Daughter.exe has Malfunctioned

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#19 of Complete Stories

It's in the far future, and people often buy lifelike androids to replace lost loved ones as a 'memorial'. As a grieving father, I ordered one to remind myself of my young daughter. Only problem is, she was accidentally shipped out with the programming of a sex-bot instead of a consolation bot.

M (Lion) x F (Lion Cub). Psuedo-incest, cub, under-age (12), teasing, corrupted innocence. 10398 words in 1 chapter.

Cover based on art from Lichfang. Used with permission.

I regarded the package dropped off by the daily shipping drone with mixed feelings. It looked rather disturbingly like a small cardboard coffin, despite the plastering of barcode shipping labels. One corner was a bit torn and crumpled. The surge of fatherly protective instinct that it triggered surprised me. Was I already feeling attached to it ... attached to her?

Well, there was nothing for it but to drag the box inside and get it open...

I have to admit, when I first heard about these 'living memory dolls', I'd thought that they were a ridiculous and borderline offensive idea. What kind of psycho would respond to the loss of a loved one by leasing an exact robotic replacement? I'd scoffed at the idea that it might help people get over their grief. If anything, it would only extend the grieving in a sick sort of way. When my wife - the finest lioness I'd ever known - died during childbirth despite every advantage modern medicine could provide, people had told me I should get a living memory doll to help me cope with grief and guilt while I cared for our infant daughter, and I'd steadfastly refused. I could - and had - handled it on my own, and my relationship with my daughter was all the stronger for it.

In the twelve years since, my daughter Kira had been the light of my life. I called her 'my Little Princess', and she always giggled every time I did. It wasn't easy being a single dad - trying to tame my work schedule enough to spend time with Kira was hell, and even worse was the way that whenever I brought her out in public, middle-aged ladies would ooh and aah over how I was 'babysitting' and 'giving mom a day off', wishing they had husbands like that. At first it was satisfying to tell them off and tell them why I was 'babysitting', but that soon lost its appeal, leaving only the old, un-healed wounds. But through it all, Kira had been what kept me going. She was my whole life, and something as simple as seeing her smile because of a bit of candy could make a whole day of grief worthwhile.

That's what made it so hard when I lost Kira as well. I'd turned my back for one stupid second, and she'd been in the wrong place at the wrong time, crushed flat by a hovercar driven by a half-blind old badger too set in his ways to use the autopilot. Maybe if I'd been looking, I could have saved her.

After that, everything had seemed meaningless and hollow. I'd gone through the motions at work so robotically that my boss had threatened to replace me with one. Outside of work, I did little other than sit in the big, empty, silent house and stare up at the ceiling, wondering about might-have-beens. It was the 'suicide attempt' that had changed things. I wasn't really trying to kill myself. At least, I don't think so. I'd only wanted the pain to go away ... and if one pill helped a little, all the pills would help a lot, right?

Well, that landed me in the hospital, and the hospital shunted me off onto a psychiatrist, and the psychiatrist prescribed a living memory doll. In light of the reason I was there in the first place, there had been no way to claim that I could cope on my own just fine. I obviously hadn't been coping. If it wasn't for the high-end security alarm in my home, I wouldn't even be alive right now. Until that day, I hadn't even realized that monitoring for medical emergencies and calling for help was one of its functions.

And that's why I now had a coffin-sized cardboard box in the middle of my living room.

I stared at it for a long moment, wondering if I could really go through with this. That wasn't Kira in that box, and at some level I would always know that. After the losses I'd been through, over a hundred people by now must have come to me and told me how wonderful it was to have a living memory doll. Could they actually be right? Could the ... _thing_inside that box actually do something about the pain of losing Kira, or would it just dredge up memories and make it hurt even more?

With a deep breath, I forced myself to get on with it. Nothing was going to come from just sitting here and staring at the box, now was it?

Using one retractable claw, I ripped through the line of tape holding the top of the box closed. After peeling back the flaps, what I found inside was - of course - another box. This one, though, was shiny and white where it wasn't covered with stock photos of happy, playing children and big, colorful text. "SODEXCO LIVE REMEMBER DOLL 10-14F" it said, underneath both Chinese and Korean writing that presumably said the same thing. I wasn't rich by any means, and these robotic dolls cost an arm and a leg. This knockoff version was the best I could afford ... and it seemed appropriate in a perverse way. The doll would be a cheap knockoff of the real Kira, so why shouldn't I get the cheap knockoff version of the doll? Cheap knockoffs all the way down. Maybe I'd get some cheap knockoff emotional benefit from it.

It took a little fumbling to figure out how to open the inner box. It wasn't until I'd read the pictographic instructions on the side - which were captioned in Chinese but had no English translations - that I realized that I was supposed to set the box upright on its end, then lift the whole thing up.

Once I'd done that, the box slid upwards easily, leaving a mummy-like anthro form standing on the remains of the rest of the box, wrapped in white styrofoam packing strips. A little chill ran though me, making my fur stand on end. A little slip of paper was taped to the outer layer of foam. It read, 'Imprint: Kira Prideheart | Home Recording Analysis: COMPLETE'. Just the feeling I got from seeing her name on it...

As I carefully unwrapped the layers of foam, that odd feeling of mixed queasy dread and desperate anticipation only intensified. There was her ear - cute and round just like it always had been! I tore the rest of it off in a frenzy, instinctively desperate to see my daughter again. Somewhere, I knew it wasn't really her, but the sight of her adorable little face shoved that thought far, far back into the back of my mind.

Only after unwrapping her did I fully come to realize that she was completely nude underneath the foam wrapping. It wasn't that weird. As a single father, I'd seen my daughter naked many times before. I just hadn't expected her to be, well, shipped that way. It was a little unnerving, seeing her standing perfectly straight and still, her eyes closed, and nothing at all on her. She'd always been very shy about nudity, even from the time she was a toddler. She'd begun insisting on having baths on her own almost as soon as she could walk. When she'd signed up for swim classes at school, she'd asked if she could wear a boy's-size swimsuit rather than the more revealing girl's ones. To see her now, seemingly nonplussed by being absolutely nude in the semi-public living room...

Still, I supposed that's just what I got for ordering the cheap knock-off version. Of course they wouldn't waste any extra money on clothes. Why would I expect anything else? Though ... why did they feel the need to be so anatomically accurate? Her little privates, her barely budding breasts, and her tiny nipples were all there, in exact detail. Surely they could have saved a little more money by omitting those, right? Was it really necessary?

Oh well. Who knew? But the sooner I could get her turned on, the sooner I could get her in her old clothes and restore some semblance of normalcy.

But there hadn't been any sort of instruction manual in the box... I looked her up and down, searching for some kind of switch or button and trying to do so without making things weird with her naked body. Nothing, not anywhere I could see. Maybe it was hidden under her fur somewhere? Would I have to touch her all over, searching for the power switch? Of all the... I growled to myself a little. "Ugh - how do you turn this thing on?"

With a barely perceptible whirring sound, Kira powered on. Her green eyes opened. For a brief moment, she stared blankly straight ahead.

Then, with a sudden jolt, she sprang into life. She leapt forward, wrapping her arms around my waist and nuzzling my chest. "Daddy!" She squeezed tight. "Oh Daddy, I missed you!"

I held my hands against her back and returned her hug, tears burning in my eyes. "I missed you too, Little Princess." She was Kira now, and any thought of her being anything else had vanished - vanished far more completely than I ever would have thought possible. Wow ... they were really right about these living memory dolls! Despite everything, they were right.

She pulled away from me a little, looking up into my face. "Don't cry, Daddy. Why are you crying?"

I wiped a tear from my eye. Oh Goddess, it was her, it was really her. Already, losing her seemed just like some bad dream that I'd finally woken up from.

Kira stepped up on the insteps of my feet, gaining a little height and getting her a little closer. She hugged me again and smiled so sweetly I thought it might break me, inside and out.

"I'm..." I struggled to compose myself. My throat felt so tight. "I'm so glad to see you again, Little Princess. Come on, let's get you some clothes."

She glanced down at herself, then jumped back, covering up her itty-bitty breasts with one arm and her privates with her other hand. "Uh-huh!" Without me needing to tell her where to go, she ran for the stairs, up toward her bedroom, her adorable little tail flying high behind her the whole way.

Grinning for the first time in weeks and breathing a deep, heavy sigh that seemed to let out a breath I'd been holding for all that time, I followed her upstairs at a slower pace.

By the time I made it up to her room at the end of the upstairs hallway, she'd already gotten dressed. She came out of her room and stood just in front of the door, doing a little twirl and then posing for me.

Her clothing choice was ... interesting. She'd picked out a pink princess dress that she hadn't worn in years. I would have gotten rid of it along with all the other clothing she outgrew, except that she was just so _attached_to this silly little frilly dress, and she'd begged me to let her keep it. Even though I'd long ago learned the value of being stern with her when necessary, no matter how cute she acted, what was the harm in keeping this dress? As she wore it now, though... it was stretched tightly around her, with only the puffy sleeves not seeming tight. Every outline of her body - including her nipples - was clearly visible through the tight-stretched pink fabric on the top half, and below... Well, although the dress had been at least knee-length on her before, she was a good deal taller now. It was scarcely more than a miniskirt.

"Do I look pretty, Daddy?"

I had just been about to suggest putting on something that fit better, but I couldn't say anything of the sort now. There was no way I'd be risking her fragile self-esteem like that! I closed the remaining distance between us in just a few long strides and scooped her up in my arms. "You're the most beautiful princess in all the realm!" Leaning down, I kissed the top of her head.

Before I could react, she tilted her head up and kissed me back, fully on the lips. Her little body pressed against mine, and when my mouth opened in shock, she ventured her tongue inside.

I dropped her, jolting back and covering my mouth with my hand. What... What had just happened? Why would she...?

Kira looked up at me with a sweet, coy little grin, her hands clasped together behind her back and swaying back and forth a little. Her green eyes - so like her mother's - looked at me with something more than just filial adoration.

"Kira," I asked, blinking down at her, "what was that about?"

"I love you, Daddy."

Oh, that smile of hers... I couldn't be angry with her, not ever. And it would be so easy_to forget what she'd just done, or pass it off as some meaningless software bug. "Now, Kira, it's inappropriate to kiss your father - or any other family member like that. Those kinds of kisses are only for your boyfriend or husband, and only after you've grown up quite a bit older than you are now." It was _so easy to ignore the fact that she was a robot now; she would never grow up.

She giggled and winked at me. "Okay."

The way she'd said that... She'd had about as much sincerity as a stripper complementing the man she was lapdancing on. Yes, I was passingly familiar with the local strip clubs. Things had been lonely since I lost my wife. I didn't see anything wrong with it as long as Kira wasn't affected.

I hoped it hadn't affected her. The way she was looking at me now, the way she was dressed, I could suddenly imagine her growing up to be a stripper herself...

No - no, I reminded myself. She won't grow up to be anything. She's a robot now.

That brought a fresh wave of grief and guilt. But instead of overwhelming me, bowling me over and leaving me drowning in a sea of it as had always happened before, Kira was there to pull me out of it. She reached up and grabbed my hand. As she physically tugged me back toward the stairs, she emotionally tugged me out of the depression I'd been all too ready to sink back into yet again. Instead, I smiled, following her lead.

"Can we watch The Unicorn Princess again, Daddy, can we? Please please please?"

As I followed her down the stairs, I shrugged. Now that was the Kira I knew. She _adored_that movie. If I let her, she'd probably watch it on a loop from dawn til far past her bedtime. She asked to watch it at least a few times every day, even though I tried to keep it down to once a week at most. Now, though... After being without her for so long, I was in the mood to indulge her a little, and there wasn't anything pressing to do for the rest of the day. "You know what? Sure. Let's watch it together."

She squealed with delight and let go of my hand, racing the rest of the way down the stairs and toward the den.

"You queue it up on the holodeck, Princess," I hollered after her. "I'll get the popcorn ready!"

When I came into the den with the big plastic bowl full of fresh, hot popcorn, Kira was already singing along to the movie's opening song. She was flopped on a beanbag cushion right next to the projection, kicking her legs up behind her in time with the music.

I averted my eyes from the sight of her pink panties underneath the too-short hem of her dress and headed for the couch.

Normally, Kira would have stayed right where she was, completely absorbed in the clichéd story that never seemed to get old for her. This time, though, as soon as I'd planted myself on the couch, she hopped up and scampered over to sit next to me, flopping down sideways and resting her head on my lap.

Maybe it was because she missed me and wanted to be as close as she could ... or maybe she just wanted to be within range of the popcorn. She was certainly eating more than her fair share of it. Either way, though, I enjoyed having her there even more than she enjoyed this movie. All the while as the scenes played out - scenes I could have recited by heart at this point - I absently petted my hand down Kira's warm, smooth back. Goddess, it felt good to have her with me again.

The movie had progressed through the heroic feats, through the comic misunderstanding, and through the spectacular fight with the Dragon King. It was nearing the end now, and all that was left was for the gallant Zebra Knight to proclaim his undying love for the Unicorn Princess and for them to have their moment together before the implied wedding and riding out into the sunset.

The two holographic characters drew closer together, all the unspoken love their actors could muster on their faces. And just as they locked together in a passionate kiss, they froze.

"Huh?" I blinked for a moment. "Hey, why'd you pause it? It's almost over. You can go to the bathroom in a minute." Wait, did robots even need to go to the bathroom? She'd been eating quite a bit of popcorn, so...? I really wished there had been an owner's manual in the box.

"Un-uh!" She shook her head against my lap. "Look, Daddy!" She pointed at the hologram filling most of the den.

"Yes... They're, um, kissing. Remember what I said? That kind of kissing is only for boyfriends and husbands, right?"

"They love each other so much!"

I nodded. "Yes, yes they do."

Rolling over so she could, she looked up at me from my lap. "I love you even more, Daddy!"

Aw, wasn't that sweet? A bit of an odd way to say it, but very sweet. I stroked my fingers over the top of her head. "I love you too, Little Princess."

Her hand slipped up and cupped my balls through my pants, and she turned her head, mouthing the outline of my sheath. "I love you so much," she said. I could feel her warm breath through my pants.

It had happened so fast! When my brain caught up with what was happening, I forcibly pushed her away, knocking her right off the couch. "Kira! What the hell are you doing?"

She tumbled to the floor in the luxuriant way only cats can, then looked up at me, biting her lip slightly. "Mmm... Daddy likes to play rough." She grinned, licked her lips and came back up toward me, sliding up between my legs. Her eyes were locked onto my crotch.

I stood up and moved away from her before she could get her hands on me again. I couldn't allow her to know the shameful reaction she was causing in my body - I couldn't let her feel that.

Stepping away was only a temporary solution. She stalked toward me in a playfully predatory way that would have been adorable under any other circumstances. To my horror, I noticed that she'd slipped a hand underneath the short hem of her dress. She was rubbing herself with little circular motions that by all rights she shouldn't have known anything about ... and she definitely shouldn't have been so effortlessly practiced at!

I held her away from me with one outstretched arm. She grabbed my arm, pulling it down from her shoulder to her chest, right on top of one of her barely-developed breasts, and she leaned down to lick my forearm as she looked up into my eyes with devilish intent.

What the heck was going on? This wasn't right!

It took me an embarrassingly long moment to realize that this wasn't some bizarre behavior from my daughter, from the real Kira - this was a robot ... probably a malfunctioning one.

Finally, I knew what to do. "House," I called out loud.

"Please speak command," the seldom-used house system responded, the voice coming from everywhere and nowhere.

"Call Sodexco technical support!"


The sound of a phone ringing filled the house. There. Now everything would be taken care of. I sat down on the couch again, still holding my daughter back with one hand ... a hand she gleefully molested in any way she could.

"Thank you for calling Sodexco technical support hotline. My name is Steven. How may I assist you today?"

The accent on the other end didn't sound at all like someone who would be named 'Steven', but at this point, I wasn't about to be picky about stupid little things like that. "I... I just got a living memory doll from you, and she's... it's acting, um ... very strangely."

Kira stopped sucking on my finger long enough to look up at me and mew, "Come on, Daddy, I know you want me. I'm ready."

"I am very sorry to hear that. I see from the number you're calling from that you recently purchased a Sodexco Live Remember Doll ten to fourteen, female. Is that correct?"

"Right, right!" I did my best to keep Kira from climbing up my arm.

"Very good, thank you. Please be patient for a few moments as I pull up your unit's specifications file."

Being patient wasn't easy. Kira had turned around now, and she was busily trying to get my hand to go up her skirt. Her high-flagging tail was completely exposing her pink panties to me, which I struggled not to look at. It wasn't easy.

"Yes. There it is. Your doll was patterned after Keeray. Am I pronouncing that correctly?"

"Sure." It was close enough.

"And you say the doll is behaving strangely? What, specifically, is the doll doing?"

At the moment, she was pulling her panties to the side and showing me her tiny, wet pussy lips as she looked back over her shoulder at me, eyes half-lidded and tongue lolling out. I gulped. "She's, um... Being extremely affectionate. In, um, very physical ways."

"Well, our Live Remember Dolls are programmed to provide the best possible experience for--"

"No! This isn't normal - she's being very..." I paused, my eyes going wide as she slipped a finger into her virgin pussy. Forcing myself to look away, I continued, "She's being very inappropriate and, well ... lewd. In a sexual way."

"Oh, yes. This is not intended function for Live Remember models. On behalf of Sodexco, I want to apologize that you have had to experience this occurrence."

"Can you... Can you do something about it?"

"Please hold for one moment."

As I waited, Kira took the dripping finger she'd just had inside of herself, turned around toward me, and looked me in the eyes, taking the finger into her mouth and sucking it clean. She glanced meaningfully down at my crotch, clearly implying that a certain something else might get exactly the same treatment.

"Okay, thank you for your patience. I have accessed the file for your order, and there does appear that there was a slight mistake in the programming." There was a slight pause. "It does seem that your Live Remember Doll was accidentally assembled with a control chip model intended for an Ecstasy Premium Plus model."

"The sex bot? What the yiff?"

"I apologize for any convenience, sir. Please remain calm."

Fine, fine. The last thing I wanted was for them to hang up on me. I took a deep breath and tried to ignore the way Kira was rubbing her nipples through the tightly stretched fabric of her favorite dress. I could be calm. Calm enough, anyway. "Okay, sure. Can you please update her software to what it's supposed to be?"

"Apologies, but remote update is not one of the features of this model. I can schedule a service technician to provide service between eleven and four tomorrow."

"Ugh, fine." I shifted my hand away from Kira's breasts and grabbed her upper arm instead, holding her more or less still. "Can you at least tell me how to deactivate her until the tech gets here?"

"Apologies, but in the interest of realism, deactivation is not supported in Live Remember Doll models. Though if you follow the patterning subject's bedtime routine, you should be able to get the doll to go into sleep mode for at least ten hours."

Really? Was that the best they could do? This was an emergency! How was I supposed to live with ... with this? "Alright, I guess. Just try to get that tech to come early tomorrow, okay?"

"Thank you for your understanding. I have scheduled a service technician to assist you with this problem between eleven and four tomorrow. Please be at your residence and with the Live Remember Doll product present when the technician arrives. This service is covered under your warranty protection plan, and there will be no charge."

"Ugh, fine."

"Thank you. Is there anything else I can assist you with today?"

I rolled my eyes. "No. That's it."

"Wonderful. Now, would you like to participate in a short survey about our customer support experience for a chance to win a--"

"House, end call."

Steven's voice abruptly cut off. "Call terminated." The house system said.

And then I was alone with Kira again. It was a state I'd had twelve years to get accustomed to ... but things were very different now.

She bounced excitedly up and down. "Now that you're done on the phone, can I suck your cock? Please?"

"No!" I yelled, louder than I'd intended to. I forced myself to calm down. This was just a malfunctioning robot. I shouldn't let it get to me. "No," I said more quietly. "I think it's time to go to bed, don't you?"

"Aww!" She squirmed in place, exactly like the real Kira had always done whenever I asked her to do something she didn't want to. "But I haven't given you even one orgasm yet!"

"I'm sorry"-- _was_I sorry about that? --"but it's getting late, almost bedtime." This was a total lie. Even with the den's big window at its darkest tint for theater mode, it was clear that the sky outside was only beginning to fade to orange, and actual sunset would still be an hour or so away. Kira's normal bedtime wouldn't be for several hours yet.

But, thankfully, Kira didn't seem to notice this. "Okay, Daddy," she said, suddenly ending her struggles against my arm. "Can I sleep in your bed?"

Oh, I knew exactly why she wanted that, and it wasn't because of nightmares this time. But I didn't want to risk upsetting the more cooperative mood she was now in. "We'll see, Little Princess. For now, let's get you washed up."

She touched her finger to her lips and looked at me. There was a look in her eyes that should never have been seen on a face so young. "Okay, Daddy." With a giggle, she headed back for the stairs.

I was fairly sure she was going to try something more ... but I also didn't dare leave her unsupervised. Who knew what she'd get up to? So once again, I followed her up the stairs. Thankfully, I was far enough behind her that I only had to catch a short glimpse up her skirt before she turned the corner and headed down the hall.

Upstairs, I found her furiously digging through a pile of clothes, making an utter mess of her room, which I'd purposefully left just the way it had been. It hurt to see it in such a shambles now.

Kira popped her head up from the other side of the bed. "Daddy, I can't find my sleeping shirt!"

That was worth a sigh and a roll of my eyes. Every single time... "Did you check under your bed, Little Princess?" She always ended up throwing it under her bed in the morning, rather than putting it away where it belonged, and then she always forgot where she'd put it.

Her head ducked down again. There was a few moments of silence. "Oh! There it is!"

"Good, good. Now take it with you. Let's get your teeth brushed."


"Don't 'aww' me, missy. You know you have to brush your teeth every day."

Actually, now that I thought about it, this robot would probably be just fine without ever brushing her teeth. But it was too late to reconsider - I'd already told her how it had to be, and if I fluctuated now, she'd always think she could get what she wanted out of me. Best to just follow through with it.

For the next few minutes, things were blissfully uneventful ... normal. For the first time since the accident, it felt like things were right where they should be. Finally, nothing was wrong. For a few minutes at least.

I'd supervised and made sure Kira did a good job brushing her teeth, and I'd even made her floss, but then it was time for her bath.

"Oh please, Daddy! I really need your help."

"No, Kira," I insisted. I knew this wasn't her. She hadn't wanted help with her baths since she could barely walk on her own. I knew this wasn't my daughter talking now ... it was the sex-bot.

"Please! I can't do it on my own, it's scary!"

I stood firmly in the bathroom doorway. I would have already slammed the door shut if she wasn't standing in the way.

"Pretty pretty please?" She looked up at me, with that look.

Oh, that look. It would be easier to kick a three-legged puppy than to say no to _that_look Kira was giving me. She had only ever used it when she was truly desperate for something, something she just couldn't live without. Maybe if she'd pulled it all the time, I'd have managed to be more resistant to it...

But it had it's inevitable effect. What if this was_Kira talking? Would it be that far-fetched for her to be afraid of being separated again, even for only as long as a bath would take? Didn't _I want to spend as much time as possible with her now that she was finally back? Wouldn't she feel the same need to be together?

I knew I would probably regret it, but it was inevitable that I would capitulate to her begging face. "Okay, Little Princess. Just this once."

She brightened immediately and stepped back far enough for me to close the door, which I did. Only now I was on the inside, with my daughter.

Kira gave me a big, anticipation-filled grin, and then grabbed the lower hem of her dress. Before I could look away, she'd pulled it up and all the way over her shoulders, leaving her in just her pink panties as she flung the dress down over the toilet seat.

The real Kira would never have treated her favorite dress so poorly. The real Kira wouldn't have kept solid eye contact with me as she pulled her panties down and revealed her cute little pussy lips.

I gulped. There was some deep, dark part of me that was starting to _enjoy_this version of Kira. A little whisper inside my head that said, 'It's okay if all you do is look at her...' I didn't want to believe it was there, didn't want to believe that it was possible. But it was.

More to distract myself from my naked daughter than anything else, I busied myself with turning on the taps and setting the temperature dial to ninety-five degrees, just how Kira liked it. She was perfectly capable of doing this herself - she'd been doing it for years - but at least it gave me something to pay attention to other than--

Kira stepped past me, swinging one leg over the side of the tub. That left her cute, round little rump right in front of my face, showing off the way her pussy lips spread just slightly, showing the bright pink inside.

I averted my eyes, but not fast enough. That sight was in my head now, and it wasn't leaving anytime soon.

Before long, though, the tub was filling up and Kira was happily splashing in it, for all the world as if this wasn't anything unusual at all. The frothing water hid everything below her waist, and her chest was flat enough that I could at least pretend to myself that I was ignoring it. Only the fact that she was much bigger than she had been back then distracted me from thinking as if it was back in the days I used to bathe her as a toddler.

Maybe that's why I went along with it when she handed the shampoo bottle to me and said, "Soap me, Daddy!" It was just automatic to take the bottle from her and squirt some over her head and shoulders.

And once I'd started ... that was that, wasn't it? I couldn't suddenly stop without acknowledging what I'd really rather not acknowledge, both about her and about myself. She shouldn't have been tempting me like this, and I shouldn't have been tempted.

At first, it wasn't anything bad. I rubbed the shampoo into the top of her head, scrubbing it in with my fingers, and then worked my way around, over her ears, to rub it along her adorable cheeks. She giggled, just as she always had back in the days when we'd used to do this.

As soon as I slid my hands down along her neck and to her shoulders, though, I began feeling how _wrong_this was. But I couldn't stop, not without admitting to her - and to myself - how wrong it was. So I lathered up my daughter's small, supple shoulders, and I did my best to ignore the look of gratified lust she gave me when I finally ran out of excuses not to go lower.

I couldn't avoid rubbing her barely-there breasts, couldn't avoid how soft and perfect they felt, despite their miniscule size ... but I did rush through it, only touching her there for a moment. The subtle gasp she gave when my fingers brushed over her tiny nipples didn't help.

I hurried on to the rest of her body, rubbing her down methodically. This wasn't as bad as touching her breasts, but it was still a little bit unnerving. She was breathing heavily, which I could feel through my hands as I went up and down her slim body. And the look she was giving me...

"Turn around," I said, more because I wanted to avoid that knowing gaze than because her front side was satisfactorily clean.

But she turned readily enough. And rubbing her back wasn't so bad. It was still a bit weird, but I could believe easily enough that there wasn't anything sexual going on. It was kind of nice, actually, being with Kira again, even touching her. She felt so absolutely real. A cheap knock-off maybe, but surprisingly well made. It would be so easy to forget that it wasn't the real her, to believe that she was never really gone...

The moment of being relatively comfortable with the situation didn't last long, though. As I reached her lower back, down to the water level, Kira abruptly stood up, almost splashing me. And that left me staring at my daughter's bare, dripping-wet ass.

This time, I couldn't look away. I had a job to do. Steeling myself and focusing all my willpower on not deriving anything sexual from it, I ran my hands down over her adorably round little butt, rubbing the surprisingly firm cheeks in circles and spreading the foamy shampoo bubbles over her nearly-pubescent curves.

"Mmm... That feels good, Daddy."

The easiest thing to do was to ignore that she'd said that, ignore the reaction in my pants, and move down to her legs.

Even there, though, it was hard to just see my daughter without also seeing a young - very young - woman just beginning to develop. Goddess, she was going to be _such_a heartthrob in school when she grew up. No - I had to remind myself again. Robot. She's not going to grow up. Ugh! If I want to do this kind of thing with a damn robot, I should order an actual sex-bot, not one that looks exactly like my daughter!

When I'd finished with the back of her legs, she turned around again, this time without prompting.

Dutifully, I scrubbed her lower belly, then around each side of her girlishly narrow hips, and on down her legs. All the while, I kept reminding myself, don't look there, don't look there - look anywhere but there.

My hands touched the surface of the water where it rippled around her shins. Okay. I'd successfully avoided--

Kira giggled. "You missed a spot, Daddy."

I looked up into her face, trying to avoid seeing anything in between. "Can't you get that yourself?"

"What's wrong? You're just helping me wash, right?"

"I..." Okay, deep breath. I was _not_going to explain to my daughter - or a sex-bot copy of her - why I shouldn't be touching her there. "No, Kira. You have to do that on your own."

"Okay," she said, reaching down for my hand.

I was powerless to resist her pull as she pulled my soapy hand back up and pressed it gently against her tender pussy lips. "Kira! What do you think you're...?"

"That feels really nice, Daddy."

"Kira!" My muscles tensed as if to yank my hand away ... but I was lacking just a bit too much willpower. My fingers stayed right where they were, massaging my daughter's pussy lips under the thin guise of rubbing the shampoo in. "I ... I said you had to do it on your own!"

"But your hand is where all the soap is. I need the soap."

It was the feeling of slickness down there - a silkier, warmer slickness than just the soapy water - that snapped me out of it. I finally yanked my hand back, holding it against my chest, despite the way it was making my shirt wet. Wet... I looked down at my index finger. I couldn't see my daughter's feminine juices on it, but I knew. I knew. There was no circumstance under which a father should ever have that on him. Why had the company even installed the ability to make that on a child-size robot, anyway?

"Aww... Don't stop, Daddy!"

"No," I said firmly. "That's enough." Far more than enough. Things never should have gone this far. "It's time to get you rinsed off."

She went along with that easily enough, and this time, I absolutely refused to help. All she had to do was lie down in the tub and rub herself down with the water a little. She did not need my help with that, no matter how much she tried to cajole me into it. No matter how enticing she looked when she arched her back and her cute little rump poked up out of the surface, the water rippling around the twin curves of her ass and the perfect little mound in between...

I resolutely looked away. The real Kira would be absolutely mortified if I - or anyone else - saw that much of her. To look at her now, no matter how much she seemed to enjoy it, would be a disservice to her memory.

I made her dry herself off, too, even "those hard-to-reach spots" she begged me to do for her. No. There were some lines I would not cross, and if I kept touching her like that, I knew deep down that I would eventually cross every one of those lines.

Despite everything, though, I couldn't help but look at her. It was an odd kind of emotional double-vision. At the same time I saw the adorable daughter I'd missed so much ... as well as an impossibly sensuous and nubile young girl I undeniably lusted after. Undeniable or not, I denied it and denied it hard. That was just my daughter, nothing more. I was staring at her because I loved her. My eyes kept darting to her little breasts, little pussy, little ass because... There was no morally acceptable reason. But that didn't stop me from denying the feelings I was having all the same. Oh, and that tightness in my pants? That was just a coincidence. Surely it had nothing to do with the young girl in front of me and the way she was using the towel more as a prop for a striptease than to dry herself off.

Despite the games she was playing with the towel, she did eventually get completely dried off, her fur sticking out fuzzily.

I handed her panties to her. She took them with an unnecessary brush of her fingers over my hand, and then slipped them on in a thankfully businesslike way. She picked up the oversized sleeping shirt on her own, slipping it over her head.

For her, the huge shirt - one of my cast-offs - was as good as a short dress. And even though her nipples were rather visible through the worn-down white fabric, at least she wasn't naked anymore. Now, once again, she was just my daughter, as I'd seen her many times before.

Cute, not sexy, I reminded myself. Kira is cute, not sexy.

She smiled, reinforcing that idea.

I smiled back. "Time for bed, Little Princess."

"Can I have a bedtime story? Can I?"

I sighed, but that _was_a fairly common part of our bedtime routine. It might be important in order to get her to go into sleep mode. "Alright, but just a short one, okay?"

She darted forward and hugged me tight. I tried to ignore the way both her hands grabbed my ass as she wrapped her arms around me. And when I couldn't ignore it, I tried to pretend it was just a normal part of a hug. I managed to fool at least part of myself, but there was another part that wasn't fooled, a part that twitched inside my pants. I felt it, and with her chest pressed against me, Kira no doubt felt it as well. She rubbed herself up and down against it a little, nuzzling her face into my abs through my water-stained shirt.

I separated the hug then - rather forcibly - and led her back to her bedroom.

Kira went straight for our reading chair, a high-backed antique with red cushions that I'd picked up at some thrift store or other after Kira had jumped up and down, pointing at it and chanting, "Princess chair! Princess chair!"

As soon as I sat down in the chair, she was in my lap, holding her chosen book.

I'd worried that she might choose something horribly innuendo-laden, but thankfully her little library here was entirely innocent. She'd chosen one of her childhood favorites. It involved a vixen princess, a toad prince - who would later transform into a fox and marry said princess - and an exaggeratedly evil wolf stepmother. It was no coincidence that Kira had really begun to enjoy this story during the time when I'd been seriously dating an older wolf. Kira had never liked her ... which was at least half the reason I wasn't trying to date anymore.

During the entire story, though, Kira gently rubbed her ass up against my lap, the sleeping shirt soon riding up and leaving nothing but her pink cotton panties between herself and my pants. And she knew just where to rub herself against, too. She was making it very difficult to concentrate on reading, even though I'd read this story to her a hundred times before.

I tried having her read parts of it - this had become a fairly common exercise between us, with the idea of helping her in school - but that didn't seem to distract her at all from what she was doing.

Finally, the lap dance slash reading session was at an end. As I closed the book and rose up, Kira slipped off my lap onto the floor.

When I went over to her bed and pulled back the covers, though, instead of getting in the bed, she sat down on the chair. "Give me a goodnight kiss?"

Now, a goodnight kiss had never been part of our usual bedtime routine before. And it wasn't about to become one now. "Come on, Kira. It's time for bed."

She looked at me, a sly little grin on her face and an all-too-knowing look in her eyes. "I could feel you the whole time we read that story, Daddy. I could feel your cock rubbing against me. It felt so good."


She lifted up the hem of her sleeping shirt, showing me her pink-striped panties. "I know you want me. Go ahead. You can have me. I want it, too."

"Kira! You... You don't know what you're saying!"

"I know what that big, warm cock feels like. I want it, Daddy. I want it inside me so much."

My mouth was hanging open. In shock? Then why was I drooling slightly?

I shook myself and wiped my mouth. I had to get a hold of myself, had to take control of the situation before it took control of me."If ... if I give you a goodnight kiss, will you go to bed and go to sleep?"

Reluctantly, she let the shirt fall back into place. "Okay..."

Dreading what feelings might well up, I came over to her and bent down to kiss the top of her head. Once again, she tilted her head upward and kissed me on the lips instead. The little moan she let out as her tongue teased against my lips captivated me. It captivated me so much that I opened slightly and let her in, so much that I ignored the way her hands were expertly undoing my pants buttons, so much that I slipped my hand around the back of her head and pulled her closer. When I ventured my tongue into her smaller mouth, she moaned even more, beginning to suck gently on my tongue as if she was fellating it.

Then she pulled my pants and my underwear down in one swift motion, dropping them to my ankles.

I broke away from the overly passionate kiss. "Kira, you can't--!"

She could, though. And before I could muster enough willpower to stop her, she bent down and took the pointed head of my cock into her mouth.

That sudden, half-unexpected feeling of wet warmth enveloping me froze me in place for more than long enough to allow her to go deeper. Much deeper. No matter how impossible it seemed to me, she made it look easy to take my cock into her throat. The barbs didn't seem to bother her at all - she just went down until her lips kissed my sheath and my entire length basked in the soft warmth of her tiny throat.


Her only response was a lusty moan around my cock. She looked up and met my eyes as she began bobbing her head earnestly, her little hands coming up to cradle my balls.

I was gone. I was so far gone. There was no coming back from this. To see so much impossible skill in such a cute young body, so much lust in those innocent green eyes. It triggered something within me, something I'd been denying for a very long time.

Without thinking about what I was doing, I reached out and grabbed the back of my daughter's head, beginning to encourage her and guide her pace as she throat-fucked herself on my cock. Not that she needed any guidance. This was already the best blowjob I'd ever had. And still she looked up into my eyes. It was that same begging look that had convinced me to help her with her bath, but mixed with a smoldering heat ... somehow, wordlessly, I knew exactly what she was begging for this time.

She was simultaneously the most arousing and most disturbing thing I'd ever seen. The way she obsequiously lavished herself on my cock, the way she seemed to adore the too-intimate contact ... it washed away all the self control I had left.

So, when she finally pulled herself up off of my cock - leaving it glistening and throbbing for more - I went along effortlessly with the way she turned me around and pushed me down onto the chair. She bit her lip slightly in clear anticipation, and then lifted her sleeping shirt over her head.

I'd seen her naked before - less than half an hour before, in fact. But now that I wasn't holding myself back, wasn't fighting it... Now I could really appreciate the swath of pale belly fur running from her muzzle all the way down her barely-endowed chest, down her slim and sleek belly, and disappearing into the waistband of her panties. She was a gorgeous young girl - something I'd never allowed myself to notice before.

I reached out, and Kira hummed contentedly to herself as my hands found her tiny breasts, as I rubbed them and gently pinched her miniscule nipples. I could barely feel her little boobs - only the slightest hint of an extra softness, and she only had anything remotely approaching cleavage if I really pressed both tits up and together. But those tiny nipples were hard and hard to miss... Why did it feel so good to touch her like that? It shouldn't be anything special. She barely had breasts at all. And yet...

And yet, when Kira leaned closer to me, I eagerly planted my lips on one of her nipples, licking and sucking until we both moaned in pleasure. "Oh Daddy," she breathed, holding her hand around the back of my head. "It feels so good. I want you!"

Since my mouth had replaced my left hand on her chest, that left my hand free to wander lower down. The smooth curves of her belly were so firm and taut, her belly fur so soft... I slid my fingers over her, savoring every inch of her. But that wasn't where I stopped. Oh no.

Soon, my fingers found the waistband of her panties. After just a little fumbling, I slipped them inside. The supple fur of my daughter's belly continued smoothly down, curving inward as it narrowed, narrowed... There. I felt her thick, sopping wetness. Her panties were already soaked. Her pussy lips felt so slick and warm under my fingers as I rubbed back and forth over them, as I teased her entrance with one fingertip.

"Oh yes, Daddy!"

My middle finger slipped into my daughter's pussy. It was so quick, so easy. Her slick warmth enveloped that finger entirely, wrapping it in soft tightness all around. With every twitch, Kira's breathing intensified, her chest heaving up and down against my face as I suckled her tiny nipple.

And my cock throbbed, utterly hard and utterly neglected for the moment. Already, I was imagining what it would feel like to have my cock where my finger currently was.

She seemed to read my mind. "Please, Daddy, I want your cock inside me. I want to feel it."

It was simply a matter of her stepping forward and coming a little closer. I slid my finger out of her, and went willingly along with it as she pulled my hand up and sucked the finger clean. At the same time, she pulled her panties to the side and straddled my lap.

I was so captivated by the look in her eyes as she sucked on my finger that I almost didn't notice what she was doing lower down. Almost. I felt her warm, slick, wetness on my tip, and then with shocking swiftness, Kira lowered herself down on my cock.

Kira moaned loudly and deeply as her too-small pussy stretched around my cock. I shuddered in place, holding my arms around her back as she took the very last of my length inside her.

"Oh Daddy," she said, holding me tight. "I've never felt like this before. It's so good..."

I tried to remind myself that it wasn't really my daughter. That made everything okay, right? But it was _such_an easy fact to ignore. All that mattered was my cock basking in my daughter's tight warmth, the feel of her little round ass cheeks in my hands, and the hot breaths she gasped against my chest.

Slowly, I began pushing her back and forth, beginning a gentle rhythm that Kira soon picked up on her own. She writhed in my lap, her little hips rolling against me and allowing my cock to move inside her.

I'd began by trying to be as gentle as possible - she felt so small! - but it seemed that I didn't need to be so careful. She soon increased the pace all on her own, her hands gripping my mane tightly to give her the leverage she needed to move faster and faster.

I stared down in disbelief - and lust - at the little harlot my innocent daughter had become. It was so impossible, so wrong, and so Goddess-damned sexy! When she leaned back from be a bit, I could see her perfect little pussy lips wrapped around the base of my cock. Her panties, pulled to the side, rubbed the rim of my sheath. And most eye-popping of all, I could see a small, subtle motion in her belly - a vague little bump that moved up and down from beneath her panties to just above her waistline with every motion my cock made inside her.

"Cum for me, Daddy," she whispered. "Fill me up. I want it so bad..."

I groaned. As good as this was, I never had an easy time finishing in this position. I needed...

Easily, shockingly easily, I lifted her up. She squealed as my cock came out of her. In one brief moment, I turned her around and pushed her down on my daughter's bed.

She seemed to understand instantly what I wanted, arching her back up and lifting her tail as she got her knees up on the edge of the bed.

I came up behind her. When we'd moved, her panties had slipped back into place. Still a bit crooked, they now covered everything, but let one of her pussy lips bulge halfway out. They were stained a much darker pink now, soaked all the way through, and the way the thin cotton clung to her made every contour of her lovely slit easily visible.

When I grabbed the waistband of her panties in both hands, she let out a slight moan. They slid off of her ass easily, though the fabric clung wetly to her pussy lips for a moment, separating with a thin trail of her nectar. I only pulled her panties down to her knees. That was all I needed.

She shook her perfect little rump back and forth in front of me and looked back over her shoulder. "Hurry, Daddy - take me!"

I did, and I did so ruthlessly. Not trying at all to be gentle anymore, I quickly lined my tip up with her upturned pussy and pushed it into her entrance, spreading her open as I plunged my cock inside.

Kira let out one shuddering gasp, and her arms collapsed, dropping her face down against my daughter's bedsheets.

Pausing for a moment, I suffered through a sudden moment of clarity. Was I really_going to fuck this robot version of my daughter, right there on my real daughter's bed? I still remembered buying those frilly pink bedsheets for her, and that quilt on top had been a gift from her grandmother - on her mother's side, not my bitter and cranky mom, of course. Ever since the accident, I'd kept this room perfectly intact, exactly the way Kira had left it. And now ... now I was going to do _this?

Yes. Yes I was. Kira's tiny round ass cheeks hugged the sides of my cock as it slid in and out of her pussy, her tender little lips bulging in and out along with my movements. Every time I bottomed out in her, she let out the tiniest little "ah" sound, and it was driving me crazy. I wanted more and more.

In this position, she felt even tighter. I could clearly feel her stretched entrance sliding up and down over my cock, and it drove me on faster and faster. My balls thudded against her little thighs. My hips slapped against her ass cheeks. My hands gripped her thin waist, able to close nearly all the way around her tiny body.

"Oh Daddy, I'm--" Kira gave a squealing little moan. "I'm so close!"

With her pussy squeezing extra tight around me, I was close, too. In fact, I was too close to hold back anymore. It was coming, whether I wanted it or not.

But I did want it. More than anything, I wanted to pump my load straight down into my daughter's virgin pussy, to fill her up until she overflowed.

I slammed my cock all the way into her and held her tightly against myself, pressing in as deeply as I could as the small spines on my cock expanded and locked me in place.

"Daddy!" she cried out as the first heavy throb shot deep inside her. Between that spurt and the next, her orgasm came as well. Her pussy clenched down around my gushing cock, and her whole body shook. Every new pulse from me triggered another spasm from her body, and every time her pussy squeezed my shaft, it managed to milk out yet another thick stream of cum.

Even after she was entirely full - even when the excess was spraying out between her entrance and my sheath as fast as I could pump it into her, it kept going and going. I'd never had an orgasm like this in my entire life. Everything in me was focused on my daughter and her needy little body, focused on giving her everything I had and more.

Of course, biology has its limits. Who knew what a robot's limits might be, but I could only go for so long before my balls were entirely emptied out.

Still, even after all the throbbing and spurting had stopped, I held her close, pressing her ass against my hips. Gobs of cum dribbled down her thighs and onto her panties, onto the bedsheets, onto Granny's quilt. I should have felt dirty, guilty, disgusting ... but I only felt loved. Kira was looking up at me over her shoulder again, full of sleepy satisfaction.

Only when my cock retreated on its own, shrinking back into my sheath and out of my daughter's pussy, did I finally let go of Kira.

She stumbled forward a little on the bed, her perfect little pussy still leaking cum, and then flopped down. Feeling suddenly quite tired, I flopped down next to her, pants still around my ankles. We held each other close, and I gently petted the soft fur behind her ear.

"I love you, Daddy."

I smiled back. "I love you too, Little Princess."

She nudged herself forward and gave me a cute - and surprisingly chaste - kiss on my nose, just a little peck. Then she settled into the bed, squirming herself even closer to my warm body.

"Daddy," she whispered.

"Yes, Princess?"

"I'm..." Her eyes slowly closed. "Sleep mode enabled." Her body immediately went limp.

I took a deep breath. Wow... What had I gotten myself into now? And where would things go from here?

After a moment of thinking about it, I realized that I knew one thing for sure. "House?"

"Please speak command."

"Call Sodexco technical support."


The sound of a phone ringing came yet again. Then, "Thank you for calling Sodexco technical support hotline. My name is Greg. How may I assist you today?"

"Um ... yeah. I called earlier today about a problem I was having with my living memory doll..."

"Okay, let me look that up for you. Based on the number you're calling from ... yes. I do see the record of that call. The doll was acting strangely and you requested a technician come out for a warranty service tomorrow between eleven and four. Are there additional problems we need to help you with?"

"No, actually. I was calling to let you know you could cancel that technician that's scheduled for tomorrow. The problem, um... It went away on its own. It's all better now."

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Savanna Sweethearts

A commission for [Dio](https://inkbunny.net/dio). [Cover art](https://inkbunny.net/s/2049617) by [Difetra](https://inkbunny.net/Difetra), also commissioned by [Dio](https://inkbunny.net/dio). Pili was short and runty for a giraffe. He knew that....

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Old Nag (full story)

(Artwork used by permission from [Freckles](https://www.furaffinity.net/user/freckles/)) I rolled my lukewarm coffee around in my mouth and stared down at the lipstick stains on my cup. I could barely taste the gin. There wasn't nearly enough in...

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Photography is Hard Work (Full Story)

Cover art by [ceasar23](https://inkbunny.net/cesar23). Used with permission. Ralf slowly rose up, just enough to get his camera lens above the edge of the dirty towel bin. He didn't even peek his head above - raccoons might have mask-like markings...

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