A Wolf's Plea: Pleasure (Part 3 of 3)

Story by Apatapa on SoFurry

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#3 of A Wolf's Plea

Brock rewards Mutt well for their sexual encounters, only for the young wolf's trauma to catch up to him.

When my parents first threatened to kick me out I became an anxious mess. Both of them lost their jobs within six months of each other and could no longer afford to keep me so long as I wasn't working. I tried to find a job that entire time. I was sixteen. I was terrified.

And I failed, they kicked me out.

I couchsurfed for a month with friends from high school until those friendships broke down. I was taking too much from them, from their families. They passed me around until they could no longer and left me in the dirt.

I returned to my parents, begging for them to take me back. They did. For a week.

I will never forget the sheer terror I felt, growing hour by hour as my already tenuous relationship with my parents fell apart like wet cardboard in my hands. Every tiny interaction built upon itself into something larger. Things snowballed way too quickly. Shouting matches became physical confrontations.

But the undercurrent of those events was always money. Eating was expensive. Rent was even worse. Electricity, water, anything billed became contentious when I was contributing to expenses. I wasn't wanted. I wasn't loved, not even a sentient being in their eyes. Just another expense.

And money was to blame.

As a young child, they had been good parents. Through my early teens when the money problems started to build, there were issues. But there was still love until the bank was empty. To me, the thought of spending money on me was tied so firmly with loss of love that it scared me to even spend on myself. Being frugal was a part of being homeless, we couldn't survive otherwise. But for me it was more than survival. It had become a pressing urge within my heart.

So when Brock took me to a mall to wave his fat wallet around and splurge on me, I panicked. Anxiety tore at my gut. $50 on brunch. I started to keep some distance between us. $300 on new clothes. I barely spoke to him. $800 on a phone and a data plan. I flinched every time he moved.

And I wished I wasn't like this. He kept asking me if there was anything else I needed, anything else I wanted. I could only shake my head, eyes wide, so certain he'd inflame over something. That he'd hit me. He started acting increasingly distressed. And I felt the wet cardboard in my hands once more, tearing with every tense interaction. My heart was in a glass cage, pounding so hard I felt ill.

I was fragile and I was terrified that after everything had gone so well, I could ruin it for myself out of fear.

And then he led me back to the car park. He sat in the driver's seat, pouting.

"Have I done something wrong?" he asked. He looked gutted.

I was trembling so bad I could hardly breathe. But I forced myself to shake my head. Garbled words leapt from my tongue, and though it came as a torrent of gibberish there were words in there that perked his ears.

Something tightened in his stare. He raised his hand. I cowered.

He clasped my shoulder. "Mutt," he said. "I'm not going to hurt you." He smiled weakly at me, his massive fangs made it a little sinister. "If there's something wrong, please tell me."

"Not you." I managed.

He nodded. "Tell me." His voice softened. It wasn't an order, only reassurance that he cared enough to listen.

I couldn't.

He waited a moment, eyes on me and when I didn't speak he started his car.

He drove past the motel. Nerves dug claws into my chest. We stopped at a park that overlooked the river that divided Fowling.

"Fresh air," he said as he opened his door. "It'll do us both some good."

He got out, I was hesitant but I followed. He strode down the grassy hill that led to the banks of the river. Nobody else was around.

It was almost as cold as yesterday, but I was rugged up now in new clothes. When I approached him on the bank, he sighed.

"You can tell me anything Mutt. I won't judge. I found you trying to steal from me, and now I'm happily buying stuff for you." He rubbed at his chin. "You really are so beautiful. And if I'm hurting you, or doing something wrong you need to tell me, because I'd never forgive myself if I was to blame. You looked so scared before."

I stared at the damp dirt under our feet. What would he think of me if I aired my trauma?

I was resisting but I wasn't sure why. Even if he abandoned me now, I was better off than I ever had been before.

I stood beside him, he dropped his arm around my shoulder. He tried to comfort me by rubbing my arm. Once more I yearned to cry, but I couldn't bring myself to. Not around him, not where he'd judge me for it. I couldn't make myself more vulnerable than I already was. I doubted he'd be harsh about it, much the opposite. But things would undoubtedly change if I did.

So I sucked it up.

And I told him everything.

About my parents, all that had happened. Some of the worst moments of my life. And he listened in silence, a stunned look on his face. And when I finally concluded with how spending money left me worried for my safety, he gave me a look of such pity I almost wished I hadn't mentioned it at all.

"Mutt." He exhaled and pulled his wallet out of his pocket. After all I'd said, it was a tad discomforting. "I really need you to understand something." He plucked all the bank notes out and flicked through them in front of my face. $241 all up. He crushed them in his hand and threw them in the river. I watched as they drifted about the water's surface, more than enough for me to live off of for a month. "Money means nothing to me. I have more than I know what to do with. So please, let me spend it on you. It excites me, makes me feel useful. You don't owe me for it. It's so sad to me how your parents treated you, what they became."

I nodded, sucking in a long breath. I was still shaky. The fact that he'd heard me out made it clear. He did respect me. Which meant I didn't have to sucker up to him as much as before. "The worst thing you could've done is throw money away in front of me." I flicked my eyes up to his, he was smiling like it was a joke.

I watched his expression fall as he realized. His eyes widened. His jaw dropped.

He was one of the wealthiest men in Fowling, which made him one of the most powerful.

And he sloshed into the shallows of an icy cold river to dredge up $241.

He held the dripping cash out to me. "I'm so sorry." He huffed. "Take it."

I grabbed the notes and did my best to press the excess water out before I pocketed them. Just having money in my pocket made me feel that much safer.

"I thought I was being... inspirational or something." He snorted at himself, drying his hands on his clothes, wincing at the cold. "I like you Mutt. You're sharp. You challenge me in ways I don't expect."

I laughed at him then. How absurd it was to hear those words from his mouth. Him, the man worth millions. His stare softened. He chuckled, embarrassed.

And then he kissed me.

His paws were frigid as he wrapped his arms around me. His fangs pressed firm against my muzzle, our eyes locked on each other's. Then he lifted his head away from mine, he was smiling, and I leant into him. He placed a damp hand on the small of my back and the other on the back of my head as he purred.

I was starting to calm down. I hadn't scared him off. Things would be okay.

"I like that you're not afraid to call me out." He nuzzled my face. "Being a CEO, nobody dares make me feel stupid. They're too busy eating my ass to care what I do."

I felt compelled to prompt something, to remind him just why he wanted to keep me though I knew I didn't have to. I wanted to. I softened my voice and looked up at him. "But you like that too, don't you?"

His eyes twinkled. "Never met a guy who doesn't like having his ass eaten."

"Can't say I'm fond of the idea." I spoke with a smug inflection in my voice that roused his appetite.

He stared at me. "The idea, sure."

I wagged my tail, holding his stare with a slight grin. "I want to feel it too, Master. Then I'll know."

There were no words to describe how strongly the hunger stained his eyes. He'd looked troubled as I recounted my trauma, then embarrassed when he'd trudged through the river but that changed in an instant. Energy buzzed about him, he was torn as he put his hands on my shoulders. Like he was itching to undress me out in the open. To do all the things he wanted.

He dragged me back to his car instead. Something came over me as I saw the thick bulge in his pants. For the entire drive back to the motel, I kept my hand in his lap. Rubbing at him. He warned me not to. That I was making him so horny he couldn't think. But I was his puppy, I was bound to be a little naughty.

And as my Master, he made it clear I would be punished.

With that came some certainty. I was hard as a rock thinking about that punishment. That cast out any residual doubts about my sexuality. I really was his gay puppy, and I wanted to serve him. In some way, it made his spending easier to swallow. I'd earned it. It wasn't just charity, not spending out of obligation. He'd said it himself last night.

I would be rewarded for my efforts.

Only now I wanted to keep going for my own pleasure too, a thing so alien to me I could scarcely understand it. But I did enjoy the sex. And I did want more. With him, I could get as much as I wanted. So why would I stop myself?

I wasn't sure just how horny one man could be. But I wanted him to get brash, show a bit of impatience. He was almost drooling as he parked his car, staring down in his lap as I squeezed the clearly outlined bulge of his cock. There was a wet patch on his inner thigh. He placed his hand on the back of mine, flattening it against his dick.

"Did you like getting fingered?" he asked.


"Enough to get fucked?"

My jaw dropped, but I quickly curled my surprise into a smile. "Do it." I squeezed him.

Brock smiled, his cock twitched. He reached over to unlock the glovebox in front of me and grabbed a bottle of lube from inside. "Haven't needed this in a long time." He humped my hand. "I'm not an easy man to take. If it's too much, tell me."

"I will." Nobody was in the motel parking. My cock was aching in my pants as I undid my seat belt and lay my body over the gearbox to rub my nose in his crotch.

He chuckled in anticipation as I licked at his erection through his pants. "That's my puppy." He growled, scratching my ears as I nuzzled my face into his thighs. He exhaled slowly and let me continue for a moment longer. "You beautiful pup, I could let you do this forever." He levered a hand under my chin and lifted it. "But that can happen when I'm not about to plow you." He opened his door, cold air rushed in as we got out. He placed an arm around me, his hand brushed up my chest and teased my nipple through my new jacket. His hand stayed until he had to unlock the door to our room.

He pushed it open, and beckoned me in first. The door clicked shut, and he was on me. Purring as his lengthy fangs pushed hard against my neck. He nuzzled me with enough force to push me forwards as he unzipped my jacket. I hardly had to help him take it off of me. Then he yanked my shirt off, and we were standing in front of the bed. He dropped to his knees as he spun me around. My heart was racing. He licked my nipple, his fangs pressed against my chest. I moaned, hands coming to rest on his head as the tips of his fangs parted my fur. He kept going down and licked at my belly.

"Mmh, Master." My voice was breathy with ecstasy. He growled, burying his nose in my waistband. He undid the clasp of my pants and kissed the bulge in my briefs as he unzipped my fly. I couldn't help but push my hips against him and moan. His fangs were bigger than my cock, and to have him crouched in front of me like that sent a tremor of pleasure through me.

He opened his mouth, slathering his broad tongue over the front of my underwear. I grunted, shaking from the warm sensation. His hand shot up to my chest and pushed me down against the bed. His nose pressed against my balls. He finished pulling off my pants. "Roll over puppy."

I turned to lay flat on my belly. I felt his hand slide under the waistband of my underwear. He pulled the cloth down, exposing my ass.

His huge hands grasped my cheeks as he spread them.

And I really don't know what I was expecting. I was shaky with anticipation. Then I felt his course tongue against the back of my balls. I shuddered, hips jerking as he ran his tongue up my taint. I groaned as he lapped up my asscrack. His tongue was so warm against my hole. My back arched as he went again, pleasure jolting through me. Then he pushed his tongue in. I whined.

"That feels..." I clenched my cheeks, moaning as he thrashed his tongue within me. "Master." I whimpered. Every little bristle on his tongue trailed pleasure as it rubbed against me. It felt so good I could hardly think. One of his hands slid up my back as he leant in from a better angle, pushing his tongue even deeper before he pulled it out to lap at my hole. Feeling his fangs down the back of my thighs only excited me further.

"You're gorgeous." He purred as he tongued my asshole again. "So perfect." He rubbed his nose into the base of my tail then stood to shed his clothes. He crashed onto the bed beside me, the meaty head of his cock landed against my thigh with a wet pat. "I'm going to breed you." He growled. I rolled to kiss him on the lips, show him how eager I was. His tongue pushed into my mouth. I whimpered, oozing pre onto his chest.

He pulled back, his eyes keen with lust. "Sit on my face. I'll get you ready."

He stared at me as I stood on the bed and kicked off my underwear. He caught them out of the air and smiled as he lapped at the pre within them. His stare only sharpened as I hesitated, hand on my chest. I liked the way he looked at me. I liked that he thought me so attractive. That he wanted my body so badly, like nobody else ever had before.

He grabbed my hands as I squatted over him, holding me in place. His tongue sent electricity up my spine as he circled my tight hole. I moaned as he pushed in again. It took effort to stay upright. Every small lash of his tongue elicited a motion from me. I kept expecting him to pause and say something, but he was determined. And I was lightheaded. Moaning and shaking over every motion. Pleasure only intensified the longer he went. He was spreading me bit by bit, his tongue going even deeper.

He hit something. Pleasure surged within me. I yipped, caught off guard. I jumped to my feet, breathing hard as precum oozed from my cock. The glob landed on Brock's nose. His muzzle was wet, and he was smiling.

"Found your prostate." He sounded so satisfied. I was shaking, I wanted a moment to catch my breath but he didn't give me it. He sat up, hands firm on my hips as he tongued me again. The moment he pushed into my hole I was whimpering. Every tiny lick brought with it so much anticipation. I wasn't sure how close he was to my prostate again or not. All I could do was brace more and more the deeper he went.

Pleasure amplified within me. He was getting close.

"Stop," I whispered. I was tense and shaking but not from fear. "Please, stop, stop." I moaned, but even I could hear that I only sounded desperate for more.

His tongue brushed up against it. I yelped. Precum jetted from my cock. Pleasure knocked me off of my feet. I stumbled over him. Panting and shaking, hips thrusting of their own accord. It felt so close to an orgasm I was surprised I hadn't cum.

My face was in his lap, and after all the pleasure I felt the only thing I wanted to do was repay even a fraction of it. He moaned loud as I went down on him. He tasted so good. So sweet, there was so much precum coating him. I'd drink it from the source if I could. I swallowed, rubbing my tongue all over his fat cock head.

"You're such a good puppy." He cooed. "You must really love Master's cock."

I whined an agreement. My thoughts were so steeped in pleasure I couldn't think of much else. I was so hesitant when I sucked him off for the first time last night. If only I'd known then.

He barely fit my jaws, his cock so thick. But I willed myself to go a little deeper, try please him the same way he'd pleased me.

"I think you're ready," he said, pulling his cock out of my mouth. I was so surprised my head bobbed forward to follow it. He must've noticed because he chuckled. "You make me so horny." He pushed his hips forward so I could suckle him once more. A low purr rumbled out of him as I lapped at his cock. "Mmmm. My puppy's got a hungry mouth." He rubbed a hand down the bridge of my snout. "Or maybe he's stalling?" He pushed me back. I lay on the sheets, staring at his thick cock.

"Will you fit Master?" I gave him pleading eyes. He only snatched the bottle of lube and covered himself.

Then his eyes sharpened on me as he got off of the bed. "Ass over the edge, feet up on my shoulders. Sorry in advance."

Nervous anticipation made my breaths run shallow as I got in position. He kissed my ankle once my legs were up against him. He rubbed lube into my ass. I jerked my hips and breathy giggles slipped my lips.

"Shout if it's too much." Was the only warning he gave. I felt the mushroom head of his cock press against me. I opened my mouth, lips taut as I braced. He pushed. I gasped.

My eyes went wide. My jaw stretched. A breath caught in my throat. For the briefest moment it felt no different to his thumb last night. Then he spread me wider, and his tip was in me. I tensed at the pain. He moaned, kissing the pads on my foot.

"That's my puppy." He growled. "You can take it." He pressed forward the tiniest bit. I jerked, grunting at the sensation. "Relax," he said. "Get used to it." There was a softness to his voice I didn't expect. That helped. I drew in heavy breaths, forcing myself to ease up. He pushed deeper. I was writhing in the sheets until he bottomed out.

"You're so warm." He groaned, nuzzling my foot. "You feel incredible." He stared down at me, the muscles in his chest shaking. "My beautiful puppy." His hand slipped down my thigh and massaged my leg.

My jaw was clenched, my brow creased. With every breath I could feel him in me. He withdrew the slightest bit and I moaned. He started rocking his hips back and forth, feeling me out. I started to ease up bit by bit, the worst of it felt over. The pain was starting to subside. I was grunting with every rapid inhalation. He went slowly as he carved his place within me. I could focus enough to enjoy it now. Pleasure warmed my belly.

"Fuck me." I stared into his eyes, pleading. "Master." He started thrusting. I arched my back, moaning and gasping.

He was a lot to take, but damn did it feel good. He started going a little faster. I was gripping sheets as he lay down over me to kiss my mouth. He ran his tongue over mine, though my mouth hung open as I could only gasp and grunt with every thrust he made. Wave after wave of pleasure crashed through me. He was growling. He moved to bundle me into his arms. He lifted me and sat against the pillows, cradling me as his body curled around mine. His thrusting slowed but became more deliberate.

I could feel his hot breath on me as we moaned together. I clenched his chest fur in my fists and buried my face against his neck as he fucked me slow and tender.

He kissed my ears. His thick cock ground against my guts as his thrusts became even slower, more sustained. He was moving me bit by bit. Then he thrust against my prostate. I yelped. Tightening my hold on him. He thrust again. I clamped my eyes shut, near shouting as he continued to grind his fat cock against my prostate. Pleasure spiked within me at every new press against it. I was lost in the storm of it, so thick and fast came the spikes of pleasure I couldn't think. My cock twitched violently.

He shoved in again, and I burst with a shout. Joy scoured my mind clean. My first spurt of cum hit my chin with a wet smack. Three more spurts jetted across his chest. I whimpered in his hold as he kept humping me. Tingles surged through my entire body. I was shaking.

I lifted my head to kiss him. He licked my cum off of my chin, purring as he pushed it into my mouth.

His head jerked back, his eyes scrunched shut. His chest heaving as a mighty groan sounded out of him. I felt his seed spray warm and wet deep within me. He gave a few rushed thrusts, then lay back against the pillows. Panting.

He held me against him. Our hearts both pounding. His cum started to leak out of my ass around him. I had no strength left in me to do anything but bury my face into his chest as I held onto him.

I sat there for some time, exhausted. Minutes passed in a warm daze. The afterglow so weighty I was drooling. He stroked his hand down my back and pulled himself out of me. I whimpered as he stood and made his way to the bathroom. He returned a few moments later, chest cleaned of my spunk. There was an air of peace about him as he settled back down against the pillows.

"I find myself growing more comfortable with the idea of you." He spoke softly into my ear. "Having a puppy has been my fantasy for a long time. But you're more than a puppy, Mutt."

My thoughts were still scrambled, whatever meaning he meant was mostly lost on me. "What are you getting at?" I tried to pay attention.

"You satisfying me comes with more than just a sexual release." He placed his hand on my chest, just to feel my body. "And the more my mood lifts, the more I want to embrace this. I pitied you at first but took advantage of that anyways. I was horny, but there were doubts. But earlier..." He drew in a long breath, then exhaled hard. "You brought me around. After seeing you afraid, after you told me what happened with your parents. After you were even brave enough to call me out for being stupid. I was ready to give up on this whole puppy affair. I was struggling, it felt like it was becoming something else. When I kissed you, I don't know what was going through my mind. I was flirting with so many foolish ideas." He clenched his jaw, embarrassment curled his lip. "Then you started hitting my buttons. Feeling me up unasked. You really are my puppy, and that's what feels right. I bred you Mutt. I've never nutted in another guy before. Not without a condom. Even when I had unprotected sex I pulled out because I was afraid that would cause a bigger problem somehow. That I had to go to lengths to differentiate what I was doing to what I'd done with my wife. I used to be so ashamed after fucking other men."

I stared at him, unsure what he was hinting at, where he was going with those doubts he mentioned.

Then he put his hand on my cheek, a sad look on his face. "You opened up to me before about something heavy," he said. I nodded, expecting some reassurance or wisdom or some other gesture. I couldn't have been more wrong. "There's a lot eating at me too, and I'd like to share it with you. Never had the chance to before with anyone. But I trust you Mutt. And I'd like to embrace this."

From the tense look in his eyes I could tell how difficult this was for him. There was a flicker of desperation in his stare, like he viewed me as his best bet. Even now, after all we'd done, I was surprised to find myself already leaning towards agreeing. No doubt, no necessity, it was just something I wanted to do. I was his puppy, not his therapist, but the utility of my presence went beyond sex. And that was good. But it felt good because I wanted it for my own emotional satisfaction. Maybe that's what he was getting at earlier.

I no longer felt the need to please him for the sake of what he could give me. There were internal motivations too, and that came with an acute euphoria as my gaze lingered on his eyes. His worried look only intensified the longer I held my tongue.

"What's wrong?" It felt right to ask.

"It's about my marriage, and it's long." He shook himself against the pillows, watching me with a fragile mix of adoration and fear. "Is that okay?"

I sat up properly, keen to hear him out. Same as he'd done for me. "Yeah."

It was long. Over thirty years long.

He'd met his wife in his twenties, shortly after accepting that he was gay. She was tomboyish, fit and almost masculine in a way he thought he could handle. Pass himself off as normal in an era where he would've been condemned if he was open about his sexuality.

He used to cheat with any guy he found to hook up. And then she caught him in the act. She was heartbroken, she couldn't grasp why he'd done it, why with another man. He blamed his drug habit, and she started using with him. Only she developed an addiction, and though he wanted to leave her, he couldn't. Not like that. So he budgeted to help her through therapy. He stopped using. The ordeal made him realize he did actually love her despite himself. They got married. She wanted kids. He did too. The sex was miserable, but he got her pregnant.

He used to drive her to doctors appointments and cheat on her while she bore his child. She started to grow suspicious. Then one day, he came to pick her up stinking like some construction worker he'd shagged. And she confronted him again. 'Why another man?' she asked. And she knew why, but she had to hear it from him. He told her it was because he was depressed. That he wasn't gay. Surprisingly, she left it at that. She started asking what he thought of certain men, and he was starting to open up. She was smug about it in a way he couldn't fathom.

I grew uneasy listening to him recount this part, bitterness soaked his words. He was angry, and he sounded wounded as he continued.

When their firstborn was two, he told her he was gay.

She threatened to burn him at the stake, to tell his parents, to destroy his reputation if he didn't give her another child. His first company was just getting off the ground. He was scared. So he did what she wanted. Those were the bad years, as he called them. He started cheating again. The third time she found out he planned for it to happen out of spite. They came close to getting a divorce, but they had two kids now. Somehow there was still a shred of love between them.

They worked it out for the sake of their children. The other parents they knew had loveless marriages as well. But they didn't have to pretend. They knew how broken their marriage was. She apologized. He promised to never cheat again. They fell in love once more and became a happy family. His company was going places, she had steady work. They had two beautiful children they adored.

But then their eldest went off to college. The family he loved so dearly was falling apart. He reacted badly. He cheated again, she never found out but he felt horribly guilted by it. Then their second moved out, and it was just them. Them and their history. He needed something to change, which prompted a midlife crisis in which he sold his company and burned his own profits on stupid investments. He needed her to leave him. He couldn't do it himself, didn't trust how anyone would judge what happened. But she didn't. He came closer to bankrupting himself than scaring her off, so he started working on a new social media app with an under the covers focus on data collection. He didn't believe in it. Didn't think anyone could. Didn't even really know what he was doing. He just needed a doomed project and he needed it to fail slowly so she'd leave him. But it was on the cusp of a new era of technology, smartphones and social media were taking off and investors went wild for it. He hadn't prepared for success.

And that was the change that helped lift him out of that slump. Only there was still a ring on his finger. And the elation of his success faded in time. He needed something to change again, all those problems still existed. He wanted to live his own life, be able to be who he really was. He was slumping again, desperate for something to change and too afraid to make it happen himself.

And then I broke into his house.

"You scared the breath out of me." Brock chuckled. "Didn't know what to make of you, but then you asked to suck me off." He purred. "Couldn't say no to that. I wasn't sure if I wanted her to find us." He teased one of his fangs, grinning. He was so much brighter after sharing the weight on his shoulders. "It's a headache now, but I'm glad she did because that's how we ended up here. I was going to let you go. But this is better."

"It is." I rubbed my head on his arm. Full of hope that he was certain what he wanted out of me. Change. And I could bring him change, for as long as he let me. I could encourage it, I wanted to as well.

Just as that safety washed over me, he asked me another question I was completely unprepared for.

"If you could start life over, what would you change Mutt?" He watched me closely.

My brow creased as I thought. "I'd work harder in school. I'd look for work faster, make sure that no matter what I'd never be kicked out of home. I'd keep closer friends, on the off chance it still happened. I'd fight tooth and claw to keep my life in order."

"That's what you're doing now, isn't it?" A strange tone entered his voice, like he was uncertain. Like he was questioning how genuine I was. That should've scared me but it didn't. I had confidence.

"Yep." I leant over and kissed one of his fangs. There was a coin flip I had to make, Brock or Master? I wasn't sure which he'd rather hear. "But it's more than that. I can fake a lot of things, call you whatever you want, tell you whatever you need to hear but Brock? It's not even been a full day and there's nothing else I'd rather do than stay here with you. You offered me the couch last night, I took to your arms instead and that's what's made me happy." I stared into his eyes. "I have nowhere else to go, but even I'd run if I hated this. You could offer me the world and I wouldn't believe you if I didn't like what we did. But I do believe you, and I like this."

I had confidence because I wasn't playing him. I meant it.

He exhaled, there was wonder in his eyes. "Alright. Well. We've got a couple of weeks here. Let's make the most of it, eh?"

That struck a chord of worry within me. "And then what?"

"And then." A smile grew on his lips. "If you're still here, I'll buy an apartment in the city. And you'll have your own keys for it so you won't have to break in. And there'll be a spare room, which I'm not sure that you'll need but you're welcome to have it. And I'll keep living my life, and you can finally start yours." He kissed my forehead. "I'm going to look after my puppy. You're so much more than a bed warmer."

It was... a lot of words. And they dazed me for I could hardly think straight. He was talking about me, was he not? I'd have a place with him? He'd look after me?

Tears blurred my vision. I drew in long breaths, heaving as I held back a whimper.

"Thank you," I mumbled, my voice was soft and low. I brushed water out of my eyes with my forearm. Even with that promise I wouldn't let myself crack. It wasn't real quite yet.

Something wet hit my forehead.

I glanced up, he was crying. Tears streaming down his cheeks.

Shock hit me like an icy gust, but it didn't last. My belly warmed.

"I've wanted this for so long." He sniffed. "I'll get a divorce and live life on my own terms. It's been suffocating, being stuck this way so long." He tried to breathe and laugh and sob all at once. He started coughing, his entire body shaking. "I could've done it years ago but I was so afraid I'd only end up alone and unhappy. Every guy I've ever been with knew it was just a hook up. No attachment, no care. But that's what I wanted more than anything."

My heart warmed with joy. This was a lot to swallow, too much all at once. But what he'd said made me unsure of something. "What does that make us?" I asked.

He paused. "You're my pet." He peered at me through stormy eyes. "I will give you a safe place to be, make sure you have everything you need. But if you decide not to come when I call, that's okay. I like you a lot Mutt, but if you're thinking romantics or something, that isn't me. I'm too old to be your life partner, that feels wrong. But we can have something else that's just as caring. I'll give you a nest, and we'll have some fun. And one day, if ever you're ready to move on I hope you will. And when you go, I hope you think well of me." A serene look filled his face. "But same as last night, anything you do for me I will make worth your while. And I think we should just leave it at that. If you want to go to college, I'll pay your way. If you bring home a boyfriend one day, I wouldn't be upset. I'm not going to control you. I'd feel so horrible if I ended up doing to you what my marriage did to me." He kissed me on the forehead again. "Is that okay with you?"

I nodded and buried my face in his neck. "I can't imagine leaving you." Not after living on the streets. He was offering a life of luxury. How could I turn it down?

He rubbed my back. "Maybe that's how you feel now. But you haven't got much else yet. I'm serious Mutt. I like this arrangement, I like that you're okay with it. But I'm not going to force it on you if you change your mind. And maybe you do decide this is how you want to spend your life. I'm still going to look at it as something special, something that could change. And I'm going to appreciate it for as long as we've got it."

In my entire life, I'd never seen someone make themselves so vulnerable. So genuine. He was baring his neck to me, giving me everything in good faith that I wouldn't take advantage of him. Wouldn't hurt him. There was weight in his words. He sounded like he'd coaxed them out of his heart, all soft and smooth. He cared for me in a way I didn't quite understand. In my mind there was bound to be something romantic about the things we were doing, but he was the one with the experience. And that only comforted me further. I had strong feelings for him, mostly thankfulness and lust, but I wasn't sure I was capable of romantically loving anyone. Not yet, at least. But he spoke reason. In time, I would change. I hardened when my life became hard, so I'd soften again wouldn't I?

"You're not a kid Mutt. You can make decisions for yourself and I hope you do. I'm not your father, I'm just a queer with a lifetime of regrets."

I really did want to dig at him for that. Sure, his personal life was a mess but he was filthy rich. That afforded him luxuries and safeties few others had access to. But now wasn't the time. He called himself a queer like it was a badge of honor. And for him, it probably was. He'd struggled his entire life to find comfort in sharing his identity with someone. He hadn't passed himself off as bi, he knew he was gay and he'd still spent thirty years with a wife.

I couldn't act like I understood the scars that left. But I could try soothe them.

And I would. I wanted to offer him what he offered me. A safe place where he could be himself. Where the world faded away and there was no judgement, no pressure. I was his puppy, that was my duty. And I was comfortable in that role.

There was so much safety there. Escape from the cold, no more starvation. Shelter. My head was swimming. Sex. A day ago I was a virgin. How quickly things had changed...

But this was everything I ever needed and more. I wasn't going to let that slip through my fingers.


It had been three months since I broke into Brock's house. Everything he'd ever promised me was true. He looked after me, clothed me, fed me, played with me every night. He bought us a cushy apartment in the city, he filed for divorce. I was his puppy and he was my Master. It was the easiest life I'd ever had. There were other guys from time to time. Some nights he'd bring some drunken floozie home after work and I'd fraternize, talk them up. Be their puppy too, like my Master wanted.

I kept expecting myself to feel something for these strangers, but there was nothing. Brock was the only one.

He was kind and cared for me in ways I could seldom anticipate. Today was proof of that. I wore a tie and a button-up shirt over tight jeans, a satchel on my shoulder with a laptop in it. A laptop he'd bought for me. Everything I had was thanks to him. Glass doors opened automatically before me as I strode into a posh reception. I made my way to the front desk.

"Hi. My name's Mutt and I'm here for my interview with Brock Fletcher."

The receptionist nodded and directed me to plush chairs. I was nervous as I waited. Brock hadn't told me what to expect, only to be here.

My phone buzzed as I waited.

Good luck Alex! You'll smash it.

It was a message in a group chat that comprised all of my old high school friends I'd since been able to reconnect with. I'd told them I had an interview, they were all so excited for me. Thanks to the phone Brock had bought me, I'd been able to reclaim my old social life. Coming back to them was like walking into a warm embrace. They'd thrown me a party, which I now regarded as the moment things started to feel normal for me once more. All this time, I was worried they would resent me from the days I couchsurfed with their families and had countless falling outs. But they hadn't. They even missed me, they were afraid I was dead when I disappeared after my parents kicked me out the second time.

But a night of reminiscing, catching up and drinking cheap beer had set the record straight between us. There was so much love to share.

When Brock eventually emerged from a locked door, he smiled at me. He wore a business suit with his keytags hanging around his neck. He beckoned me over and flashed his tags at a panel to let me into the building. He made small talk while we walked past his employees. There was something unnerving about seeing him like this, so stripped of his usual warmth. The way he looked at me now wasn't spiked with lurid desire. He led me to a conference room with a few folders and pages on the table.

"So." He took a seat and opened one of the folders. "What can you offer us?"

"I don't know." I stared at him, heart racing in my chest. What more could he want from me?

"You're quite the accomplished young man." He lifted a page out of a folder and slid it across the table to me. It was the front page of a resume. I squinted at it. My name sat at the top. My legal name, Alex Sarromo. I'd never told him. A summary of accolades and awards filled a portion of the page.

_Young Coders App Designer Gold Medalist.

Fowling Technical University Freshman Program Jam Winner.

Fowling Financials Under 20s._

My hands were shaking as I stared up at him. There was more. None of those things were true.

"We'd like to offer you a position in our Research and Development team as a concept designer." Brock tented his fingers, a smile on his lips.

I choked.

"It would be a work from home position. All the usual perks. Health, dental, help setting up an investment portfolio."

I could only stare, my fingers went numb. This wasn't... this couldn't.

"Salary starts at 100K."

I gasped. The glass around my heart shattered. Tears in my eyes before I could even process it. He kept talking, dozens of other promises, things I'd be owed by this position. A job which sounded more and more fake by the moment. And yet all the fluff was real. People got paid more for doing less.

Tears streamed down my cheeks.

"Would you accept this position?" he asked. He hadn't changed his casual tone one bit as I broke down in front of him. I couldn't speak. He'd finally cracked me.

I nodded.

He extended a hand across the table. I took it gingerly and tried to give it a firm shake.

"I told you," he said. "I'd look after my puppy."

I nodded again, shaking as I tried to smile and say something, anything. This man had changed my life. None of this made sense, but he was a wealthy guy. A hundred thousand a year was enough to make me dizzy. Brock made millions.

"There's more." He withdrew his hand and reached into his pocket, producing a black leather collar. Mutt was engraved on the tag. He stood up and walked around the table. I lifted my chin as he fit the collar around my neck, then he leant over to kiss me on the lips. "Never take it off."

"Yes Master." I put a paw over the leather, it was tight but not a discomfort. I was his pet, and he'd made me want that too.

"Do you love me?" He scratched behind my ears.

"Of course I do Master." I nuzzled his hand like a dog.

"Does puppy want a bone?"

I whined. "Please."

"Please what?"

"Please Master."

He unzipped the fly of his pants.

I know there's people out there who value their freedom and agency more than anything. After years of living on the streets, starving and not knowing if I'd make it to see another week, I'd give everything I was to satisfy someone who'd keep me safe. He'd brought me to heel. Trained me like he said he would. I was his puppy. I was fortunate he decided he'd pay me too. Very well even, but that only made me want to please him more. Do the best work I could and earn my keep. He'd given me a second chance at life, far better than my first.

There was no hesitation as I swallowed his fat cock, I made soft sounds to excite him, to let him know how much this meant to me. I whimpered and whined, knowing how much that meant to his ego. He wanted to believe himself a benevolent source of safety, of wealth, the sort of guy people respected because his heart of gold was worth more than it weighed. If he really was like that, this treatment would never have been conditional. I wouldn't have had to offer my body to him.

But that was what he wanted to believe, and this was the opportunity of a lifetime. Those were his conditions. Be his puppy and be happy and safe, or go back to the streets. I wouldn't risk that. After all he'd done for me I would make him feel that way every day for the rest of his life.