Part 5: The Face of Akavir

Story by Andre Valias on SoFurry

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#5 of A Bloody Name

I feel really bad for not posting last week, but Part 5 of 'A Bloody Name' is here!

Two years since they began training with the Face of Akavir, Bloodies and Fleet get the chance to witness what their mentor-in-secret is really capable of.

'The Face of Akavir trained Fleet and myself,' Bloodies explained as he paced with goblet in hand, 'first in how to use a blade without hurting ourselves, then actual swordplay and stances. The next night, we would stow away a training sword to teach the other Argonians what we learned.'

'So that they would be able to fight for their freedom too?'

Bloodies nodded and stopped his pacing. 'That was the idea, yes.'

'Amazing--however, I looked into the Imperial Arena records and the man identified only as the "Face of Akavir" was last recorded as a champion and not a hero.'

'He fought his exhibition fight two years later and was awarded that honour as the victor.'

'Did you get to witness that for yourself?'

Bloodies smiled. 'It was like nothing I'd ever seen.'

'Lift your arm more Kero, your guard's open,' Bloodies told the younger Argonian.

Kero looked at him in confusion. 'What do you mean? It's already high!' Bloodies then stepped forward and though it should have been treated like a real blade, he deftly lunged forward and suddenly the training sword was in his hands while Kero landed on his ass. Possibly his tail too, judging by the yelp he let out.

'That's what I mean,' Bloodies explained before turning to the others, 'if you leave yourselves open, even someone with just his bare hands can take your weapon and turn the tables on you.' The other Argonians nodded sagely at his advice.

It had been a year and a half since they began training the other Argonians. Bloodies first had the idea when he was talking to Fleet about their plan to earn their freedom. He wanted the others to have the chance to do the same. Kero was one of the younger Argonians, and on the shorter and skinnier side of the equation. Even his tail, which was normally thicker than the body, matched by being lean. Still, he worked harder than most in the bloodworks. Kero's amber-orange eyes often glowed with determination and though the spines on his head drooped, the others jokingly expected them to erect when Kero was deep in his chores.

Kero stood back up with his brow furrowed. 'Why does any of this matter, Bloodies?'

Bloodies turned back to his egg-brother with a sideways look. 'Why does this matter--Kero, we've been slaves to the arena for twelve years,' Bloodies said, 'don't you think learning how to fight our way to freedom is important?'

Kero looked at the other Argonians, who looked torn between the two opinions, and then back to Bloodies. 'I don't want to fight, and it's not like the Blademaster treats us terribly,' he answered, 'picking up a wooden sword and learning how to swing it is good and all, but I'm scared of actually going up to that arena for a battle. I think... I think I'll stick to cleaning the bloodworks.'

Bloodies opened his mouth to say something else, when he saw Fleet shake his head at him from the corner of the room. Bloodies then sighed in resignation.

'That's enough for tonight all of you. Get some sleep, otherwise Gaius will have us all mopping the floors.' Kero and the other Argonians found their place to sleep as Bloodies walked over to Fleet. 'What was that for?'

Fleet smiled. 'You're probably the most set on this than anyone here, and that's not a bad thing,' he said in a hushed tone, 'just don't push them too hard. If Kero doesn't want to fight, that's his choice.'

Bloodies' nostrils flared as he exhaled through them. 'I just want to give them the chance to leave this life,' he reasoned quietly, 'because you and I won't be here forever.'

Fleet sat down against the wall. 'I guess not, but maybe Kero has accepted what he does.'

Bloodies looked toward where Kero lay, halfway across the room, before sitting down beside Fleet and putting an arm over his shoulders. 'I just want him and the others to be safe.'

Kero leaned against Bloodies. 'I know, and I love you for it.'

The two dozed off and fell asleep still close together. In the morning, it was the doors that woke them up and split them apart plenty long before Gaius barked his orders. The Argonians got up and got to their duties.

'You four,' Gaius said as he pointed to Bloodies, Fleet and another two of their egg-kin, 'finish your tasks just before noon and come see me at the arena gate. We've got an exhibition match today.' Gaius then left them to it. Bloodies and Fleet looked at each other with weary expressions.

An exhibition match was just a fancy term for a fight where a hero of the arena showed off to the people of the Imperial City by killing dangerous beasts. All too often, many heroes had their careers as combatants ended by said creatures. On the other hand, those that succeeded were elevated to the rank champion and were given higher honours and prestige than anyone else in the arena bloodworks. They even had their own training ground outside of the bloodworks which was probably infinitely superior for the fact it would not reek of blood and the sewers.

However, all an exhibition match meant for the Argonian slaves was 'snack duty'. It was one of the only times they saw proper sunlight that was not filtered through blood-stained iron grates. Gaius would give them boxes of snacks they had to distribute to the arena goers watching the exhibition match from the stands. All three hundred citizens. There was probably a lot more but Bloodies pretended there was only three hundred to make himself feel better. If they did not distribute all the boxes of snacks, Gaius would have them polishing the blood stains off the grates. Punishing failure to complete an impossible task with another impossible task.

Bloodies and Fleet finished their chores as quickly as Gaius wanted them to and headed up to the arena gate. They opened the door that lead out of the bloodworks and into daylight. As they winced and let their eyes adjust, they could see citizens of the Imperial city streaming into the stands in a blindingly bright haze. A fair few of them stopped at the betting table where bookkeepers took in coin and recorded the bets. It wasn't anything new to them but Bloodies still thought it was amazing.

'Imagine having all these people here to watch you fight,' Bloodies said under his breath.

Fleet snorted. 'Yeah, because at least I wouldn't be the one serving them snacks.'

Bloodies nudged him with a smirk. 'You know, we could try running out the gate,' he suggested, 'it's pretty busy this time.'

Fleet look horrified. 'And get captured and beaten again? No thank you.'

'You two, get over here!' Gaius shouted. Bloodies and Fleet immediately obeyed and excused themselves through the clamour. They came up to Gaius, who picked up one of the many trays that were sitting on a table. 'Where's the other two scale tails?' The two looked at each other and back at Gaius, who's ever-present frown deepened. 'Fuck, whatever. Just take these and get started, we've got a big audience today and I want these taken out like you've got Hircine chasing you down.'

Bloodies and Fleet carried their trays up to the stands.

'Who's Hircine?' Bloodies asked.

Fleet just shrugged. 'Probably someone you don't want to have chasing you,' he replied, 'let's get this done, I don't want to touch those grates.' Bloodies suppressed a laugh with a big smile and the two parted ways amongst the crowd passing out the arena's choice of snack: fried chicken sticks drizzled with tomato sauce. It was really popular amongst the arena goers, even though it was a joke made by the arena cooks to accompany the bloodshed displayed in the arena.

There was always someone who could eat a chicken stick covered in red sauce that couldn't handle seeing even a little blood.

As he emptied his first tray, Bloodies grimaced at how little of the audience they've covered. He then turned tail to retrieve the next tray and cast a look to the arena below. The fight hadn't started yet, but the audience was waiting with such anticipation. The stands were not noisy with loud chatter but hushed whispers. It made Bloodies start to wonder who was fighting that made the normally rambunctious crowds so docile.

As Bloodies came back up with another tray, he could hear Gaius shouting at the other two of his egg-kin who came late. He hurried himself back to where he was in the crowds and kept passing out the chicken sticks. Most people just took the snack without paying him heed, but some offered thanks before continuing conversation with their fellow goers.

'Do you think he is really from Akavir?' Bloodies overheard one of the goers. He slowed down to listen in more when a booming voice echoed across the arena.

'Good people of the Imperial City, welcome to the arena!' the arena announcer bellowed, and the crowds hushed conversation. Bloodies turned to cast his eyes to the arena while still keeping with his snack duty. 'Today is a momentous day, a glorious day! You have come to this temple of triumph because you came to witness an apotheosis!' the announcer embellished, eliciting shouts and cries from excited spectators. 'So put your hands together and let your voices be heard as we watch our hero, the Face of Akavir, put on a splendid performance for the Eight!' The portcullis dropped and Bloodies' heart leapt with excitement in tune with the roaring cheers of the crowd, as his mentor-in-secret stepped out onto the field.

'Hey, can you move out of the way?' someone asked. 'Excuse me, you're blocking the view.'

Bloodies turned around to an annoyed spectator who had gotten his chicken stick. 'Oh, I'm sorry!' He stepped aside and continued his rounds, his tray dwindling on snacks at this point.

'You've seen him fight ruthless Wrothgarian barbarians, duel with the best knights that Wayrest could throw his way, and even a former captain of the White-Gold Guard!' the announcer continued, 'but today we watch our wayward warrior of Akavir face his greatest challenge: if he defeats the arena's most fearsome beasts of Tamriel, he will not only win glory but the honour of becoming a champion of the arena! Let the battle begin!'

Bloodies rushed down to get his next tray where he ran into Fleet doing the same.

'Red, what are we gonna do?' Fleet asked, 'I want to watch but we still have so many of these trays left.'

Bloodies looked around for Gaius and, when he was sure he was gone, grabbed a stack of snack trays. 'Grab the rest and come with me.'

They went back into the stands as an arena gate opened and two minotaurs charged into battle with the Face. Trying not to let it distract him, Bloodies focused on carrying his trays back to where he was last. He then put the trays down and Fleets did the same, but his face was marked with uncertainty.

Bloodies picked up one of the trays and gave one to the front row. 'Take one and pass it on.' He then did the same with the next row, and when Fleet understood he grinned and did the same.

With their trays hopefully making their own way around the arena, Bloodies and Fleet found a spot out of the way and gods willing out of sight of Gaius where they could spectate. One of the minotaurs charged at the Face. He leapt toward the side of the minotaur with his dai-katana out. As it hurtled forward, the beast's momentum helped the blade rake flesh down to the bone. In the next moment, the beast fell to the floor as blood lashed onto the sand from its grievous wound. The crowd exclaimed before cheering again. Bloodies cheered too, while Fleet looked around worriedly.

The other minotaur let out a mighty roar as it smashed the ground with a talisman and the earth split apart to let out magical gouts of fire. The Face broke into a run, jumping up and kicking off one of the pillars. Flames licked greedily at his gladiatorial leathers, the heat shining a warm light on his skin. He rolled across the sand and slashed furiously at the minotaur shaman. The beast backed away from the flurry as it copped one of the blows. Eyes flashing red, the minotaur growled and stomped its hoof in the sand. Fissures erupted forth. The Face backed off immediately and kept his guard up.

'Look out!' Bloodies shouted as loud as he could. But his voice was captured by the noise of the arena. The next moment, the Face was slammed into the arena wall as the wounded minotaur charged into him. Half the crowd leaned forward in their seats in an effort to see what was going on. The beast raised its axe and went for a killing blow. But the Face, with unfaltering movement, brought his long blade flat over his back and caught the axe at an angle. He deftly deflected the overhead and once his blade was released, he turned back and retaliated with his own overhead strike.

'Ooh!' the crowd gasped collectively. A spray of blood baptised the Face as the minotaur cried out in agony. He then kicked the beast down to the ground. The beast gurgled as the blade slashed through its throat, thick furred hands grasping at its neck in futility. Flicking the blood off his blade, the Face turned to the other minotaur that was now wreathed in flame and rage. The next roar was so loud it echoed through the arena. The closest spectators clapped hands to ears and winced at how deafening it was. Bloodies just kept his eyes on the Face to see what he'd do next.

The shaman lunged forward with hands clenched and covered in a searing heat. It punched at the Face in a flurry of blazing-hot blows. He ducked and weaved left and right, avoiding one punch after another. The beast then went for the next punch but faked out as the Face tried to dodge again. There was an audible pounding sound as the Face was launched a few metres, and the crowd cried sick with worry. He rolled once and pulled himself back up as the shaman ran up to meet him again.

As he stood up, the Face kicked sand at his opponent. As the dust caught in the beast's eyes, it roared and swiped aimlessly. The Face ducked an off-hand blow as he got behind the creature and sliced behind its knees. Even before the shaman fell to its knees, he delivered his next cut with controlled fury. In the next moment, the beast's head fell to the ground and the crowd went wild. This time, both Bloodies and Fleet joined them in yelling boisterously.

'Good citizens, our hero does it again!' the announcer called out, 'Two of the fiercest minotaurs from the Colovian Highlands were no match for our Akaviri favourite! But he's not done yet!'

The Face readied himself once more as another set of arena gates opened.

'Can our hero even hope to survive his final challenge? Good citizens, the real fight you have been waiting for! I give you...' Water began pouring into the arena as hissing snarls and thunderous footfalls silenced the crowd with anticipation. 'The "Terror of Blackwood"!' Out of the gates stepped a gargantuan lizard on all fours, lightning arcing between its maw and the water.

Bloodies and Fleet moved down to the edge of the front row to get a closer look. The Face stepped back and then stomped on the ground. Large rocks surfaced from the wet sands. As the Terror let out a plume of lightning, the Face hurled the rocks into the water. Avoiding the plume, he leapt across the rocks like steppingstones which kept him safe from the electrified water. The crowd cheered and then observed to see what he would do next. The beast reared its head to gauge its prey. Even beyond the static crackling in the air, the tension was palpably electric.

The moment between beast and prey was intense. They regarded one another with caution. The Terror then thrashed forward with a guttural growl. The Face leapt back to another of his makeshift platforms but then stood ground as the beast came near. As the maw opened wide, he leapt over onto the beast's arm and then onto its back. He ran his blade over coarse, wet scales and the beast curled. He impaled his blade through scored flesh as the Terror reared up on hind legs and hugged one of the pillars.

The crowd watched with frightened uncertainty as the lizard curled around the column and then lashed its back with its spiked tail. The Face was parted from his sword and thrown into the water. Bloodies leaned on the railing, eyes wide open with fear. As the beast got back down on all fours, lightning crackled within its maw. Now disarmed, the Face stood back up and faced his foe. Before the Terror could let out another plume, the Face stepped forward and a furious fire blasted from his mask like a dragon might breathe fire. The crowd awed and cheered for their hero as steam engulfed the arena.

The lizard stalked forward, unable to find its prey in immediate vision. The Face leapt up onto the beast's back again and grabbed his sword. Before the beast could baptise him in its thunderous roar, he was gone again. The crowd watched, waiting for the mist to dissipate, and relied only on the sounds of battle. There was the sound of intense thrashing and hissing from the Terror. Blade cuts and subsequent monstrous hisses echoed as water splashed. Suddenly there was a huge metallic slam as something smashed the great grate in the centre of the arena.

The mist dispelled and the Terror slowly withdrew its spiked tail from the dented grate. It locked serpentine eyes with the Face once more. Both of them bloodied and beaten almost evenly: The Terror sported small to moderate bleeding cuts while the Face sported bruises and tears through his armour with small wounds.

'You can do it!' Bloodies shouted in the moment, with no audience to drown him out. The Face looked up at him in the stands and Bloodies could see, with part of his mask missing, his actual smile.

He then stepped forward, blade in both hands at his side, and broke into a run. The Terror exhaled more lightning over the waters in the warrior's path. The Face then let loose a fierce battle cry as draconic wings flexed from his back, eliciting the crowd's amazement. He jumped and soared over the crackling water. The Terror opened its maw to receive its reward. Bloodies' breath quaked as he watched his mentor leap into the jaws of death. The crowd then shrieked as they snapped closed.

The blade surfaced through the Terror's head as an excruciating cry left its maw. Bloodies and Fleet were both stunned, like the rest of the audience, to see the maw wasn't closed completely. Having leapt into the jaws of the beast, the Face's wings disappeared as he shuddered under the Terror's fearsome jaw strength. He leveraged himself and his weapon on the creature's tongue and used its own force to impale the blade through its head. The tail that originally thrashed now ebbed to stillness.

'Has he--Has he done it!?' the announcer speculated. The Face, mustering all his might, pulled himself and his blade free of the Terror. Blood spilled out between its teeth as the maw fell closed, and the beast itself remained unmoving. 'By the Eight, our hero has done it! Good citizens, let wild your voices for the Face of Akavir!' Even without cue, the crowds screamed as if to carry their cheers to the heavens. Bloodies and Fleet hugged each other in their own celebration of their mentor.

'Fuck, that was amazing...' Fleet uttered through sharp breaths.

Bloodies nodded, his lungs stinging from the breath-taking fight. 'And he's training us.'

After the fight was over, the two of them returned to Gaius. He looked very annoyed. He figured out that Bloodies and Fleet had done something when they didn't return with all the trays they had. But he didn't say anything else and instead let them go while he lectured the other two Argonians. When Bloodies and Fleet back down into the Bloodworks they talked about how the fight kept them on edge with every moment of danger and triumph the Face had.

And then Bloodies said it. 'One day, I'm gonna do what he did.'

Fleet just smiled and held him close. 'I know you will one day.'