The Imperial Throne

This is a follow-up to my poem the jade emperor and is also in conjunction with my short pieces letters to the jade emperor.

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Opium and Foreign Relations

#2 of letters from the jade emperor a letter from the jade emperor of china, the dragon yu long, to his best friend reno blazefire the imperial emissary, advisor, and his best friend.

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Lord of Anthroan Chapter 3

The first emperor had decided that a crown would have been impractical, so the breastplate got created as the symbol of the emperor. luckily he only had to wear it once a month on petition day.

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The Eternal Emperor

There the emperor stood, gazing out over the capital. there were three rows of huts and beyond, the ocean. not as grand as the emperor remembered it.

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The Dragon's Tapestry

To see the palace of the emperors..." dane spat out as he walked into the bathroom, as he walked into the small enclosed box his face grew only greener as the smell of waste entered his nose. "i am never going on an airplane again!"

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Herald's of War Chapter 1

Signed emperor licius argen, emperor of valden, highest of the lords, master of the el'ine, the sun king, and the dragons bane."

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Lisa had always been curious about what it felt like, and that night she decided to take the plunge - she was going to try it. 'It' was a thing the arctic fox once stumbled upon by accident when she made a misclick while surfing the 'net one late night...

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The Princess's Plaything Part I

Dainty paws tipped with manicured claws slid down a ladder of protruding ribs, over the expanse of a concave stomach, and finally came to a halt when they rested on both sides of the vixen's bony hips. The cat clicked her tongue in disdain and shook...

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The Princess's Plaything Part III

A loud belch sounded in the chamber, followed by a soft, contented sigh. Pauline finished the last of her magically created feast, greedily licking frosting from her black claws. A tender hand appeared on her belly, massaging the immense, swollen globe...

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"C'mon, Laci, let's just give it a try." The marten grabs hold of her girlfriend's frilly black panties and slips them down around her ankles. "I don't know about this." Laci tries to sound apprehensive, but she willingly steps out of the panties...

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The Princess's Plaything Part II

Every day, Pauline was presented with an enormous feast which she was required to gorge herself on until she could eat no more. The Princess observed this ritual each time, and if she suspected Pauline were faking the threshold of her maximum capacity...

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Emperor Damon

emperor damon sparda of the house of sparta, ruler of humanity's empirehe awakens to a universe only to find his empire destroyed and humanity near extinction by the fiendish hands of the orcs who were once thought as a myth to his people after learning

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