Twenty-Fifth Century Firsts

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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A first time always has the potential to be something special with the right person. Add some twenty-fifth century technology to that and you have a night that Jesse will never forget! :o

This story was written for Neus in August 2018. It contains M/M sex between consenting adults, and some mild BDSM in a futuristic setting. :3

Author's Note: When this story was written in 2018 the character of Jesse identified as male and used he/him pronouns. The character's owner now uses she/her pronouns and is a transwoman. This story was uploaded as written with Neus's full permission after consulting with her personally, but this story does not reflect her gender identity nor is it meant to misgender her. Trans women are women. <3

Twenty Fifth Century Firsts

Tonight was a night of firsts for Jesse. His birthday had passed just a few days before, and though on the day itself he had been busy with school and some family stuff in the evening, his friends had assured him that now he was old enough to do so they would take him out to a bar. His first time at a bar as someone who could legally drink, a milestone for the utahraptor even though it was far from his first time drinking alcohol or indeed potentially getting drunk.

The bar his friends had chosen was oldschool, a real twenty third century throwback. Droids staffed the place with only one anthro to oversee them, her augmented body wired into a chair at the back of the bar with a visor over her face and fibre-optic cabling running into input ports upon her arms, legs and spine. Unlike modern bars where you could simply choose from a list of various flavours, potencies and styles of drink to craft a custom alcoholic beverage which would be synthesised for you on the spot, this place actually had a menu of pre-existing alcohol that spoke to the twenty third century's nostalgia for times even older than that. Drinks like beer. Whisky. Rum. Tequila. Words that Jesse knew primarily from classic twenty-first novels he'd had imprinted into his mind during high school by holo-psychic upload.

Archaic as the bar might have been though, Jesse couldn't help but admit to enjoying the night. Laughing and chatting with his friends as they sampled various different drinks and winced at how raw and potent the alcohol was in some of the liquors, how bitter and disgusting the beer tasted compared to the modern day equivalents and their fresh, fruity palettes. They cheered, and Jesse blushed as they hoisted him onto an anti-grav drinks trolley and floated him above their heads while singing him a happy birthday, and in the wake of that raucous song which filled the bar with celebratory cries in the raptor's name, Jesse slipped off to the bar to let the rosy flush upon his scaled cheeks subside a little, and to consider how lucky he was to have such good friends as he peered at the rows of bottles of rare twenty third and twenty fourth century alcohols sealed away behind the bar within a gently humming force-field.

"Happy birthday."

He smiled, and turned his head as an unfamiliar voice addressed him from close by. There were a few people here tonight with his group, friends of friends, that Jesse didn't know particularly well. But the dolphin who had moved up to the bar and settled in directly beside the raptor, he didn't appear to be with them at all. He was simply a stranger who must have overheard their singing, and had seen Jesse borne aloft as the obvious recipient of their affections.

"Oh, thanks. I hope my friends aren't being too loud. Sorry if we disturbed you."

The dolphin grinned, shaking his beaked face and winking playfully at Jesse as he responded.

"S'all good, man. I like it loud."

Jesse's eyes widened just a little, and beneath his scales and the soft, downy blue feathers upon the upper portion of his cheeks, he felt his flesh glow at the innuendo. It wasn't directed at him though, surely. Either it wasn't intentional at all and this other guy would be embarrassed as hell if he realised what he'd just said, or it was just some playful bragging from one guy to another. That had to be it, because... much as Jesse would have rather enjoyed someone paying him some more intimate, romantic attention, he'd never really been able to find anyone with whom he clicked. He'd never been comfortable enough with anyone who had tried to date him or even simply seduce him to ever reciprocate, and as that had happened time after time, it had become harder and harder for Jesse to justify just settling and letting it happen with some guy who was probably perfectly nice, just for the sake of getting what would still be his first time out of the way.

"Anything look good to you?"

The raptor's cheeks burned a little hotter as the other guy spoke to him again, and he looked at the dolphin's rather handsomely smiling features in bashful confusion before the other man nodded to the bar.

"Those old drinks. Any of them look good to you? Is there one you'd try, if you had the chance?"

Glancing back to the rear of the bar and all those ancient, super expensive bottles, Jesse thought about it for a few moments as one hand idly caressed the feathered crest upon the top of his head. His eyes soon fell upon one particular bottle, and he nodded to it.

"That one there. It's blue, but... orange flavoured? Man, the twenty third century was weird!"

Smirking, the dolphin nodded. As he did so though, he set one of his arms down upon the bar and drew back the sleeve of his jacket. Beneath it, wrapped around the dolphin's pale bluish grey flesh, Jesse saw a compact data terminal set into a band that covered a portion of the dolphin's forearm. Intricate holographic keys flickered and floated just a fraction of an inch above the surface of the otherwise plain metallic band, and as with his other hand the dolphin began to tap at those keys, one of the serving droids immediately whizzed across the length of the bar and extended a grabbing arm out through the force-field to procure that bottle of blue liquid.

Jesse's eyes widened, and he glanced nervously over his shoulder towards the woman whose body was plugged into the droids and overseeing the entire running of the bar. To his surprise though, she was no longer sitting calmly in her chair as she had been before. She was squirming a little, her chest visibly heaving up and down and her tail wagging furiously from side to side as her fingers flexed and her toes curled. Jesse looked from her to the dolphin, and the smooth skinned male winked at him once again.

"Don't worry, she's fine. She's always browsing the holo-net anyway, I've seen her history. I just gave her access to a premium holo-sim. Full sensory engagement, the works. She could have waited and taken it home with her tonight, or at least used it after hours. But... well, I guess she didn't think anyone would notice that she wasn't hard at work."

The two men looked back at the writhing, wired-in golden retriever once more, and the dolphin grinned while Jesse blushed deeply as an expression of obvious pleasure crossed her muzzle, back arching, body trembling for a few moments before she sank back into her chair, only to continue to squirm, smile and revel in the intensity of whatever holographic delights she was currently seeing herself as a part of. Their gaze only left her when a dull thud against the bar in front of them drew their attention instead, and they watched as the droid which had recovered the blue bottle placed two glasses in front of them, up-ended that bottle of priceless two century old yet stasis-fresh alcohol, and poured them each a liberal triple-measure.

The dolphin raised his glass, and held it up towards Jesse.

"I'm Apollo, by the way. Happy birthday to you... Jesse, was it? I think that's what I heard your friends singing."

Jesse lifted his own glass, blushing, looking nervously around as he considered whether he really wanted to do this, whether he really wanted to accept this gift which this stranger had hacked a private business's systems in order to steal for them. As soon as his gaze returned to the man sitting next to him and his eyes met with the dolphin's own though, all his doubts fell away. All his nerves, all his worries, everything just melted away into nothingness. He grinned. He tapped the glass gently to Apollo's own, and as they each took a sip of the rich blue liquor and felt the warmth of its alcoholic burn surge through them with a fragrant, floral hit of sweet citrus, Jesse trembled in delight as in that same moment he felt his free hand resting upon the bar, and Apollo's free hand sliding forward to caress the tips of his fingers.


"Good evening. Please input destination co-ordinates."

Apollo didn't stop kissing Jesse for even a single moment as he waved his wrist-band towards the sensor in the back of the auto-taxi. He straddled the raptor's lap, and hungrily continued to make out with the blushing, happily squirming dino until inevitably the computer on board the auto-taxi broke into their lustful reverie.

"Co-ordinates approved. Please sit down in the marked seating and affix your inertial compensation restraints so that the journey may begin."

Rolling his eyes, Apollo pulled away from Jesse with a whimper of bashful longing from the utahraptor. The dolphin grinned and nuzzled their two pointed muzzles together for a moment before turning away, towards the computer interface. His fingers danced over his wrist mounted console once again, and as he held it up to the auto-taxi's interface once more they both saw the visual interface ripple and shift as though momentarily disrupted by some alternate signal. Sure enough, instead of the gentle, pleasantly neutral voice from before a somewhat sultry male voice rang out from the auto-taxi's speaker system.

"Good evening, Apollo. Please relax with your companion as you wish. I will have you home in approximately twenty two minutes."

Turning back to face Jesse, Apollo grinned as he hurriedly straddled the raptor's lap all over again. His arms draped themselves over the blushing, trembling saurian's shoulders, and he leaned in as close as he could get without actually kissing Jesse all over again before whispering to the lithe, adorably and softly feathered raptor.

"Twenty two minutes. Cab rides always seem to take an eternity, don't they. But... I'll bet that we can find some way to pass the time, huh?"

Even as Jesse nodded bashfully, Apollo's fingers were already plucking at the buttons of the raptor's shirt. Soon he was bare chested. Soon they both were, and as they lost themselves in another deep, wild kiss with the pale blue and red glow of various holo-ads shining in at them through the auto-taxi's tinted windows, their lower bodies began to grind and rock against one another, still clothed but both very much aware of the stiffened, swollen state of the man within whose arms, lips and eyes they were so helplessly caught up.

"I... I've..."

Jesse only spoke up when his hand had already somehow migrated from Apollo's neck to the dolphin's crotch, stroking the other man's member through his clothes and quaking, gasping in delight as he felt it twitch, felt it strain and throb against his nervous, inexperienced touch. He knew he probably should have said something sooner, something before they got so swept up in the chemistry that had sparked between them at the bar. But really, when would he have done so? They hadn't actually spoken that much. They'd chatted as they drank their drinks, hands stroking and holding one another all the while, before finally their glasses had been empty, and Apollo had given Jesse three possible choices for how the night was going to go from that point onward. They could say their goodbyes and leave it at that. They could continue to sit and talk, get to know one another better and not rush things. Or...

And of course, it was that third option which had led them here. To kissing passionately at the bar. To Jesse's friends whooping and cheering as they made out feverishly while stumbling together towards the bar's exit, still kissing as the dolphin used his console to hail them a ride.

They'd bypassed the talking. Bypassed the getting to know one another. And thus, there had been no chance for Jesse to tell Apollo what he knew the dolphin should know before committing to tonight, before opening himself up to an experience he probably hadn't planned on, and might not wish for the responsibility of dealing with.

"I've n-never done this before..."

Jesse waited to see the look of shock upon Apollo's face. The look of frustration, or worse, of resignation. That look never materialised though. Instead, he saw a grin. A gleeful, eager grin spread across Apollo's face and sparkle in his eyes like wildfire.

"When you say this, you mean... Jesse, are you, am I your first?"

The raptor cringed. That made him sound so young. So inexperienced. And even if that latter fact was entirely true, it still didn't take away any of the inherent stigma which even here in the twenty fifth century was an inescapable part of virginity in a society where enforced monogamy was increasingly passe and where for some people sex was as much a casual past-time as any other recreational activity.

"Y-yeah. I... I hope that's okay."

Apollo laughed. Not mockingly, not cruelly, but with the genuine delight of someone who had just received the sort of news which would change their life so much for the better.

"Okay? Oh, god... Jesse. Putting aside the fact that it's fucking insane that someone hadn't dragged you into bed with them a long time ago, cute as you are... it's more than okay. You came home with me. You let me in, and... and you did that knowing that I'd be your first. That's so fucking cool, man. And if you're willing to put that much trust in me, it'll be my privilege to make sure that your first time... your first night with someone else, is one you'll remember fondly for the rest of your life."

Once more the two men kissed, deeper, more lengthily and undeniably more intimately too. There was more than just passion and lust behind their lip-lock now. There was emotion. Pride, affection, anticipation and joy all rolled into every moment of smacking lips and teasing tongues. They kept on kissing, shirtless and grinding their achingly erect, still trapped cocks together as the auto-taxi sped through the skies of the vast city, until finally it seemed as though Apollo couldn't wait any longer for their passions to progress.

"I could be patient. Wait less than ten minutes and have you in my bed, surrounded by soft sheets and pillows as I make you cum for the first time..."

Jesse shuddered and moaned at the obvious implication of those words. Not only that this would be the first time another person, never mind Apollo specifically would be making him cum, but the suggestion that this would only be the first of multiple climaxes that awaited him at the dolphin's instruction.

"...but, I don't want to wait. I want to see you. Feel you."

Apollo pulled himself off of Jesse, flopping down into the seat beside the raptor and grinning as he immediately reached for his crotch and began to unbuckle his belt. The utahraptor's feathers ruffled and his cheeks flushed hotter and hotter beneath feather and scale alike, and he began to do the same. He moaned as he watched Apollo tug down his trousers and underwear all at once, and the raptor's eyes bulged helplessly as he stared at the dolphin's large, blue and visibly curved cock suddenly exposed before him. Jesse's own trousers were tugged down around his knees just moments later, but his underwear remained for the time being. Not boxer shorts, not briefs, not trunks or anything in between. Instead, what Jesse revealed himself to be wearing were red lace panties of a deliciously classy and feminine design.

He saw Apollo looking, he saw Apollo staring. He glanced down at his own crotch, and blushed.

"D-do... do you like them?"

Jesse expected himself to be bashful a whole lot tonight, but not about this. In the modern day, only the most die-hard traditionalist zealots gave a shit about fashion conforming to some ancient concept of a gender binary. People could wear whatever the fuck they wanted so long as it covered them up, and a man wearing panties was no more remarkable than a woman wearing trousers. But, however normal it was, that didn't change how much Jesse enjoyed doing it. It didn't change the fact that he adored his body so much more when he slipped into a frilly pair of panties designed and fitted for a body not possessing his particular anatomy. The way they clung to him, accentuating every curve and bulge even when he was soft. And at moments like this, where he was anything but soft...

Apollo moaned loudly, and hurriedly scrambled back off his seat to straddle Jesse once more, now stark naked against the raptor's purely panty-clad figure.

"I adore them. They make you look so..."

The dolphin paused, trying to think of a more seductive or gentle word for what he was trying to say. He chuckled and shrugged.

" fucking hot."

Boldly, shamelessly he grabbed at the base of his own cock and purposefully thrust his hips forward, humping, rubbing his erection against the front of Jesse's red panties and the raptor's cock throbbing and straining within them. The two men moaned loudly, eyes heavy lidded with lust as they stared back and forth between one another's own pleasure stricken faces and the sight of their cocks caressing, twitching and humping against one another. Much as they both found the presence of Jesse's panties between their shafts an erotic thrill in itself though, it wasn't long before the need for pleasure overrode the urge to tease and arouse more subtly. The raptor blushed and giggled as he teased down the front of his panties and tucked them away beneath his balls, and moments later he was hissing, moaning louder than ever as one of the dolphin's smooth hands reached out and grabbed at not just his both both their cocks, squeezing them up against one another and proceeding to slowly, deliciously masturbate them in perfect, shared unison.

By the time the auto-taxi arrived at Apollo's apartment, both men wished it could have taken longer. The back of the taxi was like a sauna, its windows steamed up with passionate condensation as Apollo knelt astride Jesse, though not quite as he had been earlier on. Rather than being pressed up tight against the raptor with their chests touching, faces in near constant contact and cocks grinding, frotting against one another, they had parted just enough to allow their cocks to meet at something of a different angle. Both dolphin and raptor possessed sheaths to house their cocks when not hard, a pair of pockets subtly concealed within feathered scales or smooth skin from which their erections protruded. And in that moment as the auto-taxi pulled up alongside the docking port which would lead them directly into Apollo's twelfth storey home, each of the pair had the first few inches of their cock buried inside their new partner's sheath, panting, gasping, moaning as they effectively frotted and fucked one another all at once in those immensely sensitive and delicate reaches of their body.

"Please dis-embark from the vehicle in an orderly manner when ready, ensuring that all personal belongings are on your person. Thank you for using this Lumenos Flight Auto-Cab."

Hands roamed across bare backs. Lips met and parted with breathy, frantic moans. Hips jerked, eyes rolled. Apollo beamed and Jesse whimpered as he felt a real man's cock doing what he had only ever fantasised about before, his fingers sliding into his sheath and wiggling, exploring in those delicate depths during many a shower or simply in bed at night, watching holo-vids of suitably equipped individuals doing precisely what he was doing right now.

"_ Please dis-embark from the vehicle in an orderly manner when ready, ensuring that all personal belongings are on your person. Thank you for using this Lumenos Flight Auto-Cab. _"

The vehicle's mechanical voice, no longer under Apollo's control though still believing it had taken these two well behaved passengers on a perfectly normal journey, repeated itself at a greater volume. Both the dolphin and raptor jumped slightly at the seemingly yelling machine, no doubt assuming that they had fallen asleep on the ride. They blushed. They grinned at one another. With ragged moans they reluctantly separated their bodies, and after gathering up their scattered, now entirely discarded clothing, they slipped out of the vehicle's docking hatch and directly into the warm, comfortable interior of Apollo's home.

Many a time Jesse had imagined the date that would lead to his first time. Coffee, perhaps quiet drinks at a quiet bar. Maybe dinner if the time was right, though he didn't want to eat a big meal before such an important and active event as his first night with another man. Afterwards they'd take a walk, a long soul-searching walk where they'd talk about life and what they wanted from it. They'd go back to that man's apartment, and there he'd take a leisurely tour of each room in turn, admiring the art, complimenting the décor before finally, at long last they would arrive at the bedroom. A joke. A flirtation would lead them into the room, the door closed behind them. They'd tease. Dance around the issue for a while, both embarrassed and eager all at once. They'd kiss. Clothes would fall off them as they fell to the bed, and then...

Reality was different.

Reality was nothing like what Jesse had imagined it to be so many times. And yet, much as that had been the raptor's dream for so long, it wasn't what he wanted any more.

What he wanted was exactly what was happening. To feel Apollo pull him close, feel the dolphin's lips on his yet again as their already bare bodies rubbed and their cocks throbbed together. To hear Apollo whisper into his ear.

"Do you trust me, Jesse?"

And in that moment, to feel the answer with such certainty. Such absolute conviction that he knew, he simply knew it could never have happened any other way, with any other person in any other place or at any other time than right here, right now, with Apollo and everything that the dolphin had to offer him.

"Y-yes. Yes, I trust you."

The dolphin beamed. He kissed Jesse once more, drew back from the raptor just a single step, and spoke in a loud, clear voice for someone or something other than his new lover to hear.

"Engage sweetheart protocols. Antigrav clamps. Wrists, ankles, tail. Voice authorisation access, Apollo Sixty-Nine Sixty-Nine."

A gentle whirring sound filled the apartment, emanating from somewhere behind Jesse. Before the raptor could say or do anything to try and identify it though, or to ask Apollo what any of the things he just said actually meant, he received an answer to all those questions. Whizzing through the air, a pair of padded metal braces clamped themselves down around Jesse's wrists. A split-second later another pair locked themselves in place on his lower legs, and another moment after that a fifth one encircled the base of his powerful tail. Jesse had a moment, just a moment to look down at the pieces of obviously high tech gear, and then to look up at Apollo in confusion, then he was crying out in shock as they all began to glow, and suddenly his feet were pulled out from under him as the four manacles rose to four points equally high off the ground, and carried him up with them in a bubble of artificial anti-gravity.

"A-Apollo, what are you... a-aah... oh god!"

The sensation of being suddenly, effectively weightless as he was freed from gravity's clutches made Jesse's head spin. He was brought right back to earth however, only to be catapulted spaceward once again almost immediately afterwards, when he felt something soft and warm against the sole of his scaled, talon-like left foot. He struggled, but found that weightless as he was the four manacles holding him were utterly immobile, locked in place against his struggling precisely where they were hovering and holding him aloft. All he could do was peer down the length of his body, over his still erect and straining, pre-cum glistening cock, to where Apollo was standing in front of his floating form. Standing and applying gentle kisses to the sole of his foot, flicking it with the tip of his tongue, and grinning up at Jesse as one of the dolphin's now free hands stroked his cock.

"Tell me again. Tell me you trust me..."

Between kisses, between teasing touches from tongue to footpaw that made Jesse gasp, blush and giggle uncontrollably in ticklish excitement, Apollo moaned to the raptor. Soon he reached up with his free hand, tapped a few times at some holographic buttons which appeared on the ankle manacle as soon as his own wrist mounted console came into immediate range of it, and Jesse whimpered as all of a sudden the leg that he had been utterly incapable of moving was being shifted with ease by Apollo's touch.

"I want to make this night special for you. I want to make it full of wonders you'll remember for the rest of your life, no matter what else we share or don't share beyond it."

As the dolphin addressed Jesse once again he guided the raptor's foot lower and lower in relation to the rest of his body, and it didn't take long for Jesse to feel where it was headed even if he was incapable of seeing it at that angle. His toes curled and splayed out in excitement, his whole body trembled in anticipation, and sure enough just moments later he felt the straining length of Apollo's cock against his foot. His head span. Jesse was inexperienced, sure. He was a virgin, yeah, whatever. But he'd seen more than his share of porn. He'd interacted in more than his share of holo-vids. And in doing so, Jesse had come to one conclusion and one conclusion alone.

Whatever he did or did not experience for himself with a real, living person... it was undeniable to the raptor that he was kinky as hell. He'd done things in holo-vids, or at the very least watched videos of other people doing things, that made him blush to even think about them. He'd fantasised about sharing in all sorts of sexual acts beyond the standard few, if there was such a thing as standard when it came to sex. And amongst those actions, something he'd watched and longed to experience over and over again, was the opportunity to use other parts of his body to get someone off. His muzzle, his cock, his ass, sure. But... his hands. His feet. His tail.

Now though, it was happening. It was really, truly happening, and thus Jesse was faced with the odd situation of finding out whether or not something he had believed in fantasy was actually true when it came to the un-exaggerated, messy and more complex matter of reality.

He felt Apollo rock his hips back and forth, humping his cock against the base of the raptor's paw, and to his delight, to his wondrous excitement, Jesse cried out in lust.

"D-don't stop. Keep doing that. P-please. More!"

Once again he felt one of Apollo's hands upon his angle, this time the one still held motionless in mid air. A few taps from the dolphin's dextrous digits however and it too was mobile once again, it too was soon being lowered while the rest of Jesse's body remained weightless and helpless in the anti-gravity field, the raptor locked in this high tech bondage and moaning, gasping with no desire whatsoever to be set loose once again. His eyes rolled back in his head, and the tip of his tail twitched as best it could while locked down just like the rest of his limbs when he felt his feet being positioned next to one another, sole to sole like a tunnel. He wished he could have seen what was happening in that moment, but in a way to feel it without sight as a crutch made it even more intense.

"A-ahh... yes..."

Despite it being Apollo's cock receiving the stimulation, it was Jesse who cried out, Jesse whose cock strained and sent a burst of pre-cum launching through the air in the bubble of anti-gravity surrounding the lustful utahraptor when the dolphin pressed his cock between Jesse's feet and began to fuck the opening they had created.

"Apollo. Oh. Ooh god..."

So willingly, so eagerly Jesse allowed Apollo to take total control. To not just pleasure himself using the raptor's willing body, but to move Jesse, to pose and play with him like he was as much a sex toy as a lover. It all felt so unfamiliar to the raptor, and yet so right. So easy. It came so naturally, it was like they'd been lovers for months rather than minutes. And thus, Jesse wasn't even really thinking about what he was saying, just letting his mind and muzzle run free without the slightest filter, when he cried out to Apollo once more as the dolphin grunted, gasped and humped ever more vigorously and enjoyably at the raptor's smoothly scaled feet.

"Yes! O-oh please. Oh god, yes, Apollo. Fuck! Ah... ahhh, f-fuck me!"

Apollo's thrusts ceased instantly.

Jesse's eyes widened, and his cheeks flushed crimson beneath his scales and feathers.

"I... I m-mean..."

He began to recant, to retract what he had said. But then he frowned. He frowned because he didn't know why he was trying to take it back, and why he was trying to in any way deny or hold back from admitting to Apollo the simple truth.

Craning his neck up as best he could where he hung weightless and motionless within that erotic anti-grav bubble, Jesse's eyes met Apollo's own.

"No. T-that's exactly what I mean. Apollo, please, I... I'm ready. I've been ready from the moment your hand touched mine in the bar."

The raptor took a deep breath, let it out in a ragged moan, and begged to the dolphin whose pre-cum he could feel tingling against the soles of his feet even now. It felt right. It felt like it was time. And though for several years now Jesse had been waiting and hoping for this day to come one agonising day at a time, suddenly the raptor was glad that he'd waited. Before now, he had wanted to have sex, and to find someone to share in that experience with. But here, with Apollo, the raptor didn't just want it. He didn't just desire or crave it.

"I need you to fuck me, Apollo. Now."

His cheeks flushed. He giggled nervously, bashfully at his own forcefulness, and as the dolphin grinned back at him, he murmured one last gentle word.



"O-oh... Apollo, this is..."

When Jesse had felt Apollo releasing him from the anti-gravity field, he had been almost disappointed. He'd had visions of roaring in pleasure, hips bucking, cum fountaining weightlessly into the air around him as he was fucked right there floating in the midst of the dolphin's home. But now that they were here, now that they were stumbling into Apollo's bedroom in one another's arms and Jesse was able to see why the dolphin had guided him there, he was immensely glad that once again he had trusted in his more experienced lover.

In the centre of the room against the back wall sat a large bed with luxuriously soft looking sheets, but that was not what drew Jesse's eye and made his heart race. Instead, it was the four objects, the four hexagonal machines hanging from the ceiling at each of the bed's four corners which so excited and enraptured the raptor. The twenty fifth century had a great many technological marvels, and many of them were things that people took for granted even though as little as one or two hundred years ago that tech might have appeared near indistinguishable from magic to the everyday person on the street. When it came to those hexagonal machines though, Jesse didn't know of them because they were commonplace technology. He knew of them because they were cutting edge. Because they were at the forefront of technological development within one very particular industry in which Jesse had a fair degree of knowledge.

"T-those are... amplifiers."

He had watched videos, porn videos, made using these pieces of technology. High end, professionally made porn movies because with few exceptions no-one else could afford to buy them yet.

Jesse allowed himself to be led to the bed, he moaned as together they crawled up onto it, and lay down side by side upon its soft sheets as Apollo nodded, grinned, and began to tap at his wrist-mounted console once again.

"Apollo. O-oh my god. How... h-how did you get hold of pleasure amplifiers?!"

Sensory manipulation had been a field of technological study for centuries. Using sound waves to induce a state of confusion in enemy troops on the battlefield. Using them to restore hearing to someone who had lost it or had been born without it. But, only more recently had technology advanced to a point where more broad sensory manipulation could be achieved through specific activation of neural pathways within the brain. A sound so precisely attuned to the chemical signals a body produced, that it could effectively synthesise feeling, both physical and emotional, by provoking the appropriate chemical receptors which brought those feelings into being.

And now, Jesse found himself surrounded by that very technology. Trembling, whimpering in anticipation as the dolphin rolled him onto his back and straddled his feathered body, a broad grin crossing his smooth, bluish toned beak.

"The same way I got hold of the drinks at the bar. The same way I let us have fun during our ride back here. The same way I ended up with a cutie like you in bed with me. I saw something I wanted... so I worked until I made it happen."

They kissed. They squirmed and shuffled against one another. Apollo grinned as he scooted away for just a moment, returning with a small bottle of lubricant. Even in the future, nothing assisted getting fucked better than a little lube. Nothing, that is, except perhaps for a lot of lube. Jesse's eyes bulged and his clawed toes curled as he felt Apollo's fingers upon his ass, slathering his pucker with the cool, glistening and slippery lubricant. His eyes widened, and a ragged groan escaped him as while the dolphin nuzzled and kissed at the nape of his neck, the raptor felt something hard, hot and deliciously more realistic than any toy he'd ever plunged into his backside coming to bear against his opening.

He felt Apollo shift a little, and hear the tapping of fingertips against the dolphin's wrist console once again. He heard a brief, momentary hum that filled his ears as the machines spooled up and activated their sub-sonic speakers, broadcasting waves of sensory amplifying energy which centred and pooled upon the bed, right where the two of them were lying.

The raptor's cock throbbed, and he choked back a scream of pleasure at the intensity of the sensation that crashed over him as his erection twitched and rubbed against the smooth flesh of the man whose stomach was leaning down directly over him. He felt Apollo's hips buck, and this time he couldn't hold back his strangled, overwhelmed cry at the extreme pleasure that surged through his body when that incredible curved cock probed beyond the very opening of his clutching, lubricated sphincter.

"Yes... y-yes... fuck me!"

The raptor's arms and legs wrapped themselves tight around the back of the dolphin's deliciously smooth, strong body. He watched Apollo's face contort in pleasure, obviously more accustomed to the intense potency of the sensory amplifier's efforts but still unable to entirely control himself where they were concerned. He heard a frantic cry escape Apollo, matching it with one of his own as the dolphin drove his hips forward more forcefully, and plunged several inches of his cock into Jesse's tight, no longer virgin ass. The dolphin thrust again, and again, and again as his and Jesse's cries rang out with feverish, blissful madness around the bedroom, every last burst of stimulation feeling like it should have been worthy of an orgasm in its own right, yet each following one surpassing it by a considerable margin.

They clung to one another. They moaned, gasped, howled at the top of their lungs in their shared euphoria as the bed began to creak and the intensity of their fucking was bolstered to ever greater heights by the feelings it offered in return. Apollo's cock twitched deep within Jesse's depths, and as the curved length of that gorgeous cock dragged itself across the utahraptor's prostate, Jesse screamed Apollo's name not just in pleasure, not just in gratitude for what the dolphin was sharing with him, but with something so much more than that.

Apollo had given Jesse what he had wanted, what he had needed, and so many things now that he had never even conceived of experiencing for himself. And in return, all that the dolphin had asked of him was his trust.

"Aaa-aahhhh, Apollo!"

And he had it.

Implicitly, without question, regardless of the fact they had only known one another for a matter of hours, Apollo had Jesse's complete trust. And now, as they fucked, as they writhed and bucked and felt themselves racing towards orgasms rendered every bit as impossibly hyper-pleasant as every sensation so far, Apollo had more than that.

Apollo had Jesse's complete, sincere devotion, and perhaps even the beginnings of the raptor's love.

"Apollo! Oh god! Oh... ohh fuck yes! F-fuck.... fuck me! Harder. Deeper! O-oh god, yes!"

It was coming. It was coming fast. Jesse could feel a riling, boiling pressure within himself. Within his balls, rising towards the surface like a tide. Like a tsunami. The raptor's toes curled. His feathered tail thumped against the bed below, and as his claws dug into Apollo's back with helpless fury, he heard the dolphin let loose a cry that betrayed the fact they were both approaching orgasm with force and speed only made possible by the devices surrounding them. And yet, much as this incredible pleasure and the haste with which it was overcoming them was due to the amplifiers bathing them in potent sub-sonic ecstasy, at the same time they both knew it wouldn't, it couldn't possibly have felt this good alone, or indeed perhaps with anyone else.

"Jesse! I... o-oh yes. Oh! Cum. Jesse, I'm g-gonna... aahhhfuck. Cum with me! Now!"

The dolphin grunted into the raptor's ear, and Jesse's body surged with its desire, it's giddy eagerness to obey his lover's words. The pleasure was too much. Too intense to bear, too glorious for their minds to have the left over capacity to conjure up a single coherent thought. The pleasure was everything. Everywhere. It consumed and coursed through every last cell of their bodies, and when finally those tech enhanced sensations reached their true apex, neither Jesse nor Apollo could hold back for themselves or for one another for even a single second longer.

Hissing, roaring, legs kicking out into the air and clawed fingers digging into Apollo's smooth skin, Jesse's cock twitched and began to pump forth cum in what felt to the raptor like obscene, impossible quantities as he felt the sticky wetness lash out between his and Apollo's flat, trembling stomachs. The first wave was more intense than any orgasmic release Jesse had ever known, but what followed it, another eruption of pleasure, then another and another and another in rapid succession, it redefined what Jesse knew of as pleasure. The machine, the dolphin, the entire night leading up to this moment, it all combined to carry his orgasm out of the stratosphere and beyond the stars. His jaw fell slack. His eyes glazed over, half open and fluttering. His cock twitched again and again and again as it drained his balls of every drop of cum it had to offer, and even then continued to throb in dry, unceasing orgasmic rapture. And aside from the straining, pulsing release of his own erection, the only thing of which Jesse remained aware throughout that impossibly long, impossibly irresistible orgasm was Apollo's own climax matching his own beat for blissful beat in its wild intensity.

"Yes! _Yes!! A-aahh... aahhhhgodfuck, Jesse! Fuck, y-yessssssss _!"

Hot cum flooded Jesse's ass as Apollo came. The dolphin pressed his hips forward and held himself deep within Jesse for the first five, maybe ten seconds of his intense, overwhelming climax, but as the sensory enhancement device worked its magic and the pleasure of his peak just kept on ramping up alongside the raptor's own, he couldn't remain at rest for long. Still cumming, still twitching and spurting deep into the raptor's backside, Apollo began to fuck Jesse harder than ever. To pound the raptor's ass relentlessly, pushing his own muscles beyond their limits to drive himself harder, faster, deeper into the wailing, hissing raptor's tight, clenching ass. They clung together, they screamed together, they climaxed together for what had to have been more than a minute under the thrall of the devices set up around them. And even though this was far from Apollo's first time experiencing the enhanced highs that the amplifiers could offer, never before, whether alone or with companionship, could he ever recall feeling quite so... complete, in the shared roaring, moaning and wailing that accompanied their elongated, hyper-intense mutual ecstasy.

"O-oh... oh, fuck..."

When it was over, when even the amplifiers continued effects couldn't coax their bodies into cumming any more, the two men collapsed together in a limp, trembling, gasping heap. They made no effort to move, no effort to part from one another, and even as Jesse felt Apollo's cock slowly softening, leaving his ass gaping, dripping with the liberal quantities of cum with which it had been so abundantly filled, he still left both his arms and legs wrapped around the dolphin's body, however limply, not wishing to give Apollo any reason to pull away from their embrace unless the dolphin wanted to.

His cheeks flushed beneath his scales and feathers, and as he felt the gentle touch of lips against his forehead, a soft, weary, joyous whimper escaped Jesse's toothy maw.

His head span. His heart thundered in his chest as blindly in his fatigue Jesse sought out those lips, making contact with the dolphin's beak and his own muzzle. And as they kissed, as they lay there together, exhausted, satisfied and yet in that deep kiss betraying there desire for more, Jesse whimpered as he came to a wonderful realisation.

That had been his first time. It had happened and... it had been incredible.

But, beyond that, there was something even more amazing. Something even more incredible to the no longer virgin raptor.

He'd had his first time, and now as he lay pinned beneath Apollo, the dolphin kissing him deeper and deeper despite their shared state of fatigue, it felt as though he was already well past his first time, and on the way to a second.

"Stay with me."

Apollo moaned to him between breathless kisses, his weight pinning the raptor down as though hoping to emphasise how much easier and more preferable an option that would be.

"Stay with me tonight. All night. And I promise you... your first time? It'll only be one of so, so many new memories we'll make together."

By Jeeves

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