An Endless Voyage Ch 54: An Unpleasant Appointment
Admiral Karen woke up half an hour early this morning. Her plan had been to give herself more time to get puppy Maya changed, and get ready to start the day, by setting her alarm to get up 30 minutes early. It would have worked too, were it not for Vice Admiral Ashley.
In her eagerness to help Karen settle into full command more easily, Ashley had taken it upon herself to collect reports, and prepare a morning agenda, which she brought before the Admiral at 06:00 sharp.
Karen had just finished brushing her fur, and had only just pulled on her underwear when the Vice Admiral showed up. Nonetheless Karen led her inside, and finished slipping into her Admiral's fatigues while Ashley outlined all she had prepared.
"Captain Mike wants t' meet with ya at 07:00, breakfast with President Landry at 0800, an' Holly wants ya t' have a look at the transporters." Ashley said. "Tina wants t' see ya in Engineerin' sometame fore lunch, s' Ah reckon round 10:00 er so. Ah reckon ya'll be on the Bridge after that...but Doc Natalie wants t' see ya 'fore lunch."
"I know exactly what Natalie wants." Karen said. "As for the rest, it was nice thinking, but you forgot to factor in showers and restroom breaks. I will follow the scedule this time, but keep that in mind from now on."
"Shure 'nuff." Ashley said.
And so began what was certain to be a very long day, for Admiral Karen.
As it turned out, Mike was mostly just being helpful. He had a few legitimate concerns regarding a sceduled stopover at a space station in two days, but mostly he wanted to see how well Karen was settling in. It ended up being the high point of the morning, as they discussed various matters.
Breakfast with President Landry was another high point, as Karen was teaching the Confederate President about high class Canid ettiquite, and culture during these meals. Today that meant introducing her to Canid Opera. There was one opera in particular which Maya really loved, that Karen explained was the one cultured thing Maya actually did. It was a glorious tale of love and battle which really spoke for the fiery passions of the canine heart.
"Ah lahk that!" President Landry remarked. "Mah people kin be pretty passionate too."
"Yes I have seen that firsthand." Karen replied. "I've met many races in my travels, but few have impressed me with the sort of great potential your people have."
They said little other than that, mostly just enjoying the Opera and the meal.
Karen headed down to the Transporter room to do Holly's job for her, after that. She didn't expect to find anything major in need of repair or recalibration of course, but in truth used it as an excuse to delay going down to Sick Bay.
In a way Karen hoped she would have to replace the entire pattern buffer matrix, as that would have taken a good while.
Unfortunately it was just a simple miscalibration error that took mere moments to fix.
To that end Karen stopped by Fighter maintenence after correcting the transporter glitch, and spent an hour going over maintence logs, before finally heading down to Engineering to see what Tina wanted.
Yet again however it was just a minor issue. Grace was experimenting with creating lightweight body armor that offered heavy armor protection using a high tech alloy from that ''primitive'' Canid colony, and Tina needed Karen to sign off on the project.
Karen offered to help with the project, but unfortunately at this point it was all just theories and equations. She still managed to buy half an hour going over those, but that was nothing compared to the time it would have taken if they had been ready for actual fabrication ant testing.
Reluctantly Karen got into a utility cart outside Main Engineering, and set out for Sick Bay, albeit driving a bit slower than usual, and praying for a "Tactical Alert" to summon her to the Bridge all the while.
Unfortunately there was no such luck, and she parked the utility cart outside Sick Bay. Karen couldn't keep stalling any longer, so she just took a slow deep breath to relax, and headed into Sick Bay to get it over with.
"About time ya showed up, lass." Doc Natalie remarked.
"Perhaps I should return later, doctor. You appear busy." Karen tried. She especially dreaded it now that she saw the Jackson's chief Medical Officer was present as a learning experience.
"No need for that lass." Doc Natalie said. "I was just teaching doctor Grayson here about our medical advances."
"5.0 gigapixel stereoscopic 3d endoscope cameras that can focus from 1 mm distance to several meters instantly, 95+ CRI 2500k LED illumination, ultra flexible alloy endoscope tube with precision controls.... these scopes would revolutionize endomedicine back home." Grayson said; then, "Oh don't mind me, Admiral, I am merely here to observe as a medical student under Doctor Natalie.
"Step behind the curtain there, and disrobe, Admiral." Doc Natalie instructed. She was busy setting up a camera as she spoke (May wanted both internal endoscopic view and external view of the entire pocedure recorded for her personal use ) (May has a medical fetish).
Karen reluctantly complied, handing Puppy Maya to Tom (he was assisting Natalie today) in the process.
When she finished disrobing, Karen climbed up on the examination table Natalie had waiting, and having done so many times before, she lay back on her back, and put her feet up in the stirrups without needing told to do so.
She heard the snap of rubber gloves, smelled the telltale scent of medical lube, and then a moment later felt something hard and cold invade her canine anus as Doc Natalie proceeded to take her temperature. Karen treid not to think about the camera rolling for May, or that Doc Grayson was watching, of course.
After about a minute, Doc Natalie pulled the thermometer out and read it; "101.3, perfectly normal." she said.
Natalie wiped the thermometer off and put it away, and then Karen let out a yip of surprise at the cold wetness as Natalie rubbed the special numbing lube gel all over her canine anus. The sensation quickly faded as the stuff started to work of course, but before it had, the good doctor shoved two fingers up Karen's butt, and guided the tip of the lube bottle between them. Karen felt another cool squirt of lube, and the good doctor swirling her fingers about, and knew of course that Natalie was making sure to numb the internal sphincter as well.
When Natalie finally withdrew her fingers, Karen barely felt any sensation. The stuff worked fast.
This was the part of the procedure Karen dreaded. The way the lube depribed her of control of her body, unable to stop the outflow of firm waste and flatulence as her numb canine anus remained fully agape.
Doc Grayden marveled at how the numbing lube worked, as he watched the spaniel's canine anus open wide to accomodate the passage of a particularly large (for her size) turd forced out by natural intestinal waves. He had never seen anything like it. The lube, that is. Doc Natalie had caught that particular one in a sample container which she sealed and placed into storage for later analysis of course.
Karen felt like a helpless pup. Her ears grew hot of embarassment. She could smell her own excrement and flatulence, and knew she had to be making a big mess, but couldn't do anything about it. It was even worse knowing May would probably really get off watching that.
It was a small blessing when Natalie finally slid the large irrigation nozzle up her butt, and pumped the balloons tight. The constant flow of water that followed continued to wash shit and gas bubbles out through the big hose, but at least that flowed directly into the ship's sewage recycling system rather than being in the open air where she had to smell it. The worst part was over now. The scope itself would make her constantly flatulent as it was advanced of course, but the only thing she really hated was the numbing lube.
It took about an hour for the colonic irrigation machine to complete its work, and then another five minutes or so for the remaining water to drain out of Karen's butt once the nozzle had been removed. It was clean clear water by this point, of course.
Natalie had chosen a 1/2" diameter endoscope for the procedure. She stuck the tip up Karen's butt, and waited for the inflow of air to inflate the spaniel's colon to give a good clear view of the intestinal walls. Once the air started flowing out as quickly as it was instilled, the good doctor began to advance the scope.
"It feels kind of silly to enjoy looking up a dog's ass like this, but this technology is amazing, doctor." Grayson remarked. "You can actually see the water receptors and blood vessels right down to the smallest microcapillaries, not just the larger vessels and healthy pink walls."
"Aye lad." Natalie replied. She was busy examining the image of the inside of Karen's butt as she slowly advanced the scope.
"So what are we looking for anyway?" Grayson asked.
"Its just a routine examination." Karen said. "I have never had any problems but we all get yearly colonoscopies anyway."
"Aye." Natalie said.
"That makes sense I guess." Grayson said. "Wait doctor, what was that?"
Doc Natalie withdrew the scope slightly to focus on the thing they had seen. "Its just a pepper seed, lad." she explained, then advanced a grasper through the working channel to remove the seed and show him. Then once more she continued to advance the scope, showing the fine level of control as she navigated the tip around the curve and through the spaniel's transverse colon without ever losing the image due to red-out.
"Its amazing how you can do that without losing the image." Grayson said. "But why use that position."
"The anatomy of the Canid colon makes this position the best for thorough examination." Karen explained over the sound of her own continuous flatulence.
"Aye." Natalie said, once more navigating the scope around a gentle curve. this time the tip was briefly obscured by fecal matter on the lens as the scope entered Karen's ascending colon, but Natalie just gave the irrigation button a quick tap and the image returned clear as ever.
There was no real reason to do so, but to demonstrate the working channel of the scope, but nonetheless Natalie used the grasper again, this time to remove a piece of a peanut, a well chewed and harmless bone fragment, and a few other bits which hadn't completely digested, and placed them in a sample container for Grayson to examine.
Natalie and Grayson took their time examining the image onscreen as Natalie withdrew the scope as well.
"I have to say, doctor, I have never seen such a healthy colon." Grayson said. "What's your secret, Admiral?"
"I eat lots of fresh meat, regularly engage in anal sex, and regularly get colonics as part of the spa treatment." Karen replied.
Natalie retroflexed the scope, showing the inside of Karen's numb gaping butthole and lower rectum, before finally removing the scope, wiping it down and putting it away. Next Natalie used a speculum and a pen light to examine Karen's anorectal junction, internal, and external sphincters, and anal gland duct openings. She had Grayson examine these as well of course., and then expressed Karen's glands into another sample container before finally removing the speculum.
Being so close that even his human nose could smell Karen's natural scent, Grayson's curiosity got the better of him, and while Natalie was putting the speculum away he started to examine the spaniel's (Y) vulva too. He started to spread the (Y) with his thumbs to see inside.
"Hey!" Karen remarked. "I'm here for a butt exam! leave my Honeypie alone!"
"My apologies Admiral, I was just curious about your anatomy." Grayson remarked.
"Understandable, but you should have asked first." Karen said. "Go ahead and satisfy your curiosity but do it quickly. I need to get back to the Bridge."
"Of course Admiral." Grayson said. He took his time examining Karen's (Y), and making note of how Karen felt pleasure when he touched certain places more than others. when he finally finished, Doc Natalie gave Karen a vitamin enema which she kept in using a retention plug for half an hour, then removed the plug and let the remainder drain out before saying Karen was free to go.
Karen wadded up some medical gause in the back of her underwear as she got dressed, because the lube would keep her numb all day and well into the night, and she was not about to wear a diaper. Karen took puppy Maya back from Tom, then at last she got into the utility cart, and set out for the Bridge.