Skyler: chapter 1

Story by Kile johnson on SoFurry

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#3 of Skyler: story

(a special thanks to Shershen for the Art and background photo)(original art:

skyler chapter 1

"Mommy I'm home"

Skyler entered the house holding a large basket with some fruits and vegetables in it, which would soon be used in their morning dinner, the sky blue eyes and the markings on her white fur were glowing, they usually glowed whenever she used or was recently using her powers.

After setting the basket down on the floor Skyler started to walk towards her mother, a huge smile was present on her face, she loved coming home, because home was her favourite place to be "Did you miss me mommy?"

"Skyler you were only gone for one minute" she chuckled

Skyler and her mother were pretty much identical to each other, they both had sky blue eyes and markings, the only difference was their height

Her mother was standing at the kitchen counter, chopping up some vegetables to be used in their supper

"Yeah I know, I'm still getting used to my powers, sorry mother"

"It's ok love, food will be ready soon so go ahead and take a break"

"What's for dinner mommy?" Skyler questioned her mother, hoping that it was her favourite food being made, but the response she was given wasn't one she was hoping for

"Broccoli soup with brussel sprouts" she replied with a very happy tone in her voice.

"Ewww! Brussel sprouts are bleh! Why can't we have chicken alfredo? I like chicken alfredo" chicken alfredo was one of Skyler's favourite foods, and broccoli soup and brussel sprouts was her least favourite

"Because we are gonna have it later tonight, besides this stuff is healthy for you, it will help you grow big and strong"

Hearing her mother say those words puzzled her, she wondered if her mom had already forgotten about her very special gift.

"Um..mommy you do realize I have powers right? I don't think I can get any stronger"

Skyler's mother chuckled, smiling at her daughter as she replied "I know hun, I just thought saying that would make you happy to eat it"

"Brussel sprouts are just ick! Why are all the healthy foods always so gross?"

Her mother laughed, she knew that her daughter hated most vegetables, but since the only food they could get right now was from their garden they had to eat whatever vegetable they had

"Don't worry Hun, after a while you will get used to the taste and maybe you won't be able to notice it after a while"

"...mommy...why can't I go to the park and play with the other kids? They look like they are having so much fun" Skyler frowned, thoughts of playing tag or hide and seek filled her mind, she had spent her entire life stuck inside their house, only able to go a certain distance outside.

"Because of your powers Skyler, it's too dangerous to have you out in public, I just don't want you getting hurt"

"But mom no one can hurt me, and even if they tried I can use my powers to stop then"

"NO!..I mean.. no Skyler, if people saw you using your powers in public they might take you away from me..I-I don't want to lose you, I've lost your father and I am certainly not losing you, do you understand me?" she questioned her daughter with a very serious tone

"Yes mommy, I understand" she responded

"Good, dinner is almost ready, sit at the table and I'll bring you your food"

After a while of silence her mother had finished making their dinner, filling two bowls full of broccoli soup and setting them down on the table to eat, half way through the meal Skyler spoke up to break the silence

"Mommy...w-what happened to daddy?" She asked her mother nervously

There was a long moment of silence, her mother was reminded of the day when her life was at its worse and the day she lost the one she loved.

"Skyler..*sigh*.. Your dad... He was a good person and...he was alway there for us and always happy and...what happened to him was awful..I'll tell you when your older ok?"

"Ok mommy" she couldn't help but notice the sad look on her moms face, Skyler was just a baby when she lost her father, but the look on her mothers face told her that whatever happened to her father wasn't good.

Skyler's mother just sat there, lost in thought, forgetting where she was and what she was doing, but a certain feeling snapped her back into reality

"Uh oh"

"What's wrong mommy? usually whenever Skyler heard someone say uh oh it always meant something bad, which in this case made her shiver nervously

"My foods gone cold, do you mind warming it up for me sweetheart?" Giving her daughter a gentle smile as she pushed her bowl closer to Skyler

"Of course mommy" she placed both hands on either side of the bowl, the markings on her body began to glow as she used her powers to create heat, concentrating enough so that the heat wasn't too hot or powerful, after a few seconds the soup became warm enough and Skyler gave it back to her mother

"Mother how come you don't have the same powers as me?"

"Because all of us are different, no one in this world is the same no matter how similar they are or seem"

After they finished their supper the day went by pretty fast, Skyler cleaned the entire house in less than 5 seconds while her mother looked at their family photo album, flipping through the pages to see past memories and happy memories , inside it were pictures of Skyler and her parents, each photo brought back good memories

"but that's all they were, memories, past moments that can never be relived, happier times that you can never get back, but sometimes In life losing something can make us stronger"

her breathing became louder and quicker as anger and rage filled her mind

"but I never lost him, he was taken from, taken by those monsters! monster who enjoy watching people suffer! Monsters who find enjoyment in destroying people's lives! who don't care about anyone but themsel-

"M-mommy? Are you ok?" Skyler looked at her mother with concern

"Y-yeah..I'm fine..sorry honey, did you want to help me make some dinner? We can make some chicken alfredo if you would like"

"No thanks mommy, I think I'm just gonna go to bed now, if it's ok" she replied while yawning and stretching

Hearing her daughter say no to chicken alfredo puzzled her, usually Skyler would jump at the chance to have it but for some reason today she didn't seem that interested in it

"Of course honey, I'm a little tired as well, we both should probably get some sleep"

They both made their way to Skyler's room, inside it was a bed, desk, dresser and a closet, both the bed and dresser were hand crafted by her father, both being made from an old oak tree, the dresser had three drawers, The very top one was full of plain white shirts, the middle was full of sky blue pants while the bottom was being used as storage for books and journals, during her spare time she would sit at her desk and write about what she did that day, but because of her powers the writing would only take 5 seconds to complete, the desk was made out of cedar hand crafted by her mother, on top of the bed was a sky blue blanket and a single pillow, Skyler was obsessed with the colour sky blue, her blanket, pants, journals, pencils and walls of her room were all that colour.

Every time Skyler's mother enters her daughters room and sees both the bed and dresser she instantly becomes reminded of the person who made them, sighing in sadness and wiping away a tear as she carries her daughter to bed and placing her into it, she grabs onto the blanket and pulls it over top of her daughter

"Mommy can you read me a story please?"

"I can't think of any stories, do you want to hear a poem your father made for me instead?"

Skyler nodded and smiled, her mother gently pet her head as she began to read the poem

"Our love is as deep as the sea, no matter what happens you won't ever lose me, no matter how far you go no matter how far apart, I will always be in your heart, even when I'm gone I will always, always Be here, and as long as we love each other we have nothing to fear, so stay with me my love cause we are destined to be together, I will always love you forever and ever"

After the poem was finished she had noticed that Skyler was fast asleep, a huge happy smile was present on her face as she slept, her mother leaned over to her and kissed her daughters forehead

"Goodnight my angel, I love you"

Skyler character

Skyler characters Information will vary depending on the chapter. Name: Skyler Dawn Johnson Place of birth: Birth date: Age: 8 - 18 Height: 5'5 - 6'4 weight: 85 - 150 Eye colour: sky blue Fur colour: white with sky blue markings Personality:...

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