Meet the Orca's (Part III)

Story by GerShark on SoFurry

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#3 of Sharky Days

/* A continuation directly after part 2, should be good fun. As always, I appreciate your comments or critiquing, so please leave feedback after you clean up. This one does have sex, and I hope you enjoy. /*

I slid my snout lightly along the orca's beak, the smooth skin of both faces gliding almost frictionless against each other. My head nestled up and atop hers while her head buried itself in my shoulder and neck, her tongue giving soft, wet licks along my warm flesh there out of sight of other patrons in the restaurant. I just smiled and squeezed her frame tightly to me, her breasts mashing up against my chest for a moment before I let go.

"I wasn't expecting to see you again for a while yet. What are you doing here?" I asked her, still in silent shock that she had found out where I worked, found out my shift, and also dressed appropriately.

"Your roommate was more then willing to sate my curiosity over the phone." She said with a playful wink, "And I wanted to see you again when you didn't know I was around, just to see what type of shark you were." She replied quietly close to my head. She kissed the side of my snout afterwards. "As I got home the day after our little fun, my parents took me swimming. They can smell just about as well as you can underwater, so it didn't take long for them to pick up your scent all over me. The questions wouldn't stop, and I couldn't dodge them fast enough... and they found out I was coming to meet you. They set up reservations at this restaurant and we drove up here together."

I felt somewhat awkward hearing that, my heart beginning to beat slightly faster now that I noticed two other orca's in the room sitting at a table with two empty chairs. "What happens if I'm not the shark you thought I was, or the one your parents like?" I asked, curious and also slightly confused.

She just chuckled quietly and kissed me once more on the neck, "I knew it wouldn't be an issue, and it's not..." She replied, "If you weren't who you were around me when you were around everyone else, then you wouldn't be anyone I'd be interested in anyways and I would have had a nice meal regardless."

I let out a long, quiet sigh of relief over her shoulder hearing those words. Partially because I knew she was sincere, but also because I knew she was crafty, yet open with her thoughts and feelings. Definitely someone a shark like me could get along with. "I'm glad you're back..." I said after a few moments of just holding her in a warm embrace.

Her parents had been watching for a while, but had turned back to their menus while we chatted and they ordered their food. I looked to the waitress and she gave a soft smirk and a nod, signaling the boss was away for a while so he was safe. I took Heather's hand in my own and she escorted me over to her parent's table, where we sat down for an awkward moment of silence.

Her father was a tall, well built fellow. He didn't seem like the body-builder type, and also not the type to do heavy labor. He must just have a naturally strong, agile build like my father did. He was handsome and sharp looking, giving off an aura of importance, although he didn't seem stuck-up. Heather's mother was cute to say the least, in all honesty she was hot. Her body was thin but not lanky, strong, but not muscular, and her face was naturally beautiful and shapely.

Her father reached out his right arm over the table towards me invitingly, "You must be Gerik. It's nice to meet you. Heather was going on and on about you at home, so we finally gave in and decided to meet you with her. We were hoping it'd be slow like now so we could get a chance to talk, I just hope you're not too surprised." I heard a small knock under the table of a tail swatting someone, and noticed her father's face show a playful cringe.

I took the outstretched hand in my own, giving it a firm squeeze and a solid shake which was returned likewise, almost painfully. My eyes drifted towards Heather, since her father's story was different then the one she told and her cheeks were obviously a bit red from embarrassment. "Well I'd be lying if I said I wasn't surprised to see any of you here, but it's a nice surprise. Usually work gets a bit slow on a late Saturday morning." I replied, trying to not sound silly. "Luckily I got the morning shift this time so I have a good while before my boss gets here. So what all have you heard about me?"

Her mother then cut in with a hand across the table to shake, which I took and shook. "That you were a male shark, that you swam, that you were the same major as our daughter, and that you played piano." She spoke, obviously the type to not beat around the bush with her words. Her voice was more forward and confident then Heather's was, but it was still feminine and quite attractive. "We're just glad she found another aquatic species to date, even if you aren't an orca."

My eyes shot to Heather's, surprised to learn we were dating now. Not that I minded one bit, it just made it easier on me, and put less stress on my position here. She just smiled sweetly back at me with a knowing smile, her tail-tip brushing along my own under the table affectionately. The conversation was broken when the waitress came out with four plates of food, it turns out my flatmate was nice enough to give away my favorite dish that the restaurant served as well... all you can eat cod. It wasn't cheap, but I had been swimming this morning, so my appetite was burning a hole in my stomach.

I tried minding my manners while her parents were here, but the steaming plate of fish was too perfect looking to let sit still any longer. My hands dashed for the knife and fork and I dove head first into my plate, figuratively speaking. The other three began to laugh quietly after a few moments when I looked up with an empty plate, only to see the waitress there with another two larger plates for me. It turns out she had just been waiting there the entire time with the plates resting on the other side of the counter she was leaning against. I smiled a thanks and continued, letting the waitress explain.

"That's how he gets after he swims, I'm just lucky I have all my fingers left." She said, waving a few of them in the air playfully before she gave my head a playful pat. I replied with a sated mm from the back of my throat, still not full, but definitely thankful for the large quantity of food.

After the food came, the atmosphere was much more relaxed and the conversation drifted from and to each individual at the table, learning bits and pieces about each other while munching away on mostly seafood. Her parents were quite respectable orca's back in the larger city she came from, and it showed in their attire and demeanor.

After the food was done, my shift was just about over. There weren't many people in the restaurant, and most of them were just there to try and sell their wares to businessmen while paying for an expensive meal to make it seem like they cared, so they didn't mind me not playing. Then the conversation turned somewhat awkward again.

"So... what are you guys planning on doing while you're up here?" I asked the family of orca's, they all looking to the other before speaking.

"I thought Heather told you already. She's moving back up here in the dorm, she got a special override to come back early because we wrote a letter saying it was extenuating circumstances." Her father finally said.

I blinked and looked at heather. She replied, "I like to keep track of favors my parents owe me, and cash them in when the time is right."

I grinned, such a crafty orca, this relationship would be fun. "I see. Well that should be fun seeing her again, although now that we have no schoolwork to do we'll have to find other things to do." My eyes went wide for a moment as I thought about what I just said and the double meaning in those words. I opened my mouth to try to explain before the waitress came by with our check, obviously having overheard what I just said.

She smiled on the corner of her lip closest me and winked while she slid the bill across the table, using her paws hidden behind the menu she was carrying to count to three. On the third count she lifted her paw from the bill and her father immediately reached for it. I had inside information though and scooped it out from beneath his hand just before it landed. I raised it back to her with a broad grin, "I'll take the employee discount, and just place it on my tab." I looked at it when she took it, and all it had written on it was, 'You're welcome sharky, this meals on the house.' in the waitress's handwriting.

I couldn't hold back a smirk and politely thanked the waitress as she walked off, looking back towards the table. Her father knew there was only one way I could have known when to move.

"You cheated, son. I demand a rematch." He said with a playful grin, "Because next time, I'm buying." He soon rose up from his chair and started putting on his coat, the rest of us soon following suit. "Just make it worth my time, and make it a wedding dinner." He asides to me out of ear-shot of everyone else.

I just smirked, but the red on my cheeks just couldn't be hidden. I looked to Heather and petted her tail with my own to get her attention, "Riding home with me, or with your parents?" I asked, which she quickly responded to by sliding up next to me and caressing my rump with her smooth hand sneakily behind me.

"I'll go with you, Gerik. My parents just came for the meal." She replied, her parents already fully clothed and ready to go.

Her mother and father both gave me a handshake goodbye with broad smiles, seeming to have enjoyed themselves. As they're leaving his dad eyes the slip that the waitress had left on the counter for our meal, reading the words on it before he turns back to me looking at him. He just smirks and flicks his tail, "Well played..." He says under his breath as he walks out of the restaurant.

I look to Heather beside me as I chuckle and she gives me a curious look, not knowing what that was all about. I decide to change subjects and tug her to my side as I walk out to my car, letting our bodies keep each other warm. "Your place or mine?" I ask her, palm wandering her rear and giving a firm squeeze through her dress.

She jumps a slight bit from the squeeze and laughs, "Your place, of course. The dorms will be locked up until tomorrow when they let early students in."

I perked an eye-ridge curiously as we each got into my car, the engine quiet after starting up. "Do your parents know that little bit of information?" I ask her, her only response being a sweet smile.

I just laugh and shake my head, sliding the manual transmission into reverse lazily while I begin backing up and taking the somewhat short drive home. The music of choice for a trip like this is classical. Smooth, quiet, soothing, classical music. We barely get through one or two songs before we're at my apartment building though and I swing the door open to find my roommate's just starting to get ready for work. He waves us in as he lifts his feet up and turns on the TV, relaxing while he veges for a few minutes.

"Hey there, lovebirds. How was the first meeting with the parents?" He says with a snicker, flipping through episodes of shows we'd recorded before just turning on his XBOX 360.

"How'd you know about that?" I ask him, looking between him and Heather before I sit myself down on the couch in my usual spot. Heather plops herself down right beside me and leans against my side, my arm resting comfortably over her shoulder.

Neither of them even try to respond to my question as soon our gaze gets lost in the game my friend is playing. He's doing fairly well online now that he's all practiced up again, and we're cheering and egging him on playfully. My hand pet lazily over Heather's side and arm while relaxing, and her own hand wanders up my chest lazily, just idly cuddling each other.

It doesn't take long for the cuddling to start turning more sinister though, my roommate oblivious to my hand roaming behind Heather to rest under her warm rump. I leave it there to see how she responds, and she just moves her hand down my chest to rest on my inner thigh, her ass flexing in my palm and squishing down against it. I press my claws at her dress and feel the smoothness of the silk against my fingertips, not daring touch any harder in fear of ripping the expensive threading. Her hand close to my crotch brushes her fingertips gently over my groin, caressing the warmth hidden beneath with gentle touches.

I shiver, but that's all I can do; my roommate's gaze locked on the TV while I press my body tightly against my lover's. Her hand presses to my crotch and her palm rests firmly against my hidden dick that's soon throbbing against the lining between her fingers. She squeezes the part of my cock that she can through my pants, brushing the sides and webbing of her fingers over the fabric which only makes me hotter down there. I decide the teasing can't be one way, and I slide my palm forward under her rump. I curl my middle claw upwards from behind her and soon it peeks up between her legs, although it's still hidden by her dress that drapes over the front. I smirk and start working that claw tip against her slit, feeling the warm, slick moisture soak through the cloth and reach my finger-tip. Her head buries itself in my shoulder and I feel her let out a deep breath there, that claw-tip grazing over her folds slowly and teasingly at first while the silk makes the sensation that much smoother for her.

The teasing was just getting interesting as the TV suddenly shuts off and my roommate rises to his feet with a wide yawn, smacking his lips and slipping his shoes on lazily while he grabs for his coat. Heather quickly moves her palm to my thigh and my hand stays absolutely still beneath her, my roommate glancing back for a moment before he slips himself out down the hallway that leads outside.

I release a relaxed sigh as he's finally gone, my free paw having undone the button to my pants by now so my throbbing dick can at least get some air. I lean back fully and let my body relax some before I suddenly feel Heather's lips wrap tightly around my glans. My body shivers heavily and I moan out, looking down to see Heather on her knees between my legs, and her mouth suckling hard on my firm erection that's been aching to get release ever since I laid eyes on her in the restaurant. My hand drops to her head and applies firm, although caring pressure to encourage her to go deeper.

She very willingly complies and her head soon starts bobbing gently on my cock, taking more and more of it into her maw with each undulation. Throaty groans escape my mouth while she does, her lips soon bumping up to the very base of my cock as I feel the glans brush through her throat muscles. The warmth and slickness of the deepest parts of the orca's mouth almost bring me to climax instantly, but I hold back and get by on just a heavy spurt of my pre-seed staining her lips with my flavor once again.

She groans deeply when she gets the taste, her tongue soon sliding firmly up and down my cum slit as her saliva slathers over the entire length of shaft buried balls deep in her mouth. She sucks hard on my cock tip in her throat, just begging to get another taste of my pre-cum that soon begins to seep out messily into her gut.

She soon pulls off my cock for a breath though with a toothy smirk spread across her lips, watching me breath deeply with a look of pure bliss on my face while my dick visibly throbs in the air in front of her mouth. She slides her broad tongue up the bottom of it from base to tip, teasing at my glans afterwards with a long sweep of the length of her tongue, letting it slide down the middle of that slick, wet muscle.

I can't take it anymore, and I stand up in front of her, my paw on the back of her head pulling her tight to my crotch while my dick plants itself deep in her throat once again. She took a deep breath preparing for this, and it was obvious she was just waiting for me to snap and mate her snout this way.

Both my paws move to rest on the back of her head, and my hips take it upon themselves to start muzzle-fucking the orca that groans out heatedly over my shaft. The vibrations along my dick pull a deep groan from me as my tail curls up behind me, all this teasing having gotten to me rather quickly. Her tongue slides under my dick and moves opposite my hip's motions while her throat tugs on my length as it recedes, trying to bring me to a climax I'll remember for the rest of my life.

My thrusting begins to grow needy, ferocious, and lustful as my head rolls back in passion, jaws parted in pure ecstasy while the warmth that encases my length begins to squeeze and flex. The orca's begun swallowing around my thick shaft that plunges through her, and I feel her hand brush over my thigh close to my groin. I look down to see and she's preparing to grab the base of my length. I'm curious as to why for a split moment before I soon gasp out loudly, my abs flexing up to show my firm 6-pack and my entire body stiffening while my climax hits.

She pulls my shaft free from her mouth and uses her hand to jerk me off furiously, feeling it throb and flex until the first shot builds inside of the flesh she holds so tightly. My breath freezes and my lower body flexes up tight, my inner muscles pumping powerfully as the first shot of seed gets shot hard out from my glans. She aims it right for her mouth and douses her tongue with a line of my cum, the orca then leaning forward and taking a long lick up the bottom of my shaft. As she gets closer, my dick points more and more upwards, and my next jet of cum shoots upwards to land in a line on her face and on the top of her head.

She takes my balls into her mouth and brushes her broad tongue over them, teasing and fondling at my shivering sac as my cum starts spraying messily over her face and head. After getting thoroughly coated on her smooth head, she opens her eyes and leans back, continuing to massage my dick while my seed splatters over her chest and dress, dripping down her cleavage and making a mess of her breasts as well as her neck as my body's peak begins to slow. My chest begins to untense, and I look lovingly over Heather's cum-soaked face with a broad grin. She returns a toothy smirk up at me and takes a final, long, seductive lick up my dick before pulling the cock into her mouth once again to suck me clean.

My knees almost collapse from pleasure before she pulls her head back, my shaft pulling free with a loud 'Pop'. I fall back onto the couch, face giving a dazed and confused expression to her as the intense aftermath of my climax washes over me. She crawls up onto the couch and rests here knees on either side of my body, her face looking affectionately down at me before she rises her crotch up to my face and the front of her dress lifts to expose her very wet crotch to me. I notice her soaked panties are on the couch beside me, and one hand rests on my shoulder while the other pulls my head firmly, but lovingly to her crotch. I inhale and catch a hefty whiff of her scent which makes my eyes roll back for a moment in lust.

Her voice is somewhat soft and needy, but I think I hear...

"Now it's your turn..."