We don't hate being micros - Chapter 6

Story by Jevin on SoFurry

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We don't hate being micros - Chapter 6

Veir smiles gently, nosing into Din's fur and looking up once the hug ends. He can't help but wonder what Din meant by 'my little wolf' but he doesn't question it, not yet at least. He's just really happy that Din seems to be taking the news well. Din lets Veir settle back down on his leg and crosses them before leaning back into the cushion of the couch.

"I wish we could all stop using these cloakers. I feel so much better now that I'm not hiding this, you know. I always felt like others were watching me, waiting for me to make a mistake but now... now it doesn't matter," Veir says gently, leaning back to look across his living room towards the coffee table for no particular reason.

"Well I imagine it's hard being so small. Wouldn't you rather be large?" Din asks curiously, peering towards the wolf in his lap again.

"No," Veir says gently, swaying his tail a little. "We only use cloakers because we have to. We're micros and we're not unhappy about that... my mom told me, a long time ago, that I should remember that I'm still a micro even if I'm using my cloaker and that there isn't anything wrong with being our normal height; it's just infeasable at times."

Din chuckles a little, rubbing his finger into Veir's headfur for a moment. "I can agree with that. Be proud of who you are."

"Veir?" squeaks Cameron as he limps down the hallway, having heard the commotion earlier but, due to his injuries, is only just able to make it to the living room. His eyes widen as he stares up at the massive lapine settled on the couch at the other end of the hallway and begins to back away.

"It's okay, little guy. Veir is right here and he's not hurt," Din speaks, scooping Veir up and holding him in sight of the cougar.

"I'm fine, Cameron. I... well, I decided to tell Din. Guess I'm no good at keeping secrets" He sways his tail a little. "You shouldn't be out of bed, your leg isn't healed yet."

The cougar waves his hand a little bit. "No, I'll be fine. I can walk, I'll just have to be careful." He moves towards the two and Din scoops the feline up as well, "Two micros, hmm? Well, isn't it my lucky day? I hardly ever saw any when I was in the southern territories. I'm Din, by the way. Nice to meet you..."

"Cameron" the cougar says, giving the rabbit's finger a little petting before looking to the wolf a bit anxiously. "Veir? Truthfully, I didn't just come out here to check on you... I think I'm going to leave today. I don't want to wait any longer to go after George. I know you'll protest but, please, I don't think I can wait any longer. I have to know if he's okay and the longer I wait the less likely it is that I'll find him."

"It's alright, I understand. Before you go, though, I have a present for you." He tosses something golden to the cougar who catches it and blinks. It takes him a moment to realize what it is but when he does...

"Veir! I can't, this is worth way too much. I can't accept-"

"I don't need it, just take it. You want to find George, right? Well, you're injured and you need to move quickly, so use my cloaker. It'll make finding him easier and... when you find him... I think he'll be happy to have it. Isn't that what you two were looking for?" The smile on Veir's face never fades.

"...I won't forget this, Veir," The cougar jumps off of Din's lap and onto the couch, slowly slipping the ring on. He feels a sudden rush and, in the blink of an eye, he's 6' tall. He looks over himself and grins widely. "Wow... this is amazing," He walks around a little bit and purrs to himself before leaning to nuzzle at the small wolf.

Veir mmrfs and rubs at the cougar's nose, "Find your brother and stay out of trouble, alright?"

Cameron grins widely, "I will. And someday I'll repay you for this... for everything you've done for me and George." He waves to the two, "I'll be off, then. Take care Veir, Din. I intend to find you again after I find George. Count on it..." He smiles and opens the door, stepping out with renewed spirits.

Din can't help but enjoy the scene while marvelling at the power of the micros' cloaker technology. 'I wonder if they've surpassed us in other ways as well? It has been a long time since there have been any big rampages... And the micro cities are underground now so they -have- had time to recover without being bothered.' He waves Cameron off until the door shuts

"That was awfully sweet of you, Veir. But what about you? Now you have no cloaker," Din moves his hand back to his lap and looks to the wolf in his other hand.

"My mom will probably just give me my dad's anyway. I... didn't want to take his because I know how much it means to her but I don't want Cameron leaving in that condition, either. His leg is still pretty badly sprained and a handicapped micro... handicapped almost describes us when we're -not- injured and around giants. If he can't move quickly then--" The wolf shakes his head, cringing at the thought. "He needed it."

Veir sways his tail, "Anyway, I need to go back to my mom's house. We submitted the report about those devices and we should have a reply today. Care to come with me? I'm sure she'll be surprised but, since it's you, I don't think she'll mind having you there."

Din stands up and stretches, settling the little wolf on his shoulder and smiling, "Sure, shall we go then?"


Veir's mom opens the door as soon as the two arrive and, for a moment, she looks to Din with surprise. She notices her son on his shoulder but before she can speak Veir clears things up.

"It's okay, mom, I told him. He's.. He's okay with it. I know it might not be easy but... please trust him. We came to see if there was a reply to the report yet?"

She looks at Din for a moment longer, "Best friends with a giant..." She shakes her head but smiles and nods to Din, "Alright, come in. You've known Veir for a while so I suppose it was only a matter of time before the secret got out to you. Unfortunately, Veir, there was a reply and it's not good."

Din smiles, "Good morning, Mrs. Gill." He walks in after her, following her into the living room where he sits and places Veir down on the coffee table in front of the couch him and Veir's mom are settled on, "I swore to make sure Veir is safe! Don't worry, the secret is safe"

"What was the bad news, Mom?" Veir inclines his head to stare upwards towards the giant wolfess.

She looks to Din curiously but dismisses her thoughts quickly without much pause, "The reply says that there have been reports about strange signals picked up by devices like the one your teacher has, Veir. They don't know what to make of it yet but they're becoming suspicious. There have been talks about whether we've been able to develop this technology already. It does make sense, this would be a logical next step for us after the war. " She pauses for a moment and sighs, "We've warned everyone to be on high alert. Soon we may have people following us with those things, I wouldn't be surprised if someone 'disappears' or something, they've done it in the past and once they catch one of us there will most certainly be a domino effect."

"What do we do, then?" Veir frowns, "If we all just remove our rings and go into hiding then their suspicions will be confirmed but if we don't protect ourselves then we are all potential targets."

"Is there a way you can change the way the signal propagates?" Din asks, receiving a slight shake of the head from Mrs. Gill.

"Not quickly enough. We'd have to track down and change it for each and every ring. There are millions. We... ancticipated this but we thought we'd have more time to implement it. Perhaps in the long run that will be a good solution but, short term, we have to find a way to throw them off of our trail."

".... We'll figure something out. Where's your ring, Veir? Why are you normal height?" Mrs. Gill stares over her miniature son. Veir blinks then blushes a little.

"Well, you see... I kind of gave it to someone to use for a while. He's looking for his brother and... he's wounded. If he didn't have it then he'd end up dead. I had to give it to him, mom."

She frowns but waves her paw in the air with a sigh, "What am I going to do with you? I assume you expect to get your father's cloaker, then?"

"If I could have it, yes. I... I know you want to keep it safe. It's all we have left of him but you can trust me. I won't lose it and I won't give this one away."

"You know I'll give it to you, hun. I just wish you were less impulsive, that's all. Don't lose this, Veir. Your father died to allow us to have these things in the first place." She pulls a small armlet and hands it over to Veir, giving him a stern patting over his head with a finger. "Be careful with it, Veir. And please stay safe with these detectors floating around. Last thing I need to happen is for you to be caught." She peers over to Din for a moment, "And since you know the secret you have to stay quiet about it. Don't tell anyone, alright?"

"Don't worry, Mrs. Gill. Veir is important to me too. I won't just let anything happen to 'im. " He smiles a little, lifting his muzzle a bit and giving the shorter wolfess a glimpse of his tattoo. Her ears perk and then a smile spreads her muzzle.

Veir, having been examining the armlet this entire time, doesn't notice. After he finishes admiring his father's craftsmanship he slips it on and feels himself return to his larger form right atop the coffee table. He teeters a little and then jumps down from the coffee table, glad that it's pretty sturdy, and then hugs his mom. "Thank you, I won't let you down, mom."

Mrs. Gill hugs back and smiles to her son before hearing the phone ring. She goes to pick it up.

Shortly after, she hangs up and looks to Veir. "Din, please take Veir to your house and stay put for a bit."

She walks over and hugs Veir, "Be safe, hun. It seems your father left a loose end for us to tie up. I'll be back as soon as I can."

"Where are you going?" Veir asks, frowning.

"Don't worry, hun... Go." She pushes him gently and nods to Din who wraps his arm around Veir's shoulder, walking with him towards the door.

Veir frowns, something is really wrong but he knows his mother. If she's in such a hurry to get him out then something is coming... "Be safe, mom!" He shouts before Din leads him out.


"The walk is going by far too quickly, I don't think I can stand to be witness to another massacre and yet I am forced to stare on towards another micro city on the horizon. The thought that these giants were all too happy to destroy it... to humiliate us... and all in the name of making sure that we never feel a shred of dignity..." Ilo writes, feeling fatigued but unable to rest knowing that thousands if not hundreds of thousands of more souls would be lost tonight. "It sickens me. I know it's natural to be unhappy when you're on the losing side of a war but... they're enjoying this. I think they're happy to be in a war."

"We'll set up camp here, give'em a chance to come over and give up. Enjoy the rest of our prisoners while you relax eh, men?" Horus speaks with a wide grin, watching proudly as soldiers approach the cages and begin grabbing at screaming micros. They don't even discriminate based on the condition of the micro. Injured, healthy, poor, rich, it didn't matter to them.

Ilo squeaks and quickly closes his journal, removing his clothes so that he might stuff the journal beneath them in the hopes that it'd be spared any prying eyes. Despite being nearly naked he shows no lack of pride, at what pride of his remains intact. He figures he'll be humiliated whether he does or does not have clothes on. The paw of a raccoon comes in and grips at the ferret who struggles lightly but doesn't put up too much fight. He looks wearily up at the raccoon, sighing a little as he's taken into a nearby wooded area where, Ilo assumes, there will be privacy for the raccoon to enjoy his toy.

Once seated, the raccoon works his pants down a little bit and leans back against a tree. He drops the ferret onto a thick, musky, black-furred sheath and smiles widely down at him. Ilo shudders at the smell, feeling a little weak after catching his first whiff. It's powerful due to the size difference and the fact that the soldier 'coon has been marching for the last 6 or 8 hours. His stomach feels queasy but he starts to rub firmly against the fur of the sheath, knowing his life likely depends on it.

The raccoon churrs deeply and brings his fingers down to push down against the ferret, grinding him in place against his sheath, covering his fur in sweat and musk while smiling smugly. "Don't be shy, rodent. Really work it for me, alright? I'm a bit pent up from the rampage."

Ilo clenches his teeth, wanting to cry as he's forcefully ground into the sheath fur of the raccoon. He looks up long enough to see the huge black tip of the raccoon's cock pressing out of the sheath above him. The sight sends a chill down his back and it finally dawns on him that he'll be working on that soon. His body is already in pain from running as hard as he did when his home was attacked... from the abuse... being grabbed and nearly having his ribs broken between a giant's fingers, thrown to the ground after he bit the fingers in defense, and from getting kicked across the grass before finally being thrown in that cage... all of those wounds that'd only begun to feel better sear for the tiny ferret and he can only whimper a plead to his captor.

"I'm in no condition to do this" He says steadily, somehow able to keep his wits about him despite the musk, fear, and anger he feels. "My body won't... it can't.."

The raccoon rolls his eyes and grabs the ferret, bringing Ilo around to start grinding the ferret to the massive monster of a cock-tip in front of him. Ilo sputters as the first shot of pre-cum splatters over his face and chest but has no time to recover before he's moved upwards over the slit, the rest of his body becoming covered in pre-cum and slickened to the raccoon's liking.

He gets a moment's reprieve but only long enough for the raccoon to adjust his 9 inches of erection and press the ferret firmly atop it. He grasps the little, being without care for whether it hurts or even if Ilo survives; it simply feels too good. He grunts and moans out loudly as he begins to stroke himself using the tiny 4 inch mustelid, not even half as tall as his erection, to help sate his lust.

Ilo struggles and does his best to keep his limbs and digits out of the way of harm, hoping to spread the pressure over his body to give himself the best chance of getting out of this intact. The precum leaks down the massive cock and adds more insult to Ilo's body, covering him even more thoroughly while the 'coon above simply enjoys his struggles, watching from above while the tiny creature sandwiched between his hand and cock struggles for dear life. The 'coon revels in the fact that all these struggles are a result of him doing something so very simple. He's only masturbating, yet the ferret is in a fight to survive. The thought makes the 'coon laugh a little while he pulls Ilo up into a new position.

The raccoon presses Ilo's head right into his slit, rubbing the ferret's nose and muzzle there and holding the ferret's head in place with a thumb while he masturbates. Ilo, realizing what's about the happen, begins to struggle with renewed fervor. Unfortunately, the raccoon had anticipated this. In fact, he wanted it. Ilo's struggles only bring him to climax faster.

'What did we do to deserve....?' Cum slaps into Ilo's head, battering his muzzle and nose rather hard. In the end, his defenses give way and the cum floods into his muzzle, and into his nose. He struggles and thrashes, throwing his limbs around to try and escape but the raccoon's thumb holding his head in place is far too strong. By the time it's over the ferret is unconscious.

The raccoon wipes the rest of his cum off using the ferret's body and stands up, dangling the little ferret by the tail. He smirks, "Good boy." Before walking back to the cages and tossing Ilo back in, letting his body slap noisily, due to the fluids covering him, onto the floor of the cage.

Once awake, Ilo crawls over to his clothing and removes the pile. He uses his pants to dry his hands and picks his notebook up again.

"I feel terrible. It has to have been several hours since I was placed back into the cage. My head hurts more than I ever thought it could, it feels like it will explode at any moment. To my own humiliation, I'm still coughing up... globs... of the giant's bodily fluids. To top it off, my fur is beginning to dry and I have not been able to work up the energy to try and clean myself. I've lost all dignity, I can only sit here and write. As I write, I can see the giants in the distance. They're rampaging again; I can see the smoke rising from the city as it's trampled to the ground."

Ilo looks down for a moment, coughing and then spitting up a white, sticky substance. He growls and rubs his muzzle, shivering a little before noticing lumps of cloth strewn about the area. His eyes widen before he sighs and looks down, realizing what they are.

"The giants... removed their uniforms before they left, it seems. Is there no end to what they will do to us...?"


The shadow of a naked, red, fox-ass hovers above a fleeing platoon of micros. It's too late, though, as it comes down and crushes above half of them, leaving the rest to struggle. The fox giggles to himself and grinds, making sure he doesn't stop until the squirming has ended "Why do they even try?" He chuckles to himself, grabbing another fleeing soldier and tossing him muzzle-wards. The lion doesn't stand a chance; he struggles and tries to pull out of the fox's mouth but ends up a lump travelling towards the vulpine's stomach.

In another section of the city, a horse, rabbit, fox, and a wolf fire upon a gigantic raccoon who only smiles as he pulls his sheath back. It doesn't dawn on them what's happening until a stream of urine sprays from the tip and splatters the ground, throwing them off of their feet and pinning them to the ground long enough for the raccoon to then lift his paw above them and bring it down with the force of his weight.

Somehow, the lapine survives but, unfortunately, the raccoon notices and grasps at his bad leg; broken when the 'coons little toe pressed over it during the stomp. He screams and struggles but it does no good. Swinging the little guy around behind him, the raccoon presses the rabbit's head against his tailhole, letting the rabbit breath in the musk for a moment before he's shoved into the tight, vice-like interior to be held until the raccoon tires of having him there.

The 'coon grunts and clenches, feeling a few of the rabbit's bones break but the squirms never cease, "Tough little things they are." He chuckles to a nearby stallion who pulls his cock back and lets it go, watching it slap into a fleeing micro and leave nothing but a little splatter on the street. "Nah, not that tough."

The horse stands again and, without warning, a flash issues in front of him. The raccoon's eyes widen as the stallion's chest opens up and blood sprays from the wound. The 'coon's eyes narrow and he gets down low, his vision impaired by the flash. He never sees the boot of another giant coming up to meet his muzzle.

The blow sends the 'coon flying backwards, landing on a pile of rubble from an already destroyed building, unconscious.

"What're these sickos doing? Ugh, this is crazy" states a giant gecko standing amidst the battle. He leans forward and reaches beneath the 'coons tail, pulling at the legs of the poor rabbit still struggling inside. The gecko sighs and gets his radio out, "Come as quickly as you can, it's really bad. Don't worry about arming too heavily, they're all naked..."

"Naked?" reponds a voice through the radio

"Don't ask, just come" The gecko holds the rabbit in his paw and tries to examine his injuries. "Just rest, little guy. You're safe now. Everything will be okay."

The rabbit opens his eyes, getting a blurry view of the gecko's face. When the lizard looks up again, he notices a tattoo beneath the gecko's muzzle. He doesn't quite make out what the symbol is before he slips into unconsciousness.