other side. I glanced over at her, feeling oddly tingly now that she was so close. She blushed and looked away.

"There," Nikki said. She stood in front of the couch, her hands on her narrow hips. "Now nobody will see us. Nobody ever comes in here. Now you can teach us how to do the sex."

I gulped. I'd only ever done it once ... and then it was mostly my aunt doing it _to_me. What if I told them wrong and they laughed at me? Maybe I could still get out of it... "I don't know... I'm not even sure where to start."

"I know a little bit!" Nikki said proudly. "Me and Ricky used to play this game all the time - the pastor at his old church taught him how."

Ricky nodded in agreement.

Well, if a pastor was doing it, it can't be that bad, right? I nodded slightly. "Okay ... how do you play?"

"It's easy!" She giggled and toyed with the hem of her pink skirt. "I'll show you mine if you show me yours."

"Huh? Show me your what?"

Smiling back at me slightly, she turned around and bent over, bending in a way that made her skirt ride up - all the way up. I could see her white panties with little pink hearts printed on them, and I could see a _lot_of her round pink butt ... and I could see the hint of a shape in the middle of her panties. A soft, subtle shape that brought up even more memories ... and made uncomfortable things happen inside my shorts.

"So," she said, wiggling her hips back and forth, "are you going to play?"

Strangely enough, I really wanted to see now. And it couldn't hurt just to look, could it? "Um ... okay."

Nikki gave a squeaky little giggle and reached underneath her skirt, hooking her thumbs under the waistband of her panties. Both Brooke and Ricky leaned in close to me on either side, even as I leaned forward. All of us wanted to have a perfect view.

And it was a perfect view. I stared, mouth gaping, as Nikki pulled her panties down. They came slowly at first, stretching against the curve of her ass, until they finally snapped free and dropped much lower. The final little bit peeled slowly away from her pussy lips.

My eyes went wide. This ... this was nothing like Aunt Dillis'. Nikki's pussy was so pert and tiny, just a pair of smooth pink lips with an even pinker slit between them. Aunt Dillis' pussy had seemed so big and intimidating. But Nikki's ... hers just begged to be touched ... and maybe more than that. I shifted uncomfortably on the couch, trying to find a position where my quickly growing cock wouldn't be so squished against the inside of my shorts.

She looked back at me over her shoulder ... though it almost looked like she was looking at her brother Ricky more than me. "Do you like it?"

All three of us on the couch nodded.

Unfortunately, our perfect view was brief. Nikki stood up and turned around, her skirt falling back into place. But her panties fell down around her ankles. She stepped out of them, leaving them on the floor. The sight of her pussy still filled my head, just knowing that it was still there, completely uncovered to anyone who might look at her from the right angle.

"Your turn! Your turn!" Nikki cried out, bouncing with excitement and pointing right at my face.

Brooke and Ricky took up the chant as well. "Your turn! Your turn!"

I gulped, and my arms trembled ... but there was no way out of it now. I used to have bad dreams about being in front of other kids naked, at least until that day with my aunt. Then the dreams started to be about very different things. But it still seemed like the most embarrassing possible thing to be in front of all three of these other kids, with them able to see everything.

"Come on!" Nikki said, crossing her arms over her flat chest and pouting theatrically. "You said you'd play the game. You promised!"

I didn't think I technically promised to do anything, but she was right that I should do what I'd agreed to. With a sigh, I stood up.

All three of the other kids rushed around in front of me. They leaned down, staring right at the uncomfortable bulge in my shorts. Did they have to stare so blatantly?

My hands trembled, but I forced them to go through the motions, unbuttoning my shorts, unzipping them, pulling them down.

"Underwear, too!" Nikki decreed, not taking her eyes off of my crotch.

I had to take a deep breath and close my eyes before I could force myself to do it. If I just pretended that the others weren't there, maybe I could manage it...

When I pulled my underwear down, I heard three gasps in front of me. I couldn't ignore them anymore.

Wincing, I opened my eyes. "Is it...? It's weird, isn't it? Is there something wrong with it?" They were all just staring so intently at my half-hard cock and my balls. There had to be something horribly wrong.

"It's so big," Nikki said, her voice shaky with awe.

Brooke said nothing, but I saw her very subtly lick her lips before her mouth opened, her lips forming a ring of surprise ... or maybe something else?

"Yeah," Ricky said with just as much awe in his voice. "It's way bigger than mine."

Brooke's eyes darted over to Ricky, and for some reason, I was disappointed that she wasn't looking at me anymore. "It is?" she said him. "Can I see?"

Ricky shrugged. "Sure. Let me just--"

Before he could do anything, Nikki bent down and unfastened his pants for him. She pulled them down like she'd done it a hundred times before. How many times had they played this game with each other before?

She'd pulled his underwear down at the same time, fully exposing her brother to Brooke and me. Suddenly, my mind was made up. His_was the weird one, definitely. Mine had a big cylindrical shaft with a medial ring and a flattened tip, and my balls were smooth and hairless. _His, though... It was so bizarre. I thought it was all injured and bloody at first, but no, that was just its normal color, all red and veiny. It was a lot smaller than mine, that was right. And it came to a point at the end. Even his balls were weird, so tight and compact, and covered in the same soft belly fuzz as his sheath.

He kicked his pants off. "So, pretty cool, huh?"

"Um... Yeah." Feeling kind of awkward with my shorts and underwear hanging on my legs, I let them drop to the floor and stepped out of them as well. "It's... Yeah."

Seemingly unperturbed by all the attention, Ricky did a little dance, hopping back and forth from paw to paw. His cock bounced and wiggled with each step. It was really weird to watch, but it didn't give me any of the feelings I'd had when I saw Nikki's privates.

Nikki herself seemed to be getting a little bored of her brother's cock. After all, she'd seen it before. She spent a couple more moments staring at mine ... but then her eyes drifted up to Brooke.

Brooke seemed totally engrossed in her staring, looking back and forth between Ricky's cock and mine. It filled me with a strange sense of pride that she tended to look at mine a bit more.

But eventually, Brooke noticed the way Nikki was staring at her. She jumped back. "No! I... I couldn't!"

Both Ricky and I suddenly looked at Brooke then. Oh, right. I'd almost forgotten about her somehow. She really did have a way of avoiding notice.

"You've gotta!" Ricky said, sweeping his hand around at Nikki and me. "All of us already did."

Brooke held her hands in front of herself, covering her chest with one arm and her crotch with the other hand, as if she was already naked and didn't want us to see.

I felt really bad for her, remembering how nervous I was to do it. And she'd never agreed to this. I had kind of said that I would, but Brooke didn't promise anything. "You don't have to if you don't want to," I said, drawing a frustrated moan from both of the foxes.

"But..." Brooke looked away, looked back up at me, then blushed deep red. "But you ... you do want me to?"

I looked down at her shorts - tight, silky athletic shorts unlike the thick jean shorts I'd been wearing. Her thin legs bloomed into thick thighs before disappearing up into those shorts, and there was an intriguing patch of pale belly fur along each side of her inner thighs that just had to continue on upward... "I'd like it if you did," I said.

"Do you promise not to laugh?"

Nodding readily, I elbowed Nikki and Ricky and got them to solemnly nod as well.


Despite her word of agreement, it took a long time for Brooke to so much as move her hands to her waistband. She slid a couple fingers underneath, and for that moment, all I could think of was the idea of my own fingers right were hers were, following the trim curve of her belly fur underneath her shorts.

She looked right into my eyes, a look of deep worry and near-panic.

"It's okay," I told her. "We all just want to see how pretty you are. It'll be fine."

Brooke closed her eyes - just like I had - and with a deep breath, pushed her hands down her hips. More of her pale belly fur showed, curving down and inward as it narrowed down between her legs. She paused then, only showing the smoothness of her lower belly, and looked at us ... looked at me.

I gave her a smile and an encouraging nod.

And that must have been all it took, because she then pulled her shorts and panties down a little more, showing us the cute little cleft between her legs. She was beautiful down there, even more than Nikki, at least in my opinion. The smooth lines of her belly came together perfectly at the very bottom, flowing seamlessly into a plush pair of pussy lips that showed between them - though I didn't know what it was called at the time - just a hint of her clit peeking out.

When I finally looked at something other than Brooke's pussy, my eyes darted up to her face. She was blushing furiously, her lips pressed together and her brow furrowed with worry. "You're so pretty," I said, hoping to make her feel better.

It seemed to work a little. She relaxed slightly, letting the shorts fall farther down her thighs. "You ... you really think so?"

I nodded, but before I could say anything, Ricky cut in: "Yeah! I really like it!"

Nikki leaned down close to Brooke, examining her closely. "Hmm... I've never really seen another girl's thingy... Why does yours have that little pink button in it?" She reached out and poked Brooke's clit with her finger.

"Hey!" Brooke darted back out of reach, covering her pussy with one hand. "That felt... That felt really weird."

"Oh, um... Sorry." Nikki didn't really _seem_sorry, though. She was still edging closer and trying to peek around Brooke's hand. As Nikki leaned down for a closer look, I could see under her skirt again.

This time, it felt even naughtier ... I wasn't even supposed to be seeing this, was I? And it was a little different now. Her pink slit looked a little glossy, like it was wet, almost.

Ricky wasn't nearly as shy as I was about looking under his sister's skirt, though. He got right down on his knees behind her and all but shoved his nose into it. His cock was getting a lot harder now ... for that matter, so was mine. Maybe it was time to move things along and give Brooke a break. "Um, Nikki," I asked, "how do we know who won the game?"

Nikki popped back up and turned around, depriving Ricky of his view and giving Brooke a break from her scrutiny. "We all win! The only way to lose is if you don't show yours."

"Oh..." That wasn't like any of the games I was familiar with, but I was new in this town, so maybe this was the kind of game kids played around here.

"But..." Now Nikki shrank back into herself a little, holding one elbow with her other hand and twisting in place in a way that made her skirt swish. "That's ... kind of the only thing we know. It's fun and all, but it doesn't seem as fun as what my mommy and daddy do."

Her brother stepped up next to her, holding her shoulders. "Yeah. But you know what to do next, right?"

It was so weird seeing him there with only his shirt on and his red cock poking straight out in front of him. Behind the two foxes, Brooke seemed to hesitate for a long moment, her hands on the waistband of her shorts. Eventually, she decided to pull them down the rest of the way and step out of them. Nobody else had put theirs back on, after all, so that made sense.

And I did know what came next. Or, at least, I knew what my Aunt Dillis had done in order to entice me into doing ... things with her. And after seeing Nikki and Brooke, I was somehow finding myself very much in the mood to try it again, even though before today I never would have thought so. "You, um... You lick it and put it in your mouth."

All three of them blinked at me.

"Lick ... what?" Ricky asked.

Brooke hid her face behind her hands, but still said, "In my mouth?"

I sat down on the couch and spread my legs apart, just how Aunt Dillis had sat me down on the edge of the bed and spread my legs. My cock, still mostly hard, bobbed in front of me, and my balls rested on the threadbare cushion. "Yeah. You lick it and put it in your mouth until it gets harder and all slippery."

The three of them glanced back and forth between each other, as if waiting for the others to call me out on a fib, as if this was a joke at their expense.

To my surprise, it was Ricky who was the first to actually do it. He shrugged, then got down on his knees in front of me. I almost stopped him, not knowing if boys were supposed to do that or not. For a moment, he just knelt there and stared at my cock in front of him. Then, startlingly quick, he darted in and planted a long lick from the base all the way up to the tip. After a moment's thought, he did it again. "Hey," he said, looking over his shoulder at the girls. "It's not that bad. Come on and give it a try."

I had to spread my legs open wider to let Nikki and Brooke in. Nikki was the first girl to try licking. She did much like her brother had, licking her way up the side of my shaft. "Yeah," she said after she reached the top, "It's so warm and ... and squishy?"

Brooke reached out and closed her hand around the base of my shaft, giving it a little squeeze. Her fingers were barely long enough to reach all the way around. "No ... it's only soft just on the outside, on the skin. The inside is really hard and stiff."

All of us looked at Brooke that moment, which made her blush and shrink away ... but only for a moment.

"Yeah, she's right," Ricky said before giving me another lick. "Pretty cool, huh?"

After that, it was a free-for-all. Nikki and Ricky really started to get into it, slathering their tongues up and down either side of my cock. Brooke, though, was a bit more hesitant. She sort of just kissed my tip, working her way around the slightly flared edge. And though those kisses of hers grew deeper and wetter, as if she was licking an ice cream cone, it was still more teasing than anything.

Not that this didn't feel good - the warm, tingling caresses of their tongues made me shiver and want to push my hips up at them ... but it wasn't the same as when Aunt Dillis had done it.

"You can take it completely inside your mouth," I told all three of them ... but Brooke most of all. The thought of Brooke, her cute, delicately curved lips wrapped around my cock was lighting a near-insatiable desire in me.

And Brooke tried. She really did. Rising up a little higher and coming a little closer, she pressed her lips against the flattened tip of my cock and began stretching her mouth open as wide as she could. That wasn't very wide, though. Even though she stretched and strained, even though she pressed herself hard against my tip, it was just hopeless. It wouldn't fit. She looked up at me with pleading eyes ... but there was nothing I could do to make it fit, either. Her delicate little muzzle was just too small.

Hesitantly, I reached down and brushed my fingers along the side of her cheek. She _was_really cute like that. "It's okay," I said, even though I wasn't sure if it really was or not. Was putting it inside her mouth an important step, or could we skip it? "Um... Why don't we let Nikki give it a try?"

"Ha!" Ricky shot up, pushing both Brooke and Nikki away from me. "I can do it way better than her!"

Before Nikki could argue with him, he took Brooke's place at my tip, opened his mouth wide, and plunged down on me. It was a bit of a tight fit, but he managed to take the head of my cock into his mouth, bobbing up and down as he struggled to take more.

I leaned my head back and groaned in pleasure. Right - now this was close to what it had felt like with my Aunt Dillis, only... "Um... I think you're supposed to go all the way down and put all of it in your mouth."

Ricky's eyes went wide for a moment, but then squinted in determination. He pushed himself lower, drooling around the girth spreading his lips ... but before long, he coughed, instantly pulling himself back up and gasping for breath. "Ugh! That's really hard!"

Nikki poked him playfully in the chest. "That's because you're a sissy boy."


She stuck her tongue out at him. "Let _me_show you how it's done!" Without hesitation, she took my cock into her mouth just like her brother had done ... and honestly, a little easier than her brother had done, though that might have only been because he'd already made it slippery.

Once again, I went almost limp against the couch. This felt so good. Her mouth was so warm and so wet around my cock.

For a long while, Nikki pushed herself and struggled to take more of it than her brother had. She tried again and again ... and I was happy to let her. Even just her trying felt really good.

Brooke had been going down to lick along the bottom of my shaft where Nikki couldn't reach ... but then her brown eyes turned to the side, spotting Ricky's cock. She pulled her mouth off of my cock for a moment, looking up at Ricky. "Hey, um... I bet I could fit yours in my mouth."

"Really?" Ricky said. "Okay! Let's try it!"

The two of them squeezed out from between my legs, leaving Nikki alone with her struggles to fit my cock in her mouth. She was making progress. Her lips had nearly met my medial ring, and she was already much deeper than her brother had gotten. She made gluggy swallowing noises as my tip squeezed into her tight little throat.

Ricky plopped down on the couch next to me, spreading his legs out just like mine, and Brooke got on her knees in front of him just like Nikki in front of me. Brooke hesitated with his cock a moment more than she had with mine, but soon she started licking it.

"Woah!" Ricky's eyes looked like they were about to pop out. "Why didn't you tell me this felt so good? This is awesome!"

Encouraged by Ricky's praise, Brooke slid her tongue up to his very tip, then took it into her mouth ... not much of it at first, but very definitely inside.

Ricky groaned. "Oh yiff! Oh yiff!"

My ears burned. I'd only said bad words like that once, before my dad had taught me a thing or two about bad language. I couldn't believe Ricky was just blatantly _saying_it like that. But I wasn't about to do anything - I was much more preoccupied with what was going into his sister's mouth than what was coming out of his.

Brooke made steady progress downward, soon taking the entire red length of Ricky's cock into her muzzle. She made it look so easy! And I couldn't help but feel a slight pang of jealousy. If only things had fit, that could be my cock inside Brooke's cute mouth. And even with my cock deep inside Nikki's throat, for some reason, I couldn't help but think that I was really missing out.

Finally, Nikki sputtered and coughed, pulling herself up. Drool poured over her tongue onto my shaft as she heaved in deep breaths. Once she'd finally caught her breath, she looked over at her brother. "See? That's how it's done!"

He rolled his eyes at her. "Oh yeah? Well just look what Brooke can do!" He pointed down at his crotch, where Brooke had planted her lips against the rim of his sheath, bobbing and twisting her head slightly while keeping his entire cock in her mouth.

"But... But..." Nikki sputtered. "That's not fair! Yours is a lot smaller, and she couldn't get even an inch of Dylan's--"

"Hey, it's okay," I told her. "You still did a lot better than Ricky."

She rolled her eyes and wiped her mouth. "Whatever. What else do we do? This can't be all of it."

Well, I knew what Aunt Dillis had done once she'd gotten me hard this way, and that was about it. "You're, um... You're supposed to come up and sit on my lap."

"Huh?" She stood up, but didn't move any closer.

"Yeah, and then my thingy kind of goes inside yours."

Nikki looked at my cock, down at herself, then back at me, her eyes widening. "It's... It's not going to fit!"

"Come on," Ricky said, even as he twisted his hips and humped into Brooke's eagerly accommodating mouth. "You should at least give it a try - Dylan knows how to do this stuff."

Nikki looked as if she was about to say something - probably something nasty directed at her brother - but she evidently thought better of it after a while. Instead, she shrugged a little and stepped forward, putting her knees on the couch to either side of me. Her little pink skirt spread over my lap and rode up her thighs ... but my cock ended up on the wrong side of it, rubbing up against the front of her skirt and even the bottom of her tank top, which was grey with little pink stars on it. The dampness from her spit rubbed off on the front of it, leaving a darker grey splotch that blotted out a couple of the stars.

She looked down at my cock, touching it with one hand. "So, like, now what?"

I reached down and lifted up the front of her skirt. There was her cute little pink pussy again, dripping now, with little clear drops. I hoped that was okay. But there was no way she could get it inside from there. "Here, lean up a little bit," I said, reaching around to grab her ass cheeks instead and lifting her up toward my chest.

She made a little gasp of protest ... but that turned into something more like a purr when her pussy touched and slid up the front of my cock.

I felt the wetness of her spread over my shaft, and the memories that brought up now were starting to seem a lot more pleasant now than they had before. The way her little round ass cheeks filled up my hands wasn't bad, either. Just for fun, I squeezed them a little, and to my surprise, it made Nikki squeak slightly.

Finally, I got her up high enough. She had to stretch as high as her legs would allow before my cock finally slipped all the way down her belly and popped outward a little, going underneath her. Nikki's pussy felt warm and soft against my tip.

Even though Ricky was busy getting his cock sucked, he was staring at Nikki and me with all his attention. And even though Brooke was even busier doing the sucking, she was looking up at us as well.

To make sure that those two got a good view of what was happening, I slid my hands around Nikki's tight little body and lifted her skirt again.

"I told you it wasn't going to fit," Nikki said. "Nobody has a hole that big."

Brooke pulled herself off of Ricky's cock, despite his whimper of protest. "Actually," she said, "it should fit." After everybody looked at her for a moment, she blushed and tried to explain, "I... I actually kind of played around a little with the handle of my hairbrush once. Or a few times. The hole is kind of ... stretchy. As long as it's slippery, it will fit okay."

Before anybody could ask her for more details - I sure wanted to know about it - Ricky tugged on her hair, pulling her back to his cock, which she went back to, still blushing.

Nikki looked back at me, a bit of doubt and mistrust in her eyes.

But I looked down at her pussy. With one hand holding her skirt up for the others - and myself - to see better, I used the other hand to wiggle my cock back and forth over her slit. Nikki's pussy lips soon glistened with wetness all over, and they spread apart slightly, letting the tip of my cock pass back and forth between them.

She wasn't looking at me dubiously anymore. The feeling of my cock moving down there seemed like it was doing even more for her than it was for me. Her eyes drifted closed and she let out a deep, almost moaning breath. She started to move her hips back and forth in time with my cock, and she actually started pushing downward a little.

Nikki's pussy lips spread open as she pushed on my tip ... stretching wider than I thought possible. And then, with a sudden plunge, the first little bit of my cock slid inside her. She froze and gasped, her whole body jerking. Her arms wrapped around the back of my neck and she bit down hard on my shoulder, her breath hot against my shirt.

It was every bit as warm and overwhelmingly supple as I remembered. But this time, I could actually enjoy_it. Nikki's little pussy spasmed around the tip of my cock as she struggled to adjust to the size of what was now inside her ... but that only made things feel even _better. A bead of her pussy juices rolled down the back of my shaft. I could feel it going all the way down, and that reminded me of what Aunt Dillis had done with such seeming ease.

"You're supposed to go all the way down," I told her, struggling to keep my voice sounding calm and knowledgeable despite the way my body wanted to make it waver.

"I... I can't--" Nikki took another hot, deep breath against my shoulder. "It's stretching me so much on the inside! Give me a minute, okay?"

I did. Despite everything my instincts told me to do, I gave her a moment to rest and adjust. I was still holding her skirt up, so I could see just how much her little pussy was stretched around the top of my shaft ... and as much as it made me want to push all the way into her, it also made me worry that it might actually break her, and I knew I didn't want that.

Eventually, though, Nikki's legs stopped trembling, and she was able to catch her breath. Leaning away a little without going any farther down, she looked me in the eyes. "Are ... are you sure it's gonna be okay?"

I nodded to her. It was exactly what Aunt Dillis had done, so it must be okay, right? I sure didn't know any other way to do things, so it was either this or nothing.

She took a deep breath. "Okay..."

Slowly, slowly, she let herself slide a little lower, let a little bit more of my thick shaft squeeze up into her tiny pussy. As she lowered, her eyes grew wider and wider. The grip of her hands on my shoulders got tighter and tighter ... but she kept going, rocking back and forth a little to help things along when she seemed to get stuck for a moment.

It was utter bliss ... at least for me. The feeling of her tight, hot pussy slipping down around my cock was like nothing else I'd ever felt - even Aunt Dillis hadn't felt like this. That had just been weird and squishy, but this... I stared down at her pussy as my cock gradually slid deeper inside her. I kept throbbing harder and harder, wanting nothing more than to get all the way inside Nikki's fresh young body.

And despite the grimaces and little whimpers of what sounded like pain from Nikki, she kept on going as if she was just as determined to get all of it inside her as I was.

Ricky and Brooke had stopped now, and were only watching us. Even though Brooke still had Ricky's cock in her mouth, neither one of them were moving or doing anything with it - they both just stared as Nikki made my cock gradually disappear.

She didn't make it all the way, not even close. By the time my medial ring squeezed through her entrance, she was already struggling, and not long after that, she let out a loud yelp of pain and stopped. "It's too deep!" she cried out.

That had been so loud that we all paused. I was sure someone would have heard that and come to check on us. But a few moments passed, and nobody came into the room.

Shifting my hands to Nikki's ass, I helped hold her up. I wasn't quite sure what to do. Aunt Dillis hadn't had this problem. But I was sure that I didn't want to hurt Nikki. "Um... Just stop there, then."

"But I didn't get all of it!"

"I think that's okay. It already feels really good." That was the truth. An understatement, if anything. I wanted this feeling to never stop - the warm, wet pressure all around my shaft was absolutely heavenly.

Nikki lifted the bottom of her tank top up, untucking it from the waistband of her skirt and pulling it halfway up her chest. With her other hand, she rubbed herself just below her belly button. "It feels so full inside..."

There was just something about seeing some of her chest that made me want to see the rest of it. Without even thinking about it or really knowing why, I let her hold herself up and used my hands to pull her tank top higher.

Her chest was just as flat as it had looked through her tank top, but now I could see her tiny pink nipples, even pinker than her fur, poking out firmly. Thoughtlessly, I reached out and rubbed one of them. Despite not looking much different than my own or any other boy's, there was something special about this. Girls always hid their nipples, and for some reason that made me all the more fascinated with them.

Nikki giggled. "That tickles!" But rather than trying to push my hand away, she pulled her tank top over her head and then tossed it down on the couch next to us.

And then she started moving. It made me forget all about her nipples, made me lean back against the couch and moan. The feeling of her moving on my cock was right there on the level of when it had been slipping in for the very first time, only it kept going and going.

Brooke and Ricky finally stopped staring as Nikki got into a nice rhythm. Apparently, they were ready to try it out for themselves, because Brooke was getting up on the couch over Ricky's lap just like Nikki had done with me, and they were both giving each other a heated, anticipatory look that made me feel like I was melting even though it wasn't directed at me.

Or maybe that metly feeling was just from the way Nikki was moving. I held her slender hips, guiding her through a rolling motion as she bounced. "Yeah - just keep going up and down like that," I told her ... even though she didn't seem to need any guidance anymore.

Brooke was getting along nicely with Ricky as well. She settled down onto his lap, guiding his cock with one hand, and there was only a momentary gasp and widening of her eyes as his smaller vulpine cock slipped into her.

Despite the fact that I was already as deep as possible inside his sister, I was kind of envious of Ricky at that moment. What was getting into me? When they'd dragged me back here, I wasn't sure I wanted to do anything with these three ... and now I was upset that I was only getting one of them at the moment?

Brooke seemed to acclimate to it much faster than Nikki had. In a few scant moments, she was gliding her hips up and down over Ricky's crotch just as eagerly as Nikki was bouncing on me ... maybe even more eagerly.

But what really blew me away was when Brooke looked me right in the eyes. Once our eyes met, I couldn't look away, not for anything. It didn't matter that we were each with someone else - in that moment, I felt like I was inside her, and all I could think of was whether she felt the same way about me. It sure seemed like it from the look she gave me.

Soon, though, Nikki started to become far too distracting for my moment with Brooke to continue any longer.

Nikki moved more and more frantically, sweat beginning to break out on her petite pink body. She seemed to be both gasping and almost holding her breath at the same time, and the sleek lines of her belly stood out in sharp relief as she tensed up more and more. And still she kept going, pushing herself harder and harder down on my cock. If it still hurt her to go as deep as she could, she sure wasn't showing it anymore.

What was she even doing? Aunt Dillis had kind of gotten like this near the end, but nothing close to the way Nikki was jerking herself back and forth on my cock. I wasn't sure if I should try to stop her or not - I wasn't sure if I could stop her. At any rate, I didn't _want_to stop her. This rapid, squeezing motion wasn't nearly as luxuriant as the feeling of first slipping into her - she was moving so fast that it was all a blur, making me miss out on the nice little details - but it was driving a pressure inside of me, and especially up the base of my cock. I knew that pressure from once before, and knew how good it would feel once it was released.

Only ... Nikki didn't keep going long enough. Scant moments later, she froze in place, her pussy clenching down hard on every inch of my cock she could get inside her. She gripped my shoulders almost hard enough to leave bruises and let out a breathless "Aaah!"

Impossibly, her pussy tightened even more, spasming in waves now. Warmth leaked down the base of my cock and over my balls as Nikki's whole body jerked a few times.

I honestly didn't know whether to feel happy for her or concerned for her ... was she going through unbelievable pleasure or unbearable pain? I couldn't tell.

Finally, her body relaxed, suddenly falling almost limp. And when she laid her head on my shoulder, I could already tell it had been pleasure that had been driving her crazy like that, just from the way she pressed her body against my chest. "Mmm," she moaned. "What... What was that?"

"I'm not sure... I think it's called a 'fuck yes'? At least that's what my Aun--" I stopped myself just in time. "That's what somebody told me, anyway. That's what she said when it happened to her."

"It's..." Nikki paused to suck in a few deep breaths. "It's the best thing ever."

Brooke had paused in place on Ricky's lap as Nikki went through those theatrics, and she'd been watching closely, despite the way Ricky kept moving inside her by rocking his hips back and forth. And while Brooke had seemed rather taken aback by what she'd seen before, now that she saw the way Nikki reacted to it, she was absently rubbing a finger over her lips and giving me a very interesting look.

"You've got to try it," Nikki told her, trembling from a brief aftershock.

"How do I--?"

"Come over here on Dylan. It's feeling so full and stretched that did it for me. And besides..." Nikki gave her brother a look and licked her lips. "I wanna try it with Ricky, too." Without waiting for Brooke's response, Nikki lifted herself up from my lap, shuddering again as the length of my shaft slowly slid out between her pussy lips.

When Brooke pulled herself off of Ricky, it wasn't nearly as easy. She struggled for a moment, then finally came free with a pop.

My eyes went wide when I saw the huge round bulge at the base of Ricky's cock. _That_sure hadn't been there before! What the heck was going on with him? I hoped they wouldn't ask me about it, because I sure didn't know.

That distraction only lasted for a moment, though. Because once Brooke was in front of me, I _really_didn't want to look at anything else. She looked so slender and graceful, and everything below the bottom of her tank top was so scandalously, yet some how innocently, naked. I couldn't stop staring at the somehow fascinating little triangular gap between her thighs and her prim little pussy lips.

She clasped her hands in front of her, looking at me and blushing. "You, um ... seemed to like Nikki's nipples, so..." Her fingers had been obsessively rubbing against each other - now she fingered the hem of her tank top.

My eyes slid up her body just as slowly as she lifted her top, drinking in the details of her belly button, the very slight roundness of her belly, the inexplicably alluring vertical line that ran from her belly button up toward her chest...

It's strange... Even now I can't explain why it made me so excited to see that little strip of white fabric - the bottom of her training bra. But as she pulled her top up the rest of the way and revealed the two triangular white cups of it, that really lit up something inside of me. Somehow, it meant that she was a real girl, with real boobies, and I ... I was about to see them!

Somewhere next to me, Nikki gasped and Ricky groaned as the two fox siblings slid wetly one into the other ... but I didn't even glance at them.

Brooke was letting her tank top fall to the floor next to the couch. Her bra was the only scrap of clothing she still had on, and that made her look starkly, irresistibly naked to my inexperienced eyes.

Unable to restrain myself, I reached out and pulled her close to me. Her thin waist and smooth back were so tantalizingly _real_under my hands. Her body pressed up against mine, my still-wet cock pressed between us. Our faces came right up in front of each other; our noses touched, and we looked into each other's eyes as she gasped slightly - was that surprise from having been pulled in close like this, anticipation from feeling my cock against her smooth belly, or was it merely from coming face to face like this ... very nearly kissing.

Of course I didn't kiss her. At that age, I still thought kissing was gross and weird, that it might give me cooties or something. Despite everything we'd already done with each other, kissing still seemed a step too far. Instead, I slid my hands up the long, concave curve of her back until I found the straps at the back of her bra.

Brooke's eyes went half-lidded as she felt me working at the hooks. "You ... you really want it, don't you?"

"Mm-hm!" I didn't have much concentration to spare on conversation. These bra straps seemed infernally complicated, and I couldn't even see what I was doing. Where was the latch, anyway? Was I even pulling on the right part?

After a few moments of waiting through my struggling, Brooke reached behind herself and brushed my hands away. With seemingly no effort at all, she was magically able to unhook it. Her bra immediately dropped a little. When I looked down, I could already see a hint of one pink nipple.

Eagerly, I pulled the rest of it off. Brooke shrugged her shoulders to help me get the straps off her arms.

And then there they were: her tiny, budding breasts. They hardly even warranted wearing a bra - they swelled just a smidge above imperceptibly from her chest, showing only the barest hint of the luscious roundness she was beginning to develop. But her nipples were impossible to miss - the tiny pink nubs standing proud in their fingertip-sized pink circles. Standing out as they did against her soft, pale belly fur, they irrevocably drew my eyes to them.

"You can, um ... touch if you want."

My hands were there in an instant. Brooke's sudden breath as both my hands enveloped her tiny breasts made her belly move against my cock, heightening the experience even more. And I rubbed her beautiful little tits, reveling in the little bit of soft roundness I could feel when I pressed them upward, the firm touch of her nipples tickling my palms as I slid them back down.

Brooke didn't wait for any further direction - she already knew what to do. Lifting herself up just as high as Nikki had, she reached down around my still-groping hands and took hold of my cock, lining it up with her pussy lips.

I shuddered in anticipation, but still didn't take my hands away from her nascent breasts. I did manage to pull my eyes away from her chest for a moment, though, long enough to look into her eyes instead.

And I could see whole worlds of experience blooming open in her eyes as she took my cock inside her. Maybe she could see a bit of how I felt as well. Sharing the experience made it all the better ... and it was _already_amazing: Brooke didn't struggle to fit it as Nikki had. She serenely let my cock flow up into her hot, slick pussy in one long, slow motion that took her down, down, past my medial ring ... all the way to the base of my cock.

The feeling of all-enveloping warmth was more than I could have ever imagined it would be. And seeing it reflected in Brooke's eyes as my cock filled her up in a way she'd never been filled before ... it more than doubled my pleasure.

Once her pussy lips were planted against my sheath, she paused. Both of our bodies made occasional little twitches or squeezes as they grew accustomed to one another, but that was the only motion that passed between us. The rocking of the couch from Nikki and Ricky's enthusiasm moved the two of us more than we did ourselves. For us, this was a serene moment, the two of us becoming one in ways neither of us understood.

Without even realizing why I was doing it, I let my hands move away from Brooke's barely-developing chest, one hand to the deliciously curved hollow of her back and one hand brushing through her hair to hold the back of her neck. I pulled her closer, pressing her body against me.

Her cheek pressed against mine, and despite how quietly she whispered it, I could clearly hear her breathy "You feel so good inside me."

Slowly, gently, I began moving - moving her back and forth with my arms more than I moved myself. Brooke gasped in deep breaths in time with my motions, clutching me tightly against herself with her thin, trembling arms. Each of her breaths came with a whisper of a moan.

And despite how incredibly good it felt to have the slight motions of my cock as it was held to the hilt inside her, what really_motivated me was her little moans. Those tiny, unconscious sounds she was making were driving me crazy, and all I could think about was how to get _more of that from this little doe.

Next to us, Ricky and Nikki were getting even more athletic in their exertions, each of them gripping the other tightly and rocking their hips like they were mad for as much stimulation as they could get.

But Brooke and I ... we moved slowly together, sensuously. I could feel every part of her on the inside, from the tight grip of her entrance around my wide base to the heavenly-soft warm plushness that swelled and flowed around my bulging tip. My hands slid up and down her back, wanting to touch every part of her at once ... though the lovely smooth hollow at the bottom of her back tended to draw me more than elsewhere ... even more than the tight round curves of her ass cheeks.

The only change in our pace was that Brooke began pressing herself down _hard_on my cock every time it slid in to its utmost. The first time that happened, she let out a startled little gasp, and I pulled back, afraid that I'd hurt her somehow. But that gasp had melted into a moan as sumptuous as her young voice could manage. After that, I helped her, holding the thin flare of her hips and helping her push down, helping her get that little extra smidge of length.

Little did I know at the time, but not only did those extra pushes help rub my tip against her innermost limits, it also pressed her pussy lips tight against my sheath - the cusp of skin attaching my sheath to my belly ended up pressing perfectly against her clit each time.

Had I known that back then, it wouldn't have been such a surprise when Brooke quite suddenly stopped breathing and trembled in place. As it was, I only realized what was happening when Nikki looked over and said, "Yay! Brooke's having a fuck yes!"

Brooke's orgasm was nothing like Nikki's theatrics. She just held me as tight as her shaking arms could manage, gasped hot breaths against my neck, and pressed herself down on my cock as hard as she could. Her pussy did all the work. Her inner walls stretched and squeezed around my cock as if trying to suckle me dry, long pulses and throbs traveling up and down my length.

"Oh Goddess," she managed to squeak out between breaths, "please let this last forever!"

It didn't, though, of course. Slowly, Brooke's body stopped spasming around my cock, and she was finally able to breathe again.

And when I began moving again, her pussy felt almost entirely different. The tight, tense squeezing that had been there before had melted away into utter relaxation ... simmering wet relaxation. She was so _soft_on the inside now - it was like having my cock inside a warm, wet cloud ... a cloud that whispered, "You can do anything you want with me. I want it."

At that point, there was only one thing I wanted - and that pressure at the base of my cock was what drove me there.

I wasn't the first to reach it, though. Ricky's thrusts into his sister had become so erratic, so ferocious, that she had pretty much stopped doing anything herself, instead letting him have his way with her. His fingernails scraped along her back, clawing for any extra grip he could get as he shoved her down on his cock over and over again as fast and hard as he could.

That is ... until he stopped. Just when it seemed Ricky couldn't possibly increase his pace any further, he stopped. He yanked Nikki down on himself, holding his cock as far as he could get it inside his sister's pussy.

Nikki's eyes went wide. "It's--! Something's happening! I can feel it - it feels like it's squirting something inside me! It's..." She sucked in a deep breath, her eyelids fluttering. "It's so warm..." With that, she melted into her brother's arms. I couldn't see exactly what was happening where their bodies met, since Nikki's skirt was still on, spread out over Ricky's lap, but I already knew enough to guess: that white stuff would be coming out, Ricky's red cock pumping his sister full of something none of us really understood at the moment.

Brooke had noticed them as well. "Are you ... are you going to do that inside me?" she asked.

I didn't break my pace moving inside her. The pressure was growing and growing. "Do you want me to?" It would be coming soon, I knew. My tip was already flaring out wide, deep inside her. I was sure she could feel it, but she probably didn't know what it meant. I did.

The warm whisper against my ear she answered with is still the sexiest words I've ever heard: "I want it. I want you inside of me forever."

With those half-moaned words in my ear, it didn't take long. After just a couple more thrusts, I pushed all the way up into her again, as deeply as we'd ever gone before, and I held her there. Even if she'd wanted to get off of me, to have me finish outside, she wouldn't have been able to. I held her solidly in place as my cock pulsed, as my tip fully flared, pressing against her and holding her open deep inside. The first hot jet of cum gushed directly into her pristine womb, filling her where she'd never been filled before.

"Mmmm!" She hugged tightly against me. "Yes! Yes! I can feel it!"

That was only the first spurt. Another came, and another. Brooke moaned with each new surge inside her, quickly filling beyond her limit, and even the flared edge of my tip couldn't hold all of it inside her. The first hint of white came dribbling out between her pussy lips and my sheath, soon growing to thick streams that splattered out every time my cock twitched.

Before I was done, it triggered another orgasm from Brooke - a smaller, more subdued one, but it still left her panting, her pussy spasming as a mixture of our juices poured out between her tightly stretched entrance and the base of my shaft.

Only after our orgasms finally petered out into blissful relaxation did I notice Nikki and Ricky staring at us. I grinned bashfully, feeling my cheeks heat up despite everything I'd already done with them.

"Woah," Ricky said. "That was ... unbelievable."

"Mm-hm," Brooke moaned, nuzzling against my neck.

I held her there for a long while more ... until my shrinking, spent cock finally slipped out of her, releasing another small white deluge that poured thickly from the perfect little slit between her formerly innocent pussy lips. Brooke woozily picked herself up off my lap and looked around for something to wipe her fur with. Thankfully, a huge cardboard box full of paper towels was near to hand.

Nikki also attempted to get up ... but less successfully. When she lifted herself up, Ricky's hips came with her. The two of them were locked together somehow.

"W-what's going on?" Nikki asked, a slight tinge of panic in her voice. "Do I have to wait for it to come out on its own like yours did?"

"Um..." I sure didn't know anything about that. It was freaking me out a little bit, too. But I _did_know what answer would calm her down, and hey, maybe it would even turn out to be right. "Yeah," I said. "Just wait until Ricky gets soft, and it will come out on its own."

I availed myself of some of the paper towels Brooke had found, grimacing as I wiped some very delicate bits with the scratchy things ... but at least it was doing a pretty good job of getting the mess cleaned up. I even wiped down the couch where I'd been sitting. A lot had already soaked in, which would no doubt add to the couch's already impressive variety of stains, but I tried to get out as much as we could. I didn't want anybody guessing what we'd been doing back here.

When Nikki and Ricky were finally able to separate from each other, they didn't separate very far. Rather than spending time wiping things up, they were entirely preoccupied with each other, touching, fondling, caressing ... and kissing. I'd never seen anyone our age kissing before, much less a brother and sister. They looked so much alike, besides the difference of their pink and blue fur colors.

As I stared at the fox siblings, Brooke came up next to me. With a slight reach, she took my hand and held it as we both watched.

And then she turned toward me, still holding my hand. I turned toward her, and once again, we looked into each other's eyes. It was so easy, with her nearly as tall as me.

"Do you think," she asked hesitantly, "we could do this again next Wednesday?"

I smiled slightly, drawing her in closer. I think we both knew where this was going, even though neither one of us was willing to admit it.

The kiss we shared was the only 'yes' that either of us needed. Our bodies pressed against each other as much as our lips, intertwined as much as our unpracticed tongues. We were both terrible at it, of course, but neither of us knew that, and we made up for our lack of skill with sheer enthusiasm.

I still remember that Wednesday night every time I kiss Brooke. Three kids and decades of marriage later, it's always that night that's in my head. In some parts of my mind, she'll always be that barely-pubescent doe ... and I know that to her, I'll always be the young colt who showed her the world.

In a weird way, it makes me almost thankful for what Aunt Dillis did with me. Yes, it was absolutely reprehensible ... but if it weren't for her, I would have never moved to a new town, would have never even met Brooke, much less had the illicit experiences that drew me together with her.

Both Nikki and Ricky are married now, and _not_to each other. Now they're both good family friends with Brooke and me. And sometimes, once in a blue moon, when our schedules work out just right and all the kids are safely away, the four of us take another stolen moment to be more than family, more than friends.

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